import datetime import os import pathlib import pytz from typing import Optional from ditk import logging from hbutils.system import TemporaryDirectory from huggingface_hub import CommitOperationAdd, CommitOperationDelete from huggingface_hub.utils import RepositoryNotFoundError from .export import export_workdir, _GITLFS from .steps import find_steps_in_workdir from ..infer.draw import _DEFAULT_INFER_MODEL from ..utils import get_hf_client, get_hf_fs def deploy_to_huggingface(workdir: str, repository=None, revision: str = 'main', n_repeats: int = 3, pretrained_model: str = _DEFAULT_INFER_MODEL, clip_skip: int = 2, image_width: int = 512, image_height: int = 768, infer_steps: int = 30, lora_alpha: float = 0.85, sample_method: str = 'DPM++ 2M Karras', model_hash: Optional[str] = None, ds_dir: str = None): name, _ = find_steps_in_workdir(workdir) repository = repository or f'AppleHarem/{name}''Initializing repository {repository!r} ...') hf_client = get_hf_client() hf_fs = get_hf_fs() if not hf_fs.exists(f'{repository}/.gitattributes'): hf_client.create_repo(repo_id=repository, repo_type='model', exist_ok=True) if not hf_fs.exists(f'{repository}/.gitattributes') or \ '*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text' not in hf_fs.read_text(f'{repository}/.gitattributes'):'Preparing for lfs attributes of repository {repository!r}.') with TemporaryDirectory() as td: _git_attr_file = os.path.join(td, '.gitattributes') with open(_git_attr_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: print(_GITLFS, file=f) operations = [ CommitOperationAdd( path_in_repo='.gitattributes', path_or_fileobj=_git_attr_file, ) ] tokyo_tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo') current_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') commit_message = f'Update {name}\'s .gitattributes, on {current_time}''Updating {name}\'s .gitattributes to repository {repository!r} ...') hf_client.create_commit( repository, operations, commit_message=commit_message, repo_type='model', revision=revision, ) with TemporaryDirectory() as td: export_workdir( workdir, td, n_repeats, pretrained_model, clip_skip, image_width, image_height, infer_steps, lora_alpha, sample_method, model_hash, ds_repo=ds_dir, # ds_repo: 本地数据集或远端数据集 ) try: hf_client.repo_info(repo_id=repository, repo_type='dataset') except RepositoryNotFoundError: has_dataset_repo = False else: has_dataset_repo = True readme_text = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(td, '')).read_text(encoding='utf-8') with open(os.path.join(td, ''), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: print('---', file=f) print('license: mit', file=f) if has_dataset_repo: print('datasets:', file=f) print(f'- {repository}', file=f) print('pipeline_tag: text-to-image', file=f) print('tags:', file=f) print('- art', file=f) print('---', file=f) print('', file=f) print(readme_text, file=f) _exist_files = [os.path.relpath(file, repository) for file in hf_fs.glob(f'{repository}/**')] _exist_ps = sorted([(file, file.split('/')) for file in _exist_files], key=lambda x: x[1]) pre_exist_files = set() for i, (file, segments) in enumerate(_exist_ps): if i < len(_exist_ps) - 1 and segments == _exist_ps[i + 1][1][:len(segments)]: continue if file != '.': pre_exist_files.add(file) operations = [] for directory, _, files in os.walk(td): for file in files: filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(td, directory, file)) file_in_repo = os.path.relpath(filename, td) operations.append(CommitOperationAdd( path_in_repo=file_in_repo, path_or_fileobj=filename, )) if file_in_repo in pre_exist_files: pre_exist_files.remove(file_in_repo)'Useless files: {sorted(pre_exist_files)} ...') for file in sorted(pre_exist_files): operations.append(CommitOperationDelete(path_in_repo=file)) tokyo_tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo') current_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') commit_message = f'Publish {name}\'s lora, on {current_time}''Publishing {name}\'s lora to repository {repository!r} ...') hf_client.create_commit( repository, operations, commit_message=commit_message, repo_type='model', revision=revision, )