from ultralytics.utils import LOGGER, SETTINGS, TESTS_RUNNING |
try: |
assert not TESTS_RUNNING |
assert SETTINGS["clearml"] is True |
import clearml |
from clearml import Task |
from clearml.binding.frameworks.pytorch_bind import PatchPyTorchModelIO |
from clearml.binding.matplotlib_bind import PatchedMatplotlib |
assert hasattr(clearml, "__version__") |
except (ImportError, AssertionError): |
clearml = None |
def _log_debug_samples(files, title="Debug Samples") -> None: |
""" |
Log files (images) as debug samples in the ClearML task. |
Args: |
files (list): A list of file paths in PosixPath format. |
title (str): A title that groups together images with the same values. |
""" |
import re |
if task := Task.current_task(): |
for f in files: |
if f.exists(): |
it = re.search(r"_batch(\d+)", f.name) |
iteration = int(it.groups()[0]) if it else 0 |
task.get_logger().report_image( |
title=title, series=f.name.replace(it.group(), ""), local_path=str(f), iteration=iteration |
) |
def _log_plot(title, plot_path) -> None: |
""" |
Log an image as a plot in the plot section of ClearML. |
Args: |
title (str): The title of the plot. |
plot_path (str): The path to the saved image file. |
""" |
import matplotlib.image as mpimg |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
img = mpimg.imread(plot_path) |
fig = plt.figure() |
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frameon=False, aspect="auto", xticks=[], yticks=[]) |
ax.imshow(img) |
Task.current_task().get_logger().report_matplotlib_figure( |
title=title, series="", figure=fig, report_interactive=False |
) |
def on_pretrain_routine_start(trainer): |
"""Runs at start of pretraining routine; initializes and connects/ logs task to ClearML.""" |
try: |
if task := Task.current_task(): |
PatchPyTorchModelIO.update_current_task(None) |
PatchedMatplotlib.update_current_task(None) |
else: |
task = Task.init( |
project_name=trainer.args.project or "YOLOv8", |
task_name=trainer.args.name, |
tags=["YOLOv8"], |
output_uri=True, |
reuse_last_task_id=False, |
auto_connect_frameworks={"pytorch": False, "matplotlib": False}, |
) |
LOGGER.warning( |
"ClearML Initialized a new task. If you want to run remotely, " |
"please add clearml-init and connect your arguments before initializing YOLO." |
) |
task.connect(vars(trainer.args), name="General") |
except Exception as e: |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING β οΈ ClearML installed but not initialized correctly, not logging this run. {e}") |
def on_train_epoch_end(trainer): |
"""Logs debug samples for the first epoch of YOLO training and report current training progress.""" |
if task := Task.current_task(): |
if trainer.epoch == 1: |
_log_debug_samples(sorted(trainer.save_dir.glob("train_batch*.jpg")), "Mosaic") |
for k, v in trainer.label_loss_items(trainer.tloss, prefix="train").items(): |
task.get_logger().report_scalar("train", k, v, iteration=trainer.epoch) |
for k, v in trainer.lr.items(): |
task.get_logger().report_scalar("lr", k, v, iteration=trainer.epoch) |
def on_fit_epoch_end(trainer): |
"""Reports model information to logger at the end of an epoch.""" |
if task := Task.current_task(): |
task.get_logger().report_scalar( |
title="Epoch Time", series="Epoch Time", value=trainer.epoch_time, iteration=trainer.epoch |
) |
for k, v in trainer.metrics.items(): |
task.get_logger().report_scalar("val", k, v, iteration=trainer.epoch) |
if trainer.epoch == 0: |
from ultralytics.utils.torch_utils import model_info_for_loggers |
for k, v in model_info_for_loggers(trainer).items(): |
task.get_logger().report_single_value(k, v) |
def on_val_end(validator): |
"""Logs validation results including labels and predictions.""" |
if Task.current_task(): |
_log_debug_samples(sorted(validator.save_dir.glob("val*.jpg")), "Validation") |
def on_train_end(trainer): |
"""Logs final model and its name on training completion.""" |
if task := Task.current_task(): |
files = [ |
"results.png", |
"confusion_matrix.png", |
"confusion_matrix_normalized.png", |
*(f"{x}_curve.png" for x in ("F1", "PR", "P", "R")), |
] |
files = [(trainer.save_dir / f) for f in files if (trainer.save_dir / f).exists()] |
for f in files: |
_log_plot(title=f.stem, plot_path=f) |
for k, v in trainer.validator.metrics.results_dict.items(): |
task.get_logger().report_single_value(k, v) |
task.update_output_model(model_path=str(trainer.best), model_name=trainer.args.name, auto_delete_file=False) |
callbacks = ( |
{ |
"on_pretrain_routine_start": on_pretrain_routine_start, |
"on_train_epoch_end": on_train_epoch_end, |
"on_fit_epoch_end": on_fit_epoch_end, |
"on_val_end": on_val_end, |
"on_train_end": on_train_end, |
} |
if clearml |
else {} |
) |