{ "resolution": "640x360", "duration_seconds": 245, "content_parent_category": "News & Politics", "content_fine_category": "Political News", "youtube_title": "Dodgy Dave / MP Dennis Skinner Calls PM Cameron \"Dodgy Dave\"", "youtube_description": "Veteran MP Dennis Skinner thrown out of House of Commons for calling PM David Cameron 'dodgy Dave',", "text_to_speech_word_count": 381, "youtube_categories": [ "News & Politics" ], "youtube_tags": [ "David Cameron", "Prime Minister", "Question Time", "Prime Minister's Questions", "Dennis Skinner", "House of Commons", "Parliament", "UK", "Britain", "Dodgy Dave" ], "youtube_channel": "Millennial Monitor", "youtube_view_count": 29455, "youtube_comment_count": 0, "youtube_like_count": 148, "youtube_channel_follower_count": 1970, "youtube_upload_date": "20160411", "youtube_age_limit": 0, "content_metadata": { "title": "Parliamentary Debate Highlights", "description": "A video capturing a heated parliamentary debate at the House of Commons featuring discussions on tax fairness and a notable incident involving inappropriate language.", "characterList": [ { "characterId": "1", "name": "Speaker 1", "description": "A middle-aged man with short gray hair, wearing a black suit and a black tie. He is standing at a podium in the House of Commons, speaking passionately. (First appears at timestamp 0:09)" }, { "characterId": "2", "name": "Speaker 2", "description": "An elderly man with white hair, wearing a gray suit and a red tie. He is standing in the House of Commons, listening to Speaker 1. He later asks a question and gets kicked out. (First appears at timestamp 0:00)" }, { "characterId": "3", "name": "Speaker 3", "description": "A middle-aged man with gray hair, wearing a black suit and a colorful tie with flowers. He is sitting in a high-backed chair, overseeing the session of the House of Commons. He calls on Speaker 2 and kicks him out for inappropriate language. (First appears at timestamp 0:36)" }, { "characterId": "4", "name": "Man 1", "description": "A middle-aged man with short brown hair and a beard, wearing a blue shirt and a light blue tie with white dots. He is sitting in the House of Commons, listening to Speaker 1. He appears to be sitting next to Speaker 2 and seems annoyed by his behavior. (First appears at timestamp 0:22)" }, { "characterId": "5", "name": "Man 2", "description": "A middle-aged man with thinning brown hair, wearing a black suit and a white shirt. He is sitting in the House of Commons behind Speaker 1, yawning and looking bored. (First appears at timestamp 0:14)" }, { "characterId": "6", "name": "Woman 1", "description": "A middle-aged woman with short blond hair, wearing a white jacket and a black top. She is sitting in the House of Commons, listening to Speaker 1. She appears to be sitting next to Speaker 2 and looks uncomfortable during the exchange. (First appears at timestamp 0:14)" }, { "characterId": "7", "name": "Woman 2", "description": "A young woman with long dark hair, wearing a floral dress and high heels. She is sitting in the House of Commons, listening to the proceedings and looking at her phone. She is sitting behind Speaker 2. (First appears at timestamp 0:49)" } ], "scenes": [ { "sceneId": 1, "title": "Introduction to the House of Commons", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:00.000", "end_timestamp": "00:00:09.767" }, "cast": [ "Speaker 2" ], "activities": [ { "description": "Speaker 2 is shown briefly speaking, but the audio is muted.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:00.000", "end_timestamp": "00:00:03.000" } } ], "props": [], "videoEditingDetails": [ { "description": "Fade out transition from the image of Speaker 2 to a graphic of the House of Commons with text that reads: \"The proceeding will start shortly\".", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:03.000", "end_timestamp": "00:00:09.000" } } ], "mood": { "description": "Neutral - Indifferent. The scene is very brief and lacks audio, making it difficult to discern any specific mood.", "keyMoments": [] }, "narrativeProgression": [ { "description": "Speaker 2 appears to be making a statement or concluding a previous point.", "timestamp": "00:00:00.000" }, { "description": "The focus shifts to the upcoming proceeding.", "timestamp": "00:00:03.000" } ], "characterInteraction": [ { "characters": [ "Speaker 2" ], "description": "There is no character interaction in this scene as Speaker 2 is the only character visible." } ], "thematicElements": "Politics, Parliamentary procedure.", "contextualRelevance": "No significant happenings occur in this scene.", "dynamismScore": 0.2, "audioVisualCorrelation": 0.0 }, { "sceneId": 2, "title": "Speech on Tax Fairness", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:09.800", "end_timestamp": "00:00:39.033" }, "cast": [ "Speaker 1", "Man 2", "Woman 1" ], "activities": [ { "description": "Speaker 1 is delivering a speech at the podium, addressing the House of Commons.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:09.800", "end_timestamp": "00:00:39.000" } }, { "description": "Man 2 yawns visibly while Speaker 1 is speaking.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:14.000", "end_timestamp": "00:00:14.000" } } ], "props": [ { "name": "Podium", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:09.800", "end_timestamp": "00:00:39.000" } } ], "videoEditingDetails": [ { "description": "The camera focuses on Speaker 1 delivering his speech.", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:09.800", "end_timestamp": "00:00:39.000" } } ], "mood": { "description": "Neutral - Content. Speaker 1 delivers his speech in a matter-of-fact tone, without strong emotional expressions. The yawns of Man 2 suggest boredom.", "keyMoments": [] }, "narrativeProgression": [ { "description": "Speaker 1 emphasizes past actions taken to deter tax avoidance.", "timestamp": "00:00:09.800" }, { "description": "Speaker 1 mentions the introduction of a groundbreaking tax to deter multinational corporations from avoiding UK taxes.", "timestamp": "00:00:20.000" }, { "description": "Speaker 1 highlights the Finance Bill's goal of ensuring all companies and individuals pay their fair share.", "timestamp": "00:00:27.000" } ], "characterInteraction": [ { "characters": [ "Speaker 1" ], "description": "Speaker 1 is addressing the House of Commons, with no direct interaction with other characters. Man 2's yawning indicates disengagement with the speech." } ], "thematicElements": "Taxation, Corporate responsibility, Fairness.", "contextualRelevance": "The scene showcases the efforts taken to combat tax avoidance and promote fairness in the tax system.", "dynamismScore": 0.3, "audioVisualCorrelation": 1.0 }, { "sceneId": 3, "title": "Parliamentary Conflict", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:39.067", "end_timestamp": "00:04:05.133" }, "cast": [ "Speaker 2", "Man 1", "Woman 1", "Woman 2", "Speaker 3" ], "activities": [ { "description": "Speaker 2 asks the Prime Minister a question about a mortgage write-off.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:49.000", "end_timestamp": "00:01:25.000" } }, { "description": "Speaker 3 interjects and demands Speaker 2 to withdraw an inappropriate word used to describe the Prime Minister.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:01:25.000", "end_timestamp": "00:01:52.000" } }, { "description": "Speaker 2 refuses to withdraw the word and continues his rant against the Prime Minister.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:01:52.000", "end_timestamp": "00:02:57.000" } }, { "description": "Speaker 3 orders Speaker 2 to leave the House for the remainder of the day.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:02:57.000", "end_timestamp": "00:03:33.000" } }, { "description": "Speaker 2 is escorted out of the House while the audience reacts with laughter and cheers.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:03:33.000", "end_timestamp": "00:03:46.000" } }, { "description": "Speaker 3 moves on to the next question.", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:03:46.000", "end_timestamp": "00:04:05.000" } } ], "props": [ { "name": "Microphone", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:49.000", "end_timestamp": "00:03:33.000" } }, { "name": "Green cushioned bench", "timestamp": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:49.000", "end_timestamp": "00:04:05.000" } } ], "videoEditingDetails": [ { "description": "The camera switches between wide shots of the House of Commons and close-ups of Speaker 2, Speaker 3, and other members reacting to the exchange.", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:39.067", "end_timestamp": "00:04:05.000" } }, { "description": "Quick cuts are used to emphasize the tension and escalating conflict.", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:01:25.000", "end_timestamp": "00:03:33.000" } } ], "mood": { "description": "Negative - Angry. The scene quickly transitions from a formal question session to a heated exchange filled with anger and frustration.", "keyMoments": [ { "timestamp": "00:01:25.000", "changeDescription": "Change in both visual and auditive dimensions." }, { "timestamp": "00:02:57.000", "changeDescription": "Change in both visual and auditive dimensions." }, { "timestamp": "00:03:33.000", "changeDescription": "Change in both visual and auditive dimensions." } ] }, "narrativeProgression": [ { "description": "Speaker 2 directs a question about a mortgage write-off to the Prime Minister.", "timestamp": "00:00:49.000" }, { "description": "Speaker 2 uses an inappropriate adjective (\"Dodgy Dave\") to refer to the Prime Minister, sparking a reaction from Speaker 3.", "timestamp": "00:01:15.000" }, { "description": "Speaker 3 demands the withdrawal of the word, highlighting the unparliamentary language.", "timestamp": "00:01:25.000" }, { "description": "Speaker 3 orders Speaker 2 to leave the House, showing the consequences of using inappropriate language during proceedings.", "timestamp": "00:02:57.000" } ], "characterInteraction": [ { "characters": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3" ], "description": "Speaker 2 directly confronts the Prime Minister with an accusatory tone, leading to a conflict with Speaker 3. Speaker 3 demonstrates his authority by maintaining order and reprimanding Speaker 2. Man 1 and Woman 1, sitting next to Speaker 2, appear uncomfortable with his behavior. Woman 2, initially looking at her phone, becomes engaged in the unfolding event." } ], "thematicElements": "Parliamentary decorum, Authority, Accountability, Public scrutiny.", "contextualRelevance": "The scene illustrates the importance of maintaining decorum and using appropriate language in a formal setting. It also highlights the power dynamics within the House of Commons and the consequences of challenging authority.", "dynamismScore": 0.8, "audioVisualCorrelation": 1.0 } ], "storylines": { "description": "A video capturing a heated parliamentary debate at the House of Commons featuring discussions on tax fairness and a notable incident involving inappropriate language.", "scenes": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "climax": { "description": "Speaker 3 orders Speaker 2 to leave the House, showcasing the consequences of using inappropriate language.", "timestamp": "00:02:57.000" } }, "qAndA": [ { "question": "What is the mood of Man 2 during Speaker 1's speech?", "answer": "Bored. He appears disinterested and yawns visibly." }, { "question": "What word does Speaker 2 use to describe the Prime Minister that leads to his expulsion from the House?", "answer": "\"Dodgy.\"" }, { "question": "How does Speaker 3 justify his decision to order Speaker 2 to leave the House?", "answer": "He invokes Standing Order number 43, which grants him the power to remove a member for disruptive behavior." }, { "question": "How does the audience react to Speaker 2's expulsion?", "answer": "With a mix of amusement and approval, demonstrated through laughter and cheers." }, { "question": "What is the main theme of the argument presented by Speaker 1?", "answer": "Ensuring that all companies and individuals pay their fair share of taxes, and the actions taken to combat tax avoidance." } ], "trimmingSuggestions": [ { "description": "The initial portion of Scene 2 featuring Speaker 1's speech could be trimmed. It contains repetitive information about past actions and doesn't contribute significantly to the dynamism of the video.", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:00:39.067", "end_timestamp": "00:00:39.067" } }, { "description": "The section of Scene 3 where Speaker 2 refuses to withdraw the word and continues his rant could be shortened. While it illustrates the escalating tension, it becomes repetitive and could lose viewer interest.", "timestamps": { "start_timestamp": "00:01:52.000", "end_timestamp": "00:02:57.000" } } ], "fps": 30.0 }, "text_to_speech": "Don Valley accordion Cowdenbeath the my honorable friend from Amber Valley and others and we have led the way internationally acting unilaterally in the Finance Bill 2015 to introduce the groundbreaking diverted profits tax to deter large multinationals from avoiding at UK tax this finance bill goes even further to ensure all companies and individuals pay their fair share it stops multinational tax avoidance by introducing new rules to address hybrid niche mismatch arrangements and by tacking does the Prime Minister recall that at the time after he became prime minister under the coalition at the time when he was dividing the nation between strivers and scrounges I asked him a very important question about the windfall he received when he wrote off the mortgage of the premises in Notting Hill and I said to him he didn't write off the mortgage of the one the taxpayers were helping to pay for at Oxford I didn't receive a proper answer then maybe dodgy Dave will answer it now and by the way order order order order order I must ask the honorable gentlemen order it require any assistance from some junior minister sir proposition I invite order I invite the Honourable gentleman to withdraw that adjective that he used where to go he's perfectly all day nobody capable of asking his question without using that word it is up to him if he doesn't wish to withdraw it I can't reasonably ask the Prime Minister to answer the question all he has to do is withdraw that word and think of another sorry sorry I think she knows the word beginning with D and ending in Y then he inappropriately used baby hey baby withdraw I know a noise withdraw chapter his own pocket I still refer to him as Georgie day order order order order I'm sorry I must ask the honourable gentleman to withdraw the work under the power given to me by standing water number 43 i order the Honourable member to withdraw immediately from the house for the remainder of this stays sitting very well needless to say no reply is required to that question we will take next sir edward lee well is a very shocking scandal we now know that the prime minister divested himself" }