import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import yfinance as yf import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots def clean_etf_data(df): """ Clean ETF data """ # Set date as index df.Date = pd.to_datetime(df.Date, dayfirst=True) df.set_index("Date", inplace=True) # Format index to date without time df.index = df.index.normalize().date # Format outflow to negative value df.replace(to_replace=r"\(([0-9.]+)\)", value=r"-\1", regex=True, inplace=True) # Copy original df_original = df.copy() # Replace '-' with 0 df.replace("-", 0, inplace=True) # Convert from strings to numberic df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric) return df, df_original ##------------------------- ETF flow -------------------------------------------- # Get Bitcoin spot ETF history btc_etf_flow = pd.read_html( "", attrs={"class": "etf"}, skiprows=[1] )[0] # Drop column 'BTC' # btc_etf_flow.drop(columns = ['BTC'], inplace = True) # Remove summary lines btc_etf_flow = btc_etf_flow.iloc[:-4] # Extract symbols of ETF funds btc_etf_funds = btc_etf_flow.drop(["Date", "Total"], axis=1).columns # Get Ethereum spot ETF history eth_etf_flow = pd.read_html( "", attrs={"class": "etf"}, skiprows=[2, 3], )[0] # Drop column index level 2 eth_etf_flow.columns = eth_etf_flow.columns.droplevel(2) # Extract symbols of ETF funds eth_etf_funds = eth_etf_flow.drop("Total", axis=1).columns[1:].get_level_values(1) # Merge multi-index columns eth_etf_flow.columns =" | ".join) # Name first column "Date" eth_etf_flow.rename( columns={ "Unnamed: 0_level_0 | Unnamed: 0_level_1": "Date", "Total | Unnamed: 10_level_1": "Total", }, inplace=True, ) # Remove summary lines eth_etf_flow = eth_etf_flow.iloc[:-1] btc_etf_flow, btc_etf_flow_original = clean_etf_data(btc_etf_flow) eth_etf_flow, eth_etf_flow_original = clean_etf_data(eth_etf_flow) ##------------------------- ETF volume ----------------------------------------- # Get BTC ETF daily volume btc_etf_volumes = pd.DataFrame() for fund in btc_etf_funds: btc_etf_volumes[fund] = f"{fund}", interval="1d", period="max", start=btc_etf_flow.index[0] )["Volume"] # Format index to date without time btc_etf_volumes.index = btc_etf_volumes.index.normalize().date # Get ETH ETF daily volume eth_etf_volumes = pd.DataFrame() for fund in eth_etf_funds: eth_etf_volumes[fund] = f"{fund}", interval="1d", period="max", start=eth_etf_flow.index[0] )["Volume"] # Format index to date without time eth_etf_volumes.index = eth_etf_volumes.index.normalize().date ##------------------------- Asset price -------------------------------------------- # Get BTC price history btc_price = "BTC-USD", interval="1d", period="max", start=btc_etf_flow.index[0] ) btc_price = btc_price.Close # Format index to date without time btc_price.index = btc_price.index.normalize().date # Get ETH price history eth_price = "ETH-USD", interval="1d", period="max", start=eth_etf_flow.index[0] ) eth_price = eth_price.Close # Format index to date without time eth_price.index = eth_price.index.normalize().date if __name__ == "__main__": # Set page config st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_icon="📈") # Set page title st.title("Crypto ETF Dashboard") # Sidebar to choose ETF asset to view st.sidebar.title("Crypto ETF Dashboard") # Dropdown selection to choose asset (BTC, ETH) asset = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose asset", ("BTC", "ETH")) # Display ETF data if asset == "BTC": st.header("BTC ETF") etf_flow = btc_etf_flow etf_volumes = btc_etf_volumes price = btc_price else: st.header("ETH ETF") etf_flow = eth_etf_flow etf_volumes = eth_etf_volumes price = eth_price etf_flow_individual = etf_flow.drop("Total", axis=1) etf_flow_total = etf_flow.Total # Section trading volume st.subheader(f"{asset} ETF Trading volume") trading_vol_fig = etf_volumes, x=etf_volumes.index, y=etf_volumes.columns, barmode="relative" ) st.plotly_chart(trading_vol_fig, use_container_width=True) # Section net flow individual funds st.subheader(f"{asset} ETF Net flow individual funds") net_flow_individual_fig = etf_flow_individual, x=etf_flow_individual.index, y=etf_flow_individual.columns, barmode="relative", ) st.plotly_chart(net_flow_individual_fig, use_container_width=True) # Section net flow total vs asset price st.subheader(f"{asset} ETF Net flow total vs asset price") positive_flow = etf_flow_total[etf_flow_total > 0] negative_flow = etf_flow_total[etf_flow_total < 0] net_flow_total_fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) # Sea green bar for positive flow net_flow_total_fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=positive_flow.index, y=positive_flow, name="Total (positive)", marker_color="seagreen", ), secondary_y=False, ) # Orange red bar for negative flow net_flow_total_fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=negative_flow.index, y=negative_flow, name="Total (negative)", marker_color="orangered", ), secondary_y=False, ) # Line chart of price net_flow_total_fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=price.index, y=price, name=f"{asset} Price", mode="lines", line=dict(color="darkgoldenrod"), ), secondary_y=True, ) net_flow_total_fig.update_layout(barmode="stack") st.plotly_chart(net_flow_total_fig, use_container_width=True) # Section cumulative flow individual vs asset price st.subheader(f"{asset} ETF Cumulative flow of individual funds vs asset price") cum_flow_individual = etf_flow_individual.cumsum() cum_flow_individual_fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) # Stacking area chart of flow from individual funds for col in cum_flow_individual.columns: cum_flow_individual_fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=cum_flow_individual.index, y=cum_flow_individual[col], name=col, fill="tonexty", ), secondary_y=False, ) # Line chart of price cum_flow_individual_fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=price.index, y=price, name=f"{asset} Price", mode="lines", line=dict(color="darkgoldenrod"), ), secondary_y=True, ) st.plotly_chart(cum_flow_individual_fig, use_container_width=True) # Section cumulative flow total vs asset price st.subheader(f"{asset} ETF Cumulative flow total vs asset price") cum_flow_total = etf_flow_total.cumsum() cum_flow_total_fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) # Area chart for cumulative flow cum_flow_total_fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=cum_flow_total.index, y=cum_flow_total, name="Cumulative flow total", fill="tonexty", ), secondary_y=False, ) # Line chart of price cum_flow_total_fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=price.index, y=price, name=f"{asset} Price", mode="lines", line=dict(color="darkgoldenrod"), ), secondary_y=True, ) st.plotly_chart(cum_flow_total_fig, use_container_width=True)