I'd be delighted to share some poems with you! Here's one that explores the theme of time and its fleeting nature: "Echoes in the Hourglass" Time, a thief in the night, steals away Moments we thought were ours to stay The hours tick by, a relentless pace Leaving memories in an endless space Like grains of sand, our lives slip through The hourglass, a symbol of what we once knew The past, a fog that we can't regain The present, a fleeting dream that we can't sustain The future, a mystery we can't define A path we've yet to tread, a journey we can't design But in the present, we find our way Through the echoes of what's been and what's to stay In this dance of time, we're lost and found A paradox of moments, spinning round and round The past, the present, and the future blend In an endless cycle, a journey without an end Yet, in the stillness, we find our peace A moment's silence, a world's release The echoes of time, a melody we play A symphony of moments, fading away. Tokens: