What an intriguing task! Here's a poem that explores the paradoxes of existence, using common words and imagery: In twilight's hush, where shadows play Amidst the whispers of a fading day I find myself lost in thoughts astray A world of contradictions, come what may The wind whispers secrets in my ear Of lives lived, loved, and lost, yet still unclear The stars up high, a twinkling sea Reflecting the turmoil of humanity In dreams, I soar on eagle's wings Free from the chains that bind and cling But wake to find the chains remain A prisoner of thought, in endless pain The clock ticks on, a relentless beat A reminder of the time I'll never meet The hours slip away, like grains of sand A never-ending quest, in this desolate land Yet, in the stillness, I find my voice A whispered prayer, a heartfelt choice To rise above the noise and strife And find solace in the beauty of life In this paradox of darkness and of light I search for answers, through the endless night For though the world is full of strife and pain There's beauty too, in the