import models #import constants #from langchain_experimental.text_splitter import SemanticChunker from langchain_qdrant import QdrantVectorStore, Qdrant from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader, UnstructuredURLLoader from qdrant_client.http.models import VectorParams import pymupdf import requests #qdrant = QdrantVectorStore.from_existing_collection( # embedding=models.basic_embeddings, # collection_name="kai_test_documents", # url=constants.QDRANT_ENDPOINT, #) def extract_links_from_pdf(pdf_path): links = [] doc = for page in doc: for link in page.get_links(): if link['uri']: links.append(link['uri']) return links def load_documents_from_url(url): try: # Check if it's a PDF if url.endswith(".pdf"): try: loader = PyPDFLoader(url) return loader.load() except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading PDF from {url}: {e}") return None # Fetch the content and check for video pages try: response = requests.head(url, timeout=10) # Timeout for fetching headers content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '') except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching headers from {url}: {e}") return None # Ignore video content (flagged for now) if 'video' in content_type: return None if 'youtube' in url: return None # Otherwise, treat it as an HTML page try: loader = UnstructuredURLLoader([url]) return loader.load() except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading HTML from {url}: {e}") return None except Exception as e: print(f"General error loading from {url}: {e}") return None #gather kai's docs filepaths = ["./test_docs/Employee Statistics FINAL.pdf","./test_docs/Employer Statistics FINAL.pdf","./test_docs/Articles To Share.pdf"] all_links = [] for pdf_path in filepaths: all_links.extend(extract_links_from_pdf(pdf_path)) unique_links = list(set(all_links)) print(unique_links) documents = [] for link in unique_links: doc = load_documents_from_url(link) #print(f"loaded doc from {link}") if doc: documents.extend(doc) #print(len(documents)) semantic_split_docs = models.semanticChunker.split_documents(documents) RCTS_split_docs = models.RCTS.split_documents(documents) #for file in filepaths: # loader = PyPDFLoader(file) # documents = loader.load() # for doc in documents: # doc.metadata = { # "source": file, # "tag": "employee" if "employee" in file.lower() else "employer" # } # all_documents.extend(documents) #chunk them #semantic_split_docs = models.semanticChunker.split_documents(all_documents) #add them to the existing qdrant client collection_name = "docs_from_ripped_urls_recursive" collections = models.qdrant_client.get_collections() collection_names = [ for collection in collections.collections] # If the collection does not exist, create it if collection_name not in collection_names: models.qdrant_client.create_collection( collection_name=collection_name, vectors_config=VectorParams(size=1536, distance="Cosine") ) qdrant_vector_store = QdrantVectorStore( client=models.qdrant_client, collection_name=collection_name, embedding=models.te3_small ) qdrant_vector_store.add_documents(RCTS_split_docs) collection_info = models.qdrant_client.get_collection(collection_name) print(f"Number of points in collection: {collection_info.points_count}")