import time import shutil import gradio as gr import os import json import torch import argparse import numpy as np from import get_meanpose from import get_autoencoder from lib.util.motion import preprocess_mixamo, preprocess_test, postprocess from lib.util.general import get_config from lib.operation import rotate_and_maybe_project_world from itertools import combinations from lib.util.visualization import motion2video from PIL import Image def load_and_preprocess(path, config, mean_pose, std_pose): motion3d = np.load(path) # length must be multiples of 8 due to the size of convolution _, _, T = motion3d.shape T = (T // 8) * 8 motion3d = motion3d[:, :, :T] # project to 2d motion_proj = motion3d[:, [0, 2], :] # reformat for mixamo data motion_proj = preprocess_mixamo(motion_proj, unit=1.0) # preprocess for network input motion_proj, start = preprocess_test(motion_proj, mean_pose, std_pose, motion_proj = motion_proj.reshape((-1, motion_proj.shape[-1])) motion_proj = torch.from_numpy(motion_proj).float() return motion_proj, start def handle_motion_generation(npy1,npy2): path1 = './data/a.npy' path2 = './data/b.npy',npy1),npy2) config_path = './configs/transmomo.yaml' # 替换为您的配置文件路径 description_path = "./data/mse_description.json" checkpoint_path = './data/' out_dir_path = './output' # 替换为输出目录的路径 config = get_config(config_path) ae = get_autoencoder(config) ae.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path)) ae.cuda() ae.eval() mean_pose, std_pose = get_meanpose("test", # print("loaded model") description = json.load(open(description_path)) chars = list(description.keys()) os.makedirs(out_dir_path, exist_ok=True) # path1 = '/home/fazhong/studio/transmomo.pytorch/data/mixamo/36_800_24/test/PUMPKINHULK_L/Back_Squat/motions/2.npy' # path2 = '/home/fazhong/studio/transmomo.pytorch/data/mixamo/36_800_24/test/PUMPKINHULK_L/Golf_Post_Shot/motions/3.npy' out_path1 = os.path.join(out_dir_path, "adv.npy") x_a, x_a_start = load_and_preprocess(path1, config, mean_pose, std_pose) x_b, x_b_start = load_and_preprocess(path2, config, mean_pose, std_pose) x_a_batch = x_a.unsqueeze(0).cuda() x_b_batch = x_b.unsqueeze(0).cuda() x_ab = ae.cross2d(x_a_batch, x_b_batch, x_a_batch) x_ab = postprocess(x_ab, mean_pose, std_pose,, start=x_a_start), x_ab) motion_data = x_ab height = 512 # 视频的高度 width = 512 # 视频的宽度 save_path = './an.mp4' # 保存视频的路径 colors = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)] # 关节颜色 bg_color = (255, 255, 255) # 背景颜色 fps = 25 # 视频的帧率 # print(motion_data.shape) # 调用函数生成视频 motion2video(motion_data, height, width, save_path, colors, bg_color=bg_color, transparency=False, fps=fps) first_frame_image ='./an-frames/0000.png') return first_frame_image # print('hi') with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("Upload two `.npy` files to generate motion and visualize the first frame of the output animation.") with gr.Row(): file1 = gr.File(file_types=[".npy"], label="Upload first .npy file") file2 = gr.File(file_types=[".npy"], label="Upload second .npy file") with gr.Row(): generate_btn = gr.Button("Generate Motion") output_image = gr.Image(label="First Frame of the Generated Animation") fn=handle_motion_generation, inputs=[file1, file2], outputs=output_image ) if __name__ == "__main__": # tsp_page.launch(debug = True) demo.launch()