Instructions to setup your virtual environment using pyenv on macOS: |
1. Install Homebrew: |
Documentation found at: https://brew.sh/ |
2. Install pyenv: |
xcode-select --install |
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib |
brew update |
brew install pyenv |
3. Add the pyenv to your $PATH (if you are not using zsh as a shell, you have to change ~/.zshrc accordingly): |
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init --path)"' >> ~/.zshrc |
4. Install Python Version 3.10.9: |
pyenv install 3.10.9 |
5. Clone this repository: |
git clone https://github.com/GeorgiosIoannouCoder/realesrgan.git |
6. Navigate to the cloned repository folder: |
cd realesrgan |
7. Use the installed Python version in the cloned repository folder: |
pyenv local 3.10.9 |
8. Create virtual environment in the cloned repository folder: |
python -m venv .realesrgan-venv |
9. Activate the virtual environment: |
source .realesrgan-venv/bin/activate |
10. Install the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file: |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
11. Run streamlit: |
streamlit run app.py |