import { useEffect } from "react"; | |
/** | |
* This will turn the page in portrait or landscape depending on the number of pages | |
*/ | |
const usePageOrientation = () => { | |
useEffect(() => { | |
const updatePageOrientation = () => { | |
const pages = document.querySelectorAll(".comic-page"); | |
const styleEl = document.createElement("style"); | |
// Append style element to the head | |
document.head.appendChild(styleEl); | |
// Get the style sheet created in the above step | |
const styleSheet = styleEl.sheet as CSSStyleSheet; | |
if (pages.length >= 2) { | |
styleSheet.insertRule("@page { size: landscape }", 0); | |
} else { | |
styleSheet.insertRule("@page { size: portrait }", 0); | |
} | |
}; | |
// Execute when the DOM is fully loaded | |
updatePageOrientation(); | |
// Also execute when the window is resized | |
window.addEventListener("resize", updatePageOrientation); | |
// Clean up event listener on unmount | |
return () => { | |
window.removeEventListener("resize", updatePageOrientation); | |
}; | |
}, []); // Empty dependency array ensures this runs once on mount and cleanup on unmount | |
}; | |
export default usePageOrientation; |