falcon-hackathon / agents.py
Prudvireddy's picture
Update agents.py
3c2e0b8 verified
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage, SystemMessage
from langchain_groq import ChatGroq
def web_summarizer_company(scraped_data):
AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
llm = ChatOpenAI(
# streaming=True,
summary = llm.invoke(
SystemMessage(content="You are a Web Data Summarizer. you are skilled at summarizing company webpages into short summaries. "),
HumanMessage(content=f"provide a neet summary of the company. Do not add up things. \n\n**Scraped Data:** \n\n{scraped_data}"),
# summary = llm.invoke("provide a neet summary of the company. "
# f"**Scraped Data from company web page: **{scraped_data} "
# "Do not add up things. ")
return summary
def web_summarizer_person(scraped_data):
AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
llm = ChatOpenAI(
# streaming=True,
# summary = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content="You are a Web Data Summarizer. you are skilled at summarizing complex webpages into short summaries. "),
# HumanMessage(content=f"provide a neet summary of the youself. Do not add up things. \n\n**Scraped Data from your portfolio:** \n\n{scraped_data}"),
# ]
# )
summary = llm.invoke("Given scraped data from your personal website, provide a neet summary of the yourself. "
f"**Scraped Data: **{scraped_data} \n\n"
"The output should not contain sentences like 'i am not capable...', 'As an AI language model...', etc. "
"If unable to provide summary, then output 'summary not available.'")
return summary
def person_linkedin_agent(topic, summary, mood):
AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
llm = ChatOpenAI(
# streaming=True,
# blog = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content=f"Your details are given below: \n\n{summary}"),
# HumanMessage(content=f"Write a LinkedIn post on the topic: {topic}. Mention your details in the post. Add symbols and emojis to make the post attractive. "),
# ])
blog = llm.invoke(f"You are not AI Language Model, you are: {summary}\n "
f"Write a {mood} LinkedIn post for youself on the topic: {topic} "
"Add symbols and emojis to make the post attractive.")
return blog
def company_linkedin_agent(topic, summary, mood):
AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
llm = ChatOpenAI(
# streaming=True,
# blog = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content=f"You are a content Writer. You write content in {mood} way. You also add symbols, emojis to make the content attractive."),
# HumanMessage(content=f"Write a LinkedIn post on the topic: {topic}.\n\nThe post is for the company mentioned below.\n\n{summary}"),
# ])
blog = llm.invoke(f"You are not AI Language Model, you work for the company: {summary}\n "
f"Write a {mood} LinkedIn post on the topic: {topic}. for the company"
"Add symbols, emojis to make the post attractive.")
return blog
def image_prompt_agent(post):
llm = ChatGroq(model="llama3-70b-8192", api_key='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')
# AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
# AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
# llm = ChatOpenAI(
# model="tiiuae/falcon-180b-chat",
# api_key=AI71_API_KEY,
# base_url=AI71_BASE_URL,
# # streaming=True,
# )
blog = llm.invoke(f"""write image generation prompt for the below LinkedIn post.
**LinkedIn post**: \n{post} \n
Prompt is 'What you wish to see in the output image'.
A descriptive prompt that clearly defines elements, colors, and subjects will lead to better results.
For example: 'The (sky:0.5) was a crisp (blue:0.3) and (green:0.8)' would convey a sky that was blue and green, but more green than blue. The weight applies to all words in the prompt. ,
Output only the prompt, no additional text.""")
return blog
def tweet_agent(topic, instructions, mood):
AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
llm = ChatOpenAI(
# streaming=True,
tweet = llm.invoke(f"""write a {mood} twitter tweet on the topic: {topic}.
Follow below instructions: \n\n{instructions}""")
return tweet
# from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
# from langchain.schema import HumanMessage, SystemMessage
# from langchain_groq import ChatGroq
# def web_summarizer_company(scraped_data):
# AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
# AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
# llm = ChatOpenAI(
# model="tiiuae/falcon-180b-chat",
# api_key=AI71_API_KEY,
# base_url=AI71_BASE_URL,
# # streaming=True,
# )
# summary = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content="You are a Web Data Summarizer. you are skilled at summarizing company webpages into short summaries. "),
# HumanMessage(content=f"provide a neet summary of the company. Do not add up things. \n\n**Scraped Data:** \n\n{scraped_data}"),
# ]
# )
# return summary
# def web_summarizer_person(scraped_data):
# AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
# AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
# llm = ChatOpenAI(
# model="tiiuae/falcon-180b-chat",
# api_key=AI71_API_KEY,
# base_url=AI71_BASE_URL,
# # streaming=True,
# )
# summary = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content="You are a Web Data Summarizer. you are skilled at summarizing complex webpages into short summaries. "),
# HumanMessage(content=f"provide a neet summary of the youself. Do not add up things. \n\n**Scraped Data from your portfolio:** \n\n{scraped_data}"),
# ]
# )
# return summary
# def person_linkedin_agent(topic, summary, mood):
# AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
# AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
# llm = ChatOpenAI(
# model="tiiuae/falcon-180b-chat",
# api_key=AI71_API_KEY,
# base_url=AI71_BASE_URL,
# # streaming=True,
# )
# blog = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content=f"Your details are given below: \n\n{summary}"),
# HumanMessage(content=f"Write a LinkedIn post on the topic: {topic}. Mention your details in the post. Add symbols and emojis to make the post attractive. "),
# ]
# )
# return blog
# def company_linkedin_agent(topic, summary, mood):
# AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
# AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
# llm = ChatOpenAI(
# model="tiiuae/falcon-180b-chat",
# api_key=AI71_API_KEY,
# base_url=AI71_BASE_URL,
# # streaming=True,
# )
# blog = llm.invoke(
# [
# SystemMessage(content=f"You are a content Writer. You write content in {mood} way. You also add symbols, emojis to make the content attractive."),
# HumanMessage(content=f"Write a LinkedIn post on the topic: {topic}.\n\nThe post is for the company mentioned below.\n\n{summary}"),
# ]
# )
# return blog
# def image_prompt_agent(post):
# llm = ChatGroq(model="llama3-70b-8192", api_key='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')
# # AI71_BASE_URL = "https://api.ai71.ai/v1/"
# # AI71_API_KEY = 'ai71-api-f65e97e6-af86-4de9-a667-dc61c1ef8c75'
# # llm = ChatOpenAI(
# # model="tiiuae/falcon-180b-chat",
# # api_key=AI71_API_KEY,
# # base_url=AI71_BASE_URL,
# # # streaming=True,
# # )
# blog = llm.invoke(f"""write descriptive prompt for used in LinkedIn post.
# Prompt is 'What you wish to see in the output image'.
# A descriptive prompt that clearly defines elements, colors, and subjects will lead to better results.
# For example: The sky was a crisp (blue:0.3) and (green:0.8) would convey a sky that was blue and green, but more green than blue. The weight applies to all words in the prompt. ,
# Output only the prompt.
# f**LinkedIn post**: {post}""")
# return blog