import cv2 import gradio as gr import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import atan2 from os import listdir, path from PIL import Image as PImage OUT_W = 130 OUT_H = 170 OUT_EYE_SPACE = 64 OUT_NOSE_TOP = 72 EYE_0_IDX = 36 EYE_1_IDX = 45 haarcascade = "./models/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml" face_detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(haarcascade) LBFmodel = "./models/lbfmodel.yaml" landmark_detector = cv2.face.createFacemarkLBF() landmark_detector.loadModel(LBFmodel) NUM_OUTS = 16 all_outputs = [gr.Image(format="jpeg", visible=False) for _ in range(NUM_OUTS)] def face(img_in): out_pad = NUM_OUTS * [gr.Image(visible=False)] if img_in is None: return out_pad pimg = img_in.convert("L") pimg.thumbnail((1000,1000)) imgg = np.array(pimg).copy() iw,ih = pimg.size faces = face_detector.detectMultiScale(imgg) if len(faces) < 1: return out_pad biggest_faces = faces[np.argsort(-faces[:,2])] _, landmarks =, biggest_faces) if len(landmarks) < 1: return out_pad out_images = [] for landmark in landmarks: eye0 = np.array(landmark[0][EYE_0_IDX]) eye1 = np.array(landmark[0][EYE_1_IDX]) mid = np.mean([eye0, eye1], axis=0) eye_line = eye1 - eye0 tilt = atan2(eye_line[1], eye_line[0]) tilt_deg = 180 * tilt / np.pi scale = OUT_EYE_SPACE / abs(eye0[0] - eye1[0]) pimgs = pimg.resize((int(iw * scale), int(ih * scale)), resample=PImage.Resampling.LANCZOS) # rotate around nose new_mid = [int(c * scale) for c in mid] crop_box = (new_mid[0] - (OUT_W // 2), new_mid[1] - OUT_NOSE_TOP, new_mid[0] + (OUT_W // 2), new_mid[1] + (OUT_H - OUT_NOSE_TOP)) img_out = pimgs.rotate(tilt_deg, center=new_mid, resample=PImage.Resampling.BICUBIC).crop(crop_box) out_images.append(gr.Image(img_out, visible=True)) out_images += out_pad return out_images[:NUM_OUTS] with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(""" # 9103H 2024F Face Alignment Tool. ## Interface for face detection, alignment, cropping\ to help create dataset for [HWXX]( """) gr.Interface( face, inputs=gr.Image(type="pil"), outputs=all_outputs, cache_examples=True, examples=[["./imgs/03.webp"], ["./imgs/11.jpg"]], allow_flagging="never", ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()