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import typing
import julius
import numpy as np
import torch
from . import util
class DSPMixin:
_original_batch_size = None
_original_num_channels = None
_padded_signal_length = None
def _preprocess_signal_for_windowing(self, window_duration, hop_duration):
self._original_batch_size = self.batch_size
self._original_num_channels = self.num_channels
window_length = int(window_duration * self.sample_rate)
hop_length = int(hop_duration * self.sample_rate)
if window_length % hop_length != 0:
factor = window_length // hop_length
window_length = factor * hop_length
self.zero_pad(hop_length, hop_length)
self._padded_signal_length = self.signal_length
return window_length, hop_length
def windows(
self, window_duration: float, hop_duration: float, preprocess: bool = True
"""Generator which yields windows of specified duration from signal with a specified
hop length.
window_duration : float
Duration of every window in seconds.
hop_duration : float
Hop between windows in seconds.
preprocess : bool, optional
Whether to preprocess the signal, so that the first sample is in
the middle of the first window, by default True
Each window is returned as an AudioSignal.
if preprocess:
window_length, hop_length = self._preprocess_signal_for_windowing(
window_duration, hop_duration
self.audio_data = self.audio_data.reshape(-1, 1, self.signal_length)
for b in range(self.batch_size):
i = 0
start_idx = i * hop_length
while True:
start_idx = i * hop_length
i += 1
end_idx = start_idx + window_length
if end_idx > self.signal_length:
yield self[b, ..., start_idx:end_idx]
def collect_windows(
self, window_duration: float, hop_duration: float, preprocess: bool = True
"""Reshapes signal into windows of specified duration from signal with a specified
hop length. Window are placed along the batch dimension. Use with
:py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.overlap_and_add` to reconstruct the
original signal.
window_duration : float
Duration of every window in seconds.
hop_duration : float
Hop between windows in seconds.
preprocess : bool, optional
Whether to preprocess the signal, so that the first sample is in
the middle of the first window, by default True
AudioSignal unfolded with shape ``(nb * nch * num_windows, 1, window_length)``
if preprocess:
window_length, hop_length = self._preprocess_signal_for_windowing(
window_duration, hop_duration
# self.audio_data: (nb, nch, nt).
unfolded = torch.nn.functional.unfold(
self.audio_data.reshape(-1, 1, 1, self.signal_length),
kernel_size=(1, window_length),
stride=(1, hop_length),
# unfolded: (nb * nch, window_length, num_windows).
# -> (nb * nch * num_windows, 1, window_length)
unfolded = unfolded.permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 1, window_length)
self.audio_data = unfolded
return self
def overlap_and_add(self, hop_duration: float):
"""Function which takes a list of windows and overlap adds them into a
signal the same length as ``audio_signal``.
hop_duration : float
How much to shift for each window
(overlap is window_duration - hop_duration) in seconds.
overlap-and-added signal.
hop_length = int(hop_duration * self.sample_rate)
window_length = self.signal_length
nb, nch = self._original_batch_size, self._original_num_channels
unfolded = self.audio_data.reshape(nb * nch, -1, window_length).permute(0, 2, 1)
folded = torch.nn.functional.fold(
output_size=(1, self._padded_signal_length),
kernel_size=(1, window_length),
stride=(1, hop_length),
norm = torch.ones_like(unfolded, device=unfolded.device)
norm = torch.nn.functional.fold(
output_size=(1, self._padded_signal_length),
kernel_size=(1, window_length),
stride=(1, hop_length),
folded = folded / norm
folded = folded.reshape(nb, nch, -1)
self.audio_data = folded
self.trim(hop_length, hop_length)
return self
def low_pass(
self, cutoffs: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], zeros: int = 51
"""Low-passes the signal in-place. Each item in the batch
can have a different low-pass cutoff, if the input
to this signal is an array or tensor. If a float, all
items are given the same low-pass filter.
cutoffs : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Cutoff in Hz of low-pass filter.
zeros : int, optional
Number of taps to use in low-pass filter, by default 51
Low-passed AudioSignal.
cutoffs = util.ensure_tensor(cutoffs, 2, self.batch_size)
cutoffs = cutoffs / self.sample_rate
filtered = torch.empty_like(self.audio_data)
for i, cutoff in enumerate(cutoffs):
lp_filter = julius.LowPassFilter(cutoff.cpu(), zeros=zeros).to(self.device)
filtered[i] = lp_filter(self.audio_data[i])
self.audio_data = filtered
self.stft_data = None
return self
def high_pass(
self, cutoffs: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], zeros: int = 51
"""High-passes the signal in-place. Each item in the batch
can have a different high-pass cutoff, if the input
to this signal is an array or tensor. If a float, all
items are given the same high-pass filter.
cutoffs : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Cutoff in Hz of high-pass filter.
zeros : int, optional
Number of taps to use in high-pass filter, by default 51
High-passed AudioSignal.
cutoffs = util.ensure_tensor(cutoffs, 2, self.batch_size)
cutoffs = cutoffs / self.sample_rate
filtered = torch.empty_like(self.audio_data)
for i, cutoff in enumerate(cutoffs):
hp_filter = julius.HighPassFilter(cutoff.cpu(), zeros=zeros).to(self.device)
filtered[i] = hp_filter(self.audio_data[i])
self.audio_data = filtered
self.stft_data = None
return self
def mask_frequencies(
fmin_hz: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float],
fmax_hz: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float],
val: float = 0.0,
"""Masks frequencies between ``fmin_hz`` and ``fmax_hz``, and fills them
with the value specified by ``val``. Useful for implementing SpecAug.
The min and max can be different for every item in the batch.
fmin_hz : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Lower end of band to mask out.
fmax_hz : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Upper end of band to mask out.
val : float, optional
Value to fill in, by default 0.0
Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the
masked audio data.
# SpecAug
mag, phase = self.magnitude, self.phase
fmin_hz = util.ensure_tensor(fmin_hz, ndim=mag.ndim)
fmax_hz = util.ensure_tensor(fmax_hz, ndim=mag.ndim)
assert torch.all(fmin_hz < fmax_hz)
# build mask
nbins = mag.shape[-2]
bins_hz = torch.linspace(0, self.sample_rate / 2, nbins, device=self.device)
bins_hz = bins_hz[None, None, :, None].repeat(
self.batch_size, 1, 1, mag.shape[-1]
mask = (fmin_hz <= bins_hz) & (bins_hz < fmax_hz)
mask =
mag = mag.masked_fill(mask, val)
phase = phase.masked_fill(mask, val)
self.stft_data = mag * torch.exp(1j * phase)
return self
def mask_timesteps(
tmin_s: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float],
tmax_s: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float],
val: float = 0.0,
"""Masks timesteps between ``tmin_s`` and ``tmax_s``, and fills them
with the value specified by ``val``. Useful for implementing SpecAug.
The min and max can be different for every item in the batch.
tmin_s : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Lower end of timesteps to mask out.
tmax_s : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Upper end of timesteps to mask out.
val : float, optional
Value to fill in, by default 0.0
Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the
masked audio data.
# SpecAug
mag, phase = self.magnitude, self.phase
tmin_s = util.ensure_tensor(tmin_s, ndim=mag.ndim)
tmax_s = util.ensure_tensor(tmax_s, ndim=mag.ndim)
assert torch.all(tmin_s < tmax_s)
# build mask
nt = mag.shape[-1]
bins_t = torch.linspace(0, self.signal_duration, nt, device=self.device)
bins_t = bins_t[None, None, None, :].repeat(
self.batch_size, 1, mag.shape[-2], 1
mask = (tmin_s <= bins_t) & (bins_t < tmax_s)
mag = mag.masked_fill(mask, val)
phase = phase.masked_fill(mask, val)
self.stft_data = mag * torch.exp(1j * phase)
return self
def mask_low_magnitudes(
self, db_cutoff: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], val: float = 0.0
"""Mask away magnitudes below a specified threshold, which
can be different for every item in the batch.
db_cutoff : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Decibel value for which things below it will be masked away.
val : float, optional
Value to fill in for masked portions, by default 0.0
Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the
masked audio data.
mag = self.magnitude
log_mag = self.log_magnitude()
db_cutoff = util.ensure_tensor(db_cutoff, ndim=mag.ndim)
mask = log_mag < db_cutoff
mag = mag.masked_fill(mask, val)
self.magnitude = mag
return self
def shift_phase(self, shift: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]):
"""Shifts the phase by a constant value.
shift : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
What to shift the phase by.
Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the
masked audio data.
shift = util.ensure_tensor(shift, ndim=self.phase.ndim)
self.phase = self.phase + shift
return self
def corrupt_phase(self, scale: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]):
"""Corrupts the phase randomly by some scaled value.
scale : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]
Standard deviation of noise to add to the phase.
Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the
masked audio data.
scale = util.ensure_tensor(scale, ndim=self.phase.ndim)
self.phase = self.phase + scale * torch.randn_like(self.phase)
return self
def preemphasis(self, coef: float = 0.85):
"""Applies pre-emphasis to audio signal.
coef : float, optional
How much pre-emphasis to apply, lower values do less. 0 does nothing.
by default 0.85
Pre-emphasized signal.
kernel = torch.tensor([1, -coef, 0]).view(1, 1, -1).to(self.device)
x = self.audio_data.reshape(-1, 1, self.signal_length)
x = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(x, kernel, padding=1)
self.audio_data = x.reshape(*self.audio_data.shape)
return self