Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 8,465 Bytes
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import os
import gradio as gr
import clueai
import torch
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("ClueAI/ChatYuan-large-v2")
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("ClueAI/ChatYuan-large-v2").half()
# 使用
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
def preprocess(text):
text = text.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\t", "\\t")
return text
def postprocess(text):
return text.replace("\\n", "\n").replace("\\t", "\t").replace('%20',' ').replace(" ", " ")
def answer(text, sample=True, top_p=0.9, temperature=0.7):
text = preprocess(text)
encoding = tokenizer(text=[text], truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=1024, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
if not sample:
out = model.generate(**encoding, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=False, max_new_tokens=1024, num_beams=1, length_penalty=0.6)
out = model.generate(**encoding, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=False, max_new_tokens=1024, do_sample=True, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, no_repeat_ngram_size=3)
out_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(out["sequences"], skip_special_tokens=True)
return postprocess(out_text[0])
def clear_session():
return '', None
def chatyuan_bot(input, history):
history = history or []
if len(history) > 5:
history = history[-5:]
context = "\n".join([f"用户:{input_text}\n小元:{answer_text}" for input_text, answer_text in history])
input_text = context + "\n用户:" + input + "\n小元:"
output_text = answer(input_text)
history.append((input, output_text))
return history, history
block = gr.Blocks()
with block as demo:
<font size=4>回答来自ChatYuan, 是模型生成的结果, 请谨慎辨别和参考, 不代表任何人观点 | Answer generated by ChatYuan model</font>
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label='ChatYuan')
message = gr.Textbox()
state = gr.State()
message.submit(chatyuan_bot, inputs=[message, state], outputs=[chatbot, state])
with gr.Row():
clear_history = gr.Button("👋 清除历史对话 | Clear")
clear = gr.Button('🧹 清除发送框 | Clear Input')
send = gr.Button("🚀 发送 | Send"), inputs=[message, state], outputs=[chatbot, state]) None, None, message, queue=False) , inputs=[], outputs=[chatbot, state], queue=False)
def ChatYuan(api_key, text_prompt):
cl = clueai.Client(api_key,
# generate a prediction for a prompt
# 需要返回得分的话,指定return_likelihoods="GENERATION"
prediction = cl.generate(model_name='ChatYuan-large', prompt=text_prompt)
# print the predicted text
print('prediction: {}'.format(prediction.generations[0].text))
response = prediction.generations[0].text
if response == '':
response = "很抱歉,我无法回答这个问题"
return response
def chatyuan_bot_api(api_key, input, history):
history = history or []
if len(history) > 5:
history = history[-5:]
context = "\n".join([f"用户:{input_text}\n小元:{answer_text}" for input_text, answer_text in history])
input_text = context + "\n用户:" + input + "\n小元:"
output_text = ChatYuan(api_key, input_text)
history.append((input, output_text))
return history, history
block = gr.Blocks()
with block as demo_1:
<font size=4>回答来自ChatYuan, 以上是模型生成的结果, 请谨慎辨别和参考, 不代表任何人观点 | Answer generated by ChatYuan model</font>
<font size=4>在使用此功能前,你需要有个API key. API key 可以通过这个<a href='' target="_blank">平台</a>获取</font>
api_key = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="请输入你的api-key(必填)", default="", type='password')
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label='ChatYuan')
message = gr.Textbox()
state = gr.State()
message.submit(chatyuan_bot_api, inputs=[api_key,message, state], outputs=[chatbot, state])
with gr.Row():
clear_history = gr.Button("👋 清除历史对话 | Clear Context")
clear = gr.Button('🧹 清除发送框 | Clear Input')
send = gr.Button("🚀 发送 | Send"), inputs=[api_key,message, state], outputs=[chatbot, state]) None, None, message, queue=False) , inputs=[], outputs=[chatbot, state], queue=False)
block = gr.Blocks()
with block as introduction:
<font size=4>😉ChatYuan: 元语功能型对话大模型 | General Model for Dialogue with ChatYuan
👏ChatYuan-large-v2是一个支持中英双语的功能型对话语言大模型,是继ChatYuan系列中ChatYuan-large-v1开源后的又一个开源模型。ChatYuan-large-v2使用了和 v1版本相同的技术方案,在微调数据、人类反馈强化学习、思维链等方面进行了优化。
ChatYuan large v2 is an open-source large language model for dialogue, supports both Chinese and English languages, and in ChatGPT style.
ChatYuan-large-v2是ChatYuan系列中以轻量化实现高质量效果的模型之一,用户可以在消费级显卡、 PC甚至手机上进行推理(INT4 最低只需 400M )。
- 新增了中英双语对话能力。
- 新增了拒答能力。对于一些危险、有害的问题,学会了拒答处理。
- 新增了代码生成功能。对于基础代码生成进行了一定程度优化。
- 增强了基础能力。原有上下文问答、创意性写作能力明显提升。
- 新增了表格生成功能。使生成的表格内容和格式更适配。
- 增强了基础数学运算能力。
- 最大长度token数扩展到4096。
- 增强了模拟情景能力。.<br>
Based on the original functions of Chatyuan-large-v1, we optimized the model as follows:
-Added the ability to speak in both Chinese and English.
-Added the ability to refuse to answer. Learn to refuse to answer some dangerous and harmful questions.
-Added code generation functionality. Basic code generation has been optimized to a certain extent.
-Enhanced basic capabilities. The original contextual Q&A and creative writing skills have significantly improved.
-Added a table generation function. Make the generated table content and format more appropriate.
-Enhanced basic mathematical computing capabilities.
-The maximum number of length tokens has been expanded to 4096.
-Enhanced ability to simulate scenarios< br>
👀<a href=''>PromptCLUE-large</a>在1000亿token中文语料上预训练, 累计学习1.5万亿中文token, 并且在数百种任务上进行Prompt任务式训练. 针对理解类任务, 如分类、情感分析、抽取等, 可以自定义标签体系; 针对多种生成任务, 可以进行采样自由生成. <br>
<a href='' target="_blank">ModelScope</a> | <a href='' target="_blank">Huggingface</a> | <a href='' target="_blank">官网体验场</a> | <a href='' target="_blank">ChatYuan-API</a> | <a href='' target="_blank">Github项目地址</a> | <a href='' target="_blank">OpenI免费试用</a>
gui = gr.TabbedInterface(interface_list=[introduction,demo, demo_1], tab_names=["相关介绍","开源模型", "API调用"])
gui.launch(quiet=True,show_api=False, share = False) |