import os import uuid import gradio as gr from llmriddles.questions import QuestionExecutor from llmriddles.questions import list_ordered_questions _QUESTION_IDS = {} _QUESTIONS = list_ordered_questions() _LANG = os.environ.get('QUESTION_LANG', 'cn') _LLM = os.environ.get('QUESTION_LLM', 'chatgpt') if _LANG == "cn": requirement_ph = """ 欢迎来玩LLM Riddles! 你将通过本游戏对语言大模型产生更深刻的理解。 在本游戏中,你需要构造一个提给一个语言大模型的问题,使得它回复的答案符合要求。 点击\"下一题\"开始游戏 """ requirement_label = "游戏须知" question_ph = "你对大语言模型的提问" question_label = "提问栏" answer_ph = "大语言模型的回答" answer_label = "回答栏" submit_label = "提交" next_label = "下一题" api_ph = "你个人的大语言模型 API Key (例如:ChatGPT)" api_label = "API key" predict_label = "结果正确性" explanation_label = "结果解释" game_cleared_label = "祝贺!你已成功通关!" correct_label = "正确" wrong_label = "错误" api_error_info = "请在提交问题之前先输入你的 API Key" try_again_label = "再玩一次" elif _LANG == "en": requirement_ph = """ Welcome to LLM Riddles! In this game, you'll gain a deeper understanding of language models. Your challenge is to create a question to ask a language model in a way that the answer it provides meets specific criteria. Click \'Next\' to Start """ requirement_label = "Requirements" question_ph = "Your Question for LLM" question_label = "Question" answer_ph = "Answer From LLM" answer_label = "Answer" submit_label = "Submit" next_label = "Next" api_ph = "Your API Key (e.g. ChatGPT)" api_label = "API key" predict_label = "Correctness" explanation_label = "Explanation" game_cleared_label = "Congratulations!" correct_label = "Correct" wrong_label = "Wrong" api_error_info = "Please Enter API Key Before Submitting Question." try_again_label = "Try Again" else: raise KeyError("invalid _LANG: {}".format(_LANG)) def _need_api_key(): return _LLM == 'chatgpt' def _get_api_key_cfgs(api_key): if _LLM == 'chatgpt': return {'api_key': api_key} else: return {} if __name__ == '__main__': with gr.Blocks(theme='ParityError/Interstellar') as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr_requirement = gr.TextArea(placeholder=requirement_ph, label=requirement_label) gr_question = gr.TextArea(placeholder=question_ph, label=question_label) gr_answer = gr.TextArea(placeholder=answer_ph, label=answer_label) gr_submit = gr.Button(submit_label, interactive=True) with gr.Column(): gr_api_key = gr.Text(placeholder=api_ph, label=api_label, type='password', visible=_need_api_key()) gr_uuid = gr.Text(value='', visible=False) gr_predict = gr.Label(label=predict_label) gr_explanation = gr.TextArea(label=explanation_label) gr_next = gr.Button(next_label) def _next_question(uuid_): if not uuid_: uuid_ = str(uuid.uuid4()) global _QUESTION_IDS _qid = _QUESTION_IDS.get(uuid_, -1) _qid += 1 _QUESTION_IDS[uuid_] = _qid if _qid >= len(_QUESTIONS): del _QUESTION_IDS[uuid_] return game_cleared_label, '', '', {}, '', \ gr.Button(submit_label, interactive=True), \ gr.Button(try_again_label, interactive=True), \ '' else: executor = QuestionExecutor(_QUESTIONS[_qid], _LANG) return executor.question_text, '', '', {}, '', \ gr.Button(submit_label, interactive=True), \ gr.Button(next_label, interactive=False), \ uuid_ fn=_next_question, inputs=[gr_uuid], outputs=[ gr_requirement, gr_question, gr_answer, gr_predict, gr_explanation, gr_submit, gr_next, gr_uuid, ], ) def _submit_answer(qs_text: str, api_key: str, uuid_: str): if _need_api_key() and not api_key: raise gr.Error(api_error_info) _qid = _QUESTION_IDS[uuid_] executor = QuestionExecutor( _QUESTIONS[_qid], _LANG, llm=_LLM, llm_cfgs=_get_api_key_cfgs(api_key) if _need_api_key() else {} ) answer_text, correctness, explanation = executor.check(qs_text) labels = {correct_label: 1.0} if correctness else {wrong_label: 1.0} if correctness: return answer_text, labels, explanation, gr.Button(next_label, interactive=True), uuid_ else: return answer_text, labels, explanation, gr.Button(next_label, interactive=False), uuid_ _submit_answer, inputs=[gr_question, gr_api_key, gr_uuid], outputs=[gr_answer, gr_predict, gr_explanation, gr_next, gr_uuid], ) demo.launch()