import gradio as gr
import librosa
import numpy as np
import torch
import string
import httpx
import inflect
import re
from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech, SpeechT5HifiGan
checkpoint = "microsoft/speecht5_tts"
processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained(checkpoint)
model = SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech.from_pretrained("Edmon02/speecht5_finetuned_voxpopuli_hy")
vocoder = SpeechT5HifiGan.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_hifigan")
speaker_embeddings = {
"BDL": "clips/cmu_us_bdl_arctic-wav-arctic_a0009.npy",
def convert_number_to_words(number: float) -> str:
p = inflect.engine()
words = p.number_to_words(number)
# Translate using httpx
async def translate_text(text, source_lang, target_lang):
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await client.get(
translation = response.json()
return translation['responseData']['translatedText']
# You can change 'en' to the appropriate source language code
source_lang = 'en'
# You can change 'hy' to the appropriate target language code
target_lang = 'hy'
# Use even if an event loop is already running (nested asyncio)
translated_words =, source_lang, target_lang))
return translated_words
def process_text(text: str) -> str:
# Convert numbers to words
words = []
text = str(text) if str(text) else ''
for word in text.split():
# Check if the word is a number
if'\d', word):
words.append(convert_number_to_words(int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, word)))))
# Join the words back into a sentence
processed_text = ' '.join(words)
return processed_text
replacements = [
("՚", "?"),
('՛', ""),
('՝', ""),
("«", "\""),
("»", "\""),
("՞", "?"),
("ա", "a"),
("բ", "b"),
("գ", "g"),
("դ", "d"),
("զ", "z"),
("է", "e"),
("ը", "e'"),
("թ", "t'"),
("ժ", "jh"),
("ի", "i"),
("լ", "l"),
("խ", "kh"),
("ծ", "ts"),
("կ", "k"),
("հ", "h"),
("ձ", "dz"),
("ղ", "gh"),
("ճ", "ch"),
("մ", "m"),
("յ", "y"),
("ն", "n"),
("շ", "sh"),
("չ", "ch'"),
("պ", "p"),
("ջ", "j"),
("ռ", "r"),
("ս", "s"),
("վ", "v"),
("տ", "t"),
("ր", "r"),
("ց", "ts'"),
("ւ", ""),
("փ", "p'"),
("ք", "k'"),
("և", "yev"),
("օ", "o"),
("ֆ", "f"),
('։', "."),
('–', "-"),
('†', "e'"),
def cleanup_text(text):
translator = str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)
text = text.translate(translator).lower()
text = text.lower()
normalized_text = text
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace("ու", "u")
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace("եւ", "yev")
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace("եվ", "yev")
# Handle 'ո' at the beginning of a word
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace(" ո", " vo")
# Handle 'ո' in the middle of a word
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace("ո", "o")
# Handle 'ե' at the beginning of a word
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace(" ե", " ye")
# Handle 'ե' in the middle of a word
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace("ե", "e")
# Apply other replacements
for src, dst in replacements:
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace(src, dst)
inputs = normalized_text
return inputs
def predict(text, speaker):
if len(text.strip()) == 0:
return (16000, np.zeros(0).astype(np.int16))
text = process_text(text)
text = cleanup_text(text)
inputs = processor(text=text, return_tensors="pt")
# limit input length
input_ids = inputs["input_ids"]
input_ids = input_ids[..., :model.config.max_text_positions]
speaker_embedding = np.load(speaker_embeddings[speaker[:3]]).astype(np.float32)
speaker_embedding = torch.tensor(speaker_embedding).unsqueeze(0)
speech = model.generate_speech(input_ids, speaker_embedding, vocoder=vocoder)
speech = (speech.numpy() * 32767).astype(np.int16)
return (16000, speech)
title = "SpeechT5_hy: Speech Synthesis"
description = """
The SpeechT5 model is pre-trained on text as well as speech inputs, with targets that are also a mix of text and speech.
By pre-training on text and speech at the same time, it learns unified representations for both, resulting in improved modeling capabilities.
SpeechT5 can be fine-tuned for different speech tasks. This space demonstrates the text-to-speech (TTS) checkpoint for the English language.
See also the speech recognition (ASR) demo
and the voice conversion demo.
Refer to this Colab notebook to learn how to fine-tune the SpeechT5 TTS model on your own dataset or language.
How to use: Enter some English text and choose a speaker. The output is a mel spectrogram, which is converted to a mono 16 kHz waveform by the
HiFi-GAN vocoder. Because the model always applies random dropout, each attempt will give slightly different results.
The Surprise Me! option creates a completely randomized speaker.
examples = [
["It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.", "BDL (male)"],
["The octopus and Oliver went to the opera in October.", "CLB (female)"],
["She sells seashells by the seashore. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.", "RMS (male)"],
["Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons—balancing them badly.", "SLT (female)"],
["A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym.", "BDL (male)"],
["How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.", "CLB (female)"],
gr.Text(label="Input Text"),
gr.Radio(label="Speaker", choices=[
"BDL (female)"
value="BDL (female)"),
gr.Audio(label="Generated Speech", type="numpy"),