import streamlit as st from utils.data_utils import load_dataset from utils.model_utils import load_model, train_model from utils.ui_utils import display_model_selection, display_training_method_selection, display_dataset_upload, display_model_details, display_training_progress # Set the page title st.title("FallnAI Trainer") # Display the model selection dropdown model = display_model_selection() # Display the training method selection dropdown training_method = display_training_method_selection() # Display the dataset upload uploaded_file = display_dataset_upload() # Display the model details display_model_details(model) # Add a button to start training if st.button("Train Model"): # Load the model model = load_model(model) # Load the dataset data = load_dataset(uploaded_file) # Train the model trained_model = train_model(model, data, training_method) # Display the trained model st.write("Trained Model:", trained_model) # Display the training progress display_training_progress(trained_model)