from typing import Tuple import uuid import random import os import numpy as np import gradio as gr import spaces import torch from PIL import Image from diffusers import FluxInpaintPipeline from gradio_client import Client, handle_file # Set an environment variable HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN", None) MARKDOWN = """ # FLUX.1 Inpainting with Text guided Mask🔥 Shoutout to [Black Forest Labs]( team for FLUX! Special thanks to [Piotr Skalski]( and [Gothos]( for their work on enabling and [showcasing inpainting]( with the FLUX.
We have used Gradio clients to access [EVF-SAM Spaces demo]( for text-guided segmentation. Visit [Gradio docs]( to start building! """ MAX_SEED = np.iinfo(np.int32).max MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 2048 DEVICE = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Using Gradio Python Client to query EVF-SAM demo, hosted on SPaces, as an endpoint client = Client("ysharma/evf-sam", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) pipe = FluxInpaintPipeline.from_pretrained( "black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16).to(DEVICE) def resize_image_dimensions( original_resolution_wh: Tuple[int, int], maximum_dimension: int = 2048 ) -> Tuple[int, int]: width, height = original_resolution_wh if width <= maximum_dimension and height <= maximum_dimension: width = width - (width % 32) height = height - (height % 32) return width, height if width > height: scaling_factor = maximum_dimension / width else: scaling_factor = maximum_dimension / height new_width = int(width * scaling_factor) new_height = int(height * scaling_factor) new_width = new_width - (new_width % 32) new_height = new_height - (new_height % 32) return new_width, new_height def evf_sam_mask(image, prompt): images = client.predict( image_np=handle_file(image), prompt=prompt, api_name="/predict") # Open the mask image pil_image =[1]) return pil_image @spaces.GPU(duration=150) def process( input_image: dict, input_text: str, inpaint_text: str, seed_slicer: int, randomize_seed_checkbox: bool, strength_slider: float, num_inference_steps_slider: int, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True) ): if not input_text: gr.Info("Please enter a text prompt.") return None mask = evf_sam_mask(input_image, input_text) if not input_image: gr.Info("Please upload an image.") return None else: input_image = if not mask: gr.Info("Please draw a mask on the image.") return None width, height = resize_image_dimensions(original_resolution_wh=input_image.size) resized_image = input_image.resize((width, height), Image.LANCZOS) resized_mask = mask.resize((width, height), Image.NEAREST) if randomize_seed_checkbox: seed_slicer = random.randint(0, MAX_SEED) generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed(seed_slicer) result = pipe( prompt=inpaint_text, image=resized_image, mask_image=resized_mask, width=width, height=height, strength=strength_slider, generator=generator, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps_slider ).images[0] print('INFERENCE DONE') return result, resized_mask with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(MARKDOWN) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_image = gr.Image( label='Image', type='filepath', sources=["upload", "webcam", "clipboard"], image_mode='RGB', ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_text_component = gr.Text( label="Text-guided segmentation", show_label=True, max_lines=1, placeholder="Enter text for generating the segmentation mask", container=False, ) inpaint_text_component = gr.Text( label="Text-guided Inpainting", show_label=True, max_lines=1, placeholder="Enter text to generate Inpainting", container=False, ) submit_button_component = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', scale=0) with gr.Accordion("Advanced Settings", open=False): seed_slicer_component = gr.Slider( label="Seed", minimum=0, maximum=MAX_SEED, step=1, value=42, ) randomize_seed_checkbox_component = gr.Checkbox( label="Randomize seed", value=False) with gr.Row(): strength_slider_component = gr.Slider( label="Strength", minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01, value=0.75, ) num_inference_steps_slider_component = gr.Slider( label="Number of inference steps", minimum=1, maximum=50, step=1, value=20, ) with gr.Column(): output_image_component = gr.Image( type='pil', image_mode='RGB', label='Generated image') with gr.Accordion("Generated Mask", open=False): output_mask_component = gr.Image( type='pil', image_mode='RGB', label='Input mask') fn=process, inputs=[ input_image, #input_image_editor_component, input_text_component, inpaint_text_component, seed_slicer_component, randomize_seed_checkbox_component, strength_slider_component, num_inference_steps_slider_component ], outputs=[ output_image_component, output_mask_component, ] ) demo.launch(debug=True)