import contextlib |
import glob |
import inspect |
import math |
import os |
import platform |
import re |
import shutil |
import subprocess |
import time |
from importlib import metadata |
from pathlib import Path |
from typing import Optional |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
import requests |
import torch |
from matplotlib import font_manager |
from ultralytics.utils import ( |
SimpleNamespace, |
ThreadingLocked, |
TryExcept, |
clean_url, |
colorstr, |
downloads, |
emojis, |
is_colab, |
is_docker, |
is_github_action_running, |
is_jupyter, |
is_kaggle, |
is_online, |
is_pip_package, |
url2file, |
) |
PYTHON_VERSION = platform.python_version() |
def parse_requirements(file_path=ROOT.parent / "requirements.txt", package=""): |
""" |
Parse a requirements.txt file, ignoring lines that start with '#' and any text after '#'. |
Args: |
file_path (Path): Path to the requirements.txt file. |
package (str, optional): Python package to use instead of requirements.txt file, i.e. package='ultralytics'. |
Returns: |
(List[Dict[str, str]]): List of parsed requirements as dictionaries with `name` and `specifier` keys. |
Example: |
```python |
from ultralytics.utils.checks import parse_requirements |
parse_requirements(package='ultralytics') |
``` |
""" |
if package: |
requires = [x for x in metadata.distribution(package).requires if "extra == " not in x] |
else: |
requires = Path(file_path).read_text().splitlines() |
requirements = [] |
for line in requires: |
line = line.strip() |
if line and not line.startswith("#"): |
line = line.split("#")[0].strip() |
match = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\s*([<>!=~]+.*)?", line) |
if match: |
requirements.append(SimpleNamespace(name=match[1], specifier=match[2].strip() if match[2] else "")) |
return requirements |
def parse_version(version="0.0.0") -> tuple: |
""" |
Convert a version string to a tuple of integers, ignoring any extra non-numeric string attached to the version. This |
function replaces deprecated 'pkg_resources.parse_version(v)'. |
Args: |
version (str): Version string, i.e. '2.0.1+cpu' |
Returns: |
(tuple): Tuple of integers representing the numeric part of the version and the extra string, i.e. (2, 0, 1) |
""" |
try: |
return tuple(map(int, re.findall(r"\d+", version)[:3])) |
except Exception as e: |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING β οΈ failure for parse_version({version}), returning (0, 0, 0): {e}") |
return 0, 0, 0 |
def is_ascii(s) -> bool: |
""" |
Check if a string is composed of only ASCII characters. |
Args: |
s (str): String to be checked. |
Returns: |
(bool): True if the string is composed only of ASCII characters, False otherwise. |
""" |
s = str(s) |
return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in s) |
def check_imgsz(imgsz, stride=32, min_dim=1, max_dim=2, floor=0): |
""" |
Verify image size is a multiple of the given stride in each dimension. If the image size is not a multiple of the |
stride, update it to the nearest multiple of the stride that is greater than or equal to the given floor value. |
Args: |
imgsz (int | cList[int]): Image size. |
stride (int): Stride value. |
min_dim (int): Minimum number of dimensions. |
max_dim (int): Maximum number of dimensions. |
floor (int): Minimum allowed value for image size. |
Returns: |
(List[int]): Updated image size. |
""" |
stride = int(stride.max() if isinstance(stride, torch.Tensor) else stride) |
if isinstance(imgsz, int): |
imgsz = [imgsz] |
elif isinstance(imgsz, (list, tuple)): |
imgsz = list(imgsz) |
elif isinstance(imgsz, str): |
imgsz = [int(imgsz)] if imgsz.isnumeric() else eval(imgsz) |
else: |
raise TypeError( |
f"'imgsz={imgsz}' is of invalid type {type(imgsz).__name__}. " |
f"Valid imgsz types are int i.e. 'imgsz=640' or list i.e. 'imgsz=[640,640]'" |
) |
if len(imgsz) > max_dim: |
msg = ( |
"'train' and 'val' imgsz must be an integer, while 'predict' and 'export' imgsz may be a [h, w] list " |
"or an integer, i.e. 'yolo export imgsz=640,480' or 'yolo export imgsz=640'" |
) |
if max_dim != 1: |
raise ValueError(f"imgsz={imgsz} is not a valid image size. {msg}") |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING β οΈ updating to 'imgsz={max(imgsz)}'. {msg}") |
imgsz = [max(imgsz)] |
sz = [max(math.ceil(x / stride) * stride, floor) for x in imgsz] |
if sz != imgsz: |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING β οΈ imgsz={imgsz} must be multiple of max stride {stride}, updating to {sz}") |
sz = [sz[0], sz[0]] if min_dim == 2 and len(sz) == 1 else sz[0] if min_dim == 1 and len(sz) == 1 else sz |
return sz |
def check_version( |
current: str = "0.0.0", |
required: str = "0.0.0", |
name: str = "version", |
hard: bool = False, |
verbose: bool = False, |
msg: str = "", |
) -> bool: |
""" |
Check current version against the required version or range. |
Args: |
current (str): Current version or package name to get version from. |
required (str): Required version or range (in pip-style format). |
name (str, optional): Name to be used in warning message. |
hard (bool, optional): If True, raise an AssertionError if the requirement is not met. |
verbose (bool, optional): If True, print warning message if requirement is not met. |
msg (str, optional): Extra message to display if verbose. |
Returns: |
(bool): True if requirement is met, False otherwise. |
Example: |
```python |
# Check if current version is exactly 22.04 |
check_version(current='22.04', required='==22.04') |
# Check if current version is greater than or equal to 22.04 |
check_version(current='22.10', required='22.04') # assumes '>=' inequality if none passed |
# Check if current version is less than or equal to 22.04 |
check_version(current='22.04', required='<=22.04') |
# Check if current version is between 20.04 (inclusive) and 22.04 (exclusive) |
check_version(current='21.10', required='>20.04,<22.04') |
``` |
""" |
if not current: |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING β οΈ invalid check_version({current}, {required}) requested, please check values.") |
return True |
elif not current[0].isdigit(): |
try: |
name = current |
current = metadata.version(current) |
except metadata.PackageNotFoundError as e: |
if hard: |
raise ModuleNotFoundError(emojis(f"WARNING β οΈ {current} package is required but not installed")) from e |
else: |
return False |
if not required: |
return True |
op = "" |
version = "" |
result = True |
c = parse_version(current) |
for r in required.strip(",").split(","): |
op, version = re.match(r"([^0-9]*)([\d.]+)", r).groups() |
v = parse_version(version) |
if op == "==" and c != v: |
result = False |
elif op == "!=" and c == v: |
result = False |
elif op in (">=", "") and not (c >= v): |
result = False |
elif op == "<=" and not (c <= v): |
result = False |
elif op == ">" and not (c > v): |
result = False |
elif op == "<" and not (c < v): |
result = False |
if not result: |
warning = f"WARNING β οΈ {name}{op}{version} is required, but {name}=={current} is currently installed {msg}" |
if hard: |
raise ModuleNotFoundError(emojis(warning)) |
if verbose: |
LOGGER.warning(warning) |
return result |
def check_latest_pypi_version(package_name="ultralytics"): |
""" |
Returns the latest version of a PyPI package without downloading or installing it. |
Parameters: |
package_name (str): The name of the package to find the latest version for. |
Returns: |
(str): The latest version of the package. |
""" |
with contextlib.suppress(Exception): |
requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() |
response = requests.get(f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{package_name}/json", timeout=3) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
return response.json()["info"]["version"] |
def check_pip_update_available(): |
""" |
Checks if a new version of the ultralytics package is available on PyPI. |
Returns: |
(bool): True if an update is available, False otherwise. |
""" |
if ONLINE and is_pip_package(): |
with contextlib.suppress(Exception): |
from ultralytics import __version__ |
latest = check_latest_pypi_version() |
if check_version(__version__, f"<{latest}"): |
LOGGER.info( |
f"New https://pypi.org/project/ultralytics/{latest} available π " |
f"Update with 'pip install -U ultralytics'" |
) |
return True |
return False |
@ThreadingLocked() |
def check_font(font="Arial.ttf"): |
""" |
Find font locally or download to user's configuration directory if it does not already exist. |
Args: |
font (str): Path or name of font. |
Returns: |
file (Path): Resolved font file path. |
""" |
name = Path(font).name |
file = USER_CONFIG_DIR / name |
if file.exists(): |
return file |
matches = [s for s in font_manager.findSystemFonts() if font in s] |
if any(matches): |
return matches[0] |
url = f"https://ultralytics.com/assets/{name}" |
if downloads.is_url(url, check=True): |
downloads.safe_download(url=url, file=file) |
return file |
def check_python(minimum: str = "3.8.0") -> bool: |
""" |
Check current python version against the required minimum version. |
Args: |
minimum (str): Required minimum version of python. |
Returns: |
(bool): Whether the installed Python version meets the minimum constraints. |
""" |
return check_version(PYTHON_VERSION, minimum, name="Python ", hard=True) |
@TryExcept() |
def check_requirements(requirements=ROOT.parent / "requirements.txt", exclude=(), install=True, cmds=""): |
""" |
Check if installed dependencies meet YOLOv8 requirements and attempt to auto-update if needed. |
Args: |
requirements (Union[Path, str, List[str]]): Path to a requirements.txt file, a single package requirement as a |
string, or a list of package requirements as strings. |
exclude (Tuple[str]): Tuple of package names to exclude from checking. |
install (bool): If True, attempt to auto-update packages that don't meet requirements. |
cmds (str): Additional commands to pass to the pip install command when auto-updating. |
Example: |
```python |
from ultralytics.utils.checks import check_requirements |
# Check a requirements.txt file |
check_requirements('path/to/requirements.txt') |
# Check a single package |
check_requirements('ultralytics>=8.0.0') |
# Check multiple packages |
check_requirements(['numpy', 'ultralytics>=8.0.0']) |
``` |
""" |
prefix = colorstr("red", "bold", "requirements:") |
check_python() |
check_torchvision() |
if isinstance(requirements, Path): |
file = requirements.resolve() |
assert file.exists(), f"{prefix} {file} not found, check failed." |
requirements = [f"{x.name}{x.specifier}" for x in parse_requirements(file) if x.name not in exclude] |
elif isinstance(requirements, str): |
requirements = [requirements] |
pkgs = [] |
for r in requirements: |
r_stripped = r.split("/")[-1].replace(".git", "") |
match = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)([<>!=~]+.*)?", r_stripped) |
name, required = match[1], match[2].strip() if match[2] else "" |
try: |
assert check_version(metadata.version(name), required) |
except (AssertionError, metadata.PackageNotFoundError): |
pkgs.append(r) |
s = " ".join(f'"{x}"' for x in pkgs) |
if s: |
if install and AUTOINSTALL: |
n = len(pkgs) |
LOGGER.info(f"{prefix} Ultralytics requirement{'s' * (n > 1)} {pkgs} not found, attempting AutoUpdate...") |
try: |
t = time.time() |
assert is_online(), "AutoUpdate skipped (offline)" |
LOGGER.info(subprocess.check_output(f"pip install --no-cache {s} {cmds}", shell=True).decode()) |
dt = time.time() - t |
LOGGER.info( |
f"{prefix} AutoUpdate success β
{dt:.1f}s, installed {n} package{'s' * (n > 1)}: {pkgs}\n" |
f"{prefix} β οΈ {colorstr('bold', 'Restart runtime or rerun command for updates to take effect')}\n" |
) |
except Exception as e: |
LOGGER.warning(f"{prefix} β {e}") |
return False |
else: |
return False |
return True |
def check_torchvision(): |
""" |
Checks the installed versions of PyTorch and Torchvision to ensure they're compatible. |
This function checks the installed versions of PyTorch and Torchvision, and warns if they're incompatible according |
to the provided compatibility table based on: |
https://github.com/pytorch/vision#installation. |
The compatibility table is a dictionary where the keys are PyTorch versions and the values are lists of compatible |
Torchvision versions. |
""" |
import torchvision |
compatibility_table = {"2.0": ["0.15"], "1.13": ["0.14"], "1.12": ["0.13"]} |
v_torch = ".".join(torch.__version__.split("+")[0].split(".")[:2]) |
v_torchvision = ".".join(torchvision.__version__.split("+")[0].split(".")[:2]) |
if v_torch in compatibility_table: |
compatible_versions = compatibility_table[v_torch] |
if all(v_torchvision != v for v in compatible_versions): |
print( |
f"WARNING β οΈ torchvision=={v_torchvision} is incompatible with torch=={v_torch}.\n" |
f"Run 'pip install torchvision=={compatible_versions[0]}' to fix torchvision or " |
"'pip install -U torch torchvision' to update both.\n" |
"For a full compatibility table see https://github.com/pytorch/vision#installation" |
) |
def check_suffix(file="yolov8n.pt", suffix=".pt", msg=""): |
"""Check file(s) for acceptable suffix.""" |
if file and suffix: |
if isinstance(suffix, str): |
suffix = (suffix,) |
for f in file if isinstance(file, (list, tuple)) else [file]: |
s = Path(f).suffix.lower().strip() |
if len(s): |
assert s in suffix, f"{msg}{f} acceptable suffix is {suffix}, not {s}" |
def check_yolov5u_filename(file: str, verbose: bool = True): |
"""Replace legacy YOLOv5 filenames with updated YOLOv5u filenames.""" |
if "yolov3" in file or "yolov5" in file: |
if "u.yaml" in file: |
file = file.replace("u.yaml", ".yaml") |
elif ".pt" in file and "u" not in file: |
original_file = file |
file = re.sub(r"(.*yolov5([nsmlx]))\.pt", "\\1u.pt", file) |
file = re.sub(r"(.*yolov5([nsmlx])6)\.pt", "\\1u.pt", file) |
file = re.sub(r"(.*yolov3(|-tiny|-spp))\.pt", "\\1u.pt", file) |
if file != original_file and verbose: |
LOGGER.info( |
f"PRO TIP π‘ Replace 'model={original_file}' with new 'model={file}'.\nYOLOv5 'u' models are " |
f"trained with https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics and feature improved performance vs " |
f"standard YOLOv5 models trained with https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5.\n" |
) |
return file |
def check_model_file_from_stem(model="yolov8n"): |
"""Return a model filename from a valid model stem.""" |
if model and not Path(model).suffix and Path(model).stem in downloads.GITHUB_ASSETS_STEMS: |
return Path(model).with_suffix(".pt") |
else: |
return model |
def check_file(file, suffix="", download=True, hard=True): |
"""Search/download file (if necessary) and return path.""" |
check_suffix(file, suffix) |
file = str(file).strip() |
file = check_yolov5u_filename(file) |
if ( |
not file |
or ("://" not in file and Path(file).exists()) |
or file.lower().startswith("grpc://") |
): |
return file |
elif download and file.lower().startswith(("https://", "http://", "rtsp://", "rtmp://", "tcp://")): |
url = file |
file = url2file(file) |
if Path(file).exists(): |
LOGGER.info(f"Found {clean_url(url)} locally at {file}") |
else: |
downloads.safe_download(url=url, file=file, unzip=False) |
return file |
else: |
files = glob.glob(str(ROOT / "**" / file), recursive=True) or glob.glob(str(ROOT.parent / file)) |
if not files and hard: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"'{file}' does not exist") |
elif len(files) > 1 and hard: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Multiple files match '{file}', specify exact path: {files}") |
return files[0] if len(files) else [] if hard else file |
def check_yaml(file, suffix=(".yaml", ".yml"), hard=True): |
"""Search/download YAML file (if necessary) and return path, checking suffix.""" |
return check_file(file, suffix, hard=hard) |
def check_is_path_safe(basedir, path): |
""" |
Check if the resolved path is under the intended directory to prevent path traversal. |
Args: |
basedir (Path | str): The intended directory. |
path (Path | str): The path to check. |
Returns: |
(bool): True if the path is safe, False otherwise. |
""" |
base_dir_resolved = Path(basedir).resolve() |
path_resolved = Path(path).resolve() |
return path_resolved.is_file() and path_resolved.parts[: len(base_dir_resolved.parts)] == base_dir_resolved.parts |
def check_imshow(warn=False): |
"""Check if environment supports image displays.""" |
try: |
if LINUX: |
assert "DISPLAY" in os.environ and not is_docker() and not is_colab() and not is_kaggle() |
cv2.imshow("test", np.zeros((8, 8, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) |
cv2.waitKey(1) |
cv2.destroyAllWindows() |
cv2.waitKey(1) |
return True |
except Exception as e: |
if warn: |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING β οΈ Environment does not support cv2.imshow() or PIL Image.show()\n{e}") |
return False |
def check_yolo(verbose=True, device=""): |
"""Return a human-readable YOLO software and hardware summary.""" |
import psutil |
from ultralytics.utils.torch_utils import select_device |
if is_jupyter(): |
if check_requirements("wandb", install=False): |
os.system("pip uninstall -y wandb") |
if is_colab(): |
shutil.rmtree("sample_data", ignore_errors=True) |
if verbose: |
gib = 1 << 30 |
ram = psutil.virtual_memory().total |
total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage("/") |
s = f"({os.cpu_count()} CPUs, {ram / gib:.1f} GB RAM, {(total - free) / gib:.1f}/{total / gib:.1f} GB disk)" |
with contextlib.suppress(Exception): |
from IPython import display |
display.clear_output() |
else: |
s = "" |
select_device(device=device, newline=False) |
LOGGER.info(f"Setup complete β
{s}") |
def collect_system_info(): |
"""Collect and print relevant system information including OS, Python, RAM, CPU, and CUDA.""" |
import psutil |
from ultralytics.utils import ENVIRONMENT, is_git_dir |
from ultralytics.utils.torch_utils import get_cpu_info |
ram_info = psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024**3) |
check_yolo() |
LOGGER.info( |
f"\n{'OS':<20}{platform.platform()}\n" |
f"{'Environment':<20}{ENVIRONMENT}\n" |
f"{'Python':<20}{PYTHON_VERSION}\n" |
f"{'Install':<20}{'git' if is_git_dir() else 'pip' if is_pip_package() else 'other'}\n" |
f"{'RAM':<20}{ram_info:.2f} GB\n" |
f"{'CPU':<20}{get_cpu_info()}\n" |
f"{'CUDA':<20}{torch.version.cuda if torch and torch.cuda.is_available() else None}\n" |
) |
for r in parse_requirements(package="ultralytics"): |
try: |
current = metadata.version(r.name) |
is_met = "β
" if check_version(current, str(r.specifier), hard=True) else "β " |
except metadata.PackageNotFoundError: |
current = "(not installed)" |
is_met = "β " |
LOGGER.info(f"{r.name:<20}{is_met}{current}{r.specifier}") |
if is_github_action_running(): |
LOGGER.info( |
f"\nRUNNER_OS: {os.getenv('RUNNER_OS')}\n" |
f"GITHUB_ACTOR: {os.getenv('GITHUB_ACTOR')}\n" |
) |
def check_amp(model): |
""" |
This function checks the PyTorch Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) functionality of a YOLOv8 model. If the checks |
fail, it means there are anomalies with AMP on the system that may cause NaN losses or zero-mAP results, so AMP will |
be disabled during training. |
Args: |
model (nn.Module): A YOLOv8 model instance. |
Example: |
```python |
from ultralytics import YOLO |
from ultralytics.utils.checks import check_amp |
model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt').model.cuda() |
check_amp(model) |
``` |
Returns: |
(bool): Returns True if the AMP functionality works correctly with YOLOv8 model, else False. |
""" |
device = next(model.parameters()).device |
if device.type in ("cpu", "mps"): |
return False |
def amp_allclose(m, im): |
"""All close FP32 vs AMP results.""" |
a = m(im, device=device, verbose=False)[0].boxes.data |
with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(True): |
b = m(im, device=device, verbose=False)[0].boxes.data |
del m |
return a.shape == b.shape and torch.allclose(a, b.float(), atol=0.5) |
im = ASSETS / "bus.jpg" |
prefix = colorstr("AMP: ") |
LOGGER.info(f"{prefix}running Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) checks with YOLOv8n...") |
warning_msg = "Setting 'amp=True'. If you experience zero-mAP or NaN losses you can disable AMP with amp=False." |
try: |
from ultralytics import YOLO |
assert amp_allclose(YOLO("yolov8n.pt"), im) |
LOGGER.info(f"{prefix}checks passed β
") |
except ConnectionError: |
LOGGER.warning(f"{prefix}checks skipped β οΈ, offline and unable to download YOLOv8n. {warning_msg}") |
except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError): |
LOGGER.warning( |
f"{prefix}checks skipped β οΈ. " |
f"Unable to load YOLOv8n due to possible Ultralytics package modifications. {warning_msg}" |
) |
except AssertionError: |
LOGGER.warning( |
f"{prefix}checks failed β. Anomalies were detected with AMP on your system that may lead to " |
f"NaN losses or zero-mAP results, so AMP will be disabled during training." |
) |
return False |
return True |
def git_describe(path=ROOT): |
"""Return human-readable git description, i.e. v5.0-5-g3e25f1e https://git-scm.com/docs/git-describe.""" |
with contextlib.suppress(Exception): |
return subprocess.check_output(f"git -C {path} describe --tags --long --always", shell=True).decode()[:-1] |
return "" |
def print_args(args: Optional[dict] = None, show_file=True, show_func=False): |
"""Print function arguments (optional args dict).""" |
def strip_auth(v): |
"""Clean longer Ultralytics HUB URLs by stripping potential authentication information.""" |
return clean_url(v) if (isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith("http") and len(v) > 100) else v |
x = inspect.currentframe().f_back |
file, _, func, _, _ = inspect.getframeinfo(x) |
if args is None: |
args, _, _, frm = inspect.getargvalues(x) |
args = {k: v for k, v in frm.items() if k in args} |
try: |
file = Path(file).resolve().relative_to(ROOT).with_suffix("") |
except ValueError: |
file = Path(file).stem |
s = (f"{file}: " if show_file else "") + (f"{func}: " if show_func else "") |
LOGGER.info(colorstr(s) + ", ".join(f"{k}={strip_auth(v)}" for k, v in args.items())) |
def cuda_device_count() -> int: |
""" |
Get the number of NVIDIA GPUs available in the environment. |
Returns: |
(int): The number of NVIDIA GPUs available. |
""" |
try: |
output = subprocess.check_output( |
["nvidia-smi", "--query-gpu=count", "--format=csv,noheader,nounits"], encoding="utf-8" |
) |
first_line = output.strip().split("\n")[0] |
return int(first_line) |
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError, ValueError): |
return 0 |
def cuda_is_available() -> bool: |
""" |
Check if CUDA is available in the environment. |
Returns: |
(bool): True if one or more NVIDIA GPUs are available, False otherwise. |
""" |
return cuda_device_count() > 0 |
IS_PYTHON_3_12 = PYTHON_VERSION.startswith("3.12") |