[{"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 1, "standardized_text": "Employee Policies and Procedures Manual Revised The policies and procedures in this manual are not intended to be contractual commitments by Tannehill Public School and employees shall not construe them as such The policies and procedures are intended to be guides to management and are merely descriptive of suggested procedures to be followed Tannehill Public School reserves the right to revoke change or supplement guidelines at any time without notice No policy is intended as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights No permanent employment or employment for any term is intended or can be implied from any statements in this manual This employee handbook does not contain all policies that have been adopted by the Tannehill Board of Education Employees are responsible for complying with and familiarizing themselves with school policies which may be found on the Tannehill School website at or in physical copies of the Tannehill Policy Manual available for reference in the school administrative office Tannehill Public School", "question_text": "Employee Policies and Procedures Manual \nRevised 2019 \n \n \nThe policies and procedures in this manual are not intended to be contractual commitments by Tannehill Public \nSchool, and employees shall not construe them as such. \n \nThe policies and procedures are intended to be guides to management and are merely descriptive of suggested \nprocedures to be followed. Tannehill Public School reserves the right to revoke, change or supplement \nguidelines at any time without notice. \n \nNo policy is intended as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights. No permanent employment or \nemployment for any term is intended or can be implied from any statements in this manual. \n \nThis employee handbook does not contain all policies that have been adopted by the Tannehill Board of \nEducation. Employees are responsible for complying with and familiarizing themselves with school policies \nwhich may be found on the Tannehill School website at https://www.tannehill.k12.ok.us/219835_2 or in \nphysical copies of the \u201cTannehill Policy Manual\u201d available for reference in the school administrative office. \n \nTannehill Public School", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 1, "standardized_text": " Tannehill Rd McAlester OK CONTENTS EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES NONDISCRIMINATION RECORDS INVESTIGATION ADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY STANDARDS OF CONDUCT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SALARY DEDUCTIONS ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES REGULATION BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY INVENTORIES REGULATION TEXTBOOKS DISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF TELEPHONES STAFFSTUDENT COMMUNICATIONS BUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY HEALTH INSURANCE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT PROCEDURES FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT REGULATION COMP TIME POLICY TEACHERS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PARAPROFESSIONALS TITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS SEXUAL HARASSMENT DRUGFREE WORKPLACE DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES REGULATION DRUGFREE WORKPLACE NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing regulations EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS ACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES", "question_text": "9283 Tannehill Rd \nMcAlester, OK 74501 \n \nCONTENTS \n \nEMPLOYMENT PRACTICES \n \nNONDISCRIMINATION: \n \nRECORDS INVESTIGATION \n \nADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY \n \nSTANDARDS OF CONDUCT \n \nBOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS \nPUBLIC PARTICIPATION \n \nSALARY DEDUCTIONS \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \n \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \n(REGULATION) \n \nBUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT, AND GROUNDS \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \n \nINVENTORIES \n(REGULATION) \n \nTEXTBOOKS: \nDISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF \n \nTELEPHONES \n \nSTAFF-STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS \n \nBUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY \n \nHEALTH INSURANCE \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nPROCEDURES \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \n(REGULATION). \n \nCOMP TIME POLICY \n \nTEACHERS \nDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \n \nSUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \n \nPARAPROFESSIONALS \n \nTITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS \n \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n(REGULATION) \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \nNOTICE TO EMPLOYEES \n \n \nWorkplace Drug and Alcohol Testing \n(regulations) \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS \n \nACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION \n \nSALARIES AND EXPENSES", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 2, "standardized_text": "TRAVEL AND EXPENSES PERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE SICK LEAVE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL REGULATIONS SICK LEAVE SUPPORT PERSONNEL REGULATIONS PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE REGULATIONS EMERGENCY LEAVE REGULATIONS JURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE REGULATIONS LEAVE OF ABSENCE REGULATIONS PARENTAL LEAVE REGULATIONS BEREAVEMENT LEAVE REGULATIONS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT STUDENT ACTIVITIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL AND EXPENSES POLICY FOR RETIREES UNUSED SICK LEAVE COMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE LEAVE SHARING PLAN EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES PROCEDURE EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS GRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES GRANT SUBMISSIONS NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PLANNING PERIODS PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT TEACHER EVALUATION PERSONNEL FILES CERTIFIED STAFF TOBACCO USE PROHIBITED TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT TEACHERS SUPPORT PERSONNEL SUSPENSION DEMOTION NONRENEWAL OR TERMINATION REDUCTIONINFORCE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL REDUCTIONINFORCE SUPPORT PERSONNEL TEACHER TERMINATION PROCEDURES QUALIFICATIONS TEACHERS QUALIFICATIONS PRINCIPALS SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS STAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS PARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM REGULATIONS INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS ACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS HEALTH STUDENTS CONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES MEDICATION ADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS PROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF ALLEGED SEXTING REPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE ANDOR NEGLECT SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM FUND RAISING BY INSCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS STUDENT RECORDS TRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INFORMATION COORDINATOR BULLYING HARASSMENTBULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING REGULATION", "question_text": "TRAVEL AND EXPENSES \n \nPERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM \n \nFAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE \n \nSICK LEAVE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nSICK LEAVE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nPERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nEMERGENCY LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nJURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nLEAVE OF ABSENCE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nPARENTAL LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nBEREAVEMENT LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \n \nSTUDENT ACTIVITIES \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \n \nTRAVEL AND EXPENSES \n \nPOLICY FOR RETIREES\u2019 UNUSED SICK LEAVE \nCOMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE \n \nLEAVE SHARING PLAN \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \n(PROCEDURE) \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS \nAND REFERENCE REQUESTS \n \nGRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES \n \nGRANT SUBMISSIONS \n \nNOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \n \nPLANNING PERIODS \n \nPROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT \n \nTEACHER EVALUATION \n \nPERSONNEL FILES \nCERTIFIED STAFF \n: \nTOBACCO USE PROHIBITED \n \n \nTERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT \nTEACHERS \n \n \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \nSUSPENSION, \nDEMOTION, \nNONRENEWAL, \nOR \nTERMINATION \n \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \n \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n \nTEACHER TERMINATION \nPROCEDURES \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nTEACHERS \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nPRINCIPALS \n \nSCHOOL BUS DRIVERS \n \nSUBSTITUTE TEACHERS \n \n \nSTAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n \nSCHOOL VOLUNTEERS \n \nPARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nINTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS \nACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY\n \n \n \nCODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER \nCOMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS \n \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS \n \nHEALTH: \nSTUDENTS \n \nCONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES \n \nMEDICATION: \nADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS \n \nPROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF \nALLEGED SEXTING \n \nREPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE \nAND/OR NEGLECT \n \nSUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM \n \nFUND RAISING BY IN-SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS \n \nSTUDENT RECORDS \n \nTRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL \nINFORMATION \n \nINFORMATION COORDINATOR \n \nBULLYING \n \nHARASSMENT/BULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM \n \nPROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND \nBULLYING \n(INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES) \n \nPROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND \nBULLYING \n(REGULATION)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 3, "standardized_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR POSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES DRUGFREE SCHOOL WEAPONSFREE SCHOOL SEARCH OF STUDENTS SEARCH OF STUDENTS REGULATION PUBLIC COMPLAINTS GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE PARENTTEACHER SCHOOL VISITORS USE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY REGULATIONS SAFETY PROGRAM SAFETY DRILLS ROUTINE SAFETY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARD COMMUNICATION HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD REGULATIONS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION EMERGENCY PLANS RULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION FIRE DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES BOMB THREATS BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES EXHIBIT TORNADO DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS REGULATION ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND HYGIENE WHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT The Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act its regulations and relevant court decisions This district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the US Department of Labor The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act subject to approval of this board EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to take action and provide statutory notification concerning the renewal or nonrenewal of all teachers contracts prior to the first Monday in June each year The district will provide reasonable assurance in writing to support employees that the district intends to employ for the subsequent school year no later than ten days after the effective date of the education appropriation bill or by June whichever is later The superintendent shall recommend candidates for administrative support and certified positions to the board The principals shall be consulted on the employment and retention of teachers Among other requirements for employment the superintendent shall insure that prospective employees produce legally sufficient documents showing citizenship status The superintendent may develop rules and regulations governing employment practices Such rules and regulations if developed must be approved by the board of education and shall become a part of this policy In the event the board decides not to employ a candidate who is recommended by the superintendent further recommendations should be made to the board by the superintendent until a selection is made The employment of any person with this school district shall not be made or excluded on the basis of age sex race religion national origin handicap pregnancy parenthood marriage or for any other reason not related to individual capability to perform in the position for which employed In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes Title Section the board of education shall not consider for employment in any capacity a relative within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity of a board member", "question_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR \nPOSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR \nCONTROLLED \nDANGEROUS SUBSTANCES \n \nDRUG-FREE SCHOOL \n \nWEAPONS-FREE SCHOOL \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \n(REGULATION) \n \nPUBLIC COMPLAINTS \n \nGRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: PARENT-TEACHER \n \n \nSCHOOL VISITORS \n \nUSE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nSAFETY PROGRAM \n \nSAFETY DRILLS \n \nROUTINE SAFETY \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \n(REGULATION) \n \nEMERGENCY PLANS \nRULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION \n. \n \nFIRE DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \n \nBOMB THREATS \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES \n(EXHIBIT) \n \n \nTORNADO DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \n(REGULATION) \n \n \nROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND \nHYGIENE \nWHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS \n \n \n \n \nMEDICAL MARIJUANA \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act, its regulations, and relevant court decisions. \nThis district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the U.S. Department of \nLabor. The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance. \n \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor \nStandards Act subject to approval of this board. \n \nEMPLOYMENT PRACTICES \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to take action and provide statutory notification concerning the renewal or \nnonrenewal of all teachers' contracts prior to the first Monday in June each year. \n \nThe district will provide reasonable assurance in writing to support employees that the district intends to employ for the subsequent \nschool year no later than ten days after the effective date of the education appropriation bill or by \nJune 1, whichever is later. \n \nThe superintendent shall recommend candidates for administrative, support, and certified positions to the board. The principal(s) shall \nbe consulted on the employment and retention of teachers. \n \nAmong other requirements for employment, the superintendent shall insure that prospective employees produce legally sufficient \ndocuments showing citizenship status. The superintendent may develop rules and regulations governing employment practices. Such \nrules and regulations, if developed, must be approved by the board of education and shall become a part of this policy. \n \nIn the event the board decides not to employ a candidate who is recommended by the superintendent, further recommendations should \nbe made to the board by the superintendent until a selection is made. \n \nThe employment of any person with this school district shall not be made or excluded on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national \norigin, handicap, pregnancy, parenthood, marriage, or for any other reason not related to individual capability to perform in the \nposition for which employed. In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes Title 70, Section 5-113.1, the board of education shall not \nconsider for employment in any capacity a relative within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity of a board member.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 4, "standardized_text": "NONDISCRIMINATION There will be no discrimination in the district because of race color sex pregnancy gender national origin religion disability veteran status sexual orientation age or genetic information in its programs services activities and employment The district also provides equal access to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club and other designated youth groups NONDISCRIMINATION The Tannehill Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race color religion sex age national origin alienage handicap or veteran status This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff events students the public employment admissions financial aid educational programs and services facilities access and individuals companies and firms with whom the board does business Racial discrimination shall include racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another persons race ancestry or country of origin and directed toward an employee a student or a visitor The board directs the superintendent of schools to prepare necessary rules regulations and procedures to insure that all local state and federal laws regulations and guidelines are followed The following statement will be included in all course announcements bulletins disseminated to all students materials used for recruiting or describing programs and training application or enrollment forms brochures and catalogs The Tannehill Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of disability race color religion national origin sex age or veteran status Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to the superintendent who is the Title IXADA Compliance Coordinator Tannehill Public Schools Tannehill Road District Street Address", "question_text": "NONDISCRIMINATION: \nThere will be no discrimination in the district because of race, color, sex, pregnancy, gender, national origin, religion, disability, \nveteran status, sexual orientation, age, or genetic information in its programs, services, activities and employment. The district also \nprovides equal access to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 4H Club and other designated youth groups. \n \n \nNONDISCRIMINATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, color, religion, sex, age, national \norigin, alienage, handicap, or veteran status. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff, events, students, the public, \nemployment, admissions, financial aid, educational programs and services, facilities access, and individuals, companies, and firms \nwith whom the board does business. Racial discrimination shall include racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another \nperson's race, ancestry, or country of origin and directed toward an employee, a student or a visitor. \n \nThe board directs the superintendent of schools to prepare necessary rules, regulations, and procedures to insure that all local, state, \nand federal laws, regulations, and guidelines are followed. \n \nThe following statement will be included in all course announcements, bulletins disseminated to all students, materials used for \nrecruiting or describing programs and training, application or enrollment forms, brochures, and catalogs: \n \n \n\"The Tannehill Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, \nage, or veteran status.\" \n \nInquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to the superintendent who is the Title IX/504/ADA Compliance \nCoordinator. \n \nTannehill Public Schools 9283 Tannehill Road \nDistrict Street Address", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 4, "standardized_text": " McAlester OK Telephone City State Zip RECORDS INVESTIGATION The Tannehill Board of Education believes that it has a responsibility to employ only those persons who are qualified in every respect The board further believes that it should avail itself of means and methods provided by the legislature to assist in the selection of employees Therefore it is the policy of this board of education that a national criminal history record check shall be conducted of all prospective employees A national criminal history record check is defined at OS and requires a check of criminal history records entailing the fingerprinting of the individual and submission of the fingerprints to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI for the purpose of obtaining the national criminal history record of the person from the FBI A written consent will be required from the prospective employee consenting to a felony records check to be conducted as authorized by Oklahoma law The records check shall be initiated by the school districts written request through the superintendent to the State Department of Education Effective November the school district may contract with a thirdparty vendor who is a member in good standing with the National Association of Professional Background Screeners to perform any and all employment screenings background checks and credit checks An application for employment with Tannehill School includes the authorization of school district representatives to investigate the background of employees This authorization also includes a release by the employee stating that Tannehill School representatives or any other person organization or employer is released from any and all liability that may result from any investigation into the employees background Any person applying for employment as a substitute teacher shall only be required to have one such national criminal history records check for the school year Upon request of the substitute teacher that felony records search results may be sent to any other school district in which the substitute teacher is applying to teach The board of education may choose whether to require a national criminal history record check from a prospective substitute teacher who has been employed by the school district in the last year Any person employed as a fulltime teacher by a school district in Oklahoma in the five years immediately preceding an application for employment as a substitute teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check if the teacher produces a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five years and a letter from the school district in which the teacher was last employed stating the teacher left in good standing", "question_text": "918-423-6393 McAlester, OK 74501 \nTelephone \nCity, State, Zip \n \n \nRECORDS INVESTIGATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that it has a responsibility to employ only those persons who are qualified in every respect. \nThe board further believes that it should avail itself of means and methods provided by the legislature to assist in the selection of \nemployees. Therefore, it is the policy of this board of education that a national criminal history record check shall be conducted of all \nprospective employees. A national criminal history record check is defined at 74 O.S. \u00a7 150.9 and requires a check of criminal history \nrecords entailing the fingerprinting of the individual and submission of the fingerprints to the United States Federal Bureau of \nInvestigation (FBI) for the purpose of obtaining the national criminal history record of the person from the FBI. \n \nA written consent will be required from the prospective employee consenting to a felony records check to be conducted as authorized \nby Oklahoma law. The records check shall be initiated by the school district's written request, through the superintendent, to the State \nDepartment of Education. Effective November 1, 2012, the school district may contract with a third-party vendor who is a member in \ngood standing with the National Association of Professional Background Screeners to perform any and all employment screenings, \nbackground checks, and credit checks. \n \nAn application for employment with Tannehill School includes the authorization of school district representatives to investigate the \nbackground of employees. This authorization also includes a release by the employee stating that Tannehill School representatives or \nany other person, organization or employer is released from any and all liability that may result from any investigation into the \nemployees background. \n \nAny person applying for employment as a substitute teacher shall only be required to have one such national criminal history records \ncheck for the school year. Upon request of the substitute teacher, that felony records search results may be sent to any other school \ndistrict in which the substitute teacher is applying to teach. The board of education may choose whether to require a national criminal \nhistory record check from a prospective substitute teacher who has been employed by the school district in the last year. \n \nAny person employed as a full-time teacher by a school district in Oklahoma in the five (5) years immediately preceding an \napplication for employment as a substitute teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check, if the teacher \nproduces a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five (5) years and a letter from the school \ndistrict in which the teacher was last employed stating the teacher left in good standing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 5, "standardized_text": "Any person who has been employed as a fulltime teacher by a school district who applies for employment as a fulltime teacher in another school district may not be required to have a national criminal history background check completed if the teacher produces a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five years and a letter from the school district in which the teacher was employed stating the teacher left in good standing Any person who has been employed as a substitute teacher by a school for a minimum of five years preceding an application to be employed as a fulltime teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check completed if the teacher can produce a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five years and a letter from the school district in which the teacher was employed as a substitute teacher stating that the teacher left in good standing Any person employed as a fulltime teacher by a school district in Oklahoma for ten or more consecutive years immediately preceding an application for employment as a substitute teacher in the same school district is not required to have a national criminal history record check for as long as that person remains employed for consecutive years by that school If the substitute teacher wishes to work in another Oklahoma school district a national criminal history background check will be required If the applicant for employment meets all other criteria for employment in this school district the applicant may be employed on a temporary basis for a maximum of sixty days pending receipt of the national criminal history record check results The temporary employment of the prospective employee shall terminate after sixty days unless the school district receives the results of the national criminal history records check The sixty day temporary employment period shall begin on the first day the prospective employee reports for duty at the employing school district If the applicant is offered permanent employment following the review of the records search the search fee willwill not be reimbursed in full ADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that upon the recommendation of the administrator the board will adopt general and personnel policies to serve as a basis for the administration of the school and as a guide to the administrator and other employees in conducting their respective duties The policies will be in published form and available to employees patrons and the Department of Education School board policies will be updated annually In cases where action must be taken involving the operation of the school district and where no guidelines have been established by board of education policy the superintendent will have the authority to act In such cases the superintendent shall use hisher own best judgment based on what heshe believes the policy would be if it existed Such emergency policy decisions will be reported to the president as soon as practical and to the board of education at its next meeting The board will then determine whether a permanent policy should be established BACKGROUND Tannehill Public Schools is an elementary school district that serves prekindergarten PK through eighth grade students TPS is located in Pittsburg County near McAlester Oklahoma The district covers square miles in a predominately rural setting According to the Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society the first Tannehill School was built in on the land of Joseph David Tannehill It was a wooden structure and was later destroyed by fire The second school was built in and located a mile west of the present school site The second school was demolished in and the present school building was erected on land donated by Fred and Florence Lowe in the late School Phone Number School Fax Number Superintendent Cell Teachers and staff on regular schedule begin the work day at am and conclude the work day at pm Classes convene at am and final student dismissal bell rings at pm STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Teachers are charged with the education of the youth of this State In order to perform effectively teachers must demonstrate a belief in the worth and dignity of each human being recognizing the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth devotion to excellence and the nurture of democratic principles In recognition of the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process and by virtue of the desire of the respect and confidence of their colleagues students parents and the community teachers are to be guided in their conduct by their commitment to their students and their profession PRINCIPLE I", "question_text": "Any person who has been employed as a full-time teacher by a school district who applies for employment as a full-time teacher in \nanother school district may not be required to have a national criminal history background check completed if the teacher produces a \ncopy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five (5) years and a letter from the school district in \nwhich the teacher was employed stating the teacher left in good standing. \n \nAny person who has been employed as a substitute teacher by a school for a minimum of five (5) years preceding an application to be \nemployed as a full-time teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check completed if the teacher can \nproduce a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five (5) years and a letter from the school \ndistrict in which the teacher was employed as a substitute teacher stating that the teacher left in good standing. \n \nAny person employed as a full-time teacher by a school district in Oklahoma for ten (10) or more consecutive years immediately \npreceding an application for employment as a substitute teacher in the same school district is not required to have a national criminal \nhistory record check for as long as that person remains employed for consecutive years by that school. If the substitute teacher wishes \nto work in another Oklahoma school district, a national criminal history background check will be required. \n \nIf the applicant for employment meets all other criteria for employment in this school district, the applicant may be employed on a \ntemporary basis for a maximum of sixty (60) days pending receipt of the national criminal history record check results. The \ntemporary employment of the prospective employee shall terminate after sixty (60) days unless the school district receives the results \nof the national criminal history records check. The sixty (60) day temporary employment period shall begin on the first day the \nprospective employee reports for duty at the employing school district. If the applicant is offered permanent employment following \nthe review of the records search, the search fee will/will not be reimbursed in full. \n \nADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that, upon the recommendation of the administrator, the board will adopt general \nand personnel policies to serve as a basis for the administration of the school and as a guide to the administrator and other employees \nin conducting their respective duties. The policies will be in published form and available to employees, patrons, and the Department \nof Education. School board policies will be updated annually. \n \nIn cases where action must be taken involving the operation of the school district and where no guidelines have been established by \nboard of education policy, the superintendent will have the authority to act. In such cases, the superintendent shall use his/her own \nbest judgment based on what he/she believes the policy would be if it existed. Such emergency policy decisions will be reported to \nthe president as soon as practical and to the board of education at its next meeting. The board will then determine whether a \npermanent policy should be established. \n \nBACKGROUND \nTannehill Public Schools is an elementary school district that serves pre-kindergarten (PK) \nthrough eighth grade students. TPS is located in Pittsburg County near McAlester, Oklahoma. \nThe district covers 59 square miles in a predominately rural setting. \nAccording to the Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, the first Tannehill \nSchool was built in 1905 on the land of Joseph David Tannehill. It was a wooden structure and \nwas later destroyed by fire. The second school was built in 1910 and located a mile west of the \npresent school site. The second school was demolished in 1957, and the present school building \nwas erected on land donated by Fred and Florence Lowe in the late 1950s. \n \n \nSchool Phone Number: 918-423-6393 \nSchool Fax Number: 918-423-3068 \nSuperintendent Cell: 918-916-7170 \n \nTeachers and staff on regular schedule begin the work day at 7:30 a.m. and conclude the work day at 3:30 p.m. \nClasses convene at 7:55 a.m. and final student dismissal bell rings at 3:15 p.m. \n \n \nSTANDARDS OF CONDUCT \nTeachers are charged with the education of the youth of this State. In order to perform effectively, teachers must demonstrate a belief \nin the worth and dignity of each human being, recognizing the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and \nthe nurture of democratic principles. \nIn recognition of the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process and by virtue of the desire of the respect and \nconfidence of their colleagues, students, parents, and the community, teachers are to be guided in their conduct by their commitment \nto their students and their profession. \n \nPRINCIPLE I", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": "COMMITMENT TO THE STUDENTS Oklahoma Administrative Code OAC Effective June The teacher must strive to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society The teacher must work to stimulate the spirit of inquiry the acquisition of knowledge and understanding and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals In fulfillment of the obligation to the student the teacher", "question_text": "COMMITMENT TO THE STUDENTS \nOklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 210:20-29-3 \u2013 Effective June 25, 1993 \nThe teacher must strive to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society. The teacher must \nwork to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy \ngoals. \nIn fulfillment of the obligation to the student, the teacher:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning", "question_text": "1. Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view", "question_text": "2. Shall not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the students progress", "question_text": "3. Shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the student's progress,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety", "question_text": "4. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement", "question_text": "5. Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not on the basis of race color creed sex national origin marital status political or religious beliefs family social or cultural background or sexual orientation unfairly a Exclude any student from participation in any program b Deny benefits to any students or c Grant any advantage to any student", "question_text": "6. Shall not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social, or \ncultural background, or sexual orientation, unfairly \na. \nExclude any student from participation in any program; \nb. Deny benefits to any students; or \nc. \nGrant any advantage to any student.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage", "question_text": "7. Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose and is permitted by law or is required by law PRINCIPLE II COMMITMENT TO THE PROFESSION Oklahoma Administrative Code OAC Effective June The teaching profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service In order to assure that the quality of the services of the teaching profession meets the expectations of the State and its citizens the teacher shall exert every effort to raise professional standards fulfill professional responsibilities with honor and integrity promote a climate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment achieve conditions which attract persons worthy of the trust to careers in education and assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession the educator", "question_text": "8. Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves a \ncompelling professional purpose and is permitted by law or is required by law. \n \nPRINCIPLE II \nCOMMITMENT TO THE PROFESSION \nOklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 210:20-29-4 \u2013 Effective June 25, 1993 \nThe teaching profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service. \nIn order to assure that the quality of the services of the teaching profession meets the expectations of the State and its citizens, the \nteacher shall exert every effort to raise professional standards, fulfill professional responsibilities with honor and integrity, promote a \nclimate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment, achieve conditions which attract persons worthy of the trust to careers \nin education, and assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons. \nIn fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not in an application for a professional position deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications", "question_text": "1. Shall not, in an application for a professional position, deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact \nrelated to competency and qualifications;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not misrepresent hisher professional qualifications", "question_text": "2. Shall not misrepresent his/her professional qualifications;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not assist any entry into the profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character education or other relevant attribute", "question_text": "3. Shall not assist any entry into the profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character, education, or other \nrelevant attribute;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for a professional position", "question_text": "4. Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for a professional position;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not assist an unqualified person in the unauthorized practice of the profession", "question_text": "5. Shall not assist an unqualified person in the unauthorized practice of the profession;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law", "question_text": "6. Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a \ncompelling professional purpose or is required by law;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague and", "question_text": "7. Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not accept any gratuity gift or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions PRINCIPLE III Title Oklahoma Statute Section Subject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act of a career teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for", "question_text": "8. Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions. \n \n \n \nPRINCIPLE III \nTitle 70, Oklahoma Statute, Section 6-101.22 \nSubject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990, a career teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-17", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Willful neglect of duty", "question_text": "1. Willful neglect of duty;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-18", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Repeated negligence in performance of duty", "question_text": "2. Repeated negligence in performance of duty;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-19", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Mental or physical abuse to a child", "question_text": "3. Mental or physical abuse to a child;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-20", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Incompetency", "question_text": "4. Incompetency;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-21", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Instructional ineffectiveness", "question_text": "5. Instructional ineffectiveness;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-22", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Unsatisfactory teaching performance or", "question_text": "6. Unsatisfactory teaching performance; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-23", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Commission of an act of moral turpitude", "question_text": "7. Commission of an act of moral turpitude.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-24", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Abandonment of contract Subject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act a probationary teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for cause A teacher shall be dismissed or not reemployed unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon has been issued if during the term of employment the teacher is convicted in this state the United States or another state of", "question_text": "8. Abandonment of contract. \nSubject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act, a probationary teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for cause. \nA teacher shall be dismissed or not reemployed unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon has been issued, if during the term of \nemployment the teacher is convicted in this state, the United States, or another state of:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-25", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Any sex offense subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act in this state or subject to another states or the federal sex offender registration provisions or", "question_text": "1. Any sex offense subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act in this state or subject to another state's or the federal sex \noffender registration provisions; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-26", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Any felony offense", "question_text": "2. Any felony offense.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": "A teacher may be dismissed refused employment or not reemployed after a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the effectiveness of the individuals performance of school duties As used in this subsection", "question_text": "A teacher may be dismissed, refused employment or not reemployed after a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual \nactivity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the effectiveness of the individual's performance of school duties. As used in this \nsubsection:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Criminal sexual activity means the commission of an act as defined in Section of Title of the Oklahoma Statutes which is the act of sodomy and", "question_text": "1. \"Criminal sexual activity\" means the commission of an act as defined in Section 886 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, \nwhich is the act of sodomy; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Sexual misconduct means the soliciting or imposing of criminal sexual activity As used in this Section abandonment of contract means the failure of a teacher to report at the beginning of the contract term or otherwise perform the duties of a contract of employment when the teacher has accepted other employment or is performing work for another employer that prevents the teacher from fulfilling the obligations of the contract of employment Signed into Law April BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall govern visitors attending board meetings Any individual wishing to address the board of education shall communicate such wish to the superintendent by letter The letter must state the nature of the matter to be discussed the full name of the person making the request and what is expected from the board The letter must be received by the superintendent at least hours prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to be placed on the agenda The agenda must be posted twentyfour business hours prior to the meeting The superintendent must inform the board president of any individual or organization denied the opportunity to address the board of education SALARY DEDUCTIONS Federal and state income tax and social security deductions are mandatory by federal and Oklahoma law The school district is required to make payroll deductions for professional organization dues and political contributions upon the request of any employee Such deductions shall be on a tenmonth basis unless otherwise designated by the employee organization Other deductions may be authorized by the Tannehill Board of Education upon request and authorization of the employee However a school employee may request in writing at any time for the district to immediately terminate or initiate payroll deductions to a professional organization Within five business days of receipt of a request or by the next pay period whichever is earlier the district shall terminate or initiate any future payroll deductions of the requesting employee to a professional organization Within fifteen business days of receipt of a request the district shall notify the professional organization of the initiation or termination of payroll deductions If the request is to terminate a deduction the district shall not make any advance payments to any professional organization of any future dues on behalf of the employee The board shall require a minimum of two employees to request deductions for any other specific payee ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to encourage the prosecution of any person who commits assault battery or assault and battery upon the person of a school employee or student or threatens and places an employee or student of the public schools in immediate fear of bodily harm while the employee or student is in the performance of his duties as a school employee or student The following statement will be posted in at least one prominent location at each school site FELONY CHARGES MAY BE FILED AGAINST ANY PERSONS COMMITTING AN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT OR BATTERY UPON ANY SCHOOL EMPLOYEE School employee is hereby defined to include any duly appointed person or employee of a firm contracting with a school system for any purpose including personnel not directly related to the teaching process and including school board members during school board meetings ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES REGULATION Assaultsbattery upon school district personnel andor students will not be tolerated Appropriate action must be taken immediately Procedures to be followed by the building administrator when an assaultbattery has occurred are", "question_text": "2. \"Sexual misconduct\" means the soliciting or imposing of criminal sexual activity. \nAs used in this Section, \"abandonment of contract\" means the failure of a teacher to report at the beginning of the contract term or \notherwise perform the duties of a contract of employment when the teacher has accepted other employment or is performing work for \nanother employer that prevents the teacher from fulfilling the obligations of the contract of employment. \nSigned into Law \nApril 25, 2006 \n \nBOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS \nPUBLIC PARTICIPATION \n \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern visitors attending board meetings. \n \nAny individual wishing to address the board of education shall communicate such wish to the superintendent by letter. The letter must \nstate the nature of the matter to be discussed, the full name of the person making the request, and what is expected from the board. \nThe letter must be received by the superintendent at least 72 hours prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to be placed \non the agenda. (The agenda must be posted twenty-four business hours prior to the meeting.) The superintendent must inform the \nboard president of any individual or organization denied the opportunity to address the board of education. \n \nSALARY DEDUCTIONS \nFederal and state income tax and social security deductions are mandatory by federal and Oklahoma law. The school district is \nrequired to make payroll deductions for professional organization dues and political contributions upon the request of any employee. \nSuch deductions shall be on a ten-month basis unless otherwise designated by the employee organization. Other deductions may be \nauthorized by the Tannehill Board of Education upon request and authorization of the employee. \n \nHowever, a school employee may request in writing at any time for the district to immediately terminate or initiate payroll deductions \nto a professional organization. Within five (5) business days of receipt of a request or by the next pay period, whichever is earlier, the \ndistrict shall terminate or initiate any future payroll deductions of the requesting employee to a professional organization. Within \nfifteen (15) business days of receipt of a request, the district shall notify the professional organization of the initiation or termination \nof payroll deductions. If the request is to terminate a deduction, the district shall not make any advance payments to any professional \norganization of any future dues on behalf of the employee. \n \nThe board shall require a minimum of 2 (two) employees to request deductions for any other specific payee. \n \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to encourage the prosecution of any person who commits assault, battery, or \nassault and battery upon the person of a school employee or student or threatens and places an employee or student of the public \nschools in immediate fear of bodily harm while the employee or student is in the performance of his duties as a school employee or \nstudent. The following statement will be posted in at least one prominent location at each school site: \n \n \nFELONY CHARGES MAY BE FILED AGAINST ANY PERSON(S) COMMITTING AN AGGRAVATED \nASSAULT OR BATTERY UPON ANY SCHOOL EMPLOYEE. \n \nSchool employee is hereby defined to include any duly appointed person or employee of a firm contracting with a school system for \nany purpose, including personnel not directly related to the teaching process and including school board members during school board \nmeetings. \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \n(REGULATION) \nAssaults/battery upon school district personnel and/or students will not be tolerated. Appropriate action must be taken immediately. \nProcedures to be followed by the building administrator when an assault/battery has occurred are:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Restore order and contact proper law enforcement authorities if necessary", "question_text": "1. \nRestore order and contact proper law enforcement authorities, if necessary;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Secure medical assistance if necessary", "question_text": "2. \nSecure medical assistance, if necessary;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Conduct a preliminary investigation", "question_text": "3. \nConduct a preliminary investigation;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 8, "standardized_text": " Submit a written report to the superintendent After reviewing the written report of the incident the superintendent may refer the matter to the district attorney Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the individual employees or students right or duty to report such occurrence BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS The Tannehill Board of Education believes that the education of children is dependent upon many factors including a proper physical environment that is safe clean attractive and smoothly functioning The care custody and safekeeping of all school district property is the general responsibility of the superintendent It is also the superintendents responsibility to establish procedures for the proper maintenance and safekeeping of school property Citizens of the district students and members of the police department are encouraged to cooperate in reporting to the chief of security any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the district and the names of the person or persons believed to be responsible Every employee of the district shall report to the principal of the school and the principal in turn to the chief of security any incident of vandalism known to them and if known the names of those responsible The superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press charges against perpetrators of vandalism to school property The superintendent is further authorized to delegate as seen fit authority to sign such complaints and to press charges The superintendent shall have authority to let contracts for minor repair work not exceeding Contracts beyond minor repair shall require board approval For public use of school property see the policy on the community use of school property located elsewhere in this manual see policy GK The school district shall be entitled to recover damages in a court of competent jurisdiction from the parents of any minor under years of age living with the parents at the time of the act who commits any criminal or delinquent act resulting in bodily injury to any person or damage to or larceny of any property real personal or mixed belonging to the school district The amount of damages awarded shall not exceed EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for equipment or supplies used by the teacher Inventories will be made of all equipment books furniture computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the school year The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent No school property or equipment may be removed from the school for nonschool use without the approval of the superintendent Any equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator The borrower shall assume the expense of the operator and the full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrowers possession Equipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed When no longer needed for the original program or project the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which are approved by the superintendent or designee Prior to any sale of property the board of education will need to vote to declare the property as surplus When acquiring replacement property the school district may utilize the equipment to be replaced as a tradein or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property Any property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory lists with a description of the property a serial number or other identification number the source of funding for the property the acquisition date and the cost of the property the location use and condition of the property any ultimate disposition information including the date of disposal and sale price of the property Any sale of property that was purchased with federal funding must ensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal property INVENTORIES REGULATION", "question_text": "4. \nSubmit a written report to the superintendent. \n \nAfter reviewing the written report of the incident, the superintendent may refer the matter to the district attorney. \n \nNothing herein shall be construed as limiting the individual employee's or student's right or duty to report such occurrence. \n \n \n \nBUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT, AND GROUNDS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that the education of children is dependent upon many factors including a proper physical \nenvironment that is safe, clean, attractive, and smoothly functioning. \n \nThe care, custody, and safekeeping of all school district property is the general responsibility of the superintendent. It is also the \nsuperintendent's responsibility to establish procedures for the proper maintenance and safekeeping of school property. \n \nCitizens of the district, students, and members of the police department are encouraged to cooperate in reporting to the chief of \nsecurity any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the district and the name(s) of the person or persons believed to be \nresponsible. Every employee of the district shall report to the principal of the school - and the principal in turn to the chief of security \n- any incident of vandalism known to them, and, if known, the names of those responsible. \n \nThe superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press charges against perpetrators of vandalism to school \nproperty. The superintendent is further authorized to delegate, as seen fit, authority to sign such complaints and to press charges. \n \nThe superintendent shall have authority to let contracts for minor repair work not exceeding $2,500. Contracts beyond minor repair \nshall require board approval. \n \nFor public use of school property, see the policy on the community use of school property located elsewhere in this manual (see policy \nGK). \n \nThe school district shall be entitled to recover damages in a court of competent jurisdiction from the parents of any minor under 18 \nyears of age, living with the parents at the time of the act, who commits any criminal or delinquent act resulting in bodily injury to any \nperson or damage to or larceny of any property, real, personal or mixed, belonging to the school district. The amount of damages \nawarded shall not exceed $2,500.00. \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for \nequipment or supplies used by the teacher. \n \nInventories will be made of all equipment, books, furniture, computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the school \nyear. The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent. \n \nNo school property or equipment may be removed from the school for non-school use without the approval of the superintendent. \nAny equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator. The borrower shall assume the expense of the operator and \nthe full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrower's possession. \n \nEquipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed. When \nno longer needed for the original program or project, the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which are approved \nby the superintendent or designee. Prior to any sale of property, the board of education will need to vote to declare the property as \nsurplus. When acquiring replacement property, the school district may utilize the equipment to be replaced as a trade-in or sell the \nproperty and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property. \n \nAny property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory lists \nwith a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of funding for the property, the \nacquisition date, and the cost of the property, the location, use and condition of the property, any ultimate disposition information \nincluding the date of disposal and sale price of the property. Any sale of property that was purchased with federal funding must \nensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal property. \n \n \nINVENTORIES \n(REGULATION)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 9, "standardized_text": "Inventories must be maintained by all personnel of the Tannehill Public School System should it become necessary to file claims arising from fire theft or storm damage A separate furniture and equipment list must be used for each room of the building listing all items of furniture and equipment that are movable or portable A furniture and equipment inventory book is provided by the administration office for the purpose of recording all pertinent data Exact instructions are listed in this book Building inventories are the responsibility of the principals Classroom inventories are the responsibility of the teachers Inventory of furniture and nonconsumable equipment is a responsibility of the building principal Furniture and equipment inventories must be submitted to the Principal on the last working day for teachers of each school year Copies of all inventories will be stored away from the specific location TEXTBOOKS DISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF The Tannehill Board of Education believes that all employees and students are responsible for the proper care of school facilities equipment and property in their use or under their control Cooperation is expected from the professional staff regarding the care and distribution of schoolowned textbooks The superin tendent may delegate authority to building principals for the care custody and distribution of textbooks as well as other instructional material and equipment Students are required to return all districtowned texts to the teacher who issued them at the end of the period of use Failure to return books at the appropriate time will result in the student paying for the cost of the replacement The student assumes the cost of any text lost or damaged It must be paid before new text is issued or before credit for courses will be given If a misplaced book is returned the student may be refunded any charges previously paid to the school for the book The school district will not and the superintendent is not authorized to prevent a student from receiving a grade to which the student is entitled from graduating upon completion of graduation requirements or from obtaining any records or information supplied to the school or otherwise owned by the student The school district will forward all educational records of a student to another school district in which the child is enrolling within three business days of the request as per OS regardless of whether all fines and fees have been paid by the former student TELEPHONES The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that telephone communications by staff and students are occasionally necessary However classes must not be interrupted for routine telephone calls See Student Handbook for Cellphone policy applying to student use School staff may possess without permission wireless telecommunications devices on school property or while attending any school sponsored activities on or off school property Wireless telecommunications devices include but are not limited to beepers pagers and cellular telephones Devices should be turned off while teachers are in their instructional setting with students Devices may not be used while the teacher or other staff is in control of students unless needed for an emergency or needed for duties and responsibilities of that position Devices that include imaging capabilities such as phone cameras should be used with discretion and for positive promotional information when publishing to social media or school websites namely Devices may be used in support of the educational process or to produce materialcontent for the school yearbook or school website Staff should use care and discretion in capturing only images that report student achievement in a positive way Embarrassing photos or images may be classified as cyberbullying and bring disciplinary action Staff should also be aware of policy on directory information and abide by parental requests regarding publication of their childs photo or image Some parents do not want their childs photo published Staff should also use discernment and refrain from excessive use of phone cameras and similar technology STAFFSTUDENT COMMUNICATIONS It is the intent of the Tannehill Board of Education to make students parents and guardians aware of allowable communications between students and staff", "question_text": "Inventories must be maintained by all personnel of the Tannehill Public School System should it become necessary to file claims \narising from fire, theft, or storm damage. \n \nA separate furniture and equipment list must be used for each room of the building listing all items of furniture and equipment that are \nmovable or portable. \n \nA furniture and equipment inventory book is provided by the administration office for the purpose of recording all pertinent data. \nExact instructions are listed in this book. \n \nBuilding inventories are the responsibility of the principals. Classroom inventories are the responsibility of the teachers. Inventory of \nfurniture and nonconsumable equipment is a responsibility of the building principal. Furniture and equipment inventories must be \nsubmitted to the Principal on the last working day for teachers of each school year. Copies of all inventories will be stored away from \nthe specific location. \n \nTEXTBOOKS: \nDISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that all employees and students are responsible for the proper care of school facilities, \nequipment, and property in their use or under their control. \n \nCooperation is expected from the professional staff regarding the care and distribution of school-owned textbooks. The superin-\ntendent may delegate authority to building principals for the care, custody, and distribution of textbooks, as well as other instructional \nmaterial and equipment. \n \nStudents are required to return all district-owned texts to the teacher who issued them at the end of the period of use. Failure to return \nbooks at the appropriate time will result in the student paying for the cost of the replacement. The student assumes the cost of any text \nlost or damaged. It must be paid before new text is issued or before credit for courses will be given. If a misplaced book is returned, \nthe student may be refunded any charges previously paid to the school for the book. \n \nThe school district will not - and the superintendent is not authorized to - prevent a student from receiving a grade, to which the \nstudent is entitled, from graduating upon completion of graduation requirements, or from obtaining any records or information \nsupplied to the school or otherwise owned by the student. \n \nThe school district will forward all educational records of a student to another school district in which the child is enrolling within \nthree (3) business days of the request as per 70 O.S. \u00a7 24-101.4 regardless of whether all fines and fees have been paid by the former \nstudent. \n \nTELEPHONES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that telephone communications by staff and students are occasionally necessary. \nHowever, classes must not be interrupted for routine telephone calls. \n(See Student Handbook for Cellphone policy applying to student use) \n \nSchool staff may possess, without permission, wireless telecommunications devices on school property or while attending any school-\nsponsored activities on or off school property. Wireless telecommunications devices include, but are not limited to, beepers, pagers, \nand cellular telephones. Devices should be turned off while teachers are in their instructional setting with students. Devices \nmay not be used while the teacher or other staff is in control of students unless needed for an emergency or needed for duties \nand responsibilities of that position. Devices that include imaging capabilities such as phone cameras should be used with discretion \nand for positive promotional information when publishing to social media or school websites; namely: \n \n\u2022 \nDevices may be used in support of the educational process or to produce material/content for the school yearbook or school \nwebsite. Staff should use care and discretion in capturing only images that report student achievement in a positive way. \nEmbarrassing photos or images may be classified as cyberbullying and bring disciplinary action. \n \n\u2022 \nStaff should also be aware of policy on directory information and abide by parental requests regarding publication of their \nchild\u2019s photo or image. Some parents do not want their child\u2019s photo published. \n \n\u2022 \nStaff should also use discernment and refrain from excessive use of phone cameras and similar technology. \n \nSTAFF-STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS \nIt is the intent of the Tannehill Board of Education to make students, parents, and guardians aware of allowable \ncommunications between students and staff.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 10, "standardized_text": "School personnel shall refrain from communicating with students outside the school setting An exception will apply if the school administration receives written consent from a students parents or guardian which will outline the school related items that may be discussed and the preferred method of StaffStudent Communications If school personnel engage in communications with students outside the school setting and the communication conflicts with the written permission granted by the parentguardian of the student the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action by the school district Such disciplinary action could include termination of employment with the school district BUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY School bus drivers are prohibited from text messaging andor using cell phones while driving a school bus or school owned vehicle If an emergency situation arises the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and place an emergency call to the appropriate legal authorities Any bus driver found to have engaged in text messaging or the nonschool emergency use of a cell phone while driving a school vehicle shall be subject to disciplinary measures which could include termination of employment It is not illegal for a school bus driver to utilize a handheld device when necessary to communicate with the central dispatch school transportation department or its equivalent In an emergency situation where a bus driver needs to use a handheld device to communicate with the school central office the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and stop while communicating with the school office HEALTH INSURANCE The Tannehill Board of Education will provide a health insurance program for all teachers who work six hours or more and will pay the premium cost per month for each teacher in accordance with the provisions of state law Those teachers who opt out of the health insurance program may utilize the above amount toward any of the following fringe benefits", "question_text": "School personnel shall refrain from communicating with students outside the school setting. An exception will apply if the \nschool administration receives written consent from a student\u2019s parents or guardian, which will outline the school related items \nthat may be discussed and the preferred method of Staff-Student Communications. \n \nIf school personnel engage in communications with students outside the school setting and the communication conflicts with \nthe written permission granted by the parent/guardian of the student, the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action by the \nschool district. Such disciplinary action could include termination of employment with the school district. \n \nBUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY \nSchool bus drivers are prohibited from text messaging and/or using cell phones while driving a school bus or school owned \nvehicle. If an emergency situation arises, the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and place an emergency call to \nthe appropriate legal authorities. Any bus driver found to have engaged in text messaging or the nonschool emergency use of a \ncell phone while driving a school vehicle shall be subject to disciplinary measures which could include termination of \nemployment. \n \nIt is not illegal for a school bus driver to utilize a hand-held device when necessary to communicate with the central dispatch \nschool transportation department or its equivalent. In an emergency situation where a bus driver needs to use a hand-held \ndevice to communicate with the school central office the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and stop while \ncommunicating with the school office.* \n \n \nHEALTH INSURANCE \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will provide a health insurance program for all teachers who work six (6) hours or more and will \npay the premium cost per month for each teacher in accordance with the provisions of state law. Those teachers who opt out of the \nhealth insurance program may utilize the above amount toward any of the following fringe benefits:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 10, "standardized_text": " Programs approved by the board through the districts Section plan", "question_text": "1. \nPrograms approved by the board through the district's Section 125 plan;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 10, "standardized_text": " Taxable cash payment Health and dental insurance benefits may be provided to the board of education at the same rate as for all employees FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT The Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act its regulations and relevant court decisions This district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the US Department of Labor The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act subject to approval of this board FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT PROCEDURES It is the intent of this school district to fully comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA its regulations and relevant court decisions and to cooperate with state agencies in an effort to maintain compliance with the FLSA The following procedures and guidelines are to be followed in each department to ensure employees are properly compensated for approved hours worked in excess of the established work week as required by the provisions of the FLSA Definitions Overtime is defined as authorized compensable work time in excess of forty hours per work week A work week for fulltime nonexempt employees is forty hours during one consecutive sevenday period beginning at am on Saturday and ending at midnight on the following Friday Noncovered employees are those who are excluded from the definition of employee within the meaning of USCA e Supp Covered employees are those who meet the definition of employee within the meaning of USCA e Supp Covered employees will be either exempt or nonexempt employees An exempt employee is a covered employee who is exempt from FLSA by virtue of meeting one of the tests for exemption", "question_text": "2. \nTaxable cash payment. \n \nHealth and dental insurance benefits may be provided to the board of education at the same rate as for all employees. \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act, its regulations, and relevant court decisions. \nThis district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the U.S. Department of \nLabor. The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance. \n \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor \nStandards Act subject to approval of this board. \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nPROCEDURES \nIt is the intent of this school district to fully comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), its regulations, and relevant court \ndecisions and to cooperate with state agencies in an effort to maintain compliance with the FLSA. \n \nThe following procedures and guidelines are to be followed in each department to ensure employees are properly compensated for \napproved hours worked in excess of the established work week as required by the provisions of the FLSA. \n \nDefinitions \n \n\"Overtime\" is defined as authorized, compensable work time in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. \n \nA \"work week\" for full-time nonexempt employees is forty (40) hours during one consecutive seven-day period beginning at 12:00:01 \na.m. on Saturday and ending at 12:00 midnight on the following Friday. \n \n\"Non-covered employees\" are those who are excluded from the definition of \"employee\" within the meaning of 29 USCA \u00a7203(e) \n(Supp. 1990). \n \n\"Covered employees\" are those who meet the definition of \"employee\" within the meaning of 29 USCA \u00a7203(e) (Supp. 1990). \nCovered employees will be either exempt or nonexempt employees. \n \nAn \"exempt employee\" is a covered employee who is exempt from FLSA by virtue of meeting one of the tests for exemption.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": "A nonexempt employee is a covered employee who does not meet one of the tests for exemption Exemptions The FLSA exempts certain groups of covered employees from coverage The following categories of exemptions are established", "question_text": "A \"nonexempt employee\" is a covered employee who does not meet one of the tests for exemption. \n \nExemptions \n \nThe FLSA exempts certain groups of covered employees from coverage. The following categories of exemptions are established:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " Executives", "question_text": "1. \nExecutives", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " Administrators eg superintendents principals", "question_text": "2. \nAdministrators; e.g., superintendents, principals", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " Professionals eg teachers special education skilled service providers attorneys auditors nurses counselors FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall insure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act within this school district", "question_text": "3. \nProfessionals; e.g., teachers, special education skilled service providers, attorneys, auditors, nurses, counselors \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall insure compliance with the Fair Labor \nStandards Act within this school district.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " This district will pay all nonexempt employees at least the federal minimum wage and permit compensatory time off at the rate of one and onehalf hours off duty for each overtime hour worked Provided however that for any overtime hours to be credited for overtime pay such overtime hours must be approved in advance by that employees designated superior Failure to get approval for overtime may result in disciplinary action being taken which may include termination of employment", "question_text": "1. \nThis district will pay all nonexempt employees at least the federal minimum wage and permit compensatory time off \nat the rate of one and one-half hours off duty for each overtime hour worked. Provided, however, that for any overtime hours to be \ncredited for overtime pay such overtime hours must be approved in advance by that employee's designated superior. Failure to get \napproval for overtime may result in disciplinary action being taken, which may include termination of employment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " This district will inform employees of the law by posting information disseminated by the US Department of Labor", "question_text": "2. \nThis district will inform employees of the law by posting information disseminated by the U.S. Department of \nLabor.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " This district shall establish through separate administrative regulations the process of time keeping and procedurally complying with the Act COMP TIME POLICY The Tannehill Board of Education will fully comply with the Fair Labor and Standards Act its regulations and relevant court decisions The Fair Labor and Standards Act contains several provisions unique to state and local governments including compensatory time comp time According to the FLSA Pursuant to an agreement with employees state government agencies such as schools may arrange for their employees to earn comp time instead of cash payment for overtime hours All Tannehill School hourly employees will be given notice that comp time will be given in lieu of overtime pay This notice will be in the form of a The Employee Handbook that hourly employees will receive and attest to receiving at the time of signing their employment contract This comp time policy is contained and explained in the paragraphs below and will provide guidance and clarity as to the use of accrued comp time particulars relating to reasonable period and definitions for unduly disrupt and other pertinent terms and procedures to comply with the FLSA Eligibility for Comp Time Comp time is available to fulltime employees working a hour per week schedule Comp time is not available to salariedteaching staff Administrative approval must be granted for any overtime before any work is performed Employees may be subject to severe disciplinary action including suspension or termination for violation of preapproval rules for overtime work This disciplinary action may also extend to employees working unapproved overtime even though the employee doesnt ask for comp time or overtime pay Limit of Accrual Tannehill policy sets a limit of hours on the amount of comp an employee may retain in their available comp bank Employees with hours banked shall remain ineligible for overtime work until such time as some of the banked time is used This is so that the district can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant comp time off within a reasonable period to the eligible employee Banked comp time shall remain available to the employee throughout the full term of employment See Payments for unused compensatory time below Rate of accrual The comp time shall be provided at a rate of oneandonehalf hours for each overtime hour worked Conditions for use of compensatory time reasonable period unduly disrupt a Section o of the FLSA provides that any employee of a public agency who has accrued compensatory time and requested use of this compensatory time shall be permitted to use such time off within a reasonable period after making the request if such use does not unduly disrupt the operations of the agency This provision however does not apply to other compensatory time as defined below in ", "question_text": "3. \nThis district shall establish, through separate administrative regulations, the process of time keeping and \nprocedurally complying with the Act. \n \nCOMP TIME POLICY \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will fully comply with the Fair Labor and Standards Act, its regulations, and relevant court \ndecisions. The Fair Labor and Standards Act contains several provisions unique to state and local governments, including \ncompensatory time (\u201ccomp time\u201d). According to the FLSA, \u201cPursuant to an agreement with employees, state government agencies \u2013 \n(such as schools) \u2013 may arrange for their employees to earn comp time instead of cash payment for overtime hours.\u201d \nAll Tannehill School hourly employees will be given notice that comp time will be given in lieu of overtime pay. This notice will be \nin the form of a \u201cThe Employee Handbook\u201d that hourly employees will receive and attest to receiving at the time of signing their \nemployment contract. This comp time policy is contained and explained in the paragraphs below and will provide guidance and clarity \nas to the use of accrued comp time, particulars relating to \u201creasonable period\u201d and definitions for \u201cunduly disrupt\u201d and other pertinent \nterms and procedures to comply with the FLSA. \n \nEligibility for Comp Time \nComp time is available to full-time employees working a 40 hour per week schedule. Comp time is not available to salaried/teaching \nstaff. Administrative approval must be granted for any overtime before any work is performed. Employees may be subject to severe \ndisciplinary action including suspension or termination for violation of pre-approval rules for overtime work. This disciplinary action \nmay also extend to employees working unapproved overtime even though the employee doesn\u2019t ask for comp time or overtime pay. \n \nLimit of Accrual \nTannehill policy sets a limit of 36 hours on the amount of comp an employee may retain in their available \u201ccomp bank\u201d. Employees \nwith 36 hours banked shall remain ineligible for overtime work until such time as some of the banked time is used. This is so that the \ndistrict can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant comp time off within a reasonable period to the eligible employee. \nBanked comp time shall remain available to the employee throughout the full term of employment. (See \u201c\u00a7553.27 Payments for \nunused compensatory time\u201d below). \n \nRate of accrual. \nThe comp time shall be provided at a rate of one-and-one-half hours for each overtime hour worked. \n \nConditions for use of compensatory time (\u201creasonable period\u201d, \u201cunduly disrupt\u201d). \n(a) Section 7(o)(5) of the FLSA provides that any employee of a public agency who has accrued compensatory time and requested use \nof this compensatory time, shall be permitted to use such time off within a \u201creasonable period\u201d after making the request, if such use \ndoes not \u201cunduly disrupt\u201d the operations of the agency. This provision, however, does not apply to \u201cother compensatory time\u201d (as \ndefined below in \u00a7553.28).", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 12, "standardized_text": "b Eligible Tannehill School employees have the right to use compensatory time earned and shall not be coerced to accept more compensatory time than the district can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant within a reasonable period of his or her making a request for use of such time c Reasonable period Whether a request to use compensatory time has been granted within a reasonable period will be determined by considering the customary work practices within the agency based on the facts and circumstances in each case Such practices include but are not limited to a the normal schedule of work b anticipated peak workloads based on past experience c emergency requirements for staff and services and d the availability of qualified substitute staff The use of compensatory time in lieu of cash payment for overtime must be pursuant to some form of agreement or understanding between the employer and the employee or the representative of the employee reached prior to the performance of the work See To the extent that the conditions under which an employee can take compensatory time off are contained in an agreement or understanding as defined in the terms of such agreement or understanding will govern the meaning of reasonable period d Unduly disrupt When an employer receives a request for compensatory time off it shall be honored unless to do so would be unduly disruptive to the agencys operations Mere inconvenience to the employer is an insufficient basis for denial of a request for compensatory time off See H Rep p For an agency to turn down a request from an employee for compensatory time off requires that it should reasonably and in good faith anticipate that it would impose an unreasonable burden on the agencys ability to provide services of acceptable quality and quantity for the public during the time requested without the use of the employees services Unacceptable use of comp time which may cause undue disruption at Tannehill School will be determined on a case by case basis Some examples of unacceptable use include but are not limited to the following Scheduling comp time off in sequence with school holiday or vacation days in order to extend employee time off is not permitted This is an especially problematic disruption due to the fact that during such times several staff members may make identical requests for the same time off thereby creating a severe staff shortage During state mandated testing periods or similar schoolwide activities where employees are given specific assignments such as monitoring tests etc During scheduled school field trips Field trips are facilitated by scheduling employees to cover irregular assignments either on the trip or at school Employees will be allowed to use comp time off or personal leave in order to attend a Tannehill School field trip with their own children Payments for unused compensatory time Upon termination of employment an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time earned after April at a rate of compensation not less than The average regular rate received by such employee during the last years of the employees employment or The final regular rate received by such employee whichever is higher c The phrase last years of employment means the year period immediately prior to termination Where an employees last years of employment are not continuous because of a break in service the period of employment after the break in service will be treated as new employment However such a break in service must have been intended to be permanent and any accrued compensatory time earned after April must have been cashed out at the time of initial separation Where the final period of employment is less than years the average rate still must be calculated based on the rates in effect during such period d The term regular rate is defined in CFR As indicated in the regular rate is an hourly rate although the FLSA does not require employers to compensate employees on an hourly basis FR Jan FR Jan Other compensatory time Tannehill School will compensate other compensatory time as straighttime a Compensatory time which is earned and accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a nonstatutory that is nonFLSA requirement is considered other compensatory time c Similarly compensatory time earned or accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a standard established by the personnel policy or practice of an employer or by custom which does not result from the FLSA provision is another example of other compensatory time d The FLSA does not require that the rate at which other compensatory time is earned has to be at a rate of one and onehalf hours for each hour of employment The rate at which other compensatory time is earned may be some lesser or greater multiple of the rate or the straighttime rate itself e The requirements of section o of the FLSA including the limitations on accrued compensatory time do not apply to other compensatory time Records to be kept of compensatory time For each employee subject to the compensatory time and compensatory time off provisions of section o of the Act a public agency which is a State a political subdivision of a State or an interstate governmental agency shall maintain and preserve records containing the basic information and data required by of this title and in addition", "question_text": "(b) Eligible Tannehill School employees have the right to use compensatory time earned and shall not be coerced to accept more \ncompensatory time than the district can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant within a reasonable period of his or her \nmaking a request for use of such time. \n(c) Reasonable period. (1) Whether a request to use compensatory time has been granted within a \u201creasonable period\u201d will be \ndetermined by considering the customary work practices within the agency based on the facts and circumstances in each case. Such \npractices include, but are not limited to (a) the normal schedule of work, (b) anticipated peak workloads based on past experience, (c) \nemergency requirements for staff and services, and (d) the availability of qualified substitute staff. \n(2) The use of compensatory time in lieu of cash payment for overtime must be pursuant to some form of agreement or understanding \nbetween the employer and the employee (or the representative of the employee) reached prior to the performance of the work. (See \n\u00a7553.23.) To the extent that the (conditions under which an employee can take compensatory time off are contained in an agreement \nor understanding as defined in \u00a7553.23, the terms of such agreement or understanding will govern the meaning of \u201creasonable period\u201d. \n(d) Unduly disrupt. When an employer receives a request for compensatory time off, it shall be honored unless to do so would be \n\u201cunduly disruptive\u201d to the agency's operations. Mere inconvenience to the employer is an insufficient basis for denial of a request for \ncompensatory time off. (See H. Rep. 99-331, p. 23.) For an agency to turn down a request from an employee for compensatory time \noff requires that it should reasonably and in good faith anticipate that it would impose an unreasonable burden on the agency's ability \nto provide services of acceptable quality and quantity for the public during the time requested without the use of the employee's \nservices. \n \nUnacceptable use of comp time which may cause undue disruption at Tannehill School will be determined on a case by case basis. \nSome examples of unacceptable use include but are not limited to the following: \n\u2022 \nScheduling comp time off in sequence with school holiday or vacation days in order to extend employee time off is not \npermitted. This is an especially problematic disruption due to the fact that during such times several staff members may make \nidentical requests for the same time off thereby creating a severe staff shortage. \n\u2022 \nDuring state mandated testing periods or similar school-wide activities where employees are given specific assignments such \nas monitoring tests, etc. \n\u2022 \nDuring scheduled school field trips. Field trips are facilitated by scheduling employees to cover irregular assignments either \non the trip or at school. (Employees will be allowed to use comp time off or personal leave in order to attend a Tannehill \nSchool field trip with their own children.) \n \n\u00a7553.27 Payments for unused compensatory time. \nUpon termination of employment, an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time earned after April 14, 1986, at a rate of \ncompensation not less than\u2014 \n(1) The average regular rate received by such employee during the last 3 years of the employee's employment, or \n(2) The final regular rate received by such employee, whichever is higher. \n(c) The phrase last 3 years of employment means the 3-year period immediately prior to termination. Where an employee's last 3 years \nof employment are not continuous because of a break in service, the period of employment after the break in service will be treated as \nnew employment. However, such a break in service must have been intended to be permanent and any accrued compensatory time \nearned after April 14, 1986, must have been cashed out at the time of initial separation. Where the final period of employment is less \nthan 3 years, the average rate still must be calculated based on the rate(s) in effect during such period. \n(d) The term \u201cregular rate\u201d is defined in 29 CFR 778.108. As indicated in \u00a7778.109, the regular rate is an hourly rate, although the \nFLSA does not require employers to compensate employees on an hourly basis. \n[52 FR 2032, Jan. 16, 1987; 52 FR 2648, Jan. 23, 1987] \n \n\u00a7553.28 Other compensatory time. \nTannehill School will compensate \u201cother compensatory time\u201d as straight-time. \n(a) Compensatory time which is earned and accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a nonstatutory (that is, non-FLSA) \nrequirement is considered \u201cother\u201d compensatory time. \n(c) Similarly, compensatory time earned or accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a standard established by the \npersonnel policy or practice of an employer, or by custom, which does not result from the FLSA provision, is another example of \n\u201cother\u201d compensatory time. \n(d) The FLSA does not require that the rate at which \u201cother\u201d compensatory time is earned has to be at a rate of one and one-half hours \nfor each hour of employment. The rate at which \u201cother\u201d compensatory time is earned may be some lesser or greater multiple of the \nrate or the straight-time rate itself. \n(e) The requirements of section 7(o) of the FLSA, including the limitations on accrued compensatory time, do not apply to \u201cother\u201d \ncompensatory time. \n \n \n\u00a7553.50 Records to be kept of compensatory time. \nFor each employee subject to the compensatory time and compensatory time off provisions of section 7(o) of the Act, a public agency \nwhich is a State, a political subdivision of a State or an interstate governmental agency shall maintain and preserve records containing \nthe basic information and data required by \u00a7516.2 of this title and, in addition:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": "a The number of hours of compensatory time earned pursuant to section o each workweek or other applicable work period by each employee at the rate of one and onehalf hour for each overtime hour worked b The number of hours of such compensatory time used each workweek or other applicable work period by each employee c The number of hours of compensatory time compensated in cash the total amount paid and the date of such payment and d Any collective bargaining agreement or written understanding or agreement with respect to earning and using compensatory time off If such agreement or understanding is not in writing a record of its existence must be kept TEACHERS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that teachers are professional persons who work within a code of ethics and professional responsibility Nevertheless in the interest of consistency and uniformity the superintendent is directed to establish rules and regulations governing the activities of teachers within the Tannehill Public School system The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to an assistant To relieve teachers of the numerous semi and nonprofessional tasks which have become cumulative and which have come to consume a disproportionate amount of the teachers time and energies Assistants are not to discipline children Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal Teacher assistants will be used to perform or assist a classroom teacher to perform the following duties Hallroom duty Bus duty Playground duty Lunchroom duty Extracurricular activities involving school functions Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe The duties of teacher assistants may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under which they are employed", "question_text": "(a) The number of hours of compensatory time earned pursuant to section 7(o) each workweek, or other applicable work period, by \neach employee at the rate of one and one-half hour for each overtime hour worked; \n(b) The number of hours of such compensatory time used each workweek, or other applicable work period, by each employee; \n(c) The number of hours of compensatory time compensated in cash, the total amount paid and the date of such payment; and \n(d) Any collective bargaining agreement or written understanding or agreement with respect to earning and using compensatory time \noff. If such agreement or understanding is not in writing, a record of its existence must be kept. \n \n \n \n \n \nTEACHERS \nDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that teachers are professional persons who work within a code of ethics and professional \nresponsibility. Nevertheless, in the interest of consistency and uniformity, the superintendent is directed to establish rules and \nregulations governing the activities of teachers within the Tannehill Public School system. \n \n \nThe principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and \nresponsibilities to be assigned to an assistant. To relieve teachers of the numerous semi- and non-professional tasks which have \nbecome cumulative and which have come to consume a disproportionate amount of the teacher\u2019s time and energies. Assistants are not \nto discipline children. Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal. \nTeacher assistants will be used to perform, or assist a classroom teacher to perform, the following duties: \n \n \n* Hallroom duty \n \n \n \n* Bus duty \n \n \n* Playground duty \n \n \n* Lunchroom duty \n \n \n* Extracurricular activities involving school functions \n \n \n* Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe \n \nThe duties of teacher assistants may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under which they \nare employed:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": " Title I funds provide assistants for the Remedial Reading Program", "question_text": "1. \nTitle I funds provide assistants for the Remedial Reading Program.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": " Title VII funds provide assistants for Indian students", "question_text": "2. \nTitle VII funds provide assistants for Indian students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": " Early Childhood Intervention ECI funds provide assistants for mainstreamed students with certain specific handicaps that require frequent or constant attention SUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Support employees are to perform the duties as assigned by the administrator and be on task in those assignments Any support employee charged with monitoring students should not be using a cellphone this constitutes a neglect of duty Employees assigned to playground duty should not be congregating to converse with each other in one location but should be a visible individual moving presence focused on the activities of the students In interacting with students employees shall model respectful tone of voice avoiding sarcasm when correcting student behaviors and employ discretion as much as possible to prevent student humiliation Employees are not to leave the campus or their assigned work area during the normal work day Any absence from campus or the assigned work area must be noted on the employee timesheet and approved by the administrator Reason for the absence should be submitted in the form of a leave request PARAPROFESSIONALS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that paraprofessionals are support employees entitled to due process prior to nonrenewal or termination of employment Applicants must possess the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the appropriate State Department of Education regulation except that a paraprofessional or a volunteer will be used for each class of kindergarten through second grade which has more than students and in which twenty percent of the students are eligible to participate in the National Child Nutrition Act", "question_text": "3. \nEarly Childhood Intervention (ECI) funds provide assistants for mainstreamed students with \n \n \ncertain specific handicaps that require frequent or constant attention. \n \nSUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \nSupport employees are to perform the duties as assigned by the administrator and be on task in those assignments. Any support \nemployee charged with monitoring students should not be using a cellphone \u2013 this constitutes a neglect of duty. Employees assigned \nto playground duty should not be congregating to converse with each other in one location but should be a visible, individual moving \npresence focused on the activities of the students. In interacting with students, employees shall model respectful tone of voice, \navoiding sarcasm when correcting student behaviors and employ discretion as much as possible to prevent student humiliation. \n \nEmployees are not to leave the campus or their assigned work area during the normal work day. Any absence from campus or the \nassigned work area must be noted on the employee time-sheet and approved by the administrator. Reason for the absence should be \nsubmitted in the form of a leave request. \n \nPARAPROFESSIONALS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that paraprofessionals are support employees entitled to due process prior \nto nonrenewal or termination of employment. Applicants must possess the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the \nappropriate State Department of Education regulation except that a paraprofessional or a volunteer will be used for each class \nof kindergarten through second grade which has more than 20 students and in which twenty percent of the students are eligible \nto participate in the National Child Nutrition Act.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 14, "standardized_text": "Teacher assistants are paraprofessionals within the school district All paraprofessionals must have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent Individuals hired to be paraprofessionals must meet requirements established by state and federal laws to be authorize to serve as paraprofessionals in Title I schools and in special education settings Individuals seeking a paraprofessional credential from the State Department of Education shall submit an application and all required supporting documentation to the State Department of Education Office of Certification", "question_text": "Teacher assistants are paraprofessionals within the school district. All paraprofessionals must have earned a high school \ndiploma or its equivalent. Individuals hired to be paraprofessionals must meet requirements established by state and federal \nlaws to be authorize to serve as paraprofessionals in Title I schools and in special education settings. \n \nIndividuals seeking a paraprofessional credential from the State Department of Education shall submit an application and all \nrequired supporting documentation to the State Department of Education Office of Certification.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 14, "standardized_text": " Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for general education paraprofessionals in Title schools and avialble to general education paraprofessionals in other settings an applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria A Has a high school diploma or a General Educational Educational Development GED Diploma or other certificate of high school equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma B Has on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation OSBI C Meets at least one of the following criteria a Has completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education defined as completion of at least fortyeight credit hours of college coursework or b Has obtained an associates degree or higher or c Has either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test OGET obtained a National Career Readiness Certificate through successful completion of the ACT WorkKeys assessment or passed the ParaPro Assessment offered through the Educational Testing Service", "question_text": "1. Tier 1. In order to qualify for a Tier 1 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for general education \nparaprofessionals in Title 1 schools and avialble to general education paraprofessionals in other settings, an applicant \nmust meet the following eligibility criteria: \nA. Has a high school diploma or a General Educational Educational Development (GED) Diploma or other \ncertificate of high school equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma. \nB. Has on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the Oklahoma \nState Bureau of Investigation (OSBI). \nC. Meets at least one of the following criteria: \na. \nHas completed at least two (2) years of study at an institution of higher education, defined as \ncompletion of at least forty-eight (48) credit hours of college coursework; or \nb. Has obtained an associate\u2019s degree or higher; or \nc. \nHas either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET), obtained a National Career Readiness \nCertificate through successful completion of the ACT WorkKeys assessment, or passed the ParaPro \nAssessment offered through the Educational Testing Service.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 14, "standardized_text": " Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential issued by the State Department of Education which is valid for special education paraprofessionals an applicant shall meet the criteria for a Tier paraprofessional credential and all of the following qualifications A Has completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology centers equivalent training provided by the State Department of Education through an inperson or online program or other stateapproved training provided by a school district B Has completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation CPR and First Aid C Has completed training in Universal PrecautionsBloodborne Pathogens In the event the district requires a special education paraprofessional in order to provide necessary services to one or more students with disabilities but is unable to secure the services of an individual who holds a Tier paraprofessional credential at the time the services must be delivered the district may employ an individual on a provisional basis if the district determines the individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services An individual who is employed as a paraprofessional to provide special education services on a provisional basis must meet the criteria for a Tier credential and obtain all training required to qualify for a Tier credential within one hundred twenty calendar days of providing special education paraprofessional services in order to continue to provide special education paraprofessional services provided a criminal history record check is obtained within sixty calendar days of initial employment If it is necessary for a school district to provisionally employ a paraprofessional to provide special education services the district shall report the provisional placement of the paraprofessional and the paraprofessionals starting date of employment to the State Department of Education Office of Special Education The superintendent andor staff development committee shall develop an appropriate inservice training program for paraprofessionals Paraprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students education The basic objectives for the use of teacher assistants are To make it possible for teachers to use more variety in structuring classroom activities which will result in more meaningful education for students To enable the teacher to do more creative teaching and to use a greater variety of instructional media To enable the teacher to develop effective programs focusing upon the individual needs of each student To provide increased time for individualizing instruction evaluating learning situations student counseling and guidance for other instructional activities that will improve educational opportunities for students To relieve teachers of the numerous semi and nonprofessional tasks which have become cumulative and which have come to consume a disproportionate amount of the teachers time and energies", "question_text": "2. Tier 2. In order to qualify for a Tier 2 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential issued by the State Department of \nEducation, which is valid for special education paraprofessionals, an applicant shall meet the criteria for a Tier 1 \nparaprofessional credential and all of the following qualifications: \nA. Has completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology \ncenters, equivalent training provided by the State Department of Education through an in-person or online \nprogram, or other state-approved training provided by a school district. \nB. Has completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid. \nC. Has completed training in Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens. \n \nIn the event the district requires a special education paraprofessional in order to provide necessary services to one or more \nstudents with disabilities, but is unable to secure the services of an individual who holds a Tier 2 paraprofessional credential at \nthe time the services must be delivered, the district may employ an individual on a provisional basis if the district determines \nthe individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services. An individual who is employed as a \nparaprofessional to provide special education services on a provisional basis must meet the criteria for a Tier 1 credential, and \nobtain all training required to qualify for a Tier 2 credential within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of providing \nspecial education paraprofessional services in order to continue to provide special education paraprofessional services, \nprovided a criminal history record check is obtained within sixty (60) calendar days of initial employment. If it is necessary for \na school district to provisionally employ a paraprofessional to provide special education services, the district shall report the \nprovisional placement of the paraprofessional and the paraprofessional\u2019s starting date of employment to the State Department \nof Education Office of Special Education. \n \nThe superintendent and/or staff development committee shall develop an appropriate in-service training program for \nparaprofessionals. \n \nParaprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students\u2019 education. The basic \nobjectives for the use of teacher assistants are: \n \n 1. \nTo make it possible for teachers to use more variety in structuring classroom activities which will result in more \nmeaningful education for students. \n \n 2. \nTo enable the teacher to do more creative teaching, and to use a greater variety of instructional media. \n \n 3. \nTo enable the teacher to develop effective programs focusing upon the individual needs of each student. \n \n 4. \nTo provide increased time for individualizing instruction, evaluating learning situations, student counseling and \nguidance for other instructional activities that will improve educational opportunities for students. \n \n 5. \nTo relieve teachers of the numerous semi- and non-professional tasks which have become cumulative and which have \ncome to consume a disproportionate amount of the teacher\u2019s time and energies.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 15, "standardized_text": "The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to a paraprofessional Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal Paraprofessionals will be used to perform or assist a classroom teacher to perform the following duties Hallroom duty Bus duty Playground duty Lunchroom duty Extracurricular activities involving school functions Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe The duties of paraprofessionals may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under which they are employed Title I funds provide paraprofessionals for the Remedial Reading Program Title VI funds provide paraprofessionals for Indian students Early Childhood Intervention ECI funds provide paraprofessionals for mainstreamed students with certain specific handicaps that require frequent or constant attention TITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that Title I and Special Education paraprofessionals will be employed in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws Employment will be offered if the educational need exists and if the applicant possesses the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the appropriate State Department of Education regulations Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for general educational paraprofessionals in Title I schools and available to general education paraprofessionals in other settings an applicant must A Have a high school diploma or a General Educational Development GED Diploma or other certificate of high school equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma B Have on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the OSBI as well as a national fingerprintbased criminal history record provided by the FBI C Meet at least one of the following Has completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education", "question_text": "The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities \nto be assigned to a paraprofessional. Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children. Classroom discipline shall be left to the \ncertified teacher or building principal. \n \nParaprofessionals will be used to perform, or assist a classroom teacher to perform, the following duties: \n \n \n* Hallroom duty \n \n \n \n* Bus duty \n \n \n* Playground duty \n \n \n* Lunchroom duty \n \n \n* Extracurricular activities involving school functions \n \n \n* Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe \n \nThe duties of paraprofessionals may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under \nwhich they are employed: \n \n 1. \nTitle I funds provide paraprofessionals for the Remedial Reading Program. \n \n 2. \nTitle VI funds provide paraprofessionals for Indian students. \n \n 3. \nEarly Childhood Intervention (ECI) funds provide paraprofessionals for mainstreamed students with certain specific \nhandicaps that require frequent or constant attention. \n \nTITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that Title I and Special Education paraprofessionals will be employed in \naccordance with all applicable state and federal laws. Employment will be offered if the educational need exists and if the \napplicant possesses the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the appropriate State Department of Education \nregulations. \n \nTier 1. In order to qualify for a Tier 1 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential, which is required for general \neducational paraprofessionals in Title I schools and available to general education paraprofessionals in other \nsettings, an applicant must: \nA. Have a high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) Diploma or other certificate of high \nschool equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma. \n \nB. Have on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the OSBI as well as \na national fingerprint-based criminal history record provided by the FBI. \n \nC. Meet at least one of the following: \n 1. Has completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 15, "standardized_text": " Has obtained an associates degree or higher or", "question_text": "2. Has obtained an associate\u2019s degree or higher; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 15, "standardized_text": " Has either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test obtained a national Career Readiness Certificate through successful completion of the ACTG WorkKeys assessment or passed the ParaPro Assessment offered through the Educational Testing Service Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for special education paraprofessionals an applicant shall meet the qualifications of Tier and all of the following A Have completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology Center equivalent training provided by the State of Education through an inperson or online program or other stateapproved training provided by a school district B Have completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation CPR and First Aid", "question_text": "3. Has either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test obtained a national Career Readiness Certificate through \nsuccessful completion of the ACTG WorkKeys assessment, or passed the ParaPro Assessment offered through the \nEducational Testing Service. \n \nTier 2. In order to qualify for a Tier 2 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for special \neducation paraprofessionals, an applicant shall meet the qualifications of Tier 1 and all of the following: \nA. Have completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology Center, \nequivalent training provided by the State Dp4rametn of Education through an in-person or online program, or other \nstate-approved training provided by a school district. \n \nB. Have completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": "C Have completed training in Universal PrecautionsBloodborne Pathogens In the event a school requires a special education paraprofessional but is unable to secure the services of an individual who holds a Tier paraprofessional at the time the services must be delivered the district may employee an individual on a provision basis if the district determines the individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services The individual will have one hundred twenty calendar days of employment to provide special education paraprofessional services without certification Any provisional placement must be reported to the State Department of Education Office of Special Education The superintendent andor staff development committee shall develop an appropriate inservice training program for paraprofessionals Paraprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students education The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to a paraprofessional Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal SEXUAL HARASSMENT The policy of this school district forbids discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of sex The Tannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees This policy applies to nonemployee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel General Prohibitions", "question_text": "C. Have completed training in Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens. \n \nIn the event a school requires a special education paraprofessional, but is unable to secure the services of an individual who \nholds a Tier 2 paraprofessional at the time the services must be delivered, the district may employee an individual on a \nprovision basis if the district determines the individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services. The \nindividual will have one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of employment to provide special education paraprofessional \nservices without certification. Any provisional placement must be reported to the State Department of Education Office of \nSpecial Education. \n \nThe superintendent and/or staff development committee shall develop an appropriate in-service training program for \nparaprofessionals. \n \nParaprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students\u2019 education. The \nprincipal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to \nbe assigned to a paraprofessional. Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children. Classroom discipline shall be left to the \ncertified teacher or building principal. \n \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT \nThe policy of this school district forbids discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of sex. The \nTannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees. This policy applies to non-employee \nvolunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel. \n \nGeneral Prohibitions", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Unwelcome Conduct of a Sexual Nature A Conduct of a sexual nature may include verbal or physical sexual advances including subtle pressure for sexual activity touching pinching patting or brushing against comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature and sexuallyoriented kidding teasing double meanings and jokes B Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the allegedly harassed employee has indicated by his or her conduct that it is unwelcome", "question_text": "1. \nUnwelcome Conduct of a Sexual Nature \n \n \nA. \nConduct of a sexual nature may include verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle pressure for sexual \nactivity; touching, pinching, patting, or brushing against; comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual \nnature; and sexually-oriented \"kidding\" \"teasing,\" double meanings, and jokes. \n \n \nB. \nVerbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the allegedly harassed \nemployee has indicated, by his or her conduct, that it is unwelcome.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Sexual Harassment For the purpose of this policy unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment if A Submission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit condition of employment B Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the harassed employee or C The conduct substantially interferes with an employees work performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive work environment Specific Prohibitions", "question_text": "2. \nSexual Harassment \n \n \n \nFor the purpose of this policy, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical \nconduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment if: \n \n \nA. \nSubmission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit condition of employment; \n \n \nB. \nSubmission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the harassed \nemployee; or \n \n \nC. \nThe conduct substantially interferes with an employee's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or \noffensive work environment. \n \nSpecific Prohibitions", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Administrators and Supervisors A It is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or attention from subordinates when the subordinates failure to submit will result in adverse treatment or when the subordinates acqui escence will result in preferential treatment B Administrators and supervisors who either engage in sexual harassment or tolerate such conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions as described below", "question_text": "1. \nAdministrators and Supervisors \n \n \nA. \nIt is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or \nattention from subordinates when the subordinate's failure to submit will result in adverse treatment, or when the subordinate's acqui-\nescence will result in preferential treatment. \n \n \nB. \nAdministrators and supervisors who either engage in sexual harassment or tolerate such conduct by other employees \nshall be subject to sanctions, as described below.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Nonadministrative and Nonsupervisory Employees It is sexual harassment for a nonadministrative and nonsupervisory employee to subject another such employee to any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature Employees who engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions as described below", "question_text": "2. \nNon-administrative and Non-supervisory Employees \n \n \n \nIt is sexual harassment for a non-administrative and non-supervisory employee to subject another such employee to \nany unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Employees who engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions as described below.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": "Report Investigation and Sanctions", "question_text": "Report, Investigation, and Sanctions", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": " It is the express policy of the board of education to encourage victims of sexual harassment to come forward with such claims This may be done through the Employee Grievance policy A Employees who feel that administrators or supervisors are conditioning promotions increases in wages continuation of employment or other terms or conditions of employment upon sexual favors are encouraged to report these conditions to the appropriate administrator If the employees direct administrator or supervisor is the alleged offending person the report will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision unless it is the superintendent who is the alleged offender In which case the complaint shall be referred to the board president B Employees are also urged to report any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by supervisors or fellow employees if such conduct interferes with the individuals work performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment C Confidentiality will be maintained however absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because of due process concerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations No reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment", "question_text": "1. \nIt is the express policy of the board of education to encourage victims of sexual harassment to come forward with \nsuch claims. This may be done through the Employee Grievance policy. \n \n \nA. Employees who feel that administrators or supervisors are conditioning promotions, increases in wages, continuation \nof employment, or other terms or conditions of employment upon sexual favors, are encouraged to report these conditions \nto the appropriate administrator. If the employee's direct administrator or supervisor is the alleged offending person, the \nreport will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision, unless it is the superintendent who is the \nalleged offender. In which case, the complaint shall be referred to the board president. \n \n \nB. Employees are also urged to report any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by supervisors or fellow employees if \nsuch conduct interferes with the individual's work performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment. \n \n \nC. \nConfidentiality will be maintained; however, absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because of due process \nconcerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations. No reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of \nthe good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": " In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment the totality of the circumstances the nature of the conduct and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated The superintendent has the responsibility of investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment", "question_text": "2. \nIn determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the totality of the circumstances, the nature \nof the conduct, and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated. The superintendent has the responsibility \nof investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": " Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to sanctions including but not limited to warning suspension or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements DRUGFREE WORKPLACE In recognition of the clear danger resulting from drug abuse and in good faith effort to promote the health safety and welfare to employees students and the community it is the policy of this school district to provide a drugfree workplace in compliance with the DrugFree Schools and Communities Act Amendment of PL The superintendent is directed to develop regulations that shall be incorporated into this policy DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES The Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and to maintain a reasonably safe school environment the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs alcohol or contraband on school property Such searches will be arranged by the superintendent at hisher discretion and will target only school property including lockers and vehicle parking areas Students staff members and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal searches and will be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school property The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall govern the searching of school property by search dogs Searches of school property and grounds will be conducted during periodic unannounced visits either during school hours or non school hours at the discretion of the superintendent All lockers vehicles and school desks are subject to search If a search dog indicates the possible presence of any material that the dog is trained to detect that area or place or object will be further searched by designated school personnel No student employee or other person will be the target of a search by a search dog unless reasonable suspicion exists with regard to that particular person However if the search dog indicates the possible presence of material that the dog is trained to detect is contained in a locker desk or vehicle a further search will be conducted by designated school personnel This search will be of the cold weather outerwear purse containers or other items of concealment in the possession of the student assigned to that locker or desk or driving that vehicle", "question_text": "3. \nAny employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to sanctions, including, but not limited \nto warning, suspension, or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements. \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \nIn recognition of the clear danger resulting from drug abuse, and in good faith effort to promote the health, safety, and welfare to \nemployees, students and the community, it is the policy of this school district to provide a drug-free workplace in compliance with the \nDrug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (P.L. 101-226). \n \nThe superintendent is directed to develop regulations that shall be incorporated into this policy. \n \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and to \nmaintain a reasonably safe school environment, the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs, alcohol, or \ncontraband on school property. \n \nSuch searches will be arranged by the superintendent at his/her discretion and will target only school property including lockers and \nvehicle parking areas. Students, staff members, and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal searches and \nwill be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school property. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy. \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern the searching of school property by \nsearch dogs. \n \nSearches of school property and grounds will be conducted during periodic unannounced visits either during school hours or non-\nschool hours at the discretion of the superintendent. \n \nAll lockers, vehicles, and school desks are subject to search. If a search dog indicates the possible presence of any material that the \ndog is trained to detect, that area or place or object will be further searched by designated school personnel. \n \nNo student, employee, or other person will be the target of a search by a search dog unless reasonable suspicion exists with regard to \nthat particular person. However, if the search dog indicates the possible presence of material that the dog is trained to detect is \ncontained in a locker, desk, or vehicle, a further search will be conducted by designated school personnel. This search will be of the \ncold weather outerwear, purse, containers, or other items of concealment in the possession of the student assigned to that locker or \ndesk or driving that vehicle.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 18, "standardized_text": "Searches which disclose the presence of any material which the dog is trained to detect or any material or items which is forbidden by school policy may lead to further investigation by school officials or law enforcement officers andor disciplinary action by the school Such disciplinary action may include suspension No disciplinary action will be taken without appropriate due process Parental or legal guardian notification will be made in all cases where prohibited substances materials or items are discovered in the possession of a minor student Strip searches or removal of any clothing other than cold weather outerwear are prohibited DRUGFREE WORKPLACE NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES This school district supports the Drugfree Workplace Act of PL and all employees must individually certify their understanding of the following conditions of employment and this act Each employee is hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture distribution dispensing possession or use of a con trolled substance is prohibited in all workstations in the school district Such action is prohibited by any employee during that employees work hours or in the performance of any duties for the school system Employees are further notified that as a condition of their employment they are required to abide by the terms of this policy and that violation of any requirement will result in appropriate disciplinary action that may include a probation b suspension andor c termination Employees may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as approved for such proposes by a federal state or local health law enforcement or other appropriate agency It shall be the responsibility of the employee to report to the district any and all convictions of a criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days following such conviction The district must also notify the federal contracting officer or grant source if any within ten days after receiving notification from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction Appropriate personnel action shall follow such disclosure within", "question_text": "Searches which disclose the presence of any material which the dog is trained to detect, or any material or items which is forbidden by \nschool policy may lead to further investigation by school officials or law enforcement officers, and/or disciplinary action by the \nschool. Such disciplinary action may include suspension. No disciplinary action will be taken without appropriate due process. \nParental or legal guardian notification will be made in all cases where prohibited substances, materials, or items are discovered in the \npossession of a minor student. \n \nStrip searches or removal of any clothing other than cold weather outerwear are prohibited. \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \nNOTICE TO EMPLOYEES \n \n \nThis school district supports the \"Drug-free Workplace Act of 1988\" (P.L. 100-690) and all employees must individually \ncertify their understanding of the following conditions of employment and this act: \n \n 1. \nEach employee is hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a con-\ntrolled substance is prohibited in all workstations in the school district. Such action is prohibited by any employee \nduring that employee's work hours or in the performance of any duties for the school system. \n \n 2. \nEmployees are further notified that as a condition of their employment, they are required to abide by the terms of this \npolicy and that violation of any requirement will result in appropriate disciplinary action that may include (a) probation, \n(b) suspension, and/or (c) termination. Employees may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse \nassistance or rehabilitation program as approved for such proposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, \nor other appropriate agency. \n \n 3. \nIt shall be the responsibility of the employee to report to the district any and all convictions of a criminal drug statute \nviolation occurring in the workplace no later than five days following such conviction. The district must also notify the \nfederal contracting officer or grant source (if any) within ten (10) days after receiving notification from an employee or \notherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Appropriate personnel action shall follow such disclosure within", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 18, "standardized_text": " days of such notice Each employee will attend a district drugfree awareness program at which employees will be informed about A The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace B The district policy of maintaining a drugfree workplace C Available drug counseling rehabilitation and employee assistance programs D Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace It is a requirement of the board of education that each current employee receive a copy of this policy and that all new applicants receive a copy of this policy upon a conditional offer of employment This policy statement shall be published in appropriate documents for proper distribution and shall be posted at a prominent employee access area The district must also demonstrate a good faith effort to maintain a drugfree workplace through implementation of paragraphs", "question_text": "30 days of such notice. \n \n 4. \nEach employee will attend a district drug-free awareness program at which employees will be informed about: \n \n \nA. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; \n \nB. The district policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; \n \nC. Available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; \n \nD. Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. \n \nIt is a requirement of the board of education that each current employee receive a copy of this policy and that all new applicants \nreceive a copy of this policy upon a conditional offer of employment. This policy statement shall be published in appropriate \ndocuments for proper distribution, and shall be posted at a prominent employee access area. \n \nThe district must also demonstrate a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 18, "standardized_text": " above This is to certify that on I received a copy of this policy pertaining to the DrugFree Schools and Communities Act of PL from the Tannehill Board of Education Employees Signature", "question_text": "1-4, above. \n \n \n \nThis is to certify that on ____________________, I received a copy of this policy pertaining to the Drug-Free Schools and \nCommunities Act of 1989, P.L. 101-226, from the Tannehill Board of Education. \n \n \n \n \n _____________________________________________ \n \nEmployee's Signature", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 19, "standardized_text": "Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing regulations The board of education may require drug and alcohol testing of all new applicants upon a conditional offer of employment Substances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol The refusal of a job applicant who has been offered conditional employment to take the test will be considered as a basis for not employing the applicant Each case will be reviewed to assure compliance with current regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act The school district may request or require an employee to undergo drug andor alcohol testing as set forth below and when the superintendent at any time reasonably believes that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol including but not limited to the following a drugs or alcohol on or about the employees person or in the employees vicinity b conduct on the employees part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol c a report of drug or alcohol use while at work or on duty d information that an employee has tampered with drug or alcohol testing at any time e negative performance patterns or f excessive or unexplained absenteeism or tardiness Substances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol This school district will require school bus drivers mechanics maintenance employees and any employee who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license CDL to undergo drug or alcohol testing prior to employment and on a random selection basis The superintendent shall ensure that employees who are selected for random testing are selected on a basis that is entirely random and on a basis which results in an equal probability that any employee from a group of employees subject to the selection mechanism will be selected and does not give the district discretion to waive the selection of any employee selected See also policy DCCB and DCCB R This school district will require bus drivers mechanics maintenance personnel and any district employee who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license CDL to undergo drug or alcohol testing during routine employee fitnessforduty medical examinations See also policy DCCB and DCCBR This school district will require periodic drug and alcohol testing without prior notice of any employee who has tested positively under this policy who has participated in a drug or alcohol dependency treatment program as a result of this policy or an employee who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license CDL Any employee who refuses to submit to drug or alcohol testing may be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to termination of employment subject to all applicable due process procedures Employees who refuse to undergo a drug or alcohol test shall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct for purposes of unemployment compensation benefits In order to prove misconduct the employer need only provide proof of a testing policy and either a refusal to take a drug or alcohol test or a positive test result with chain of custody and opportunity to retest Drug Testing Procedures Drug and alcohol testing standards and procedures of this school district shall conform fully to the provisions of the State Board of Health Testing facilities used by this district shall provide evidence of having met all licensing andor certification requirements of the State Board of Health including the following", "question_text": "Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing \n(regulations) \nThe board of education may require drug and alcohol testing of all new applicants upon a conditional offer of employment. \nSubstances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol. The refusal of a job applicant who has been offered conditional employment to take \nthe test will be considered as a basis for not employing the applicant. Each case will be reviewed to assure compliance with current \nregulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. \n \nThe school district may request or require an employee to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing as set forth below and when the \nsuperintendent at any time reasonably believes that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not \nlimited to, the following: \n \na. \ndrugs or alcohol on or about the employee\u2019s person or in the employee\u2019s vicinity, \nb. conduct on the employee\u2019s part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol, \nc. \na report of drug or alcohol use while at work or on duty, \nd. information that an employee has tampered with drug or alcohol testing at any time, \ne. \nnegative performance patterns, or \nf. \nexcessive or unexplained absenteeism or tardiness; \n \nSubstances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol. \n \nThis school district will require school bus drivers, mechanics, maintenance employees, and any employee who is required to obtain a \ncommercial driver's license (CDL) to undergo drug or alcohol testing prior to employment and on a random selection basis. The \nsuperintendent shall ensure that employees who are selected for random testing are selected on a basis that is entirely random and on a \nbasis which results in an equal probability that any employee from a group of employees subject to the selection mechanism will be \nselected and does not give the district discretion to waive the selection of any employee selected. (See also policy DCCB and DCCB-\nR.) \n \nThis school district will require bus drivers, mechanics, maintenance personnel, and any district employee who is required to obtain a \ncommercial driver's license (CDL) to undergo drug or alcohol testing during routine employee fitness-for-duty medical examinations. \n(See also policy DCCB and DCCB-R.) \n \nThis school district will require periodic drug and alcohol testing without prior notice of any employee who has tested positively under \nthis policy, who has participated in a drug or alcohol dependency treatment program as a result of this policy, or an employee who is \nrequired to obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL). \n \nAny employee who refuses to submit to drug or alcohol testing may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, \ntermination of employment subject to all applicable due process procedures. Employees who refuse to undergo a drug or alcohol test \nshall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct for purposes of unemployment compensation benefits. In order to prove \nmisconduct, the employer need only provide proof of a testing policy and either a refusal to take a drug or alcohol test or a positive \ntest result with chain of custody and opportunity to retest. \n \nDrug Testing Procedures \n \nDrug and alcohol testing standards and procedures of this school district shall conform fully to the provisions of the \nState Board of Health. Testing facilities used by this district shall provide evidence of having met all licensing and/or certification \nrequirements of the State Board of Health including the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 19, "standardized_text": " Samples shall be collected and tested only by individuals deemed qualified by the State Board of Health Such samples may be collected on the premises of the school district or at a testing facility", "question_text": "1. \nSamples shall be collected and tested only by individuals deemed qualified by the State Board of Health. Such \nsamples may be collected on the premises of the school district or at a testing facility.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 19, "standardized_text": " Only samples deemed appropriate by the State Board of Health for drug and alcohol testing shall be collected", "question_text": "2. \nOnly samples deemed appropriate by the State Board of Health for drug and alcohol testing shall be collected.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The collection of samples shall be performed under reasonable and sanitary conditions", "question_text": "3. \nThe collection of samples shall be performed under reasonable and sanitary conditions.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " Samples shall be collected in sufficient quantity for splitting into two separate specimens pursuant to rules of the State Board of Health to provide for any subsequent independent analysis in the event of challenge of the test results of the main specimen", "question_text": "4. \nSamples shall be collected in sufficient quantity for splitting into two separate specimens, pursuant to rules of the \nState Board of Health, to provide for any subsequent independent analysis in the event of challenge of the test results of the main \nspecimen.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " Samples shall be collected and tested with due regard to the privacy of the individual being tested In the instances of urinalysis no representative agent or designee of the school district shall directly observe an applicant or employee in the process of producing a urine sample provided however collection shall be in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitutions or interference with the collection or testing of reliable samples The testing facility will provide the necessary documentation of testing procedure and test results to the employer requesting testing services as may be required by a court or administrative proceeding", "question_text": "5. \nSamples shall be collected and tested with due regard to the privacy of the individual being tested. In the instances \nof urinalysis, no representative, agent, or designee of the school district shall directly observe an applicant or employee in the process \nof producing a urine sample; provided, however, collection shall be in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitutions or \ninterference with the collection or testing of reliable samples. \n \n 6. \nThe testing facility will provide the necessary documentation of testing procedure and test results to the employer requesting \ntesting services as may be required by a court or administrative proceeding.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " A written record of the chain of custody of the sample shall be maintained from the time of the collection of the sample until the sample is no longer required Testing Results The following steps will be taken when an employees medical exam is positive for the presence of drugs or alcohol", "question_text": "7. \nA written record of the chain of custody of the sample shall be maintained from the time of the collection of the \nsample until the sample is no longer required. \n \nTesting Results \n \nThe following steps will be taken when an employee's medical exam is positive for the presence of drugs or alcohol:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be notified of the results of the test The applicant or employee has a right to obtain all information and records relating to that individuals testing", "question_text": "1. \nThe employee will be notified of the results of the test. The applicant or employee has a right to obtain all \ninformation and records relating to that individual's testing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be advised of the outcome of the drug screening and will be immediately removed from the current job assignment", "question_text": "2. \nThe employee will be advised of the outcome of the drug screening and will be immediately removed from the \ncurrent job assignment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be given a reasonable opportunity for confidential rebuttal of the results", "question_text": "3. \nThe employee will be given a reasonable opportunity for confidential rebuttal of the results.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " To continue employment with the district the employee must develop a written plan for improvement with the employees supervisor As an element of every plan for improvement the employee will be encouraged to voluntarily seek professional assistance andor participate in an appropriate rehabilitation program Drug and alcohol dependency evaluation and referral services for substance abuse counseling treatment or rehabilitation shall be provided to the employee", "question_text": "4. \nTo continue employment with the district, the employee must develop a written plan for improvement with the \nemployee's supervisor. As an element of every plan for improvement, the employee will be encouraged to voluntarily seek \nprofessional assistance and/or participate in an appropriate rehabilitation program. Drug and alcohol dependency evaluation and \nreferral services for substance abuse counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation shall be provided to the employee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be suspended until the employee has tested negative on a followup drug screening The follow up drug screening will be administered no earlier than seven nor more than fortyfive calendar days following the initial positive drug screening The physician who administered and interpreted the initial drug screening will make a recommendation to the district as to the amount of time that is appropriate before administering the followup drug screening depending on the type and amount of chemical substance initially detected in the employees system The employee may use existing accrued leave during this suspension If the employee does not have sufficient accrued leave to cover the absence the leave will be without pay unless prohibited by applicable law All employees hereby affected by this policy and regulation will be provided appropriate due process procedures", "question_text": "5. \nThe employee will be suspended until the employee has tested negative on a follow-up drug screening. The follow-\nup drug screening will be administered no earlier than seven nor more than forty-five (45) calendar days following the initial positive \ndrug screening. The physician who administered and interpreted the initial drug screening will make a recommendation to the district \nas to the amount of time that is appropriate before administering the follow-up drug screening, depending on the type and amount of \nchemical substance initially detected in the employee's system. The employee may use existing accrued leave during this suspension. \nIf the employee does not have sufficient accrued leave to cover the absence, the leave will be without pay unless prohibited by \napplicable law. All employees hereby affected by this policy and regulation will be provided appropriate due process procedures.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " If the followup drug screening is negative the employee may be returned to regular assignment If the drug screening is positive procedures for the employees termination will be implemented in accordance with this policy and the districts employment termination policies", "question_text": "6. \nIf the follow-up drug screening is negative, the employee may be returned to regular assignment. If the drug \nscreening is positive, procedures for the employee's termination will be implemented in accordance with this policy and the district's \nemployment termination policies.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " Any employee whose drug screening is positive a second time regardless of the length of time which has passed since the first positive test will be recommended to the board for dismissal Any employee who has once tested positive may be subject to random drug screening sampling for a period of two years commencing with the employees return to work andor may be recommended for dismissal Confidentiality The school district shall maintain the results of any drugalcohol test in confidentiality to the extent possible The employee who participates in a drugalcohol test will be provided an opportunity to review and to obtain copies of any information and records pertaining to the drugalcohol test", "question_text": "7. \nAny employee whose drug screening is positive a second time, regardless of the length of time which has passed \nsince the first positive test, will be recommended to the board for dismissal. Any employee who has once tested positive may be \nsubject to random drug screening sampling for a period of two years, commencing with the employee's return to work, and/or may be \nrecommended for dismissal. \n \nConfidentiality \n \nThe school district shall maintain the results of any drug/alcohol test in confidentiality to the extent possible. The employee who \nparticipates in a drug/alcohol test will be provided an opportunity to review and to obtain copies of any information and records \npertaining to the drug/alcohol test.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The school district will maintain all drug and alcohol test results and related information including but not limited to interviews reports statements and memoranda as confidential records separate from other personnel records Such records including the records of the testing facility shall not be used in any criminal proceeding or any civil or administrative proceeding", "question_text": "1. \nThe school district will maintain all drug and alcohol test results and related information, including, but not limited \nto, interviews, reports, statements, and memoranda, as confidential records, separate from other personnel records. Such records, \nincluding the records of the testing facility, shall not be used in any criminal proceeding, or any civil or administrative proceeding,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": "except in those actions taken by the district or in any action involving the individual tests and the district or unless such records are ordered released pursuant to a valid subpoena or other court order", "question_text": "except in those actions taken by the district or in any action involving the individual tests and the district or unless such records are \nordered released pursuant to a valid subpoena or other court order.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The records described above and maintained by the district shall be the property of this school district and upon the request of the applicant or employee tested shall be made available for inspection and copying to the applicant or employee The district will not release such records to any person other than the applicant employee or the districts review officer unless the applicant or employee has expressly granted permission in writing following receipt of the test results for the district to release such records or pursuant to a valid court order", "question_text": "2. \nThe records described above and maintained by the district shall be the property of this school district and, upon the \nrequest of the applicant or employee tested, shall be made available for inspection and copying to the applicant or employee. The \ndistrict will not release such records to any person other than the applicant, employee, or the district's review officer, unless the \napplicant or employee has expressly granted permission in writing, following receipt of the test results, for the district to release such \nrecords or pursuant to a valid court order.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " A testing facility or any agent representative or designee of the facility or any review officer shall not disclose to the district based on the analysis of a sample collected from an applicant or employee for the purpose of testing for the presence of drugs or alcohol any information relating to the general health pregnancy or other physical or mental condition of the applicant or employee A testing facility shall release the results of the drug or alcohol test and any analysis and information related thereto to the individual tested upon hisher request Other Provisions Drugalcohol tests required pursuant to this policy will be conducted during prior to or immediately after the regular work period for current employees and shall be deemed work time for purposes of compensation and benefits for current employees The school district shall pay all costs of testing for drugs or alcohol including any school requested confirmation tests and the costs of transportation to the drugalcohol test site Any individual who requests a retest of a sample in order to challenge the results of a positive test shall pay all costs of the retest unless the retest reverses the findings of the challenged positive test in which case the school district shall reimburse the individual for the costs of the retest A copy of this policy shall be posted in a prominent employee access area and shall be provided to each job applicant upon the applicants receipt of a conditional offer of employment Any employee or applicant for employment who refuses to undergo drug or alcohol testing conducted in accordance with board policy and these regulations may be disciplined up to and including termination of employment An employee discharged on the basis of a refusal to undergo drug or alcohol testing or a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act shall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct and shall be disqualified for unemployment compensation EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with the school district The resignation must be written dated and signed It must specify the date upon which the resignation is to be effective The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail return receipt requested or personally delivered to the superintendents office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation Furthermore it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen days after the first Monday in June Any individual who is a school employee contractor or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school employee contractor or agent in obtaining a new job if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law This prohibition shall not apply if", "question_text": "3. \nA testing facility, or any agent, representative or designee of the facility, or any review officer, shall not disclose to \nthe district, based on the analysis of a sample collected from an applicant or employee for the purpose of testing for the presence of \ndrugs or alcohol, any information relating to the general health, pregnancy or other physical or mental condition of the applicant or \nemployee. \n \n \n \nA testing facility shall release the results of the drug or alcohol test, and any analysis and information related thereto, \nto the individual tested upon his/her request. \n \nOther Provisions \n \nDrug/alcohol tests required pursuant to this policy will be conducted during, prior to, or immediately after the regular work period for \ncurrent employees and shall be deemed work time for purposes of compensation and benefits for current employees. \n \nThe school district shall pay all costs of testing for drugs or alcohol including any school requested confirmation tests and the costs of \ntransportation to the drug/alcohol test site. Any individual who requests a retest of a sample in order to challenge the results of a \npositive test shall pay all costs of the retest, unless the retest reverses the findings of the challenged positive test in which case the \nschool district shall reimburse the individual for the costs of the retest. \n \nA copy of this policy shall be posted in a prominent employee access area and shall be provided to each job applicant upon the \napplicant's receipt of a conditional offer of employment. \n \nAny employee or applicant for employment who refuses to undergo drug or alcohol testing conducted in accordance with board policy \nand these regulations may be disciplined up to and including termination of employment. An employee discharged on the basis of a \nrefusal to undergo drug or alcohol testing or a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test conducted in accordance with the provisions of \nthe Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act shall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct and shall be \ndisqualified for unemployment compensation. \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with \nthe school district. The resignation must be written, dated, and signed. It must specify the date upon which the resignation is \nto be effective. The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personally \ndelivered to the superintendent\u2019s office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation. \nFurthermore, it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen (15) days \nafter the first Monday in June. \n \nAny individual who is a school employee, contractor, or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school \nemployee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job, if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee, \ncontractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law. This prohibition shall \nnot apply if:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the alleged misconduct and", "question_text": "1. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with \njurisdiction over the alleged misconduct; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by Federal State or local law and", "question_text": "2. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by \nFederal, State, or local law; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual misconduct has investigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to establish probable cause that the school employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law and", "question_text": "3. The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual \nmisconduct has investigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to \nestablish probable cause that the school employee, contractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a \nminor or student in violation of the law; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The school employee contractor or agent has been charged with and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the alleged misconduct or", "question_text": "4. The school employee, contractor, or agent has been charged with, and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the \nalleged misconduct; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 22, "standardized_text": " The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against or indictment of the school employee contractor or agent within four years of the date on which the information was reported to a law enforcement agency The routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new job and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above ACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION The Tannehill Board of Education empowers the superintendent as agent of the board to accept on its behalf letters of resignation from any school district employee Receipt of a letter of resignation by the superintendent constitutes acceptance of such resignation by the board of education and releases the employee and the district from any and all further contractual obligations beyond the effective date of the resignation Any resignation received by the superintendent is irrevocable Upon receipt of a letter of resignation the superintendent will give the resigning employee either in person or by certified mail the following statement I the Superintendent of Schools acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the Tannehill Board of Education acknowledge receipt this date of a resignation from employment signed by effective the day of My signature constitutes acceptance of this resignation by the Board of Education and releases the resigning employee and the district upon the effective date of the resignation from all further contractual obligations By accepting this resignation from the employee the employees offer to be released from his or her contract with the board of education is accepted and thus the resignation is irrevocable Superintendent Employee Date", "question_text": "5. The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against, or indictment of, the school \nemployee, contractor, or agent within four (4) years of the date on which the information was reported to a law \nenforcement agency. \n \nThe routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new \njob and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above. \n \n \nACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION \n \n \nThe Tannehill Board of Education empowers the superintendent, as agent of the board, to accept on its behalf letters of resignation \nfrom any school district employee. Receipt of a letter of resignation by the superintendent constitutes acceptance of such resignation \nby the board of education and releases the employee and the district from any and all further contractual obligations beyond the \neffective date of the resignation. Any resignation received by the superintendent is irrevocable. \n \nUpon receipt of a letter of resignation, the superintendent will give the resigning employee, either in person or by certified mail, the \nfollowing statement: \n \nI, the Superintendent of Schools, acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the Tannehill Board of Education, acknowledge receipt this \ndate of a resignation from employment signed by ___________________________________________________, \n \neffective the _____ day of __________________________, __________. \n \nMy signature constitutes acceptance of this resignation by the Board of Education and releases the resigning employee and the district, \nupon the effective date of the resignation, from all further contractual obligations. By accepting this resignation from the employee, \nthe employee's offer to be released from his or her contract with the board of education is accepted, and thus the resignation is \nirrevocable. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nSuperintendent____________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nEmployee________________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n_______________ \n \nDate", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 23, "standardized_text": "SALARIES AND EXPENSES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that no teacher shall be paid less than the state schedule Extra duties shall be compensated for as scheduled A schedule of salaries and fringe benefits paid to administrators will be filed with the State Department of Education by October each year Hourly wages for support employees will be established by the board of education All teachers shall be paid not later than the day of each month If the falls on a weekend or a holiday teachers shall be paid on the last preceding school day All fulltime employees who are exempt from the hourly wage requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid on a twelve month basis The board shall also provide for a staff leave program and reimbursement of approved expenses TRAVEL AND EXPENSES It is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the board and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent Requests and arrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrators office Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar Emergency travel will be placed on the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local funding The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local funding The school will reimburse reasonable costs subject to the availability of funds for approved and documented travel Lodging expenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed per nightper person Documented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed per meal or per day when appropriate receipts are provided The district will pay up to of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity The costs of meals and incidental expenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item by the board The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be itemized and documented If overnight travel is not involved andor a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a legitimate business meeting relating to school business reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and run through payroll Expenses for registration parking toll charges and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or notarized affidavits School vehicles when available may be used for official business only Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles are not available Mileage expense will be reimbursed at centsper mile at the current IRS approved rate per mile when a school gasoline credit card is not used Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrators office The forms will be completed and approved in the respective building and handdelivered to the business office for payment PERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that district employees must occasionally be absent from work Therefore leave time in different categories as required by law will be provided for employees to be absent when necessary Leave categories will include sick leave personal business leave emergency leave jury duty leave and military leave It is also important for district employees to understand that the continuity of education services is best served when the regularly assigned employee is at work Therefore employees should use the leaves provided in a prudent and judicious manner The abuse of", "question_text": "SALARIES AND EXPENSES \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that no teacher shall be paid less than the state schedule. Extra duties shall be \ncompensated for as scheduled. A schedule of salaries and fringe benefits paid to administrators will be filed with the State \nDepartment of Education by October 1, each year. Hourly wages for support employees will be established by the board of education. \n \nAll teachers shall be paid not later than the 30th day of each month. If the 30th falls on a weekend or a holiday, teachers shall be paid \non the last preceding school day. \n \nAll full-time employees who are exempt from the hourly wage requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid on a twelve-\nmonth basis. \n \nThe board shall also provide for a staff leave program and reimbursement of approved expenses. \n \nTRAVEL AND EXPENSES \n \nIt is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the \nboard and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent. Requests and \narrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrator's office. Travel requests will be \nmade as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar. Emergency travel will be placed \non the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency. The district will not pay \nfor any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal, state, or local \nfunding. The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the \nfunding source is federal, state, or local funding. \n \nThe school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented travel. Lodging \nexpenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed $200 per night/per person. \n \nDocumented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed $50 per meal or $100 per day when appropriate receipts \nare provided. (The district will pay up to 20% of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity.) The costs of meals and incidental \nexpenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item \nby the board. The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be \nitemized and documented. If overnight travel is not involved and/or a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a \nlegitimate business meeting relating to school business, reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and \nrun through payroll. \n \nExpenses for registration, parking, toll charges, and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or \nnotarized affidavits. \n \nSchool vehicles, when available, may be used for official business only. Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles \nare not available. Mileage expense will be reimbursed at 54.5 centsper mile) (at the current IRS approved rate) per mile when \na school gasoline credit card is not used. \n \nClaim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrator's office. The forms will be completed and approved \nin the respective building and hand-delivered to the business office for payment. \n \nPERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that district employees must occasionally be absent from work. Therefore, leave time in \ndifferent categories as required by law will be provided for employees to be absent when necessary. Leave categories will include \nsick leave, personal business leave, emergency leave, jury duty leave, and military leave. \n \nIt is also important for district employees to understand that the continuity of education services is best served when the regularly \nassigned employee is at work. Therefore, employees should use the leaves provided in a prudent and judicious manner. The abuse of", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 24, "standardized_text": "leave by employees will not be tolerated and any employee abusing leave policies will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment Deductions For Unpaid Authorized Absences If a district employee believes there is a need to be absent from work for any reason not covered in the approved leave policies the employee may request in writing unpaid leave for that purpose from the immediate supervisor If unpaid leave is granted by the immediate supervisor an amount equal to one days pay will be deducted from the employees salary for each day of such approved absence If an employee is absent without securing approval for an unpaid absence the employee shall be denied the salary for such absence and will be considered to be engaging in willful neglect of duty and therefore subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment Notification Of Leave Accumulation During the first two weeks of the school year the board will advise each employee in writing as to the number of leave days accumulated as of July of that year After July an employee may get updated information on leave accumulation from the superintendents office at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the superintendent or the superintendents designee FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE If the district employs individuals the district is required to provide eligible employees with leave under the auspices of the Family Medical Leave Act FMLA Tannehill School does not currently meet this requirement SICK LEAVE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL REGULATIONS The board of education shall provide sick leave benefits to all certificated personnel in order to promote a sense of security and permit an ease of mind that is essential to the satisfactory performance of professional services The board sets forth the following provisions for administering this policy The superintendent or designee shall administer this plan Teachers may be absent from duty because of personal accidental injury illness or pregnancy or injury illness or death in the immediate family without loss of salary not to exceed ten days during each school year The right to such sick leave shall be vested at the beginning of the school year Certificated employees who have an elevenmonth contract shall receive eleven sick leave days per year and those who have a twelvemonth contract shall receive twelve days If an employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the employee is in the performance of any duties as an education employee the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence from employment with the school without a loss of leave benefits If sick leave is taken for bereavement purposes the leave for that period may extend to the date of the funeral and a reasonable time thereafter to allow for travel as long as the employee has leave available to use Unused sick leave shall be cumulative and is transferable to any other school district in Oklahoma Sick leave earned in another Oklahoma district may be transferred to this district Sick leave so transferred must be certified by the sending district Any employee who attempts to take unfair advantage of sick leave benefits shall be subject to dismissal or other disci plinary action as provided by contract andor state law Any employee may be required to submit appropriate evidence concerning the cause of his absence in order to qualify for sick leave benefits Appropriate evidence may include the following A Physicians statement endorsed by the employee B Employee statement endorsed by the principal or immediate supervisor C Copies of claim submitted for insurance benefits D Other information as may be indicated by the circumstances Appropriate evidence will be submitted when requested by the principal immediate supervisor or the superintendent in the following situations", "question_text": "leave by employees will not be tolerated and any employee abusing leave policies will be subject to disciplinary action up to and \nincluding termination of employment. \n \nDeductions For Unpaid Authorized Absences \n \nIf a district employee believes there is a need to be absent from work for any reason not covered in the approved leave policies, the \nemployee may request, in writing, unpaid leave for that purpose from the immediate supervisor. \n \nIf unpaid leave is granted by the immediate supervisor, an amount equal to one day's pay will be deducted from the employee's salary \nfor each day of such approved absence. \n \nIf an employee is absent without securing approval for an unpaid absence, the employee shall be denied the salary for such absence \nand will be considered to be engaging in willful neglect of duty and, therefore, subject to disciplinary action up to and including \ntermination of employment. \n \nNotification Of Leave Accumulation \n \nDuring the first two weeks of the school year, the board will advise each employee, in writing, as to the number of leave days \naccumulated as of July 1 of that year. After July 1, an employee may get updated information on leave accumulation from the \nsuperintendent's office at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the superintendent or the superintendent's designee. \n \nFAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE \nIf the district employs 50 individuals, the district is required to provide eligible employees with leave under the auspices of the Family \nMedical Leave Act (FMLA). Tannehill School does not currently meet this requirement. \n \n \nSICK LEAVE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall provide sick leave benefits to all certificated personnel in order to promote a sense of security and \npermit an ease of mind that is essential to the satisfactory performance of professional services. The board sets forth the \nfollowing provisions for administering this policy: \n \n 1. \nThe superintendent or designee shall administer this plan. \n \n 2. \nTeachers may be absent from duty because of personal accidental injury, illness or pregnancy, or injury, illness or death \nin the immediate family without loss of salary not to exceed ten days during each school year. The right to such sick \nleave shall be vested at the beginning of the school year. Certificated employees who have an eleven-month contract \nshall receive eleven sick leave days per year and those who have a twelve-month contract shall receive twelve days. If \nan employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the employee is in the \nperformance of any duties as an education employee, the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence from \nemployment with the school without a loss of leave benefits. \n \n 3. \nIf sick leave is taken for bereavement purposes, the leave for that period may extend to the date of the funeral and a \nreasonable time thereafter to allow for travel as long as the employee has leave available to use. \n \n 4. \nUnused sick leave shall be cumulative and is transferable to any other school district in Oklahoma. Sick leave earned \nin another Oklahoma district may be transferred to this district. Sick leave so transferred must be certified by the \nsending district. \n \n 5. \nAny employee who attempts to take unfair advantage of sick leave benefits shall be subject to dismissal or other disci-\nplinary action as provided by contract and/or state law. Any employee may be required to submit appropriate evidence \nconcerning the cause of his absence in order to qualify for sick leave benefits. Appropriate evidence may include the \nfollowing: \n \n \nA. Physician's statement endorsed by the employee \n \nB. Employee statement endorsed by the principal or immediate supervisor \n \nC. Copies of claim submitted for insurance benefits \n \nD. Other information as may be indicated by the circumstances \n \n 6. \nAppropriate evidence will be submitted when requested by the principal, immediate supervisor, or the superintendent in \nthe following situations:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 25, "standardized_text": "A Sick leave claim on days of unusual or inclement weather B Sick leave claim during the last four weeks of employment C Sick leave claim on days immediately preceding or immediately following holidays or nonwork days other than weekends D Reasonable cause exists to believe that sick leave benefits are being abused When a teachers accrued sick leave is exhausted and the teacher is absent due to personal accidental injury illness or pregnancy the teacher shall receive full salary less the amount that would be paid a substitute teacher for a maximum of days After an employee has exhausted all accumulated sick leave personal leave and vacation time the employee may be eligible for whatever time may be remaining of the up to work weeks of unpaid leave for employees who meet the federal definitions for leave in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act The work weeks of leave afforded under the Family Medical Leave Act may include paid and unpaid leave in accordance with federal law", "question_text": "A. Sick leave claim on days of unusual or inclement weather \n \nB. Sick leave claim during the last four weeks of employment \n \nC. Sick leave claim on days immediately preceding or immediately following holidays or non-work days other than \nweekends \n \nD. Reasonable cause exists to believe that sick leave benefits are being abused \n \n 7. \nWhen a teacher's accrued sick leave is exhausted and the teacher is absent due to personal accidental injury, illness, or \npregnancy, the teacher shall receive full salary less the amount that would be paid a substitute teacher for a maximum \nof 20 days. \n 8. \nAfter an employee has exhausted all accumulated sick leave, personal leave, and vacation time, the employee may be \neligible for whatever time may be remaining of the up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave for employees who meet the \nfederal definitions for leave in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. The 12 work weeks of leave afforded \nunder the Family Medical Leave Act may include paid and unpaid leave in accordance with federal law.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 25, "standardized_text": " Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers compensation benefits however the sum of the payments will not exceed of the employees net pay as it existed prior to injury SICK LEAVE SUPPORT PERSONNEL REGULATIONS The board of education will provide sick leave benefits to all support employees in order to promote a sense of security and permit the ease of mind essential to the satisfactory performance of services In compliance with Oklahoma Statutes Title Section the following guidelines are set forth For the purposes of this policy support employee is defined as a fulltime employee of the school district as determined by the standard period of labor which is customarily understood to constitute fulltime employment for the type of services performed by the employee who is employed a minimum of days and who provides those services which are not performed by certified teachers principals superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the efficient and satisfactory functioning of a school district The superintendent of schools or designee shall be responsible for administering this plan A support employee may be absent from duty due to a personal accidental injury illness or pregnancy or accidental injury illness or death in the immediate family without loss of salary Benefits shall include paid sick leave of one day per month of employment The one day sick leave per month equals the number of hours the employee normally works per day If an employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the employee is in the performance of any duties as an education employee the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence from employment with the school without a loss of leave benefits Unused sick leave shall be cumulative The sick leave granted to support employees under this policy shall be vested at the time of accrual that is upon the completion of the first months employment the employee shall have accrued one sick leave day Accumulated sick leave may be transferred to another school district where a support employee is employed the next succeeding school year in accordance with that districts policies Support personnel who are employed for the first time in this district and who were employed at another school district during the year immediately preceding their employment with this district may transfer a maximum of sick leave days", "question_text": "9. Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers' compensation benefits; however, the sum of the payments will \nnot exceed 100% of the employee\u2019s net pay as it existed prior to injury. \n \nSICK LEAVE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education will provide sick leave benefits to all support employees in order to promote a sense of security and \npermit the ease of mind essential to the satisfactory performance of services. In compliance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70, \nSection 6-104, the following guidelines are set forth: \n \n 1. \nFor the purposes of this policy, support employee is defined as a full-time employee of the school district as determined \nby the standard period of labor which is customarily understood to constitute full-time employment for the type of \nservices performed by the employee who is employed a minimum of 172 days and who provides those services which \nare not performed by certified teachers, principals, superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the \nefficient and satisfactory functioning of a school district. \n \n 2. \nThe superintendent of schools, or designee, shall be responsible for administering this plan. \n \n 3. \nA support employee may be absent from duty due to a personal accidental injury, illness, or pregnancy, or accidental \ninjury, illness, or death in the immediate family without loss of salary. Benefits shall include paid sick leave of one day \nper month of employment. The one day sick leave per month equals the number of hours the employee normally works \nper day. If an employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the \nemployee is in the performance of any duties as an education employee, the employee shall be entitled to a leave of \nabsence from employment with the school without a loss of leave benefits. \n \n 4. \nUnused sick leave shall be cumulative. \n \n 5. \nThe sick leave granted to support employees under this policy shall be vested at the time of accrual, that is, upon the \ncompletion of the first month's employment, the employee shall have accrued one sick leave day. \n \n 6. \nAccumulated sick leave may be transferred to another school district where a support employee is employed the next \nsucceeding school year in accordance with that district's policies. \n \n 7. \nSupport personnel who are employed for the first time in this district and who were employed at another school district \nduring the year immediately preceding their employment with this district may transfer a maximum of 60 sick leave \ndays.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 25, "standardized_text": " Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers compensation benefits however the sum of the payments will not exceed of the employees net pay as it existed prior to injury", "question_text": "8. Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers' compensation benefits; however, the sum of the payments will \nnot exceed 100% of the employee\u2019s net pay as it existed prior to injury.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": "PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education shall provide for a minimum of three days for personal business leave for teachers and support personnel Such leave shall be limited to personal business matters that cannot be conducted before or after school hours or on weekends Personal business leave is noncumulative Requests for personal business leave shall be made in writing and in advance when possible If advance request is not possible the written request shall be filed within one day after returning to work The request shall include a signed statement that the leave was not used for personal entertainment recreation gainful employment or to seek another position The request shall be considered by the principal and superintendent who shall approve or disapprove The types of situations that may qualify for personal business leave are varied The following examples serve only as guidelines Family illness other than immediate family Emergency business transactions A Loan closings B Other banking matters C IRS reviews Legal Matters A Meetings with an attorney for personal spouse or childrens business B Court appearances C Settling of estates Miscellaneous A Attend business convention with spouse B Military obligations C Attendance at a school activity if son or daughter is participating D Attending funerals The following examples are types of absences that will NOT be approved for personal business leave Pleasure trips or vacations Attending school activities or sporting events when son or daughter is not competing Seeking other employment Participating in political or social activities Performing any service for compensation EMERGENCY LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education shall provide not more than three days each year for emergency leave These days shall not be chargeable to sick leave and will be noncumulative The term emergency should be construed to mean a situation or occurrence of a serious nature developing suddenly and unexpectedly and demanding immediate attention Emergency leave will be granted at the discretion of the principal or designee The school district will pay the substitutes salary The board of education may grant leave with pay not to exceed fifteen working days to an employee who is affected by a presidentially declared national disaster in Oklahoma after May if", "question_text": "PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall provide for a minimum of three days for personal business leave for teachers and support \npersonnel. Such leave shall be limited to personal business matters that cannot be conducted before or after school hours or on \nweekends. Personal business leave is noncumulative. \n \nRequests for personal business leave shall be made in writing and in advance when possible. If advance request is not possible, \nthe written request shall be filed within one day after returning to work. The request shall include a signed statement that the \nleave was not used for personal entertainment, recreation, gainful employment, or to seek another position. The request shall \nbe considered by the principal and superintendent who shall approve or disapprove. \n \nThe types of situations that may qualify for personal business leave are varied. The following examples serve only as \nguidelines: \n \n 1. \nFamily illness other than immediate family \n 2. \nEmergency business transactions \n \nA. Loan closings \n \nB. Other banking matters \n \nC. IRS reviews \n 3. \nLegal Matters \n \nA. Meetings with an attorney for personal, spouse, or children's business \n \nB. Court appearances \n \nC. Settling of estates \n 4. \nMiscellaneous \n \nA. Attend business convention with spouse \n \nB. Military obligations \n \nC. Attendance at a school activity if son or daughter is participating \n \nD. Attending funerals \n \nThe following examples are types of absences that will NOT be approved for personal business leave: \n \n 1. \nPleasure trips or vacations \n 2. \nAttending school activities or sporting events when son or daughter is not competing \n 3. \nSeeking other employment \n 4. \nParticipating in political or social activities \n 5. \nPerforming any service for compensation \n \nEMERGENCY LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall provide not more than three (3) days each year for emergency leave. These days shall not be \nchargeable to sick leave and will be noncumulative. The term emergency should be construed to mean a situation or \noccurrence of a serious nature, developing suddenly and unexpectedly, and demanding immediate attention. Emergency leave \nwill be granted at the discretion of the principal or designee. The school district will pay the substitute's salary. \n \nThe board of education may grant leave with pay not to exceed fifteen (15) working days to an employee who is affected by a \npresidentially declared national disaster in Oklahoma after May 1, 1999, if:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": " The employee suffered a physical injury as a result of the disaster", "question_text": "1. \nThe employee suffered a physical injury as a result of the disaster;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": " A relative or household member of the employee suffered a physical injury or died as a result of the disaster or", "question_text": "2. \nA relative or household member of the employee suffered a physical injury or died as a result \n \nof \nthe disaster; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": " The domicile of the employee or the domicile of a relative of the employee was damaged or destroyed as a result of the disaster", "question_text": "3. \nThe domicile of the employee or the domicile of a relative of the employee was damaged or \n \ndestroyed as a result of the disaster.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 27, "standardized_text": "JURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education shall grant leave to employees who have been selected for jury duty or who have been subpoenaed as a witness in a criminal civil or juvenile proceeding Employees shall be paid the full current contract salary during such service Monies necessary to pay substitute teachers shall not be deducted from the salary of a teacher performing jury duty However the amount received by the teacher for jury duty service shall be applied toward the expense of the substitute teacher It is the policy of the board that the school district will not provide teachers with paid leave for nonsubpoenaed testimony as a witness in a child custody case involving a student in this district If a teacher testifies as a witness as a result of being subpoenaed any compensation received from the court by the teacher shall be applied toward the expense of a substitute teacher If a school district employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a civil court proceeding except in a proceeding in which the school district or the state is a party the school district shall be entitled to a witness fee equal to the amount of the substitute teacher cost not to exceed One Hundred Dollars per day LEAVE OF ABSENCE REGULATIONS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to grant extended leave without pay to certified career teachers who meet certain conditions The decision to grant or not to grant such leave shall be at the discretion of the board of education Requests must be presented to the board of education for action by April for leave during the following year Leave may be granted to qualified persons as follows", "question_text": "JURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall grant leave to employees who have been selected for jury duty or who have been subpoenaed as a \nwitness in a criminal, civil, or juvenile proceeding. Employees shall be paid the full, current contract salary during such \nservice. Monies necessary to pay substitute teachers shall not be deducted from the salary of a teacher performing jury duty. \nHowever, the amount received by the teacher for jury duty service shall be applied toward the expense of the substitute teacher. \n \nIt is the policy of the board that the school district will not provide teachers with paid leave for non-subpoenaed testimony as a \nwitness in a child custody case involving a student in this district. If a teacher testifies as a witness as a result of being \nsubpoenaed, any compensation received from the court by the teacher shall be applied toward the expense of a substitute \nteacher. \n \nIf a school district employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a civil court proceeding, except in a proceeding in which \nthe school district or the state is a party, the school district shall be entitled to a witness fee equal to the amount of the substitute \nteacher cost, not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day. \n \nLEAVE OF ABSENCE \n(REGULATIONS) \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to grant extended leave without pay to certified, career teachers who meet \ncertain conditions. The decision to grant or not to grant such leave shall be at the discretion of the board of education. \nRequests must be presented to the board of education for action by April 25 for leave during the following year. \n \nLeave may be granted to qualified persons as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 27, "standardized_text": " Career teachers with at least three years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be granted extended leave without pay for up to one year for medical andor educational reasons with no loss of career teacher status", "question_text": "1. \nCareer teachers with at least three years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be \ngranted \nextended leave without pay for up to one year, for medical and/or educational reasons, with no \nloss of career teacher status.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 27, "standardized_text": " Career teachers with at least five years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be granted extended leave without pay for up to one year for personal reasons with no loss of career teacher status Such leave may be granted by the superintendent only after consultation with the teacher requesting such leave and only after a Leave of Absence Contract is signed by both the teacher and the superintendent Upon return from a leave of absence the teacher shall be placed in the same position or a similar position for which the teacher is certified and qualified The teacher on leave shall not advance on the salary schedule and is subject to the current reduction inforce policy A teacher on approved leave of absence will be reinstated at a salary level no lower than that attained at the time the leave was granted Sick leave that was accrued prior to the approved leave of absence will be reinstated Additional sick leave or personal business leave will not be granted for the period of one years leave of absence An employee taking a leave of absence for one semester will receive five days of sick leave one and onehalf days of personal business leave and one day of emergency leave A leave of absence for a semester will not change the amount of days for bereavement leave PARENTAL LEAVE REGULATIONS A teacher who is pregnant may continue to teach and be active in employment as late into her pregnancy as she desires provided she is able to perform her required duties in a suitable manner The request for parental leave should be submitted in writing to the superintendents office and be accompanied by a doctors certification of pregnancy The commencement of parental leave is left to the discretion of the teacher andor physician and may extend no longer than one semester ninety teaching days after delivery The teacher is asked to advise the superintendents office as soon as return to duty is anticipated In every case a statement from the attending physician attesting to the physical fitness of the teacher is required Provisions of sick leave benefits apply to leave if the teacher has available sick leave The board of education will consider disability because of pregnancy or childbirth in the same manner as any other disability is considered Therefore if an employee desires parental maternitypaternity leave the employee shall so advise the", "question_text": "2. \nCareer teachers with at least five years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be granted extended leave \nwithout pay for up to one year, for personal reasons, with no loss of career teacher status. \n \nSuch leave may be granted by the superintendent only after consultation with the teacher requesting such leave, and only after \na Leave of Absence Contract is signed by both the teacher and the superintendent. \n \nUpon return from a leave of absence, the teacher shall be placed in the same position or a similar position for which the teacher \nis certified and qualified. The teacher on leave shall not advance on the salary schedule and is subject to the current reduction-\nin-force policy. \n \nA teacher on approved leave of absence will be reinstated at a salary level no lower than that attained at the time the leave was \ngranted. \n \nSick leave that was accrued prior to the approved leave of absence will be reinstated. Additional sick leave or personal \nbusiness leave will not be granted for the period of one year's leave of absence. An employee taking a leave of absence for one \nsemester will receive five days of sick leave, one and one-half days of personal business leave, and one day of emergency \nleave. A leave of absence for a semester will not change the amount of days for bereavement leave. \n \nPARENTAL LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nA teacher who is pregnant may continue to teach and be active in employment as late into her pregnancy as she desires, \nprovided she is able to perform her required duties in a suitable manner. \nThe request for parental leave should be submitted in writing to the superintendent's office and be accompanied by a doctor's \ncertification of pregnancy. The commencement of parental leave is left to the discretion of the teacher and/or physician and \nmay extend no longer than one semester, ninety (90) teaching days, after delivery. \n \nThe teacher is asked to advise the superintendent's office as soon as return to duty is anticipated. In every case, a statement \nfrom the attending physician attesting to the physical fitness of the teacher is required. Provisions of sick leave benefits apply \nto leave if the teacher has available sick leave. \n \nThe board of education will consider disability because of pregnancy or childbirth in the same manner as any other disability is \nconsidered. Therefore, if an employee desires parental (maternity/paternity) leave, the employee shall so advise the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": "superintendent in writing of herhis intentions the date the leave is to commence whether longterm or shortterm leave is desired and the date of return Longterm leave is an extended leave of absence without pay which does not include or affect regular sick leave Shortterm leave involves the use of regular sick pay and is leave with pay up to the exhaustion of sick leave", "question_text": "superintendent in writing of her/his intentions; the date the leave is to commence; whether long-term or short-term leave is \ndesired, and the date of return. \n \nLong-term leave is an extended leave of absence without pay which does not include or affect regular sick leave. \n \nShort-term leave involves the use of regular sick pay and is leave with pay up to the exhaustion of sick leave.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Requests for parental leave must be submitted in writing", "question_text": "1. \nRequests for parental leave must be submitted in writing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Pregnant employees are required to furnish a doctors statement as to their physical wellbeing and ability to continue employment", "question_text": "2. \nPregnant employees are required to furnish a doctor's statement as to their physical well-being \nand ability to \ncontinue employment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Pregnant employees are required to furnish a doctors statement as to their physical wellbeing and ability to return to employment following delivery", "question_text": "3. \nPregnant employees are required to furnish a doctor's statement as to their physical well-being \nand ability to \nreturn to employment following delivery.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Employees may be requested to provide an intent statement as to whether or not they intend to return to employment following the birth of the child BEREAVEMENT LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education will provide up to three days leave with pay for each bereavement in the immediate family of an employee Such leave must be approved by the principal and the superintendent If the employee has to be absent for a funeral other than immediate family the absence will be charged to emergency leave If additional time is needed because of travel or other special considerations a request may be submitted and if approved by the principal and superintendent the time will be charged to sick leave Immediate family is defined as the employees spouse parent or guardian child brother sister grandparent grandchild or each similar relationship as established by marriage or a person residing in the same household as the employee EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse itemized and necessary expenses incurred by employees or members of the board on educational trips authorized by the board and itemized and necessary expenses incurred transacting school business The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and establishing a rate schedule for board approval STUDENT ACTIVITIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse preapproved itemized and necessary meal and lodging expenses incurred by school district students and sponsors involved in authorized schoolsponsored cocurricular activities Requests and arrangements for student travel will originate from the appropriate building administrators office Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar The school will reimburse reasonable costs subject to the availability of funds for approved and documented lodging and meal expenses Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrators office The forms will be completed and approved in the respective building and handdelivered to the business office for payment The board of education will determine if reimbursement will be made from the general funds of the school district or from the school activity funds TRAVEL AND EXPENSES It is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the board and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent Requests and arrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrators office Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar Emergency travel will be placed on the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local", "question_text": "4. \nEmployees may be requested to provide an \"intent\" statement as to whether or not they intend \nto return to \nemployment following the birth of the child. \n \n \nBEREAVEMENT LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education will provide up to three (3) days leave with pay for each bereavement in the immediate family of an \nemployee. Such leave must be approved by the principal and the superintendent. \n \nIf the employee has to be absent for a funeral other than immediate family, the absence will be charged to emergency leave. If \nadditional time is needed because of travel or other special considerations, a request may be submitted; and, if approved by the \nprincipal and superintendent, the time will be charged to sick leave. \n \nImmediate family is defined as the employee's spouse, parent or guardian, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, or \neach similar relationship as established by marriage; or a person residing in the same household as the employee. \n \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse itemized and necessary expenses incurred by employees or \nmembers of the board on educational trips authorized by the board and itemized and necessary expenses incurred transacting \nschool business. The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and establishing a rate schedule \nfor board approval. \n \nSTUDENT ACTIVITIES \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse pre-approved itemized and necessary meal and lodging \nexpenses incurred by school district students and sponsors involved in authorized school-sponsored cocurricular activities. \n \nRequests and arrangements for student travel will originate from the appropriate building administrator's office. Travel \nrequests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar. \n \nThe school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented lodging and meal \nexpenses. \n \nClaim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrator's office. The forms will be completed and approved \nin the respective building and hand-delivered to the business office for payment. \n \nThe board of education will determine if reimbursement will be made from the general funds of the school district or from the \nschool activity funds. \n \nTRAVEL AND EXPENSES \nIt is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the \nboard and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent. Requests and \narrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrator's office. Travel requests will be \nmade as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar. Emergency travel will be placed \non the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency. The district will not pay \nfor any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal, state, or local", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": "funding The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local funding The school will reimburse reasonable costs subject to the availability of funds for approved and documented travel Lodging expenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed per nightper person Documented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed per meal or per day when appropriate receipts are provided The district will pay up to of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity The costs of meals and incidental expenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item by the board The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be itemized and documented If overnight travel is not involved andor a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a legitimate business meeting relating to school business reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and run through payroll Expenses for registration parking toll charges and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or notarized affidavits School vehicles when available may be used for official business only Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles are not available Mileage expense will be reimbursed at centsper mile at the current IRS approved rate per mile when a school gasoline credit card is not used Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrators office The forms will be completed and approved in the respective building and handdelivered to the business office for payment POLICY FOR RETIREES UNUSED SICK LEAVE COMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE This policy does not supersede or intend to replace any school policy regarding sick leave It is the intention of this policy to reward career employees who are retiring It is intended as an expression of gratitude toward retirees for faithful attendance to their duties at Tannehill School This policy shall not be construed as a blanket buyback policy of unused leave for any and all persons resigning from positions held at Tannehill School This policy shall not be construed or considered as part of a negotiated agreement or as a component of employee contracts The school board reserves the right to review each petition for leave buyback on a casebycase basis The Tannehill School Board will endeavor to be fair and consistent in awarding compensation and in that regard determinations of the board will be guided by the following stipulations", "question_text": "funding. The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the \nfunding source is federal, state, or local funding. \n \nThe school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented travel. Lodging \nexpenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed $200 per night/per person. \n \nDocumented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed $50 per meal or $100 per day when appropriate receipts \nare provided. (The district will pay up to 20% of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity.) The costs of meals and incidental \nexpenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item \nby the board. The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be \nitemized and documented. If overnight travel is not involved and/or a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a \nlegitimate business meeting relating to school business, reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and \nrun through payroll. \n \nExpenses for registration, parking, toll charges, and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or \nnotarized affidavits. \n \nSchool vehicles, when available, may be used for official business only. Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles \nare not available. Mileage expense will be reimbursed at 54.5 centsper mile) (at the current IRS approved rate) per mile when \na school gasoline credit card is not used. \n \nClaim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrator's office. The forms will be completed and approved \nin the respective building and hand-delivered to the business office for payment. \n \nPOLICY FOR RETIREES\u2019 UNUSED SICK LEAVE \nCOMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE \nThis policy does not supersede or intend to replace any school policy regarding sick leave. \n \nIt is the intention of this policy to reward career employees who are retiring. It is intended as an expression of gratitude toward \nretirees for faithful attendance to their duties at Tannehill School. This policy shall not be construed as a blanket buy-back \npolicy of unused leave for any and all persons resigning from positions held at Tannehill School. This policy shall not be \nconstrued or considered as part of a negotiated agreement or as a component of employee contracts. \n \nThe school board reserves the right to review each petition for leave buy-back on a case-by-case basis. The Tannehill School \nBoard will endeavor to be fair and consistent in awarding compensation and in that regard determinations of the board will be \nguided by the following stipulations:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Employee vested status This policy is designed for career employees that have committed at least years of consecutive service to Tannehill School and also have reached eligible retirement status as determined by Social Security Retirement benefit eligibility for support staff Oklahoma Teacher Retirement benefit eligibility for certified staff", "question_text": "1. Employee vested status: This policy is designed for career employees that have committed at least 10 years of \nconsecutive service to Tannehill School and also have reached eligible retirement status as determined by: \n\u2022 \nSocial Security Retirement benefit eligibility for support staff \n\u2022 \nOklahoma Teacher Retirement benefit eligibility for certified staff.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Origin of leave When calculating the compensation amount the board will only consider leave that has been accumulated during the time of employment at Tannehill School The payroll clerk shall maintain a record in the employees personnel files of any eligible accumulated sick leave accrued at an institution other than Tannehill School This information shall be established upon the hiring of individuals and is considered a part of the routine information gathering for files of new hires", "question_text": "2. Origin of leave: When calculating the compensation amount, the board will only consider leave that has been \naccumulated during the time of employment at Tannehill School. The payroll clerk shall maintain a record in the \nemployee's personnel files of any eligible accumulated sick leave accrued at an institution other than Tannehill \nSchool. This information shall be established upon the hiring of individuals and is considered a part of the routine \ninformation gathering for files of new hires.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Consumption of leave For compensation or buy back calculation purposes sick leave that is consumed during employment with Tannehill will be deducted from the amount that is accrued at Tannehill School Leave earned at other institutions shall not be considered in retirement buyback calculations but is banked only for traditional sick leave timeoff work after the leave amount accrued at Tannehill has been exhausted", "question_text": "3. Consumption of leave: For compensation or \"buy back\" calculation purposes, sick leave that is consumed during \nemployment with Tannehill will be deducted from the amount that is accrued at Tannehill School. Leave earned at \nother institutions shall not be considered in retirement buy-back calculations but is banked only for traditional sick \nleave time-off work after the leave amount accrued at Tannehill has been exhausted.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Employee GoodStanding status Compensation is intended to reward employees that retire and leave their positions in good standing This good standing will be determined by the superintendent and shall be based on the employee meeting expectations of professionalism in conduct by maintaining their work ethic through the end of the retirement year providing days notice of intent to retire and any other factors deemed appropriate by the superintendent The superintendent shall notify the employee in writing in any case where good standing status is denied and shall justify the reasons for denial by citing specific evidence of unsatisfactory conduct performance or other factors of cause", "question_text": "4. Employee \"Good-Standing\" status: Compensation is intended to reward employees that retire and leave their \npositions \"in good standing\". This \"good standing\" will be determined by the superintendent and shall be based on the \nemployee meeting expectations of professionalism in conduct, by maintaining their work ethic through the end of the \nretirement year, providing 90 days notice of intent to retire and any other factors deemed appropriate by the \nsuperintendent. The superintendent shall notify the employee in writing in any case where \"good standing\" status is \ndenied and shall justify the reasons for denial by citing specific evidence of unsatisfactory conduct, performance or \nother factors of cause.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Availability of funds School finance is unpredictable and may at various times be tenuous At any time that the Tannehill School General Revenue Fund is perceived to be in danger of potentially not meeting obligations over a forward projected time frame of days the school board will not award compensation to retirees for unused sick leave", "question_text": "5. Availability of funds: School finance is unpredictable and may at various times be tenuous. At any time that the \nTannehill School General Revenue Fund is perceived to be in danger of potentially not meeting obligations over a \nforward projected time frame of 120 days the school board will not award compensation to retirees for unused sick \nleave.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " No retroactive buyback In any case where compensation has not been awarded due to the lack of available funds as outlined in item above there shall be no means for review of a petition for retroactive buy back once the financial standing of the general fund returns to a less tenuous condition In other words an employee that is denied compensation may not return at a later time requesting that the board reconsider once finances improve", "question_text": "6. No retro-active buyback: In any case where compensation has not been awarded due to the lack of available funds \nas outlined in item (5) above, there shall be no means for review of a petition for retro-active buy back once the \nfinancial standing of the general fund returns to a less tenuous condition. In other words, an employee that is denied \ncompensation may not return at a later time requesting that the board reconsider once finances improve.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Rate of Compensation Compensation shall be calculated based on the unused portion of the retiring employees sick leave days multiplied by per day", "question_text": "7. Rate of Compensation: Compensation shall be calculated based on the unused portion of the retiring employee's sick \nleave days multiplied by $25.00 per day.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Maximum Compensation Tannehill School will offer compensation for no more than days of unused sick leave with the maximum amount paid to a retiring employee being If any days are used as service for Teachers Retirement they cannot be purchased by the school as they are used", "question_text": "8. Maximum Compensation: Tannehill School will offer compensation for no more than 120 days of unused sick leave \nwith the maximum amount paid to a retiring employee being $3,000.00. If any days are used as service for Teacher\u2019s \nRetirement they cannot be purchased by the school as they are \u201cused\u201d.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Sick Leave Deduction Tannehill School will not pay for leave that is being transferred to another place of employment The retiring employee understands and consents upon receiving compensation to the deduction from the employees sick leave bank that amount of days for which the employee receives compensation Tannehill School will not pay for sick leave if the employee does not consent to the deduction from the accumulated leave days on record this compensation is not a stipend benefit but rather a leave buyback Should the retiree return to work at Tannehill School or for any entity that recognizes Tannehill School leave the employee may not request that leave days be reinstated which have been bought back as part of this compensation agreement", "question_text": "9. Sick Leave Deduction: Tannehill School will not pay for leave that is being transferred to another place of \nemployment. The retiring employee understands and consents upon receiving compensation - to the deduction from \nthe employee's sick leave bank that amount of days for which the employee receives compensation. Tannehill School \nwill not pay for sick leave if the employee does not consent to the deduction from the accumulated leave days on \nrecord \u2014 this compensation is not a stipend benefit but rather a leave buy-back. Should the retiree return to work at \nTannehill School or for any entity that recognizes Tannehill School leave, the employee may not request that leave \ndays be reinstated which have been bought back as part of this compensation agreement.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Effect on other policies The rate of compensation and other factors outlined in this policy shall not be construed as a means to effect any other school policies such as rate I l woe of liability for employees who use more than their allotted leave amount", "question_text": "10. Effect on other policies: The rate of compensation and other factors outlined in this policy shall not be construed as a \nmeans to effect any other school policies - such as rate I l woe of liability for employees who use more than their \nallotted leave amount.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Notification Requirement Retiring employees must provide days notice of intent to retire in order to be eligible for sick leave buyback LEAVE SHARING PLAN The Tannehill Board of Education has established a sick leave sharing plan for employee use of sick leave days donated from other employees of the district The plan will permit the use of donated sick leave by a district employee who is pregnant or recovering from childbirth or who is suffering from or who has a relative or household member who is suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness injury impairment or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or to terminate employment The superintendent is directed to establish procedures to implement and support this policy EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES The Tannehill Board of Education believes that good communication between district employees the administrative staff and the board is essential for the effective operation of the schools The superintendent is directed to prepare subject to board approval a grievance procedure for employees as the prescribed means of resolving issues that may arise with respect to terms and conditions of employment EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES PROCEDURE In accordance with the policy of the board of education this procedure sets forth the necessary steps to follow in registering and processing a grievance with the school district Definitions A grievance is a complaint by a district employee alleging a violation or misinterpretation of any district policy or regulation directly and specifically governing that employees terms and conditions of employment A grievant is any employee of this district filing a grievance The grievance officer is the superintendent or designee", "question_text": "11. Notification Requirement: Retiring employees must provide 90 days notice of intent to retire in order to be eligible \nfor sick leave buy-back. \n \n \nLEAVE SHARING PLAN \nThe Tannehill Board of Education has established a sick leave sharing plan for employee use of sick leave days donated from \nother employees of the district. The plan will permit the use of donated sick leave by a district employee who is pregnant or \nrecovering from childbirth or who is suffering from or who has a relative or household member who is suffering from an \nextraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the \nemployee to take leave without pay or to terminate employment. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to establish procedures to implement and support this policy. \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that good communication between district employees, the administrative staff, and \nthe board is essential for the effective operation of the schools. The superintendent is directed to prepare, subject to board \napproval, a grievance procedure for employees as the prescribed means of resolving issues that may arise with respect to terms \nand conditions of employment. \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \n(PROCEDURE) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, this procedure sets forth the necessary steps to follow in registering \nand processing a grievance with the school district. \n \nDefinitions: \n \nA grievance is a complaint by a district employee alleging a violation or misinterpretation of any district policy or regulation \ndirectly and specifically governing that employee's terms and conditions of employment. \n \nA grievant is any employee of this district filing a grievance. \n \nThe grievance officer is the superintendent or designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": "Terms and conditions of employment means the hours of employment the compensation including fringe benefits and the districts personnel policies which affect the employee A day means any day in which the schools are in operation Immediate supervisor is the lowestlevel administrator having supervisory authority over the grievant The following steps will be used in presenting a grievance Step The grievant must present the grievance in writing within fifteen days of the alleged violation to the grievants immediate supervisor The supervisor will attempt to resolve any issue within his or her authority and area of responsibility Step If the grievance cannot be resolved at this level by the immediate supervisor the grievant must present in written form within ten days two working weeks the grievance to the grievance officer The superintendent may designate another administrator as the grievance officer Use Grievance Report Form A Step The grievance officer shall investigate and respond within five days one working week Use space provided on the Grievance Report Form A Step If the grievance is not resolved at this level the grievant may appeal within ten days two working weeks to the superintendent or hisher designated officer Use Appeal Form B Step The superintendent or hisher designated officer must respond to the appeal within five days one working week Use space provided on the appeal Form B Step If the grievant is not resolved at this level an appeal may be made within ten days two working weeks to the board of education which will review the grievance at the next regular meeting or within thirty calendar days Use Appeal Form C The review will be limited to the documentation provided to the board at the board meeting Documentation will not be distributed prior to the board meeting Each side will be given an opportunity limited to ten minutes to present their materials The board may ask questions at any time Step The local board of education will come to a decision before the meeting is adjourned Use space provided on Appeal Form C The board may go into executive session only if the grievance directly involves any one of the reasons provided in OS The decision of the board shall be final and nonappealable EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with the school district The resignation must be written dated and signed It must specify the date upon which the resignation is to be effective The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail return receipt requested or personally delivered to the superintendents office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation Furthermore it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen days after the first Monday in June Any individual who is a school employee contractor or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school employee contractor or agent in obtaining a new job if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law This prohibition shall not apply if", "question_text": "Terms and conditions of employment means the hours of employment; the compensation, including fringe benefits; and the \ndistrict's personnel policies which affect the employee. \n \nA day means any day in which the schools are in operation. \n \nImmediate supervisor is the lowest-level administrator having supervisory authority over the grievant. \n \nThe following steps will be used in presenting a grievance: \n \n \nStep #1 The grievant must present the grievance in writing within fifteen (15) days of the alleged violation to the \ngrievant's immediate supervisor. The supervisor will attempt to resolve any issue within his or her authority and area of \nresponsibility. \n \n \nStep #2 If the grievance cannot be resolved at this level by the immediate supervisor, the grievant must present in written \nform within ten days (two working weeks) the grievance to the grievance officer. The superintendent may designate another \nadministrator as the grievance officer. (Use Grievance Report Form A.) \n \n \nStep #3 The grievance officer shall investigate and respond within five days (one working week). (Use space provided \non the Grievance Report Form A.) \n \n \nStep #4 If the grievance is not resolved at this level, the grievant may appeal within ten days (two working weeks) to the \nsuperintendent or his/her designated officer. (Use Appeal Form B.) \n \n \nStep #5 The superintendent, or his/her designated officer, must respond to the appeal within five days (one working \nweek). (Use space provided on the appeal Form B.) \n \n \nStep #6 If the grievant is not resolved at this level, an appeal may be made within ten days (two working weeks) to the \nboard of education which will review the grievance at the next regular meeting or within thirty calendar days. (Use Appeal \nForm C.) The review will be limited to the documentation provided to the board at the board meeting. Documentation will not \nbe distributed prior to the board meeting. Each side will be given an opportunity, limited to ten minutes, to present their \nmaterials. The board may ask questions at any time. \n \n \nStep #7 The local board of education will come to a decision before the meeting is adjourned. (Use space provided on \nAppeal Form C.) The board may go into executive session only if the grievance directly involves any one of the reasons \nprovided in 25 O.S. \u00a7307. The decision of the board shall be final and non-appealable. \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS \nAND REFERENCE REQUESTS \n \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with \nthe school district. The resignation must be written, dated, and signed. It must specify the date upon which the resignation is \nto be effective. The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personally \ndelivered to the superintendent\u2019s office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation. \nFurthermore, it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen (15) days \nafter the first Monday in June. \n \nAny individual who is a school employee, contractor, or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school \nemployee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job, if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee, \ncontractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law. This prohibition shall \nnot apply if:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the alleged misconduct and", "question_text": "1. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over \nthe alleged misconduct; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by Federal State or local law and", "question_text": "2. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by Federal, \nState, or local law; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": " The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual misconduct has investigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to establish probable cause that the school employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law and", "question_text": "3. The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual misconduct has \ninvestigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to establish probable cause that \nthe school employee, contractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law; \nand", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 32, "standardized_text": " The school employee contractor or agent has been charged with and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the alleged misconduct or", "question_text": "4. The school employee, contractor, or agent has been charged with, and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the alleged \nmisconduct; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 32, "standardized_text": " The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against or indictment of the school employee contractor or agent within four years of the date on which the information was reported to a law enforcement agency The routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new job and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above GRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES GRANT SUBMISSIONS A grant offer and acceptance constitutes a contractual agreement between the grantor funding source and the grantee teacher school department or district This agreement should not be entered into without appropriate approval Applicants must obtain approval from the Superintendent prior to submitting a grant proposal or application to any funding source To ensure that each proposal from the school district represents the highest quality possible the final draft of each grant application will be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee Proposals requiring approval or signature of the Board of Education must be submitted a minimum of days prior to a board meeting NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION Upon receipt of a notice of grant award or rejection from the funding agency the applicant will send a copy to the Superintendent Applicants are also encouraged to send a thank you letter to the funding source even if funding is not awarded during this grant cycle If the grant is awarded the superintendent or designee will meet with the applicant to establish a grant budget Grant funds cannot be expended until a budget has been established Grant recipients will adhere to all fiscal and programmatic reporting requirements imposed by the funding source The superintendent will establish and maintain the official files for all grant awards Files must be kept for five years after the conclusion of the grant After the Board of Education accepts grant funding from governmental agencies private companies organizations and foundations for various educational programs or projects the funds will be budgeted for each program or project according to the amount and regulations of the grant awarded This district will have internal control systems to provide reasonable assurance that it is managing federal financial assistance programs in compliance with applicable laws and regulations as directed by the State Department of Education Methods and procedures will be in place to minimize the time elapsed between the transfer of funds from the State and the disbursement of these funds by the district Whenever possible the superintendent will provide a formal request for quotes or accept bids for goods or services that will be purchased with the grant funds Goods and services received in consideration for grant funds will be monitored and careful consideration will be provided as to the quality of the goods received andor the performance of services rendered prior to the district entering into future contracts for goods and services The district will maintain financial records of all expenditures made from the grant funds and such records will be available for inspection and will be deemed to be public records These records whenever practicable shall be collected transmitted and stored electronically EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for equipment or supplies used by the teacher", "question_text": "5. The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against, or indictment of, the school employee, \ncontractor, or agent within four (4) years of the date on which the information was reported to a law enforcement agency. \n \nThe routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new \njob and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above. \n \n \n \nGRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES \n \n \nGRANT SUBMISSIONS \n \nA grant offer and acceptance constitutes a contractual agreement between the grantor (funding source) and the grantee \n(teacher, school, department, or district). This agreement should not be entered into without appropriate approval. \n \nApplicants must obtain approval from the Superintendent prior to submitting a grant proposal or application to any funding \nsource. To ensure that each proposal from the school district represents the highest quality possible, the final draft of each \ngrant application will be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee. Proposals requiring approval or signature of the Board \nof Education must be submitted a minimum of 10 days prior to a board meeting. \n \n \nNOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION \n \nUpon receipt of a notice of grant award or rejection from the funding agency, the applicant will send a copy to the \nSuperintendent. Applicants are also encouraged to send a thank you letter to the funding source even if funding is not awarded \nduring this grant cycle. \n \nIf the grant is awarded, the superintendent or designee will meet with the applicant to establish a grant budget. Grant funds \ncannot be expended until a budget has been established. Grant recipients will adhere to all fiscal and programmatic reporting \nrequirements imposed by the funding source. \n \nThe superintendent will establish and maintain the official files for all grant awards. Files must be kept for five years after the \nconclusion of the grant. \n \nAfter the Board of Education accepts grant funding from governmental agencies, private companies, organizations, and \nfoundations for various educational programs or projects, the funds will be budgeted for each program or project according to \nthe amount and regulations of the grant awarded. \n \nThis district will have internal control systems to provide reasonable assurance that it is managing federal financial assistance \nprograms in compliance with applicable laws and regulations as directed by the State Department of Education. Methods and \nprocedures will be in place to minimize the time elapsed between the transfer of funds from the State and the disbursement of \nthese funds by the district. \n \nWhenever possible the superintendent will provide a formal request for quotes or accept bids for goods or services that will be \npurchased with the grant funds. Goods and services received in consideration for grant funds will be monitored and careful \nconsideration will be provided as to the quality of the goods received and/or the performance of services rendered prior to the \ndistrict entering into future contracts for goods and services. \n \nThe district will maintain financial records of all expenditures made from the grant funds and such records will be available for \ninspection and will be deemed to be public records. These records, whenever practicable, shall be collected, transmitted and \nstored electronically. \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for \nequipment or supplies used by the teacher.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 33, "standardized_text": "Inventories will be made of all equipment books furniture computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the school year The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent No school property or equipment may be removed from the school for nonschool use without the approval of the superintendent Any equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator The borrower shall assume the expense of the operator and the full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrowers possession Equipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed When no longer needed for the original program or project the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which are approved by the superintendent or designee Prior to any sale of property the board of education will need to vote to declare the property as surplus When acquiring replacement property the school district may utilize the equipment to be replaced as a tradein or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property Any property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory lists with a description of the property a serial number or other identification number the source of funding for the property the acquisition date and the cost of the property the location use and condition of the property any ultimate disposition information including the date of disposal and sale price of the property Any sale of property that was purchased with federal funding must ensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal property PLANNING PERIODS All instructors excluding vocational staff cooperating with the State Department of Career and Technology Education shall be provided planning time each week as required by the State Accreditation Standards within the student school day for preparation Elementary and middle school teachers with minutes will be provided minutes for planning each week Secondary teachers are to be provided minutes for planning each week The preparation period may be used for the fol lowing duties personal instructional preparation planning selecting and preparing materials for instruction conferring with parents staff and administrators keeping school records supervising aides if assigned grading student papers and recording student grades and study of current literature to keep abreast of developments within the subject matter taught by the teacher The preparation period shall be utilized within the building of major assignment and for the purposes indicated Teachers shall leave the school premises only to carry out functions relating to the above duties when written permission to do so has been obtained from the building principal PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that teachers and other employees shall continue their professional growth through seminar and workshop attendance and membership in professional organizations The board believes that it has a responsibility to provide opportunities for the continual growth of its professional staff Such opportunities may include within budgetary limitation special inservice training courses and workshops as recommended by a professional development committee andor the board Staff members are encouraged to seek additional and higher degrees to obtain further certification and to become more proficient not only in their subject area but also in their ability to handle discipline to motivate students and to cope with both personal and jobrelated stress A focused and individualized program of professional development shall be created for each teacher and administrator that is consistent with the qualitative component of the TLE Annual professional growth goals shall be developed for each certified employee in collaboration with the certified employees evaluator The goals shall be tailored to address a specific area or criteria identified through the qualitative component of the TLE The certified employee will actively engage with learning practices that are evidencebased researched practices that are correlated with increased student achievement and the professional development will be supported by resources that are easily available and supplied by the school district and the State Department of Education The superintendent or designee shall monitor compliance with each individualized program of professional development The professional development committee shall be composed of classroom teachers administrators school counselors or licensed mental health providers and parents guardians or custodians of children in the district A majority of the committee shall be composed of classroom teachers who will be selected by a designated administrator of the district from a list provided by the teachers in the school district The members selected shall be subject to the approval of a majority vote of the teachers in the district The administrators shall be selected by the board from a list provided by the superintendent Parents shall be selected by the board from a list provided by the administration and the professional development committee When classes are dismissed for that purpose teachers are expected to attend professional meetings or forfeit one days pay for each day of the meeting unattended unless an emergency exists", "question_text": "Inventories will be made of all equipment, books, furniture, computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the \nschool year. The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent. \n \nNo school property or equipment may be removed from the school for non-school use without the approval of the \nsuperintendent. Any equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator. The borrower shall assume the \nexpense of the operator and the full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrower's possession. \n \nEquipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed. \nWhen no longer needed for the original program or project, the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which \nare approved by the superintendent or designee. Prior to any sale of property, the board of education will need to vote to \ndeclare the property as surplus. When acquiring replacement property, the school district may utilize the equipment to be \nreplaced as a trade-in or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property. \n \nAny property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory \nlists with a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of funding for the property, \nthe acquisition date, and the cost of the property, the location, use and condition of the property, any ultimate disposition \ninformation including the date of disposal and sale price of the property. Any sale of property that was purchased with federal \nfunding must ensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal \nproperty. \n \n \nPLANNING PERIODS \nAll instructors, excluding vocational staff cooperating with the State Department of Career and Technology Education, shall be \nprovided planning time each week as required by the State Accreditation Standards within the student school day for \npreparation. Elementary and middle school teachers with 200 minutes will be provided 200 minutes for planning each week. \nSecondary teachers are to be provided 225 minutes for planning each week. The preparation period may be used for the fol-\nlowing duties: personal instructional preparation; planning, selecting, and preparing materials for instruction; conferring with \nparents, staff, and administrators; keeping school records; supervising aides (if assigned); grading student papers and recording \nstudent grades; and study of current literature to keep abreast of developments within the subject matter taught by the teacher. \nThe preparation period shall be utilized within the building of major assignment and for the purposes indicated. Teachers shall \nleave the school premises only to carry out functions relating to the above duties when written permission to do so has been \nobtained from the building principal. \n \n \nPROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that teachers and other employees shall continue their professional growth \nthrough seminar and workshop attendance and membership in professional organizations. The board believes that it has a \nresponsibility to provide opportunities for the continual growth of its professional staff. Such opportunities may include, \nwithin budgetary limitation, special in-service training courses and workshops as recommended by a professional development \ncommittee and/or the board. Staff members are encouraged to seek additional and higher degrees, to obtain further \ncertification, and to become more proficient not only in their subject area, but also in their ability to handle discipline, to \nmotivate students, and to cope with both personal and job-related stress. \n \nA focused and individualized program of professional development shall be created for each teacher and administrator that is \nconsistent with the qualitative component of the TLE. Annual professional growth goals shall be developed for each certified \nemployee in collaboration with the certified employee\u2019s evaluator. The goals shall be tailored to address a specific area or \ncriteria identified through the qualitative component of the TLE. The certified employee will actively engage with learning \npractices that are evidence-based, researched practices that are correlated with increased student achievement, and the \nprofessional development will be supported by resources that are easily available and supplied by the school district and the \nState Department of Education. The superintendent or designee shall monitor compliance with each individualized program of \nprofessional development. \n \nThe professional development committee shall be composed of classroom teachers, administrators, school counselors or \nlicensed mental health providers, and parents, guardians, or custodians of children in the district. A majority of the committee \nshall be composed of classroom teachers who will be selected by a designated administrator of the district from a list provided \nby the teachers in the school district. The members selected shall be subject to the approval of a majority vote of the teachers \nin the district. The administrators shall be selected by the board from a list provided by the superintendent. Parents shall be \nselected by the board from a list provided by the administration and the professional development committee. \n \nWhen classes are dismissed for that purpose, teachers are expected to attend professional meetings or forfeit one day's pay for \neach day of the meeting unattended unless an emergency exists.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": "The board may authorize the attendance of teachers at educational conferences and may reimburse travel and lodging expenses Authorization to attend shall be obtained from the board prior to the activity date Written requests shall be submitted to the superintendent who will forward the request to the board In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall govern professional development Professional Development of Certified and Licensed Personnel", "question_text": "The board may authorize the attendance of teachers at educational conferences and may reimburse travel and lodging expenses. \nAuthorization to attend shall be obtained from the board prior to the activity date. Written requests shall be submitted to the \nsuperintendent who will forward the request to the board. \n \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern professional development. \n \nProfessional Development of Certified and Licensed Personnel", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Membership in Professional Organizations The board of education feels genuine professional growth can be obtained by membership in the various professional organizations but that membership should be on a voluntary basis and not compulsory", "question_text": "1. \nMembership in Professional Organizations \n \n \n \nThe board of education feels genuine professional growth can be obtained by membership in the various \nprofessional organizations, but that membership should be on a voluntary basis and not compulsory.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Attendance at Required Meetings all certified and licensed personnel Certified and licensed persons are expected to attend all curriculum meetings planned by the professional development committee", "question_text": "2. \nAttendance at Required Meetings (all certified and licensed personnel) \n \n \n \nCertified and licensed persons are expected to attend all curriculum meetings planned by the professional \ndevelopment committee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Inservice Training A A minimum of professional development points shall be earned within a fiveyear period by each certified and licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district One point shall be equivalent to one clock hour B A minimum of professional development points shall be earned annually by each certified and licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district C", "question_text": "3. \nIn-service Training \n \n \nA. \nA minimum of 75 professional development points shall be earned within a five-year period by \neach certified and licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district. One point shall be \nequivalent to one clock hour. \n \n \nB. \nA minimum of 25 professional development points shall be earned annually by each certified \nand licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district. \n \n \nC.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " professional development points must be earned from the professional days in August Any exceptions must be submitted and approved by the professional development committee D At least once a year a program shall be offered on recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect which all teachers will be required to complete For those teachers who are unable to complete the program on the day offered other arrangements will be made", "question_text": "18 professional development points must be earned from the 3 professional days in August. \nAny exceptions must be submitted and approved by the professional development committee. \n \n \nD. \nAt least once a year a program shall be offered on recognition and reporting of child abuse and \nneglect which all teachers will be required to complete. For those teachers who are unable to complete the \nprogram on the day offered, other arrangements will be made.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " National Board Certification Teachers who have submitted an application for National Board Certification may utilize two of their five professional days for certification portfolio development Approved Professional Development Opportunities", "question_text": "4. \nNational Board Certification \n \n \nTeachers who have submitted an application for National Board Certification may utilize two (2) of their five (5) \nprofessional days for certification portfolio development. \n \nApproved Professional Development Opportunities", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Such workshops as shall be provided by the local professional development committee in response to analysis of needs assessments administered annually to all certified and licensed personnel", "question_text": "1. \nSuch workshops as shall be provided by the local professional development committee in response to analysis of \nneeds assessments administered annually to all certified and licensed personnel.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Credit may be earned through the following alternatives A Professional Meetings Sanctioned by State Department of Education or professional organizations where professional development points are awarded", "question_text": "2. \nCredit may be earned through the following alternatives: \n \n A. \nProfessional Meetings (Sanctioned by State Department of Education or professional organizations \nwhere professional development points are awarded.)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " State and Zone OEA Workshops and CCOSA Meetings", "question_text": "1. \nState and Zone O.E.A. Workshops and C.C.O.S.A. Meetings", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Summer and Saturday Workshops", "question_text": "2. \nSummer and Saturday Workshops", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Coaches Clinics for Summer Coaching Clinic in the absence of signed vouchers professional development points allowed with local voucher to be signed by superintendent", "question_text": "3. \nCoaches Clinics (for Summer Coaching Clinic in the absence of signed vouchers - 10 professional development \npoints allowed with local voucher to be signed by superintendent)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Vocational Workshops", "question_text": "4. \nVocational Workshops", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Teacher Visitation", "question_text": "5. \nTeacher Visitation", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Etc B Professional Committees", "question_text": "6. \nEtc. \n \n \nB. \nProfessional Committees", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Textbook Committee", "question_text": "1. \nTextbook Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Professional Development Committee", "question_text": "2. \nProfessional Development Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Local certified personnel conducting workshops", "question_text": "3. \nLocal certified personnel conducting workshops", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Local Teacher Association President pointsyear", "question_text": "4. \nLocal Teacher Association President (5 points/year)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Curriculum Review Planning Committee", "question_text": "5. \nCurriculum Review Planning Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Curriculum Review Chairpersons pointyear C College Courses and Credits One semester hour of approved college credit shall equal professional development points D Additional kinds of experiences may be recommended as alternative activities to the professional development committee to be approved by the board of education E For each clock hour of participation in alternate activities one professional development point will be awarded Record Keeping", "question_text": "6. \nCurriculum Review Chairpersons (1 point/year) \n \n \nC. \nCollege Courses and Credits (One semester hour of approved college credit shall equal 15 professional \ndevelopment points.) \n \n \nD. \nAdditional kinds of experiences may be recommended as alternative activities to the professional development \ncommittee to be approved by the board of education. \n \n \nE. \nFor each clock hour of participation in alternate activities, one professional development point will be awarded. \n \nRecord Keeping", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Vouchers for workshops and individual records of professional development points will be kept by the Professional Development Representative in each building", "question_text": "1. \nVouchers for workshops and individual records of professional development points will be kept by the \nProfessional Development Representative in each building.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Turning in vouchers evaluations and signing the record of points is the responsibility of each individual", "question_text": "2. \nTurning in vouchers, evaluations, and signing the record of points is the responsibility of each individual.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Vouchers and evaluations must be turned in to the building representative no later than one week after a workshop These points will be lost if this is not done during this time period", "question_text": "3. \nVouchers and evaluations must be turned in to the building representative no later than one week after a \nworkshop. These points will be lost if this is not done during this time period.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " An evaluation is to be filled out for every local workshop and returned to the building representative", "question_text": "4. \nAn evaluation is to be filled out for every local workshop and returned to the building representative.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Lost vouchers result in points not being counted Replacement vouchers will not be available", "question_text": "5. \nLost vouchers result in points not being counted. Replacement vouchers will not be available.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " A comparison check of each certified and licensed persons points will be made once each semester by the building representative and the representative from the central office", "question_text": "6. \nA comparison check of each certified and licensed person's points will be made once each semester by the \nbuilding representative and the representative from the central office.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Any questions concerning professional development should be directed to the building representative", "question_text": "7. \nAny questions concerning professional development should be directed to the building representative.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " College credit earned during the summer must be turned in to the building representative no later than the end of the first full week beginning each school year A copy of the transcript or grades is needed to show the number of hours earned Evaluation", "question_text": "8. \nCollege credit earned during the summer must be turned in to the building representative no later than the end of \nthe first full week beginning each school year. (A copy of the transcript or grades is needed to show the number of hours \nearned.) \n \nEvaluation", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Individual records of professional development points will be maintained as required by state statutes", "question_text": "1. \nIndividual records of professional development points will be maintained as required by state statutes.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Cooperation of all certified and licensed personnel will be necessary to maintain an accurate professional development record for each person", "question_text": "2. \nCooperation of all certified and licensed personnel will be necessary to maintain an accurate professional \ndevelopment record for each person.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Failure to fulfill professional development training requirements result in action by the board of education according to state statutes Guidelines for Membership on Professional Development Committee", "question_text": "3. \nFailure to fulfill professional development training requirements result in action by the board of education \naccording to state statutes. \n \nGuidelines for Membership on Professional Development Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Classroom teacher and principal replacement members for the professional development committee will be elected for a twoyear term Terms for regular and alternate members will coincide", "question_text": "1. \nClassroom teacher and principal replacement members for the professional development committee will be \nelected for a two-year term. Terms for regular and alternate members will coincide.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " The chairperson and cochairperson will be chosen at the end of each school term to begin serving the following school year The chairperson should be a professional development member with one year of experience on the committee TEACHER EVALUATION The Tannehill Board of Education believes that personnel evaluation is a mutual endeavor among all staff members and the board to improve the quality of the overall educational program The improvement of the districts educational efforts must be a joint responsibility of the school district and the individual educator All certified staff members shall be evaluated using an evaluation system that has been approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Education The completed evaluation shall be retained in the personnel file of the person being evaluated The evaluation instrument is a confidential document and shall be protected accordingly Probationary teachers shall receive formative feedback from the evaluation process at least twice each year Formative feedback shall occur during the fall semester and at least once during the spring semester each year Career teachers shall be", "question_text": "2. \nThe chairperson and co-chairperson will be chosen at the end of each school term to begin serving the following \nschool year. The chairperson should be a professional development member with one year of experience on the committee. \n \n \nTEACHER EVALUATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that personnel evaluation is a mutual endeavor among all staff members and the \nboard to improve the quality of the overall educational program. The improvement of the district's educational efforts must be \na joint responsibility of the school district and the individual educator. \n \nAll certified staff members shall be evaluated using an evaluation system that has been approved by the Oklahoma State Board \nof Education. The completed evaluation shall be retained in the personnel file of the person being evaluated. The evaluation \ninstrument is a confidential document and shall be protected accordingly. \n \nProbationary teachers shall receive formative feedback from the evaluation process at least twice each year. Formative \nfeedback shall occur during the fall semester, and at least once during the spring semester, each year. Career teachers shall be", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 36, "standardized_text": "evaluated at least once each year except for career teachers receiving a district evaluation rating of superior or highly effective rating under the TLE who may be evaluated once every three years Evaluations of teachers shall be made by the appropriate certified principal or other designated certified and qualified administrative person The evaluation rating of teachers and administrators shall be based on the qualitative component of the TLE A school district with an average daily attendance of more than thirtyfive thousand may incorporate at its own expense prior to the", "question_text": "evaluated at least once each year except for career teachers receiving a district evaluation rating of \"superior\" or \"highly \neffective\" rating under the TLE, who may be evaluated once every three (3) years. Evaluations of teachers shall be made by \nthe appropriate certified principal, or other designated certified and qualified administrative person. \n \nThe evaluation rating of teachers and administrators shall be based on the qualitative component of the TLE. A school district \nwith an average daily attendance of more than thirty-five thousand (35,000) may incorporate at its own expense prior to the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 36, "standardized_text": " school year the quantitative components of the TLE into its evaluation system of teachers and administrators as defined by the school districts written policy The district may continue to use at its own expense quantitative measures of teachers and leaders as a part of the district evaluation rating Such measures shall include a minimum of one reliable researchedbased measure as approved by the State Board of Education For evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the school year and each school year thereafter school districts shall incorporate and put into operation the qualitative component of the TLE and shall provide all teachers and administrators with a district evaluation rating based upon the components of the TLE For the school year school districts shall incorporate the individualized programs of professional development set forth at OS B on a pilot program basis For evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the school year and each school year thereafter school districts shall fully incorporate and put into operation the individualized programs of professional development as set forth at OS B The evaluation shall be reviewed by the staff member and the evaluator Either or both may attach written and signed comments to the evaluation instrument within two weeks of the evaluation provided that no additional statements or comments shall be attached without the teachers knowledge The teachers signature on the evaluation instrument shall serve only to reflect the teachers acknowledgment that an evaluation was conducted A copy of the completed evaluation instrument will be provided to the teacher Except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction evaluation documents and the responses thereto shall be made available only to the evaluated person the board of education the administrative staff making the evaluation the board and administrative staff of any school to which the evaluated person applies for employment and such other persons given consent by the teacher in writing and shall be subject to disclosure at a hearing or trial de novo If the evaluation discloses any areas in which improvement can be reasonably expected and desired the principal shall discuss such areas with the teacher and offer suggestions and recommendations as to how improvement may be achieved Such recommendations shall be recorded on the evaluation instrument When the evaluating administrator identifies poor performance or conduct that the administrator believes may lead to a recommendation for the career teachers dismissal or nonreemployment the administrator will admonish the teacher in writing and make reasonable effort to assist the teacher in correcting the poor performance or conduct and establish a reasonable time for improvement not to exceed two months PERSONNEL FILES CERTIFIED STAFF A file of personnel records shall be maintained in the superintendents office for each certificated employee of the Tannehill Public Schools A file shall be kept for all resigned or retired employees including such essential information as shall seem appropriate to the administration as specified by state and federal laws Confidentiality Personnel information concerning district employees is generally confidential and may be reviewed only on a need to know basis under conditions which guarantee managements right of access to information necessary to make judgments and the protection of the employees of the district against unnecessary invasion of privacy Some personnel information is public record and must be released to any person upon request Files containing medical information regarding an employee will be kept separate from other personnel files Types of Information It shall be the responsibility of each certificated employee to see that there is filed with the district any record of prior teaching experience In addition if the teacher has rendered military service the proof of discharge from the service must be furnished", "question_text": "2015-2016 school year the quantitative components of the TLE into its evaluation system of teachers and administrators as \ndefined by the school district\u2019s written policy. The district may continue to use, at its own expense, quantitative measures of \nteachers and leaders as a part of the district evaluation rating. Such measures shall include a minimum of one reliable, \nresearched-based measure as approved by the State Board of Education. \n \nFor evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the 2017-2018 school year , and each school year thereafter, \nschool districts shall incorporate and put into operation the qualitative component of the TLE and shall provide all teachers and \nadministrators with a district evaluation rating based upon the components of the TLE. For the 2017-2018 school year school \ndistricts shall incorporate the individualized programs of professional development set forth at 70 O.S. \u00a7 6-101.10 (B) on a \npilot program basis. \n \nFor evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the 2018-2019 school year, and each school year thereafter, \nschool districts shall fully incorporate and put into operation the individualized programs of professional development as set \nforth at 70 O.S. \u00a7 6-101.10 (B). \n \nThe evaluation shall be reviewed by the staff member and the evaluator. Either or both may attach written and signed \ncomments to the evaluation instrument within two weeks of the evaluation, provided that no additional statements or comments \nshall be attached without the teacher's knowledge. The teacher's signature on the evaluation instrument shall serve only to \nreflect the teacher's acknowledgment that an evaluation was conducted. A copy of the completed evaluation instrument will be \nprovided to the teacher. \n \nExcept by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, evaluation documents and the responses thereto shall be made available \nonly to the evaluated person, the board of education, the administrative staff making the evaluation, the board and \nadministrative staff of any school to which the evaluated person applies for employment, and such other persons given consent \nby the teacher in writing, and shall be subject to disclosure at a hearing or trial de novo. \n \nIf the evaluation discloses any area(s) in which improvement can be reasonably expected and desired, the principal shall \ndiscuss such area(s) with the teacher and offer suggestions and recommendations as to how improvement may be achieved. \nSuch recommendations shall be recorded on the evaluation instrument. \n \nWhen the evaluating administrator identifies poor performance or conduct that the administrator believes may lead to a \nrecommendation for the career teacher's dismissal or nonreemployment, the administrator will admonish the teacher in \nwriting and make reasonable effort to assist the teacher in correcting the poor performance or conduct; and establish a \nreasonable time for improvement, not to exceed two months. \n \n \n \nPERSONNEL FILES \nCERTIFIED STAFF \nA file of personnel records shall be maintained in the superintendent's office for each certificated employee of the Tannehill \nPublic Schools. A file shall be kept for all resigned or retired employees, including such essential information as shall seem \nappropriate to the administration as specified by state and federal laws. \n \nConfidentiality \n \nPersonnel information concerning district employees is generally confidential and may be reviewed only on a \"need to know\" \nbasis under conditions which guarantee management's right of access to information necessary to make judgments and the \nprotection of the employees of the district against unnecessary invasion of privacy. Some personnel information is \"public \nrecord\" and must be released to any person upon request. \n \nFiles containing medical information regarding an employee will be kept separate from other personnel files. \n \nTypes of Information \n \nIt shall be the responsibility of each certificated employee to see that there is filed with the district any record of prior teaching \nexperience. In addition, if the teacher has rendered military service, the proof of discharge from the service must be furnished.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 37, "standardized_text": "It is the obligation of the certificated employee to see that information that will maintain the employees personnel file on a complete and uptodate basis is sent to the superintendents office The records shall contain the following information The correct name and the current address and telephone number of the employee An accurate record of the work experience of the employee Current data on education completed including the transcripts of all academic work Proof of requirements fulfilled in order to be eligible for salary Current data on credentials Any current data requested concerning the health of the employee or medical examinations that the employee may have undergone Records of assignment Evaluations of performance Letters of commendation reprimand or omission of duty Other materials mutually agreed upon between the principal and the teacher Use of Personnel Records All the contents of the personnel records file shall be available for inspection by the employee concerned The district reserves the right to have a member of the superintendents office staff present at the time the employee inspects his or her personnel file for the purpose of explaining and interpreting the information therein Similarly at the time the record is reviewed the employee shall have the right to have present a representative of his or her own choosing if desired The teacher shall have the right to respond to all materials contained in the personnel file and to any materials to be placed in the file in the future Responses shall become part of the file Parental Notice If the school district receives Title I funds the No Child Left Behind Act requires the district to provide parents with notice that they may request information about the professional qualifications of classroom teachers The notice to parents must include the following Whether the teacher has met state qualifications for the grade levels and subject areas taught Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status The baccalaureate degree of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher and the subject areas of the certification or degree Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and if so their qualifications If a parent requests the abovelisted information the district is required to provide the information in a timely manner If the district has hired a teacher who is not highly qualified and the teacher has taught a child for four or more weeks the district is required to provide the parents notice that their child has been taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified TOBACCO USE PROHIBITED The use of a tobacco product or vapor product shall be prohibited in or on an educational facility that offers an early childhood education program or in which children in grades kindergarten through twelve are educated The use of a tobacco product or vapor product shall also be prohibited in school vehicles and at any schoolsponsored or schoolsanctioned event or activity", "question_text": "It is the obligation of the certificated employee to see that information that will maintain the employee\u2019s personnel file on a \ncomplete and up-to-date basis is sent to the superintendent's office. The records shall contain the following information: \n \n 1. \nThe correct name and the current address and telephone number of the employee; \n \n 2. \nAn accurate record of the work experience of the employee; \n \n 3. \nCurrent data on education completed, including the transcripts of all academic work; \n \n 4. \nProof of requirements fulfilled in order to be eligible for salary; \n \n 5. \nCurrent data on credentials; \n \n 6. \nAny current data requested concerning the health of the employee, or medical examinations that the employee may \nhave undergone; \n \n 7. \nRecords of assignment; \n \n 8. \nEvaluations of performance; \n \n 9. \nLetters of commendation, reprimand, or omission of duty; \n \n 10. \nOther materials mutually agreed upon between the principal and the teacher. \n \nUse of Personnel Records \n \nAll the contents of the personnel records file shall be available for inspection by the employee concerned. The district reserves \nthe right to have a member of the superintendent's office staff present at the time the employee inspects his or her personnel file \nfor the purpose of explaining and interpreting the information therein. Similarly, at the time the record is reviewed, the \nemployee shall have the right to have present a representative of his or her own choosing, if desired. \n \nThe teacher shall have the right to respond to all materials contained in the personnel file and to any materials to be placed in \nthe file in the future. Responses shall become part of the file. \n \n \nParental Notice \n \nIf the school district receives Title I funds, the No Child Left Behind Act requires the district to provide parents with notice that \nthey may request information about the professional qualifications of classroom teachers. The notice to parents must include \nthe following: \n \n 1. \nWhether the teacher has met state qualifications for the grade levels and subject areas taught. \n \n 2. \nWhether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status. \n \n 3. \nThe baccalaureate degree of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the \nsubject area(s) of the certification or degree. \n \n 4. \nWhether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so, their qualifications. \n \nIf a parent requests the above-listed information, the district is required to provide the information in a timely manner. If the \ndistrict has hired a teacher who is not highly qualified and the teacher has taught a child for four or more weeks, the district is \nrequired to provide the parents notice that their child has been taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified. \n \n \nTOBACCO USE PROHIBITED \nThe use of a tobacco product or vapor product shall be prohibited 24/7 in or on an educational facility that offers an early \nchildhood education program or in which children in grades kindergarten through twelve are educated. The use of a tobacco \nproduct or vapor product shall also be prohibited 24/7 in school vehicles, and at any school-sponsored or school-sanctioned \nevent or activity.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Educational facility is defined as any property building permanent structure facility auditorium stadium arena or recreational facility owned leased or under the control of the school district School Vehicle is defined as any transportation equipment or auxiliary transportation equipment as defined in OS Chewing tobacco is defined as any Cavendish twist plug scrap and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for chewing Smoking tobacco is defined as any granulated plug cut crimp cut ready rubbed and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette Tobacco product is defined as any bidis cigars cheroots stogies smoking tobacco and chewing tobacco however prepared Tobacco products shall include any other articles or products made of tobacco or any substitute thereof Vapor product is defined as noncombustible products that may or may not contain nicotine that employ a mechanical heating element battery electronic circuit or other mechanism regardless of shape or size that can be used to produce a vapor in a solution or other form Vapor product shall also include any vapor cartridge or other container with or without nicotine or other form that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette electronic cigar electronic cigarillo electronic pipe or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of a solution that may or may not contain nicotine that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette electronic cigar electronic cigarillo or electronic device Vapor products do not include any products regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act Signs will be posted in prominent places on school property to notify the public that smoking or other use of tobacco products is prohibited Students are also prohibited from possessing tobacco on in or upon any school property If students are found to be carrying cigarettes or other tobacco products the tobacco product will be confiscated Employees are warned that violation of this policy may lead to dismissal action Patrons who violate this policy will be asked to leave the school premises Students violating this policy will be disciplined TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT TEACHERS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that professional employees who for any reason intend to resign or who intend to retire are encouraged to indicate their plans in writing to the board as early in the school year as plans may become firm and the decision to leave the district is made Resignations become effective at the end of the school year in which they are submitted Resignations to become effective earlier than at the end of the school year require a release by the board and must be considered on an individual basis Resignations for the subsequent school year likewise require a release by the board and will be considered on an individual basis Letters of resignation must be mailed to the board by registered or certified mail Career teachers will be subject to dismissal at any time or will not be eligible for reemployment for", "question_text": "1. \n\"Educational facility\u201d is defined as any property, building, permanent structure, facility, auditorium, stadium, arena or \nrecreational facility owned, leased, or under the control of the school district. \n \n \n 2. \n\u201cSchool Vehicle\u201d is defined as any transportation equipment or auxiliary transportation equipment as defined in 70 O.S. \n\u00a7 9-104. \n \n 3. \n\u201cChewing tobacco\u201d is defined as any Cavendish, twist, plug, scrap, and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable \nfor chewing. \n \n 4. \n\u201cSmoking tobacco\u201d is defined as any granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and any other kinds and forms of \ntobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette. \n \n 5. \n\u201cTobacco product\u201d is defined as any bidis, cigars, cheroots, stogies, smoking tobacco and chewing tobacco, however \nprepared. Tobacco products shall include any other articles or products made of tobacco or any substitute thereof. \n \n 6. \n\u201cVapor product\u201d is defined as noncombustible products, that may or may not contain nicotine, that employ a \nmechanical heating element, battery, electronic circuit or other mechanism, regardless of shape or size, that can be used \nto produce a vapor in a solution or other form. Vapor product shall also include any vapor cartridge or other container \nwith or without nicotine or other form that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, \nelectronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of a solution, \nthat may or may not contain nicotine, that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, \nelectronic cigarillo or electronic device. Vapor products do not include any products regulated by the United States \nFood and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. \n \nSigns will be posted in prominent places on school property to notify the public that smoking or other use of tobacco products \nis prohibited \n \nStudents are also prohibited from possessing tobacco on, in, or upon any school property. If students are found to be carrying \ncigarettes or other tobacco products, the tobacco product will be confiscated. \n \nEmployees are warned that violation of this policy may lead to dismissal action. Patrons who violate this policy will be asked \nto leave the school premises. Students violating this policy will be disciplined. \n \n \nTERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT \nTEACHERS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that professional employees, who for any reason intend to resign or who \nintend to retire, are encouraged to indicate their plans in writing to the board as early in the school year as plans may become \nfirm and the decision to leave the district is made. Resignations become effective at the end of the school year in which they \nare submitted. Resignations to become effective earlier than at the end of the school year require a release by the board and \nmust be considered on an individual basis. Resignations for the subsequent school year likewise require a release by the board \nand will be considered on an individual basis. Letters of resignation must be mailed to the board by registered or certified mail. \n \nCareer teachers will be subject to dismissal at any time - or will not be eligible for reemployment - for:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Willful neglect of duty", "question_text": "1. \nWillful neglect of duty,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Repeated negligence in the performance of duty", "question_text": "2. \nRepeated negligence in the performance of duty,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Mental or physical abuse to a child", "question_text": "3. \nMental or physical abuse to a child,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Incompetency", "question_text": "4. \nIncompetency,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Instructional ineffectiveness", "question_text": "5. \nInstructional ineffectiveness,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Unsatisfactory teaching performance", "question_text": "6. \nUnsatisfactory teaching performance,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Commission of an act of moral turpitude", "question_text": "7. \nCommission of an act of moral turpitude,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Abandonment of contract", "question_text": "8. \nAbandonment of contract,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Conviction of a felony", "question_text": "9. \nConviction of a felony,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 39, "standardized_text": " After a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the effectiveness of the individuals performance of school duties or", "question_text": "10. \nAfter a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded \nthe effectiveness of the individual's performance of school duties, or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 39, "standardized_text": " Failure to earn required staff development points Probationary teachers may be terminated for cause or nonrenewed by the board at its discretion subject to any statutory due process requirements in effect at the time such teacher is recommended for dismissal or nonrenewal Procedures for dismissal of certified employees are governed by state law and all actions of the school district and the board are clearly identified in the statutes However nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent layoffs due to lack of funds or work No action regarding dismissal or nonrenewal of an employee shall be taken until the employee has received due process see DOR The board of education may vote to offer employment or to not offer employment for the subsequent school year in advance of the statutory deadline Until a written contract is executed or until the statutory deadline passes the board may vote to not reemploy a certified employee SUPPORT PERSONNEL SUSPENSION DEMOTION NONRENEWAL OR TERMINATION The Tannehill Board of Education has adopted the following procedure for the suspension demotion or termination of support personnel in accordance with Title of Oklahoma Statutes Sections through For the purpose of this policy support employee means a fulltime employee as determined by the standard period of labor which is customarily understood to constitute fulltime employment for the type of services performed by the employee who is employed a minimum of one hundred seventytwo days and who provides those services which are not performed by certified teachers principals superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the efficient and satisfactory functioning of a school district Those support employees who work less than one hundred seventytwo days are not entitled to due process and shall be employed on an atwill basis No support employee who has been employed in the school district for more than one year may be suspended discharged or nonrenewed except within the provisions of this policy However this policy shall not be construed to prevent layoffs or reductionsinforce for lack of funds or work When the immediate suspension of a support employee is in the best interest of the school the superintendent may suspend the employee with or without pay without a hearing If an employee is suspended for a period exceeding days the superintendent shall initiate termination proceedings immediately upon the beginning of suspension However in a case involving a criminal charge the suspension may be delayed until the case is adjudicated at trial Nothing herein shall prevent proceeding against the employee for termination of employment during or after the suspension Prior to demotion termination or nonrenewal and after any suspension the support employee shall receive notice of his or her right to a board hearing if so requested Employees will be notified by certified mail of a superintendents recommendation to demote or terminate employment and the support employee must request a hearing by certified mail to the board clerk within", "question_text": "11. \nFailure to earn required staff development points. \n \nProbationary teachers may be terminated for cause or nonrenewed by the board at its discretion subject to any statutory due \nprocess requirements in effect at the time such teacher is recommended for dismissal or nonrenewal. \n \nProcedures for dismissal of certified employees are governed by state law and all actions of the school district and the board \nare clearly identified in the statutes. However, nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent layoffs due to lack of funds \nor work. No action regarding dismissal or nonrenewal of an employee shall be taken until the employee has received due \nprocess (see DO-R). \n \nThe board of education may vote to offer employment or to not offer employment for the subsequent school year in advance of \nthe statutory deadline. Until a written contract is executed or until the statutory deadline passes, the board may vote to not \nreemploy a certified employee. \n \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \nSUSPENSION, DEMOTION, NONRENEWAL, OR TERMINATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education has adopted the following procedure for the suspension, demotion, or termination of support \npersonnel in accordance with Title 70 of Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 6-101.40 through 6-101.47. \n \nFor the purpose of this policy, \"support employee\" means a full-time employee as determined by the standard period of labor \nwhich is customarily understood to constitute full-time employment for the type of services performed by the employee who is \nemployed a minimum of one hundred seventy-two days (172) and who provides those services which are not performed by \ncertified teachers, principals, superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the efficient and satisfactory \nfunctioning of a school district. Those support employees who work less than one hundred seventy-two days (172) are not \nentitled to due process and shall be employed on an at-will basis. \n \nNo support employee who has been employed in the school district for more than one year may be suspended, discharged, or \nnonrenewed except within the provisions of this policy. However, this policy shall not be construed to prevent layoffs or \nreductions-in-force for lack of funds or work. \n \nWhen the immediate suspension of a support employee is in the best interest of the school, the superintendent may suspend the \nemployee with or without pay without a hearing. If an employee is suspended for a period exceeding 10 days, the \nsuperintendent shall initiate termination proceedings immediately upon the beginning of suspension. However, in a case \ninvolving a criminal charge, the suspension may be delayed until the case is adjudicated at trial. Nothing herein shall prevent \nproceeding against the employee for termination of employment during or after the suspension. \n \nPrior to demotion, termination, or nonrenewal and after any suspension, the support employee shall receive notice of his or her \nright to a board hearing if so requested. Employees will be notified by certified mail of a superintendent\u2019s recommendation to \ndemote or terminate employment, and the support employee must request a hearing by certified mail to the board clerk within", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 39, "standardized_text": " working days of said notice or the employee shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to a hearing If a hearing is requested the hearing shall be conducted at the next succeeding regular meeting of the board if the request is received by the board clerk at least days prior to such meeting However a special meeting may be conducted if requested by the employee or at the discretion of the board of education Such special meeting shall be conducted no sooner than days nor later than days after receipt of the hearing request The decision of the board shall be final The procedures of this policy only protect employees who have been employed more than one year immediately preceding adverse employment action and are suspended or discharged during a contractual period of employment or are nonrenewed In accordance with Title of the Oklahoma Statutes Sections through the board hereby adopts the following causes for suspension demotion termination or nonrenewal of support personnel Leaving workstation without authorization prior to lunch periods or end of workday Excessive unexcused absenteeism Chronic absenteeism for any reason", "question_text": "10 working days of said notice, or the employee shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to a hearing. \n \nIf a hearing is requested, the hearing shall be conducted at the next succeeding regular meeting of the board if the request is \nreceived by the board clerk at least 10 days prior to such meeting. However, a special meeting may be conducted if requested \nby the employee or at the discretion of the board of education. Such special meeting shall be conducted no sooner than 10 \ndays, nor later than 30 days, after receipt of the hearing request. The decision of the board shall be final. \n \nThe procedures of this policy only protect employees who have been employed more than one year immediately preceding \nadverse employment action and are suspended or discharged during a contractual period of employment or are nonrenewed. \n \nIn accordance with Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 6-101.40 through 6-101.47, the board hereby adopts the \nfollowing causes for suspension, demotion, termination, or nonrenewal of support personnel: \n \n 1. \nLeaving workstation without authorization prior to lunch periods or end of workday. \n \n 2. \nExcessive unexcused absenteeism. \n \n 3. \nChronic absenteeism for any reason.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 40, "standardized_text": " Excessive tardiness Persistently wasting time or distracting others during working hours Leaving work area during working hours without proper notification and permission Falsification of personnel or other records personal or another employees records Possession of weapons on the premises at any time Removing district property records or confidential information from premises without proper authority Willful abuse misuse defacing or destruction of district property including tools equipment or other property of other employees Theft or misappropriation of property of employees students or of this district Sabotage Refusal to follow instructions of supervisor Refusal or failure to do work assignment Unauthorized operation of vehicles machines tools or equipment Threatening intimidating coercing abusing or interfering with employees supervisors or students at any time The making or publishing of false vicious or malicious statements concerning any employee supervisor students or the district Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions Practical jokes injurious to employees or district property Possession consumption or reporting to work under the influence of alcohol nonprescribed drugs or controlled substances Creating disturbances on the premises at any time Disregard of known safety rules or common safety practices Unsafe operation of motor driven vehicles Operating machines or equipment without safety devices provided Participating in or witnessing gambling lottery or any other game of chance on district property Unauthorized distribution of literature written or printed matter of any description on district property Posting or removing notices signs or writing in any form on bulletin boards of district property at any time without specific authority of the administration Poor workmanship Immoral conduct or indecency including abusive andor foul language Making or receiving personal telephone calls or texting posting to Facebook or use of other social media during working hours Walking off the job Continued poor or negative attitude while on the job including poor relationship with other staff or students", "question_text": "4. \nExcessive tardiness. \n \n 5. \nPersistently wasting time or distracting others during working hours. \n \n 6. \nLeaving work area during working hours without proper notification and permission. \n \n 7. \nFalsification of personnel or other records (personal or another employee's records). \n \n 8. \nPossession of weapons on the premises at any time. \n \n 9. \nRemoving district property, records, or confidential information from premises without proper authority. \n \n 10. \nWillful abuse, misuse, defacing, or destruction of district property, including tools, equipment, or other property of \nother employees. \n \n 11. \nTheft or misappropriation of property of employees, students, or of this district. \n \n 12. \nSabotage. \n \n 13. \nRefusal to follow instructions of supervisor. \n \n 14. \nRefusal or failure to do work assignment. \n \n 15. \nUnauthorized operation of vehicles, machines, tools, or equipment. \n \n 16. \nThreatening, intimidating, coercing, abusing or interfering with employees, supervisors, or students at any time. \n \n 17. \nThe making or publishing of false, vicious, or malicious statements concerning any employee, supervisor, students, or \nthe district. \n \n 18. \nCreating or contributing to unsanitary conditions. \n \n 19. \nPractical jokes injurious to employee's or district property. \n \n 20. \nPossession, consumption, or reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, nonprescribed drugs, or controlled \nsubstances. \n \n 21. \nCreating disturbances on the premises at any time. \n \n 22. \nDisregard of known safety rules or common safety practices. \n \n 23. \nUnsafe operation of motor driven vehicles. \n \n 24. \nOperating machines or equipment without safety devices provided. \n \n \n 25. \nParticipating in or witnessing gambling, lottery, or any other game of chance on district property. \n \n 26. \nUnauthorized distribution of literature, written, or printed matter of any description on district property. \n \n 27. \nPosting or removing notices, signs, or writing in any form on bulletin boards of district property at any time without \nspecific authority of the administration. \n \n 28. \nPoor workmanship. \n \n 29. \nImmoral conduct or indecency including abusive and/or foul language. \n \n 30. \nMaking or receiving personal telephone calls or texting, posting to Facebook, or use of other social media during \nworking hours. \n \n 31. \nWalking off the job. \n \n 32. \nContinued poor or negative attitude while on the job, including poor relationship with other staff or students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 41, "standardized_text": " Smoking in unauthorized area or at unauthorized time Failure to dress appropriately for work assignment Refusal of job transfer within the district when transfer does not result in demotion Abuse of rest periods or meal period policies Inappropriate andor unauthorized use of the school districts computer network or Internet connections Insubordination of any kind Racial discrimination including racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another persons race ancestry or country of origin and directed toward another employee a student or a visitor Violation of any district rule or policy Violation of any administrative rule or order If it is in the best interest of the school district any support person may be suspended demoted or terminated Violations of any of the above may lead to the suspension demotion or termination of the support employee REDUCTIONINFORCE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that in the event it becomes necessary to reduce the professional staff of this school district reductioninforce at any level may be based on any of the following conditions Decrease in revenue Decrease in student enrollment Changes in educational programs or curriculum Cancellation of programs or Any other circumstances determined by the board Definitions Career teacher means a teacher who a is employed by a school district prior to the school year and has completed three or more consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract or b for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract during the school year and thereafter has completed three consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract and has achieved a district evaluation rating of superior as measured pursuant to the TLE as set forth in OS of this act for at least two of the three school years has completed four consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract has averaged a district evaluation rating of at least effective as measured pursuant to the TLE for the fouryear period and has received a rating of at least effective for the last two years of the fouryear period or has completed four or more consecutive complete school years in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract and has not met the requirements of subparagraph a or b of this paragraph only if the principal of the school at which the teacher is employed submits a petition to the superintendent of the school district requesting that the teacher be granted career status the superintendent agrees with the petition and the school district board of education approves the petition The principal shall specify in the petition the underlying facts supporting the granting of career status to the teacher Probationary teacher means a teacher who", "question_text": "33. \nSmoking in unauthorized area or at unauthorized time. \n \n 34. \nFailure to dress appropriately for work assignment. \n \n 35. \nRefusal of job transfer within the district when transfer does not result in demotion. \n \n 36. \nAbuse of rest periods or meal period policies. \n \n 37. \nInappropriate and/or unauthorized use of the school district\u2019s computer network or Internet connections. \n \n 38. \nInsubordination of any kind. \n \n 39. \nRacial discrimination, including racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another person's race, ancestry, or \ncountry of origin and directed toward another employee, a student or a visitor. \n \n 40. \nViolation of any district rule or policy. \n \n 41. \nViolation of any administrative rule or order. \n \n 42. \nIf it is in the best interest of the school district, any support person may be suspended, demoted, or terminated. \n \nViolations of any of the above may lead to the suspension, demotion, or termination of the support employee. \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that, in the event it becomes necessary to reduce the professional staff of \nthis school district, reduction-in-force at any level may be based on any of the following conditions: \n \n \n \nDecrease in revenue, \n \n \nDecrease in student enrollment, \n \n \nChanges in educational programs or curriculum, \n \n \nCancellation of programs, or \n \n \nAny other circumstances determined by the board. \n \nDefinitions \n \nCareer teacher means a teacher who: \n \na. \nis employed by a school district prior to the 2017-2018 school year and has completed three (3) or more consecutive \ncomplete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract, or \n \nb. for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract \nduring the 2017-2018 school year and thereafter. \n \n(1) has completed three (3) consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written \ncontinuing or temporary teaching contract and has achieved a district evaluation rating of \"superior\" as measured \npursuant to the (TLE) as set forth in 70 O.S. \u00a7 6-101.16 of this act for at least two (2) of the three (3) school years, \n \n(2) has completed four (4) consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written \ncontinuing or temporary teaching contract, has averaged a district evaluation rating of at least \"effective\" as measured \npursuant to the TLE for the four-year period, and has received a rating of at least \"effective\" for the last two (2) years \nof the four-year period, or \n \n(3) has completed four (4) or more consecutive complete school years in one school district under a written continuing \nor temporary teaching contract and has not met the requirements of subparagraph \u201ca\u201d or \u201cb\u201d of this paragraph, only if \nthe principal of the school at which the teacher is employed submits a petition to the superintendent of the school \ndistrict requesting that the teacher be granted career status, the superintendent agrees with the petition, and the school \ndistrict board of education approves the petition. The principal shall specify in the petition the underlying facts \nsupporting the granting of career status to the teacher; \n \nProbationary teacher means a teacher who:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": "a for teachers employed by a school district prior to the school year and has completed fewer than three consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written teaching contract or b for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written teaching contract during the school year and thereafter In the event any of the above conditions occur every effort will be made to accomplish the necessary reduction by attrition voluntary resignation or voluntary retirement Reductioninforce will be made according to the following procedures The position will be the determining factor in a reduction not the teacher occupying the position The order of termination will be as follows A A probationary teacher in an eliminated position will be terminated first B A career teacher in an eliminated position will be placed in a retained position in which the teacher is at the time of the presentation of the recommendation to reduce force certified by standard certification provided the position is occupied by a probationary teacher C If a career teacher is qualified for standard certification in a position held by a probationary or licensed teacher but does not have such a certificate then such career teacher must have evidence of eligibility for such certification on file in a personnel file in the office of the superintendent at the time of the presentation of the recommendation to reduce force D If there is more than one career teacher assigned to the position that is subject to being eliminated the following criteria in this order will be used to determine which of the career teachers will be retained", "question_text": "a. \nfor teachers employed by a school district prior to the 2017-2018 school year and has completed fewer than three (3) \nconsecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written teaching contract, or \n \nb. for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written teaching contract during the 2017-2018 \nschool year and thereafter. \n \nIn the event any of the above conditions occur, every effort will be made to accomplish the necessary reduction by \nattrition, voluntary resignation, or voluntary retirement. Reduction-in-force will be made according to the following \nprocedures: \n \n 1. \nThe position will be the determining factor in a reduction, not the teacher occupying the position. \n \n 2. \nThe order of termination will be as follows: \n \nA. A probationary teacher in an eliminated position will be terminated first \n \n \nB A career teacher in an eliminated position will be placed in a retained position in which the teacher is, at the time \nof the presentation of the recommendation to reduce force, certified by standard certification, provided the position \nis occupied by a probationary teacher. \n \n \nC. If a career teacher is qualified for standard certification in a position held by a probationary or licensed teacher but \ndoes not have such a certificate, then such career teacher must have evidence of eligibility for such certification on \nfile in a personnel file in the office of the superintendent at the time of the presentation of the recommendation to \nreduce force. \n \n \nD. If there is more than one career teacher assigned to the position that is subject to being eliminated, the following \ncriteria, in this order, will be used to determine which of the career teachers will be retained:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": " Certification in a retained teaching position that is open A career teacher with standard certification for the retained position will be retained over a probationary teacher", "question_text": "1. \nCertification in a retained teaching position that is open. A career teacher with standard certification for the \nretained position will be retained over a probationary teacher.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": " Seniority in continuous fulltime contracted certified employment in the district Approved medical leave shall not result in a break in service", "question_text": "2. \nSeniority in continuous, full-time, contracted, certified employment in the district. (Approved medical leave \nshall not result in a break in service.)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": " If certification and seniority are the same according to the above criteria the determining factors in order of importance are a Years of teaching experience in the retained position in the local school district b Academic degree status A teacher with a doctors degree will be retained over a teacher with a masters or a bachelors degree a teacher with a masters will be retained over a teacher with a bachelors degree E If there is more than one probationary teacher in the position being reduced the criteria listed in E through will be used in determining which probationary teacher or licensed teacher will be retained Any person terminated under the provisions of this policy who wishes to be considered for future vacancies must make formal application for a teaching position and must notify the superintendent by certified mail restricted delivery within ten days following final board action on the termination of the teachers desire to remain an active applicant for a teaching position REDUCTIONINFORCE SUPPORT PERSONNEL The Tannehill Board of Education believes that every reasonable effort should be made to avoid a reduction in force at any level However if it should become necessary to reduce the number of fulltime support employees due to lack of funds or lack of work in a particular area the position or program will be the determining factor and not the individuals who occupy the position or serve the program", "question_text": "3. \n If certification and seniority are the same according to the above criteria, the determining factors in order of \nimportance are: \n \n \n \na. \nYears of teaching experience in the retained position in the local school district. \n \n \nb. \nAcademic degree status: \n \n \n \nA teacher with a doctor's degree will be retained over a teacher with a master's or a bachelor's degree; a \nteacher with a master's will be retained over a teacher with a bachelor's degree. \n \n \nE. If there is more than one probationary teacher in the position being reduced, the criteria listed in E, 1 through 3, \nwill be used in determining which probationary teacher or licensed teacher will be retained. \n \nAny person terminated under the provisions of this policy who wishes to be considered for future vacancies must make formal \napplication for a teaching position and must notify the superintendent by certified mail, restricted delivery, within ten (10) days \nfollowing final board action on the termination, of the teacher's desire to remain an active applicant for a teaching position. \n \n \n \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that every reasonable effort should be made to avoid a reduction in force at any \nlevel. However, if it should become necessary to reduce the number of full-time support employees due to lack of funds or lack \nof work in a particular area, the position or program will be the determining factor and not the individuals who occupy the \nposition or serve the program.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": "An employee is considered to be a fulltime employee if the number of hours worked is the number of hours customarily worked in that position and if that position is designated as a fulltime position by the board A reduction in force may occur for lack of funds lack of work because of a decline in enrollment consolidation of programs or positions elimination of positions or other circumstances as determined by the board If termination of employment should become necessary notices of such terminations will be made as set forth in the policy governing suspension demotion or termination of support employees found elsewhere in the school policy manual Any necessary terminations shall begin by dismissing temporary seasonal or parttime employees within the job category affected These employees shall be terminated at the discretion of the board or the boards designee Job categories are listed alphabetically as follows a Assistants for handicapped students b Bus drivers c Classroom assistants d Food service e Maintenancecustodial f Medialibrary assistants g Office personnelassistants If normal attrition and the release of temporary and parttime employees do not sufficiently reduce the support staff the following items will be considered in the reduction process in the order listed", "question_text": "An employee is considered to be a full-time employee if the number of hours worked is the number of hours customarily \nworked in that position and if that position is designated as a full-time position by the board. \n \nA reduction in force may occur for lack of funds, lack of work because of a decline in enrollment, consolidation of programs or \npositions, elimination of positions, or other circumstances as determined by the board. \n \nIf termination of employment should become necessary, notices of such terminations will be made as set forth in the policy \ngoverning suspension, demotion, or termination of support employees found elsewhere in the school policy manual. \nAny necessary terminations shall begin by dismissing temporary, seasonal, or part-time employees within the job category \naffected. These employees shall be terminated at the discretion of the board or the board's designee. Job categories are listed \nalphabetically as follows: \n \na. Assistants for handicapped students \nb. Bus drivers \nc. Classroom assistants \nd. Food service \ne. Maintenance/custodial \nf. Media/library assistants \ng. Office personnel/assistants \n \nIf normal attrition and the release of temporary and part-time employees do not sufficiently reduce the support staff, the \nfollowing items will be considered in the reduction process in the order listed:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": " Job qualification by training and years of experience", "question_text": "1. Job qualification by training and years of experience", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": " In the event that two or more employees in the affected category are equal in the above factor termination shall be made on the basis of seniority within each general job category Supervisors and directors shall serve at the pleasure of the board and shall not be subject to the prescribed seniority order for reductions in force Personnel whose positions are eliminated in one category may be considered for a position in another category Seniority shall be defined as the total length of service as a support employee within this district Employees who are terminated and subsequently reinstated shall retain cumulative seniority for all periods worked except for the period of termination Demotions in position shall follow the same procedure as terminations An employee who takes a voluntary demotion or a voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of termination shall be returned to a higher position or a position with more hours as vacancies become available if the employee chooses to return TEACHER TERMINATION PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following procedures shall be followed in terminating the employment of career and probationary teachers Whenever the superintendent recommends to the board of education that a teacher employed within this school district be dismissed or not reemployed the superintendents written recommendation shall set forth the basis for the recommendation The recommendation shall include the specific statutory grounds on which a career teacher should be dismissed or not reemployed or the cause for which a probationary teacher should be dismissed or not reemployed and shall include the underlying facts supporting the recommendation Whenever the board of education receives a recommendation for the dismissal or nonreemployment of a teacher the board or individual designated by the board shall mail or cause to be mailed a copy of the recommendation to the teacher by personal delivery to the teacher with a signed acknowledgement of receipt or serve the recommendation and notice of hearing by process server If mailed such mailing will be by certified mail restricted delivery return receipt requested The notice must specify the statutory grounds for career teachers or the cause for probationary teachers upon which the recommendation is based and shall include the teachers right to a hearing before the board and the date time and place set by the board for hearing Such hearing shall be held within the school district no sooner than twenty days nor later than sixty days following the teachers receipt of notice The board delegates the superintendent as its agent to set a time date and place for the hearing after consultation with the board president Hearing procedures for teachers shall be as follows", "question_text": "2. In the event that two or more employees in the affected category are equal in the above factor, termination shall be made on \nthe basis of seniority within each general job category. \nSupervisors and directors shall serve at the pleasure of the board and shall not be subject to the prescribed seniority order for \nreductions in force. Personnel whose positions are eliminated in one category may be considered for a position in another \ncategory. \nSeniority shall be defined as the total length of service as a support employee within this district. \nEmployees who are terminated and subsequently reinstated shall retain cumulative seniority for all periods worked except for \nthe period of termination. \nDemotions in position shall follow the same procedure as terminations. \n \nAn employee who takes a voluntary demotion or a voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of termination shall be returned \nto a higher position or a position with more hours as vacancies become available, if the employee chooses to return. \n \nTEACHER TERMINATION \nPROCEDURES \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following procedures shall be followed in terminating the \nemployment of career and probationary teachers. \n \nWhenever the superintendent recommends to the board of education that a teacher employed within this school district be \ndismissed or not reemployed, the superintendent's written recommendation shall set forth the basis for the recommendation. \nThe recommendation shall include the specific statutory grounds on which a career teacher should be dismissed or not \nreemployed, or the cause for which a probationary teacher should be dismissed or not reemployed, and shall include the \nunderlying facts supporting the recommendation. \n \nWhenever the board of education receives a recommendation for the dismissal or nonreemployment of a teacher, the board or \nindividual designated by the board shall mail, or cause to be mailed, a copy of the recommendation to the teacher, by personal \ndelivery to the teacher with a signed acknowledgement of receipt, or serve the recommendation and notice of hearing by \nprocess server. If mailed, such mailing will be by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested. The notice must \nspecify the statutory grounds - for career teachers - or the cause - for probationary teachers - upon which the recommendation \nis based and shall include the teacher's right to a hearing before the board and the date, time, and place set by the board for \nhearing. Such hearing shall be held within the school district no sooner than twenty days nor later than sixty days following \nthe teacher's receipt of notice. The board delegates the superintendent, as its agent, to set a time, date, and place for the hearing \nafter consultation with the board president. \n \nHearing procedures for teachers shall be as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": " The parties to the hearing are the teacher and the superintendent or designee and they shall be afforded the following rights at any hearing held pursuant to these regulations", "question_text": "1. \nThe parties to the hearing are the teacher and the superintendent or designee, and they shall be \n \nafforded the following rights at any hearing held pursuant to these regulations:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": "A The right to be represented B The right to present witnesses in person or to present their testimony by interrogatories affidavits or depositions if agreed to by the parties A list of all witnesses and exhibits shall be furnished to the other party at least five days before the hearing C The right to crossexamine witnesses D The right to testify in hisher own behalf and present evidence and argument on all issues involved E The right to have an orderly hearing F The right to have an impartial decision based upon the evidence presented", "question_text": "A. \nThe right to be represented. \n \nB. \nThe right to present witnesses in person or to present their testimony by interrogatories, \n \naffidavits, or depositions if agreed to by the parties. A list of all witnesses and exhibits shall be furnished to the other \nparty at least five (5) days before the hearing. \n \nC. \nThe right to cross-examine witnesses. \n \nD. \nThe right to testify in his/her own behalf and present evidence and argument on all issues \n \n \ninvolved. \n \nE. \nThe right to have an orderly hearing. \n \nF. \nThe right to have an impartial decision based upon the evidence presented.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The board president or in case of absence a designee shall be the presiding officer at the hearing", "question_text": "2. \nThe board president or, in case of absence, a designee, shall be the presiding officer at the \n \nhearing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The hearing shall be convened by the board president who shall state the purpose of the hearing introduce the parties and administer the oath to all persons who will testify", "question_text": "3. \nThe hearing shall be convened by the board president who shall state the purpose of the \n \nhearing, introduce the parties, and administer the oath to all persons who will testify.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " Upon the request of either party the presiding officer may exclude from the hearing room the witnesses not at the time under examination except that a party to the proceeding and hisher representative shall not be excluded", "question_text": "4. \nUpon the request of either party, the presiding officer may exclude from the hearing room the \n \nwitnesses not at the time under examination, except that a party to the proceeding and his/her representative shall not be \nexcluded.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " At the hearing the burden of proof shall be on the superintendent and the standard of proof shall be by a preponderance of the evidence", "question_text": "5. \nAt the hearing, the burden of proof shall be on the superintendent and the standard of proof shall be by a \npreponderance of the evidence.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The local board of education shall maintain such a record including a tape or other electronic or digital recording of the hearing and any documents or evidence presented to the board for two years from the date of the hearing", "question_text": "6. \nThe local board of education shall maintain such a record (including a tape or other electronic or digital \nrecording of the hearing and any documents or evidence presented to the board) for two (2) years from the date of the hearing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " Informal disposition of any recommendation for dismissal or nonrenewal may be made by written stipulation agreed settlement consent order or default", "question_text": "7. \nInformal disposition of any recommendation for dismissal or nonrenewal may be made by \n \nwritten stipulation, agreed settlement, consent order, or default.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The order of the procedures shall be A Opening statement by the superintendent B Opening statement by the teacher C Presentation of the superintendents evidence followed by crossexamination of witnesses by the teacher D Questions by the board members E Presentation of the teachers evidence followed by crossexamination of witnesses by the superintendent F Questions by the board members G Presentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal evidence as necessary H Closing argument by the superintendent I Closing argument by the teacher J Deliberation by the board members K Vote by the board to accept or reject the superintendents recommendation and recitation of findings of fact upon which the decision is based", "question_text": "8. \nThe order of the procedures shall be: \n \nA. \nOpening statement by the superintendent. \n \nB. \nOpening statement by the teacher. \n \nC. \nPresentation of the superintendent's evidence, followed by cross-examination of witnesses by the teacher. \n \nD. \nQuestions by the board members. \n \nE. \nPresentation of the teacher's evidence, followed by cross-examination of witnesses by the \n \nsuperintendent. \n \nF. \nQuestions by the board members. \n \nG. \nPresentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal evidence as necessary. \n \nH. \nClosing argument by the superintendent. \n \nI. \nClosing argument by the teacher. \n \nJ. \nDeliberation by the board members. \n \nK. \nVote by the board to accept or reject the superintendent's recommendation and recitation of \n \nfindings of fact upon which the decision is based.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " Presentation and consideration of evidence shall abide by the following A Only evidence that reasonably relates to the issues before the board as reflected in the notice to the teacher should be deemed relevant B Strict rules of evidence as required by a court of law shall not apply in these hearings C Rulings on admissibility of evidence will be made by the presiding officer D Documentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or excerpts E Documentary evidence presented to the board shall be marked with a distinguishing number or letter such as Teachers Exhibit or Superintendents Exhibit F While hearings are open to the public no questions or statements will be allowed by members of the public attending the hearing except through the parties or their council The board of education may convene into executive session to deliberate findings of fact After due consideration of the evidence and testimony presented at the hearing the board of education shall vote in open meeting whether or not to dismiss or nonreemploy the teacher The boards decision shall include a recitation of the basic or underlying facts relied upon by the board in reaching its decision The teacher shall be notified in writing of the boards decision by certified mail restricted delivery return receipt requested or substitute process as authorized by law within ten business days of the hearing The decision of the board regarding a teacher shall be final and nonappealable The board of education must forward hearing information concerning teachers to the State Board of Education on a prescribed form available from the administrative office QUALIFICATIONS TEACHERS", "question_text": "9. \nPresentation and consideration of evidence shall abide by the following: \n \nA. \nOnly evidence that reasonably relates to the issues before the board, as reflected in the notice to the teacher, \nshould be deemed relevant. \n \n \nB. \nStrict rules of evidence as required by a court of law shall not apply in these hearings. \n \nC. \nRulings on admissibility of evidence will be made by the presiding officer. \n \nD. \nDocumentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or excerpts. \n \nE. \nDocumentary evidence presented to the board shall be marked with a distinguishing number or letter such as \nTeacher's Exhibit #1 or Superintendent's Exhibit #1. \n \nF. \nWhile hearings are open to the public, no questions or statements will be allowed by members of the public \nattending the hearing except through the parties or their council. \n \nThe board of education may convene into executive session to deliberate findings of fact. After due consideration of the \nevidence and testimony presented at the hearing, the board of education shall vote in open meeting whether or not to dismiss or \nnonreemploy the teacher. The board's decision shall include a recitation of the basic or underlying facts relied upon by the \nboard in reaching its decision. The teacher shall be notified in writing of the board's decision by certified mail, restricted \ndelivery, return receipt requested, or substitute process as authorized by law within ten (10) business days of the hearing. The \ndecision of the board regarding a teacher shall be final and nonappealable. \n \nThe board of education must forward hearing information concerning teachers to the State Board of Education on a prescribed \nform available from the administrative office. \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nTEACHERS", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": "The Tannehill Board of Education shall employ teachers on a professional basis without regard to age race color sex or national origin Every teacher employed in this school system must possess a valid license or certificate and shall execute a written contract with the board of education Applications shall be considered by the principal and the superintendent Selected applicants shall be interviewed by the ad ministration and a recommendation shall be made to the board of education who shall make the final employment determination School districts receiving Title I funds must ensure that teachers hired in a program supported by such funds are highly qualified By the end of the school year all teachers within this school district are required to be highly qualified The No Child Left Behind Act defines highly qualified as an elementary or secondary school teacher who has obtained full state certification and has not had certification requirements waived on an emergency temporary or provisional basis Elementary teachers who are new to the profession must hold at least a bachelors degree and have demonstrated by passing a rigorous state test subject knowledge and teaching skills in reading writing mathematics and other areas of the basic elementary curriculum Middle and secondary school teachers new to the profession will be deemed to be highly qualified if the individual teacher holds at least a bachelors degree and has demonstrated a high level of competency in each of the academic subjects in which the individual teaches by passing a rigorous state academic subject test in each such academic subject or has successfully completed a grade degree with coursework that is equivalent to an undergraduate major or advanced certification or credentialing for each academic subject that the individual teaches Veteran regular teachers currently employed by the district will be identified as highly qualified if they", "question_text": "The Tannehill Board of Education shall employ teachers on a professional basis without regard to age, race, color, sex, or \nnational origin. \n \nEvery teacher employed in this school system must possess a valid license or certificate and shall execute a written contract \nwith the board of education. \n \nApplications shall be considered by the principal and the superintendent. Selected applicants shall be interviewed by the ad-\nministration and a recommendation shall be made to the board of education who shall make the final employment \ndetermination. \n \nSchool districts receiving Title I funds must ensure that teachers hired in a program supported by such funds are \u201chighly \nqualified.\u201d By the end of the 2005-2006 school year, all teachers within this school district are required to be \u201chighly \nqualified.\u201d The No Child Left Behind Act defines \u201chighly qualified\u201d as an elementary or secondary school teacher who has \nobtained full state certification and has not had certification requirements waived on an emergency, temporary, or provisional \nbasis. \n \nElementary teachers who are new to the profession must hold at least a bachelor\u2019s degree and have demonstrated, by passing a \nrigorous state test, subject knowledge and teaching skills in reading, writing, mathematics, and other areas of the basic \nelementary curriculum. Middle and secondary school teachers, new to the profession, will be deemed to be highly qualified if \nthe individual teacher holds at least a bachelor\u2019s degree and has demonstrated a high level of competency in each of the \nacademic subjects in which the individual teaches by passing a rigorous state academic subject test in each such academic \nsubject; or has successfully completed a grade degree with coursework that is equivalent to an undergraduate major, or \nadvanced certification or credentialing for each academic subject that the individual teaches. \n \nVeteran regular teachers currently employed by the district will be identified as highly qualified if they:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": " Hold at least a bachelors degree and", "question_text": "1. \nHold at least a bachelor\u2019s degree; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": " Have met the applicable standard for a teacher who is new to the profession which includes an option for a test or", "question_text": "2. \nHave met the applicable standard for a teacher who is new to the profession, which includes an option for a test; \nor", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": " Demonstrate competence in all the academic subjects in which the teachers teach based upon a high objective uniform state standard of evaluation Special education teachers who are not teaching core academic classes are not required to meet the definition of a highly qualified teacher However special education teachers who are teaching core academic subjects exclusively to students who are being assessed against alternative achievement standards must meet the highlyqualified requirements for elementary school teachers and for instruction above the elementary level and have subjectmatter knowledge appropriate to the level of instruction being provided Additional qualifications and terms of employment for teachers may be found in the standard teacher contract Specific duties may be found in the teacher job description found elsewhere in this manual Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed as limiting or expanding the terms of the employment contract QUALIFICATIONS PRINCIPALS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that persons employed as principals in this school district shall have com pleted or be in pursuit of a Masters degree with emphasis on administration and that all such persons shall have not less than three years of teaching experience at the level to which they are assigned Principals within this public school system are employed to act as administrators in PK The reemployment of principals shall be based on an annual evaluation by the superintendent or designee and will be considered by the board members prior to the regular February board of education meeting each year The superintendent is directed to inform affected principals of any decisions made by the board Principals shall assume administrative responsibility and instructional leadership under the supervision of the superintendent for discipline and for the planning operation supervision and evaluation of the educational program of the schools to which", "question_text": "3. \nDemonstrate competence in all the academic subjects in which the teachers teach, based upon a high objective \nuniform state standard of evaluation. \n \nSpecial education teachers who are not teaching core academic classes are not required to meet the definition of a highly-\nqualified teacher. However, special education teachers who are teaching core academic subjects exclusively to students who \nare being assessed against alternative achievement standards, must meet the highly-qualified requirements for elementary \nschool teachers and for instruction above the elementary level and have subject-matter knowledge appropriate to the level of \ninstruction being provided. \n \nAdditional qualifications and terms of employment for teachers may be found in the standard teacher contract. Specific duties \nmay be found in the teacher job description found elsewhere in this manual. Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed \nas limiting or expanding the terms of the employment contract. \n \n \n \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nPRINCIPALS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that persons employed as principals in this school district shall have com-\npleted, or be in pursuit of, a Master's degree with emphasis on administration, and that all such persons shall have not less than \nthree years of teaching experience at the level to which they are assigned. \n \nPrincipals within this public school system are employed to act as administrators in PK - 8. \n \nThe reemployment of principals shall be based on an annual evaluation by the superintendent or designee and will be \nconsidered by the board members prior to the regular February board of education meeting each year. The superintendent is \ndirected to inform affected principals of any decisions made by the board. \n \nPrincipals shall assume administrative responsibility and instructional leadership - under the supervision of the superintendent - \nfor discipline and for the planning, operation, supervision, and evaluation of the educational program of the schools to which", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 46, "standardized_text": "they are assigned Principals shall prepare and submit such reports as the superintendent may require for the purpose of reporting to the board the community and the State Department of Education A description of the duties and responsibilities of school principals may be found in the appropriate job description located elsewhere in this manual Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed as limiting or expanding the terms of the employment contract SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that all bus drivers and assistants successfully complete the state school bus drivers training school Bus drivers must continue the route assigned at the beginning of the school year but may request a route change during the summer months All bus drivers are expected to drive in such a manner as to provide safe and efficient transportation for the students of this district They shall obey all traffic laws maintain student discipline on the bus make routine checks on the bus before operating and perform other duties associated with the safe operation of school buses Bus drivers will make required reports concerning drivers who illegally pass their buses All bus drivers shall be under the supervisory authority of the transportation director The superintendent is directed to establish a regulation that shall govern school bus drivers SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS The Tannehill Board of Education realizes that teachers may occasionally be absent from the classroom and recognizes the need for qualified substitute teachers In recognizing that need the board has decided that noncertified substitute teachers or substitute teachers with a lapsed or expired teaching certificate shall be paid at the rate of per teaching day Certified substitute teachers shall be paid per day Substitute teachers are to be approved by the superintendent All substitutes will be employed by the school system and paid by the school system No noncertified nondegreed substitute teacher shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of days per school year and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than days during a school year No substitute teacher with a lapsed or expired certificate shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of days per school year and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than days during a school year Substitute teachers who do not hold a valid certificate and who are employed to teach special education for physically handicapped students or learning disabled students are not subject to these restrictions if no certified teachers are available to teach such students and the students would be denied instruction in special education if the substitute teacher were not employed The district will provide inservice training for a substitute teacher employed to teach special education for more than consecutive days or total days in the same assignment A certified substitute teacher may be employed on a monthly or annual basis in accordance with the terms of a written employment contract in the same manner and under the same conditions as regular teachers Such substitute teachers shall receive the same compensation as regular teachers at the same salary level and will be employed pursuant to a temporary employment contract STAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES The Superintendent and the School Principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members concerning the importance of maintaining proper decorum in the online digital world as well as in person Employees must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from or disrupt the educational process The orientation and reminders will give special emphasis to the following prohibited behaviors", "question_text": "they are assigned. Principals shall prepare and submit such reports as the superintendent may require for the purpose of \nreporting to the board, the community, and the State Department of Education. \n \nA description of the duties and responsibilities of school principals may be found in the appropriate job description located \nelsewhere in this manual. Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed as limiting or expanding the terms of the \nemployment contract. \n \n \nSCHOOL BUS DRIVERS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that all bus drivers and assistants successfully complete the state school bus \ndrivers training school. Bus drivers must continue the route assigned at the beginning of the school year, but may request a \nroute change during the summer months. All bus drivers are expected to drive in such a manner as to provide safe and efficient \ntransportation for the students of this district. They shall obey all traffic laws, maintain student discipline on the bus, make \nroutine checks on the bus before operating, and perform other duties associated with the safe operation of school buses. Bus \ndrivers will make required reports concerning drivers who illegally pass their buses. All bus drivers shall be under the \nsupervisory authority of the transportation director. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to establish a regulation that shall govern school bus drivers. \n \nSUBSTITUTE TEACHERS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education realizes that teachers may occasionally be absent from the classroom and recognizes the \nneed for qualified substitute teachers. In recognizing that need, the board has decided that noncertified substitute teachers or \nsubstitute teachers with a lapsed or expired teaching certificate shall be paid at the rate of $66.00 per teaching day. Certified \nsubstitute teachers shall be paid $75.00 per day. \n \nSubstitute teachers are to be approved by the superintendent. All substitutes will be employed by the school system and paid \nby the school system. \n \nNo noncertified, non-degreed substitute teacher shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of 90 days per school \nyear and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than 90 days during a school year. \n \nNo substitute teacher with a lapsed or expired certificate shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of 100 days per \nschool year and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than 100 days during a school year. \n \nSubstitute teachers who do not hold a valid certificate and who are employed to teach special education for physically \nhandicapped students or learning disabled students are not subject to these restrictions if no certified teachers are available to \nteach such students and the students would be denied instruction in special education if the substitute teacher were not \nemployed. The district will provide in-service training for a substitute teacher employed to teach special education for more \nthan 15 consecutive days or 30 total days in the same assignment. \n \nA certified substitute teacher may be employed on a monthly or annual basis in accordance with the terms of a written \nemployment contract in the same manner and under the same conditions as regular teachers. Such substitute teachers shall \nreceive the same compensation as regular teachers, at the same salary level, and will be employed pursuant to a temporary \nemployment contract. \n \n \n \n \nSTAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES \nThe Superintendent and the School Principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members \nconcerning the importance of maintaining proper decorum in the on-line, digital world as well as in person. \nEmployees must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from or disrupt the educational process. The \norientation and reminders will give special emphasis to the following prohibited behaviors:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 46, "standardized_text": " Improper fraternization with students using Facebook and similar internet sites or social networks or via cell phone texting or telephone a Teachers may not list current students as friends on networking sites b All econtacts with students should be through the districts computer and telephone system", "question_text": "1) Improper fraternization with students using Facebook and similar internet sites or social networks, or \nvia cell phone, texting or telephone. \na. Teachers may not list current students as \u201cfriends\u201d on networking sites. \nb. All e-contacts with students should be through the district\u2019s computer and telephone system.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": "c All contacts and messages by coaches with team members shall be sent to all team members except messages involving medical or academic privacy matters in which case the messages will be copied to the athletic director and the school principal d Teachers will not give out their private cell phone or home phone numbers to students without prior written approval of the district and the parent of the minor student e Improper private contact via email or phone is prohibited", "question_text": "c. All contacts and messages by coaches with team members shall be sent to all team members, \nexcept messages involving medical or academic privacy matters, in which case the messages \nwill be copied to the athletic director and the school principal. \nd. Teachers will not give out their private cell phone or home phone numbers to students without \nprior written approval of the district and the parent of the minor student. \ne. Improper private contact via e-mail or phone is prohibited.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Inappropriateness of posting items with sexual content", "question_text": "2) Inappropriateness of posting items with sexual content", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Inappropriateness of posting items exhibiting or advocating use of drugs and alcohol", "question_text": "3) Inappropriateness of posting items exhibiting or advocating use of drugs and alcohol", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Monitoring and penalties for improper use of district computers and technology As per state law employees are discouraged from sharing content or comments containing the following when directed at a citizen of the State of Oklahoma", "question_text": "4) Monitoring and penalties for improper use of district computers and technology \nAs per state law, employees are discouraged from sharing content or comments containing the following when \ndirected at a citizen of the State of Oklahoma:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Obscene sexual content or links to obscene sexual content", "question_text": "1. Obscene sexual content or links to obscene sexual content;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Abusive behavior and bullying language or tone", "question_text": "2. Abusive behavior and bullying language or tone;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity and", "question_text": "3. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Disclosure of any information required to be maintained as confidential by law regulation or internal policy", "question_text": "4. Disclosure of any information required to be maintained as confidential by law, regulation, or internal \npolicy.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Social networking or social media means interaction with external websites or services based upon participant contributions to the content Types of social media include social and professional networks blogs micro blogs video or phone sharing and social bookmarking and Comment means a response to an article or social media content submitted by a commenter The Superintendent or designees will periodically conduct internet searches to see if teachers have posted inappropriate materials online When inappropriate use of computers and websites is discovered the School Principals and Superintendent will download the offensive material and promptly bring that misconduct to the attention of the school districts legal counsel for review Employees who engage in any of the abovereferenced prohibited behaviors are subject to the possibility of penalties including dismissal from employment for failure to exercise good judgment in online conduct Employees shall not use school technology resources to participate in buyand sell sites or gambling sites or sites of a similar nature Use of such sites and participation in these activities during contracted work hours may constitute a neglect of duty which would be addressed with appropriate disciplinary measures as described in other policies in this manual DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES The Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and to maintain a reasonably safe school environment the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs alcohol or contraband on school property Such searches will be arranged by the superintendent at hisher discretion and will target only school property including lockers and vehicle parking areas Students staff members and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal searches and will be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school property The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy", "question_text": "5. \n\u201cSocial networking or \u201csocial media\u201d means interaction with external websites or services based upon participant \ncontributions to the content. Types of social media include social and professional networks, blogs, micro blogs, \nvideo or phone sharing and social bookmarking; and \n\u201cComment\u201d means a response to an article or social media content submitted by a commenter. \nThe Superintendent or designees will periodically conduct internet searches to see if teachers have posted \ninappropriate materials on-line. When inappropriate use of computers and websites is discovered, the School \nPrincipals and Superintendent will download the offensive material and promptly bring that misconduct to the \nattention of the school district\u2019s legal counsel for review. \nEmployees who engage in any of the above-referenced prohibited behaviors are subject to the possibility of \npenalties, including dismissal from employment, for failure to exercise good judgment in on-line conduct. \nEmployees shall not use school technology resources to participate in \u201cbuy-and sell\u201d sites or gambling sites or sites \nof a similar nature. Use of such sites and participation in these activities during contracted work hours may \nconstitute a \u201cneglect of duty\u201d which would be addressed with appropriate disciplinary measures as described in \nother policies in this manual. \n \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and \nto maintain a reasonably safe school environment, the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs, alcohol, or \ncontraband on school property. \n \nSuch searches will be arranged by the superintendent at his/her discretion and will target only school property including lockers \nand vehicle parking areas. Students, staff members, and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal \nsearches and will be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school \nproperty. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": "SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that volunteers can make valuable contributions to students and the district edu cational program A volunteer program subject to appropriate rules safeguards and regulations is approved by the board The superintendent will establish rules and regulations that support this policy see student handbook PARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM REGULATIONS The board of education will institute and encourage a Parent Volunteer Program in the Tannehill school system The primary purpose of the school volunteer program shall be to free the teachers from tasks that could be accomplished by others in order for the teachers to spend more time teaching Examples of activities that can be performed by volunteers are", "question_text": "SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that volunteers can make valuable contributions to students and the district edu-\ncational program. A volunteer program subject to appropriate rules, safeguards, and regulations is approved by the board. \n \nThe superintendent will establish rules and regulations that support this policy. (see student handbook) \n \n \nPARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education will institute and encourage a Parent Volunteer Program in the Tannehill school system. \n \nThe primary purpose of the school volunteer program shall be to free the teachers from tasks that could be accomplished by \nothers in order for the teachers to spend more time teaching. Examples of activities that can be performed by volunteers are:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Making bulletin boards", "question_text": "1. \nMaking bulletin boards;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Clerical tasks such as filing typing etc", "question_text": "2. \nClerical tasks, such as filing, typing, etc.;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Telling stories to children", "question_text": "3. \nTelling stories to children;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Listening to children read", "question_text": "4. \nListening to children read;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Conducting flash card drills", "question_text": "5. \nConducting flash card drills;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Drilling spelling words", "question_text": "6. \nDrilling spelling words;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Assisting the school nurse with visual and hearing screening", "question_text": "7. \nAssisting the school nurse with visual and hearing screening;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Reinforcing math facts", "question_text": "8. \nReinforcing math facts;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Gathering resource material", "question_text": "9. \nGathering resource material;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Making props and sets for plays", "question_text": "10. \nMaking props and sets for plays;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Teaching a foreign language", "question_text": "11. \nTeaching a foreign language;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Tutoring", "question_text": "12. \nTutoring;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Anything else as deemed necessary by the cooperating teacher", "question_text": "13. \nAnything else as deemed necessary by the cooperating teacher;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Other activities too numerous to mention Volunteers will not be allowed to volunteer in their childrens or grandchildrens rooms on a regular basis at the elementary level Volunteers will not be subjected to a dress code as such but will be expected to dress appropriately and be neat and clean in appearance No shorts except in physical education classes or shirts with inappropriate slogans will be permitted Volunteers will not be asked to assume playground or lunchroom duties nor will they be left alone with a classroom except in an emergency situation Volunteers are expected to be professional in their roles as volunteers and to be positive about their jobs and the school system A friendly courteous relationship is expected between teachers and volunteers Problems will be dealt with if and when they arise by the volunteer coordinator teacher and volunteer If the situation cannot be resolved at this level an administrator will be asked to evaluate the situation The program will be expanded as deemed necessary by the volunteer coordinator administration and teachers The volunteer coordinator is to be recommended by the administration and approved by the board of education", "question_text": "14. \nOther activities too numerous to mention. \n \nVolunteers will not be allowed to volunteer in their children's or grandchildren's rooms on a regular basis at the elementary \nlevel. \n \nVolunteers will not be subjected to a dress code, as such, but will be expected to dress appropriately and be neat and clean in \nappearance. No shorts (except in physical education classes) or shirts with inappropriate slogans will be permitted. \n \nVolunteers will not be asked to assume playground or lunchroom duties, nor will they be left alone with a classroom except in \nan emergency situation. \n \nVolunteers are expected to be professional in their roles as volunteers and to be positive about their jobs and the school system. \nA friendly, courteous relationship is expected between teachers and volunteers. \n \nProblems will be dealt with if and when they arise by the volunteer coordinator, teacher, and volunteer. If the situation cannot \nbe resolved at this level, an administrator will be asked to evaluate the situation. \n \nThe program will be expanded as deemed necessary by the volunteer coordinator, administration, and teachers. \n \nThe volunteer coordinator is to be recommended by the administration and approved by the board of education.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 49, "standardized_text": "INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS ACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY The Tannehill Public Schools district is pleased to make available to students and staff access to interconnected computer systems within the district and to the Internet the worldwide network that provides access to significant educational materials and opportunities In order for the school district to ensure the continued accessibility of its computer network and the Internet all students and staff must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access Students and staff must understand that one persons misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize the ability of all students and staff to enjoy such access While the schools teachers and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet access they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access Below is the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy policy of the school district and the Data Acquisition Site that provides Internet access to the school district Upon reviewing signing and returning this policy as directed each student and staff member agrees to follow the policy and will be given the opportunity to enjoy Internet access at school If a student is under years of age he or she must have his or her parent or guardian read and sign the policy The school district shall not provide access to any student who if or older fails to sign and submit the policy to the school as directed or if under does not return the policy as directed with the signatures of the student and hisher parent or guardian Listed below are the provisions of the agreement regarding computer network and Internet use The district has designated a staff member to whom users may direct questions If any user violates this policy the users access will be denied or withdrawn and the user may be subject to additional disciplinary action Personal Responsibility By signing this policy the user agrees not only to follow the rules in this policy but also to report any misuse of the network to the person designated by the school for such reporting Misuse means any violations of this policy or any other use that is not authorized under this policy and having the effect of harming another or his or her property Term of the Permitted Use A student or staff member who submits to the school as directed a properly signed policy and follows the policy to which she or he has agreed will have computer network and Internet access during the course of the school year only Students and staff will be asked to sign a new policy each year during which they are students or staff members in the school district before they are given an access account Acceptable Uses", "question_text": "INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS \nACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY \nThe Tannehill Public Schools district is pleased to make available to students and staff access to interconnected computer \nsystems within the district and to the Internet, the worldwide network that provides access to significant educational materials \nand opportunities. \n \nIn order for the school district to ensure the continued accessibility of its computer network and the Internet, all students and \nstaff must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access. Students and staff must understand that one \nperson\u2019s misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize the ability of all students and staff to enjoy such access. \nWhile the school\u2019s teachers and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet \naccess, they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access. \n \nBelow is the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy (\u201cpolicy\u201d) of the school district and the Data Acquisition Site that \nprovides Internet access to the school district. Upon reviewing, signing, and returning this policy as directed, each student and \nstaff member agrees to follow the policy and will be given the opportunity to enjoy Internet access at school. If a student is \nunder 18 years of age, he or she must have his or her parent or guardian read and sign the policy. The school district shall not \nprovide access to any student who, if 18 or older, fails to sign and submit the policy to the school as directed or, if under 18, \ndoes not return the policy as directed with the signatures of the student and his/her parent or guardian. \n \nListed below are the provisions of the agreement regarding computer network and Internet use. The district has designated a \nstaff member to whom users may direct questions. If any user violates this policy, the user\u2019s access will be denied or \nwithdrawn, and the user may be subject to additional disciplinary action. \n \nPersonal Responsibility \n \nBy signing this policy, the user agrees not only to follow the rules in this policy, but also to report any misuse of the network to \nthe person designated by the school for such reporting. Misuse means any violations of this policy or any other use that is not \nauthorized under this policy, and having the effect of harming another or his or her property. \n \nTerm of the Permitted Use \n \nA student or staff member who submits to the school, as directed, a properly signed policy and follows the policy to which she \nor he has agreed will have computer network and Internet access during the course of the school year only. Students and staff \nwill be asked to sign a new policy each year during which they are students or staff members in the school district before they \nare given an access account. \n \nAcceptable Uses", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 49, "standardized_text": " Educational Purposes Only The school district is providing access to its computer networks and the Internet for educational purposes only If the user has any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational the user may consult with the persons designated by the school to help decide if a use is appropriate", "question_text": "1. \nEducational Purposes Only. The school district is providing access to its computer networks and the Internet \nfor educational purposes only. If the user has any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational, the user may \nconsult with the person(s) designated by the school to help decide if a use is appropriate.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 49, "standardized_text": " Unacceptable Uses of Network Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following A Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law Do not transmit offensive or harassing messages offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school districts student discipline policy view transmit or download pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law intrude into the networks or computers of others and download or transmit confidential trade secret information or copyrighted materials Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol the user should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them B Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property For example do not engage in defamation harming anothers reputation by lies employ anothers password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into believing that someone other than the user is communicating or otherwise using hisher access to the network or the Internet upload a worm virus Trojan horse time bomb or other harmful form of programming or vandalism participate in hacking activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers networks or information systems C Uses that jeopardize the security of student and staff access and of the computer network or other networks on the Internet For example do not disclose or share your password with others do not impersonate another user", "question_text": "2. \nUnacceptable Uses of Network. Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a \nviolation of this policy are the following: \n \nA. \nUses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law. Do not transmit offensive or harassing \nmessages; offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school district\u2019s student \ndiscipline policy; view, transmit or download pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law; \nintrude into the networks or computers of others; and download or transmit confidential, trade secret information, or \ncopyrighted materials. Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, the user should assume \nthat all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them. \n \n \nB. \nUses that cause harm to others or damage to their property. For example, do not engage in defamation (harming \nanother's reputation by lies); employ another\u2019s password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into \nbelieving that someone other than the user is communicating or otherwise using his/her access to the network or the Internet; \nupload a worm, virus, \u201cTrojan horse,\u201d \u201ctime bomb,\u201d or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participate in \n\u201chacking\u201d activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems. \n \n \nC. \nUses that jeopardize the security of student and staff access and of the computer network or other networks on \nthe Internet. For example, do not disclose or share your password with others; do not impersonate another user.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": "D Uses that are commercial transactions Students staff and other users may not sell or buy anything over the Internet The user should not give others private information about the user or others including credit card numbers and social security numbers", "question_text": "D. \nUses that are commercial transactions. Students, staff, and other users may not sell or buy anything over the \nInternet. The user should not give others private information about the user or others, including credit card numbers and social \nsecurity numbers.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Netiquette All users must abide by rules of network etiquette which include the following A Be polite Use appropriate language No swearing vulgarities suggestive obscene belligerent or threatening language B Avoid language and uses that may be offensive to other users Do not use access to make distribute or redistribute jokes stories or other material that is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race gender ethnicity nationality religion or sexual orientation C Do not assume that a sender of email is giving his or her permission for the user to forward or redistribute the message to third parties or to give hisher email address to third parties This should be done only with permission or when the user knows that the individual would have no objection D Be considerate when sending attachments with email where this is permitted Be sure that the file is not too large to be accommodated by the recipients system and is in a format that the recipient can open", "question_text": "3. \nNetiquette. All users must abide by rules of network etiquette, which include the following: \n \n \nA. \nBe polite. Use appropriate language. No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or threatening \nlanguage. \n \n \nB. \nAvoid language and uses that may be offensive to other users. Do not use access to make, distribute, or \nredistribute jokes, stories, or other material that is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, \nreligion, or sexual orientation. \n \n \nC. \nDo not assume that a sender of e-mail is giving his or her permission for the user to forward or redistribute the \nmessage to third parties or to give his/her e-mail address to third parties. This should be done only with permission or when \nthe user knows that the individual would have no objection. \n \n \nD. \nBe considerate when sending attachments with e-mail (where this is permitted). Be sure that the file is not too \nlarge to be accommodated by the recipient\u2019s system and is in a format that the recipient can open.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is when one or more people intentionally harm harass intimidate or reject another person using technology This includes but is not limited to the following Sending mean or threatening messages via email IM instant messaging or text messages Spreading rumors about others through email IM or text messages Creating a Web site or MySpace or other socialnetworking account that targets another student or other persons Sharing fake or embarrassing photos or videos of someone with others via a cell phone or the Web Stealing another persons login and password to send mean or embarrassing messages from his or her account It shall be the policy of Tannehill Public Schools that cyber bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances A student caught violating this policy will lose computer privileges and these actions may result in further disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion from school of the students involved In addition violators and their parentsguardians may be subject to civil andor criminal penalties as specified by Oklahoma andor federal law Internet Safety", "question_text": "4. \nCyber Bullying - Cyber bullying is when one or more people intentionally harm, harass, intimidate, or reject another \nperson using technology. This includes but is not limited to the following: \n \n\u2022 \nSending mean or threatening messages via email, IM (instant messaging), or text messages. \n\u2022 \nSpreading rumors about others through email, IM, or text messages. \n\u2022 \nCreating a Web site or MySpace (or other social-networking) account that targets another student or other person(s). \n\u2022 \nSharing fake or embarrassing photos or videos of someone with others via a cell phone or the Web. \n\u2022 \nStealing another person\u2019s login and password to send mean or embarrassing messages from his or her account. \n \nIt shall be the policy of Tannehill Public Schools that cyber bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. A student \ncaught violating this policy will lose computer privileges and these actions may result in further disciplinary action including \nsuspension or expulsion from school of the student(s) involved. In addition, violators and their parents/guardians may be \nsubject to civil and/or criminal penalties as specified by Oklahoma and/or federal law. \n \nInternet Safety", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " General Warning Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users All student users and their parentsguardians are advised that access to the electronic network may include the potential for access to materials inappropriate for schoolaged students Every user must take responsibility for his or her use of the computer network and Internet and stay away from these sites Parents of minors are the best guides to materials to shun If a student or staff member finds that other users are visiting offensive or harmful sites he or she should report such use to the appropriate school designee", "question_text": "1. \nGeneral Warning; Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users. All student users and their \nparents/guardians are advised that access to the electronic network may include the potential for access to materials \ninappropriate for school-aged students. Every user must take responsibility for his or her use of the computer network and \nInternet and stay away from these sites. Parents of minors are the best guides to materials to shun. If a student or staff member \nfinds that other users are visiting offensive or harmful sites, he or she should report such use to the appropriate school designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Personal Safety Be safe In using the computer network and Internet the user should not reveal personal information such as the users home address or telephone number The user should not use hisher real last name or any other information which might allow a person to locate the user without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher Do not arrange a facetoface meeting with someone met on the computer network or Internet without a parents permission if the user is under Regardless of the users age the user should never agree to meet a person the user has only communicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or in a private setting", "question_text": "2. \nPersonal Safety. Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, the user should not reveal personal \ninformation such as the user\u2019s home address or telephone number. The user should not use his/her real last name or any other \ninformation which might allow a person to locate the user without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher. Do \nnot arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone \u201cmet\u201d on the computer network or Internet without a parent\u2019s permission (if \nthe user is under 18). Regardless of the user\u2019s age, the user should never agree to meet a person the user has only \ncommunicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or in a private setting.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Hacking and Other Illegal Activities It is a violation of this policy to use the schools computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access Any use which violates state or federal law relating to copyright trade secrets the distribution of obscene or pornographic materials or which violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance is strictly prohibited", "question_text": "3. \n\u201cHacking\u201d and Other Illegal Activities. It is a violation of this policy to use the school\u2019s computer network or \nthe Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized \naccess. Any use which violates state or federal law relating to copyright, trade secrets, the distribution of obscene or \npornographic materials, or which violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance, is strictly prohibited.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Confidentiality of Student Information Personally identifiable information concerning students may not be disclosed or used in any way on the Internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or if the student is or over the permission of the student Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the Internet particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers A supervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information as defined by law for internal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities", "question_text": "4. \nConfidentiality of Student Information. Personally identifiable information concerning students may not be \ndisclosed or used in any way on the Internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or, if the student is 18 or over, the \npermission of the student. Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the \nInternet, particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. A \n \n \n \nsupervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information, as defined by law, for \ninternal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 51, "standardized_text": " Active Restriction Measures The school either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site pro viding Internet access will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent users from accessing visual depictions that are obscene pornographic or harmful to minors We are using for our technology protection measure internet filtering software to ensure that users are not accessing such depictions or any other material that is inappropriate for minors Internet filtering software or other technologybased protection systems may be disabled by a supervising teacher or school administrator as necessary for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted by students age and older The term harmful to minors is defined by the Communications Act of USC Section h as meaning any picture image graphic image file or other visual depiction that taken as a whole and with respect to minors appeals to a prurient interest in nudity sex or excretion depicts describes or represents in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts or a lewd exhibition of the genitals taken as a whole lacks serious literary artistic political or scientific value as to minors", "question_text": "5. \nActive Restriction Measures. The school, either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site pro-\nviding Internet access, will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent users from accessing visual depictions that \nare (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful to minors. We are using for our technology protection measure internet \nfiltering software to ensure that users are not accessing such depictions or any other material that is inappropriate for minors. \n \n \n \nInternet filtering software or other technology-based protection systems may be disabled by a supervising \nteacher or school administrator, as necessary, for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted \nby students age 17 and older. \n \n \n \n \nThe term \u201charmful to minors\u201d is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 [h] [7]), as \nmeaning any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that \n \n \n \n- taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; \n \n \n \n- depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an \nactual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the \ngenitals; \n \n \n \n- taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 51, "standardized_text": " All students will be educated about appropriate online behavior including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response Privacy Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for the users education The school district reserves the right to monitor inspect copy review and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage All such information files shall be and remain the property of the school district and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials Failure To Follow Policy The users use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege not a right A user who violates this policy shall at a minimum have his or her access to the computer network and Internet terminated which the school district may refuse to reinstate for the remainder of the students enrollment or the staff members employment in the school district A user violates this policy by his or her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user Further a user violates this policy if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer net work and Internet including any user whose access has been denied or terminated The school district may also take other disciplinary action in such circumstances WarrantiesIndemnification The school district makes no warranties of any kind either express or implied in connection with its provision of access to and use of its computer networks and the Internet provided under this policy It shall not be responsible for any claims losses damages or costs including attorneys fees of any kind suffered directly or indirectly by any user or his or her parents or guardian arising out of the users use of its computer networks or the Internet under this policy By signing this policy users are taking full responsibility for their own use and the user who is or older or the parents or guardians of a minor student are agreeing to indemnify and hold the school the school district the Data Acquisition Site that provides the computer and Internet access opportunity to the school district and all of their administrators teachers and staff harmless from any and all loss costs claims or damages resulting from the users access to its computer network and the Internet including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user The user or the parents or guardians of a minor student agree to cooperate with the school in the event of the schools initiating an investigation of a users use of his or her access to its computer network and the Internet whether that use is on a school computer or on another computer outside the school districts network Updates Users and if appropriate their parentsguardians may be asked from time to time to provide new or additional registration and account information or to sign a new policy reflecting developments in the law or technology or changes in district policy", "question_text": "6. \nAll students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on \nsocial networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. \n \nPrivacy \n \nNetwork and Internet access is provided as a tool for the user\u2019s education. The school district reserves the right to monitor, \ninspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet \naccess and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be \nand remain the property of the school district and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials. \n \nFailure To Follow Policy \n \nThe user\u2019s use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user who violates this policy, shall at a \nminimum, have his or her access to the computer network and Internet terminated, which the school district may refuse to \nreinstate for the remainder of the student\u2019s enrollment or the staff member\u2019s employment in the school district. A user violates \nthis policy by his or her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. \nFurther, a user violates this policy if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer net-\nwork and Internet, including any user whose access has been denied or terminated. The school district may also take other \ndisciplinary action in such circumstances. \n \nWarranties/Indemnification \n \nThe school district makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its provision of access to and \nuse of its computer networks and the Internet provided under this policy. It shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, \ndamages, or costs (including attorney's fees) of any kind suffered, directly or indirectly, by any \n \nuser (or his or her parents or guardian) arising out of the user\u2019s use of its computer networks or the Internet under this policy. \nBy signing this policy, users are taking full responsibility for their own use, and the user who is 18 or older or the parent(s) or \nguardian(s) of a minor student are agreeing to indemnify and hold the school, the school district, the Data Acquisition Site that \nprovides the computer and Internet access opportunity to the school district and all of their administrators, teachers, and staff \nharmless from any and all loss, costs, claims, or damages resulting from the user\u2019s access to its computer network and the \nInternet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user. The user \nor the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a minor student agree to cooperate with the school in the event of the school\u2019s initiating an \ninvestigation of a user\u2019s use of his or her access to its \ncomputer network and the Internet, whether that use is on a school computer or on another computer outside the school \ndistrict's network. \n \nUpdates \n \nUsers, and if appropriate, their parents/guardians, may be asked from time to time to provide new or additional registration and \naccount information or to sign a new policy reflecting developments in the law or technology or changes in district policy.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": "Such information must be provided by the user or hisher parents or guardian or such new policy must be signed if the user wishes to continue to receive service If after account information is provided some or all of the information changes the user must notify the person designated by the school to receive such information CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS The purpose of providing Internet and other computer network access in this district is to promote the exchange of information and ideas with the global community The following represents a guide to the acceptable use of the technology provided by this district All network use must be consistent with the policies and goals of this school district Inappropriate use of district technology will result in the loss of technology use disciplinary action andor referral to legal authorities The district may monitor use of district technology at any time All Internet and computer network users are hereby informed that there shall be no expectations of privacy in that school officials may monitor users at any time All Internet and other computer network users will be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette These include but are not limited to the following", "question_text": "Such information must be provided by the user (or his/her parents or guardian) or such new policy must be signed if the user \nwishes to continue to receive service. If after account information is provided, some or all of the information changes, the user \nmust notify the person designated by the school to receive such information. \n \nCODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER \nCOMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS \nThe purpose of providing Internet and other computer network access in this district is to promote the exchange of information \nand ideas with the global community. The following represents a guide to the acceptable use of the technology provided by \nthis district. All network use must be consistent with the policies and goals of this school district. Inappropriate use of district \ntechnology will result in the loss of technology use, disciplinary action, and/or referral to legal authorities. The district may \nmonitor use of district technology at any time. All Internet and computer network users are hereby informed that there shall be \nno expectations of privacy in that school officials may monitor users at any time. \n \nAll Internet and other computer network users will be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. \nThese include, but are not limited to, the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Be polite Messages should not be abusive to others", "question_text": "1. \nBe polite. Messages should not be abusive to others.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Take pride in communications Check spelling and grammar", "question_text": "2. \nTake pride in communications. Check spelling and grammar.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Use appropriate language Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language symbols or pictures Bear in mind that the use of ALL CAPITAL letters is considered an indication of anger in email and internet communication and is not polite", "question_text": "3. \nUse appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate \n \n \nlanguage, symbols, or pictures. Bear in mind that the use of \u201cALL CAPITAL\u201d letters is considered an indication of \nanger in email and internet communication and is not polite.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Protect password confidentiality Passwords are not to be shared with others Using another users account or password or allowing such access by another may be permitted only with the approval of the supervising teacher or system administrator", "question_text": "4. \nProtect password confidentiality. Passwords are not to be shared with others. Using another \n \nuser\u2019s account or password or allowing such access by another may be permitted only with the approval of the \nsupervising teacher or system administrator.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not reveal your personal address or telephone number or those of other persons No student information protected by FERPA should be electronically transmitted or otherwise disseminated through the network", "question_text": "5. \nDo not reveal your personal address or telephone number or those of other persons. No student information protected \nby FERPA should be electronically transmitted or otherwise disseminated through the network.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not disguise the point of origin or transmission of electronic mail", "question_text": "6. \nDo not disguise the point of origin or transmission of electronic mail.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not send messages that contain false malicious or misleading information that may be injurious to a person or a persons property", "question_text": "7. \nDo not send messages that contain false, malicious, or misleading information that may be \n \ninjurious to a person or a person's property.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Illegal activities are strictly prohibited transferring offensive or harassing messages offering for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school districts staff and student policies viewing transmitting or downloading pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law intruding into the networks or computers of others and downloading or transmitting confidential trade secret information or copyrighted materials", "question_text": "8. \nIllegal activities are strictly prohibited: transferring offensive or harassing messages; offering for sale or use any \nsubstance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school district\u2019s staff and student policies; viewing, transmitting, \nor downloading pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law; intruding into the networks or \ncomputers of others; and downloading or transmitting confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " The district technology is not to be used for playing multiuser or other network intensive games commercial ventures Internet relay chat lines or downloading excessively large files", "question_text": "9. \nThe district technology is not to be used for playing multi-user or other network intensive \n \ngames, commercial ventures, Internet relay chat lines, or downloading excessively large files.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " No charges for services products or information are to be incurred without appropriate permission", "question_text": "10. \nNo charges for services, products, or information are to be incurred without appropriate permission.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users", "question_text": "11. \nDo not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Users shall respect the privacy of others and not read the mail or files of others without their permission Copyright and licensing laws will not be intentionally violated", "question_text": "12. \nUsers shall respect the privacy of others and not read the mail or files of others without their \n \npermission. Copyright and licensing laws will not be intentionally violated.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware data of another user Internet or any other agencies or other networks that may be accessed This includes but is not limited to the uploading or creation of computer viruses", "question_text": "13. \nVandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious \n \nattempt to harm or destroy hardware, data of another user, Internet, or any other agencies or other networks that may be \naccessed. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Report security problems to the supervising teacher or system administrator", "question_text": "14. \nReport security problems to the supervising teacher or system administrator.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Violators of this policy shall hold the district including its employees and agents harmless against any and all causes of action damages or other liability resulting from the willful or negligent violation of this policy SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS The policy of this school district forbids discrimination against or harassment of any student on the basis of sex The Tannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees or students This policy applies to all", "question_text": "15. \nViolators of this policy shall hold the district, including its employees and agents, harmless \n \nagainst any and all causes of action, damages, or other liability resulting from the willful or negligent violation of this \npolicy. \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS \nThe policy of this school district forbids discrimination against, or harassment of any student on the basis of sex. The \nTannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees or students. This policy applies to all", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": "students and employees including nonemployee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel Policy DA applies to sexual harassment of employees Sexual Harassment For the purpose of this policy sexual harassment includes A Verbal or physical sexual advances including subtle pressure for sexual activity touching pinching patting or brushing against comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature and sexually oriented kidding teasing double meanings and jokes B Demeaning comments about a girls ability to excel in a class historically considered a boys subject privately talking to a student about sexual matters hugging or touching a student inappropriately may constitute sexual harassment C Writing graffiti that names a student or otherwise identifies a student is potentially slanderous and constitutes sexual harassment Graffiti of any kind will not be tolerated on school property The superintendent is directed to cause any graffiti or unauthorized writings to be removed immediately D Any of the aforementioned conduct that effectively deprives a student of access to educational opportunities or benefits provided by the school Specific Prohibitions A Administrators and Supervisors", "question_text": "students and employees including non-employee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel. Policy \nDA applies to sexual harassment of employees. \n \n 1. \nSexual Harassment \n \n \n \nFor the purpose of this policy, sexual harassment includes: \n \n \nA. Verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle pressure for sexual activity; touching, pinching, patting, or \nbrushing against; comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature; and sexually-\noriented \"kidding\" \"teasing,\" double meanings, and jokes. \n \n \nB. Demeaning comments about a girl's ability to excel in a class historically considered a \"boy's\" subject, privately \ntalking to a student about sexual matters, hugging or touching a student inappropriately may constitute sexual \nharassment. \n \n \nC. Writing graffiti that names a student or otherwise identifies a student is potentially slanderous and constitutes \nsexual harassment. Graffiti of any kind will not be tolerated on school property. The superintendent is directed to \ncause any graffiti or unauthorized writings to be removed immediately. \n \n \nD. Any of the aforementioned conduct that effectively deprives a student of access to educational opportunities or \nbenefits provided by the school. \n \n 2. \nSpecific Prohibitions \n \n \nA. Administrators and Supervisors", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " It is sexual harassment for an administrator supervisor support employee or teacher to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or attention from students", "question_text": "1. \nIt is sexual harassment for an administrator, supervisor, support employee, or teacher to use his or her \nauthority to solicit sexual favors or attention from students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " Administrators supervisors support personnel or teachers who either engage in sexual harassment of students or tolerate such conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions as described below", "question_text": "2. \nAdministrators, supervisors, support personnel, or teachers who either engage in sexual harassment of students \nor tolerate such conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions, as described below.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " The school district is not concerned with the offduty conduct of school personnel unless the conduct has or will have a negative impact on the educational process of the school Any romantic or sexual affiliation between school personnel and students including students who have reached the age of majority during school hours will have a negative impact on the educational process and shall constitute a violation of school policy Such violations may result in suspension of the student and suspension or termination for the employee Any sexual affiliation between teachers and students under the age of may constitute a crime under state or federal law Report Investigation and Sanctions A It is the express policy of the board of education to encourage student victims of sexual harassment to come forward with such claims This may be done through the Sexual Discrimination Grievance policy The Office of Civil Rights relies on school administrators judgment and common sense in meeting the requirements of the federal law", "question_text": "3. \nThe school district is not concerned with the \"off-duty\" conduct of school personnel unless the conduct has or \nwill have a negative impact on the educational process of the school. Any romantic or sexual affiliation \nbetween school personnel and students, including students who have reached the age of majority (18), during \nschool hours will have a negative impact on the educational process and shall constitute a violation of school \npolicy. Such violations may result in suspension of the student and suspension or termination for the \nemployee. Any sexual affiliation between teachers and students under the age of 18 may constitute a crime \nunder state or federal law. \n \n \n 3. \nReport, Investigation, and Sanctions \n \n \nA. It is the express policy of the board of education to encourage student victims of sexual harassment to come \nforward with such claims. This may be done through the Sexual Discrimination Grievance policy. The Office of \nCivil Rights relies on school administrators\u2019 judgment and common sense in meeting the requirements of the \nfederal law.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " Students who feel that administrators supervisors support personnel teachers or other students are subjecting them to sexual harassment are encouraged to report these conditions or have their parents report these conditions to the appropriate administrator or teacher If the students immediate administrator or teacher is the alleged offending person the report will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision or to any responsible adult person", "question_text": "1. \nStudents who feel that administrators, supervisors, support personnel, teachers, or other students are subjecting \nthem to sexual harassment are encouraged to report these conditions, or have their parents report these \nconditions, to the appropriate administrator or teacher. If the student's immediate administrator or teacher is \nthe alleged offending person, the report will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision \nor to any responsible adult person.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " Every attempt will be made to maintain confidentiality however absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because of due process concerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations No reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment B In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment the totality of the circumstances the nature of the conduct and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated The superintendent has the responsibility of investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment", "question_text": "2. \nEvery attempt will be made to maintain confidentiality; however, absolute confidentiality cannot be \nguaranteed because of due process concerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations. No reprisals or \nretaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment. \n \n \nB. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the totality of the circumstances, the nature \nof the conduct, and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated. The superintendent has \nthe responsibility of investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 54, "standardized_text": "C Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment of students shall be subject to sanctions including but not limited to warning suspension or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements D Any student found to have engaged in sexual harassment of other students shall be subject to sanctions including but not limited to warning suspension or other appropriate punishment subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements E A copy of this Sexual Harassment policy will be provided to students and parents each year F Special effort will be made to apprise district administrators teachers and counselors of their obligation to receive student complaints of sexual harassment document such complaints and forward them to the grievance committee HEALTH STUDENTS The Tannehill Board of Education believes that the goals of educators should include training that helps our children to grow into productive and responsible adults While the general health and physical maintenance of a child is the responsibility of the parent the board believes that teachers and administrators should encourage students to become aware of the value of a healthy mind and body If a teacher or an administrator becomes aware of a health problem involving a student the parents or legal guardian of the student shall be notified and a conference with the parents be scheduled If efforts to resolve the problem through consultation with the parents are not successful the administrator shall consider referring the matter to the Department of Human Services Health education shall whenever possible be incorporated into the subject matter of all courses of instruction There shall also be established definite time allocations for the teaching of health education Any child who is determined to be afflicted with a contagious disease as currently defined by the Oklahoma Department of Health shall be prohibited from attending school until a health officer has determined that the child is free of the contagious disease or that the disease is no longer contagious The school district will prohibit a child with head lice from attending school until such time as the child no longer has been identified as having head lice CONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES The Tannehill Board of Education is concerned for the health and wellbeing of students and staff of the public schools While the general health and physical wellbeing of a student is the responsibility of the parent the board believes that teachers and administrators should promote and encourage the maintenance of a healthy body and mind Oklahoma law OS and OS prohibits any child afflicted with a contagious disease from attending a public private or parochial school until such time as the child is free from such contagious disease Oklahoma law OS also permits the exclusion of a child by reason of mental or physical disability as determined by the board of education upon a certificate of a dulylicensed and practicing physician The board of education recognizes the possibility of students and staff acquiring andor transmitting a contagious disease Children may be excluded from school when the board believes exclusion is necessary to promote the safety and wellbeing of students and staff The parents of students that are out of school with communicable diseases will be responsible for obtaining the required homework and overseeing that the homework is returned on the allotted time given by the students teacherteachers MEDICATION ADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that if a student is required to take medication during school hours and the parent or guardian cannot be at school to administer the medication or if circumstances exist that indicate it is in the best interest of the student that a nonprescribed medication be dispensed to that student the principal or the principals designee may administer the medication only as follows", "question_text": "C. Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment of students shall be subject to sanctions, including, but \nnot limited to warning, suspension, or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements. \n \n \nD. Any student found to have engaged in sexual harassment of other students shall be subject to sanctions, including, \nbut not limited to warning, suspension or other appropriate punishment subject to applicable procedural and due \nprocess requirements. \n \n \nE. A copy of this Sexual Harassment policy will be provided to students and parents each year. \n \n \nF. Special effort will be made to apprise district administrators, teachers, and counselors of their obligation to receive \nstudent complaints of sexual harassment, document such complaints, and forward them to the grievance \ncommittee. \n \nHEALTH: \nSTUDENTS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that the goals of educators should include training that helps our children to grow \ninto productive and responsible adults. \n \nWhile the general health and physical maintenance of a child is the responsibility of the parent, the board believes that teachers \nand administrators should encourage students to become aware of the value of a healthy mind and body. \n \nIf a teacher or an administrator becomes aware of a health problem involving a student, the parents or legal guardian of the \nstudent shall be notified and a conference with the parents be scheduled. If efforts to resolve the problem through consultation \nwith the parents are not successful, the administrator shall consider referring the matter to the Department of Human Services. \n \nHealth education shall, whenever possible, be incorporated into the subject matter of all courses of instruction. There shall also \nbe established definite time allocations for the teaching of health education. \n \nAny child who is determined to be afflicted with a contagious disease, as currently defined by the Oklahoma Department of \nHealth shall be prohibited from attending school until a health officer has determined that the child is free of the contagious \ndisease or that the disease is no longer contagious. \n \nThe school district will prohibit a child with head lice from attending school until such time as the child no longer has been \nidentified as having head lice. \n \nCONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education is concerned for the health and well-being of students and staff of the public schools. While \nthe general health and physical well-being of a student is the responsibility of the parent, the board believes that teachers and \nadministrators should promote and encourage the maintenance of a healthy body and mind. \n \nOklahoma law (70 O.S. \u00a71210.194 and 63 O.S. \u00a71-507) prohibits any child afflicted with a contagious disease from attending a \npublic, private, or parochial school until such time as the child is free from such contagious disease. \n \nOklahoma law (70 O.S. \u00a710-105 [1]) also permits the exclusion of a child by reason of mental or physical disability as \ndetermined by the board of education upon a certificate of a duly-licensed and practicing physician. \n \nThe board of education recognizes the possibility of students and staff acquiring and/or transmitting a contagious disease. \nChildren may be excluded from school when the board believes exclusion is necessary to promote the safety and well-being of \nstudents and staff. \n \nThe parents of students that are out of school with communicable diseases will be responsible for obtaining the required \nhomework and overseeing that the homework is returned on the allotted time given by the student\u2019s teacher/teachers. \n \nMEDICATION: \nADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS \n \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that if a student is required to take medication during school hours and the \nparent or guardian cannot be at school to administer the medication or if circumstances exist that indicate it is in the best \ninterest of the student that a nonprescribed medication be dispensed to that student, the principal, or the principal's designee, \nmay administer the medication only as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 55, "standardized_text": " Prescription medication must be in a container that indicates the following A students name B name and strength of medication C dosage and directions for administration D name of physician or dentist E date and name of pharmacy and F whether the child has asthma or other disability which may require immediate dispensation of medication The medication must be delivered to the principals office in person by the parent or guardian of the student unless the medication must be retained by the student for immediate selfadministration The medication will be accompanied by written authorization from the parent guardian or person having legal custody that indicates the following A purpose of the medication B time to be administered C whether the medication must be retained by student for selfadministration D termination date for administering the medication and E other appropriate information requested by the principal or the principals designee Selfadministration of inhaled asthma medication by a student for treatment of asthma or an anaphylaxis medication used to treat anaphylaxis and the selfadministration of replacement pancreatic enzymes by a student for treatment of cystic fibrosis is permitted with written parental authorization The parent or guardian of the student must also provide a written statement from the physician treating the student that the student has asthma or anaphylaxis and is capable of and has been instructed in the proper method of selfadministration of medication Additionally A The parent or guardian must provide the school with an emergency supply of the students medication to be administered as authorized by state law B The school district will inform the parent or guardian of the student in writing and the parent or guardian shall sign a statement acknowledging that the school district and its employees and agents shall incur no liability as a result of any injury arising from the selfadministration of medication by the student C Permission for the selfadministration of asthma or anaphylaxis medication or replacement cystic fibrosis enzymes is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year upon fulfillment of the above requirements D A student who is permitted to selfadminister asthma medication or anaphylaxis medication shall be permitted to possess and use a prescribed inhaler or anaphylaxis medication or replacement pancreatic enzyme medication at all times E Definitions", "question_text": "1. \nPrescription medication must be in a container that indicates the following: \n \n \nA. student's name, \n \nB. name and strength of medication, \n \nC. dosage and directions for administration, \n \nD. name of physician or dentist, \n \nE. date and name of pharmacy, and \n \nF. whether the child has asthma or other disability which may require immediate dispensation of medication. \n \n \n \n \n \nThe medication must be delivered to the principal's office in person by the parent or guardian of the student unless the \nmedication must be retained by the student for immediate self-administration. The medication will be accompanied by \nwritten authorization from the parent, guardian, or person having legal custody that indicates the following: \n \n \nA. purpose of the medication, \n \nB. time to be administered, \n \nC. whether the medication must be retained by student for self-administration, \n \nD. termination date for administering the medication, and \n \nE. other appropriate information requested by the principal or the principal's designee. \n \n 2. \nSelf-administration of inhaled asthma medication by a student for treatment of asthma, or an anaphylaxis medication \nused to treat anaphylaxis, and the self-administration of replacement pancreatic enzymes by a student for treatment of \ncystic fibrosis is permitted with written parental authorization. The parent or guardian of the student must also provide \na written statement from the physician treating the student that the student has asthma or anaphylaxis and is capable of, \nand has been instructed in the proper method of, self-administration of medication. Additionally: \n \n \nA. The parent or guardian must provide the school with an emergency supply of the student\u2019s medication to be \nadministered as authorized by state law. \n \n \nB. The school district will inform the parent or guardian of the student, in writing, and the parent or guardian shall \nsign a statement acknowledging, that the school district and its employees and agents shall incur no liability as a \nresult of any injury arising from the self-administration of medication by the student. \n \n \nC. Permission for the self-administration of asthma, or anaphylaxis medication, or replacement cystic fibrosis \nenzymes is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year \nupon fulfillment of the above requirements. \n \n \n \nD. A student who is permitted to self-administer asthma medication or anaphylaxis medication shall be permitted to \npossess and use a prescribed inhaler, or anaphylaxis medication, or replacement pancreatic enzyme medication at \nall times. \n \n \nE. Definitions:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 55, "standardized_text": " Medication means a metered dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms prescribed by a physician and having an individual label or an anaphylaxis medication used to treat anaphylaxis including but not limited to Epinephrine injectors prescribed by a physician and having an individual label or replacement pancreatic enzymes prescribed by a physician and having an individual label", "question_text": "1. \nMedication means a metered dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms, prescribed \nby a physician and having an individual label, or an anaphylaxis medication used to treat anaphylaxis, \nincluding but not limited to Epinephrine injectors, prescribed by a physician and having an individual label, or \nreplacement pancreatic enzymes prescribed by a physician and having an individual label.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 55, "standardized_text": " Selfadministration means a students use of medication pursuant to prescription or written direction from a physician Students shall be permitted to possess and selfapply sunscreen that is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration without the written authorization of a parent legal guardian or physician Students applying sunscreen are prohibited from applying sunscreen during instructional time Aerosol spray must be applied outside of school buildings and away from other students Students shall not be allowed to apply sunscreen to other students Students who do not conform to these rules will be disciplined by the administration in accordance with school discipline policies Nonprescription medication may be administered only with the written request and permission of a parent guardian or person having legal custody when other alternatives such as resting or changing activities are inappropriate or ineffec tive The medication will be administered in accordance with label directions or written instructions from the students physician", "question_text": "2. \nSelf-administration means a student\u2019s use of medication pursuant to prescription or written direction from a \nphysician. \n \n 3. \nStudents shall be permitted to possess and self-apply sunscreen that is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration \nwithout the written authorization of a parent, legal guardian, or physician. Students applying sunscreen are prohibited \nfrom applying sunscreen during instructional time. Aerosol spray must be applied outside of school buildings and away \nfrom other students. Students shall not be allowed to apply sunscreen to other students. Students who do not conform \nto these rules will be disciplined by the administration in accordance with school discipline policies. \n \n 4. \nNonprescription medication may be administered only with the written request and permission of a parent, guardian, or \nperson having legal custody when other alternatives, such as resting or changing activities, are inappropriate or ineffec-\ntive. The medication will be administered in accordance with label directions or written instructions from the student's \nphysician.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 56, "standardized_text": "District personnel may assist a student in applying sunscreen with the written permission of a parent guardian or person having legal custody School District Prescribed Epinephrine Injectors The school district will inform the parent or guardian of each student in writing that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional or trained in correlation with the State Department of Healths Diabetes Management Annual School Training Program may administer with parent or guardian permission but without a health care provider order an Epinephrine injection to a student whom the school nurse or trained school employee in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction Only those students who have a waiver of liability executed by a parent or guardian on file with the school district may be administered an Epinephrine injection A school employee will contact as soon as possible if it is believed that a student is having an anaphylactic reaction", "question_text": "District personnel may assist a student in applying sunscreen with the written permission of a parent, guardian, or \nperson having legal custody. \n \n 5.. School District Prescribed Epinephrine Injectors. The school district will inform the parent or guardian of each student, \nin writing, that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional or trained in correlation with the \nState Department of Health's Diabetes Management Annual School Training Program may administer, with parent or \nguardian permission but without a health care provider order, an Epinephrine injection to a student whom the school \nnurse or trained school employee in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction. Only those students who \nhave a waiver of liability executed by a parent or guardian on file with the school district may be administered an \nEpinephrine injection. A school employee will contact 911 as soon as possible if it is believed that a student is having \nan anaphylactic reaction.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 56, "standardized_text": " School District Prescribed Inhalers The school district will informed the parent or guardian of each student in writing that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional may administer an inhaler to a student whom the school nurse or trained employee in good faith believes is having respiratory distress A school employee designed by the superintendent will notify the parent or guardian of a student after the administration of an inhaler The administrator or administrators designee will A Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication being administered B Keep an accurate record of the administration of the medication C Keep all medication in a locked cabinet except medication retained by a student per physicians order D Return unused prescription medication to the parent or guardian only The parent guardian or person having legal custody of the student is responsible for informing the designated official of any change in the students health or change in medication This policy statement will be provided to a parent or guardian upon receipt of a request for longterm administration of medication PROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF ALLEGED SEXTING Sexting Defined Sexting is sending receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages photographs or images primarily between mobile phones It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device Oklahoma Law No Oklahoma law currently exists that prohibits sexting however there are several laws involving the possession and distribution of child pornography soliciting minors via electronic media and distributing obscene materials to minors These are all sex crimes which may be related to sexting and are considered serious felonies Penalties upon conviction may include up to thirty years in state prison quarterly registration as a sex offender inclusion of the term sex offender on a drivers license and mandatory use of an ankle monitor Reduction of Penalties for Minors As the number of teens being prosecuted as sex offenders for consensual sexting increased in recent years Oklahoma has attempted to mitigate the penalties for teen sexting In Oklahoma enacted HB amending the state law to reduce penalties Under OS Oklahoma law lists potential penalties for consensual transmission of sexually explicit images by and between minors primarily to protect teens who receive unsolicited images and report them to school officials or law enforcement Although Oklahoma has enacted laws to reduce the penalties minors face for consensual teen sexting it is essential to remember that it is still a crime and if it is not consensual the crimes andor penalties may increase For example a teen aged who engages in legal consensual sex with a teen aged or will face a child pornography prosecution if he or she makes receives or possess sexually explicit images of the teen under Title IX and Sexting Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that can include sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature", "question_text": "6. \nSchool District Prescribed Inhalers. The school district will informed the parent or guardian of each student, in \n \nwriting, that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional may administer an inhaler \n \nto a student whom the school nurse or trained employee in good faith believes is having respiratory distress. A \n \nschool employee designed by the superintendent will notify the parent or guardian of a student after the \n \nadministration of an inhaler. \n \nThe administrator, or administrator's designee, will: \n \n \nA. Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication being administered \n \nB. Keep an accurate record of the administration of the medication \n \nC. Keep all medication in a locked cabinet except medication retained by a student per physician's order \n \nD. Return unused prescription medication to the parent or guardian only \n \nThe parent, guardian, or person having legal custody of the student is responsible for informing the designated official of any \nchange in the student's health or change in medication. \n \nThis policy statement will be provided to a parent or guardian upon receipt of a request for long-term administration of \nmedication. \n \n \nPROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF ALLEGED SEXTING \n \nSexting Defined: \nSexting is sending, receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs or images, primarily between mobile \nphones. It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device. \nOklahoma Law \n \nNo Oklahoma law currently exists that prohibits sexting; however, there are several laws involving the possession and \ndistribution of child pornography, soliciting minors via electronic media and distributing obscene materials to minors. These \nare all sex crimes which may be related to sexting and are considered serious felonies. \n \nPenalties upon conviction may include up to thirty years in state prison, quarterly registration as a sex offender, inclusion of the \nterm sex offender on a driver's license and mandatory use of an ankle monitor. \n \nReduction of Penalties for Minors \nAs the number of teens being prosecuted as sex offenders for consensual sexting increased in recent years, Oklahoma has \nattempted to mitigate the penalties for teen sexting. In 2014, Oklahoma enacted HB 2541 amending the state law to reduce \npenalties. Under 10A O.S. \u00a7 2-8-221, Oklahoma law lists potential penalties for consensual transmission of sexually explicit \nimages by and between minors, primarily to protect teens who receive unsolicited images and report them to school officials or \nlaw enforcement. \n \nAlthough Oklahoma has enacted laws to reduce the penalties minors face for consensual teen sexting, it is essential to \nremember that it is still a crime, and if it is not consensual, the crime(s) and/or penalties may increase. For example, a teen \naged 18 who engages in legal consensual sex with a teen aged 16 or 17 will face a child pornography prosecution if he or she \nmakes, receives or possess sexually explicit images of the teen under 18. \n \nTitle IX and Sexting \nSexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that can include sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and \nother verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": "Two Types of Sexual Harassment", "question_text": "Two Types of Sexual Harassment:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Quid Pro Quo sexual favors demanded in exchange for some benefit or service", "question_text": "1. \"Quid Pro Quo\" - sexual favors demanded in exchange for some benefit or service.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Hostile Environment unwelcome advances requests or physical conduct that interferes with an individuals performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive educational environment How to Handle Evidence", "question_text": "2. \"Hostile Environment\" - unwelcome advances, requests or physical conduct that interferes with an individual's performance \nor creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. \nHow to Handle Evidence", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Place the cell phone in a plastic bag and call the police", "question_text": "1. Place the cell phone in a plastic bag and call the police", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Do not inspect the contents of the phone to confirm the presence of child pornography", "question_text": "2. Do not inspect the contents of the phone to confirm the presence of child \n pornography", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Do not look at the images to determine which students may be involved", "question_text": "3. Do not look at the images to determine which students may be involved", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Do not copy distribute or share the images with anyone including a parent other than law enforcement officials REPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE ANDOR NEGLECT In accordance with Oklahoma law any person is required to report suspected cases of physical abuse or neglect involving students to the statewide toll free hotline of the Department of Human Services The statewide DHS hotline number is ", "question_text": "4. Do not copy, distribute or share the images with anyone (including a parent) other \n than law enforcement officials \n \n \n \n \nREPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE \nAND/OR NEGLECT \nIn accordance with Oklahoma law, any person is required to report suspected cases of physical abuse or neglect involving \nstudents to the statewide toll free hotline of the Department of Human Services. The statewide DHS hotline number is 1-800-", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " The board of education fully supports that requirement and has established this policy to facilitate such reporting Every teacher support person or other employee of this school district shall report any suspected physical mental or sexual abuse or neglect of any school student to the Department of Human Services by telephone The employee shall also inform the building principal who will advise the superintendent that the report was made using Form FFGE The reporting obligations under this section are individual and no employer supervisor or administrator of a person required to provide information pursuant to this section shall discharge or in any manner discriminate or retaliate against any such person who in good faith provides such child abuse reports or information testifies or is about to testify in any proceeding involving child abuse or neglect provided that such person did not perpetrate or inflict such abuse or neglect Any such employer supervisor or administrator who discharges discriminates or retaliates against such person shall be liable for damages costs and attorney fees Any person who knowingly and willfully fails to promptly report any incident of child abuse may be reported to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and upon conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report or makes a report that the person knows lacks factual foundation may be reported by the Department of Human Services to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and upon conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Any person participating in good faith and exercising due care in the making of a report or any person who in good faith and exercising due care allows access to a child by persons authorized to investigate a report concerning the child shall have immunity from any liability civil or criminal that might otherwise be incurred or imposed Any such participant shall have the same immunity from any liability with respect to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report The school district shall post in a clearly visible location in a public area of the school that is readily accessible to all students a sign in English and Spanish that contains the tollfree number operated by the Department of Human Services", "question_text": "522-3511. The board of education fully supports that requirement and has established this policy to facilitate such reporting. \n \nEvery teacher, support person, or other employee of this school district shall report any suspected physical, mental, or sexual \nabuse or neglect of any school student to the Department of Human Services by telephone. The employee shall also inform the \nbuilding principal who will advise the superintendent that the report was made using Form FFG-E. \n \nThe reporting obligations under this section are individual, and no employer, supervisor or administrator of a person required to \nprovide information pursuant to this section shall discharge, or in any manner discriminate or retaliate against, any such person \nwho in good faith provides such child abuse reports or information, testifies, or is about to testify in any proceeding involving \nchild abuse or neglect; provided, that such person did not perpetrate or inflict such abuse or neglect. Any such employer, \nsupervisor, or administrator who discharges, discriminates, or retaliates against such person shall be liable for damages, costs, \nand attorney fees. Any person who knowingly and willfully fails to promptly report any incident of child abuse may be \nreported to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and, upon conviction thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. \nAny person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report, or makes a report that the person knows lacks factual \nfoundation may be reported by the Department of Human Services to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and, \nupon conviction thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. \n \nAny person participating in good faith and exercising due care in the making of a report or any person who, in good faith and \nexercising due care, allows access to a child by persons authorized to investigate a report concerning the child shall have \nimmunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed. Any such participant shall have \nthe same immunity from any liability with respect to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report. \n \nThe school district shall post, in a clearly visible location in a public area of the school that is readily accessible to all students, \na sign in English and Spanish that contains the toll-free number operated by the Department of Human Services.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 58, "standardized_text": "SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM CHILDS NAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS SCHOOL PARENTSLEGAL GUARDIAN ADDRESS I hereby acknowledge that I have a statutory duty to report any suspected abuse to DHS I further understand that merely filing this report does not absolve me of my statutory duty to report this directly to DHS A copy of this suspected child abuse or neglect report may be filed with the Department of Human Services the supervising administrator and the Superintendent of Schools The supervising administrator will also need to contact the DHS Describe the nature and extent of the suspected child abuse or neglect Describe any evidence of previous suspected child abuse or neglect Names of persons present during the interview with the child Name of investigating social worker with the Department of Human Services if known Signature of Person Filing Report Signature of Supervising Administrator ", "question_text": "SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM \n \n \nCHILD'S NAME: \n DATE OF BIRTH: ______________________ \n \nADDRESS: \n SCHOOL: _____________________________ \n \nPARENT(S)/LEGAL GUARDIAN: _______________________________________________________________ \n \nADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nI hereby acknowledge that I have a statutory duty to report any suspected abuse to DHS. I further understand that merely filing \nthis report does not absolve me of my statutory duty to report this directly to DHS. \n \nA copy of this suspected child abuse or neglect report may be filed with the Department of Human Services, the supervising \nadministrator and the Superintendent of Schools. The supervising administrator will also need to contact the DHS. \n \nDescribe the nature and extent of the suspected child abuse or neglect: ____________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nDescribe any evidence of previous suspected child abuse or neglect: ______________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nNames of persons present during the interview with the child: ___________________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nName of investigating social worker with the Department of Human Services (if known): \n________________________ \n \n \n \n \nSignature of Person Filing Report: \n_________________________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n \nSignature of Supervising Administrator: ____________________________________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": "FUND RAISING BY INSCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that from time to time an organization or class within the school system has a need to raise funds to finance certain projects Any organization wishing to raise funds should adhere to the following procedure Submit an estimate for the cost of the project to the superintendent Submit a list of sources for the fund raising to the superintendent Obtain approval for the project from the board of education All funds that are raised should go into the activity fund except funds raised by a group or organization sanctioned by the board that should remain the property of that group or organization Only the superintendent or the superintendents designee can approve expenditures out of the activity fund Doortodoor solicitation will not be conducted during school hours All funds must be returned to the school sponsor and deposited in the appropriate activity account on a daily basis Raffles Student groups or organizations and parentteacher associations affiliated with this school district meeting the qualification requirements of state law are permitted to conduct raffles for the benefit of schoolrelated initiatives within this district subject to the approval process above Raffles permit such qualified organizations to raise funds by issuing numbered tickets in conjunction with voluntary contributions to the organization The board of education shall give approval of the items for raffle prior to approving a raffle as a fundraiser Nonschool Fundraisers Students staff and patrons are prohibited from conducting fundraisers for nonschool activities on school premises STUDENT RECORDS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that the principal of each school will be the legal custodian of all student records for that school Students and parents will have access to their school records The school will notify parents and adult students annually of the following", "question_text": "FUND RAISING BY IN-SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that from time to time an organization or class within the school system has a \nneed to raise funds to finance certain projects. \n \nAny organization wishing to raise funds should adhere to the following procedure: \n \n 1. \nSubmit an estimate for the cost of the project to the superintendent. \n 2. \nSubmit a list of sources for the fund raising to the superintendent. \n 3. \nObtain approval for the project from the board of education. \n 4. \nAll funds that are raised should go into the activity fund, except funds raised by a group or organization sanctioned by \nthe board that should remain the property of that group or organization. Only the superintendent or the superintendent's \ndesignee can approve expenditures out of the activity fund. \n 5. \nDoor-to-door solicitation will not be conducted during school hours. \n 6. \nAll funds must be returned to the school sponsor and deposited in the appropriate activity account on a daily basis. \n \nRaffles \nStudent groups or organizations and parent-teacher associations affiliated with this school district meeting the qualification \nrequirements of state law are permitted to conduct raffles for the benefit of school-related initiatives within this district subject \nto the approval process, above. Raffles permit such qualified organizations to raise funds by issuing numbered tickets in \nconjunction with voluntary contributions to the organization. The board of education shall give approval of the items for raffle \nprior to approving a raffle as a fund-raiser. \n \nNonschool Fundraisers \nStudents, staff, and patrons are prohibited from conducting fundraisers for nonschool activities on school premises. \n \nSTUDENT RECORDS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that the principal of each school will be the legal custodian of all student \nrecords for that school. \n \nStudents and parents will have access to their school records. The school will notify parents and adult students annually of the \nfollowing:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The type of records kept", "question_text": "1. \nThe type of records kept;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The procedure for inspecting and copying these records", "question_text": "2. \nThe procedure for inspecting and copying these records;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The right for interpretation", "question_text": "3. \nThe right for interpretation;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The right to challenge data thought to be erroneous the procedures for correcting or expunging erroneous data or inserting a rebuttal statement", "question_text": "4. \nThe right to challenge data thought to be erroneous, the procedures for correcting or expunging erroneous data or \ninserting a rebuttal statement;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The right to lodge a complaint with the US Department of Education if mandates are not adequately implemented The educational records or school records include all materials directly related to a student that a school maintains Records and notes maintained by a teacher administrator school physician or school psychologist for his or her own use and which are not available to others are exempted from this definition The school will require a prior written consent before information other than directory information may be divulged to third parties An exception to this rule exists for school district employees who have legitimate interests in viewing the records as well as officials in other schools in which the student seeks to enroll A school district in which a student is enrolled or is in the process of enrolling in may request the students education records from any district in which the student was formerly enrolled to ascertain safety issues with incoming students and ensure full disclosure The records including the students disciplinary records will be forwarded to the requesting district within three business days Disciplinary records shall include but not be limited to all information that relates to a student assaulting carrying weapons possessing illegal drugs including alcohol and any incident that poses a potential dangerous threat to students or school personnel When schools transfer records to new educational institutions the schools must notify parents of the transfer and of their right to review and contest the material An exemption exists for material under court order Parents must be notified of such order prior to release", "question_text": "5. \nThe right to lodge a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if mandates are not adequately \nimplemented. \n \nThe educational records or school records include all materials directly related to a student that a school maintains. Records \nand notes maintained by a teacher, administrator, school physician, or school psychologist for his or her own use, and which \nare not available to others are exempted from this definition. \n \nThe school will require a prior written consent before information other than directory information may be divulged to third \nparties. An exception to this rule exists for school district employees who have legitimate interests in viewing the records, as \nwell as officials in other schools in which the student seeks to enroll. A school district in which a student is enrolled or is in \nthe process of enrolling in may request the student's education records from any district in which the student was formerly \nenrolled to ascertain safety issues with incoming students and ensure full disclosure. The records, including the student's \ndisciplinary records, will be forwarded to the requesting district within three (3) business days. Disciplinary records shall \ninclude but not be limited to all information that relates to a student assaulting, carrying weapons, possessing illegal drugs, \nincluding alcohol, and any incident that poses a potential dangerous threat to students or school personnel. \n \nWhen schools transfer records to new educational institutions, the schools must notify parents of the transfer, and of their right \nto review and contest the material. An exemption exists for material under court order. Parents must be notified of such order \nprior to release.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 60, "standardized_text": "The district will release individual student records from the current or previous school year to a school district where the student was previously enrolled if the release of such records is for the purposes of evaluating educational programs and school effectiveness The district may disclose personally identifiable information to third parties without prior written consent in order to conduct studies audits and evaluations of the educational programs of the school district In such case the district will take reasonable steps to ensure that all authorized representatives of the third party are FERPA compliant with the information provided for the purposes of the study audit or evaluation of the educational program The district may disclose without the consent or knowledge of the eligible student or parent personally identifiable information in the educational records of a student to the Attorney General of the United States or his or her designee in response to an ex parte order in connection with the investigation or prosecution of terrorism crimes The district is not required to record such disclosure of information and is protected from liability for disclosing such information in good faith The superintendent is directed to establish procedures to ensure compliance with the Family Educational and Privacy Act and other applicable acts and regulations TRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to adhere strictly to Oklahoma and Federal law concerning the transfer and release of confidential information including student records For the purposes of this policy confidential information means any information regarding a child receiving services supported in whole or in part by state or federal funds a family member of such child or other persons residing in the home of such child and which is required by state or federal law or regulation to be maintained in a confidential manner The school district will transfer and release confidential information in accordance with this policy to The Department of Human Services The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services The State Department of Health The State Department of Education The State Department of Career and Technology Education The Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth The JD McCarty Center for Handicapped Children The Department of Corrections Private agencies receiving public funds pursuant to a grant or contract with one of the agencies listed in through and providing institutional community residential or communitybased services as defined by Title Section", "question_text": "The district will release individual student records from the current or previous school year to a school district where the \nstudent was previously enrolled if the release of such records is for the purposes of evaluating educational programs and school \neffectiveness. \n \nThe district may disclose personally identifiable information to third parties, without prior written consent, in order to conduct \nstudies, audits, and evaluations of the educational programs of the school district. In such case, the district will take reasonable \nsteps to ensure that all authorized representatives of the third party are FERPA compliant with the information provided for the \npurposes of the study, audit, or evaluation of the educational program. \n \nThe district may disclose, without the consent or knowledge of the eligible student or parent, personally identifiable \ninformation in the educational records of a student to the Attorney General of the United States or his or her designee in \nresponse to an ex parte order in connection with the investigation or prosecution of terrorism crimes. The district is not \nrequired to record such disclosure of information and is protected from liability for disclosing such information in good faith. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to establish procedures to ensure compliance with the Family Educational and Privacy Act and \nother applicable acts and regulations. \n \nTRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to adhere strictly to Oklahoma and Federal law concerning the transfer and \nrelease of confidential information including student records. \n \nFor the purposes of this policy, \"confidential information\" means any information regarding a child receiving services \nsupported in whole or in part by state or federal funds, a family member of such child, or other persons residing in the home of \nsuch child, and which is required by state or federal law or regulation to be maintained in a confidential manner. \n \nThe school district will transfer and release confidential information in accordance with this policy to: \n \n \n(1) \nThe Department of Human Services, \n \n \n(2) \nThe Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, \n \n \n(3) \nThe State Department of Health, \n \n \n(4) \nThe State Department of Education, \n \n \n(5) \nThe State Department of Career and Technology Education, \n \n \n(6) \nThe Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth, \n \n \n(7) \nThe J.D. McCarty Center for Handicapped Children, \n \n \n(8) \nThe Department of Corrections, \n \n \n(9) \nPrivate agencies receiving public funds pursuant to a grant or contract with one of the agencies listed in (1) \nthrough (8) and providing institutional, community residential or community-based services as defined by Title 10, Section", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 60, "standardized_text": " of the Oklahoma Statutes to children and family Persons and agencies subject to the rules promulgated by the agencies listed in through Statutorilyconstituted juvenile bureaus and Other school districts upon their request and in compliance with state law Unless otherwise permitted by state or federal law or regulation confidential information will only be released to the above described entities pursuant to a court order or an informed consent that has been executed by a the parent or guardian of the child or other person authorized by state or federal law to execute such consent if the subject of the confidential information is a child or b the individual who was the subject of the confidential information or other person authorized by law to execute such consent on his or her behalf if the subject of the confidential information is an adult A copy of the school districts informed consent form may be found at FLEE", "question_text": "7001-1.3 of the Oklahoma Statutes, to children and family, \n \n \n(10) \nPersons and agencies subject to the rules promulgated by the agencies listed in (1) through (8), \n \n \n(11) \nStatutorily-constituted juvenile bureaus, and \n \n(12) Other school districts upon their request and in compliance with state law. \n \nUnless otherwise permitted by state or federal law or regulation, confidential information will only be released to the above-\ndescribed entities pursuant to (1) a court order or (2) an informed consent that has been executed by (a) the parent or guardian \nof the child or other person authorized by state or federal law to execute such consent, if the subject of the confidential \ninformation is a child or (b) the individual who was the subject of the confidential information or other person authorized by \nlaw to execute such consent on his or her behalf, if the subject of the confidential information is an adult. A copy of the school \ndistrict's informed consent form may be found at FLE-E.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": "The school district will follow the rules promulgated by the State Department of Education for authorizing access to and the transfer or release of confidential information for the purpose of gathering statistical information or conducting studies or research otherwise authorized by law The school district shall charge per page for all copies made pursuant to this policy plus the actual cost of mailing the copies INFORMATION COORDINATOR The school district has designated a representative to coordinate requests for information from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations when the release of such information has been authorized by a parent legal guardian of the student or by court order Information regarding past and present students in the district may be released to law enforcement officers subject to court order or by parental consent Such information includes but is not limited to", "question_text": "The school district will follow the rules promulgated by the State Department of Education for authorizing access to and the \ntransfer or release of confidential information for the purpose of gathering statistical information or conducting studies or \nresearch otherwise authorized by law. \n \nThe school district shall charge $.50 per page for all copies made pursuant to this policy plus the actual cost of mailing the \ncopies. \n \nINFORMATION COORDINATOR \nThe school district has designated a representative to coordinate requests for information from the Oklahoma State Bureau of \nInvestigations when the release of such information has been authorized by a parent, legal guardian of the student, or by court \norder. Information regarding past and present students in the district may be released to law enforcement officers subject to \ncourt order or by parental consent. \n \nSuch information includes but is not limited to:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Students name address telephone listing and date and place of birth", "question_text": "1. \nStudent\u2019s name, address, telephone listing, and date and place of birth;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Parent or lawful custodians name address and telephone listing", "question_text": "2. \nParent or lawful custodian's name, address, and telephone listing;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Major field of study and grade level classification example elementary grade", "question_text": "3. \nMajor field of study and grade level classification (example: elementary, 7th grade)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Students participation in officially recognized activities and sports", "question_text": "4. \nStudent\u2019s participation in officially recognized activities and sports;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Weight and height of members of athletic teams", "question_text": "5. \nWeight and height of members of athletic teams;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Dates of attendance dates of enrollment withdrawal reentry", "question_text": "6. \nDates of attendance, dates of enrollment, withdrawal, re-entry;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Diplomas certificates awards and honors received", "question_text": "7. \nDiplomas, certificates, awards, and honors received;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student BULLYING It is the policy of this school district that bullying of students by other students personnel or the public will not be tolerated Students are expected to be civil polite and fully engaged in the learning process Students who act inappropriately are not fully engaged in the learning process This policy is in effect while the students are on school grounds in school vehicles at designated bus stops at schoolsponsored activities or at schoolsanctioned events and while away from school grounds if the misconduct directly affects the good order efficient management and welfare of the school district Bullying of students by electronic communication is prohibited whether or not such communication originated at school or with school equipment if the communication is specifically directed at students or school personnel and concerns harassment intimidation or bullying at school The school district is not required to provide educational services in the regular school setting to any student who has been removed from a public school or private school in Oklahoma or another state by administrative or judicial process for an act of using electronic communication with the intent to terrify intimidate or harass or threaten to inflict injury or physical harm to faculty or students As used in the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act bullying means any pattern of harassment intimidation threatening behavior physical acts verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student Such behavior is specifically prohibited In administering discipline consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective discipline is administered in each case In all disciplinary action teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that they are dealing with individual personalities The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most effective disciplinary measure In considering alternatives of corrective actions the facultyadministration of the school district will consider those listed below However the school is not limited to these alternative methods nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events to follow in disciplinary actions The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to determine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance Conference with student Conference with parents", "question_text": "8. \nMost recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student \n \nBULLYING \nIt is the policy of this school district that bullying of students by other students, personnel, or the public will not be tolerated. \nStudents are expected to be civil, polite, and fully engaged in the learning process. Students who act inappropriately are not \nfully engaged in the learning process. This policy is in effect while the students are on school grounds, in school vehicles, at \ndesignated bus stops, at school-sponsored activities, or at school-sanctioned events, and while away from school grounds if the \nmisconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management, and welfare of the school district. Bullying of students by \nelectronic communication is prohibited whether or not such communication originated at school or with school equipment, if \nthe communication is specifically directed at students or school personnel and concerns harassment, intimidation, or bullying at \nschool. The school district is not required to provide educational services in the regular school setting to any student who has \nbeen removed from a public school or private school in Oklahoma or another state by administrative or judicial process for an \nact of using electronic communication with the intent to terrify, intimidate or harass, or threaten to inflict injury or physical \nharm to faculty or students. \n \nAs used in the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act, \"bullying\" means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, \nthreatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that \nresults in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the \ntargeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission \nor the education of any student. Such behavior is specifically prohibited. \n \nIn administering discipline, consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective \ndiscipline is administered in each case. In all disciplinary action, teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that \nthey are dealing with individual personalities. The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most \neffective disciplinary measure. \n \nIn considering alternatives of corrective actions, the faculty/administration of the school district will consider those listed \nbelow. However, the school is not limited to these alternative methods, nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events \nto follow in disciplinary actions. The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to \ndetermine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance. \n \n 1. \nConference with student \n 2. \nConference with parents", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 62, "standardized_text": " Inschool suspension Detention Referral to counselor Behavioral contract Changing students seat assignment or class assignment Requiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property Requiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the students behavior Restriction of privileges Involvement of local authorities Referring student to appropriate social agency or to a delinquency prevention and diversion program administrated by the office of Juvenile Affairs Suspension Performing Campussite services for the school district Other appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include but is not limited to removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the privilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony school dances prom prom activities andor class trips Harassment set forth above may include but is not limited to the following Verbal physical or written harassment or abuse Repeated remarks of a demeaning nature Implied or explicit threats concerning ones grades achievements etc Demeaning jokes stories or activities directed at the student Unwelcome physical contact The superintendent shall develop procedures providing for Prompt investigation of allegations of harassment The expeditious correction of the conditions causing such harassment Establishment of adequate measures to provide confidentiality in the complaint process Initiation of appropriate corrective actions Identification and enactment of methods to prevent reoccurrence of the harassment and A process where the provisions of this policy are disseminated in writing annually to all staff and students", "question_text": "3. \nIn-school suspension \n 4. \nDetention \n 5. \nReferral to counselor \n 6. \nBehavioral contract \n 7. \nChanging student's seat assignment or class assignment \n 8. \nRequiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property \n 9. \nRequiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the student's behavior \n 10. \nRestriction of privileges \n 11. \nInvolvement of local authorities \n 12. \nReferring student to appropriate social agency or to a delinquency prevention and diversion program administrated by \nthe office of Juvenile Affairs \n 13. \nSuspension \n 14. \nPerforming Campus-site services for the school district \n 15. \nOther appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include, but is not \nlimited to, removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the \nprivilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony, school dances, prom, prom activities, and/or class \ntrips. \nHarassment set forth above may include, but is not limited to, the following: \n 1. \nVerbal, physical, or written harassment or abuse; \n 2. \nRepeated remarks of a demeaning nature; \n 3. \nImplied or explicit threats concerning one\u2019s grades, achievements, etc.; \n 4. \nDemeaning jokes, stories, or activities directed at the student; \n 5. \nUnwelcome physical contact. \nThe superintendent shall develop procedures providing for: \n 1. \nPrompt investigation of allegations of harassment \n 2. \nThe expeditious correction of the conditions causing such harassment; \n 3. \nEstablishment of adequate measures to provide confidentiality in the complaint process; \n 4. \nInitiation of appropriate corrective actions; \n 5. \nIdentification and enactment of methods to prevent reoccurrence of the harassment; and \n 6. \nA process where the provisions of this policy are disseminated in writing annually to all staff and students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 63, "standardized_text": "HARASSMENTBULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM Date Time RoomLocation Students Initiating BullyingHarassment Grade Class Grade Class Students Affected Grade Class Grade Class Type of Harassment Alleged Racial Sexual Religious Other Check all spaces below that apply Adult stated or identified inappropriate behaviors as Name Calling Spitting Stalking Demeaning Comments Inappropriate Gesturing Stealing StaringLeering Damaging Property WritingGraffiti ShovingPushing Threatening HittingKicking TauntingRidiculing Flashing a Weapon Inappropriate Touching IntimidationExtortion Other Describe the incident Witnesses Present Physical evidence Graffiti Notes Email Web sites Videoaudio tape Other Staff signature Parents contacted Date Time Administrative response taken", "question_text": "HARASSMENT/BULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM \n \n \nDate: \n Time: \n Room/Location: \n \n \nStudent(s) Initiating Bullying/Harassment: \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \nStudent(s) Affected: \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \nType of Harassment Alleged: \n \nRacial \n Sexual \n Religious \n Other \n \n \nCheck all spaces below that apply. Adult stated or identified inappropriate behaviors as: \n \n \n Name Calling \n \n Spitting \n \n Stalking \n \n Demeaning Comments \n \n Inappropriate Gesturing \n \n Stealing \n \n Staring/Leering \n \n Damaging Property \n \n Writing/Graffiti \n \n Shoving/Pushing \n \n Threatening \n \n Hitting/Kicking \n \n Taunting/Ridiculing \n \n Flashing a Weapon \n \n Inappropriate Touching \n \n Intimidation/Extortion \n \n Other \n \n \nDescribe the incident: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWitnesses Present: \n \n \nPhysical evidence: Graffiti _____ Notes _____ E-mail _____ Web sites _____ Video/audio tape _____ \n \nOther \n \n \nStaff signature \n \n \nParent(s) contacted: Date \n Time \n \n \nAdministrative response taken:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 64, "standardized_text": "PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES The following procedures will be used by any person for the filing processing and resolution of a reported incident of harassment intimidation bullying or threatening behavior The procedures are to be followed by the administration of the school district in an effort to determine the severity of the incident and the potential to result in future violence Definitions Bullying means any pattern of harassment intimidation threatening behavior physical acts verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student Electronic communication means the communication of any written verbal pictorial information or video content by means of an electronic device including but not limited to a telephone a mobile or cellular telephone or other wireless communication device or a computer Threatening behavior means any pattern of behavior or isolated action whether or not it is directed at another person that a reasonable person would believe indicates potential for future harm to students school personnel or school property Procedures The procedure for investigating reported incidents of harassment intimidation and bullying or threatening behavior is as follows The matter should immediately be reported to the building principal If the bullying involved an electronic communication a printed copy of the communication as well as any identifying information such as email address or web address shall be provided to the building principal As much detailed information as possible should be provided to the building principal in written form to allow for a thorough investigation of the matter Upon receipt of a written report the building principal shall contact the superintendent and begin an investigation to determine the severity of the incident and the potential for future violence If during the course of the investigation it appears that a crime may have been committed the building principal andor superintendent shall notify local law enforcement and request that the alleged victim also contact law enforcement to report the matter for potential criminal investigation If it is determined that the school districts discipline code has been violated the building principal shall follow district policies regarding the discipline of the student The building principal shall make a determination as to whether the conduct is actually occurring", "question_text": "PROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING \n(INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES) \nThe following procedures will be used by any person for the filing, processing, and resolution of a reported incident of \nharassment, intimidation, bullying, or threatening behavior. The procedures are to be followed by the administration of the \nschool district in an effort to determine the severity of the incident and the potential to result in future violence. \n \nDefinitions \n \n 1. \n\u201cBullying\u201d means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic \ncommunication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done \nwith the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is \ncommunicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission or the education of any \nstudent. \n \n \n \n\u201cElectronic communication\u201d means the communication of any written, verbal, pictorial information or video content by \nmeans of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, a mobile or cellular telephone or other wireless \ncommunication device, or a computer. \n \n \n \n\u201cThreatening behavior\u201d means any pattern of behavior or isolated action, whether or not it is directed at another person, \nthat a reasonable person would believe indicates potential for future harm to students, school personnel, or school \nproperty. \n \nProcedures \n \nThe procedure for investigating reported incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying or threatening behavior, is as \nfollows: \n \n 1. \nThe matter should immediately be reported to the building principal. If the bullying involved an electronic \ncommunication, a printed copy of the communication as well as any identifying information such as email address or \nweb address shall be provided to the building principal. As much detailed information as possible should be provided \nto the building principal in written form to allow for a thorough investigation of the matter. \n \n 2. \nUpon receipt of a written report, the building principal shall contact the superintendent and begin an investigation to \ndetermine the severity of the incident and the potential for future violence. \n \n 3. \nIf, during the course of the investigation, it appears that a crime may have been committed the building principal and/or \nsuperintendent shall notify local law enforcement and request that the alleged victim also contact law enforcement to \nreport the matter for potential criminal investigation. \n \n 4. \nIf it is determined that the school district\u2019s discipline code has been violated, the building principal shall follow district \npolicies regarding the discipline of the student. The building principal shall make a determination as to whether the \nconduct is actually occurring.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 64, "standardized_text": " Upon completion of the investigation the principal or superintendent may recommend that available community mental health care substance abuse or other counseling options be provided to the student if appropriate This may include information about the types of support services available to the student bully victim and any other students affected by the prohibited behavior If such a recommendation is made the administration shall request disclosure of any information that indicates an explicit threat to the safety of students or school personnel provided the disclosure of information does not violate the provisions or requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of Section of Title of the Oklahoma Statutes Section of Title of Oklahoma Statutes or any other state or federal laws relating to the disclosure of confidential information", "question_text": "5. \nUpon completion of the investigation, the principal or superintendent may recommend that available community mental \nhealth care substance abuse or other counseling options be provided to the student, if appropriate. This may include \ninformation about the types of support services available to the student bully, victim, and any other students affected by \nthe prohibited behavior. If such a recommendation is made, the administration shall request disclosure of any \ninformation that indicates an explicit threat to the safety of students or school personnel provided the disclosure of \ninformation does not violate the provisions or requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, \nthe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Section 2503 of Title 12 of the Oklahoma Statutes, \nSection 1376 of Title 59 of Oklahoma Statutes, or any other state or federal laws relating to the disclosure of \nconfidential information.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 64, "standardized_text": " Upon completion of an investigation timely notification shall be provided to the parents or guardians of a victim of documented and verified bullying This information should be provided within days of the conclusion of the investigation", "question_text": "6. \n \nUpon completion of an investigation, timely notification shall be provided to the parents or guardians of a victim of \ndocumented and verified bullying. This information should be provided within ___ days of the conclusion of the \ninvestigation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 65, "standardized_text": " Upon completion of an investigation timely notification shall be provided to the perpetrator of the documented and verified bullying This information should be provided within days of the conclusion of the investigation Reports may be made anonymously However no formal disciplinary action shall be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report Reports shall be made immediately to the building principal by any school employee that has reliable information that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that a person is a target of bullying The Superintendent shall be responsible for enforcing this policy The building principal should notify the superintendent within twentyfour hours of any report of bullying Upon completion of an investigation the building principal should notify the superintendent of the findings of the investigation Documentation should also be provided to the superintendent to establish that timely notification was provided to the parents of the victim and the parents of the perpetrator PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING REGULATION The Tannehill Public Schools student conduct code prohibits bullying This regulation further explains the negative effects of that behavior and seeks to promote strategies for prevention Statement of Board Purpose in Adopting Policy The board of education recognizes that bullying of students causes serious educational and personal problems both for the studentvictim and the initiator of the bullying The board observes that this conduct Has been shown by national and state studies to have a substantial adverse effect upon school district operations the safety of students and faculty and the educational system at large Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the districts mission to instruct students in an atmosphere free from fear is disruptive of school efforts to encourage students to remain in school until graduation and is just as disruptive of the districts efforts to prepare students for productive lives in the community as they become adults Substantially disrupts healthy student behavior and thereby academic achievement Research indicates that healthy student behavior results in increased student academic achievement Improvement in student behavior through the prevention or minimization of intimidation harassment and bullying towards studentvictims simultaneously supports the districts primary and substantial interest in operating schools that foster and promote academic achievement Substantially interferes with school compliance with federal law that seeks to maximize the mainstreaming of students with disabilities and hinders compliance with Individual Educational Programs containing objectives to increase the socialization of students with disabilities Targets of bullying are often students with known physical or mental disabilities who as a result are perceived by bullies as easy targets for bullying actions Substantially interferes with the districts mission to advance the social skills and social and emotional wellbeing of students Targets of intimidation harassment and bullying are often passivetarget students who already are lacking in social skills because they tend to be extremely sensitive shy display insecurity anxiety andor distress may have experienced a traumatic event may try to use gifts toys money or class assignments or performance bribes to protect themselves from intimidation harassment or bullying are often small for their age and feel vulnerable to bullying acts andor may resort to carrying weapons to school for selfprotection Passivetarget victims who have been harassed and demeaned by the behavior of bullies often respond by striving to obtain power over others by becoming bullies themselves and are specifically prone to develop into students who eventually inflict serious physical harm on other students or in an effort to gain power over their life or situation commit suicide Substantially disrupts school operations by increasing violent acts committed against fellow students Violence in this context is frequently accompanied by criminal acts Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the reasonable expectations of other students that they can feel secure at school and not be subjected to frightening acts or be the victim of mistreatment resulting from bullying behavior Bullying often involves expressive gestures speech physical acts that are sexually suggestive lewd vulgar profane or offensive to the education or social mission of this school district and at times involves the commission of criminal acts This behavior interferes with the curriculum by disrupting the presentation of instruction and also disrupts and interferes with the", "question_text": "7. \n \nUpon completion of an investigation, timely notification shall be provided to the perpetrator of the documented and \nverified bullying. This information should be provided within ___ days of the conclusion of the investigation. \n \nReports may be made anonymously. However, no formal disciplinary action shall be taken solely on the basis of an \nanonymous report. Reports shall be made immediately to the building principal by any school employee that has reliable \ninformation that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that a person is a target of bullying. \n \nThe Superintendent shall be responsible for enforcing this policy. The building principal should notify the superintendent \nwithin twenty-four (24) hours of any report of bullying. Upon completion of an investigation, the building principal should \nnotify the superintendent of the findings of the investigation. Documentation should also be provided to the superintendent to \nestablish that timely notification was provided to the parents of the victim and the parents of the perpetrator. \n \nPROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING \n(REGULATION) \n \n \nThe Tannehill Public Schools\u2019 student conduct code prohibits bullying. This regulation further explains the negative effects of \nthat behavior and seeks to promote strategies for prevention. \n \nStatement of Board Purpose in Adopting Policy \n \nThe board of education recognizes that bullying of students causes serious educational and personal problems, both for the \nstudent-victim and the initiator of the bullying. The board observes that this conduct: \n \n 1. \nHas been shown by national and state studies to have a substantial adverse effect upon school district operations, the \nsafety of students and faculty, and the educational system at large. \n \n 2. \nSubstantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the district\u2019s mission to instruct students in an atmosphere \nfree from fear, is disruptive of school efforts to encourage students to remain in school until graduation, and is just as \ndisruptive of the district\u2019s efforts to prepare students for productive lives in the community as they become adults. \n \n 3. \nSubstantially disrupts healthy student behavior and thereby academic achievement. Research indicates that healthy \nstudent behavior results in increased student academic achievement. Improvement in student behavior through the \nprevention or minimization of intimidation, harassment, and bullying towards student-victims simultaneously supports \nthe district\u2019s primary and substantial interest in operating schools that foster and promote academic achievement. \n \n 4. \nSubstantially interferes with school compliance with federal law that seeks to maximize the mainstreaming of students \nwith disabilities and hinders compliance with Individual Educational Programs containing objectives to increase the \nsocialization of students with disabilities. Targets of bullying are often students with known physical or mental \ndisabilities who, as a result, are perceived by bullies as easy targets for bullying actions. \n \n 5. \nSubstantially interferes with the district\u2019s mission to advance the social skills and social and emotional well-being of \nstudents. Targets of intimidation, harassment, and bullying are often \u201cpassive-target\u201d students who already are lacking \nin social skills because they tend to be extremely sensitive, shy, display insecurity, anxiety and/or distress; may have \nexperienced a traumatic event; may try to use gifts, toys, money, or class assignments or performance bribes to protect \nthemselves from intimidation, harassment, or bullying; are often small for their age and feel vulnerable to bullying acts; \nand/or may resort to carrying weapons to school for self-protection. Passive-target victims who have been harassed and \ndemeaned by the behavior of bullies often respond by striving to obtain power over others by becoming bullies \nthemselves, and are specifically prone to develop into students who eventually inflict serious physical harm on other \nstudents, or, in an effort to gain power over their life or situation, commit suicide. \n \n 6. \nSubstantially disrupts school operations by increasing violent acts committed against fellow students. Violence, in this \ncontext, is frequently accompanied by criminal acts. \n \n 7. \nSubstantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the reasonable expectations of other students that they can \nfeel secure at school and not be subjected to frightening acts or be the victim of mistreatment resulting from bullying \nbehavior. \n \nBullying often involves expressive gestures, speech, physical acts that are sexually suggestive, lewd, vulgar, profane, or \noffensive to the education or social mission of this school district, and at times involves the commission of criminal acts. This \nbehavior interferes with the curriculum by disrupting the presentation of instruction and also disrupts and interferes with the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 66, "standardized_text": "studentvictims or bystanders ability to concentrate retain instruction and study or to operate free from the effects of bullying This results in a reluctance or resistance to attend school Definition of Terms Statutory definition of harassment intimidation and bullying", "question_text": "student-victim\u2019s or bystander\u2019s ability to concentrate, retain instruction, and study or to operate free from the effects of \nbullying. This results in a reluctance or resistance to attend school. \n \nDefinition of Terms \n \n 1. \nStatutory definition of harassment, intimidation, and bullying:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 66, "standardized_text": " OS c of the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act defines the terms bullying as including but not limited to a pattern of harassment intimidation threatening behavior physical acts verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student that a reasonable person should recognize will A Harm another student B Damage another students property C Place another student in reasonable fear of harm to the students person or damage to the students property or D Insult or demean any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student The Reasonable Person Standard In determining what a reasonable person should recognize as an act placing a student in reasonable fear of harm staff will determine reasonableness not only from the point of view of a mature adult but also from the point of view of an immature child of the age of the intended victim along with but not limited to consideration of special emotional physical or mental needs of the particular child personality or physical characteristics or history that might cause the child to be particularly sensitive to efforts by a bully to humiliate embarrass or lower the self esteem of the victim and the discipline history personality of and physical characteristics of the individual alleged to have engaged in the prohibited behavior General Display of Bullying Acts Bullying for purposes of this section of the regulation includes harassment and intimidation and vice versa According to experts in the field bullying in general is the exploitation of a less powerful person by an individual taking unfair advantage of that person which is repeated over time and which inflicts a negative effect on the victim The seriousness of a bullying act depends on the harm inflicted upon the victim and the frequency of the offensive acts Power may be but is not limited to physical strength social skill verbal ability or other characteristics Bullying acts by students have been described in several different categories A Physical Bullying includes harm or threatened harm to anothers body or property including but not limited to what would reasonably be foreseen as a serious expression of intent to inflict physical harm or property damage through verbal or written speech or gestures directed at the studentvictim when considering the factual circumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended victim Common acts include tripping hitting pushing pinching pulling hair kicking biting starting fights daring others to fight stealing or destroying property extortion assaults with a weapon other violent acts and homicide B Emotional Bullying includes the intentional infliction of harm to anothers selfesteem including but not limited to insulting or profane remarks insulting or profane gestures or harassing and frightening statement when such events are considered in light of the surrounding facts the history of the students involved and age maturity and special characteristics of the students C Social Bullying includes harm to anothers group acceptance including but not limited to harm resulting from intentionally gossiping about another student or intentionally spreading negative rumors about another student that results in the victim being excluded from a school activity or student group the intentional planning andor implementation of acts or statements that inflict public humiliation upon a student the intentional undermining of current relationships of the victimstudent through the spreading of untrue gossip or rumors designed to humiliate or embarrass the student the use of gossip rumors or humiliating acts designed to deprive the student of awards recognition or involvement in school activities the false or malicious spreading of an untrue statement or statements about another student that exposes the victim to contempt or ridicule or deprives the victim of the", "question_text": "70 O.S. \u00a724-100.3(c) of the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act defines the terms \u201cbullying,\u201d as including, but \nnot limited to a pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic \ncommunication, directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done \nwith the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is \ncommunicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission or the education of any \nstudent that a reasonable person should recognize will: \n \n \nA. Harm another student; \n \n \nB. Damage another student\u2019s property; \n \n \nC. Place another student in reasonable fear of harm to the student\u2019s person or damage to the student\u2019s property; or \n \n \nD. Insult or demean any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school\u2019s \neducational mission or the education of any student. \n \n 2. \nThe \u201cReasonable Person\u201d Standard \n \n \n \nIn determining what a \u201creasonable person\u201d should recognize as an act placing a student in \u201creasonable\u201d fear of harm, \nstaff will determine \u201creasonableness\u201d not only from the point of view of a mature adult, but also from the point of view \nof an immature child of the age of the intended victim along with, but not limited to, consideration of special emotional, \nphysical, or mental needs of the particular child; personality or physical characteristics, or history that might cause the \nchild to be particularly sensitive to efforts by a bully to humiliate, embarrass, or lower the self esteem of the victim; and \nthe discipline history, personality of, and physical characteristics of the individual alleged to have engaged in the \nprohibited behavior. \n \n 3. \nGeneral Display of Bullying Acts \n \n \n \nBullying, for purposes of this section of the regulation, includes harassment and intimidation, and vice versa. \nAccording to experts in the field, bullying in general is the exploitation of a less powerful person by an individual \ntaking unfair advantage of that person, which is repeated over time, and which inflicts a negative effect on the victim. \nThe seriousness of a bullying act depends on the harm inflicted upon the victim and the frequency of the offensive acts. \nPower may be, but is not limited to, physical strength, social skill, verbal ability, or other characteristics. Bullying acts \nby students have been described in several different categories. \n \n \nA. Physical Bullying includes harm or threatened harm to another\u2019s body or property, including, but not limited to, \nwhat would reasonably be foreseen as a serious expression of intent to inflict physical harm or property damage \nthrough verbal or written speech or gestures directed at the student-victim, when considering the factual \ncircumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended victim. Common acts include \ntripping, hitting, pushing, pinching, pulling hair, kicking, biting, starting fights, daring others to fight, stealing or \ndestroying property, extortion, assaults with a weapon, other violent acts, and homicide. \n \n \nB. Emotional Bullying includes the intentional infliction of harm to another\u2019s self-esteem, including, but not limited \nto, insulting or profane remarks, insulting or profane gestures, or harassing and frightening statement, when such \nevents are considered in light of the surrounding facts, the history of the students involved, and age, maturity, and \nspecial characteristics of the students. \n \n \nC. Social Bullying includes harm to another\u2019s group acceptance, including, but not limited to, harm resulting from \nintentionally gossiping about another student or intentionally spreading negative rumors about another student that \nresults in the victim being excluded from a school activity or student group; the intentional planning and/or \nimplementation of acts or statements that inflict public humiliation upon a student; the intentional undermining of \ncurrent relationships of the victim-student through the spreading of untrue gossip or rumors designed to humiliate \nor embarrass the student; the use of gossip, rumors, or humiliating acts designed to deprive the student of awards, \nrecognition, or involvement in school activities; the false or malicious spreading of an untrue statement or \nstatements about another student that exposes the victim to contempt or ridicule or deprives the victim of the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 67, "standardized_text": "confidence and respect of student peers or the making of false statements to others that the student has committed a crime or has an infectious contagious or loathsome disease or similar egregious representations D Sexual Bullying includes harm to another resulting from but not limited to making unwelcome sexual comments about the student making vulgar profane or lewd comments or drawings or graffiti about the victim directing vulgar profane or lewd gestures toward the victim committing physical acts of a sexual nature at school including the fondling or touching of private parts of the victims body participation in the gossiping or spreading of false rumors about the students sexual life written or verbal statements directed at the victim that would reasonably be interpreted as a serious threat to force the victim to commit sexual acts or to sexually assault the victim when considering the factual circumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended victim offcampus dating violence by a student that adversely affects the victims school performance or behavior attendance participation in school functions or extracurricular activities or makes the victim fearful at school of the assaulting bully or the commission of sexual assault rape or homicide Such conduct may also constitute sexual harassment also prohibited by Tannehill Public Schools Procedures Applicable to the Understanding of and Prevention of Bullying of Students Student and Staff Education and Training All staff will be provided with a copy of the districts policy on prevention of bullying of students All students will be provided a summary of the policy and notice that a copy of the entire policy is available on request Tannehill Public Schools is committed to providing appropriate and relevant training to staff regarding identification of behavior constituting bullying of students and the prevention and management of such conduct Students like staff members shall participate in an annual education program that sets out expectations for student behavior and emphasizes an understanding of bullying of students the districts prohibition of such conduct and the reasons why the conduct is destructive unacceptable and will lead to discipline Students shall also be informed of the consequences of bullying conduct toward their peers B Tannehill Public Schools Safe School Committee The safe school committee has the responsibility of studying and making recommendations regarding unsafe conditions strategies for students to avoid harm at school student victimization crime prevention school violence and other issues that interfere with an adversely affect the maintenance of safe schools With respect to student harassment intimidation and bullying the safe school committee shall consider and make recommendations regarding professional staff development needs of faculty and other staff related to methods to decrease student harassment intimidation and bullying and understanding and identifying bullying behaviors In addition the committee shall make recommendations regarding identification of methods to encourage the involvement of the community and students in addressing conduct involving bullying methods to enhance relationships between students and school staff in order to strengthen communication and fashioning of problemsolving teams that include counselors andor school psychologists In accomplishing its objectives the committee shall review traditional and accepted harassment intimidation and bullying prevention programs utilized by other states state agencies or school districts See also policy BDFC Student Reporting Students are encouraged to inform school personnel if they are the victim of or a witness to acts of harassment intimidation or bullying Staff Reporting An important duty of the staff is to report acts or behavior that the employee witnesses that appears to constitute harassing intimidating or bullying Employees whether certified or noncertified shall encourage students who tell them about acts that may constitute intimidation harassment or bullying to complete a report form For young students staff members given that information will need to provide direct assistance to the student Staff members who witness such events are to complete reports and to submit them to the employee designated by the superintendent to receive them Staff members who hear of incidents that may in the staff members judgment constitute harassment intimidation or bullying are to report all relevant information to the superintendent or hisher designee", "question_text": "confidence and respect of student peers; or the making of false statements to others that the student has committed \na crime, or has an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease, or similar egregious representations. \n \n \nD. Sexual Bullying includes harm to another resulting from, but not limited to, making unwelcome sexual comments \nabout the student; making vulgar, profane, or lewd comments or drawings or graffiti about the victim; directing \nvulgar, profane, or lewd gestures toward the victim; committing physical acts of a sexual nature at school, \nincluding the fondling or touching of private parts of the victim\u2019s body; participation in the gossiping or spreading \nof false rumors about the student\u2019s sexual life; written or verbal statements directed at the victim that would \nreasonably be interpreted as a serious threat to force the victim to commit sexual acts or to sexually assault the \nvictim when considering the factual circumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended \nvictim; off-campus dating violence by a student that \n \n adversely affects the victim\u2019s school performance or behavior, attendance, participation in school functions or \nextracurricular activities, or makes the victim fearful at school of the assaulting bully; or the commission of sexual \nassault, rape, or homicide. Such conduct may also constitute sexual harassment \u2013 also prohibited by Tannehill \nPublic Schools. \n \nProcedures Applicable to the Understanding of and Prevention of Bullying of Students \n \n 1. \nStudent and Staff Education and Training \n \n \nAll staff will be provided with a copy of the district\u2019s policy on prevention of bullying of students. All students will be \nprovided a summary of the policy and notice that a copy of the entire policy is available on request. Tannehill Public \nSchools is committed to providing appropriate and relevant training to staff regarding identification of behavior \nconstituting bullying of students and the prevention and management of such conduct. \n \n \n \nStudents, like staff members, shall participate in an annual education program that sets out expectations for student \nbehavior and emphasizes an understanding of bullying of students, the district\u2019s prohibition of such conduct, and the \nreasons why the conduct is destructive, unacceptable, and will lead to discipline. Students shall also be informed of the \nconsequences of bullying conduct toward their peers. \n \n B. \nTannehill Public Schools\u2019 Safe School Committee \n \n \n \nThe safe school committee has the responsibility of studying and making recommendations regarding unsafe \nconditions, strategies for students to avoid harm at school, student victimization, crime prevention, school violence, and \nother issues that interfere with an adversely affect the maintenance of safe schools. \n \n \n \nWith respect to student harassment, intimidation, and bullying, the safe school committee shall consider and make \nrecommendations regarding professional staff development needs of faculty and other staff related to methods to \ndecrease student harassment, intimidation, and bullying and understanding and identifying bullying behaviors. In \naddition, the committee shall make recommendations regarding: identification of methods to encourage the \ninvolvement of the community and students in addressing conduct involving bullying; methods to enhance relationships \nbetween students and school staff in order to strengthen communication; and fashioning of problem-solving teams that \ninclude counselors and/or school psychologists. \n \n \n \nIn accomplishing its objectives, the committee shall review traditional and accepted harassment, intimidation, and \nbullying prevention programs utilized by other states, state agencies, or school districts. (See also policy BDFC.) \n \nStudent Reporting \n \nStudents are encouraged to inform school personnel if they are the victim of or a witness to acts of harassment, intimidation, or \nbullying. \n \nStaff Reporting \n \nAn important duty of the staff is to report acts or behavior that the employee witnesses that appears to constitute harassing, \nintimidating, or bullying. Employees, whether certified or noncertified, shall encourage students who tell them about acts that \nmay constitute intimidation, harassment, or bullying to complete a report form. For young students, staff members given that \ninformation will need to provide direct assistance to the student. \n \nStaff members who witness such events are to complete reports and to submit them to the employee designated by the \nsuperintendent to receive them. Staff members who hear of incidents that may, in the staff member\u2019s judgment, constitute \nharassment, intimidation, or bullying, are to report all relevant information to the superintendent or his/her designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 68, "standardized_text": "Parental Responsibilities Parentsguardians will be informed in writing of the districts program to stop bullying An administrative response to bullying may involve certain actions to be taken by parents Parents will be informed of the program and the means for students to report bullying acts toward them or other students They will also be told that to help prevent bullying at school they should encourage their children to Report bullying when it occurs Take advantage of opportunities to talk to their children about bullying Inform the school immediately if they think their child is being bullied or is bullying other students Watch for symptoms that their child may be a victim of bullying and report those symptoms and Cooperate fully with school personnel in identifying and resolving incidents Discipline of Students In administering discipline consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective discipline is administered in each case In all disciplinary action teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that they are dealing with individual personalities The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most effective disciplinary measure In considering alternatives of corrective actions the facultyadministration of the school district will consider those listed below However the school is not limited to these alternative methods nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events to follow in disciplinary actions The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to determine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance Conference with student Conference with parents Inschool suspension Detention Referral to counselor Behavioral contract Changing students seat assignment or class assignment Requiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property Requiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the students behavior Restriction of privileges Involvement of local authorities Referring student to appropriate social agency Suspension Other appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include but is not limited to removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the privilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony school dances prom prom activities andor class trips The above consequences will be imposed for any person who commits an act of bullying as well as any person found to have falsely accused another as a means of retaliation reprisal or as a means of bullying Strategies will be created to provide counseling or referral to appropriate services including guidance academic intervention and other protection for students both targets and perpetrators and family members affected by bullying as necessary Publication of Policy Annual written notice of this policy will be provided to parents guardians staff volunteers and students with ageappropriate language for students Notice of the policy will be posted at various locations within each school site including but not limited to cafeterias school bulletin boards and administrative offices The policy will be posted on the school districts website at and at each school site that has an Internet website The policy will be included in all student and staff handbooks", "question_text": "Parental Responsibilities \n \nParents/guardians will be informed in writing of the district\u2019s program to stop bullying. An administrative response to bullying \nmay involve certain actions to be taken by parents. Parents will be informed of the program and the means for students to \nreport bullying acts toward them or other students. They will also be told that to help prevent bullying at school they should \nencourage their children to: \n \n 1. \nReport bullying when it occurs; \n \n 2. \nTake advantage of opportunities to talk to their children about bullying; \n \n 3. \nInform the school immediately if they think their child is being bullied or is bullying other students; \n \n 4. \nWatch for symptoms that their child may be a victim of bullying and report those symptoms; and \n \n 5. \nCooperate fully with school personnel in identifying and resolving incidents. \n \nDiscipline of Students \n \nIn administering discipline, consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective \ndiscipline is administered in each case. In all disciplinary action, teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that \nthey are dealing with individual personalities. The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most \neffective disciplinary measure. \n \nIn considering alternatives of corrective actions, the faculty/administration of the school district will consider those listed \nbelow. However, the school is not limited to these alternative methods, nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events \nto follow in disciplinary actions. The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to \ndetermine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance. \n \n 1. \nConference with student \n 2. \nConference with parents \n 3. \nIn-school suspension \n 4. \nDetention \n 5. \nReferral to counselor \n 6. \nBehavioral contract \n 7. \nChanging student's seat assignment or class assignment \n 8. \nRequiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property \n 9. \nRequiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the student's behavior \n 10. \nRestriction of privileges \n 11. \nInvolvement of local authorities \n 12. \nReferring student to appropriate social agency \n 13. \nSuspension \n 14. \nOther appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include, but is not \nlimited to, removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the \nprivilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony, school dances, prom, prom activities, and/or class \ntrips. \n \nThe above consequences will be imposed for any person who commits an act of bullying as well as any person found to have \nfalsely accused another as a means of retaliation, reprisal, or as a means of bullying. Strategies will be created to provide \ncounseling or referral to appropriate services, including guidance, academic intervention, and other protection for students, \nboth targets and perpetrators, and family members affected by bullying, as necessary. \n \nPublication of Policy \n \nAnnual written notice of this policy will be provided to parents, guardians, staff, volunteers, and students with age-appropriate \nlanguage for students. Notice of the policy will be posted at various locations within each school site, including but not limited \nto, cafeterias, school bulletin boards, and administrative offices. The policy will be posted on the school district's website at \nwww.tannehill.k12.ok.us and at each school site that has an Internet website. The policy will be included in all student and \nstaff handbooks.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 69, "standardized_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR POSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any administrator teacher or counselor who has reasonable suspicion that a student may be under the influence of or has in his or her possession alcoholic beverages including the legally nonintoxicating beverage commonly referred to as beer lowpoint beer or a controlled dangerous substance as defined by law shall immediately notify the principal of such suspicions The principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of schools and a parent or legal guardian of said students possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance or suspected abuse thereof Any search seizure or subsequent disciplinary action shall be subject to applicable school policies regulations state laws or student handbook rules Every administrator teacher or counselor employed by the board of education who has reason to believe that a student is under the influence of or has possession of alcoholic beverages including beer or a controlled dangerous substance and who reports such information to appropriate school officials shall not be subject to civil liability unless such referral was made in bad faith or with malicious purpose This policy shall be distributed to each classroom teacher Receipt shall be acknowledged in a form to be determined by the superintendent DRUGFREE SCHOOLs It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that in recognition of the clear danger resulting from illicit drug and alcohol abuse and in good faith effort to promote the health safety and well being of students employees and the community the board has implemented a developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention program for grades Kindergarten through twelve K Students are hereby notified that the use possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol is wrong and harmful There fore standards of conduct that are applicable to all schools in this district prohibit the unlawful possession use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on students who violate standards of conduct required by this policy Such sanctions will be consistent with local state and federal laws up to and including probation and suspension as well as referral for prosecution Completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program may also be recommended Information about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and reentry programs will be made available through the school office The standards of conduct and the disciplinary sanctions imposed by this policy will be part of the required notification to parents and students that will include the following The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments PL requires that State as well as local educational agencies must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and em ployees Federal Regulations can be examined through the school office ParentGuardian signature certifies receipt of a Student Handbook of Guidelines and Policies for Students and Parents that includes district policy relating to adoption and implementation of a drug prevention program for students WEAPONSFREE SCHOOLS It is the policy of this school district to comply fully with the GunFree Schools Act", "question_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR \nPOSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR CONTROLLED \nDANGEROUS SUBSTANCES \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any administrator, teacher, or counselor who has reasonable suspicion \nthat a student may be under the influence of, or has in his or her possession, alcoholic beverages - including the legally \nnonintoxicating beverage commonly referred to as 3.2 beer (low-point beer) - or a controlled dangerous substance as defined \nby law shall immediately notify the principal of such suspicions. The principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of \nschools and a parent or legal guardian of said student\u2019s possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance or suspected abuse \nthereof. \n \nAny search, seizure, or subsequent disciplinary action shall be subject to applicable school policies, regulations, state laws, or \nstudent handbook rules. \n \nEvery administrator, teacher, or counselor employed by the board of education who has reason to believe that a student is under \nthe influence of, or has possession of, alcoholic beverages (including 3.2 beer) or a controlled dangerous substance and who \nreports such information to appropriate school officials shall not be subject to civil liability unless such referral was made in \nbad faith or with malicious purpose. \n \nThis policy shall be distributed to each classroom teacher. Receipt shall be acknowledged in a form to be determined by the \nsuperintendent. \n \nDRUG-FREE SCHOOLs \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that in recognition of the clear danger resulting from illicit drug and alcohol \nabuse and in good faith effort to promote the health, safety, and well being of students, employees, and the community, the \nboard has implemented a developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention program for grades Kindergarten \nthrough twelve (K-12). \n \nStudents are hereby notified that the use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol is wrong and harmful. There-\nfore, standards of conduct that are applicable to all schools in this district, prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution \nof illicit drugs and alcohol by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities. \n \nDisciplinary sanctions will be imposed on students who violate standards of conduct required by this policy. Such sanctions \nwill be consistent with local, state, and federal laws, up to and including probation and suspension, as well as referral for \nprosecution. Completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program may also be recommended. \n \nInformation about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and reentry programs will be made available through the \nschool office. \n \nThe standards of conduct and the disciplinary sanctions imposed by this policy will be part of the required notification to \nparents and students that will include the following: \n \n \n\"The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments, P.L. 101-226 requires that State, as \nwell as local educational agencies, must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to \nprevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and em-\nployees.\" (Federal Regulations can be examined through the school office.) \n \n \nParent/Guardian signature certifies receipt of a Student Handbook of Guidelines and Policies for \nStudents and Parents that includes district policy relating to adoption and implementation of a drug \nprevention program for students. \n \n \n \nWEAPONS-FREE SCHOOLS \nIt is the policy of this school district to comply fully with the Gun-Free Schools Act.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 69, "standardized_text": " Any student in this school district who uses or possesses a firearm at school at any schoolsponsored event or in or upon any school property including school transportation or schoolsponsored transportation may be removed from school for one full calendar year or longer", "question_text": "1. \nAny student in this school district who uses or possesses a firearm at school, at any school-sponsored event, or in \nor upon any school property including school transportation or school-sponsored transportation may be removed from school \nfor one full calendar year or longer.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 70, "standardized_text": "The superintendent or designee may modify the provisions of this policy on a casebycase basis However any substantial modification must be reported to the board of education at its next meeting Firearms are defined in Title of the United States Code Section as A any weapon including a starter gun which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive B the frame or receiver of any such weapon C any firearm muffler or firearm silencer or D any destructive device including any explosive incendiary or poison gas bomb grenade rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than onequarter ounce mine or any device similar to the above Such firearm or weapon will be confiscated and released only to a law enforcement authority", "question_text": "The superintendent or designee may modify the provisions of this policy on a case-by-case basis. However, any substantial \nmodification must be reported to the board of education at its next meeting. \n \n \n \nFirearms are defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 921, as (A) any weapon (including a starter \ngun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame \nor receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (D) any destructive device including any \nexplosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having \nan explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or any device similar to the above. \n \n \n \nSuch firearm or weapon will be confiscated and released only to a law enforcement authority.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 70, "standardized_text": "", "question_text": "2. \nOklahoma Statutes, Title 21, Section 1280.1 prohibits any person to have in such person's possession on any \npublic or private school property or while in any school bus or vehicle used by any school for transportation of students or \nteachers any firearm or weapon as defined in Title 21, Section 1272, below: \n \n\"...any pistol, revolver, shotgun or rifle whether loaded or unloaded, or any dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, \nsword cane, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device in the \nhandle of the knife, blackjack, loaded cane, billy, hand chain, metal knuckles, or any other offensive weapon, whether such \nweapon is concealed or unconcealed.\" \n \nStudents with disabilities are subject to this policy and will be disciplined in accordance with district policy and the Individuals \nwith Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. \n \nAn exception to this policy may be made for students participating in an authorized extracurricular activity or team involving \nthe use of firearms or archery equipment. In addition, exceptions will be made for a gun, knife, bayonet or other weapon in \nthe possession of a member of a veterans group, the national guard, active military, the Reserve Officers\u2019 Training Corp \n(ROTC) or Junior ROTC, in order to participate in a ceremony, assembly or educational program approved by the principal or \nchief administrator of a school district where the ceremony, assembly or educational program is being held; provided, however, \nthat the gun or other weapon that uses projectiles is not loaded and is inoperable at all times while on school property. \n \nA handgun may be carried in a motor vehicle pursuant to a valid handgun license authorized by the Oklahoma Self-Defense \nAct onto property set aside by a public or private elementary or secondary school for the use or parking of any vehicle; \nprovided, however, said handgun shall be stored and hidden from view in a locked motor vehicle when the motor vehicle is left \nunattended on school property \n \nAny student who violates this policy will be subject to discipline which may include suspension for the remainder of the \nsemester and the entire succeeding semester or up to one full calendar year or longer (for firearms) or for any term less than \none calendar year (for weapons other than firearms) as determined by the superintendent or the superintendent's designee. \nDisciplinary action will be determined on a case-by-case basis. \n \nStudents found to be in violation of this policy shall be referred to the appropriate criminal or juvenile justice system. Any \nfirearms found on the premises shall be reported to law enforcement and will immediately be turned over to local law \nenforcement as per state law requirements. \n \n \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that all students should be free from unreasonable search and seizure by school \nofficials. However, it shall be the policy of the board that the superintendent, principal, teacher, and security personnel shall \nhave the authority to search a student and a student's property when there is reasonable suspicion for such searches. The \nsuperintendent is instructed to establish a regulation for board approval that supports this policy. \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, searches of students shall be conducted under the following \ncircumstances: \n \nThe superintendent, principal, teacher, or security personnel of this school (authorized personnel) may detain and search any \nstudent or students on the premises of the public schools, or while attending, or while in transit to, any event or function \nsponsored or authorized by the school only under the following conditions:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " When any authorized person has reasonable suspicion that the student may have on the students person or property alcohol dangerous weapons unauthorized electronic paging devices controlled dangerous substances as defined by law stolen property if the property in question is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student a school employee or the school during school activities or any other items which have been or may reasonably be disruptive of school operations or in violation of student discipline rules", "question_text": "1. \nWhen any authorized person has reasonable suspicion that the student may have on the student's person or \nproperty alcohol, dangerous weapons, unauthorized electronic paging devices, controlled dangerous substances as defined by \nlaw, stolen property if the property in question is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, a school employee, \nor the school during school activities, or any other items which have been or may reasonably be disruptive of school operations \nor in violation of student discipline rules.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " School lockers and school desks are the property of the school not the student Students have no expectation of privacy concerning lockers desks or other school property The users of lockers desks and other storage areas or compartments have no reasonable expectation of privacy from school employees as to the contents of those areas Lockers desks and other storage areas or compartments may be subjected to searches at any time with or without reasonable suspicion Students are not to use any school area or property to contain any item that should not be at school Students shall not exchange lockers or desks or use any lockers or desks other than those assigned to them by the principal", "question_text": "2. \nSchool lockers and school desks are the property of the school, not the student. Students have no expectation of \nprivacy concerning lockers, desks, or other school property. The users of lockers, desks, and other storage areas or \ncompartments have no reasonable expectation of privacy from school employees as to the contents of those areas. Lockers, \ndesks, and other storage areas or compartments may be subjected to searches at any time with or without reasonable suspicion. \nStudents are not to use any school area or property to contain any item that should not be at school. Students shall not \nexchange lockers or desks or use any lockers or desks other than those assigned to them by the principal.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Authorized personnel may search a student within the limits of state and federal law or this policy whenever the student consents to such a search However consent obtained through threats or coercion is not considered to be freely and voluntarily given", "question_text": "3. \nAuthorized personnel may search a student, within the limits of state and federal law (or this policy), whenever \nthe student consents to such a search. However, consent obtained through threats or coercion is not considered to be freely and \nvoluntarily given.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Authorized personnel conducting a search shall have authority to detain the student or students and to preserve any contraband seized", "question_text": "4. \nAuthorized personnel conducting a search shall have authority to detain the student or students and to preserve \nany contraband seized.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Any searches of students as outlined herein will be conducted by an authorized person who is the same sex as the person being searched and shall be witnessed by at least one other authorized person who is of the same sex as the person being searched", "question_text": "5. \nAny searches of students as outlined herein will be conducted by an authorized person who is the same sex as the \nperson being searched and shall be witnessed by at least one other authorized person who is of the same sex as the person being \nsearched.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Strip searches are forbidden No clothing except cold weather outer garments will be removed before or during a search", "question_text": "6. \nStrip searches are forbidden. No clothing except cold weather outer garments will be removed before or during a \nsearch.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Items that may be seized during a lawful search in addition to those mentioned in paragraph above shall include but not be limited to any item object instrument or material commonly recognized as unlawful or prohibited For example prescription or nonprescription medicines switchblade knives brass knuckles billy clubs and pornographic literature are commonly recognizable as unlawful or prohibited items Such items or any other items which may pose a threat to a student the student body or other school personnel shall be seized identified as to ownership if possible and held for release to proper authority", "question_text": "7. \nItems that may be seized during a lawful search - in addition to those mentioned in paragraph 1 above - shall \ninclude, but not be limited to, any item, object, instrument, or material commonly recognized as unlawful or prohibited. For \nexample: prescription or nonprescription medicines, switchblade knives, brass knuckles, billy clubs, and pornographic \nliterature are commonly recognizable as unlawful or prohibited items. Such items, or any other items which may pose a threat \nto a student, the student body, or other school personnel, shall be seized, identified as to ownership if possible, and held for \nrelease to proper authority.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Any student found to be in possession of dangerous weapons controlled dangerous substances or other unlawful or prohibited items may be suspended by the superintendent for a period not to exceed the current school semester and the succeeding semester Such suspension may be in addition to any civil or criminal liability PUBLIC COMPLAINTS The Tannehill Board of Education welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement from the patrons whom it serves Constructive criticism of the schools is welcome whenever it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational program or to allow the schools to do their tasks more effectively However the board has confidence in its professional staff and desires to support their actions in order that they are free from unnecessary spiteful or negative criticism and complaint Therefore whenever a complaint is made directly to the board as a whole or to a board member as an individual it will promptly be referred to the school administration for study and possible solution Since individual board members have no authority to resolve complaints other than by formal board action administrators are expected to follow up on all complaint referrals and to advise the board members of the nature of the complaint and the actions taken The board expects that the administration will develop a procedure for receiving complaints courteously and that it will take steps to make a proper reply to the complainant Followup shall be in the form of a written memorandum to the board members Anonymous complaints provide no avenue for response or redress of the complaint Therefore it will be the policy of the board that anonymous complaints shall not be pursued An unsigned complaint will not be read or acted upon at any meeting of the board and anonymous telephone complaints will not be brought to the board by any individual board member administrator or other district employee Further the administration will not act on any anonymous complaint Complaints for which specific resolution procedures are provided shall be directed through those channels This includes complaints about personnel complaints about instructional materials etc Complaints should be resolved at the lowest possible level of authority If the complaint cannot be resolved at the building level either party is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the superintendent of schools", "question_text": "8. \nAny student found to be in possession of dangerous weapons, controlled dangerous substances, or other unlawful \nor prohibited items may be suspended by the superintendent for a period not to exceed the current school semester and the \nsucceeding semester. Such suspension may be in addition to any civil or criminal liability. \n \nPUBLIC COMPLAINTS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement from the patrons whom it serves. \nConstructive criticism of the schools is welcome whenever it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the \neducational program or to allow the schools to do their tasks more effectively. However, the board has confidence in its \nprofessional staff and desires to support their actions in order that they are free from unnecessary, spiteful, or negative criticism \nand complaint. Therefore, whenever a complaint is made directly to the board as a whole or to a board member as an \nindividual, it will promptly be referred to the school administration for study and possible solution. \n \nSince individual board members have no authority to resolve complaints, other than by formal board action, administrators are \nexpected to follow up on all complaint referrals and to advise the board members of the nature of the complaint and the \naction(s) taken. The board expects that the administration will develop a procedure for receiving complaints courteously and \nthat it will take steps to make a proper reply to the complainant. Follow-up shall be in the form of a written memorandum to \nthe board members. \n \nAnonymous complaints provide no avenue for response or redress of the complaint. Therefore, it will be the policy of the \nboard that anonymous complaints shall not be pursued. An unsigned complaint will not be read or acted upon at any meeting \nof the board and anonymous telephone complaints will not be brought to the board by any individual board member, \nadministrator, or other district employee. Further, the administration will not act on any anonymous complaint. \n \nComplaints for which specific resolution procedures are provided shall be directed through those channels. This includes \ncomplaints about personnel, complaints about instructional materials, etc. \n \nComplaints should be resolved at the lowest possible level of authority. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the building \nlevel, either party is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the superintendent of schools.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": "If all other remedies have been exhausted and a complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved the complaint may be appealed to the board of education No appeal will be heard by the board and no charges or accusations against an employee will be investigated or acted upon unless the accusations are reduced to writing signed by the party making the complaint and presented to the board through the superintendent In addition to the above the board will request written reports be provided to the board prior to the meeting from the following", "question_text": "If all other remedies have been exhausted and a complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the complaint may be appealed to \nthe board of education. No appeal will be heard by the board and no charges or accusations against an employee will be \ninvestigated or acted upon unless the accusations are reduced to writing, signed by the party making the complaint, and \npresented to the board through the superintendent. \n \nIn addition to the above, the board will request written reports be provided to the board prior to the meeting from the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The person against whom the complaint is made", "question_text": "1. \nThe person against whom the complaint is made,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The principal of the school involved", "question_text": "2. \nThe principal of the school involved,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The superintendent and", "question_text": "3. \nThe superintendent, and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The complainant Generally all parties involved will be asked to attend the board meeting for the purposes of presenting any additional facts making further explanations and clarifying the issues The board will not consider or act upon complaints that have not been explored at the appropriate administrative level or complaints for which specific resolution procedures have been established that do not include board review If the board decides to hear the complaint the board shall make a decision that shall be sent to all interested parties The boards decision is final GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE PARENTTEACHER The Tannehill Board of Education realizes that parents may have a grievance they wish to discuss with the district However it is also recognized that there must be an orderly procedure for hearing and resolving grievance issues If the grievance is directed toward a teacher the parent shall be requested to make an appointment to visit with the teacher in an effort to resolve the grievance If the grievance is not resolved following a parentteacher conference the parent will be requested to discuss the problem with the principal If the grievance is not resolved following the principalparent conference the parent shall be requested to schedule an appointment with the superintendent If the grievance remains unresolved following the above conferences the parent may appeal the grievance to the board of education Parental grievances shall not be heard in executive session The boards action shall be a final determination of the grievance SCHOOL VISITORS", "question_text": "4. \nThe complainant. \n \nGenerally, all parties involved will be asked to attend the board meeting for the purposes of presenting any additional facts, \nmaking further explanations, and clarifying the issues. \n \nThe board will not consider or act upon complaints that have not been explored at the appropriate administrative level or \ncomplaints for which specific resolution procedures have been established that do not include board review. If the board \ndecides to hear the complaint, the board shall make a decision that shall be sent to all interested parties. The board's decision is \nfinal. \n \nGRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: PARENT-TEACHER \nThe Tannehill Board of Education realizes that parents may have a grievance they wish to discuss with the district. However, \nit is also recognized that there must be an orderly procedure for hearing and resolving grievance issues. \n \nIf the grievance is directed toward a teacher, the parent shall be requested to make an appointment to visit with the teacher in \nan effort to resolve the grievance. \n \nIf the grievance is not resolved following a parent/teacher conference, the parent will be requested to discuss the problem with \nthe principal. \n \nIf the grievance is not resolved following the principal/parent conference, the parent shall be requested to schedule an \nappointment with the superintendent. \n \nIf the grievance remains unresolved following the above conferences, the parent may appeal the grievance to the board of \neducation. Parental grievances shall not be heard in executive session. The board's action shall be a final determination of the \ngrievance. \n \n \nSCHOOL VISITORS", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " All visitors must Check In through the office and obtain a visitors pass", "question_text": "1. All visitors must \u201cCheck In\u201d through the office and obtain a visitor\u2019s pass.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom", "question_text": "2. Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Agents or other persons shall not visit teachers during school hours for the purpose of selling books or other articles without written consent from the superintendent", "question_text": "3. Agents or other persons shall not visit teachers during school hours for the purpose of selling \nbooks or other articles without written consent from the superintendent.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Staff members are not normally expected to have visitors during the day Lengthy visits andor any extended classroom presence of staff members relatives friends or associates is not permitted", "question_text": "4. Staff members are not normally expected to have visitors during the day. Lengthy visits \nand/or any extended classroom presence of staff member\u2019s relatives, friends or associates is \nnot permitted.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Former studentsgraduates wishing to pay a visit to teachers should consider the need to limit distractions during the instructional day Visits of this type must be arranged through the office and preferably conducted during breaks such as lunch or recess", "question_text": "5. Former students/graduates wishing to pay a visit to teachers should consider the need to limit \ndistractions during the instructional day. Visits of this type must be arranged through the \noffice and preferably conducted during breaks such as lunch or recess.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Unsponsored strangers on the school grounds or in the buildings will be asked to leaveIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that all visitors to any school facility obtain a visitors pass at the building principals office Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom The superintendent or principal of any school shall have the authority to order any out of the school building and off the school property when it appears that the presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful conduct of school business", "question_text": "6. Unsponsored strangers on the school grounds or in the buildings will be asked to leave.It is the policy of the Tannehill Board \nof Education that all visitors to any school facility obtain a visitor's pass at the building principal's office. Parents are requested \nnot to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom. \n \nThe superintendent or principal of any school shall have the authority to order any person1 out of the school building and off \nthe school property when it appears that the presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful conduct of school business,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 73, "standardized_text": "school activities andor school classes This authority shall extend to the removal of any individual attending an official school activity or field trip where students are present including an activity or field trip not on school property when the superintendent or principal determines that a threat to the peaceful conduct of students exists Any person who refuses to leave the school building or grounds after being ordered to do so by the superintendent or principal shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than days or by both such fine and imprisonment Any person who is requested to leave the premises shall be unable to return to the premises without the written permission of the administration for a period of six months A grievance or an appeal may be filed by the individual as per district policy GJ P USE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY REGULATIONS Obtain from the district office the necessary application forms Application must be submitted at least one week in advance Return the forms to the district office School property shall not be available on occasions or during hours that have been scheduled in advance by the various school principals for school exercises or functions in connection with regular schoolwork Persons or organizations using school property that include a stage and stage equipment shall not be permitted to remove or displace furniture or apparatus Pianos shall not be moved on or off the stage except under the direction of the district personnel in charge Access to rooms or facilities including playing fields other than approved by application shall not be permitted No intoxicants or narcotics shall be used in or about school buildings premises and transportation equipment including playing fields nor shall profane language quarreling fighting or gambling be permitted Smoking in school buildings is prohibited Violations of this rule by any organization during occupancy shall be sufficient cause for denying further use of school premises to the organization The school districts policy regarding tobacco use will be provided which policy discloses the schools rules regarding tobacco products on school premises Juvenile organizations must have adequate adult sponsorship and supervision The person or group receiving the permit shall be responsible in case of loss or damage No preparation shall be used on the floors at any time by groups using a building for dancing A school employee must be on the school grounds at all times when facilities are being used by outside groups When custodians are normally not on duty any group using school facilities must reimburse the school for all employment costs incurred by the district for such employment of school personnel in addition to any rental fee as prescribed The custodian is paid at hisher time and onehalf rate All functions must close by midnight unless special arrangements have been made with the school principal Any person applying for the use of school property on behalf of any society group or organization shall be a member of such applicant group and must present written authorization from such applicant group to make such application It is the responsibility of the organization to provide proof of liability insurance before using any facility or transportation equipment A copy of the organizations liability insurance shall be maintained on file in the district administration office The school district reserves the right to reschedule any or all school property for another purpose or group should a priority need arise During School Hours School buildings property or equipment may be used only by student groups for student group meetings or activities that are related to the curriculum during normal school hours Such use shall be arranged according to the official school schedule The use of school buildings property or equipment by students during normal school hours shall be free of charge However consent of the superintendent must be obtained The building custodian and a member of the faculty must be present at the school", "question_text": "school activities, and/or school classes. This authority shall extend to the removal of any individual attending an official \nschool activity or field trip where students are present, including an activity or field trip not on school property, when the \nsuperintendent or principal determines that a threat to the peaceful conduct of students exists. Any person who refuses to leave \nthe school building or grounds after being ordered to do so by the superintendent or principal, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor \nand upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more \nthan 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. \n \nAny person who is requested to leave the premises shall be unable to return to the premises without the written permission of \nthe administration for a period of six months. A grievance or an appeal may be filed by the individual as per district policy GJ-\nP. \n \nUSE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY \n(REGULATIONS) \nObtain from the district office the necessary application forms. \n \nApplication must be submitted at least one week in advance. \n \nReturn the forms to the district office. \n \nSchool property shall not be available on occasions or during hours that have been scheduled in advance by the various school \nprincipals for school exercises or functions in connection with regular schoolwork. \n \nPersons or organizations using school property that include a stage and stage equipment shall not be permitted to remove or \ndisplace furniture or apparatus. Pianos shall not be moved on or off the stage, except under the direction of the district \npersonnel in charge. \n \nAccess to rooms or facilities, including playing fields, other than approved by application, shall not be permitted. \n \nNo intoxicants or narcotics shall be used in or about school buildings, premises, and transportation equipment, including \nplaying fields; nor shall profane language, quarreling, fighting, or gambling be permitted. \n \nSmoking in school buildings is prohibited. Violations of this rule by any organization during occupancy shall be sufficient \ncause for denying further use of school premises to the organization. The school district\u2019s policy regarding tobacco use will be \nprovided, which policy discloses the school\u2019s rules regarding tobacco products on school premises. \n \nJuvenile organizations must have adequate adult sponsorship and supervision. \n \nThe person or group receiving the permit shall be responsible in case of loss or damage. \n \nNo preparation shall be used on the floors at any time by groups using a building for dancing. \n \nA school employee must be on the school grounds at all times when facilities are being used by outside groups. When \ncustodians are normally not on duty, any group using school facilities must reimburse the school for all employment costs \nincurred by the district for such employment of school personnel, in addition to any rental fee as prescribed. The custodian is \npaid at his/her time and one-half rate. \nAll functions must close by midnight unless special arrangements have been made with the school principal. Any person \napplying for the use of school property on behalf of any society, group, or organization shall be a member of such applicant \ngroup and must present written authorization from such applicant group to make such application. \nIt is the responsibility of the organization to provide proof of liability insurance before using any facility or transportation \nequipment. A copy of the organization\u2019s liability insurance shall be maintained on file in the district administration office. \nThe school district reserves the right to reschedule any or all school property for another purpose or group should a priority \nneed arise. \n \nDuring School Hours \n \nSchool buildings, property, or equipment may be used only by student groups for student group meetings or activities that are \nrelated to the curriculum during normal school hours. Such use shall be arranged according to the official school schedule. \n \nThe use of school buildings, property, or equipment by students during normal school hours shall be free of charge. However, \nconsent of the superintendent must be obtained. The building custodian and a member of the faculty must be present at the \nschool.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": "During NonSchool Hours School buildings property or equipment may be made available to student or nonstudent groups for noncurriculum use of a general public interest during nonschool hours A schedule of fees rates and charges is outlined below These regulations shall be made available to applicants and the observance of these regulations is a condition of the use of the facilities Schedule of Fees Rates and Charges for NonStudentLed Groups Gyms for practice minimum rental of hours Custodial service will be made available at the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employees services Cafeterias per hour minimum rental of hours If the kitchen is used at least one cafeteria employee regularly assigned to that kitchen must be used for an additional rate of the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employees services Custodial service will be available the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employees services Classrooms per hour per room minimum rental of hours Other buildings property or equipment may be available for use as described above at the discretion of the board of education SAFETY PROGRAM It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to develop rules and procedures which will promote safety in the workplace and which will establish and maintain conditions of work that are reasonably safe and healthful for district employees Therefore the superintendent is directed to develop such rules and procedures in accordance with Oklahoma law and the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Labor The superintendent will designate himselfherself or other person as a district safety coordinator The rules and procedures developed by the superintendent and approved by this board shall be incorporated into this policy and become a part hereof The superintendent will establish procedures in an effort to offer reasonable protection for the safety of students employees visitors and others present on school property or at schoolsponsored events Written plans and procedures will be prepared for the protection of students faculty administrators and visitors from both natural and manmade disasters and emergencies A copy of the districts disasteremergency plan will be provided to appropriate local emergency management officials The practice of safety shall be taught in educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety driver education fire prevention emergency procedures disaster preparedness etc appropriately geared to students in different grade levels Areas of emphasis shall include but not be limited to inservice training accident record keeping plant inspection driver and vehicle safety programs fire prevention and emergency procedures in traffic safety problems relevant to students employees and the community Not later than October of each school year each school district site shall select a Safe School Committee composed of at least seven members The committee will include an equal number of teachers parents of the children affected and students The committee will study and make recommendations to the principal concerning", "question_text": "During Non-School Hours \n \nSchool buildings, property, or equipment may be made available to student or non-student groups for non-curriculum use of a \ngeneral public interest during non-school hours. A schedule of fees, rates, and charges is outlined below. \n \nThese regulations shall be made available to applicants and the observance of these regulations is a condition of the use of the \nfacilities. \n \nSchedule of Fees, Rates, and Charges for Non-Student-Led Groups \n \nGyms - $10.00 for practice (minimum rental of 3 hours). \n \nCustodial service will be made available at the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employee\u2019s services. \n \nCafeterias - $10.00 per hour (minimum rental of 3 hours). If the kitchen is used, at least one cafeteria employee regularly \nassigned to that kitchen must be used for an additional rate of the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employee\u2019s \nservices. Custodial service will be available the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employee\u2019s services. \n \nClassrooms - $10.00 per hour per room (minimum rental of 3 hours). \n \nOther buildings, property, or equipment may be available for use as described above at the discretion of the board of education. \n \nSAFETY PROGRAM \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to develop rules and procedures which will promote safety in the workplace and \nwhich will establish and maintain conditions of work that are reasonably safe and healthful for district employees. Therefore, the \nsuperintendent is directed to develop such rules and procedures in accordance with Oklahoma law and the rules of the Oklahoma \nDepartment of Labor. The superintendent will designate himself/herself or other person as a district safety coordinator. The rules and \nprocedures developed by the superintendent and approved by this board shall be incorporated into this policy and become a part \nhereof. \n \nThe superintendent will establish procedures in an effort to offer reasonable protection for the safety of students, employees, visitors, \nand others present on school property or at school-sponsored events. Written plans and procedures will be prepared for the protection \nof students, faculty, administrators, and visitors from both natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. A copy of the district\u2019s \ndisaster/emergency plan will be provided to appropriate local emergency management officials. \n \nThe practice of safety shall be taught in educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety, driver education, fire prevention, \nemergency procedures, disaster preparedness, etc., appropriately geared to students in different grade levels. Areas of emphasis shall \ninclude, but not be limited to, in-service training, accident record keeping, plant inspection, driver and vehicle safety programs, fire \nprevention, and emergency procedures in traffic safety problems relevant to students, employees, and the community. \n \nNot later than October 1 of each school year, each school district site shall select a Safe School Committee composed of at least seven \nmembers. The committee will include an equal number of teachers, parents of the children affected, and students. The committee will \nstudy and make recommendations to the principal concerning:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Unsafe conditions possible strategies for students to avoid harm at school student victimization crime prevention school violence and other issues which prohibit the maintenance of a safe school", "question_text": "1. \nUnsafe conditions, possible strategies for students to avoid harm at school, student victimization, crime prevention, \nschool violence, and other issues which prohibit the maintenance of a safe school;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Student harassment intimidation and bullying at school", "question_text": "2. \nStudent harassment, intimidation, and bullying at school;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Professional development needs of faculty and staff to implement methods to decrease student harassment intimidation and bullying and", "question_text": "3. \nProfessional development needs of faculty and staff to implement methods to decrease student harassment, \nintimidation, and bullying; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Methods to encourage the involvement of the community and students the development of individual relationships between students and school staff and use of problemsolving teams that include counselors andor school psychologists", "question_text": "4. \nMethods to encourage the involvement of the community and students, the development of individual relationships \nbetween students and school staff, and use of problem-solving teams that include counselors and/or school psychologists.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Policies and regulations to be revised in light of the Department of Homeland Securitys threat assessment guidelines The committee shall meet as needed The principal shall give consideration to recommendations of the committee", "question_text": "5. \nPolicies and regulations to be revised in light of the Department of Homeland Security\u2019s threat assessment \nguidelines. \n \nThe committee shall meet as needed. The principal shall give consideration to recommendations of the committee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": "The Board agrees to maintain health and safety conditions at each school site in compliance with applicable statutes andor regulations Teachers will not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions as determined by proper regulatory authority Teachers shall report concern of unhealthy or unsafe conditions to their principal SAFETY DRILLS The School District will conduct ten safety drills each school year The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that all ten drills have been appropriately conducted at each school site within the school district It shall be the duty of the site principal under the direction of the superintendent to conform to the written plans and procedures adopted by the school district All students and teachers shall participate in the safety drills The extent of student involvement in intruder drills shall be determined by the superintendent in consultation with the building principal The ten drills shall consist of the following", "question_text": "The Board agrees to maintain health and safety conditions at each school site in compliance with applicable statutes and/or \nregulations. Teachers will not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions as determined by proper regulatory authority. \nTeachers shall report concern of unhealthy or unsafe conditions to their principal. \n \nSAFETY DRILLS \nThe School District will conduct ten (10) safety drills each school year. The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that all \nten (10) drills have been appropriately conducted at each school site within the school district. It shall be the duty of the site principal, \nunder the direction of the superintendent, to conform to the written plans and procedures adopted by the school district. All students \nand teachers shall participate in the safety drills. The extent of student involvement in intruder drills shall be determined by the \nsuperintendent in consultation with the building principal. The ten (10) drills shall consist of the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Security drills A minimum of four security lockdown drills shall be conducted at each site within the school district each school year No security drill can be conducted at the same time of day as a previous security drill in the same school year and no more than two drills shall be conducted in the same semester One security drill shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester Security drills shall be conducted for the purpose of securing school buildings to prevent or mitigate injuries or deaths that may result from a threat around or in the school", "question_text": "1. Security drills. A minimum of four (4) security lockdown drills shall be conducted at each site within the school district \neach school year. No security drill can be conducted at the same time of day as a previous security drill in the same \nschool year, and no more than two drills shall be conducted in the same semester. One security drill shall be conducted \nwithin the first fifteen (15) days of each semester. Security drills shall be conducted for the purpose of securing school \nbuildings to prevent or mitigate injuries or deaths that may result from a threat around or in the school.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Fire drills Each site school shall conduct a minimum of two fire drills per school year Each fire drill shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester The fire drills shall include the sounding of a distinctive audible signal designated as the fire alarm signal", "question_text": "2. Fire drills. Each site school shall conduct a minimum of two (2) fire drills per school year. Each fire drill shall be \nconducted within the first fifteen (15) days of each semester. The fire drills shall include the sounding of a distinctive \naudible signal designated as the fire alarm signal.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Tornado drills Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two tornado drills per school year Tornado drills are required to be conducted in the months of September and March", "question_text": "3. Tornado drills. Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two (2) tornado drills per school year. Tornado drills are \nrequired to be conducted in the months of September and March.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Safety drills Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two safety drills per year that can consist of any of the aforementioned drills Documentation of completion of the drills shall be maintained Records for each fire drill shall be preserved in writing for at least three years and made available to the State Fire Marshal or the marshals agent upon request The school district shall document all other safety drills in writing and by school site with a copy of the report remaining at the school a copy filed with the district administrative office and a copy with the Oklahoma School Security Institute ROUTINE SAFETY Employees should be familiar with all equipment chemicals and operations under their control and should insist accepted standards of safety be maintained Absence of adequate safeguard and any condition or situation which may endanger life or property should be reported to your Supervisor immediately MSDS manuals are available in each school Precautions should be taken to provide for the safety of the students and staff at the schools while performing duties Most young people are curious Watch your tools ladders materials and vehicles If students are at an unsafe distance while performing the work assigned cease the work wait until it is safe to resume such work or ask assistance of the school personnel Program Safety Into Your Work Schedule", "question_text": "4. Safety drills. Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two (2) safety drills per year that can consist of any of the \naforementioned drills. \n \nDocumentation of completion of the drills shall be maintained. Records for each fire drill shall be preserved in writing for at least \nthree years and made available to the State Fire Marshal or the marshal's agent upon request. The school district shall document all \nother safety drills in writing and by school site with a copy of the report remaining at the school, a copy filed with the district \nadministrative office, and a copy with the Oklahoma School Security Institute. \n \nROUTINE SAFETY \nEmployees should be familiar with all equipment, chemicals and operations under their control and should insist accepted standards of \nsafety be maintained. Absence of adequate safeguard and any condition or situation which may endanger life or property should be \nreported to your Supervisor immediately. \nMSDS manuals are available in each school. Precautions should be taken to provide for the safety of the students and staff at the \nschools while performing duties. Most young people are curious. Watch your tools, ladders, materials and vehicles. If students are at \nan unsafe distance while performing the work assigned, cease the work, wait until it is safe to resume such work, or ask assistance of \nthe school personnel. \nProgram Safety Into Your Work Schedule", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " All spills should be mopped up immediately to prevent falls even if the spill is not in your area", "question_text": "1. All spills should be mopped up immediately to prevent falls, even if the spill is not in your area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Use Wet Floor signs in areas just mopped refinished or shampooed", "question_text": "2. Use \"Wet Floor\" signs in areas just mopped, refinished or shampooed.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never mix incompatible chemicals This could cause a harmful reaction Should chemicals cause any sort of rash or burn notify your supervisor", "question_text": "3. Never mix incompatible chemicals. This could cause a harmful reaction. Should chemicals cause any sort of rash or burn, notify \nyour supervisor.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never leave carts or housekeeping equipment by fire doors or other firefighting equipment", "question_text": "4. Never leave carts or housekeeping equipment by fire doors or other firefighting equipment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Learn to hold trash bags away from your body To remove lift by grasping the top of the bag Do not puncture the bags once they are tied", "question_text": "5. Learn to hold trash bags away from your body. To remove, lift by grasping the top of the bag. Do not puncture the bags once they \nare tied.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never put your hand in a trash container no matter how little trash is in it There could be glass in it that might cause injury", "question_text": "6. Never put your hand in a trash container no matter how little trash is in it. There could be glass in it that might cause injury.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " If you see an unsafe condition report it to your supervisor", "question_text": "7. If you see an unsafe condition, report it to your supervisor.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never lift heavy loads by yourself Either ask for help use equipment for that purpose or divide the load", "question_text": "8. Never lift heavy loads by yourself. Either: ask for help, use equipment for that purpose, or divide the load.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never leave soap on shower floors it could cause a fall", "question_text": "9. Never leave soap on shower floors; it could cause a fall.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Chemical supply rooms must be kept neat and locked at all times", "question_text": "10. Chemical supply rooms must be kept neat and locked at all times.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Permanent use of extension cords should be discouraged", "question_text": "11. Permanent use of extension cords should be discouraged.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Work areas to be kept clean and neat at all times", "question_text": "12. Work areas to be kept clean and neat at all times.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-17", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Use ladders and step stools not chairs desks etc Do not stand on the top step of a ladder", "question_text": "13. Use ladders and step stools, not chairs, desks, etc.. Do not stand on the top step of a ladder.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-18", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Follow safety guidelines when mixing and using chemicals", "question_text": "14. Follow safety guidelines when mixing and using chemicals.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-19", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Wear personal protective equipment when required", "question_text": "15. Wear personal protective equipment when required.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-20", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Always turn off all power sources before working on any equipment", "question_text": "16. Always turn off all power sources before working on any equipment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-21", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Before using any type of equipment make sure it is in good operational condition and all safety guards are properly in place on the equipment", "question_text": "17. Before using any type of equipment make sure it is in good operational condition and all safety guards are properly in place on the \nequipment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-22", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Always ask your immediate supervisor if you have any questions before performing the task or operation", "question_text": "18. Always ask your immediate supervisor if you have any questions before performing the task or operation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " Make sure all safety equipment is in good condition before using", "question_text": "19. Make sure all safety equipment is in good condition before using.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " DO NOT PERFORM ANY ACT OR OPERATION THAT IS UNSAFE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Tannehill Board of Education realizes that hazardous materials are used in the daytoday operation of the school facilities and in the support of education requirements The board also recognizes that with the use of hazardous materials responsibility must be taken to ensure personal safety and to protect the environment during the use storage and transportation of such materials Therefore this school district shall establish and maintain conditions of work which are reasonably safe and healthful for our employees The school districts safety standards and safeguards shall be those which are reasonably necessary for the protection of the life health and safety of our employees The term hazardous materials includes any substance or mixture of substances that pose a fire explosive reactive or health hazard such as bloodborne pathogens Examples are common household cleaning supplies spray oven cleaners cleaning solvents photo chemicals soldering flux some ceramic glazes oils gasoline and other fuels and all other materials for which a material safety data sheet MSDS has been prepared The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration maintains complete listings of hazardous substances and materials The superintendent will develop regulations andor procedures that govern the purchase storage handling transportation and disposal of hazardous materials for school facilities and operations Such regulations will establish an ongoing process by which each location in the district will have a program of identifying and managing hazardous material District personnel will be encouraged to substitute nonhazardous material for hazardous material to the extent possible and to minimize the quantities of hazardous substances used and stored on school property HAZARD COMMUNICATION It is the policy of the Tannehill Public Schools to provide training on an annual basis concerning hazard communications Right To Know Law and the Maintenance Operation of Plants MOPs Links to training may be accessed at ", "question_text": "20. DO NOT PERFORM ANY ACT OR OPERATION THAT IS UNSAFE. \n \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education realizes that hazardous materials are used in the day-to-day operation of the school facilities and in \nthe support of education requirements. The board also recognizes that with the use of hazardous materials, responsibility must be \ntaken to ensure personal safety and to protect the environment during the use, storage, and transportation of such materials. \n \nTherefore, this school district shall establish and maintain conditions of work which are reasonably safe and healthful for our \nemployees. The school district's safety standards and safeguards shall be those which are reasonably necessary for the protection of \nthe life, health and safety of our employees. \n \nThe term \"hazardous materials\" includes any substance or mixture of substances that pose a fire, explosive, reactive, or health hazard \n(such as bloodborne pathogens). Examples are common household cleaning supplies, spray oven cleaners, cleaning solvents, photo \nchemicals, soldering flux, some ceramic glazes, oils, gasoline and other fuels, and all other materials for which a \"material safety data \nsheet\" (MSDS) has been prepared. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration maintains complete listings of hazardous \nsubstances and materials. \n \nThe superintendent will develop regulations and/or procedures that govern the purchase, storage, handling, transportation, and \ndisposal of hazardous materials for school facilities and operations. \n \nSuch regulations will establish an ongoing process by which each location in the district will have a program of identifying and \nmanaging hazardous material. District personnel will be encouraged to substitute non-hazardous material for hazardous material to \nthe extent possible and to minimize the quantities of hazardous substances used and stored on school property. \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Public Schools to provide training on an annual basis concerning hazard communications (Right To \nKnow Law) and the Maintenance, Operation of Plants (MOPs). Links to training may be accessed at - \nhttps://www.tannehill.k12.ok.us/202492_2", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " MOP Workshop inservices will be mandatory for district employees custodial staff appropriate support personnel and student workers and any other employees who work during the summer", "question_text": "1. \nMOP Workshop in-services will be mandatory for district employees, custodial staff, appropriate \n \nsupport personnel, and student workers and any other employees who work during the summer.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " Hazard communications inservice will be conducted by district personnel or outside consultants or via district video resources and links to video tutorials Employees to attend are custodial staff appropriate support personnel lunchroom personnel and student workers Certificates of attendance or of video link studies will be maintained in the employees personnel file HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD REGULATIONS In order to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard the following written program has been established for Tannehill Public Schools All work units of the school district are included within this program The written program will be available in the Superintendents office for review by any interested employee As an employer the school district intends to provide and maintain conditions of work that are reasonably safe and healthful for all employees The CP School Hazard Communication Standard Program is to assure that each employee receives the information and training needed to work safely It is a tool for providing communication to personnel about hazards and how to deal with them The Superintendent will be the Hazard Communication Standard Program Manager and will be assisted by the maintenance director Container Labeling The maintenance director will verify that all containers received for use will be clearly labeled as to the contents the appropriate hazard warnings are noted and the name and address of the manufacturer are listed on each one The custodian in each section will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with either an extra copy of the original manu facturers label or with the generic labels that have a block for identity and blocks for the hazard warnings The Superintendent will review the school district labeling system every months and update as required", "question_text": "2. \nHazard communications in-service will be conducted by district personnel or outside consultants \n \nor via district video resources and links to video tutorials. Employees to attend are custodial staff, \n \n \nappropriate support personnel, lunchroom personnel, and student workers. \n \nCertificates of attendance or of video link studies will be maintained in the employee's personnel file . \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD \n(REGULATIONS) \nIn order to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard, the following written program has been established for Tannehill \nPublic Schools: \n \nAll work units of the school district are included within this program. The written program will be available in the Superintendent\u2019s \noffice for review by any interested employee. As an employer, the school district intends to provide and maintain conditions of work \nthat are reasonably safe and healthful for all employees. The CP School Hazard Communication Standard Program is to assure that \neach employee receives the information and training needed to work safely. It is a tool for providing communication to personnel \nabout hazards and how to deal with them. \n \nThe Superintendent will be the Hazard Communication Standard Program Manager and will be assisted by the maintenance director. \n \nContainer Labeling \n \nThe maintenance director will verify that all containers received for use will be clearly labeled as to the contents, the appropriate \nhazard warnings are noted, and the name and address of the manufacturer are listed on each one. \n \nThe custodian in each section will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with either an extra copy of the original manu-\nfacturer's label or with the generic labels that have a block for identity and blocks for the hazard warnings. \n \nThe Superintendent will review the school district labeling system every 12 months and update as required.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": "Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS The maintenance director will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheet system for the school district and will review incoming data sheets for new and significant healthsafety information New information will be passed on to the affected employees Copies of MSDSs for all hazardous chemicals to which employees of the district may be exposed will be kept in the Superintendents office MSDSs will be available to all employees in their work areas for review during each work shift If MSDSs are not available or new chemicals in use do not have MSDSs the Superintendent should be contacted immediately Employee Training and Information The Superintendent is responsible for the employee training program and will ensure that all elements specified below are carried out Prior to starting work each new employee of the school district will attend a health and safety orientation and will receive information and training on the following", "question_text": "Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) \n \nThe maintenance director will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheet system for the school district and will \nreview incoming data sheets for new and significant health/safety information. New information will be passed on to the affected \nemployees. \n \nCopies of MSDS's for all hazardous chemicals to which employees of the district may be exposed will be kept in the Superintendent\u2019s \noffice. \n \nMSDS's will be available to all employees in their work areas for review during each work shift. If MSDS's are not available or new \nchemicals in use do not have MSDS's, the Superintendent should be contacted immediately. \n \nEmployee Training and Information \n \nThe Superintendent is responsible for the employee training program and will ensure that all elements specified below are carried out. \n \nPrior to starting work, each new employee of the school district will attend a health and safety orientation and will receive information \nand training on the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Standard", "question_text": "1. \nAn overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Standard;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Chemicals present in the workplace operations", "question_text": "2. \nChemicals present in the workplace operations;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Location and availability of the written Hazard Communication Standard Program", "question_text": "3. \nLocation and availability of the written Hazard Communication Standard Program;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Physical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals", "question_text": "4. \nPhysical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work area", "question_text": "5. \nMethods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work \narea;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of controlwork practices and personal protective equipment", "question_text": "6. \nHow to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of control/work practices and \npersonal protective equipment;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Emergency procedures to follow if exposed to these chemicals", "question_text": "7. \nEmergency procedures to follow if exposed to these chemicals;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " How to read labels and review MSDSs to obtain appropriate hazard information and", "question_text": "8. \nHow to read labels and review MSDS's to obtain appropriate hazard information; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Location of MSDS files and location of hazard chemical lists After attending the training class each employee will sign a form to verify that the training was attended written materials were received and the policies on hazard communication are understood Prior to a new chemical hazard being introduced into any section of the district each employee of that section will be given infor mation as outlined above The maintenance director is responsible for ensuring that MSDSs on the new chemicals are available List of Hazardous Chemicals The hazards associated with chemicals used by the school district will be identified from Material Safety Data Sheets obtained from the chemical supplier A Chemical Information List is available in the Superintendents office Further information on each noted chemical can be obtained by reviewing Material Safety Data Sheets Hazardous Nonroutine Tasks Periodically employees are required to perform hazardous nonroutine tasks Prior to starting work on such projects each affected employee will be given information by the maintenance director about hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed during such activity This information will include", "question_text": "9. \nLocation of MSDS files and location of hazard chemical lists. \nAfter attending the training class, each employee will sign a form to verify that the training was attended, written materials were \nreceived, and the policies on hazard communication are understood. \n \nPrior to a new chemical hazard being introduced into any section of the district, each employee of that section will be given infor-\nmation as outlined above. The maintenance director is responsible for ensuring that MSDS's on the new chemical(s) are available. \n \nList of Hazardous Chemicals \n \nThe hazards associated with chemicals used by the school district will be identified from Material Safety Data Sheets obtained from \nthe chemical supplier. \n \nA Chemical Information List is available in the Superintendent\u2019s office. Further information on each noted chemical can be obtained \nby reviewing Material Safety Data Sheets. \n \nHazardous Non-routine Tasks \n \nPeriodically, employees are required to perform hazardous nonroutine tasks. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected \nemployee will be given information by the maintenance director about hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed during \nsuch activity. \n \nThis information will include:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Specific chemical hazards", "question_text": "1. \nSpecific chemical hazards;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Protectivesafety measures the employee can take and", "question_text": "2. \nProtective/safety measures the employee can take; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Measures the district has taken to lessen the hazards including ventilation respirators presence of another employee and emergency procedures Informing Contractors It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide contractors with their employees the following information", "question_text": "3. \nMeasures the district has taken to lessen the hazards, including ventilation, respirators, presence of \n \nanother employee, and emergency procedures. \n \nInforming Contractors \n \nIt is the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide contractors (with their employees) the following information:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site and", "question_text": "1. \nHazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site, and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Precautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of protective measures The Superintendent will be responsible for contacting each contractor before work is started in the school district to gather and disseminate any information concerning chemical hazards that the contractor is bringing to the school workplace It is the responsibility of the contractor to train his employees Fire Safety The fire safety regulations call for keeping the local Fire Department informed of hazards A system for placards to mark areas for the fire department will be set up with the local fire chief Monitoring and Evaluation The superintendent will review the Hazard Communications Programs at least annually and update and make changes as necessary Other Areas of Responsibility Each principal the vocational agricultural instructor the bus mechanic science instructors and coach will be familiar with the Hazard Communication Standard and with these regulations and will see that they are carried out in their respective work areas and areas of responsibility HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation establishes procedures for the use storage and transportation of hazardous materials in this school district Hazardous materials are defined to be those items listed in Oklahoma and federal law and regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous materials Examples include but are not limited to the following Nonbuilding related asbestos materials Lead and lead compounds included in school supplies eg art supplies ceramic glazes etc Compressed gases natural gas and explosive hydrogen poisonous chlorine or toxic gases including exhaust gases such as carbon monoxide Solvents gasoline turpentine mineral spirits alcohol carbon tetrachloride Liquids compounds solids or other hazardous chemicals that might be toxic poisonous or cause serious bodily injury Materials required to be labeled by the Department of Agriculture or the EPA pesticides algaecide rodenicide bactericides Regulated underground storage tank hazardous materials including diesel fuel regular and unleaded gasoline oil both new and used and propylene glycol", "question_text": "2. \nPrecautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of protective \n \n \nmeasures. \n \nThe Superintendent will be responsible for contacting each contractor before work is started in the school district to gather and \ndisseminate any information concerning chemical hazards that the contractor is bringing to the school workplace. \n \nIt is the responsibility of the contractor to train his employees. \n \nFire Safety \n \nThe fire safety regulations call for keeping the local Fire Department informed of hazards. A system for placards to mark areas for the \nfire department will be set up with the local fire chief. \n \nMonitoring and Evaluation \n \nThe superintendent will review the Hazard Communications Programs at least annually and update and make changes as necessary. \n \n \nOther Areas of Responsibility \n \nEach principal, the vocational agricultural instructor, the bus mechanic, science instructors, and coach will be familiar with the Hazard \nCommunication Standard and with these regulations and will see that they are carried out in their respective work areas and areas of \nresponsibility. \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation establishes procedures for the use, storage, and \ntransportation of hazardous materials in this school district. \n \nHazardous materials are defined to be those items listed in Oklahoma and federal law and regulations regarding the transportation of \nhazardous materials. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: \n \n \nNon-building related asbestos materials; \n \n \nLead and lead compounds (included in school supplies, e.g., art supplies, ceramic glazes, etc.); \n \n \nCompressed gases (natural gas), and explosive (hydrogen), poisonous (chlorine), or toxic gases (including exhaust gases \nsuch as carbon monoxide); \n \n \nSolvents (gasoline, turpentine, mineral spirits, alcohol, carbon tetrachloride); \n \n \nLiquids, compounds, solids or other hazardous chemicals that might be toxic, poisonous, or cause serious bodily injury; \n \n \nMaterials required to be labeled by the Department of Agriculture or the EPA (pesticides, algaecide, rodenicide, \nbactericides); \n \n \nRegulated underground storage tank hazardous materials (including diesel fuel, regular and unleaded gasoline, oil (both new \nand used), and propylene glycol).", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": "Each building principal or project manager is responsible for ensuring receipt proper labeling and storage of hazardous materials received at their location Copies of the current inventory will be provided to the superintendent no later than May of each year Inventory lists will be maintained and may be made available to appropriate police fire and emergency service districts as appropriate The superintendent or superintendents designee will maintain a set of material safety data sheets MSDS for the district Purchase orders for hazardous materials will include a requirement that the shipment of any such materials include MSDS with any order or portion of order Purchase orders also will note that failure to provide MSDS with the shipment may result in either the Districts refusing to accept the shipment or conditionally accepting the shipment and refusing to pay for the material until the MSDS are provided These procedures will apply to all hazardous materials regardless of the method of acquisition Storage of hazardous materials will be in compliance with any local ordinances and state and federal law and regulations Hazardous materials will be separated and labeled according to hazardous characteristics and stored safely in storage areas appropriate to the risk posed by the materials Where appropriate storage cabinets may be locked and access to students or nonauthorized staff limited Containers will be labeled to show the date of receipt by the district shelf life and expiration date Materials should be stored so that the oldest materials are used first The superintendent or designee will maintain a master Chemical Information List CIL that shall contain the common and trade names of all hazardous substances used or stored within the district Any new substances introduced into the district will be added to the master CIL within days The superintendent or designee will maintain a CIL on each employee who works with or who has had chemical exposure at a workplace within the district Such CILs shall be presented to any employee upon request and to all appropriate employees at least once annually The master and individual CILs will be made available for inspection within hours of an employees request Each building principal will maintain a Chemical Information List CIL of hazardous materials used or stored in their respective building Such CILs will be available for inspection by any employee working in the building or who is known to have had exposure to any chemical or other hazardous substance stored within the building BLOODBOURNE PATHOGEN The purpose of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is to reduce occupational exposure to Hepatitis B Virus HBV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV and other blood borne pathogens that employees may encounter in the workplace Each building site has a copy of the bloodborne pathogen program for MPS All procedures in the plan must be followed at all times There are a number of good general principles that should be followed when working with bloodborne Pathogens that include", "question_text": "Each building principal or project manager is responsible for ensuring receipt, proper labeling and storage of hazardous materials \nreceived at their location. Copies of the current inventory will be provided to the superintendent no later than May 1 of each year. \nInventory lists will be maintained and may be made available to appropriate police, fire, and emergency service districts as \nappropriate. \n \nThe superintendent or superintendent's designee will maintain a set of material safety data sheets (MSDS) for the district. \n \nPurchase orders for hazardous materials will include a requirement that the shipment of any such materials include MSDS with any \norder or portion of order. Purchase orders also will note that failure to provide MSDS with the shipment may result in either the \nDistrict's refusing to accept the shipment or conditionally accepting the shipment and refusing to pay for the material until the MSDS \nare provided. These procedures will apply to all hazardous materials regardless of the method of acquisition. \n \nStorage of hazardous materials will be in compliance with any local ordinances and state and federal law and regulations. Hazardous \nmaterials will be separated and labeled according to hazardous characteristics and stored safely in storage areas appropriate to the risk \nposed by the materials. Where appropriate, storage cabinets may be locked and access to students or non-authorized staff limited. \nContainers will be labeled to show the date of receipt by the district, shelf life, and expiration date. Materials should be stored so that \nthe oldest materials are used first. \n \nThe superintendent or designee will maintain a master Chemical Information List (CIL) that shall contain the common and trade \nnames of all hazardous substances used or stored within the district. Any new substances introduced into the district will be added to \nthe master CIL within 30 days. \nThe superintendent or designee will maintain a CIL on each employee who works with or who has had chemical exposure at a \nworkplace within the district. Such CILs shall be presented to any employee upon request and to all appropriate employees at least \nonce annually. The master and individual CILs will be made available for inspection within 24 hours of an employee's request. \n \nEach building principal will maintain a Chemical Information List (CIL) of hazardous materials used or stored in their respective \nbuilding. Such CILs will be available for inspection by any employee working in the building or who is known to have had exposure \nto any chemical or other hazardous substance stored within the building. \n \n \n \nBLOODBOURNE PATHOGEN \nThe purpose of the Blood-borne Pathogens Standard is to \"reduce occupational exposure to Hepatitis \"B\" Virus (HBV), Human \nImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other blood borne pathogens\" that employees may encounter in the workplace. \nEach building site has a copy of the blood-borne pathogen program for MPS. All procedures in the plan must be followed at all times. \nThere are a number of \"good\" general principles that should be followed when working with blood-borne \nPathogens that include:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " It is prudent to minimize all exposure to bloodborne pathogens", "question_text": "1. It is prudent to minimize all exposure to blood-borne pathogens.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens should never be underestimated", "question_text": "2. Risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens should never be underestimated.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Our school should institute work practice controls to eliminate or minimize employees exposure to bloodborne pathogens", "question_text": "3. Our school should institute work practice controls to eliminate or minimize employees exposure to blood-borne pathogens.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Employees should always make sure that there are barriers between them and any bloodborne pathogen", "question_text": "4. Employees should always make sure that there are barriers between them and any blood-borne pathogen.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Protect yourself first treat victim second", "question_text": "5. Protect yourself first, treat victim second.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Wash your hands regularly The Districts Exposure Control Plan is available to our employees at any time Employees are advised of this availability during their educationtraining sessions Copies of the Exposure Control Plans are available from the school nurse", "question_text": "6. Wash your hands regularly. \nThe District's Exposure Control Plan is available to our employees at any time. \nEmployees are advised of this availability during their education/training sessions. Copies of the Exposure Control Plans are available \nfrom the school nurse.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": "EMERGENCY PLANS The Tannehill Board of Education has appointed a committee composed of the superintendent each building principal the director of maintenance and other designated personnel for the purpose of developing and maintaining the district emergency plans A Crisis Plan will be developed by local officials and the Safe School Committee that will ensure an established set of directives to guide the actions of those involved and responsible for the safety of students and property Special drill activities related to fire safety and other emergencies will be planned and implemented by each principal in association with the superintendent director of maintenance the fire marshal or other civil authorities to ensure orderly movement and placement of students to the safest available spaces should an emergency occur including but not limited to the following", "question_text": "EMERGENCY PLANS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education has appointed a committee composed of the superintendent, each building principal, the director of \nmaintenance, and other designated personnel for the purpose of developing and maintaining the district emergency plans. A Crisis \nPlan will be developed by local officials and the Safe School Committee that will ensure an established set of directives to guide the \nactions of those involved and responsible for the safety of students and property. Special drill activities related to fire safety and other \nemergencies will be planned and implemented by each principal, in association with the superintendent, director of maintenance, the \nfire marshal, or other civil authorities, to ensure orderly movement and placement of students to the safest available space(s) should an \nemergency occur, including, but not limited to, the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Severe weather", "question_text": "1. \nSevere weather", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Fire", "question_text": "2. \nFire", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Flood", "question_text": "3. \nFlood", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Terrorism", "question_text": "4. \nTerrorism", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Missing students", "question_text": "5. \nMissing student(s)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Suicide", "question_text": "6. \nSuicide", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Threatening persons", "question_text": "7. \nThreatening persons", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Weaponsexplosives found on school site", "question_text": "8. \nWeapons/explosives found on school site", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Any other situation the Safe Schools Committee deems appropriate The crisisemergency plan will be kept on file at each school site and a copy will be provided to local emergency management officials Additionally the superintendent will maintain communication with other community agencies in order to share information on preparedness and planned procedures It shall also be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that the schools work in cooperation with these other agencies during such emergencies Emergency preparedness should be discussed with teachers and students at least once per semester or as deemed necessary by the building administration Each classroom shall have posted a copy of rules evacuation signals evacuation routes and procedures to be followed for fire and tornado emergencies terrorist attacks and emergency evacuations All teachers and staff members shall make themselves familiar with these procedures The board of education shall receive yearly reports from the superintendent as to the status of all emergency plans which reports shall identify any safety needs for the school district RULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION The best form of protection against fire is prevention", "question_text": "9. \nAny other situation the Safe Schools Committee deems appropriate \n \nThe crisis/emergency plan will be kept on file at each school site and a copy will be provided to local emergency management \nofficials. Additionally, the superintendent will maintain communication with other community agencies in order to share information \non preparedness and planned procedures. It shall also be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that the schools work in \ncooperation with these other agencies during such emergencies. \n \nEmergency preparedness should be discussed with teachers and students at least once per semester or as deemed necessary by the \nbuilding administration. Each classroom shall have posted a copy of rules, evacuation signals, evacuation routes, and procedures to be \nfollowed for fire and tornado emergencies, terrorist attacks, and emergency evacuations. All teachers and staff members shall make \nthemselves familiar with these procedures. \n \nThe board of education shall receive yearly reports from the superintendent as to the status of all emergency plans, which reports shall \nidentify any safety needs for the school district. \n \nRULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION \nThe best form of protection against fire is prevention.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " In the event of fire the students safety is of primary importance", "question_text": "1. In the event of fire, the students' safety is of primary importance.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " In the event of fire students teachers and staff will need to be evacuated This evacuation should be carried out quickly and cautiously The move should be made with the utmost expediency affording all precautions and safety for the students", "question_text": "2. In the event of fire, students, teachers and staff will need to be evacuated. This evacuation should be carried out quickly and \ncautiously. The move should be made with the utmost expediency affording all precautions and safety for the students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " In case you discover a fire proceed to the nearest pull station and pull alarm", "question_text": "3. In case you discover a fire, proceed to the nearest \"pull station\" and pull alarm.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Contact the building principal or hisher designee immediately letting them know of the situation", "question_text": "4. Contact the building principal or his/her designee immediately letting them know of the situation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Call and notify them of the location and description of the fire", "question_text": "5. Call 911 and notify them of the location and description of the fire.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Close all doors to contain and isolate the fire", "question_text": "6. Close all doors to contain and isolate the fire.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Know where fire extinguishers are located so that you can easily find one Operate it according to the instructions on the fire extinguisher Continue to fight the blaze only if the fire is small until it is extinguished or you are relieved by other personnel FIRE DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education and Oklahoma law fire drills will be scheduled by the principal at least twice each school year The fire drills shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester The purpose of a fire drill is to train students under staff direction to move safely quickly and quietly from any location within the building to an assigned evacuation area outside The following rules and procedures will be complied with in all schools", "question_text": "7. Know where fire extinguishers are located so that you can easily find one. Operate it according to the instructions on the fire \nextinguisher. Continue to fight the blaze, only if the fire is small, until it is extinguished or you are relieved by other personnel. \n \nFIRE DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education and Oklahoma law, fire drills will be scheduled by the principal at least twice \neach school year. The fire drills shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester. The purpose of a fire drill is to train \nstudents, under staff direction, to move safely, quickly, and quietly from any location within the building to an assigned evacuation \narea outside. \n \nThe following rules and procedures will be complied with in all schools:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-17", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Rules for fire evacuation will be posted in each room These rules will indicate the primary and alternate exits and the evacuation area to which the student should proceed upon leaving the building The posted rules will be discussed with each class using the room during the first days of the school year", "question_text": "1. \nRules for fire evacuation will be posted in each room. These rules will indicate the primary and alternate exits and \nthe evacuation area to which the student should proceed upon leaving the building. The posted rules will be discussed with each class \nusing the room during the first day(s) of the school year.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-18", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " A district fire alarm signal will be used for fire drills only another signal will be established by the principal for return to class", "question_text": "2. \nA district fire alarm signal will be used for fire drills only; another signal will be established by the principal for \nreturn to class.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " No person is to remain in the building during fire drills", "question_text": "3. \nNo person is to remain in the building during fire drills.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Evacuation areas will be at least feet feet if possible away from buildings and driveways at the north and south ends of the school", "question_text": "4. \nEvacuation areas will be at least 50 feet (100 feet if possible) away from buildings and driveways at the north and \nsouth ends of the school.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " It is each students responsibility to move quickly quietly and in an orderly manner through the assigned exit to the assigned evacuation area", "question_text": "5. \nIt is each student's responsibility to move quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner through the assigned exit to the \nassigned evacuation area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Provided safety considerations allow the teacher or other fire evacuation leader will be responsible for a Seeing that windows are closed b Assuring that electrical circuits and gas jets are turned off c Maintaining order during the evacuation d Assigning students to hold doors open if their group is the first to evacuate from such doors and instructing students holding doors to rejoin the class after the last person has passed through the doors e Taking the roll book and checking roll when the class is in the assigned evacuation area The name of any student not accounted for will be reported immediately to the principal or the principals designee", "question_text": "6. \nProvided safety considerations allow, the teacher or other fire evacuation leader will be responsible for: \na. \nSeeing that windows are closed. \nb. Assuring that electrical circuits and gas jets are turned off. \nc. \nMaintaining order during the evacuation. \nd. Assigning students to hold doors open, if their group is the first to evacuate from such doors, and instructing \nstudents holding doors to rejoin the class after the last person has passed through the doors. \ne. \nTaking the roll book and checking roll when the class is in the assigned evacuation area. The name of any student \nnot accounted for will be reported immediately to the principal or the principal's designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " The exercise will be observed by the viceprincipals and a report made to the principal as to the time required to complete the evacuation", "question_text": "7. \nThe exercise will be observed by the vice-principals and a report made to the principal as to the time required to \ncomplete the evacuation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " The principal will provide the superintendent or the superintendents designee with a report on all fire drills including the time required for evacuation The superintendent shall preserve such reports for at least three years and make them available to the State Fire Marshal or his agent upon request BOMB THREATS In the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment the following procedures are recommended", "question_text": "8. \nThe principal will provide the superintendent, or the superintendent's designee, with a report on all fire drills, \nincluding the time required for evacuation. The superintendent shall preserve such reports for at least three years and make them \navailable to the State Fire Marshal, or his agent, upon request \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nBOMB THREATS \nIn the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment, the \nfollowing procedures are recommended:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Immediate evacuation of the school or buildings", "question_text": "1. \nImmediate evacuation of the school or buildings.*", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " If the call was not received originally by the fire and police departments immediate notification is required", "question_text": "2. \nIf the call was not received originally by the fire and police departments, immediate notification is \n \n \nrequired.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " A search of the building or premises should be conducted by the police andor fire department", "question_text": "3. \nA search of the building or premises should be conducted by the police and/or fire department.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " If a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found the principal of the building should be notified by the police andor fire department that reentry will be permitted", "question_text": "4. \nIf a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found, the principal of the building should be \n \nnotified by the police and/or fire department that reentry will be permitted.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " A request for investigation of the incident should be made to the local police department Any decision concerning the dismissal of school students and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the prerogative of the superintendent BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education these procedures shall be followed in the event of a bomb threat communicated to any employee or student of the public schools In the event that you receive a telephoned bomb threat try to remain calm do not manifest fear If not placed in immediate danger attempt to safely follow the following procedure The attached form see CKCBE should be located near each telephone and be accessible to each user Have the form before you as you talk Try to keep the caller as occupied as possible Keep the caller talking as long as you can In addition to the information on the form ask for the callers name where the caller is calling from why the caller wants to blow up the building where the bomb is located how and when the bomb is set to explode When the caller hangs up notify immediately the following persons Do not discuss the call with anyone else", "question_text": "5. \nA request for investigation of the incident should be made to the local police department. \n \nAny decision concerning the dismissal of school students and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the \nprerogative of the superintendent. \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, these procedures shall be followed in the event of a bomb threat \ncommunicated to any employee or student of the public schools. \n \nIn the event that you receive a telephoned bomb threat, try to remain calm - do not manifest fear. If not placed in immediate danger, \nattempt to safely follow the following procedure. The attached form (see CKCB-E) should be located near each telephone and be \naccessible to each user. Have the form before you as you talk. Try to keep the caller as occupied as possible. Keep the caller talking \nas long as you can. In addition to the information on the form, ask for the caller's name; where the caller is calling from; why the \ncaller wants to blow up the building; where the bomb is located; how and when the bomb is set to explode. \n \nWhen the caller hangs up, notify immediately the following persons. Do not discuss the call with anyone else.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Fire department and police department", "question_text": "1. \nFire department and police department.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Principal", "question_text": "2. \nPrincipal.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " Superintendent Assistant Superintendent or designee BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES Person receiving call EXHIBIT Stay calm Keep the caller talking for as long as possible Ask the caller to speak louder slower etc Ask caller to repeat CHARACTERISTICS NOTED Please complete as much of the following as possible", "question_text": "3. \nSuperintendent, Assistant Superintendent, or designee. \n \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES Person receiving call ___________________ \n(EXHIBIT) \n\u2022 \nStay calm. \n\u2022 \nKeep the caller talking for as long as possible \n\u2022 \nAsk the caller to speak louder, slower, etc. \n\u2022 \nAsk caller to repeat \n \nCHARACTERISTICS NOTED (Please complete as much of the following as possible)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " Callers exact words Use reverse of this paper if necessary", "question_text": "1. \nCaller's exact words \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(Use reverse of this paper if necessary)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " WHAT BUILDING IS THE BOMB IN EXACT LOCATION ", "question_text": "2. \nWHAT BUILDING IS THE BOMB IN ______________________________________________ \n \n \n \nEXACT LOCATION _____________________________________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " WHAT TIME IS THE BOMB SET TO EXPLODE ", "question_text": "3. \nWHAT TIME IS THE BOMB SET TO EXPLODE ____________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " Background sounds Callers description o age o sex o race o accent o speech impediments o attitude o when bomb is to explode Time and date", "question_text": "4. \nBackground sounds ______________________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n \n \n \nCaller's description______________________________________________________________________________ \n \no \nage \n \no \nsex \n \n \no \nrace \n \no \naccent \no \nspeech impediments \n \no \nattitude \no \nwhen bomb is to explode \n \nTime and date___________________________________________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " PLEASE CIRCLE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TONE SPEECH LANGUAGE ACCENT MANNER Loud Fast Excellent Local Calm Soft Slow Good Not local Angry High Pitch Distinct Fair Foreign Coherent Low Pitch Distorted Poor Caucasian Incoherent Raspy Stutter Cursing Black Righteous Pleasant Nasal Latin American Emotional Rational Irrational Deliberate Laughing ADDITIONAL COMMENTS", "question_text": "6. \nPLEASE CIRCLE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE: \n \n \n \nTONE \nSPEECH \nLANGUAGE \nACCENT \nMANNER \n \n \nLoud \n \nFast \n \nExcellent \nLocal \n \nCalm \n \n \nSoft \n \nSlow \n \nGood \n \nNot local \nAngry \n \n \nHigh Pitch \nDistinct \nFair \n \nForeign \nCoherent \n \n \nLow Pitch \nDistorted \nPoor \n \nCaucasian \nIncoherent \n \n \nRaspy \n \nStutter \nCursing \nBlack \n \nRighteous \n \n \nPleasant \nNasal \n \n \n \nLatin American Emotional \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nRational \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIrrational \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDeliberate \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nLaughing \n \nADDITIONAL COMMENTS:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": "TORNADO DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education tornado drills will be scheduled by the principal at least two times per school year in order to ensure the best possible plan has been established and to ensure all students and personnel know what they are to do when a signal for a tornado drill is given Tornado drills must be conducted in September and March of each school year The principal or designated staff member shall submit a copy of the drill plan for the building to the superintendents office during the first month of school Tornado drills are to be held on different days of the week at different hours of the day Definition of Terms A tornado watch indicates that within a period of several hours a tornado may strike in a designated area A tornado warning indicates a tornado has been spotted or indicated on radar and that the tornado is likely to strike in a designated area immediately or within the next hour Procedures When a tornado warning has been received the superintendent or designated administrator shall notify all schools in the area Upon being notified of a tornado warning the principal or designated staff member must check weather conditions in the area to determine if it is necessary for students to be moved into the refuge areas A designated staff member will monitor commercial radio or TV for tornado warnings even if the school has a NOAA weather radio tonealert system It is not necessary for schools to wait for the weather alert before moving students into the refuge areas If the principal or designated staff member deems it advisable to move students into the refuge areas this should be done immediately Designated staff members will be assigned to bring in children from playgrounds or other outdoor areas during a tornado warning Each principal or staff representative will need to use individual best judgment as to when students should leave the refuge areas and return to the classrooms Refuge Area Students should be moved into the interior corridor of the main building In situations where some of the students are housed in annexes adjacent to the main building students should be moved from the annex into the main building when space is available Avoid the use of large enclosed areas such as auditoriums gymnasiums cafeterias or other rooms with wide freespan roofs as places of refuge If a school bus is caught in the open when a tornado is approaching the children will be escorted to a nearby ditch or ravine and made to lie face down hands over their heads They should be far enough away from the bus so that the bus cannot topple onto them Planning Security Drills When developing a tornado security drill selecting refuge areas to be used should be the first consideration After refuge areas are determined the following should be accomplished", "question_text": "TORNADO DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \n \n \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, tornado drills will be scheduled by the principal at least two times per school \nyear in order to ensure the best possible plan has been established and to ensure all students and personnel know what they are to do \nwhen a signal for a tornado drill is given. Tornado drills must be conducted in September and March of each school year. The \nprincipal or designated staff member shall submit a copy of the drill plan for the building to the superintendent's office during the first \nmonth of school. Tornado drills are to be held on different days of the week at different hours of the day. \n \nDefinition of Terms \n \nA tornado watch indicates that, within a period of several hours, a tornado may strike in a designated area. \n \nA tornado warning indicates a tornado has been spotted or indicated on radar and that the tornado is likely to strike in a designated \narea immediately or within the next hour. \n \nProcedures \n \nWhen a tornado warning has been received, the superintendent or designated administrator shall notify all schools in the area. Upon \nbeing notified of a tornado warning, the principal or designated staff member must check weather conditions in the area to determine \nif it is necessary for students to be moved into the refuge areas. A designated staff member will monitor commercial radio or TV for \ntornado warnings, even if the school has a NOAA weather radio tone-alert system. \n \nIt is not necessary for schools to wait for the \"weather alert\" before moving students into the refuge areas. If the principal or \ndesignated staff member deems it advisable to move students into the refuge areas, this should be done immediately. Designated staff \nmembers will be assigned to bring in children from playgrounds or other outdoor areas during a tornado warning. \n \nEach principal or staff representative will need to use individual best judgment as to when students should leave the refuge areas and \nreturn to the classrooms. \n \nRefuge Area \n \nStudents should be moved into the interior corridor of the main building. \n \nIn situations where some of the students are housed in annexes adjacent to the main building, students should be moved from the \nannex into the main building when space is available. \n \nAvoid the use of large enclosed areas, such as auditoriums, gymnasiums, cafeterias, or other rooms with wide, free-span roofs as \nplaces of refuge. \n \nIf a school bus is caught in the open when a tornado is approaching, the children will be escorted to a nearby ditch or ravine and made \nto lie face down, hands over their heads. They should be far enough away from the bus so that the bus cannot topple onto them. \n \nPlanning Security Drills \n \nWhen developing a tornado security drill, selecting refuge areas to be used should be the first consideration. After refuge areas are \ndetermined, the following should be accomplished:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": " Assign and fit the students into the refuge areas Adjustment may be necessary", "question_text": "1. \nAssign and fit the students into the refuge areas. Adjustment may be necessary.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": " Conduct drills with one or two rooms at a time", "question_text": "2. \nConduct drills with one or two rooms at a time.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": " Determine the positions to be taken in the refuge areas and explain them to the students The following positions are recommended A Down on knees lean forward cover as much of exposed body as possible by crossing arms and burying the face in the arms B Cross legs sit on the floor and cover face with folded arms Students should turn their backs to natural light", "question_text": "3. Determine the position(s) to be taken in the refuge areas and explain them to the students. The following \n \npositions are recommended: \n \n \nA. Down on knees, lean forward, cover as much of exposed body as possible by crossing arms and \n \nburying the face in the arms. \n \n \nB. Cross legs, sit on the floor, and cover face with folded arms. (Students should turn their backs \n \nto natural light.)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 84, "standardized_text": " Determine the signal to be used for the security drill and ensure all school personnel and students know how to distinguish it from other signals Establish a backup alarm to be used in the event of a power failure eg a batteryoperated bullhorn handcranked siren or hand bell", "question_text": "4. Determine the signal to be used for the security drill and ensure all school personnel and students know how to \ndistinguish it from other signals. Establish a backup alarm to be used in the event of a power \nfailure, e.g. a battery-operated \nbullhorn, hand-cranked siren, or hand bell.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 84, "standardized_text": " Conduct a building drill and make any changes necessary to improve the plan Teacher Responsibility The classroom teacher has the responsibility of preparing the students for the drills as well as the real emergency Information given by the teacher will do much to protect the emotional health of the child Statements by uninformed or poorly informed individuals can cause students to become emotionally upset It would seem psychologically sound to teach all students the usable facts that can be understood at their intelligence level There cannot be a quick course of instruction once a tornado has struck Preparation of the Building Once students have relocated to the interior hallway of the main building close the outside doors Close fire doors at west end of hallway Insure that students are not sitting in the swing path of classroom doors and make sure classroom doors are closed The custodian or alternate MUST turn off the gas on the outside of the building when a tornado warning has been received Variety It is recommended that tornado drills be held under all kinds of conditions and circumstances and from all parts of the building in order to prepare students for any emergency that would make it necessary for them to be moved into the refuge areas Among these would be the following situations From regular classrooms From regular classrooms with a blocked exit From assemblies When some of the students are in the classrooms and others are on the school grounds or in the cafeteria When students are in the process of changing classes Any other situation in which students might be found From the cafeteria From a bus Dismissal from School School will not be dismissed because of a tornado warning See also policy CKBB Children will not be permitted to leave school during a tornado warning alert in the immediate area However parents may go to the school and get their children Parents should contact the principals office and let a member of the school staff get the student from the classroom When parents go to the classroom it excites the other students and disrupts teaching If at dismissal time a storm is approaching and it is believed the children will not have time to reach home before it strikes children should be kept in the building until it is deemed safe to dismiss them School buses will not be used during tornado warnings HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that body fluids of any person may contain infectious or contagious bacteria or viruses and that such bacteria or viruses may be spread from one person to another by accidental or careless handling of body fluids during sanitation or custodial work or the administration of emergency first aid The superintendent is directed to prepare regulations establishing proper procedures for handling body fluids during normal housekeeping Such procedures shall include methods for the handling and disposal of body fluids in school buildings and on school equipment and material The district will make personal protective equipment available to employees for use in handling and disposing of body fluids The superintendent will also direct the identification of employees who could be reasonably anticipated as the result of their job duties to face contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials Any employees so identified will be offered Hepatitis B vaccinations at district cost Such vaccinations will be provided at a reasonable time and place under the supervision of a licensed physician or health care professional and according to the latest recommendations of the US Public Health Service", "question_text": "5. Conduct a building drill and make any changes necessary to improve the plan. \n \nTeacher Responsibility \n \nThe classroom teacher has the responsibility of preparing the students for the drills as well as the real emergency. Information given \nby the teacher will do much to protect the emotional health of the child. Statements by uninformed or poorly informed individuals can \ncause students to become emotionally upset. It would seem psychologically sound to teach all students the usable facts that can be \nunderstood at their intelligence level. There cannot be a quick course of instruction once a tornado has struck. \n \nPreparation of the Building \n \nOnce students have relocated to the interior hallway of the main building, close the outside doors. Close fire doors at west end of \nhallway. Insure that students are not sitting in the swing path of classroom doors and make sure classroom doors are closed. \nThe custodian or alternate MUST turn off the gas on the outside of the building when a tornado warning has been received. \n \nVariety \n \nIt is recommended that tornado drills be held under all kinds of conditions and circumstances and from all parts of the building in \norder to prepare students for any emergency that would make it necessary for them to be moved into the refuge areas. Among these \nwould be the following situations: \n \n--From regular classrooms \n--From regular classrooms with a blocked exit \n--From assemblies \n--When some of the students are in the classrooms and others are on the school grounds or in the cafeteria \n--When students are in the process of changing classes \n--Any other situation in which students might be found \n--From the cafeteria \n--From a bus \n \nDismissal from School \n \nSchool will not be dismissed because of a tornado warning. (See also policy CKBB.) \n \nChildren will not be permitted to leave school during a tornado warning alert in the immediate area. However, parents may go to the \nschool and get their children. Parents should contact the principal's office and let a member of the school staff get the student from the \nclassroom. When parents go to the classroom, it excites the other students and disrupts teaching. \n \nIf, at dismissal time, a storm is approaching and it is believed the children will not have time to reach home before it strikes, children \nshould be kept in the building until it is deemed safe to dismiss them. School buses will not be used during tornado warnings. \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that body fluids of any person may contain infectious or contagious bacteria or \nviruses, and that such bacteria or viruses may be spread from one person to another by accidental or careless handling of body \nfluids during sanitation or custodial work or the administration of emergency first aid. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare regulations establishing proper procedures for handling body fluids during normal \nhousekeeping. Such procedures shall include methods for the handling and disposal of body fluids in school buildings and on \nschool equipment and material. The district will make personal protective equipment available to employees for use in \nhandling and disposing of body fluids. \n \nThe superintendent will also direct the identification of employees who could be reasonably anticipated as the result of their \njob duties to face contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Any employees so identified will be offered \nHepatitis B vaccinations at district cost. Such vaccinations will be provided at a reasonable time and place, under the \nsupervision of a licensed physician or health care professional and according to the latest recommendations of the U.S. Public \nHealth Service.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": "School district employees who have had an exposure incident to body fluids will participate in a followup confidential medical evaluation documenting the circumstances of exposure identifying and testing the source individual if feasible testing the exposed employees blood if the employee consents postexposure prophylaxis counseling and evaluation of reported illnesses Health care professionals must be provided specified information to facilitate the evaluation and their written opinion on the need for Hepatitis B vaccination following exposure Information such as the employees ability to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine must be supplied to the employer All diagnoses must remain confidential HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation and attached procedures contains guidelines for cleaning and disposal of body fluids For the purpose of this regulation the term body fluids shall include reference to blood semen feces urine vomit drainage from scrapes and cuts and respiratory secretions", "question_text": "School district employees who have had an exposure incident to body fluids will participate in a follow-up confidential medical \nevaluation documenting the circumstances of exposure, identifying and testing the source individual if feasible, testing the \nexposed employee's blood if the employee consents, post-exposure prophylaxis, counseling and evaluation of reported \nillnesses. Health care professionals must be provided specified information to facilitate the evaluation and their written opinion \non the need for Hepatitis B vaccination following exposure. Information such as the employee's ability to receive the Hepatitis \nB vaccine must be supplied to the employer. All diagnoses must remain confidential. \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation and attached procedures contains guidelines \nfor cleaning and disposal of body fluids. For the purpose of this regulation, the term \"body fluids\" shall include reference to \nblood, semen, feces, urine, vomit, drainage from scrapes and cuts, and respiratory secretions.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Wear gloves All personnel will wear disposable gloves during the cleanup and disposal of any of the body fluids listed above When in doubt about material assume it to be a body fluid After each use gloves should be destroyed or disposed of Under no circumstances should gloves be recycled or used for more than one incident", "question_text": "1. \nWear gloves. All personnel will wear disposable gloves during the cleanup and disposal of any of the body \nfluids listed above. When in doubt about material, assume it to be a body fluid. After each use, gloves should be destroyed or \ndisposed of. Under no circumstances should gloves be recycled or used for more than one incident.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " If gloves are not available and contact with body fluids or open wounds is necessary hands should be carefully washed as follows A Use liquid soap and water with vigorous washing under running water for at least seconds B Dry hands thoroughly with a paper towel Use the paper towel to turn off the facet and discard the towel in a proper container C Use hand lotion if desired CAUTION Dry cracked hands provide openings in the skin for bacteria to enter", "question_text": "2. \nIf gloves are not available and contact with body fluids or open wounds is necessary, hands should be carefully \nwashed as follows: \n \n \nA. \nUse liquid soap and water with vigorous washing under running water for at least 10 seconds; \n \n \nB. \nDry hands thoroughly with a paper towel. Use the paper towel to turn off the facet and discard the towel in a \nproper container. \n \n \nC. \nUse hand lotion if desired. CAUTION: Dry, cracked hands provide openings in the skin for bacteria to enter.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " A to solution of household bleach and water may be stored in proper containers in areas where soap and water are not readily available Such containers should be clearly marked as to the contents The solution may be used in cleaning body fluid spillage and hands if soap and water are not available following cleanup", "question_text": "3. \nA 1 to 10 solution of household bleach and water may be stored in proper containers in areas where soap and \nwater are not readily available. Such containers should be clearly marked as to the contents. The solution may be used in \ncleaning body fluid spillage and hands (if soap and water are not available) following cleanup.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Materials used in the cleanup of body fluids or suspected body fluids will be sealed in a plastic bag and dis carded in appropriate trash containers Soiled clothing articles including sanitary napkins will be sealed in plastic bags and discarded Other nondisposable cleaning items such as mops towels buckets and other items will be thoroughly rinsed in the bleach and water solution and carefully washed in hot soapy water", "question_text": "4. \nMaterials used in the cleanup of body fluids or suspected body fluids will be sealed in a plastic bag and dis-\ncarded in appropriate trash containers. Soiled clothing articles, including sanitary napkins will be sealed in plastic bags and \ndiscarded. Other non-disposable cleaning items such as mops, towels, buckets, and other items will be thoroughly rinsed in the \nbleach and water solution and carefully washed in hot, soapy water.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Personnel will use the same procedures for washing nondisposable cleaning equipment as for handling body fluids and soiled clothing or other personal apparel", "question_text": "5. \nPersonnel will use the same procedures for washing non-disposable cleaning equipment as for handling body \nfluids and soiled clothing or other personal apparel.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Sanitary absorbents may be used to clean spilled body fluids The absorbent should be swept up or vacuumed Carpets should also be shampooed with a germicidal rug shampoo Sweepings or used vacuumed bags should be sealed in a plastic bag for disposal Brooms dustpans and vacuum brushes should be washed in a solution of part bleach to parts water", "question_text": "6. \nSanitary absorbents may be used to clean spilled body fluids. The absorbent should be swept up or vacuumed. \nCarpets should also be shampooed with a germicidal rug shampoo. Sweepings or used vacuumed bags should be sealed in a \nplastic bag for disposal. Brooms, dustpans, and vacuum brushes should be washed in a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts \nwater.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Any liquid disinfectant used in cleaning floors equipment or materials should be discarded in a suitable and appropriate sewage drain", "question_text": "7. \nAny liquid disinfectant used in cleaning floors, equipment, or materials should be discarded in a suitable and \nappropriate sewage drain.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Clothing towels and similar cleaning equipment should be washed in hot soapy water with onehalf to one cup of bleach added to the wash water", "question_text": "8. \nClothing, towels, and similar cleaning equipment should be washed in hot soapy water with one-half to one cup \nof bleach added to the wash water.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Custodians and sanitation personnel should wear latex disposable gloves during any cleaning operation where the possibility of encountering body fluid exists whether or not the fluid is touched", "question_text": "9. \nCustodians and sanitation personnel should wear latex disposable gloves during any cleaning operation where \nthe possibility of encountering body fluid exists whether or not the fluid is touched.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Careful handwashing is the single most effective method of preventing the spread of contagious diseases Hands should be washed in hot soapy water before and after any cleanup operation", "question_text": "10. \nCareful handwashing is the single most effective method of preventing the spread of contagious diseases. Hands \nshould be washed in hot soapy water before and after any cleanup operation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " A copy of the Routine Procedures for Sanitation and Hygiene When Handling Body Fluids will be provided to each employee and must be followed when appropriate and necessary", "question_text": "11. \nA copy of the Routine Procedures for Sanitation and Hygiene When Handling Body Fluids will be provided to \neach employee and must be followed when appropriate and necessary.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 86, "standardized_text": "ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND HYGIENE WHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS Definitions Bloodborne Pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans These pathogens include but are not limited to Hepatitis B virus HBV and human immunodeficiency virus HIV Contaminated means the presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item or surface Contaminated Laundry means laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials or may contain sharps Exposure Incident means a specific eye mouth other mucous membrane nonintact skin or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employees duties Methods of Compliance GeneralUniversal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials Under circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or impossible all body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials Occupational Exposure means reasonably anticipated skin eye mucous membrane or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employees duties Equipment Needed Water Disposal Bags Baggies Hand Soap Dust PansBrushBroom Paper Towels Towelettes Disposable Gloves Utility Gloves Trash Cans Plastic Liners Mops Buckets Sanitary Napkin Container Disinfectant Should use one or more of these A Sodium hypochlorite solution household bleach One part bleach to ten parts water Ex cups bleach to gallon of water Needs to be prepared each time used on inanimate objects B ViroGuardQ Distributed by Health Services One oz of ViroGuardQ to oz of water ViroGuardQ is a germicidal product that is to be used on inanimate objects ViroGuardQ has bactericidal efficacy and fungicidal efficacy mildew stat efficacy virucidal efficacy and sanitizing efficacy C Hydrogen Peroxide to be used on skin surfaces D Isopropyl Alcohol to be used on some skin surfaces and for rinsing the hands E Sanitary absorbing agent eg chlorasorb Procedure General A Wear disposable gloves before making contact with body fluids during care treatment and all cleaning procedures B Discard gloves after each use C Wash hands with germicidal soap after handling fluids and contaminated articles whether or not gloves are worn D Discard disposable items including tampons used bandages and dressings in plastic lined trash containers close bags and discard daily E Do not reuse plastic trash bags F Use disposable items to handle body fluids whenever possible G Use paper towels to pick up and discard any solid waste materials such as vomitus or feces H Use generalpurpose utility gloves eg rubber household gloves for housekeeping chores involving potential blood contacts and for general cleaning Utility gloves can be cleaned and reused but should be discarded if they are peeling cracked or discolored or if they have punctures tears or other evidence of deterioration", "question_text": "ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND HYGIENE \nWHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS \nDefinitions \n \n 1. \nBloodborne Pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in \nhumans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus \n(HIV). \n 2. \nContaminated means the presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious \nmaterials on an item or surface. \n 3. \nContaminated Laundry means laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials or may \ncontain sharps. \n 4. \nExposure Incident means a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with \nblood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee's duties. \n 5. \nMethods of Compliance - General-Universal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other \npotentially infectious materials. Under circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or \nimpossible, all body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials. \n 6. \nOccupational Exposure means reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or \nother potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's duties. \n \nEquipment Needed \n \n \nWater \n \n \nDisposal Bags \n \n \nBaggies \n \nHand Soap \n \nDust Pans/Brush/Broom \nPaper Towels \n \nTowelettes \n \nDisposable Gloves \n \nUtility Gloves \n \nTrash Cans & Plastic Liners \n \n \n \nMops & Buckets \n \nSanitary Napkin Container \n \n \nDisinfectant - Should use one or more of these: \n \n \nA. Sodium hypochlorite solution (household bleach) \n \n One (1) part bleach to ten (10) parts water \n \n Ex: 1\u00bd cups bleach to 1 gallon of water \n \n Needs to be prepared each time used on inanimate objects. \n \nB. ViroGuard-Q - Distributed by Health Services \n \n One (1) oz. of ViroGuard-Q to 128 oz. of water. \n \n ViroGuard-Q is a germicidal product that is to be used on inanimate objects. ViroGuard-Q has bactericidal \nefficacy and fungicidal efficacy, mildew stat efficacy, virucidal efficacy, and sanitizing efficacy. \n \nC. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - to be used on skin surfaces. \n \nD. Isopropyl Alcohol - to be used on some skin surfaces and for rinsing the hands. \n \nE. Sanitary absorbing agent (e.g., chlora-sorb). \n \nProcedure \n \n 1. \nGeneral \n \n \nA. Wear disposable gloves before making contact with body fluids during care, treatment, and all cleaning \nprocedures. \n \nB. Discard gloves after each use. \n \nC. Wash hands with germicidal soap after handling fluids and contaminated articles, whether or not gloves are worn. \n \nD. Discard disposable items including tampons, used bandages, and dressings in plastic lined trash containers; close \nbags and discard daily. \n \nE. Do not reuse plastic trash bags. \n \nF. Use disposable items to handle body fluids whenever possible. \n \nG. Use paper towels to pick up and discard any solid waste materials such as vomitus or feces. \n \nH. Use general-purpose utility gloves (e.g., rubber household gloves) for housekeeping chores involving potential \nblood contacts and for general cleaning. Utility gloves can be cleaned and reused but should be discarded if they \nare peeling, cracked or discolored, or if they have punctures, tears or other evidence of deterioration.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Handwashing A Use germicidal soap and running water Soap suspends easily removable soil and microorganisms allowing them to be washed and rinsed away B Rub hands together for approximately ten seconds to work up a lather C Scrub between fingers knuckles back of the hands and nails Nails should be short and trimmed Jewelry should not be worn D Rinse hands under running water Running water is necessary to carry away debris and dirt E Use paper towels to thoroughly dry hands F Use paper towel to turn water off discard paper towel Washable Surfaces bottles dishes toys tables desks etc A Use ViroGuardQ solution or use household bleach solution mixed fresh Scrub as needed B Rinse with water C Allow to air dry D When bleach solution is used handle carefully", "question_text": "2. \nHandwashing \n \n \nA. Use germicidal soap and running water. Soap suspends easily removable soil and microorganisms, allowing them \nto be washed and rinsed away. \n \nB. Rub hands together for approximately ten (10) seconds to work up a lather. \n \nC. Scrub between fingers, knuckles, back of the hands and nails. Nails should be short and trimmed. Jewelry should \nnot be worn. \n \nD. Rinse hands under running water. Running water is necessary to carry away debris and dirt. \n \nE. Use paper towels to thoroughly dry hands. \n \nF. Use paper towel to turn water off, discard paper towel. \n \n 3. \nWashable Surfaces (bottles, dishes, toys, tables, desks, etc.) \n \n \nA. Use ViroGuard-Q solution or use household bleach solution, mixed fresh. Scrub as needed. \n \nB. Rinse with water. \n \nC. Allow to air dry. \n \nD. When bleach solution is used, handle carefully.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Gloves should be worn since the solution is irritating to the skin", "question_text": "1. \nGloves should be worn since the solution is irritating to the skin.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Avoid applying to metal since it will corrode most metals E Toys that are placed in childrens mouths should be cleaned with water and detergent disinfected and rinsed before handling by another child F All frequently touched toys should be cleaned and disinfected daily G The use of soft nonwashable toys in classrooms should be discouraged Floors A Use household bleach solution mixed fresh or multipurpose disinfectant B Use the two bucket system One bucket to wash the soiled surface and one bucket to rinse as follows", "question_text": "2. \nAvoid applying to metal, since it will corrode most metals. \n \n \nE. Toys that are placed in children\u2019s mouths should be cleaned with water and detergent, disinfected, and rinsed \nbefore handling by another child. \n \nF. All frequently touched toys should be cleaned and disinfected daily. \n \nG. The use of soft, non-washable toys in classrooms should be discouraged. \n \n 4. \nFloors \n \n \nA. Use household bleach solution, mixed fresh, or multi-purpose disinfectant. \n \nB. Use the two (2) bucket system: One bucket to wash the soiled surface and one bucket to rinse, as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " In bucket dip wring mop up vomitus blood etc", "question_text": "1. \nIn bucket #1, dip, wring, mop up vomitus, blood, etc.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Dip wring and mop once more", "question_text": "2. \nDip, wring, and mop once more.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Dip and wring out mop in bucket ", "question_text": "3. \nDip and wring out mop in bucket #1.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Put mop into bucket rinse bucket that has clean bleach solution", "question_text": "4. \nPut mop into bucket #2 (rinse bucket) that has clean bleach solution.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Mop or rinse area", "question_text": "5. \nMop or rinse area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Return mop to bucket to wring out This keeps the rinse bucket clean for second spill in the area", "question_text": "6. \nReturn mop to bucket #2 to wring out. This keeps the rinse bucket clean for second spill in the area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " After spills are cleaned proceed with C Soak mop in the bleach solution after use D After cleanup is completed discard contents of bucket Bucket is now bucket mix fresh bleach solution for bucket E Water and disposable cleaning equipment should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag as indicated F Rinse nondisposable cleaning equipment dustpan buckets in disinfectant G Dispose of disinfectant solution down the drainpipe H Remove gloves if worn and discard in the appropriate receptacle I Wash hands as described above NonWashable Surfaces rugs and upholstery etc A Apply sanitary absorbing agent let dry vacuum B If necessary use broom and dustpan to remove soiled materials C Apply rug or upholstery shampoo as directed Revacuum according to directions on shampoo D Spray soiled area with ViroGuardQ solution air dry E Clean dustpan and broom if used Rinse in ViroGuardQ solution or household bleach solution F Wash hands as described above Soiled Washable Materials clothing towels uniforms etc A Rinse items under running water using gloved hands if appropriate B Place items in plastic bag and seal until items are washed Plastic bags containing soiled washable material must be clearly identified C Wash hands as described above", "question_text": "7. \nAfter spills are cleaned, proceed with #3. \n \n \nC. Soak mop in the bleach solution after use. \n \n \nD. After cleanup is completed, discard contents of bucket #1. Bucket #2 is now bucket #1; mix fresh bleach solution \nfor bucket #2. \n \nE. Water and disposable cleaning equipment should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag, as indicated. \n \nF. Rinse nondisposable cleaning equipment (dustpan, buckets) in disinfectant. \n \nG. Dispose of disinfectant solution down the drainpipe. \n \nH. Remove gloves, if worn, and discard in the appropriate receptacle. \n \nI. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 5. \nNon-Washable Surfaces (rugs and upholstery, etc.) \n \n \nA. Apply sanitary absorbing agent, let dry, vacuum. \n \nB. If necessary, use broom and dustpan to remove soiled materials. \n \nC. Apply rug or upholstery shampoo as directed. Re-vacuum according to directions on shampoo. \n \nD. Spray soiled area with ViroGuard-Q solution, air dry. \n \nE. Clean dustpan and broom, if used. Rinse in ViroGuard-Q solution or household bleach solution. \n \nF. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 6. \nSoiled Washable Materials (clothing, towels, uniforms, etc.) \n \n \nA. Rinse items under running water, using gloved hands, if appropriate. \n \nB. Place items in plastic bag and seal until items are washed. Plastic bags containing soiled, washable material must \nbe clearly identified. \n \nC. Wash hands as described above.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": "D Wipe sink with paper towels discard towels E Machine wash soiled items separately", "question_text": "D. Wipe sink with paper towels, discard towels. \n \nE. Machine wash soiled items separately.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " If material is bleachable add cup bleach to the wash cycle If it is not bleachable add cup nonchlorine bleach Clorox IIBorateem to the wash cycle", "question_text": "1. \nIf material is bleachable, add \u00bd cup bleach to the wash cycle. If it is not bleachable, add \u00bd cup nonchlorine \nbleach (Clorox II/Borateem) to the wash cycle.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " Wash in hot water F for minutes using detergent with disinfecting agent", "question_text": "2. \nWash in hot water: 160\u00b0 F for 25 minutes, using detergent with disinfecting agent.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " Discard plastic bag", "question_text": "3. \nDiscard plastic bag.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " After handling soiled items wash hands as described above To Clean Blood or Body Fluid Spills blood from nose mouth and skin lesions A Put on gloves B Use disposable wipes cotton balls or gauze pads which have been immersed in peroxide C Proceed to clean blood spills with the solution soaked materials D Place soiled materials in a plastic bag for disposal E Remove gloves include with soiled materials and discard F Wash hands as described above Toileting and Diapering A Toileting and toilet training equipment should be maintained in a sanitary condition B Diaper changing surfaces should be nonporous and sanitized between uses for different children C Soiled disposable diapers or soiled disposable wiping cloths should be disposed of in a secure plastic lined container D Diapers should be able to contain urine and stool and minimize fecal contamination of the children providers and environmental surfaces and objects E Diapers should have an absorbent inner lining attached to an outer covering made of waterproof material that pre vents escape of feces and urine Outer and inner lining must be changed as a unit and not reused F Fecal contents may be placed in toilet but diapers must not be rinsed Preferably dispose of diaper and contents as a total unit G Diaper changing areas should never be located in food preparation areas and should never be used for temporary placement of foods Potty Chairs A Potty chairs must be emptied into a toilet after each use cleaned in a utility sink and disinfected after each use B Gloves should be used if wiping a child Leave gloves on until cleaning procedure is finished C Staff should sanitize potty chairs flush toilets and diaper changing areas with the household bleach solution or ViroGuardQ solution D Wash hands as described above Sleeping Equipment A Each item should be used by only one child B The sleeping equipment should be cleaned and sanitized prior to assignment to another child C Crib mattresses should be cleaned and sanitized when soiled or wet D Sleeping mats should be stored so that contact with the surface of another mat does not occur E Bedding should be assigned to each child and cleaned when soiled or wet General Information A CPR Use disposable mouth piece andor face shield will be kept in the clinic B ViroGuardQ will be requested from the school and kept in the clinic in a spray bottle ready for use C Prepare a cleanup baggie by placing in a baggie a towelette moistened with hydrogen peroxide Keep cleanup baggie and gloves in your desk or pocket Use for recess or duty if not used pass it to the next person on the duty schedule D PE teachers coaches and trainers need cleanup baggies ready for use in classes at athletic events and during team practice sessions E Take cleanup baggies and gloves on field trips F All cleaning supplies must be labeled regardless of container Personal Hygiene Measures", "question_text": "4. \nAfter handling soiled items, wash hands as described above. \n \n 7. \nTo Clean Blood or Body Fluid Spills (blood from nose, mouth, and skin lesions) \n \n \nA. Put on gloves. \n \nB. Use disposable wipes, cotton balls, or gauze pads which have been immersed in 3% peroxide. \n \nC. Proceed to clean blood spills with the solution soaked materials. \n \nD. Place soiled materials in a plastic bag for disposal. \n \nE. Remove gloves, include with soiled materials and discard. \n \nF. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 8. \nToileting and Diapering \n \n \nA. Toileting and toilet training equipment should be maintained in a sanitary condition. \n \nB. Diaper changing surfaces should be nonporous and sanitized between uses for different children. \n \nC. Soiled disposable diapers or soiled disposable wiping cloths should be disposed of in a secure plastic lined \ncontainer. \n \nD. Diapers should be able to contain urine and stool and minimize fecal contamination of the children, providers, and \nenvironmental surfaces and objects. \n \nE. Diapers should have an absorbent inner lining attached to an outer covering made of waterproof material that pre-\nvents escape of feces and urine. Outer and inner lining must be changed as a unit and not reused. \n \nF. Fecal contents may be placed in toilet, but diapers must not be rinsed. Preferably, dispose of diaper and contents \nas a total unit. \n \nG. Diaper changing areas should never be located in food preparation areas and should never be used for temporary \nplacement of foods. \n \n 9. \nPotty Chairs \n \n \nA. Potty chairs must be emptied into a toilet after each use, cleaned in a utility sink, and disinfected after each use. \n \nB. Gloves should be used if wiping a child. Leave gloves on until cleaning procedure is finished. \n \nC. Staff should sanitize potty chairs, flush toilets, and diaper changing areas with the household bleach solution or \nViroGuard-Q solution. \n \nD. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 10. \nSleeping Equipment \n \n \nA. Each item should be used by only one child. \n \nB. The sleeping equipment should be cleaned and sanitized prior to assignment to another child. \n \nC. Crib mattresses should be cleaned and sanitized when soiled or wet. \n \nD. Sleeping mats should be stored so that contact with the surface of another mat does not occur. \n \nE. Bedding should be assigned to each child and cleaned when soiled or wet. \n \n 11. \nGeneral Information \n \n \nA. CPR - Use disposable mouth piece and/or face shield (will be kept in the clinic). \n \nB. ViroGuard-Q will be requested from the school and kept in the clinic in a spray bottle, ready for use. \n \nC. Prepare a \"cleanup baggie\" by placing in a baggie a towelette moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Keep cleanup \nbaggie and gloves in your desk or pocket. Use for recess or duty, if not used pass it to the next person on the duty \nschedule. \n \nD. P.E. teachers, coaches, and trainers need cleanup baggies ready for use in classes, at athletic events, and during \nteam practice sessions. \n \nE. Take cleanup baggies and gloves on field trips. \n \nF. All cleaning supplies must be labeled regardless of container. \n \n 12. \nPersonal Hygiene Measures", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 89, "standardized_text": "A Wash hands in soap and water immediately after evacuating bowels or bladder and always before handling food or eating B Keep hands and unclean articles or utensils that have been used for bodily purposes by others away from the mouth eyes nose ears and wounds C Avoid using common or unclean eating utensils drinking cups towels combs handkerchiefs or disposable tissues D Avoid exposure to other persons spray from the nose or mouth as in coughing sneezing laughing or talking E Wash hands thoroughly after handling another persons belongings MEDICAL MARIJUANA INTRODUCTION Regardless of a student employee parent or any individuals status as a medical marijuana licenses holder marijuana is not allowed on the premises of the district or in any school vehicle or any vehicle transporting a student under any circumstances While the use of medical marijuana in conjunction with the possession of a medical marijuana license is legal in the State of Oklahoma marijuana is a prohibited controlled substance under federal law regardless of the use being for medical purposes Accordingly possession of marijuana by a student employee parent or any individual notwithstanding the possession of a medical marijuana license is strictly prohibited while on the premises of the district and in school vehicles going to and from sponsored functions events and athletic activities which occur in a location other than the premises of the district utilizing district equipment or transportation and in any other instance in connection with the district where the district reasonably deems the possession of marijuana to be illegal In the event that a student employee parent or any individual is found to possess or to have possessed marijuana in any of the instances stated above the district will proceed with all actions and consequences that are afforded under any state or federal law employment contract district policy student handbook provision or any other authority applicable to or adopted by the district Definitions The terms marijuana and possession of marijuana will be interpreted by the district in accordance with state and federal law The term marijuana includes but is not limited to any form of marijuana all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L whether growing or not marijuana seeds marijuana oil extract resin or residue cannabidiol in any form and marijuana edibles Any conflict between state and federal law as to the definition of marijuana or possession of marijuana will be interpreted in favor of federal law Nondiscrimination There will be no discrimination in the district because of an individuals status as medical marijuana license holder Overlap With Other District Policies The district recognizes that the legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana are new and possibly subject to change These legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana effect many areas of the districts current policies regarding employees students parents and individuals on district premises or attending district events The district will continue to enforce its current adopted policies As the need arises with changes in state andor federal law the district will consider andor examine district policies in order to assess whether revisions if any may be needed to a district policy in order to comply with state and federal law Employees", "question_text": "A. Wash hands in soap and water immediately after evacuating bowels or bladder and always before handling food or \neating. \n \nB. Keep hands and unclean articles or utensils that have been used for bodily purposes by others away from the \nmouth, eyes, nose, ears, and wounds. \n \nC. Avoid using common or unclean eating utensils, drinking cups, towels, combs, handkerchiefs or disposable tissues. \n \nD. Avoid exposure to other persons' spray from the nose or mouth as in coughing, sneezing, laughing, or talking. \n \nE. Wash hands thoroughly after handling another person's belongings. \n \n \nMEDICAL MARIJUANA \nINTRODUCTION \nRegardless of a student, employee, parent or any individual\u2019s status as a medical marijuana licenses holder, \nmarijuana is not allowed on the premises of the district or in any school vehicle or any vehicle transporting a \nstudent under any circumstances. While the use of medical marijuana in conjunction with the possession of a \nmedical marijuana license is legal in the State of Oklahoma, marijuana is a prohibited controlled substance \nunder federal law regardless of the use being for medical purposes. Accordingly, possession of marijuana by a \nstudent, employee, parent or any individual, notwithstanding the possession of a medical marijuana license, is \nstrictly prohibited while on the premises of the district and in school vehicles; going to and from sponsored \nfunctions, events, and athletic activities which occur in a location other than the premises of the district; \nutilizing district equipment or transportation; and in any other instance in connection with the district where the \ndistrict reasonably deems the possession of marijuana to be illegal. \n \nIn the event that a student, employee, parent or any individual is found to possess or to have possessed \nmarijuana in any of the instances stated above, the district will proceed with all actions and consequences that \nare afforded under any state or federal law, employment contract, district policy, student handbook provision, or \nany other authority applicable to or adopted by the district. \n \nDefinitions \n \nThe terms \u201cmarijuana\u201d and \u201cpossession of marijuana\u201d will be interpreted by the district in accordance with state \nand federal law. The term \u201cmarijuana\u201d includes, but is not limited to, any form of marijuana; all parts of the \nplant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not; marijuana seeds; marijuana oil, extract, resin, or residue; \ncannabidiol in any form; and marijuana edibles. Any conflict between state and federal law as to the definition \nof \u201cmarijuana\u201d or \u201cpossession of marijuana\u201d will be interpreted in favor of federal law. \n \nNondiscrimination \n \nThere will be no discrimination in the district because of an individual\u2019s status as medical marijuana license \nholder. \n \nOverlap With Other District Policies \n \nThe district recognizes that the legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana are new and possibly \nsubject to change. These legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana effect many areas of the district\u2019s \ncurrent policies regarding employees, students, parents and individuals on district premises or attending district \nevents. The district will continue to enforce its current adopted policies. As the need arises with changes in state \nand/or federal law, the district will consider and/or examine district policies in order to assess whether revisions, \nif any, may be needed to a district policy in order to comply with state and federal law. \n \n \nEmployees", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 90, "standardized_text": "Employees of the district are expected to comply with state and federal law at all times as a term of their continued employment with the district In that regard employees are hereby notified that any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana regardless of whether his or her state has passed legislation authorizing marijuana use for medicinal or recreational purposes is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance and is prohibited by federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition See Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosive ATF open letter to all federal firearms licensees download Employees are expected to adhere to any and all open letters formal opinions directives or any other instruction provided by federal or state agencies regarding state andor federal law DISCLAIMER The Tannehill Board of Education does not intend that the contents of this policy manual will in any way constitute an employment contract and is not to be construed as an extension of any employment contract All policies regulations procedures and exhibits contained herein are subject to change as the board of education deems necessary and appropriate Final interpretation and application of any statement herein is within the discretion of the board of education", "question_text": "Employees of the district are expected to comply with state and federal law at all times as a term of their \ncontinued employment with the district. In that regard, employees are hereby notified that any person who uses \nor is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her state has passed legislation authorizing marijuana \nuse for medicinal or recreational purposes, is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance and is \nprohibited by federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms \nand Explosive (ATF) open letter to all federal firearms licensees (https://www.atf.gov/file/6021 1/download). \nEmployees are expected to adhere to any and all open letters, formal opinions, directives, or any other \ninstruction provided by federal or state agencies regarding state and/or federal law. \n \nDISCLAIMER \nThe Tannehill Board of Education does not intend that the contents of this policy manual will in any way constitute an \nemployment contract and is not to be construed as an extension of any employment contract. All policies, regulations, \nprocedures, and exhibits contained herein are subject to change as the board of education deems necessary and appropriate. \nFinal interpretation and application of any statement herein is within the discretion of the board of education.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 1, "standardized_text": "Employee Policies and Procedures Manual Revised The policies and procedures in this manual are not intended to be contractual commitments by Tannehill Public School and employees shall not construe them as such The policies and procedures are intended to be guides to management and are merely descriptive of suggested procedures to be followed Tannehill Public School reserves the right to revoke change or supplement guidelines at any time without notice No policy is intended as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights No permanent employment or employment for any term is intended or can be implied from any statements in this manual This employee handbook does not contain all policies that have been adopted by the Tannehill Board of Education Employees are responsible for complying with and familiarizing themselves with school policies which may be found on the Tannehill School website at or in physical copies of the Tannehill Policy Manual available for reference in the school administrative office Tannehill Public School", "question_text": "Employee Policies and Procedures Manual \nRevised 2019 \n \n \nThe policies and procedures in this manual are not intended to be contractual commitments by Tannehill Public \nSchool, and employees shall not construe them as such. \n \nThe policies and procedures are intended to be guides to management and are merely descriptive of suggested \nprocedures to be followed. Tannehill Public School reserves the right to revoke, change or supplement \nguidelines at any time without notice. \n \nNo policy is intended as a guarantee of continuity of benefits or rights. No permanent employment or \nemployment for any term is intended or can be implied from any statements in this manual. \n \nThis employee handbook does not contain all policies that have been adopted by the Tannehill Board of \nEducation. Employees are responsible for complying with and familiarizing themselves with school policies \nwhich may be found on the Tannehill School website at https://www.tannehill.k12.ok.us/219835_2 or in \nphysical copies of the \u201cTannehill Policy Manual\u201d available for reference in the school administrative office. \n \nTannehill Public School", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 1, "standardized_text": " Tannehill Rd McAlester OK CONTENTS EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES NONDISCRIMINATION RECORDS INVESTIGATION ADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY STANDARDS OF CONDUCT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SALARY DEDUCTIONS ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES REGULATION BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY INVENTORIES REGULATION TEXTBOOKS DISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF TELEPHONES STAFFSTUDENT COMMUNICATIONS BUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY HEALTH INSURANCE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT PROCEDURES FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT REGULATION COMP TIME POLICY TEACHERS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PARAPROFESSIONALS TITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS SEXUAL HARASSMENT DRUGFREE WORKPLACE DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES REGULATION DRUGFREE WORKPLACE NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing regulations EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS ACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES", "question_text": "9283 Tannehill Rd \nMcAlester, OK 74501 \n \nCONTENTS \n \nEMPLOYMENT PRACTICES \n \nNONDISCRIMINATION: \n \nRECORDS INVESTIGATION \n \nADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY \n \nSTANDARDS OF CONDUCT \n \nBOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS \nPUBLIC PARTICIPATION \n \nSALARY DEDUCTIONS \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \n \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \n(REGULATION) \n \nBUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT, AND GROUNDS \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \n \nINVENTORIES \n(REGULATION) \n \nTEXTBOOKS: \nDISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF \n \nTELEPHONES \n \nSTAFF-STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS \n \nBUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY \n \nHEALTH INSURANCE \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nPROCEDURES \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \n(REGULATION). \n \nCOMP TIME POLICY \n \nTEACHERS \nDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \n \nSUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \n \nPARAPROFESSIONALS \n \nTITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS \n \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n(REGULATION) \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \nNOTICE TO EMPLOYEES \n \n \nWorkplace Drug and Alcohol Testing \n(regulations) \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS \n \nACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION \n \nSALARIES AND EXPENSES", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 2, "standardized_text": "TRAVEL AND EXPENSES PERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE SICK LEAVE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL REGULATIONS SICK LEAVE SUPPORT PERSONNEL REGULATIONS PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE REGULATIONS EMERGENCY LEAVE REGULATIONS JURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE REGULATIONS LEAVE OF ABSENCE REGULATIONS PARENTAL LEAVE REGULATIONS BEREAVEMENT LEAVE REGULATIONS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT STUDENT ACTIVITIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL AND EXPENSES POLICY FOR RETIREES UNUSED SICK LEAVE COMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE LEAVE SHARING PLAN EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES PROCEDURE EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS GRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES GRANT SUBMISSIONS NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PLANNING PERIODS PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT TEACHER EVALUATION PERSONNEL FILES CERTIFIED STAFF TOBACCO USE PROHIBITED TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT TEACHERS SUPPORT PERSONNEL SUSPENSION DEMOTION NONRENEWAL OR TERMINATION REDUCTIONINFORCE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL REDUCTIONINFORCE SUPPORT PERSONNEL TEACHER TERMINATION PROCEDURES QUALIFICATIONS TEACHERS QUALIFICATIONS PRINCIPALS SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS STAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS PARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM REGULATIONS INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS ACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS HEALTH STUDENTS CONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES MEDICATION ADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS PROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF ALLEGED SEXTING REPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE ANDOR NEGLECT SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM FUND RAISING BY INSCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS STUDENT RECORDS TRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INFORMATION COORDINATOR BULLYING HARASSMENTBULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING REGULATION", "question_text": "TRAVEL AND EXPENSES \n \nPERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM \n \nFAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE \n \nSICK LEAVE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nSICK LEAVE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nPERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nEMERGENCY LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nJURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nLEAVE OF ABSENCE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nPARENTAL LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nBEREAVEMENT LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \n \nSTUDENT ACTIVITIES \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \n \nTRAVEL AND EXPENSES \n \nPOLICY FOR RETIREES\u2019 UNUSED SICK LEAVE \nCOMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE \n \nLEAVE SHARING PLAN \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \n(PROCEDURE) \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS \nAND REFERENCE REQUESTS \n \nGRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES \n \nGRANT SUBMISSIONS \n \nNOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \n \nPLANNING PERIODS \n \nPROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT \n \nTEACHER EVALUATION \n \nPERSONNEL FILES \nCERTIFIED STAFF \n: \nTOBACCO USE PROHIBITED \n \n \nTERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT \nTEACHERS \n \n \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \nSUSPENSION, \nDEMOTION, \nNONRENEWAL, \nOR \nTERMINATION \n \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \n \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n \nTEACHER TERMINATION \nPROCEDURES \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nTEACHERS \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nPRINCIPALS \n \nSCHOOL BUS DRIVERS \n \nSUBSTITUTE TEACHERS \n \n \nSTAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n \nSCHOOL VOLUNTEERS \n \nPARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nINTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS \nACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY\n \n \n \nCODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER \nCOMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS \n \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS \n \nHEALTH: \nSTUDENTS \n \nCONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES \n \nMEDICATION: \nADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS \n \nPROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF \nALLEGED SEXTING \n \nREPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE \nAND/OR NEGLECT \n \nSUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM \n \nFUND RAISING BY IN-SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS \n \nSTUDENT RECORDS \n \nTRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL \nINFORMATION \n \nINFORMATION COORDINATOR \n \nBULLYING \n \nHARASSMENT/BULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM \n \nPROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND \nBULLYING \n(INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES) \n \nPROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND \nBULLYING \n(REGULATION)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 3, "standardized_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR POSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES DRUGFREE SCHOOL WEAPONSFREE SCHOOL SEARCH OF STUDENTS SEARCH OF STUDENTS REGULATION PUBLIC COMPLAINTS GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE PARENTTEACHER SCHOOL VISITORS USE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY REGULATIONS SAFETY PROGRAM SAFETY DRILLS ROUTINE SAFETY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARD COMMUNICATION HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD REGULATIONS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION EMERGENCY PLANS RULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION FIRE DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES BOMB THREATS BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES EXHIBIT TORNADO DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS REGULATION ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND HYGIENE WHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT The Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act its regulations and relevant court decisions This district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the US Department of Labor The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act subject to approval of this board EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to take action and provide statutory notification concerning the renewal or nonrenewal of all teachers contracts prior to the first Monday in June each year The district will provide reasonable assurance in writing to support employees that the district intends to employ for the subsequent school year no later than ten days after the effective date of the education appropriation bill or by June whichever is later The superintendent shall recommend candidates for administrative support and certified positions to the board The principals shall be consulted on the employment and retention of teachers Among other requirements for employment the superintendent shall insure that prospective employees produce legally sufficient documents showing citizenship status The superintendent may develop rules and regulations governing employment practices Such rules and regulations if developed must be approved by the board of education and shall become a part of this policy In the event the board decides not to employ a candidate who is recommended by the superintendent further recommendations should be made to the board by the superintendent until a selection is made The employment of any person with this school district shall not be made or excluded on the basis of age sex race religion national origin handicap pregnancy parenthood marriage or for any other reason not related to individual capability to perform in the position for which employed In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes Title Section the board of education shall not consider for employment in any capacity a relative within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity of a board member", "question_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR \nPOSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR \nCONTROLLED \nDANGEROUS SUBSTANCES \n \nDRUG-FREE SCHOOL \n \nWEAPONS-FREE SCHOOL \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \n(REGULATION) \n \nPUBLIC COMPLAINTS \n \nGRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: PARENT-TEACHER \n \n \nSCHOOL VISITORS \n \nUSE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nSAFETY PROGRAM \n \nSAFETY DRILLS \n \nROUTINE SAFETY \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD \n(REGULATIONS) \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \n(REGULATION) \n \nEMERGENCY PLANS \nRULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION \n. \n \nFIRE DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \n \nBOMB THREATS \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES \n(EXHIBIT) \n \n \nTORNADO DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \n(REGULATION) \n \n \nROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND \nHYGIENE \nWHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS \n \n \n \n \nMEDICAL MARIJUANA \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act, its regulations, and relevant court decisions. \nThis district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the U.S. Department of \nLabor. The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance. \n \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor \nStandards Act subject to approval of this board. \n \nEMPLOYMENT PRACTICES \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to take action and provide statutory notification concerning the renewal or \nnonrenewal of all teachers' contracts prior to the first Monday in June each year. \n \nThe district will provide reasonable assurance in writing to support employees that the district intends to employ for the subsequent \nschool year no later than ten days after the effective date of the education appropriation bill or by \nJune 1, whichever is later. \n \nThe superintendent shall recommend candidates for administrative, support, and certified positions to the board. The principal(s) shall \nbe consulted on the employment and retention of teachers. \n \nAmong other requirements for employment, the superintendent shall insure that prospective employees produce legally sufficient \ndocuments showing citizenship status. The superintendent may develop rules and regulations governing employment practices. Such \nrules and regulations, if developed, must be approved by the board of education and shall become a part of this policy. \n \nIn the event the board decides not to employ a candidate who is recommended by the superintendent, further recommendations should \nbe made to the board by the superintendent until a selection is made. \n \nThe employment of any person with this school district shall not be made or excluded on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national \norigin, handicap, pregnancy, parenthood, marriage, or for any other reason not related to individual capability to perform in the \nposition for which employed. In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes Title 70, Section 5-113.1, the board of education shall not \nconsider for employment in any capacity a relative within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity of a board member.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 4, "standardized_text": "NONDISCRIMINATION There will be no discrimination in the district because of race color sex pregnancy gender national origin religion disability veteran status sexual orientation age or genetic information in its programs services activities and employment The district also provides equal access to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club and other designated youth groups NONDISCRIMINATION The Tannehill Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race color religion sex age national origin alienage handicap or veteran status This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff events students the public employment admissions financial aid educational programs and services facilities access and individuals companies and firms with whom the board does business Racial discrimination shall include racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another persons race ancestry or country of origin and directed toward an employee a student or a visitor The board directs the superintendent of schools to prepare necessary rules regulations and procedures to insure that all local state and federal laws regulations and guidelines are followed The following statement will be included in all course announcements bulletins disseminated to all students materials used for recruiting or describing programs and training application or enrollment forms brochures and catalogs The Tannehill Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of disability race color religion national origin sex age or veteran status Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to the superintendent who is the Title IXADA Compliance Coordinator Tannehill Public Schools Tannehill Road District Street Address", "question_text": "NONDISCRIMINATION: \nThere will be no discrimination in the district because of race, color, sex, pregnancy, gender, national origin, religion, disability, \nveteran status, sexual orientation, age, or genetic information in its programs, services, activities and employment. The district also \nprovides equal access to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 4H Club and other designated youth groups. \n \n \nNONDISCRIMINATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, color, religion, sex, age, national \norigin, alienage, handicap, or veteran status. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff, events, students, the public, \nemployment, admissions, financial aid, educational programs and services, facilities access, and individuals, companies, and firms \nwith whom the board does business. Racial discrimination shall include racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another \nperson's race, ancestry, or country of origin and directed toward an employee, a student or a visitor. \n \nThe board directs the superintendent of schools to prepare necessary rules, regulations, and procedures to insure that all local, state, \nand federal laws, regulations, and guidelines are followed. \n \nThe following statement will be included in all course announcements, bulletins disseminated to all students, materials used for \nrecruiting or describing programs and training, application or enrollment forms, brochures, and catalogs: \n \n \n\"The Tannehill Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, \nage, or veteran status.\" \n \nInquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to the superintendent who is the Title IX/504/ADA Compliance \nCoordinator. \n \nTannehill Public Schools 9283 Tannehill Road \nDistrict Street Address", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 4, "standardized_text": " McAlester OK Telephone City State Zip RECORDS INVESTIGATION The Tannehill Board of Education believes that it has a responsibility to employ only those persons who are qualified in every respect The board further believes that it should avail itself of means and methods provided by the legislature to assist in the selection of employees Therefore it is the policy of this board of education that a national criminal history record check shall be conducted of all prospective employees A national criminal history record check is defined at OS and requires a check of criminal history records entailing the fingerprinting of the individual and submission of the fingerprints to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI for the purpose of obtaining the national criminal history record of the person from the FBI A written consent will be required from the prospective employee consenting to a felony records check to be conducted as authorized by Oklahoma law The records check shall be initiated by the school districts written request through the superintendent to the State Department of Education Effective November the school district may contract with a thirdparty vendor who is a member in good standing with the National Association of Professional Background Screeners to perform any and all employment screenings background checks and credit checks An application for employment with Tannehill School includes the authorization of school district representatives to investigate the background of employees This authorization also includes a release by the employee stating that Tannehill School representatives or any other person organization or employer is released from any and all liability that may result from any investigation into the employees background Any person applying for employment as a substitute teacher shall only be required to have one such national criminal history records check for the school year Upon request of the substitute teacher that felony records search results may be sent to any other school district in which the substitute teacher is applying to teach The board of education may choose whether to require a national criminal history record check from a prospective substitute teacher who has been employed by the school district in the last year Any person employed as a fulltime teacher by a school district in Oklahoma in the five years immediately preceding an application for employment as a substitute teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check if the teacher produces a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five years and a letter from the school district in which the teacher was last employed stating the teacher left in good standing", "question_text": "918-423-6393 McAlester, OK 74501 \nTelephone \nCity, State, Zip \n \n \nRECORDS INVESTIGATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that it has a responsibility to employ only those persons who are qualified in every respect. \nThe board further believes that it should avail itself of means and methods provided by the legislature to assist in the selection of \nemployees. Therefore, it is the policy of this board of education that a national criminal history record check shall be conducted of all \nprospective employees. A national criminal history record check is defined at 74 O.S. \u00a7 150.9 and requires a check of criminal history \nrecords entailing the fingerprinting of the individual and submission of the fingerprints to the United States Federal Bureau of \nInvestigation (FBI) for the purpose of obtaining the national criminal history record of the person from the FBI. \n \nA written consent will be required from the prospective employee consenting to a felony records check to be conducted as authorized \nby Oklahoma law. The records check shall be initiated by the school district's written request, through the superintendent, to the State \nDepartment of Education. Effective November 1, 2012, the school district may contract with a third-party vendor who is a member in \ngood standing with the National Association of Professional Background Screeners to perform any and all employment screenings, \nbackground checks, and credit checks. \n \nAn application for employment with Tannehill School includes the authorization of school district representatives to investigate the \nbackground of employees. This authorization also includes a release by the employee stating that Tannehill School representatives or \nany other person, organization or employer is released from any and all liability that may result from any investigation into the \nemployees background. \n \nAny person applying for employment as a substitute teacher shall only be required to have one such national criminal history records \ncheck for the school year. Upon request of the substitute teacher, that felony records search results may be sent to any other school \ndistrict in which the substitute teacher is applying to teach. The board of education may choose whether to require a national criminal \nhistory record check from a prospective substitute teacher who has been employed by the school district in the last year. \n \nAny person employed as a full-time teacher by a school district in Oklahoma in the five (5) years immediately preceding an \napplication for employment as a substitute teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check, if the teacher \nproduces a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five (5) years and a letter from the school \ndistrict in which the teacher was last employed stating the teacher left in good standing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 5, "standardized_text": "Any person who has been employed as a fulltime teacher by a school district who applies for employment as a fulltime teacher in another school district may not be required to have a national criminal history background check completed if the teacher produces a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five years and a letter from the school district in which the teacher was employed stating the teacher left in good standing Any person who has been employed as a substitute teacher by a school for a minimum of five years preceding an application to be employed as a fulltime teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check completed if the teacher can produce a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five years and a letter from the school district in which the teacher was employed as a substitute teacher stating that the teacher left in good standing Any person employed as a fulltime teacher by a school district in Oklahoma for ten or more consecutive years immediately preceding an application for employment as a substitute teacher in the same school district is not required to have a national criminal history record check for as long as that person remains employed for consecutive years by that school If the substitute teacher wishes to work in another Oklahoma school district a national criminal history background check will be required If the applicant for employment meets all other criteria for employment in this school district the applicant may be employed on a temporary basis for a maximum of sixty days pending receipt of the national criminal history record check results The temporary employment of the prospective employee shall terminate after sixty days unless the school district receives the results of the national criminal history records check The sixty day temporary employment period shall begin on the first day the prospective employee reports for duty at the employing school district If the applicant is offered permanent employment following the review of the records search the search fee willwill not be reimbursed in full ADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that upon the recommendation of the administrator the board will adopt general and personnel policies to serve as a basis for the administration of the school and as a guide to the administrator and other employees in conducting their respective duties The policies will be in published form and available to employees patrons and the Department of Education School board policies will be updated annually In cases where action must be taken involving the operation of the school district and where no guidelines have been established by board of education policy the superintendent will have the authority to act In such cases the superintendent shall use hisher own best judgment based on what heshe believes the policy would be if it existed Such emergency policy decisions will be reported to the president as soon as practical and to the board of education at its next meeting The board will then determine whether a permanent policy should be established BACKGROUND Tannehill Public Schools is an elementary school district that serves prekindergarten PK through eighth grade students TPS is located in Pittsburg County near McAlester Oklahoma The district covers square miles in a predominately rural setting According to the Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society the first Tannehill School was built in on the land of Joseph David Tannehill It was a wooden structure and was later destroyed by fire The second school was built in and located a mile west of the present school site The second school was demolished in and the present school building was erected on land donated by Fred and Florence Lowe in the late School Phone Number School Fax Number Superintendent Cell Teachers and staff on regular schedule begin the work day at am and conclude the work day at pm Classes convene at am and final student dismissal bell rings at pm STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Teachers are charged with the education of the youth of this State In order to perform effectively teachers must demonstrate a belief in the worth and dignity of each human being recognizing the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth devotion to excellence and the nurture of democratic principles In recognition of the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process and by virtue of the desire of the respect and confidence of their colleagues students parents and the community teachers are to be guided in their conduct by their commitment to their students and their profession PRINCIPLE I", "question_text": "Any person who has been employed as a full-time teacher by a school district who applies for employment as a full-time teacher in \nanother school district may not be required to have a national criminal history background check completed if the teacher produces a \ncopy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five (5) years and a letter from the school district in \nwhich the teacher was employed stating the teacher left in good standing. \n \nAny person who has been employed as a substitute teacher by a school for a minimum of five (5) years preceding an application to be \nemployed as a full-time teacher may not be required to have a national criminal history record check completed if the teacher can \nproduce a copy of a national criminal history record check completed within the preceding five (5) years and a letter from the school \ndistrict in which the teacher was employed as a substitute teacher stating that the teacher left in good standing. \n \nAny person employed as a full-time teacher by a school district in Oklahoma for ten (10) or more consecutive years immediately \npreceding an application for employment as a substitute teacher in the same school district is not required to have a national criminal \nhistory record check for as long as that person remains employed for consecutive years by that school. If the substitute teacher wishes \nto work in another Oklahoma school district, a national criminal history background check will be required. \n \nIf the applicant for employment meets all other criteria for employment in this school district, the applicant may be employed on a \ntemporary basis for a maximum of sixty (60) days pending receipt of the national criminal history record check results. The \ntemporary employment of the prospective employee shall terminate after sixty (60) days unless the school district receives the results \nof the national criminal history records check. The sixty (60) day temporary employment period shall begin on the first day the \nprospective employee reports for duty at the employing school district. If the applicant is offered permanent employment following \nthe review of the records search, the search fee will/will not be reimbursed in full. \n \nADMINISTRATION IN ABSENCE OF POLICY \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that, upon the recommendation of the administrator, the board will adopt general \nand personnel policies to serve as a basis for the administration of the school and as a guide to the administrator and other employees \nin conducting their respective duties. The policies will be in published form and available to employees, patrons, and the Department \nof Education. School board policies will be updated annually. \n \nIn cases where action must be taken involving the operation of the school district and where no guidelines have been established by \nboard of education policy, the superintendent will have the authority to act. In such cases, the superintendent shall use his/her own \nbest judgment based on what he/she believes the policy would be if it existed. Such emergency policy decisions will be reported to \nthe president as soon as practical and to the board of education at its next meeting. The board will then determine whether a \npermanent policy should be established. \n \nBACKGROUND \nTannehill Public Schools is an elementary school district that serves pre-kindergarten (PK) \nthrough eighth grade students. TPS is located in Pittsburg County near McAlester, Oklahoma. \nThe district covers 59 square miles in a predominately rural setting. \nAccording to the Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, the first Tannehill \nSchool was built in 1905 on the land of Joseph David Tannehill. It was a wooden structure and \nwas later destroyed by fire. The second school was built in 1910 and located a mile west of the \npresent school site. The second school was demolished in 1957, and the present school building \nwas erected on land donated by Fred and Florence Lowe in the late 1950s. \n \n \nSchool Phone Number: 918-423-6393 \nSchool Fax Number: 918-423-3068 \nSuperintendent Cell: 918-916-7170 \n \nTeachers and staff on regular schedule begin the work day at 7:30 a.m. and conclude the work day at 3:30 p.m. \nClasses convene at 7:55 a.m. and final student dismissal bell rings at 3:15 p.m. \n \n \nSTANDARDS OF CONDUCT \nTeachers are charged with the education of the youth of this State. In order to perform effectively, teachers must demonstrate a belief \nin the worth and dignity of each human being, recognizing the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and \nthe nurture of democratic principles. \nIn recognition of the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process and by virtue of the desire of the respect and \nconfidence of their colleagues, students, parents, and the community, teachers are to be guided in their conduct by their commitment \nto their students and their profession. \n \nPRINCIPLE I", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": "COMMITMENT TO THE STUDENTS Oklahoma Administrative Code OAC Effective June The teacher must strive to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society The teacher must work to stimulate the spirit of inquiry the acquisition of knowledge and understanding and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals In fulfillment of the obligation to the student the teacher", "question_text": "COMMITMENT TO THE STUDENTS \nOklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 210:20-29-3 \u2013 Effective June 25, 1993 \nThe teacher must strive to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society. The teacher must \nwork to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy \ngoals. \nIn fulfillment of the obligation to the student, the teacher:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning", "question_text": "1. Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view", "question_text": "2. Shall not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the students progress", "question_text": "3. Shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the student's progress,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety", "question_text": "4. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement", "question_text": "5. Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not on the basis of race color creed sex national origin marital status political or religious beliefs family social or cultural background or sexual orientation unfairly a Exclude any student from participation in any program b Deny benefits to any students or c Grant any advantage to any student", "question_text": "6. Shall not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social, or \ncultural background, or sexual orientation, unfairly \na. \nExclude any student from participation in any program; \nb. Deny benefits to any students; or \nc. \nGrant any advantage to any student.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage", "question_text": "7. Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose and is permitted by law or is required by law PRINCIPLE II COMMITMENT TO THE PROFESSION Oklahoma Administrative Code OAC Effective June The teaching profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service In order to assure that the quality of the services of the teaching profession meets the expectations of the State and its citizens the teacher shall exert every effort to raise professional standards fulfill professional responsibilities with honor and integrity promote a climate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment achieve conditions which attract persons worthy of the trust to careers in education and assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession the educator", "question_text": "8. Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves a \ncompelling professional purpose and is permitted by law or is required by law. \n \nPRINCIPLE II \nCOMMITMENT TO THE PROFESSION \nOklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 210:20-29-4 \u2013 Effective June 25, 1993 \nThe teaching profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service. \nIn order to assure that the quality of the services of the teaching profession meets the expectations of the State and its citizens, the \nteacher shall exert every effort to raise professional standards, fulfill professional responsibilities with honor and integrity, promote a \nclimate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment, achieve conditions which attract persons worthy of the trust to careers \nin education, and assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons. \nIn fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not in an application for a professional position deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications", "question_text": "1. Shall not, in an application for a professional position, deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact \nrelated to competency and qualifications;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not misrepresent hisher professional qualifications", "question_text": "2. Shall not misrepresent his/her professional qualifications;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not assist any entry into the profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character education or other relevant attribute", "question_text": "3. Shall not assist any entry into the profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character, education, or other \nrelevant attribute;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for a professional position", "question_text": "4. Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for a professional position;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not assist an unqualified person in the unauthorized practice of the profession", "question_text": "5. Shall not assist an unqualified person in the unauthorized practice of the profession;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law", "question_text": "6. Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a \ncompelling professional purpose or is required by law;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague and", "question_text": "7. Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Shall not accept any gratuity gift or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions PRINCIPLE III Title Oklahoma Statute Section Subject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act of a career teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for", "question_text": "8. Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions. \n \n \n \nPRINCIPLE III \nTitle 70, Oklahoma Statute, Section 6-101.22 \nSubject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990, a career teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-17", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Willful neglect of duty", "question_text": "1. Willful neglect of duty;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-18", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Repeated negligence in performance of duty", "question_text": "2. Repeated negligence in performance of duty;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-19", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Mental or physical abuse to a child", "question_text": "3. Mental or physical abuse to a child;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-20", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Incompetency", "question_text": "4. Incompetency;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-21", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Instructional ineffectiveness", "question_text": "5. Instructional ineffectiveness;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-22", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Unsatisfactory teaching performance or", "question_text": "6. Unsatisfactory teaching performance; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-23", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Commission of an act of moral turpitude", "question_text": "7. Commission of an act of moral turpitude.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-24", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Abandonment of contract Subject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act a probationary teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for cause A teacher shall be dismissed or not reemployed unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon has been issued if during the term of employment the teacher is convicted in this state the United States or another state of", "question_text": "8. Abandonment of contract. \nSubject to the provisions of the Teacher Due Process Act, a probationary teacher may be dismissed or not reemployed for cause. \nA teacher shall be dismissed or not reemployed unless a presidential or gubernatorial pardon has been issued, if during the term of \nemployment the teacher is convicted in this state, the United States, or another state of:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-25", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Any sex offense subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act in this state or subject to another states or the federal sex offender registration provisions or", "question_text": "1. Any sex offense subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act in this state or subject to another state's or the federal sex \noffender registration provisions; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-26", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 6, "standardized_text": " Any felony offense", "question_text": "2. Any felony offense.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": "A teacher may be dismissed refused employment or not reemployed after a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the effectiveness of the individuals performance of school duties As used in this subsection", "question_text": "A teacher may be dismissed, refused employment or not reemployed after a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual \nactivity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the effectiveness of the individual's performance of school duties. As used in this \nsubsection:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Criminal sexual activity means the commission of an act as defined in Section of Title of the Oklahoma Statutes which is the act of sodomy and", "question_text": "1. \"Criminal sexual activity\" means the commission of an act as defined in Section 886 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, \nwhich is the act of sodomy; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Sexual misconduct means the soliciting or imposing of criminal sexual activity As used in this Section abandonment of contract means the failure of a teacher to report at the beginning of the contract term or otherwise perform the duties of a contract of employment when the teacher has accepted other employment or is performing work for another employer that prevents the teacher from fulfilling the obligations of the contract of employment Signed into Law April BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall govern visitors attending board meetings Any individual wishing to address the board of education shall communicate such wish to the superintendent by letter The letter must state the nature of the matter to be discussed the full name of the person making the request and what is expected from the board The letter must be received by the superintendent at least hours prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to be placed on the agenda The agenda must be posted twentyfour business hours prior to the meeting The superintendent must inform the board president of any individual or organization denied the opportunity to address the board of education SALARY DEDUCTIONS Federal and state income tax and social security deductions are mandatory by federal and Oklahoma law The school district is required to make payroll deductions for professional organization dues and political contributions upon the request of any employee Such deductions shall be on a tenmonth basis unless otherwise designated by the employee organization Other deductions may be authorized by the Tannehill Board of Education upon request and authorization of the employee However a school employee may request in writing at any time for the district to immediately terminate or initiate payroll deductions to a professional organization Within five business days of receipt of a request or by the next pay period whichever is earlier the district shall terminate or initiate any future payroll deductions of the requesting employee to a professional organization Within fifteen business days of receipt of a request the district shall notify the professional organization of the initiation or termination of payroll deductions If the request is to terminate a deduction the district shall not make any advance payments to any professional organization of any future dues on behalf of the employee The board shall require a minimum of two employees to request deductions for any other specific payee ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to encourage the prosecution of any person who commits assault battery or assault and battery upon the person of a school employee or student or threatens and places an employee or student of the public schools in immediate fear of bodily harm while the employee or student is in the performance of his duties as a school employee or student The following statement will be posted in at least one prominent location at each school site FELONY CHARGES MAY BE FILED AGAINST ANY PERSONS COMMITTING AN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT OR BATTERY UPON ANY SCHOOL EMPLOYEE School employee is hereby defined to include any duly appointed person or employee of a firm contracting with a school system for any purpose including personnel not directly related to the teaching process and including school board members during school board meetings ASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES REGULATION Assaultsbattery upon school district personnel andor students will not be tolerated Appropriate action must be taken immediately Procedures to be followed by the building administrator when an assaultbattery has occurred are", "question_text": "2. \"Sexual misconduct\" means the soliciting or imposing of criminal sexual activity. \nAs used in this Section, \"abandonment of contract\" means the failure of a teacher to report at the beginning of the contract term or \notherwise perform the duties of a contract of employment when the teacher has accepted other employment or is performing work for \nanother employer that prevents the teacher from fulfilling the obligations of the contract of employment. \nSigned into Law \nApril 25, 2006 \n \nBOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS \nPUBLIC PARTICIPATION \n \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern visitors attending board meetings. \n \nAny individual wishing to address the board of education shall communicate such wish to the superintendent by letter. The letter must \nstate the nature of the matter to be discussed, the full name of the person making the request, and what is expected from the board. \nThe letter must be received by the superintendent at least 72 hours prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to be placed \non the agenda. (The agenda must be posted twenty-four business hours prior to the meeting.) The superintendent must inform the \nboard president of any individual or organization denied the opportunity to address the board of education. \n \nSALARY DEDUCTIONS \nFederal and state income tax and social security deductions are mandatory by federal and Oklahoma law. The school district is \nrequired to make payroll deductions for professional organization dues and political contributions upon the request of any employee. \nSuch deductions shall be on a ten-month basis unless otherwise designated by the employee organization. Other deductions may be \nauthorized by the Tannehill Board of Education upon request and authorization of the employee. \n \nHowever, a school employee may request in writing at any time for the district to immediately terminate or initiate payroll deductions \nto a professional organization. Within five (5) business days of receipt of a request or by the next pay period, whichever is earlier, the \ndistrict shall terminate or initiate any future payroll deductions of the requesting employee to a professional organization. Within \nfifteen (15) business days of receipt of a request, the district shall notify the professional organization of the initiation or termination \nof payroll deductions. If the request is to terminate a deduction, the district shall not make any advance payments to any professional \norganization of any future dues on behalf of the employee. \n \nThe board shall require a minimum of 2 (two) employees to request deductions for any other specific payee. \n \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to encourage the prosecution of any person who commits assault, battery, or \nassault and battery upon the person of a school employee or student or threatens and places an employee or student of the public \nschools in immediate fear of bodily harm while the employee or student is in the performance of his duties as a school employee or \nstudent. The following statement will be posted in at least one prominent location at each school site: \n \n \nFELONY CHARGES MAY BE FILED AGAINST ANY PERSON(S) COMMITTING AN AGGRAVATED \nASSAULT OR BATTERY UPON ANY SCHOOL EMPLOYEE. \n \nSchool employee is hereby defined to include any duly appointed person or employee of a firm contracting with a school system for \nany purpose, including personnel not directly related to the teaching process and including school board members during school board \nmeetings. \n \nASSAULTS UPON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES \n(REGULATION) \nAssaults/battery upon school district personnel and/or students will not be tolerated. Appropriate action must be taken immediately. \nProcedures to be followed by the building administrator when an assault/battery has occurred are:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Restore order and contact proper law enforcement authorities if necessary", "question_text": "1. \nRestore order and contact proper law enforcement authorities, if necessary;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Secure medical assistance if necessary", "question_text": "2. \nSecure medical assistance, if necessary;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 7, "standardized_text": " Conduct a preliminary investigation", "question_text": "3. \nConduct a preliminary investigation;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 8, "standardized_text": " Submit a written report to the superintendent After reviewing the written report of the incident the superintendent may refer the matter to the district attorney Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the individual employees or students right or duty to report such occurrence BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND GROUNDS The Tannehill Board of Education believes that the education of children is dependent upon many factors including a proper physical environment that is safe clean attractive and smoothly functioning The care custody and safekeeping of all school district property is the general responsibility of the superintendent It is also the superintendents responsibility to establish procedures for the proper maintenance and safekeeping of school property Citizens of the district students and members of the police department are encouraged to cooperate in reporting to the chief of security any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the district and the names of the person or persons believed to be responsible Every employee of the district shall report to the principal of the school and the principal in turn to the chief of security any incident of vandalism known to them and if known the names of those responsible The superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press charges against perpetrators of vandalism to school property The superintendent is further authorized to delegate as seen fit authority to sign such complaints and to press charges The superintendent shall have authority to let contracts for minor repair work not exceeding Contracts beyond minor repair shall require board approval For public use of school property see the policy on the community use of school property located elsewhere in this manual see policy GK The school district shall be entitled to recover damages in a court of competent jurisdiction from the parents of any minor under years of age living with the parents at the time of the act who commits any criminal or delinquent act resulting in bodily injury to any person or damage to or larceny of any property real personal or mixed belonging to the school district The amount of damages awarded shall not exceed EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for equipment or supplies used by the teacher Inventories will be made of all equipment books furniture computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the school year The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent No school property or equipment may be removed from the school for nonschool use without the approval of the superintendent Any equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator The borrower shall assume the expense of the operator and the full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrowers possession Equipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed When no longer needed for the original program or project the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which are approved by the superintendent or designee Prior to any sale of property the board of education will need to vote to declare the property as surplus When acquiring replacement property the school district may utilize the equipment to be replaced as a tradein or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property Any property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory lists with a description of the property a serial number or other identification number the source of funding for the property the acquisition date and the cost of the property the location use and condition of the property any ultimate disposition information including the date of disposal and sale price of the property Any sale of property that was purchased with federal funding must ensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal property INVENTORIES REGULATION", "question_text": "4. \nSubmit a written report to the superintendent. \n \nAfter reviewing the written report of the incident, the superintendent may refer the matter to the district attorney. \n \nNothing herein shall be construed as limiting the individual employee's or student's right or duty to report such occurrence. \n \n \n \nBUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT, AND GROUNDS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that the education of children is dependent upon many factors including a proper physical \nenvironment that is safe, clean, attractive, and smoothly functioning. \n \nThe care, custody, and safekeeping of all school district property is the general responsibility of the superintendent. It is also the \nsuperintendent's responsibility to establish procedures for the proper maintenance and safekeeping of school property. \n \nCitizens of the district, students, and members of the police department are encouraged to cooperate in reporting to the chief of \nsecurity any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the district and the name(s) of the person or persons believed to be \nresponsible. Every employee of the district shall report to the principal of the school - and the principal in turn to the chief of security \n- any incident of vandalism known to them, and, if known, the names of those responsible. \n \nThe superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press charges against perpetrators of vandalism to school \nproperty. The superintendent is further authorized to delegate, as seen fit, authority to sign such complaints and to press charges. \n \nThe superintendent shall have authority to let contracts for minor repair work not exceeding $2,500. Contracts beyond minor repair \nshall require board approval. \n \nFor public use of school property, see the policy on the community use of school property located elsewhere in this manual (see policy \nGK). \n \nThe school district shall be entitled to recover damages in a court of competent jurisdiction from the parents of any minor under 18 \nyears of age, living with the parents at the time of the act, who commits any criminal or delinquent act resulting in bodily injury to any \nperson or damage to or larceny of any property, real, personal or mixed, belonging to the school district. The amount of damages \nawarded shall not exceed $2,500.00. \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for \nequipment or supplies used by the teacher. \n \nInventories will be made of all equipment, books, furniture, computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the school \nyear. The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent. \n \nNo school property or equipment may be removed from the school for non-school use without the approval of the superintendent. \nAny equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator. The borrower shall assume the expense of the operator and \nthe full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrower's possession. \n \nEquipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed. When \nno longer needed for the original program or project, the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which are approved \nby the superintendent or designee. Prior to any sale of property, the board of education will need to vote to declare the property as \nsurplus. When acquiring replacement property, the school district may utilize the equipment to be replaced as a trade-in or sell the \nproperty and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property. \n \nAny property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory lists \nwith a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of funding for the property, the \nacquisition date, and the cost of the property, the location, use and condition of the property, any ultimate disposition information \nincluding the date of disposal and sale price of the property. Any sale of property that was purchased with federal funding must \nensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal property. \n \n \nINVENTORIES \n(REGULATION)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 9, "standardized_text": "Inventories must be maintained by all personnel of the Tannehill Public School System should it become necessary to file claims arising from fire theft or storm damage A separate furniture and equipment list must be used for each room of the building listing all items of furniture and equipment that are movable or portable A furniture and equipment inventory book is provided by the administration office for the purpose of recording all pertinent data Exact instructions are listed in this book Building inventories are the responsibility of the principals Classroom inventories are the responsibility of the teachers Inventory of furniture and nonconsumable equipment is a responsibility of the building principal Furniture and equipment inventories must be submitted to the Principal on the last working day for teachers of each school year Copies of all inventories will be stored away from the specific location TEXTBOOKS DISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF The Tannehill Board of Education believes that all employees and students are responsible for the proper care of school facilities equipment and property in their use or under their control Cooperation is expected from the professional staff regarding the care and distribution of schoolowned textbooks The superin tendent may delegate authority to building principals for the care custody and distribution of textbooks as well as other instructional material and equipment Students are required to return all districtowned texts to the teacher who issued them at the end of the period of use Failure to return books at the appropriate time will result in the student paying for the cost of the replacement The student assumes the cost of any text lost or damaged It must be paid before new text is issued or before credit for courses will be given If a misplaced book is returned the student may be refunded any charges previously paid to the school for the book The school district will not and the superintendent is not authorized to prevent a student from receiving a grade to which the student is entitled from graduating upon completion of graduation requirements or from obtaining any records or information supplied to the school or otherwise owned by the student The school district will forward all educational records of a student to another school district in which the child is enrolling within three business days of the request as per OS regardless of whether all fines and fees have been paid by the former student TELEPHONES The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that telephone communications by staff and students are occasionally necessary However classes must not be interrupted for routine telephone calls See Student Handbook for Cellphone policy applying to student use School staff may possess without permission wireless telecommunications devices on school property or while attending any school sponsored activities on or off school property Wireless telecommunications devices include but are not limited to beepers pagers and cellular telephones Devices should be turned off while teachers are in their instructional setting with students Devices may not be used while the teacher or other staff is in control of students unless needed for an emergency or needed for duties and responsibilities of that position Devices that include imaging capabilities such as phone cameras should be used with discretion and for positive promotional information when publishing to social media or school websites namely Devices may be used in support of the educational process or to produce materialcontent for the school yearbook or school website Staff should use care and discretion in capturing only images that report student achievement in a positive way Embarrassing photos or images may be classified as cyberbullying and bring disciplinary action Staff should also be aware of policy on directory information and abide by parental requests regarding publication of their childs photo or image Some parents do not want their childs photo published Staff should also use discernment and refrain from excessive use of phone cameras and similar technology STAFFSTUDENT COMMUNICATIONS It is the intent of the Tannehill Board of Education to make students parents and guardians aware of allowable communications between students and staff", "question_text": "Inventories must be maintained by all personnel of the Tannehill Public School System should it become necessary to file claims \narising from fire, theft, or storm damage. \n \nA separate furniture and equipment list must be used for each room of the building listing all items of furniture and equipment that are \nmovable or portable. \n \nA furniture and equipment inventory book is provided by the administration office for the purpose of recording all pertinent data. \nExact instructions are listed in this book. \n \nBuilding inventories are the responsibility of the principals. Classroom inventories are the responsibility of the teachers. Inventory of \nfurniture and nonconsumable equipment is a responsibility of the building principal. Furniture and equipment inventories must be \nsubmitted to the Principal on the last working day for teachers of each school year. Copies of all inventories will be stored away from \nthe specific location. \n \nTEXTBOOKS: \nDISTRIBUTION AND CARE OF \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that all employees and students are responsible for the proper care of school facilities, \nequipment, and property in their use or under their control. \n \nCooperation is expected from the professional staff regarding the care and distribution of school-owned textbooks. The superin-\ntendent may delegate authority to building principals for the care, custody, and distribution of textbooks, as well as other instructional \nmaterial and equipment. \n \nStudents are required to return all district-owned texts to the teacher who issued them at the end of the period of use. Failure to return \nbooks at the appropriate time will result in the student paying for the cost of the replacement. The student assumes the cost of any text \nlost or damaged. It must be paid before new text is issued or before credit for courses will be given. If a misplaced book is returned, \nthe student may be refunded any charges previously paid to the school for the book. \n \nThe school district will not - and the superintendent is not authorized to - prevent a student from receiving a grade, to which the \nstudent is entitled, from graduating upon completion of graduation requirements, or from obtaining any records or information \nsupplied to the school or otherwise owned by the student. \n \nThe school district will forward all educational records of a student to another school district in which the child is enrolling within \nthree (3) business days of the request as per 70 O.S. \u00a7 24-101.4 regardless of whether all fines and fees have been paid by the former \nstudent. \n \nTELEPHONES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that telephone communications by staff and students are occasionally necessary. \nHowever, classes must not be interrupted for routine telephone calls. \n(See Student Handbook for Cellphone policy applying to student use) \n \nSchool staff may possess, without permission, wireless telecommunications devices on school property or while attending any school-\nsponsored activities on or off school property. Wireless telecommunications devices include, but are not limited to, beepers, pagers, \nand cellular telephones. Devices should be turned off while teachers are in their instructional setting with students. Devices \nmay not be used while the teacher or other staff is in control of students unless needed for an emergency or needed for duties \nand responsibilities of that position. Devices that include imaging capabilities such as phone cameras should be used with discretion \nand for positive promotional information when publishing to social media or school websites; namely: \n \n\u2022 \nDevices may be used in support of the educational process or to produce material/content for the school yearbook or school \nwebsite. Staff should use care and discretion in capturing only images that report student achievement in a positive way. \nEmbarrassing photos or images may be classified as cyberbullying and bring disciplinary action. \n \n\u2022 \nStaff should also be aware of policy on directory information and abide by parental requests regarding publication of their \nchild\u2019s photo or image. Some parents do not want their child\u2019s photo published. \n \n\u2022 \nStaff should also use discernment and refrain from excessive use of phone cameras and similar technology. \n \nSTAFF-STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS \nIt is the intent of the Tannehill Board of Education to make students, parents, and guardians aware of allowable \ncommunications between students and staff.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 10, "standardized_text": "School personnel shall refrain from communicating with students outside the school setting An exception will apply if the school administration receives written consent from a students parents or guardian which will outline the school related items that may be discussed and the preferred method of StaffStudent Communications If school personnel engage in communications with students outside the school setting and the communication conflicts with the written permission granted by the parentguardian of the student the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action by the school district Such disciplinary action could include termination of employment with the school district BUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY School bus drivers are prohibited from text messaging andor using cell phones while driving a school bus or school owned vehicle If an emergency situation arises the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and place an emergency call to the appropriate legal authorities Any bus driver found to have engaged in text messaging or the nonschool emergency use of a cell phone while driving a school vehicle shall be subject to disciplinary measures which could include termination of employment It is not illegal for a school bus driver to utilize a handheld device when necessary to communicate with the central dispatch school transportation department or its equivalent In an emergency situation where a bus driver needs to use a handheld device to communicate with the school central office the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and stop while communicating with the school office HEALTH INSURANCE The Tannehill Board of Education will provide a health insurance program for all teachers who work six hours or more and will pay the premium cost per month for each teacher in accordance with the provisions of state law Those teachers who opt out of the health insurance program may utilize the above amount toward any of the following fringe benefits", "question_text": "School personnel shall refrain from communicating with students outside the school setting. An exception will apply if the \nschool administration receives written consent from a student\u2019s parents or guardian, which will outline the school related items \nthat may be discussed and the preferred method of Staff-Student Communications. \n \nIf school personnel engage in communications with students outside the school setting and the communication conflicts with \nthe written permission granted by the parent/guardian of the student, the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action by the \nschool district. Such disciplinary action could include termination of employment with the school district. \n \nBUS DRIVERS AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY \nSchool bus drivers are prohibited from text messaging and/or using cell phones while driving a school bus or school owned \nvehicle. If an emergency situation arises, the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and place an emergency call to \nthe appropriate legal authorities. Any bus driver found to have engaged in text messaging or the nonschool emergency use of a \ncell phone while driving a school vehicle shall be subject to disciplinary measures which could include termination of \nemployment. \n \nIt is not illegal for a school bus driver to utilize a hand-held device when necessary to communicate with the central dispatch \nschool transportation department or its equivalent. In an emergency situation where a bus driver needs to use a hand-held \ndevice to communicate with the school central office the bus driver shall remove the bus from the roadway and stop while \ncommunicating with the school office.* \n \n \nHEALTH INSURANCE \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will provide a health insurance program for all teachers who work six (6) hours or more and will \npay the premium cost per month for each teacher in accordance with the provisions of state law. Those teachers who opt out of the \nhealth insurance program may utilize the above amount toward any of the following fringe benefits:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 10, "standardized_text": " Programs approved by the board through the districts Section plan", "question_text": "1. \nPrograms approved by the board through the district's Section 125 plan;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 10, "standardized_text": " Taxable cash payment Health and dental insurance benefits may be provided to the board of education at the same rate as for all employees FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT The Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act its regulations and relevant court decisions This district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the US Department of Labor The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act subject to approval of this board FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT PROCEDURES It is the intent of this school district to fully comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA its regulations and relevant court decisions and to cooperate with state agencies in an effort to maintain compliance with the FLSA The following procedures and guidelines are to be followed in each department to ensure employees are properly compensated for approved hours worked in excess of the established work week as required by the provisions of the FLSA Definitions Overtime is defined as authorized compensable work time in excess of forty hours per work week A work week for fulltime nonexempt employees is forty hours during one consecutive sevenday period beginning at am on Saturday and ending at midnight on the following Friday Noncovered employees are those who are excluded from the definition of employee within the meaning of USCA e Supp Covered employees are those who meet the definition of employee within the meaning of USCA e Supp Covered employees will be either exempt or nonexempt employees An exempt employee is a covered employee who is exempt from FLSA by virtue of meeting one of the tests for exemption", "question_text": "2. \nTaxable cash payment. \n \nHealth and dental insurance benefits may be provided to the board of education at the same rate as for all employees. \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will comply fully with the Fair Labor Standards Act, its regulations, and relevant court decisions. \nThis district will inform employees of the Act through proper posting of information as disseminated by the U.S. Department of \nLabor. The district will cooperate with all state agencies and maintain compliance. \n \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and implementing the provisions of the Fair Labor \nStandards Act subject to approval of this board. \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \nPROCEDURES \nIt is the intent of this school district to fully comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), its regulations, and relevant court \ndecisions and to cooperate with state agencies in an effort to maintain compliance with the FLSA. \n \nThe following procedures and guidelines are to be followed in each department to ensure employees are properly compensated for \napproved hours worked in excess of the established work week as required by the provisions of the FLSA. \n \nDefinitions \n \n\"Overtime\" is defined as authorized, compensable work time in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. \n \nA \"work week\" for full-time nonexempt employees is forty (40) hours during one consecutive seven-day period beginning at 12:00:01 \na.m. on Saturday and ending at 12:00 midnight on the following Friday. \n \n\"Non-covered employees\" are those who are excluded from the definition of \"employee\" within the meaning of 29 USCA \u00a7203(e) \n(Supp. 1990). \n \n\"Covered employees\" are those who meet the definition of \"employee\" within the meaning of 29 USCA \u00a7203(e) (Supp. 1990). \nCovered employees will be either exempt or nonexempt employees. \n \nAn \"exempt employee\" is a covered employee who is exempt from FLSA by virtue of meeting one of the tests for exemption.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": "A nonexempt employee is a covered employee who does not meet one of the tests for exemption Exemptions The FLSA exempts certain groups of covered employees from coverage The following categories of exemptions are established", "question_text": "A \"nonexempt employee\" is a covered employee who does not meet one of the tests for exemption. \n \nExemptions \n \nThe FLSA exempts certain groups of covered employees from coverage. The following categories of exemptions are established:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " Executives", "question_text": "1. \nExecutives", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " Administrators eg superintendents principals", "question_text": "2. \nAdministrators; e.g., superintendents, principals", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " Professionals eg teachers special education skilled service providers attorneys auditors nurses counselors FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall insure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act within this school district", "question_text": "3. \nProfessionals; e.g., teachers, special education skilled service providers, attorneys, auditors, nurses, counselors \n \nFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall insure compliance with the Fair Labor \nStandards Act within this school district.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " This district will pay all nonexempt employees at least the federal minimum wage and permit compensatory time off at the rate of one and onehalf hours off duty for each overtime hour worked Provided however that for any overtime hours to be credited for overtime pay such overtime hours must be approved in advance by that employees designated superior Failure to get approval for overtime may result in disciplinary action being taken which may include termination of employment", "question_text": "1. \nThis district will pay all nonexempt employees at least the federal minimum wage and permit compensatory time off \nat the rate of one and one-half hours off duty for each overtime hour worked. Provided, however, that for any overtime hours to be \ncredited for overtime pay such overtime hours must be approved in advance by that employee's designated superior. Failure to get \napproval for overtime may result in disciplinary action being taken, which may include termination of employment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " This district will inform employees of the law by posting information disseminated by the US Department of Labor", "question_text": "2. \nThis district will inform employees of the law by posting information disseminated by the U.S. Department of \nLabor.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 11, "standardized_text": " This district shall establish through separate administrative regulations the process of time keeping and procedurally complying with the Act COMP TIME POLICY The Tannehill Board of Education will fully comply with the Fair Labor and Standards Act its regulations and relevant court decisions The Fair Labor and Standards Act contains several provisions unique to state and local governments including compensatory time comp time According to the FLSA Pursuant to an agreement with employees state government agencies such as schools may arrange for their employees to earn comp time instead of cash payment for overtime hours All Tannehill School hourly employees will be given notice that comp time will be given in lieu of overtime pay This notice will be in the form of a The Employee Handbook that hourly employees will receive and attest to receiving at the time of signing their employment contract This comp time policy is contained and explained in the paragraphs below and will provide guidance and clarity as to the use of accrued comp time particulars relating to reasonable period and definitions for unduly disrupt and other pertinent terms and procedures to comply with the FLSA Eligibility for Comp Time Comp time is available to fulltime employees working a hour per week schedule Comp time is not available to salariedteaching staff Administrative approval must be granted for any overtime before any work is performed Employees may be subject to severe disciplinary action including suspension or termination for violation of preapproval rules for overtime work This disciplinary action may also extend to employees working unapproved overtime even though the employee doesnt ask for comp time or overtime pay Limit of Accrual Tannehill policy sets a limit of hours on the amount of comp an employee may retain in their available comp bank Employees with hours banked shall remain ineligible for overtime work until such time as some of the banked time is used This is so that the district can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant comp time off within a reasonable period to the eligible employee Banked comp time shall remain available to the employee throughout the full term of employment See Payments for unused compensatory time below Rate of accrual The comp time shall be provided at a rate of oneandonehalf hours for each overtime hour worked Conditions for use of compensatory time reasonable period unduly disrupt a Section o of the FLSA provides that any employee of a public agency who has accrued compensatory time and requested use of this compensatory time shall be permitted to use such time off within a reasonable period after making the request if such use does not unduly disrupt the operations of the agency This provision however does not apply to other compensatory time as defined below in ", "question_text": "3. \nThis district shall establish, through separate administrative regulations, the process of time keeping and \nprocedurally complying with the Act. \n \nCOMP TIME POLICY \nThe Tannehill Board of Education will fully comply with the Fair Labor and Standards Act, its regulations, and relevant court \ndecisions. The Fair Labor and Standards Act contains several provisions unique to state and local governments, including \ncompensatory time (\u201ccomp time\u201d). According to the FLSA, \u201cPursuant to an agreement with employees, state government agencies \u2013 \n(such as schools) \u2013 may arrange for their employees to earn comp time instead of cash payment for overtime hours.\u201d \nAll Tannehill School hourly employees will be given notice that comp time will be given in lieu of overtime pay. This notice will be \nin the form of a \u201cThe Employee Handbook\u201d that hourly employees will receive and attest to receiving at the time of signing their \nemployment contract. This comp time policy is contained and explained in the paragraphs below and will provide guidance and clarity \nas to the use of accrued comp time, particulars relating to \u201creasonable period\u201d and definitions for \u201cunduly disrupt\u201d and other pertinent \nterms and procedures to comply with the FLSA. \n \nEligibility for Comp Time \nComp time is available to full-time employees working a 40 hour per week schedule. Comp time is not available to salaried/teaching \nstaff. Administrative approval must be granted for any overtime before any work is performed. Employees may be subject to severe \ndisciplinary action including suspension or termination for violation of pre-approval rules for overtime work. This disciplinary action \nmay also extend to employees working unapproved overtime even though the employee doesn\u2019t ask for comp time or overtime pay. \n \nLimit of Accrual \nTannehill policy sets a limit of 36 hours on the amount of comp an employee may retain in their available \u201ccomp bank\u201d. Employees \nwith 36 hours banked shall remain ineligible for overtime work until such time as some of the banked time is used. This is so that the \ndistrict can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant comp time off within a reasonable period to the eligible employee. \nBanked comp time shall remain available to the employee throughout the full term of employment. (See \u201c\u00a7553.27 Payments for \nunused compensatory time\u201d below). \n \nRate of accrual. \nThe comp time shall be provided at a rate of one-and-one-half hours for each overtime hour worked. \n \nConditions for use of compensatory time (\u201creasonable period\u201d, \u201cunduly disrupt\u201d). \n(a) Section 7(o)(5) of the FLSA provides that any employee of a public agency who has accrued compensatory time and requested use \nof this compensatory time, shall be permitted to use such time off within a \u201creasonable period\u201d after making the request, if such use \ndoes not \u201cunduly disrupt\u201d the operations of the agency. This provision, however, does not apply to \u201cother compensatory time\u201d (as \ndefined below in \u00a7553.28).", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 12, "standardized_text": "b Eligible Tannehill School employees have the right to use compensatory time earned and shall not be coerced to accept more compensatory time than the district can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant within a reasonable period of his or her making a request for use of such time c Reasonable period Whether a request to use compensatory time has been granted within a reasonable period will be determined by considering the customary work practices within the agency based on the facts and circumstances in each case Such practices include but are not limited to a the normal schedule of work b anticipated peak workloads based on past experience c emergency requirements for staff and services and d the availability of qualified substitute staff The use of compensatory time in lieu of cash payment for overtime must be pursuant to some form of agreement or understanding between the employer and the employee or the representative of the employee reached prior to the performance of the work See To the extent that the conditions under which an employee can take compensatory time off are contained in an agreement or understanding as defined in the terms of such agreement or understanding will govern the meaning of reasonable period d Unduly disrupt When an employer receives a request for compensatory time off it shall be honored unless to do so would be unduly disruptive to the agencys operations Mere inconvenience to the employer is an insufficient basis for denial of a request for compensatory time off See H Rep p For an agency to turn down a request from an employee for compensatory time off requires that it should reasonably and in good faith anticipate that it would impose an unreasonable burden on the agencys ability to provide services of acceptable quality and quantity for the public during the time requested without the use of the employees services Unacceptable use of comp time which may cause undue disruption at Tannehill School will be determined on a case by case basis Some examples of unacceptable use include but are not limited to the following Scheduling comp time off in sequence with school holiday or vacation days in order to extend employee time off is not permitted This is an especially problematic disruption due to the fact that during such times several staff members may make identical requests for the same time off thereby creating a severe staff shortage During state mandated testing periods or similar schoolwide activities where employees are given specific assignments such as monitoring tests etc During scheduled school field trips Field trips are facilitated by scheduling employees to cover irregular assignments either on the trip or at school Employees will be allowed to use comp time off or personal leave in order to attend a Tannehill School field trip with their own children Payments for unused compensatory time Upon termination of employment an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time earned after April at a rate of compensation not less than The average regular rate received by such employee during the last years of the employees employment or The final regular rate received by such employee whichever is higher c The phrase last years of employment means the year period immediately prior to termination Where an employees last years of employment are not continuous because of a break in service the period of employment after the break in service will be treated as new employment However such a break in service must have been intended to be permanent and any accrued compensatory time earned after April must have been cashed out at the time of initial separation Where the final period of employment is less than years the average rate still must be calculated based on the rates in effect during such period d The term regular rate is defined in CFR As indicated in the regular rate is an hourly rate although the FLSA does not require employers to compensate employees on an hourly basis FR Jan FR Jan Other compensatory time Tannehill School will compensate other compensatory time as straighttime a Compensatory time which is earned and accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a nonstatutory that is nonFLSA requirement is considered other compensatory time c Similarly compensatory time earned or accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a standard established by the personnel policy or practice of an employer or by custom which does not result from the FLSA provision is another example of other compensatory time d The FLSA does not require that the rate at which other compensatory time is earned has to be at a rate of one and onehalf hours for each hour of employment The rate at which other compensatory time is earned may be some lesser or greater multiple of the rate or the straighttime rate itself e The requirements of section o of the FLSA including the limitations on accrued compensatory time do not apply to other compensatory time Records to be kept of compensatory time For each employee subject to the compensatory time and compensatory time off provisions of section o of the Act a public agency which is a State a political subdivision of a State or an interstate governmental agency shall maintain and preserve records containing the basic information and data required by of this title and in addition", "question_text": "(b) Eligible Tannehill School employees have the right to use compensatory time earned and shall not be coerced to accept more \ncompensatory time than the district can realistically and in good faith expect to be able to grant within a reasonable period of his or her \nmaking a request for use of such time. \n(c) Reasonable period. (1) Whether a request to use compensatory time has been granted within a \u201creasonable period\u201d will be \ndetermined by considering the customary work practices within the agency based on the facts and circumstances in each case. Such \npractices include, but are not limited to (a) the normal schedule of work, (b) anticipated peak workloads based on past experience, (c) \nemergency requirements for staff and services, and (d) the availability of qualified substitute staff. \n(2) The use of compensatory time in lieu of cash payment for overtime must be pursuant to some form of agreement or understanding \nbetween the employer and the employee (or the representative of the employee) reached prior to the performance of the work. (See \n\u00a7553.23.) To the extent that the (conditions under which an employee can take compensatory time off are contained in an agreement \nor understanding as defined in \u00a7553.23, the terms of such agreement or understanding will govern the meaning of \u201creasonable period\u201d. \n(d) Unduly disrupt. When an employer receives a request for compensatory time off, it shall be honored unless to do so would be \n\u201cunduly disruptive\u201d to the agency's operations. Mere inconvenience to the employer is an insufficient basis for denial of a request for \ncompensatory time off. (See H. Rep. 99-331, p. 23.) For an agency to turn down a request from an employee for compensatory time \noff requires that it should reasonably and in good faith anticipate that it would impose an unreasonable burden on the agency's ability \nto provide services of acceptable quality and quantity for the public during the time requested without the use of the employee's \nservices. \n \nUnacceptable use of comp time which may cause undue disruption at Tannehill School will be determined on a case by case basis. \nSome examples of unacceptable use include but are not limited to the following: \n\u2022 \nScheduling comp time off in sequence with school holiday or vacation days in order to extend employee time off is not \npermitted. This is an especially problematic disruption due to the fact that during such times several staff members may make \nidentical requests for the same time off thereby creating a severe staff shortage. \n\u2022 \nDuring state mandated testing periods or similar school-wide activities where employees are given specific assignments such \nas monitoring tests, etc. \n\u2022 \nDuring scheduled school field trips. Field trips are facilitated by scheduling employees to cover irregular assignments either \non the trip or at school. (Employees will be allowed to use comp time off or personal leave in order to attend a Tannehill \nSchool field trip with their own children.) \n \n\u00a7553.27 Payments for unused compensatory time. \nUpon termination of employment, an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time earned after April 14, 1986, at a rate of \ncompensation not less than\u2014 \n(1) The average regular rate received by such employee during the last 3 years of the employee's employment, or \n(2) The final regular rate received by such employee, whichever is higher. \n(c) The phrase last 3 years of employment means the 3-year period immediately prior to termination. Where an employee's last 3 years \nof employment are not continuous because of a break in service, the period of employment after the break in service will be treated as \nnew employment. However, such a break in service must have been intended to be permanent and any accrued compensatory time \nearned after April 14, 1986, must have been cashed out at the time of initial separation. Where the final period of employment is less \nthan 3 years, the average rate still must be calculated based on the rate(s) in effect during such period. \n(d) The term \u201cregular rate\u201d is defined in 29 CFR 778.108. As indicated in \u00a7778.109, the regular rate is an hourly rate, although the \nFLSA does not require employers to compensate employees on an hourly basis. \n[52 FR 2032, Jan. 16, 1987; 52 FR 2648, Jan. 23, 1987] \n \n\u00a7553.28 Other compensatory time. \nTannehill School will compensate \u201cother compensatory time\u201d as straight-time. \n(a) Compensatory time which is earned and accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a nonstatutory (that is, non-FLSA) \nrequirement is considered \u201cother\u201d compensatory time. \n(c) Similarly, compensatory time earned or accrued by an employee for employment in excess of a standard established by the \npersonnel policy or practice of an employer, or by custom, which does not result from the FLSA provision, is another example of \n\u201cother\u201d compensatory time. \n(d) The FLSA does not require that the rate at which \u201cother\u201d compensatory time is earned has to be at a rate of one and one-half hours \nfor each hour of employment. The rate at which \u201cother\u201d compensatory time is earned may be some lesser or greater multiple of the \nrate or the straight-time rate itself. \n(e) The requirements of section 7(o) of the FLSA, including the limitations on accrued compensatory time, do not apply to \u201cother\u201d \ncompensatory time. \n \n \n\u00a7553.50 Records to be kept of compensatory time. \nFor each employee subject to the compensatory time and compensatory time off provisions of section 7(o) of the Act, a public agency \nwhich is a State, a political subdivision of a State or an interstate governmental agency shall maintain and preserve records containing \nthe basic information and data required by \u00a7516.2 of this title and, in addition:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": "a The number of hours of compensatory time earned pursuant to section o each workweek or other applicable work period by each employee at the rate of one and onehalf hour for each overtime hour worked b The number of hours of such compensatory time used each workweek or other applicable work period by each employee c The number of hours of compensatory time compensated in cash the total amount paid and the date of such payment and d Any collective bargaining agreement or written understanding or agreement with respect to earning and using compensatory time off If such agreement or understanding is not in writing a record of its existence must be kept TEACHERS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that teachers are professional persons who work within a code of ethics and professional responsibility Nevertheless in the interest of consistency and uniformity the superintendent is directed to establish rules and regulations governing the activities of teachers within the Tannehill Public School system The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to an assistant To relieve teachers of the numerous semi and nonprofessional tasks which have become cumulative and which have come to consume a disproportionate amount of the teachers time and energies Assistants are not to discipline children Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal Teacher assistants will be used to perform or assist a classroom teacher to perform the following duties Hallroom duty Bus duty Playground duty Lunchroom duty Extracurricular activities involving school functions Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe The duties of teacher assistants may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under which they are employed", "question_text": "(a) The number of hours of compensatory time earned pursuant to section 7(o) each workweek, or other applicable work period, by \neach employee at the rate of one and one-half hour for each overtime hour worked; \n(b) The number of hours of such compensatory time used each workweek, or other applicable work period, by each employee; \n(c) The number of hours of compensatory time compensated in cash, the total amount paid and the date of such payment; and \n(d) Any collective bargaining agreement or written understanding or agreement with respect to earning and using compensatory time \noff. If such agreement or understanding is not in writing, a record of its existence must be kept. \n \n \n \n \n \nTEACHERS \nDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that teachers are professional persons who work within a code of ethics and professional \nresponsibility. Nevertheless, in the interest of consistency and uniformity, the superintendent is directed to establish rules and \nregulations governing the activities of teachers within the Tannehill Public School system. \n \n \nThe principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and \nresponsibilities to be assigned to an assistant. To relieve teachers of the numerous semi- and non-professional tasks which have \nbecome cumulative and which have come to consume a disproportionate amount of the teacher\u2019s time and energies. Assistants are not \nto discipline children. Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal. \nTeacher assistants will be used to perform, or assist a classroom teacher to perform, the following duties: \n \n \n* Hallroom duty \n \n \n \n* Bus duty \n \n \n* Playground duty \n \n \n* Lunchroom duty \n \n \n* Extracurricular activities involving school functions \n \n \n* Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe \n \nThe duties of teacher assistants may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under which they \nare employed:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": " Title I funds provide assistants for the Remedial Reading Program", "question_text": "1. \nTitle I funds provide assistants for the Remedial Reading Program.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": " Title VII funds provide assistants for Indian students", "question_text": "2. \nTitle VII funds provide assistants for Indian students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 13, "standardized_text": " Early Childhood Intervention ECI funds provide assistants for mainstreamed students with certain specific handicaps that require frequent or constant attention SUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Support employees are to perform the duties as assigned by the administrator and be on task in those assignments Any support employee charged with monitoring students should not be using a cellphone this constitutes a neglect of duty Employees assigned to playground duty should not be congregating to converse with each other in one location but should be a visible individual moving presence focused on the activities of the students In interacting with students employees shall model respectful tone of voice avoiding sarcasm when correcting student behaviors and employ discretion as much as possible to prevent student humiliation Employees are not to leave the campus or their assigned work area during the normal work day Any absence from campus or the assigned work area must be noted on the employee timesheet and approved by the administrator Reason for the absence should be submitted in the form of a leave request PARAPROFESSIONALS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that paraprofessionals are support employees entitled to due process prior to nonrenewal or termination of employment Applicants must possess the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the appropriate State Department of Education regulation except that a paraprofessional or a volunteer will be used for each class of kindergarten through second grade which has more than students and in which twenty percent of the students are eligible to participate in the National Child Nutrition Act", "question_text": "3. \nEarly Childhood Intervention (ECI) funds provide assistants for mainstreamed students with \n \n \ncertain specific handicaps that require frequent or constant attention. \n \nSUPPORT EMPLOYEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES \nSupport employees are to perform the duties as assigned by the administrator and be on task in those assignments. Any support \nemployee charged with monitoring students should not be using a cellphone \u2013 this constitutes a neglect of duty. Employees assigned \nto playground duty should not be congregating to converse with each other in one location but should be a visible, individual moving \npresence focused on the activities of the students. In interacting with students, employees shall model respectful tone of voice, \navoiding sarcasm when correcting student behaviors and employ discretion as much as possible to prevent student humiliation. \n \nEmployees are not to leave the campus or their assigned work area during the normal work day. Any absence from campus or the \nassigned work area must be noted on the employee time-sheet and approved by the administrator. Reason for the absence should be \nsubmitted in the form of a leave request. \n \nPARAPROFESSIONALS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that paraprofessionals are support employees entitled to due process prior \nto nonrenewal or termination of employment. Applicants must possess the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the \nappropriate State Department of Education regulation except that a paraprofessional or a volunteer will be used for each class \nof kindergarten through second grade which has more than 20 students and in which twenty percent of the students are eligible \nto participate in the National Child Nutrition Act.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 14, "standardized_text": "Teacher assistants are paraprofessionals within the school district All paraprofessionals must have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent Individuals hired to be paraprofessionals must meet requirements established by state and federal laws to be authorize to serve as paraprofessionals in Title I schools and in special education settings Individuals seeking a paraprofessional credential from the State Department of Education shall submit an application and all required supporting documentation to the State Department of Education Office of Certification", "question_text": "Teacher assistants are paraprofessionals within the school district. All paraprofessionals must have earned a high school \ndiploma or its equivalent. Individuals hired to be paraprofessionals must meet requirements established by state and federal \nlaws to be authorize to serve as paraprofessionals in Title I schools and in special education settings. \n \nIndividuals seeking a paraprofessional credential from the State Department of Education shall submit an application and all \nrequired supporting documentation to the State Department of Education Office of Certification.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 14, "standardized_text": " Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for general education paraprofessionals in Title schools and avialble to general education paraprofessionals in other settings an applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria A Has a high school diploma or a General Educational Educational Development GED Diploma or other certificate of high school equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma B Has on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation OSBI C Meets at least one of the following criteria a Has completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education defined as completion of at least fortyeight credit hours of college coursework or b Has obtained an associates degree or higher or c Has either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test OGET obtained a National Career Readiness Certificate through successful completion of the ACT WorkKeys assessment or passed the ParaPro Assessment offered through the Educational Testing Service", "question_text": "1. Tier 1. In order to qualify for a Tier 1 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for general education \nparaprofessionals in Title 1 schools and avialble to general education paraprofessionals in other settings, an applicant \nmust meet the following eligibility criteria: \nA. Has a high school diploma or a General Educational Educational Development (GED) Diploma or other \ncertificate of high school equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma. \nB. Has on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the Oklahoma \nState Bureau of Investigation (OSBI). \nC. Meets at least one of the following criteria: \na. \nHas completed at least two (2) years of study at an institution of higher education, defined as \ncompletion of at least forty-eight (48) credit hours of college coursework; or \nb. Has obtained an associate\u2019s degree or higher; or \nc. \nHas either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET), obtained a National Career Readiness \nCertificate through successful completion of the ACT WorkKeys assessment, or passed the ParaPro \nAssessment offered through the Educational Testing Service.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 14, "standardized_text": " Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential issued by the State Department of Education which is valid for special education paraprofessionals an applicant shall meet the criteria for a Tier paraprofessional credential and all of the following qualifications A Has completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology centers equivalent training provided by the State Department of Education through an inperson or online program or other stateapproved training provided by a school district B Has completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation CPR and First Aid C Has completed training in Universal PrecautionsBloodborne Pathogens In the event the district requires a special education paraprofessional in order to provide necessary services to one or more students with disabilities but is unable to secure the services of an individual who holds a Tier paraprofessional credential at the time the services must be delivered the district may employ an individual on a provisional basis if the district determines the individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services An individual who is employed as a paraprofessional to provide special education services on a provisional basis must meet the criteria for a Tier credential and obtain all training required to qualify for a Tier credential within one hundred twenty calendar days of providing special education paraprofessional services in order to continue to provide special education paraprofessional services provided a criminal history record check is obtained within sixty calendar days of initial employment If it is necessary for a school district to provisionally employ a paraprofessional to provide special education services the district shall report the provisional placement of the paraprofessional and the paraprofessionals starting date of employment to the State Department of Education Office of Special Education The superintendent andor staff development committee shall develop an appropriate inservice training program for paraprofessionals Paraprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students education The basic objectives for the use of teacher assistants are To make it possible for teachers to use more variety in structuring classroom activities which will result in more meaningful education for students To enable the teacher to do more creative teaching and to use a greater variety of instructional media To enable the teacher to develop effective programs focusing upon the individual needs of each student To provide increased time for individualizing instruction evaluating learning situations student counseling and guidance for other instructional activities that will improve educational opportunities for students To relieve teachers of the numerous semi and nonprofessional tasks which have become cumulative and which have come to consume a disproportionate amount of the teachers time and energies", "question_text": "2. Tier 2. In order to qualify for a Tier 2 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential issued by the State Department of \nEducation, which is valid for special education paraprofessionals, an applicant shall meet the criteria for a Tier 1 \nparaprofessional credential and all of the following qualifications: \nA. Has completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology \ncenters, equivalent training provided by the State Department of Education through an in-person or online \nprogram, or other state-approved training provided by a school district. \nB. Has completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid. \nC. Has completed training in Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens. \n \nIn the event the district requires a special education paraprofessional in order to provide necessary services to one or more \nstudents with disabilities, but is unable to secure the services of an individual who holds a Tier 2 paraprofessional credential at \nthe time the services must be delivered, the district may employ an individual on a provisional basis if the district determines \nthe individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services. An individual who is employed as a \nparaprofessional to provide special education services on a provisional basis must meet the criteria for a Tier 1 credential, and \nobtain all training required to qualify for a Tier 2 credential within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of providing \nspecial education paraprofessional services in order to continue to provide special education paraprofessional services, \nprovided a criminal history record check is obtained within sixty (60) calendar days of initial employment. If it is necessary for \na school district to provisionally employ a paraprofessional to provide special education services, the district shall report the \nprovisional placement of the paraprofessional and the paraprofessional\u2019s starting date of employment to the State Department \nof Education Office of Special Education. \n \nThe superintendent and/or staff development committee shall develop an appropriate in-service training program for \nparaprofessionals. \n \nParaprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students\u2019 education. The basic \nobjectives for the use of teacher assistants are: \n \n 1. \nTo make it possible for teachers to use more variety in structuring classroom activities which will result in more \nmeaningful education for students. \n \n 2. \nTo enable the teacher to do more creative teaching, and to use a greater variety of instructional media. \n \n 3. \nTo enable the teacher to develop effective programs focusing upon the individual needs of each student. \n \n 4. \nTo provide increased time for individualizing instruction, evaluating learning situations, student counseling and \nguidance for other instructional activities that will improve educational opportunities for students. \n \n 5. \nTo relieve teachers of the numerous semi- and non-professional tasks which have become cumulative and which have \ncome to consume a disproportionate amount of the teacher\u2019s time and energies.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 15, "standardized_text": "The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to a paraprofessional Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal Paraprofessionals will be used to perform or assist a classroom teacher to perform the following duties Hallroom duty Bus duty Playground duty Lunchroom duty Extracurricular activities involving school functions Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe The duties of paraprofessionals may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under which they are employed Title I funds provide paraprofessionals for the Remedial Reading Program Title VI funds provide paraprofessionals for Indian students Early Childhood Intervention ECI funds provide paraprofessionals for mainstreamed students with certain specific handicaps that require frequent or constant attention TITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that Title I and Special Education paraprofessionals will be employed in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws Employment will be offered if the educational need exists and if the applicant possesses the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the appropriate State Department of Education regulations Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for general educational paraprofessionals in Title I schools and available to general education paraprofessionals in other settings an applicant must A Have a high school diploma or a General Educational Development GED Diploma or other certificate of high school equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma B Have on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the OSBI as well as a national fingerprintbased criminal history record provided by the FBI C Meet at least one of the following Has completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education", "question_text": "The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities \nto be assigned to a paraprofessional. Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children. Classroom discipline shall be left to the \ncertified teacher or building principal. \n \nParaprofessionals will be used to perform, or assist a classroom teacher to perform, the following duties: \n \n \n* Hallroom duty \n \n \n \n* Bus duty \n \n \n* Playground duty \n \n \n* Lunchroom duty \n \n \n* Extracurricular activities involving school functions \n \n \n* Other noninstructional duties as the superintendent may prescribe \n \nThe duties of paraprofessionals may be further restricted or regulated by program requirements of the funding plan under \nwhich they are employed: \n \n 1. \nTitle I funds provide paraprofessionals for the Remedial Reading Program. \n \n 2. \nTitle VI funds provide paraprofessionals for Indian students. \n \n 3. \nEarly Childhood Intervention (ECI) funds provide paraprofessionals for mainstreamed students with certain specific \nhandicaps that require frequent or constant attention. \n \nTITLE I AND SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONALS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that Title I and Special Education paraprofessionals will be employed in \naccordance with all applicable state and federal laws. Employment will be offered if the educational need exists and if the \napplicant possesses the required level of requisite skills as prescribed in the appropriate State Department of Education \nregulations. \n \nTier 1. In order to qualify for a Tier 1 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential, which is required for general \neducational paraprofessionals in Title I schools and available to general education paraprofessionals in other \nsettings, an applicant must: \nA. Have a high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) Diploma or other certificate of high \nschool equivalency recognized by the State of Oklahoma. \n \nB. Have on file with the State Board of Education a current Oklahoma criminal history record from the OSBI as well as \na national fingerprint-based criminal history record provided by the FBI. \n \nC. Meet at least one of the following: \n 1. Has completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 15, "standardized_text": " Has obtained an associates degree or higher or", "question_text": "2. Has obtained an associate\u2019s degree or higher; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 15, "standardized_text": " Has either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test obtained a national Career Readiness Certificate through successful completion of the ACTG WorkKeys assessment or passed the ParaPro Assessment offered through the Educational Testing Service Tier In order to qualify for a Tier Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for special education paraprofessionals an applicant shall meet the qualifications of Tier and all of the following A Have completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology Center equivalent training provided by the State of Education through an inperson or online program or other stateapproved training provided by a school district B Have completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation CPR and First Aid", "question_text": "3. Has either passed the Oklahoma General Education Test obtained a national Career Readiness Certificate through \nsuccessful completion of the ACTG WorkKeys assessment, or passed the ParaPro Assessment offered through the \nEducational Testing Service. \n \nTier 2. In order to qualify for a Tier 2 Oklahoma paraprofessional credential which is required for special \neducation paraprofessionals, an applicant shall meet the qualifications of Tier 1 and all of the following: \nA. Have completed the Oklahoma Special Education Paraprofessional Training available at Career Technology Center, \nequivalent training provided by the State Dp4rametn of Education through an in-person or online program, or other \nstate-approved training provided by a school district. \n \nB. Have completed training in cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": "C Have completed training in Universal PrecautionsBloodborne Pathogens In the event a school requires a special education paraprofessional but is unable to secure the services of an individual who holds a Tier paraprofessional at the time the services must be delivered the district may employee an individual on a provision basis if the district determines the individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services The individual will have one hundred twenty calendar days of employment to provide special education paraprofessional services without certification Any provisional placement must be reported to the State Department of Education Office of Special Education The superintendent andor staff development committee shall develop an appropriate inservice training program for paraprofessionals Paraprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students education The principal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to a paraprofessional Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children Classroom discipline shall be left to the certified teacher or building principal SEXUAL HARASSMENT The policy of this school district forbids discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of sex The Tannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees This policy applies to nonemployee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel General Prohibitions", "question_text": "C. Have completed training in Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens. \n \nIn the event a school requires a special education paraprofessional, but is unable to secure the services of an individual who \nholds a Tier 2 paraprofessional at the time the services must be delivered, the district may employee an individual on a \nprovision basis if the district determines the individual is able to provide the appropriate paraprofessional services. The \nindividual will have one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of employment to provide special education paraprofessional \nservices without certification. Any provisional placement must be reported to the State Department of Education Office of \nSpecial Education. \n \nThe superintendent and/or staff development committee shall develop an appropriate in-service training program for \nparaprofessionals. \n \nParaprofessionals are employed so that the professional teachers may direct their energies to the students\u2019 education. The \nprincipal and supervising teacher are jointly responsible for making final decisions related to the duties and responsibilities to \nbe assigned to a paraprofessional. Paraprofessionals are not to discipline children. Classroom discipline shall be left to the \ncertified teacher or building principal. \n \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT \nThe policy of this school district forbids discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of sex. The \nTannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees. This policy applies to non-employee \nvolunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel. \n \nGeneral Prohibitions", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Unwelcome Conduct of a Sexual Nature A Conduct of a sexual nature may include verbal or physical sexual advances including subtle pressure for sexual activity touching pinching patting or brushing against comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature and sexuallyoriented kidding teasing double meanings and jokes B Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the allegedly harassed employee has indicated by his or her conduct that it is unwelcome", "question_text": "1. \nUnwelcome Conduct of a Sexual Nature \n \n \nA. \nConduct of a sexual nature may include verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle pressure for sexual \nactivity; touching, pinching, patting, or brushing against; comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual \nnature; and sexually-oriented \"kidding\" \"teasing,\" double meanings, and jokes. \n \n \nB. \nVerbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the allegedly harassed \nemployee has indicated, by his or her conduct, that it is unwelcome.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Sexual Harassment For the purpose of this policy unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment if A Submission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit condition of employment B Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the harassed employee or C The conduct substantially interferes with an employees work performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive work environment Specific Prohibitions", "question_text": "2. \nSexual Harassment \n \n \n \nFor the purpose of this policy, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical \nconduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment if: \n \n \nA. \nSubmission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit condition of employment; \n \n \nB. \nSubmission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for an employment decision affecting the harassed \nemployee; or \n \n \nC. \nThe conduct substantially interferes with an employee's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or \noffensive work environment. \n \nSpecific Prohibitions", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Administrators and Supervisors A It is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or attention from subordinates when the subordinates failure to submit will result in adverse treatment or when the subordinates acqui escence will result in preferential treatment B Administrators and supervisors who either engage in sexual harassment or tolerate such conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions as described below", "question_text": "1. \nAdministrators and Supervisors \n \n \nA. \nIt is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or \nattention from subordinates when the subordinate's failure to submit will result in adverse treatment, or when the subordinate's acqui-\nescence will result in preferential treatment. \n \n \nB. \nAdministrators and supervisors who either engage in sexual harassment or tolerate such conduct by other employees \nshall be subject to sanctions, as described below.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 16, "standardized_text": " Nonadministrative and Nonsupervisory Employees It is sexual harassment for a nonadministrative and nonsupervisory employee to subject another such employee to any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature Employees who engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions as described below", "question_text": "2. \nNon-administrative and Non-supervisory Employees \n \n \n \nIt is sexual harassment for a non-administrative and non-supervisory employee to subject another such employee to \nany unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Employees who engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions as described below.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": "Report Investigation and Sanctions", "question_text": "Report, Investigation, and Sanctions", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": " It is the express policy of the board of education to encourage victims of sexual harassment to come forward with such claims This may be done through the Employee Grievance policy A Employees who feel that administrators or supervisors are conditioning promotions increases in wages continuation of employment or other terms or conditions of employment upon sexual favors are encouraged to report these conditions to the appropriate administrator If the employees direct administrator or supervisor is the alleged offending person the report will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision unless it is the superintendent who is the alleged offender In which case the complaint shall be referred to the board president B Employees are also urged to report any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by supervisors or fellow employees if such conduct interferes with the individuals work performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment C Confidentiality will be maintained however absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because of due process concerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations No reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment", "question_text": "1. \nIt is the express policy of the board of education to encourage victims of sexual harassment to come forward with \nsuch claims. This may be done through the Employee Grievance policy. \n \n \nA. Employees who feel that administrators or supervisors are conditioning promotions, increases in wages, continuation \nof employment, or other terms or conditions of employment upon sexual favors, are encouraged to report these conditions \nto the appropriate administrator. If the employee's direct administrator or supervisor is the alleged offending person, the \nreport will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision, unless it is the superintendent who is the \nalleged offender. In which case, the complaint shall be referred to the board president. \n \n \nB. Employees are also urged to report any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by supervisors or fellow employees if \nsuch conduct interferes with the individual's work performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment. \n \n \nC. \nConfidentiality will be maintained; however, absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because of due process \nconcerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations. No reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of \nthe good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": " In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment the totality of the circumstances the nature of the conduct and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated The superintendent has the responsibility of investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment", "question_text": "2. \nIn determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the totality of the circumstances, the nature \nof the conduct, and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated. The superintendent has the responsibility \nof investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 17, "standardized_text": " Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to sanctions including but not limited to warning suspension or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements DRUGFREE WORKPLACE In recognition of the clear danger resulting from drug abuse and in good faith effort to promote the health safety and welfare to employees students and the community it is the policy of this school district to provide a drugfree workplace in compliance with the DrugFree Schools and Communities Act Amendment of PL The superintendent is directed to develop regulations that shall be incorporated into this policy DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES The Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and to maintain a reasonably safe school environment the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs alcohol or contraband on school property Such searches will be arranged by the superintendent at hisher discretion and will target only school property including lockers and vehicle parking areas Students staff members and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal searches and will be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school property The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall govern the searching of school property by search dogs Searches of school property and grounds will be conducted during periodic unannounced visits either during school hours or non school hours at the discretion of the superintendent All lockers vehicles and school desks are subject to search If a search dog indicates the possible presence of any material that the dog is trained to detect that area or place or object will be further searched by designated school personnel No student employee or other person will be the target of a search by a search dog unless reasonable suspicion exists with regard to that particular person However if the search dog indicates the possible presence of material that the dog is trained to detect is contained in a locker desk or vehicle a further search will be conducted by designated school personnel This search will be of the cold weather outerwear purse containers or other items of concealment in the possession of the student assigned to that locker or desk or driving that vehicle", "question_text": "3. \nAny employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to sanctions, including, but not limited \nto warning, suspension, or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements. \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \nIn recognition of the clear danger resulting from drug abuse, and in good faith effort to promote the health, safety, and welfare to \nemployees, students and the community, it is the policy of this school district to provide a drug-free workplace in compliance with the \nDrug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (P.L. 101-226). \n \nThe superintendent is directed to develop regulations that shall be incorporated into this policy. \n \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and to \nmaintain a reasonably safe school environment, the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs, alcohol, or \ncontraband on school property. \n \nSuch searches will be arranged by the superintendent at his/her discretion and will target only school property including lockers and \nvehicle parking areas. Students, staff members, and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal searches and \nwill be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school property. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy. \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern the searching of school property by \nsearch dogs. \n \nSearches of school property and grounds will be conducted during periodic unannounced visits either during school hours or non-\nschool hours at the discretion of the superintendent. \n \nAll lockers, vehicles, and school desks are subject to search. If a search dog indicates the possible presence of any material that the \ndog is trained to detect, that area or place or object will be further searched by designated school personnel. \n \nNo student, employee, or other person will be the target of a search by a search dog unless reasonable suspicion exists with regard to \nthat particular person. However, if the search dog indicates the possible presence of material that the dog is trained to detect is \ncontained in a locker, desk, or vehicle, a further search will be conducted by designated school personnel. This search will be of the \ncold weather outerwear, purse, containers, or other items of concealment in the possession of the student assigned to that locker or \ndesk or driving that vehicle.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 18, "standardized_text": "Searches which disclose the presence of any material which the dog is trained to detect or any material or items which is forbidden by school policy may lead to further investigation by school officials or law enforcement officers andor disciplinary action by the school Such disciplinary action may include suspension No disciplinary action will be taken without appropriate due process Parental or legal guardian notification will be made in all cases where prohibited substances materials or items are discovered in the possession of a minor student Strip searches or removal of any clothing other than cold weather outerwear are prohibited DRUGFREE WORKPLACE NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES This school district supports the Drugfree Workplace Act of PL and all employees must individually certify their understanding of the following conditions of employment and this act Each employee is hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture distribution dispensing possession or use of a con trolled substance is prohibited in all workstations in the school district Such action is prohibited by any employee during that employees work hours or in the performance of any duties for the school system Employees are further notified that as a condition of their employment they are required to abide by the terms of this policy and that violation of any requirement will result in appropriate disciplinary action that may include a probation b suspension andor c termination Employees may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as approved for such proposes by a federal state or local health law enforcement or other appropriate agency It shall be the responsibility of the employee to report to the district any and all convictions of a criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days following such conviction The district must also notify the federal contracting officer or grant source if any within ten days after receiving notification from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction Appropriate personnel action shall follow such disclosure within", "question_text": "Searches which disclose the presence of any material which the dog is trained to detect, or any material or items which is forbidden by \nschool policy may lead to further investigation by school officials or law enforcement officers, and/or disciplinary action by the \nschool. Such disciplinary action may include suspension. No disciplinary action will be taken without appropriate due process. \nParental or legal guardian notification will be made in all cases where prohibited substances, materials, or items are discovered in the \npossession of a minor student. \n \nStrip searches or removal of any clothing other than cold weather outerwear are prohibited. \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDRUG-FREE WORKPLACE \nNOTICE TO EMPLOYEES \n \n \nThis school district supports the \"Drug-free Workplace Act of 1988\" (P.L. 100-690) and all employees must individually \ncertify their understanding of the following conditions of employment and this act: \n \n 1. \nEach employee is hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a con-\ntrolled substance is prohibited in all workstations in the school district. Such action is prohibited by any employee \nduring that employee's work hours or in the performance of any duties for the school system. \n \n 2. \nEmployees are further notified that as a condition of their employment, they are required to abide by the terms of this \npolicy and that violation of any requirement will result in appropriate disciplinary action that may include (a) probation, \n(b) suspension, and/or (c) termination. Employees may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse \nassistance or rehabilitation program as approved for such proposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, \nor other appropriate agency. \n \n 3. \nIt shall be the responsibility of the employee to report to the district any and all convictions of a criminal drug statute \nviolation occurring in the workplace no later than five days following such conviction. The district must also notify the \nfederal contracting officer or grant source (if any) within ten (10) days after receiving notification from an employee or \notherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Appropriate personnel action shall follow such disclosure within", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 18, "standardized_text": " days of such notice Each employee will attend a district drugfree awareness program at which employees will be informed about A The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace B The district policy of maintaining a drugfree workplace C Available drug counseling rehabilitation and employee assistance programs D Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace It is a requirement of the board of education that each current employee receive a copy of this policy and that all new applicants receive a copy of this policy upon a conditional offer of employment This policy statement shall be published in appropriate documents for proper distribution and shall be posted at a prominent employee access area The district must also demonstrate a good faith effort to maintain a drugfree workplace through implementation of paragraphs", "question_text": "30 days of such notice. \n \n 4. \nEach employee will attend a district drug-free awareness program at which employees will be informed about: \n \n \nA. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; \n \nB. The district policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; \n \nC. Available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; \n \nD. Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. \n \nIt is a requirement of the board of education that each current employee receive a copy of this policy and that all new applicants \nreceive a copy of this policy upon a conditional offer of employment. This policy statement shall be published in appropriate \ndocuments for proper distribution, and shall be posted at a prominent employee access area. \n \nThe district must also demonstrate a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 18, "standardized_text": " above This is to certify that on I received a copy of this policy pertaining to the DrugFree Schools and Communities Act of PL from the Tannehill Board of Education Employees Signature", "question_text": "1-4, above. \n \n \n \nThis is to certify that on ____________________, I received a copy of this policy pertaining to the Drug-Free Schools and \nCommunities Act of 1989, P.L. 101-226, from the Tannehill Board of Education. \n \n \n \n \n _____________________________________________ \n \nEmployee's Signature", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 19, "standardized_text": "Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing regulations The board of education may require drug and alcohol testing of all new applicants upon a conditional offer of employment Substances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol The refusal of a job applicant who has been offered conditional employment to take the test will be considered as a basis for not employing the applicant Each case will be reviewed to assure compliance with current regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act The school district may request or require an employee to undergo drug andor alcohol testing as set forth below and when the superintendent at any time reasonably believes that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol including but not limited to the following a drugs or alcohol on or about the employees person or in the employees vicinity b conduct on the employees part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol c a report of drug or alcohol use while at work or on duty d information that an employee has tampered with drug or alcohol testing at any time e negative performance patterns or f excessive or unexplained absenteeism or tardiness Substances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol This school district will require school bus drivers mechanics maintenance employees and any employee who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license CDL to undergo drug or alcohol testing prior to employment and on a random selection basis The superintendent shall ensure that employees who are selected for random testing are selected on a basis that is entirely random and on a basis which results in an equal probability that any employee from a group of employees subject to the selection mechanism will be selected and does not give the district discretion to waive the selection of any employee selected See also policy DCCB and DCCB R This school district will require bus drivers mechanics maintenance personnel and any district employee who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license CDL to undergo drug or alcohol testing during routine employee fitnessforduty medical examinations See also policy DCCB and DCCBR This school district will require periodic drug and alcohol testing without prior notice of any employee who has tested positively under this policy who has participated in a drug or alcohol dependency treatment program as a result of this policy or an employee who is required to obtain a commercial drivers license CDL Any employee who refuses to submit to drug or alcohol testing may be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to termination of employment subject to all applicable due process procedures Employees who refuse to undergo a drug or alcohol test shall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct for purposes of unemployment compensation benefits In order to prove misconduct the employer need only provide proof of a testing policy and either a refusal to take a drug or alcohol test or a positive test result with chain of custody and opportunity to retest Drug Testing Procedures Drug and alcohol testing standards and procedures of this school district shall conform fully to the provisions of the State Board of Health Testing facilities used by this district shall provide evidence of having met all licensing andor certification requirements of the State Board of Health including the following", "question_text": "Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing \n(regulations) \nThe board of education may require drug and alcohol testing of all new applicants upon a conditional offer of employment. \nSubstances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol. The refusal of a job applicant who has been offered conditional employment to take \nthe test will be considered as a basis for not employing the applicant. Each case will be reviewed to assure compliance with current \nregulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. \n \nThe school district may request or require an employee to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing as set forth below and when the \nsuperintendent at any time reasonably believes that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not \nlimited to, the following: \n \na. \ndrugs or alcohol on or about the employee\u2019s person or in the employee\u2019s vicinity, \nb. conduct on the employee\u2019s part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol, \nc. \na report of drug or alcohol use while at work or on duty, \nd. information that an employee has tampered with drug or alcohol testing at any time, \ne. \nnegative performance patterns, or \nf. \nexcessive or unexplained absenteeism or tardiness; \n \nSubstances tested shall be for drugs and alcohol. \n \nThis school district will require school bus drivers, mechanics, maintenance employees, and any employee who is required to obtain a \ncommercial driver's license (CDL) to undergo drug or alcohol testing prior to employment and on a random selection basis. The \nsuperintendent shall ensure that employees who are selected for random testing are selected on a basis that is entirely random and on a \nbasis which results in an equal probability that any employee from a group of employees subject to the selection mechanism will be \nselected and does not give the district discretion to waive the selection of any employee selected. (See also policy DCCB and DCCB-\nR.) \n \nThis school district will require bus drivers, mechanics, maintenance personnel, and any district employee who is required to obtain a \ncommercial driver's license (CDL) to undergo drug or alcohol testing during routine employee fitness-for-duty medical examinations. \n(See also policy DCCB and DCCB-R.) \n \nThis school district will require periodic drug and alcohol testing without prior notice of any employee who has tested positively under \nthis policy, who has participated in a drug or alcohol dependency treatment program as a result of this policy, or an employee who is \nrequired to obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL). \n \nAny employee who refuses to submit to drug or alcohol testing may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, \ntermination of employment subject to all applicable due process procedures. Employees who refuse to undergo a drug or alcohol test \nshall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct for purposes of unemployment compensation benefits. In order to prove \nmisconduct, the employer need only provide proof of a testing policy and either a refusal to take a drug or alcohol test or a positive \ntest result with chain of custody and opportunity to retest. \n \nDrug Testing Procedures \n \nDrug and alcohol testing standards and procedures of this school district shall conform fully to the provisions of the \nState Board of Health. Testing facilities used by this district shall provide evidence of having met all licensing and/or certification \nrequirements of the State Board of Health including the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 19, "standardized_text": " Samples shall be collected and tested only by individuals deemed qualified by the State Board of Health Such samples may be collected on the premises of the school district or at a testing facility", "question_text": "1. \nSamples shall be collected and tested only by individuals deemed qualified by the State Board of Health. Such \nsamples may be collected on the premises of the school district or at a testing facility.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 19, "standardized_text": " Only samples deemed appropriate by the State Board of Health for drug and alcohol testing shall be collected", "question_text": "2. \nOnly samples deemed appropriate by the State Board of Health for drug and alcohol testing shall be collected.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The collection of samples shall be performed under reasonable and sanitary conditions", "question_text": "3. \nThe collection of samples shall be performed under reasonable and sanitary conditions.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " Samples shall be collected in sufficient quantity for splitting into two separate specimens pursuant to rules of the State Board of Health to provide for any subsequent independent analysis in the event of challenge of the test results of the main specimen", "question_text": "4. \nSamples shall be collected in sufficient quantity for splitting into two separate specimens, pursuant to rules of the \nState Board of Health, to provide for any subsequent independent analysis in the event of challenge of the test results of the main \nspecimen.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " Samples shall be collected and tested with due regard to the privacy of the individual being tested In the instances of urinalysis no representative agent or designee of the school district shall directly observe an applicant or employee in the process of producing a urine sample provided however collection shall be in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitutions or interference with the collection or testing of reliable samples The testing facility will provide the necessary documentation of testing procedure and test results to the employer requesting testing services as may be required by a court or administrative proceeding", "question_text": "5. \nSamples shall be collected and tested with due regard to the privacy of the individual being tested. In the instances \nof urinalysis, no representative, agent, or designee of the school district shall directly observe an applicant or employee in the process \nof producing a urine sample; provided, however, collection shall be in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitutions or \ninterference with the collection or testing of reliable samples. \n \n 6. \nThe testing facility will provide the necessary documentation of testing procedure and test results to the employer requesting \ntesting services as may be required by a court or administrative proceeding.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " A written record of the chain of custody of the sample shall be maintained from the time of the collection of the sample until the sample is no longer required Testing Results The following steps will be taken when an employees medical exam is positive for the presence of drugs or alcohol", "question_text": "7. \nA written record of the chain of custody of the sample shall be maintained from the time of the collection of the \nsample until the sample is no longer required. \n \nTesting Results \n \nThe following steps will be taken when an employee's medical exam is positive for the presence of drugs or alcohol:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be notified of the results of the test The applicant or employee has a right to obtain all information and records relating to that individuals testing", "question_text": "1. \nThe employee will be notified of the results of the test. The applicant or employee has a right to obtain all \ninformation and records relating to that individual's testing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be advised of the outcome of the drug screening and will be immediately removed from the current job assignment", "question_text": "2. \nThe employee will be advised of the outcome of the drug screening and will be immediately removed from the \ncurrent job assignment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be given a reasonable opportunity for confidential rebuttal of the results", "question_text": "3. \nThe employee will be given a reasonable opportunity for confidential rebuttal of the results.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " To continue employment with the district the employee must develop a written plan for improvement with the employees supervisor As an element of every plan for improvement the employee will be encouraged to voluntarily seek professional assistance andor participate in an appropriate rehabilitation program Drug and alcohol dependency evaluation and referral services for substance abuse counseling treatment or rehabilitation shall be provided to the employee", "question_text": "4. \nTo continue employment with the district, the employee must develop a written plan for improvement with the \nemployee's supervisor. As an element of every plan for improvement, the employee will be encouraged to voluntarily seek \nprofessional assistance and/or participate in an appropriate rehabilitation program. Drug and alcohol dependency evaluation and \nreferral services for substance abuse counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation shall be provided to the employee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The employee will be suspended until the employee has tested negative on a followup drug screening The follow up drug screening will be administered no earlier than seven nor more than fortyfive calendar days following the initial positive drug screening The physician who administered and interpreted the initial drug screening will make a recommendation to the district as to the amount of time that is appropriate before administering the followup drug screening depending on the type and amount of chemical substance initially detected in the employees system The employee may use existing accrued leave during this suspension If the employee does not have sufficient accrued leave to cover the absence the leave will be without pay unless prohibited by applicable law All employees hereby affected by this policy and regulation will be provided appropriate due process procedures", "question_text": "5. \nThe employee will be suspended until the employee has tested negative on a follow-up drug screening. The follow-\nup drug screening will be administered no earlier than seven nor more than forty-five (45) calendar days following the initial positive \ndrug screening. The physician who administered and interpreted the initial drug screening will make a recommendation to the district \nas to the amount of time that is appropriate before administering the follow-up drug screening, depending on the type and amount of \nchemical substance initially detected in the employee's system. The employee may use existing accrued leave during this suspension. \nIf the employee does not have sufficient accrued leave to cover the absence, the leave will be without pay unless prohibited by \napplicable law. All employees hereby affected by this policy and regulation will be provided appropriate due process procedures.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " If the followup drug screening is negative the employee may be returned to regular assignment If the drug screening is positive procedures for the employees termination will be implemented in accordance with this policy and the districts employment termination policies", "question_text": "6. \nIf the follow-up drug screening is negative, the employee may be returned to regular assignment. If the drug \nscreening is positive, procedures for the employee's termination will be implemented in accordance with this policy and the district's \nemployment termination policies.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " Any employee whose drug screening is positive a second time regardless of the length of time which has passed since the first positive test will be recommended to the board for dismissal Any employee who has once tested positive may be subject to random drug screening sampling for a period of two years commencing with the employees return to work andor may be recommended for dismissal Confidentiality The school district shall maintain the results of any drugalcohol test in confidentiality to the extent possible The employee who participates in a drugalcohol test will be provided an opportunity to review and to obtain copies of any information and records pertaining to the drugalcohol test", "question_text": "7. \nAny employee whose drug screening is positive a second time, regardless of the length of time which has passed \nsince the first positive test, will be recommended to the board for dismissal. Any employee who has once tested positive may be \nsubject to random drug screening sampling for a period of two years, commencing with the employee's return to work, and/or may be \nrecommended for dismissal. \n \nConfidentiality \n \nThe school district shall maintain the results of any drug/alcohol test in confidentiality to the extent possible. The employee who \nparticipates in a drug/alcohol test will be provided an opportunity to review and to obtain copies of any information and records \npertaining to the drug/alcohol test.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 20, "standardized_text": " The school district will maintain all drug and alcohol test results and related information including but not limited to interviews reports statements and memoranda as confidential records separate from other personnel records Such records including the records of the testing facility shall not be used in any criminal proceeding or any civil or administrative proceeding", "question_text": "1. \nThe school district will maintain all drug and alcohol test results and related information, including, but not limited \nto, interviews, reports, statements, and memoranda, as confidential records, separate from other personnel records. Such records, \nincluding the records of the testing facility, shall not be used in any criminal proceeding, or any civil or administrative proceeding,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": "except in those actions taken by the district or in any action involving the individual tests and the district or unless such records are ordered released pursuant to a valid subpoena or other court order", "question_text": "except in those actions taken by the district or in any action involving the individual tests and the district or unless such records are \nordered released pursuant to a valid subpoena or other court order.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The records described above and maintained by the district shall be the property of this school district and upon the request of the applicant or employee tested shall be made available for inspection and copying to the applicant or employee The district will not release such records to any person other than the applicant employee or the districts review officer unless the applicant or employee has expressly granted permission in writing following receipt of the test results for the district to release such records or pursuant to a valid court order", "question_text": "2. \nThe records described above and maintained by the district shall be the property of this school district and, upon the \nrequest of the applicant or employee tested, shall be made available for inspection and copying to the applicant or employee. The \ndistrict will not release such records to any person other than the applicant, employee, or the district's review officer, unless the \napplicant or employee has expressly granted permission in writing, following receipt of the test results, for the district to release such \nrecords or pursuant to a valid court order.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " A testing facility or any agent representative or designee of the facility or any review officer shall not disclose to the district based on the analysis of a sample collected from an applicant or employee for the purpose of testing for the presence of drugs or alcohol any information relating to the general health pregnancy or other physical or mental condition of the applicant or employee A testing facility shall release the results of the drug or alcohol test and any analysis and information related thereto to the individual tested upon hisher request Other Provisions Drugalcohol tests required pursuant to this policy will be conducted during prior to or immediately after the regular work period for current employees and shall be deemed work time for purposes of compensation and benefits for current employees The school district shall pay all costs of testing for drugs or alcohol including any school requested confirmation tests and the costs of transportation to the drugalcohol test site Any individual who requests a retest of a sample in order to challenge the results of a positive test shall pay all costs of the retest unless the retest reverses the findings of the challenged positive test in which case the school district shall reimburse the individual for the costs of the retest A copy of this policy shall be posted in a prominent employee access area and shall be provided to each job applicant upon the applicants receipt of a conditional offer of employment Any employee or applicant for employment who refuses to undergo drug or alcohol testing conducted in accordance with board policy and these regulations may be disciplined up to and including termination of employment An employee discharged on the basis of a refusal to undergo drug or alcohol testing or a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act shall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct and shall be disqualified for unemployment compensation EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with the school district The resignation must be written dated and signed It must specify the date upon which the resignation is to be effective The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail return receipt requested or personally delivered to the superintendents office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation Furthermore it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen days after the first Monday in June Any individual who is a school employee contractor or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school employee contractor or agent in obtaining a new job if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law This prohibition shall not apply if", "question_text": "3. \nA testing facility, or any agent, representative or designee of the facility, or any review officer, shall not disclose to \nthe district, based on the analysis of a sample collected from an applicant or employee for the purpose of testing for the presence of \ndrugs or alcohol, any information relating to the general health, pregnancy or other physical or mental condition of the applicant or \nemployee. \n \n \n \nA testing facility shall release the results of the drug or alcohol test, and any analysis and information related thereto, \nto the individual tested upon his/her request. \n \nOther Provisions \n \nDrug/alcohol tests required pursuant to this policy will be conducted during, prior to, or immediately after the regular work period for \ncurrent employees and shall be deemed work time for purposes of compensation and benefits for current employees. \n \nThe school district shall pay all costs of testing for drugs or alcohol including any school requested confirmation tests and the costs of \ntransportation to the drug/alcohol test site. Any individual who requests a retest of a sample in order to challenge the results of a \npositive test shall pay all costs of the retest, unless the retest reverses the findings of the challenged positive test in which case the \nschool district shall reimburse the individual for the costs of the retest. \n \nA copy of this policy shall be posted in a prominent employee access area and shall be provided to each job applicant upon the \napplicant's receipt of a conditional offer of employment. \n \nAny employee or applicant for employment who refuses to undergo drug or alcohol testing conducted in accordance with board policy \nand these regulations may be disciplined up to and including termination of employment. An employee discharged on the basis of a \nrefusal to undergo drug or alcohol testing or a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test conducted in accordance with the provisions of \nthe Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act shall be considered to have been discharged for misconduct and shall be \ndisqualified for unemployment compensation. \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with \nthe school district. The resignation must be written, dated, and signed. It must specify the date upon which the resignation is \nto be effective. The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personally \ndelivered to the superintendent\u2019s office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation. \nFurthermore, it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen (15) days \nafter the first Monday in June. \n \nAny individual who is a school employee, contractor, or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school \nemployee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job, if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee, \ncontractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law. This prohibition shall \nnot apply if:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the alleged misconduct and", "question_text": "1. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with \njurisdiction over the alleged misconduct; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by Federal State or local law and", "question_text": "2. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by \nFederal, State, or local law; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual misconduct has investigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to establish probable cause that the school employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law and", "question_text": "3. The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual \nmisconduct has investigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to \nestablish probable cause that the school employee, contractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a \nminor or student in violation of the law; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 21, "standardized_text": " The school employee contractor or agent has been charged with and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the alleged misconduct or", "question_text": "4. The school employee, contractor, or agent has been charged with, and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the \nalleged misconduct; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 22, "standardized_text": " The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against or indictment of the school employee contractor or agent within four years of the date on which the information was reported to a law enforcement agency The routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new job and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above ACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION The Tannehill Board of Education empowers the superintendent as agent of the board to accept on its behalf letters of resignation from any school district employee Receipt of a letter of resignation by the superintendent constitutes acceptance of such resignation by the board of education and releases the employee and the district from any and all further contractual obligations beyond the effective date of the resignation Any resignation received by the superintendent is irrevocable Upon receipt of a letter of resignation the superintendent will give the resigning employee either in person or by certified mail the following statement I the Superintendent of Schools acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the Tannehill Board of Education acknowledge receipt this date of a resignation from employment signed by effective the day of My signature constitutes acceptance of this resignation by the Board of Education and releases the resigning employee and the district upon the effective date of the resignation from all further contractual obligations By accepting this resignation from the employee the employees offer to be released from his or her contract with the board of education is accepted and thus the resignation is irrevocable Superintendent Employee Date", "question_text": "5. The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against, or indictment of, the school \nemployee, contractor, or agent within four (4) years of the date on which the information was reported to a law \nenforcement agency. \n \nThe routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new \njob and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above. \n \n \nACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION \n \n \nThe Tannehill Board of Education empowers the superintendent, as agent of the board, to accept on its behalf letters of resignation \nfrom any school district employee. Receipt of a letter of resignation by the superintendent constitutes acceptance of such resignation \nby the board of education and releases the employee and the district from any and all further contractual obligations beyond the \neffective date of the resignation. Any resignation received by the superintendent is irrevocable. \n \nUpon receipt of a letter of resignation, the superintendent will give the resigning employee, either in person or by certified mail, the \nfollowing statement: \n \nI, the Superintendent of Schools, acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the Tannehill Board of Education, acknowledge receipt this \ndate of a resignation from employment signed by ___________________________________________________, \n \neffective the _____ day of __________________________, __________. \n \nMy signature constitutes acceptance of this resignation by the Board of Education and releases the resigning employee and the district, \nupon the effective date of the resignation, from all further contractual obligations. By accepting this resignation from the employee, \nthe employee's offer to be released from his or her contract with the board of education is accepted, and thus the resignation is \nirrevocable. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nSuperintendent____________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nEmployee________________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n_______________ \n \nDate", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 23, "standardized_text": "SALARIES AND EXPENSES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that no teacher shall be paid less than the state schedule Extra duties shall be compensated for as scheduled A schedule of salaries and fringe benefits paid to administrators will be filed with the State Department of Education by October each year Hourly wages for support employees will be established by the board of education All teachers shall be paid not later than the day of each month If the falls on a weekend or a holiday teachers shall be paid on the last preceding school day All fulltime employees who are exempt from the hourly wage requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid on a twelve month basis The board shall also provide for a staff leave program and reimbursement of approved expenses TRAVEL AND EXPENSES It is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the board and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent Requests and arrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrators office Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar Emergency travel will be placed on the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local funding The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local funding The school will reimburse reasonable costs subject to the availability of funds for approved and documented travel Lodging expenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed per nightper person Documented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed per meal or per day when appropriate receipts are provided The district will pay up to of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity The costs of meals and incidental expenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item by the board The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be itemized and documented If overnight travel is not involved andor a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a legitimate business meeting relating to school business reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and run through payroll Expenses for registration parking toll charges and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or notarized affidavits School vehicles when available may be used for official business only Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles are not available Mileage expense will be reimbursed at centsper mile at the current IRS approved rate per mile when a school gasoline credit card is not used Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrators office The forms will be completed and approved in the respective building and handdelivered to the business office for payment PERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that district employees must occasionally be absent from work Therefore leave time in different categories as required by law will be provided for employees to be absent when necessary Leave categories will include sick leave personal business leave emergency leave jury duty leave and military leave It is also important for district employees to understand that the continuity of education services is best served when the regularly assigned employee is at work Therefore employees should use the leaves provided in a prudent and judicious manner The abuse of", "question_text": "SALARIES AND EXPENSES \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that no teacher shall be paid less than the state schedule. Extra duties shall be \ncompensated for as scheduled. A schedule of salaries and fringe benefits paid to administrators will be filed with the State \nDepartment of Education by October 1, each year. Hourly wages for support employees will be established by the board of education. \n \nAll teachers shall be paid not later than the 30th day of each month. If the 30th falls on a weekend or a holiday, teachers shall be paid \non the last preceding school day. \n \nAll full-time employees who are exempt from the hourly wage requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid on a twelve-\nmonth basis. \n \nThe board shall also provide for a staff leave program and reimbursement of approved expenses. \n \nTRAVEL AND EXPENSES \n \nIt is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the \nboard and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent. Requests and \narrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrator's office. Travel requests will be \nmade as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar. Emergency travel will be placed \non the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency. The district will not pay \nfor any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal, state, or local \nfunding. The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the \nfunding source is federal, state, or local funding. \n \nThe school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented travel. Lodging \nexpenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed $200 per night/per person. \n \nDocumented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed $50 per meal or $100 per day when appropriate receipts \nare provided. (The district will pay up to 20% of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity.) The costs of meals and incidental \nexpenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item \nby the board. The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be \nitemized and documented. If overnight travel is not involved and/or a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a \nlegitimate business meeting relating to school business, reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and \nrun through payroll. \n \nExpenses for registration, parking, toll charges, and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or \nnotarized affidavits. \n \nSchool vehicles, when available, may be used for official business only. Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles \nare not available. Mileage expense will be reimbursed at 54.5 centsper mile) (at the current IRS approved rate) per mile when \na school gasoline credit card is not used. \n \nClaim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrator's office. The forms will be completed and approved \nin the respective building and hand-delivered to the business office for payment. \n \nPERSONNEL LEAVE PROGRAM \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that district employees must occasionally be absent from work. Therefore, leave time in \ndifferent categories as required by law will be provided for employees to be absent when necessary. Leave categories will include \nsick leave, personal business leave, emergency leave, jury duty leave, and military leave. \n \nIt is also important for district employees to understand that the continuity of education services is best served when the regularly \nassigned employee is at work. Therefore, employees should use the leaves provided in a prudent and judicious manner. The abuse of", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 24, "standardized_text": "leave by employees will not be tolerated and any employee abusing leave policies will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment Deductions For Unpaid Authorized Absences If a district employee believes there is a need to be absent from work for any reason not covered in the approved leave policies the employee may request in writing unpaid leave for that purpose from the immediate supervisor If unpaid leave is granted by the immediate supervisor an amount equal to one days pay will be deducted from the employees salary for each day of such approved absence If an employee is absent without securing approval for an unpaid absence the employee shall be denied the salary for such absence and will be considered to be engaging in willful neglect of duty and therefore subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment Notification Of Leave Accumulation During the first two weeks of the school year the board will advise each employee in writing as to the number of leave days accumulated as of July of that year After July an employee may get updated information on leave accumulation from the superintendents office at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the superintendent or the superintendents designee FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE If the district employs individuals the district is required to provide eligible employees with leave under the auspices of the Family Medical Leave Act FMLA Tannehill School does not currently meet this requirement SICK LEAVE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL REGULATIONS The board of education shall provide sick leave benefits to all certificated personnel in order to promote a sense of security and permit an ease of mind that is essential to the satisfactory performance of professional services The board sets forth the following provisions for administering this policy The superintendent or designee shall administer this plan Teachers may be absent from duty because of personal accidental injury illness or pregnancy or injury illness or death in the immediate family without loss of salary not to exceed ten days during each school year The right to such sick leave shall be vested at the beginning of the school year Certificated employees who have an elevenmonth contract shall receive eleven sick leave days per year and those who have a twelvemonth contract shall receive twelve days If an employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the employee is in the performance of any duties as an education employee the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence from employment with the school without a loss of leave benefits If sick leave is taken for bereavement purposes the leave for that period may extend to the date of the funeral and a reasonable time thereafter to allow for travel as long as the employee has leave available to use Unused sick leave shall be cumulative and is transferable to any other school district in Oklahoma Sick leave earned in another Oklahoma district may be transferred to this district Sick leave so transferred must be certified by the sending district Any employee who attempts to take unfair advantage of sick leave benefits shall be subject to dismissal or other disci plinary action as provided by contract andor state law Any employee may be required to submit appropriate evidence concerning the cause of his absence in order to qualify for sick leave benefits Appropriate evidence may include the following A Physicians statement endorsed by the employee B Employee statement endorsed by the principal or immediate supervisor C Copies of claim submitted for insurance benefits D Other information as may be indicated by the circumstances Appropriate evidence will be submitted when requested by the principal immediate supervisor or the superintendent in the following situations", "question_text": "leave by employees will not be tolerated and any employee abusing leave policies will be subject to disciplinary action up to and \nincluding termination of employment. \n \nDeductions For Unpaid Authorized Absences \n \nIf a district employee believes there is a need to be absent from work for any reason not covered in the approved leave policies, the \nemployee may request, in writing, unpaid leave for that purpose from the immediate supervisor. \n \nIf unpaid leave is granted by the immediate supervisor, an amount equal to one day's pay will be deducted from the employee's salary \nfor each day of such approved absence. \n \nIf an employee is absent without securing approval for an unpaid absence, the employee shall be denied the salary for such absence \nand will be considered to be engaging in willful neglect of duty and, therefore, subject to disciplinary action up to and including \ntermination of employment. \n \nNotification Of Leave Accumulation \n \nDuring the first two weeks of the school year, the board will advise each employee, in writing, as to the number of leave days \naccumulated as of July 1 of that year. After July 1, an employee may get updated information on leave accumulation from the \nsuperintendent's office at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the superintendent or the superintendent's designee. \n \nFAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE \nIf the district employs 50 individuals, the district is required to provide eligible employees with leave under the auspices of the Family \nMedical Leave Act (FMLA). Tannehill School does not currently meet this requirement. \n \n \nSICK LEAVE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall provide sick leave benefits to all certificated personnel in order to promote a sense of security and \npermit an ease of mind that is essential to the satisfactory performance of professional services. The board sets forth the \nfollowing provisions for administering this policy: \n \n 1. \nThe superintendent or designee shall administer this plan. \n \n 2. \nTeachers may be absent from duty because of personal accidental injury, illness or pregnancy, or injury, illness or death \nin the immediate family without loss of salary not to exceed ten days during each school year. The right to such sick \nleave shall be vested at the beginning of the school year. Certificated employees who have an eleven-month contract \nshall receive eleven sick leave days per year and those who have a twelve-month contract shall receive twelve days. If \nan employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the employee is in the \nperformance of any duties as an education employee, the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence from \nemployment with the school without a loss of leave benefits. \n \n 3. \nIf sick leave is taken for bereavement purposes, the leave for that period may extend to the date of the funeral and a \nreasonable time thereafter to allow for travel as long as the employee has leave available to use. \n \n 4. \nUnused sick leave shall be cumulative and is transferable to any other school district in Oklahoma. Sick leave earned \nin another Oklahoma district may be transferred to this district. Sick leave so transferred must be certified by the \nsending district. \n \n 5. \nAny employee who attempts to take unfair advantage of sick leave benefits shall be subject to dismissal or other disci-\nplinary action as provided by contract and/or state law. Any employee may be required to submit appropriate evidence \nconcerning the cause of his absence in order to qualify for sick leave benefits. Appropriate evidence may include the \nfollowing: \n \n \nA. Physician's statement endorsed by the employee \n \nB. Employee statement endorsed by the principal or immediate supervisor \n \nC. Copies of claim submitted for insurance benefits \n \nD. Other information as may be indicated by the circumstances \n \n 6. \nAppropriate evidence will be submitted when requested by the principal, immediate supervisor, or the superintendent in \nthe following situations:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 25, "standardized_text": "A Sick leave claim on days of unusual or inclement weather B Sick leave claim during the last four weeks of employment C Sick leave claim on days immediately preceding or immediately following holidays or nonwork days other than weekends D Reasonable cause exists to believe that sick leave benefits are being abused When a teachers accrued sick leave is exhausted and the teacher is absent due to personal accidental injury illness or pregnancy the teacher shall receive full salary less the amount that would be paid a substitute teacher for a maximum of days After an employee has exhausted all accumulated sick leave personal leave and vacation time the employee may be eligible for whatever time may be remaining of the up to work weeks of unpaid leave for employees who meet the federal definitions for leave in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act The work weeks of leave afforded under the Family Medical Leave Act may include paid and unpaid leave in accordance with federal law", "question_text": "A. Sick leave claim on days of unusual or inclement weather \n \nB. Sick leave claim during the last four weeks of employment \n \nC. Sick leave claim on days immediately preceding or immediately following holidays or non-work days other than \nweekends \n \nD. Reasonable cause exists to believe that sick leave benefits are being abused \n \n 7. \nWhen a teacher's accrued sick leave is exhausted and the teacher is absent due to personal accidental injury, illness, or \npregnancy, the teacher shall receive full salary less the amount that would be paid a substitute teacher for a maximum \nof 20 days. \n 8. \nAfter an employee has exhausted all accumulated sick leave, personal leave, and vacation time, the employee may be \neligible for whatever time may be remaining of the up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave for employees who meet the \nfederal definitions for leave in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. The 12 work weeks of leave afforded \nunder the Family Medical Leave Act may include paid and unpaid leave in accordance with federal law.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 25, "standardized_text": " Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers compensation benefits however the sum of the payments will not exceed of the employees net pay as it existed prior to injury SICK LEAVE SUPPORT PERSONNEL REGULATIONS The board of education will provide sick leave benefits to all support employees in order to promote a sense of security and permit the ease of mind essential to the satisfactory performance of services In compliance with Oklahoma Statutes Title Section the following guidelines are set forth For the purposes of this policy support employee is defined as a fulltime employee of the school district as determined by the standard period of labor which is customarily understood to constitute fulltime employment for the type of services performed by the employee who is employed a minimum of days and who provides those services which are not performed by certified teachers principals superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the efficient and satisfactory functioning of a school district The superintendent of schools or designee shall be responsible for administering this plan A support employee may be absent from duty due to a personal accidental injury illness or pregnancy or accidental injury illness or death in the immediate family without loss of salary Benefits shall include paid sick leave of one day per month of employment The one day sick leave per month equals the number of hours the employee normally works per day If an employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the employee is in the performance of any duties as an education employee the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence from employment with the school without a loss of leave benefits Unused sick leave shall be cumulative The sick leave granted to support employees under this policy shall be vested at the time of accrual that is upon the completion of the first months employment the employee shall have accrued one sick leave day Accumulated sick leave may be transferred to another school district where a support employee is employed the next succeeding school year in accordance with that districts policies Support personnel who are employed for the first time in this district and who were employed at another school district during the year immediately preceding their employment with this district may transfer a maximum of sick leave days", "question_text": "9. Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers' compensation benefits; however, the sum of the payments will \nnot exceed 100% of the employee\u2019s net pay as it existed prior to injury. \n \nSICK LEAVE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education will provide sick leave benefits to all support employees in order to promote a sense of security and \npermit the ease of mind essential to the satisfactory performance of services. In compliance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70, \nSection 6-104, the following guidelines are set forth: \n \n 1. \nFor the purposes of this policy, support employee is defined as a full-time employee of the school district as determined \nby the standard period of labor which is customarily understood to constitute full-time employment for the type of \nservices performed by the employee who is employed a minimum of 172 days and who provides those services which \nare not performed by certified teachers, principals, superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the \nefficient and satisfactory functioning of a school district. \n \n 2. \nThe superintendent of schools, or designee, shall be responsible for administering this plan. \n \n 3. \nA support employee may be absent from duty due to a personal accidental injury, illness, or pregnancy, or accidental \ninjury, illness, or death in the immediate family without loss of salary. Benefits shall include paid sick leave of one day \nper month of employment. The one day sick leave per month equals the number of hours the employee normally works \nper day. If an employee is injured as a result of an assault or battery upon the person of the employee while the \nemployee is in the performance of any duties as an education employee, the employee shall be entitled to a leave of \nabsence from employment with the school without a loss of leave benefits. \n \n 4. \nUnused sick leave shall be cumulative. \n \n 5. \nThe sick leave granted to support employees under this policy shall be vested at the time of accrual, that is, upon the \ncompletion of the first month's employment, the employee shall have accrued one sick leave day. \n \n 6. \nAccumulated sick leave may be transferred to another school district where a support employee is employed the next \nsucceeding school year in accordance with that district's policies. \n \n 7. \nSupport personnel who are employed for the first time in this district and who were employed at another school district \nduring the year immediately preceding their employment with this district may transfer a maximum of 60 sick leave \ndays.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 25, "standardized_text": " Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers compensation benefits however the sum of the payments will not exceed of the employees net pay as it existed prior to injury", "question_text": "8. Sick leave benefits may be paid in addition to workers' compensation benefits; however, the sum of the payments will \nnot exceed 100% of the employee\u2019s net pay as it existed prior to injury.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": "PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education shall provide for a minimum of three days for personal business leave for teachers and support personnel Such leave shall be limited to personal business matters that cannot be conducted before or after school hours or on weekends Personal business leave is noncumulative Requests for personal business leave shall be made in writing and in advance when possible If advance request is not possible the written request shall be filed within one day after returning to work The request shall include a signed statement that the leave was not used for personal entertainment recreation gainful employment or to seek another position The request shall be considered by the principal and superintendent who shall approve or disapprove The types of situations that may qualify for personal business leave are varied The following examples serve only as guidelines Family illness other than immediate family Emergency business transactions A Loan closings B Other banking matters C IRS reviews Legal Matters A Meetings with an attorney for personal spouse or childrens business B Court appearances C Settling of estates Miscellaneous A Attend business convention with spouse B Military obligations C Attendance at a school activity if son or daughter is participating D Attending funerals The following examples are types of absences that will NOT be approved for personal business leave Pleasure trips or vacations Attending school activities or sporting events when son or daughter is not competing Seeking other employment Participating in political or social activities Performing any service for compensation EMERGENCY LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education shall provide not more than three days each year for emergency leave These days shall not be chargeable to sick leave and will be noncumulative The term emergency should be construed to mean a situation or occurrence of a serious nature developing suddenly and unexpectedly and demanding immediate attention Emergency leave will be granted at the discretion of the principal or designee The school district will pay the substitutes salary The board of education may grant leave with pay not to exceed fifteen working days to an employee who is affected by a presidentially declared national disaster in Oklahoma after May if", "question_text": "PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall provide for a minimum of three days for personal business leave for teachers and support \npersonnel. Such leave shall be limited to personal business matters that cannot be conducted before or after school hours or on \nweekends. Personal business leave is noncumulative. \n \nRequests for personal business leave shall be made in writing and in advance when possible. If advance request is not possible, \nthe written request shall be filed within one day after returning to work. The request shall include a signed statement that the \nleave was not used for personal entertainment, recreation, gainful employment, or to seek another position. The request shall \nbe considered by the principal and superintendent who shall approve or disapprove. \n \nThe types of situations that may qualify for personal business leave are varied. The following examples serve only as \nguidelines: \n \n 1. \nFamily illness other than immediate family \n 2. \nEmergency business transactions \n \nA. Loan closings \n \nB. Other banking matters \n \nC. IRS reviews \n 3. \nLegal Matters \n \nA. Meetings with an attorney for personal, spouse, or children's business \n \nB. Court appearances \n \nC. Settling of estates \n 4. \nMiscellaneous \n \nA. Attend business convention with spouse \n \nB. Military obligations \n \nC. Attendance at a school activity if son or daughter is participating \n \nD. Attending funerals \n \nThe following examples are types of absences that will NOT be approved for personal business leave: \n \n 1. \nPleasure trips or vacations \n 2. \nAttending school activities or sporting events when son or daughter is not competing \n 3. \nSeeking other employment \n 4. \nParticipating in political or social activities \n 5. \nPerforming any service for compensation \n \nEMERGENCY LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall provide not more than three (3) days each year for emergency leave. These days shall not be \nchargeable to sick leave and will be noncumulative. The term emergency should be construed to mean a situation or \noccurrence of a serious nature, developing suddenly and unexpectedly, and demanding immediate attention. Emergency leave \nwill be granted at the discretion of the principal or designee. The school district will pay the substitute's salary. \n \nThe board of education may grant leave with pay not to exceed fifteen (15) working days to an employee who is affected by a \npresidentially declared national disaster in Oklahoma after May 1, 1999, if:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": " The employee suffered a physical injury as a result of the disaster", "question_text": "1. \nThe employee suffered a physical injury as a result of the disaster;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": " A relative or household member of the employee suffered a physical injury or died as a result of the disaster or", "question_text": "2. \nA relative or household member of the employee suffered a physical injury or died as a result \n \nof \nthe disaster; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 26, "standardized_text": " The domicile of the employee or the domicile of a relative of the employee was damaged or destroyed as a result of the disaster", "question_text": "3. \nThe domicile of the employee or the domicile of a relative of the employee was damaged or \n \ndestroyed as a result of the disaster.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 27, "standardized_text": "JURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education shall grant leave to employees who have been selected for jury duty or who have been subpoenaed as a witness in a criminal civil or juvenile proceeding Employees shall be paid the full current contract salary during such service Monies necessary to pay substitute teachers shall not be deducted from the salary of a teacher performing jury duty However the amount received by the teacher for jury duty service shall be applied toward the expense of the substitute teacher It is the policy of the board that the school district will not provide teachers with paid leave for nonsubpoenaed testimony as a witness in a child custody case involving a student in this district If a teacher testifies as a witness as a result of being subpoenaed any compensation received from the court by the teacher shall be applied toward the expense of a substitute teacher If a school district employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a civil court proceeding except in a proceeding in which the school district or the state is a party the school district shall be entitled to a witness fee equal to the amount of the substitute teacher cost not to exceed One Hundred Dollars per day LEAVE OF ABSENCE REGULATIONS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to grant extended leave without pay to certified career teachers who meet certain conditions The decision to grant or not to grant such leave shall be at the discretion of the board of education Requests must be presented to the board of education for action by April for leave during the following year Leave may be granted to qualified persons as follows", "question_text": "JURY DUTY SERVICE AND WITNESS LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education shall grant leave to employees who have been selected for jury duty or who have been subpoenaed as a \nwitness in a criminal, civil, or juvenile proceeding. Employees shall be paid the full, current contract salary during such \nservice. Monies necessary to pay substitute teachers shall not be deducted from the salary of a teacher performing jury duty. \nHowever, the amount received by the teacher for jury duty service shall be applied toward the expense of the substitute teacher. \n \nIt is the policy of the board that the school district will not provide teachers with paid leave for non-subpoenaed testimony as a \nwitness in a child custody case involving a student in this district. If a teacher testifies as a witness as a result of being \nsubpoenaed, any compensation received from the court by the teacher shall be applied toward the expense of a substitute \nteacher. \n \nIf a school district employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a civil court proceeding, except in a proceeding in which \nthe school district or the state is a party, the school district shall be entitled to a witness fee equal to the amount of the substitute \nteacher cost, not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day. \n \nLEAVE OF ABSENCE \n(REGULATIONS) \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to grant extended leave without pay to certified, career teachers who meet \ncertain conditions. The decision to grant or not to grant such leave shall be at the discretion of the board of education. \nRequests must be presented to the board of education for action by April 25 for leave during the following year. \n \nLeave may be granted to qualified persons as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 27, "standardized_text": " Career teachers with at least three years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be granted extended leave without pay for up to one year for medical andor educational reasons with no loss of career teacher status", "question_text": "1. \nCareer teachers with at least three years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be \ngranted \nextended leave without pay for up to one year, for medical and/or educational reasons, with no \nloss of career teacher status.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 27, "standardized_text": " Career teachers with at least five years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be granted extended leave without pay for up to one year for personal reasons with no loss of career teacher status Such leave may be granted by the superintendent only after consultation with the teacher requesting such leave and only after a Leave of Absence Contract is signed by both the teacher and the superintendent Upon return from a leave of absence the teacher shall be placed in the same position or a similar position for which the teacher is certified and qualified The teacher on leave shall not advance on the salary schedule and is subject to the current reduction inforce policy A teacher on approved leave of absence will be reinstated at a salary level no lower than that attained at the time the leave was granted Sick leave that was accrued prior to the approved leave of absence will be reinstated Additional sick leave or personal business leave will not be granted for the period of one years leave of absence An employee taking a leave of absence for one semester will receive five days of sick leave one and onehalf days of personal business leave and one day of emergency leave A leave of absence for a semester will not change the amount of days for bereavement leave PARENTAL LEAVE REGULATIONS A teacher who is pregnant may continue to teach and be active in employment as late into her pregnancy as she desires provided she is able to perform her required duties in a suitable manner The request for parental leave should be submitted in writing to the superintendents office and be accompanied by a doctors certification of pregnancy The commencement of parental leave is left to the discretion of the teacher andor physician and may extend no longer than one semester ninety teaching days after delivery The teacher is asked to advise the superintendents office as soon as return to duty is anticipated In every case a statement from the attending physician attesting to the physical fitness of the teacher is required Provisions of sick leave benefits apply to leave if the teacher has available sick leave The board of education will consider disability because of pregnancy or childbirth in the same manner as any other disability is considered Therefore if an employee desires parental maternitypaternity leave the employee shall so advise the", "question_text": "2. \nCareer teachers with at least five years with the Tannehill Public Schools district may be granted extended leave \nwithout pay for up to one year, for personal reasons, with no loss of career teacher status. \n \nSuch leave may be granted by the superintendent only after consultation with the teacher requesting such leave, and only after \na Leave of Absence Contract is signed by both the teacher and the superintendent. \n \nUpon return from a leave of absence, the teacher shall be placed in the same position or a similar position for which the teacher \nis certified and qualified. The teacher on leave shall not advance on the salary schedule and is subject to the current reduction-\nin-force policy. \n \nA teacher on approved leave of absence will be reinstated at a salary level no lower than that attained at the time the leave was \ngranted. \n \nSick leave that was accrued prior to the approved leave of absence will be reinstated. Additional sick leave or personal \nbusiness leave will not be granted for the period of one year's leave of absence. An employee taking a leave of absence for one \nsemester will receive five days of sick leave, one and one-half days of personal business leave, and one day of emergency \nleave. A leave of absence for a semester will not change the amount of days for bereavement leave. \n \nPARENTAL LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nA teacher who is pregnant may continue to teach and be active in employment as late into her pregnancy as she desires, \nprovided she is able to perform her required duties in a suitable manner. \nThe request for parental leave should be submitted in writing to the superintendent's office and be accompanied by a doctor's \ncertification of pregnancy. The commencement of parental leave is left to the discretion of the teacher and/or physician and \nmay extend no longer than one semester, ninety (90) teaching days, after delivery. \n \nThe teacher is asked to advise the superintendent's office as soon as return to duty is anticipated. In every case, a statement \nfrom the attending physician attesting to the physical fitness of the teacher is required. Provisions of sick leave benefits apply \nto leave if the teacher has available sick leave. \n \nThe board of education will consider disability because of pregnancy or childbirth in the same manner as any other disability is \nconsidered. Therefore, if an employee desires parental (maternity/paternity) leave, the employee shall so advise the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": "superintendent in writing of herhis intentions the date the leave is to commence whether longterm or shortterm leave is desired and the date of return Longterm leave is an extended leave of absence without pay which does not include or affect regular sick leave Shortterm leave involves the use of regular sick pay and is leave with pay up to the exhaustion of sick leave", "question_text": "superintendent in writing of her/his intentions; the date the leave is to commence; whether long-term or short-term leave is \ndesired, and the date of return. \n \nLong-term leave is an extended leave of absence without pay which does not include or affect regular sick leave. \n \nShort-term leave involves the use of regular sick pay and is leave with pay up to the exhaustion of sick leave.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Requests for parental leave must be submitted in writing", "question_text": "1. \nRequests for parental leave must be submitted in writing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Pregnant employees are required to furnish a doctors statement as to their physical wellbeing and ability to continue employment", "question_text": "2. \nPregnant employees are required to furnish a doctor's statement as to their physical well-being \nand ability to \ncontinue employment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Pregnant employees are required to furnish a doctors statement as to their physical wellbeing and ability to return to employment following delivery", "question_text": "3. \nPregnant employees are required to furnish a doctor's statement as to their physical well-being \nand ability to \nreturn to employment following delivery.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 28, "standardized_text": " Employees may be requested to provide an intent statement as to whether or not they intend to return to employment following the birth of the child BEREAVEMENT LEAVE REGULATIONS The board of education will provide up to three days leave with pay for each bereavement in the immediate family of an employee Such leave must be approved by the principal and the superintendent If the employee has to be absent for a funeral other than immediate family the absence will be charged to emergency leave If additional time is needed because of travel or other special considerations a request may be submitted and if approved by the principal and superintendent the time will be charged to sick leave Immediate family is defined as the employees spouse parent or guardian child brother sister grandparent grandchild or each similar relationship as established by marriage or a person residing in the same household as the employee EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse itemized and necessary expenses incurred by employees or members of the board on educational trips authorized by the board and itemized and necessary expenses incurred transacting school business The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and establishing a rate schedule for board approval STUDENT ACTIVITIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse preapproved itemized and necessary meal and lodging expenses incurred by school district students and sponsors involved in authorized schoolsponsored cocurricular activities Requests and arrangements for student travel will originate from the appropriate building administrators office Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar The school will reimburse reasonable costs subject to the availability of funds for approved and documented lodging and meal expenses Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrators office The forms will be completed and approved in the respective building and handdelivered to the business office for payment The board of education will determine if reimbursement will be made from the general funds of the school district or from the school activity funds TRAVEL AND EXPENSES It is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the board and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent Requests and arrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrators office Travel requests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar Emergency travel will be placed on the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local", "question_text": "4. \nEmployees may be requested to provide an \"intent\" statement as to whether or not they intend \nto return to \nemployment following the birth of the child. \n \n \nBEREAVEMENT LEAVE \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education will provide up to three (3) days leave with pay for each bereavement in the immediate family of an \nemployee. Such leave must be approved by the principal and the superintendent. \n \nIf the employee has to be absent for a funeral other than immediate family, the absence will be charged to emergency leave. If \nadditional time is needed because of travel or other special considerations, a request may be submitted; and, if approved by the \nprincipal and superintendent, the time will be charged to sick leave. \n \nImmediate family is defined as the employee's spouse, parent or guardian, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, or \neach similar relationship as established by marriage; or a person residing in the same household as the employee. \n \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse itemized and necessary expenses incurred by employees or \nmembers of the board on educational trips authorized by the board and itemized and necessary expenses incurred transacting \nschool business. The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation supporting this policy and establishing a rate schedule \nfor board approval. \n \nSTUDENT ACTIVITIES \nEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to reimburse pre-approved itemized and necessary meal and lodging \nexpenses incurred by school district students and sponsors involved in authorized school-sponsored cocurricular activities. \n \nRequests and arrangements for student travel will originate from the appropriate building administrator's office. Travel \nrequests will be made as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar. \n \nThe school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented lodging and meal \nexpenses. \n \nClaim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrator's office. The forms will be completed and approved \nin the respective building and hand-delivered to the business office for payment. \n \nThe board of education will determine if reimbursement will be made from the general funds of the school district or from the \nschool activity funds. \n \nTRAVEL AND EXPENSES \nIt is the policy of the board of education that official school travel for board members must be approved in advance by the \nboard and travel for employees will be approved in advance by the building administrator or the superintendent. Requests and \narrangements for employee travel will originate from the appropriate building administrator's office. Travel requests will be \nmade as early as possible and placed on the building calendar as well as the master calendar. Emergency travel will be placed \non the respective calendars as soon as possible following the travel or notification of the emergency. The district will not pay \nfor any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal, state, or local", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": "funding The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependentcare expenses regardless of whether the funding source is federal state or local funding The school will reimburse reasonable costs subject to the availability of funds for approved and documented travel Lodging expenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed per nightper person Documented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed per meal or per day when appropriate receipts are provided The district will pay up to of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity The costs of meals and incidental expenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item by the board The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be itemized and documented If overnight travel is not involved andor a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a legitimate business meeting relating to school business reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and run through payroll Expenses for registration parking toll charges and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or notarized affidavits School vehicles when available may be used for official business only Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles are not available Mileage expense will be reimbursed at centsper mile at the current IRS approved rate per mile when a school gasoline credit card is not used Claim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrators office The forms will be completed and approved in the respective building and handdelivered to the business office for payment POLICY FOR RETIREES UNUSED SICK LEAVE COMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE This policy does not supersede or intend to replace any school policy regarding sick leave It is the intention of this policy to reward career employees who are retiring It is intended as an expression of gratitude toward retirees for faithful attendance to their duties at Tannehill School This policy shall not be construed as a blanket buyback policy of unused leave for any and all persons resigning from positions held at Tannehill School This policy shall not be construed or considered as part of a negotiated agreement or as a component of employee contracts The school board reserves the right to review each petition for leave buyback on a casebycase basis The Tannehill School Board will endeavor to be fair and consistent in awarding compensation and in that regard determinations of the board will be guided by the following stipulations", "question_text": "funding. The district will not pay for any board member or employee dependent-care expenses regardless of whether the \nfunding source is federal, state, or local funding. \n \nThe school will reimburse reasonable costs, subject to the availability of funds, for approved and documented travel. Lodging \nexpenses will be reimbursed at actual cost for a single occupancy room not to exceed $200 per night/per person. \n \nDocumented meal costs will be reimbursed in an amount not to exceed $50 per meal or $100 per day when appropriate receipts \nare provided. (The district will pay up to 20% of the cost of meals for a meal gratuity.) The costs of meals and incidental \nexpenses for group meetings conducted for the general improvement of the school system may be approved as a separate item \nby the board. The board may approve payment of meal expenses on a per diem basis rather than requiring meal expenses to be \nitemized and documented. If overnight travel is not involved and/or a meal is not provided as part of a workshop or part of a \nlegitimate business meeting relating to school business, reimbursement for meals will be reported as taxable compensation and \nrun through payroll. \n \nExpenses for registration, parking, toll charges, and similar expenses will be reimbursed when documented by receipts or \nnotarized affidavits. \n \nSchool vehicles, when available, may be used for official business only. Private vehicles may be used when school vehicles \nare not available. Mileage expense will be reimbursed at 54.5 centsper mile) (at the current IRS approved rate) per mile when \na school gasoline credit card is not used. \n \nClaim forms for travel expenses are available in the building administrator's office. The forms will be completed and approved \nin the respective building and hand-delivered to the business office for payment. \n \nPOLICY FOR RETIREES\u2019 UNUSED SICK LEAVE \nCOMPENASATION FOR UNUSED SICK LEAVE \nThis policy does not supersede or intend to replace any school policy regarding sick leave. \n \nIt is the intention of this policy to reward career employees who are retiring. It is intended as an expression of gratitude toward \nretirees for faithful attendance to their duties at Tannehill School. This policy shall not be construed as a blanket buy-back \npolicy of unused leave for any and all persons resigning from positions held at Tannehill School. This policy shall not be \nconstrued or considered as part of a negotiated agreement or as a component of employee contracts. \n \nThe school board reserves the right to review each petition for leave buy-back on a case-by-case basis. The Tannehill School \nBoard will endeavor to be fair and consistent in awarding compensation and in that regard determinations of the board will be \nguided by the following stipulations:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Employee vested status This policy is designed for career employees that have committed at least years of consecutive service to Tannehill School and also have reached eligible retirement status as determined by Social Security Retirement benefit eligibility for support staff Oklahoma Teacher Retirement benefit eligibility for certified staff", "question_text": "1. Employee vested status: This policy is designed for career employees that have committed at least 10 years of \nconsecutive service to Tannehill School and also have reached eligible retirement status as determined by: \n\u2022 \nSocial Security Retirement benefit eligibility for support staff \n\u2022 \nOklahoma Teacher Retirement benefit eligibility for certified staff.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Origin of leave When calculating the compensation amount the board will only consider leave that has been accumulated during the time of employment at Tannehill School The payroll clerk shall maintain a record in the employees personnel files of any eligible accumulated sick leave accrued at an institution other than Tannehill School This information shall be established upon the hiring of individuals and is considered a part of the routine information gathering for files of new hires", "question_text": "2. Origin of leave: When calculating the compensation amount, the board will only consider leave that has been \naccumulated during the time of employment at Tannehill School. The payroll clerk shall maintain a record in the \nemployee's personnel files of any eligible accumulated sick leave accrued at an institution other than Tannehill \nSchool. This information shall be established upon the hiring of individuals and is considered a part of the routine \ninformation gathering for files of new hires.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Consumption of leave For compensation or buy back calculation purposes sick leave that is consumed during employment with Tannehill will be deducted from the amount that is accrued at Tannehill School Leave earned at other institutions shall not be considered in retirement buyback calculations but is banked only for traditional sick leave timeoff work after the leave amount accrued at Tannehill has been exhausted", "question_text": "3. Consumption of leave: For compensation or \"buy back\" calculation purposes, sick leave that is consumed during \nemployment with Tannehill will be deducted from the amount that is accrued at Tannehill School. Leave earned at \nother institutions shall not be considered in retirement buy-back calculations but is banked only for traditional sick \nleave time-off work after the leave amount accrued at Tannehill has been exhausted.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 29, "standardized_text": " Employee GoodStanding status Compensation is intended to reward employees that retire and leave their positions in good standing This good standing will be determined by the superintendent and shall be based on the employee meeting expectations of professionalism in conduct by maintaining their work ethic through the end of the retirement year providing days notice of intent to retire and any other factors deemed appropriate by the superintendent The superintendent shall notify the employee in writing in any case where good standing status is denied and shall justify the reasons for denial by citing specific evidence of unsatisfactory conduct performance or other factors of cause", "question_text": "4. Employee \"Good-Standing\" status: Compensation is intended to reward employees that retire and leave their \npositions \"in good standing\". This \"good standing\" will be determined by the superintendent and shall be based on the \nemployee meeting expectations of professionalism in conduct, by maintaining their work ethic through the end of the \nretirement year, providing 90 days notice of intent to retire and any other factors deemed appropriate by the \nsuperintendent. The superintendent shall notify the employee in writing in any case where \"good standing\" status is \ndenied and shall justify the reasons for denial by citing specific evidence of unsatisfactory conduct, performance or \nother factors of cause.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Availability of funds School finance is unpredictable and may at various times be tenuous At any time that the Tannehill School General Revenue Fund is perceived to be in danger of potentially not meeting obligations over a forward projected time frame of days the school board will not award compensation to retirees for unused sick leave", "question_text": "5. Availability of funds: School finance is unpredictable and may at various times be tenuous. At any time that the \nTannehill School General Revenue Fund is perceived to be in danger of potentially not meeting obligations over a \nforward projected time frame of 120 days the school board will not award compensation to retirees for unused sick \nleave.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " No retroactive buyback In any case where compensation has not been awarded due to the lack of available funds as outlined in item above there shall be no means for review of a petition for retroactive buy back once the financial standing of the general fund returns to a less tenuous condition In other words an employee that is denied compensation may not return at a later time requesting that the board reconsider once finances improve", "question_text": "6. No retro-active buyback: In any case where compensation has not been awarded due to the lack of available funds \nas outlined in item (5) above, there shall be no means for review of a petition for retro-active buy back once the \nfinancial standing of the general fund returns to a less tenuous condition. In other words, an employee that is denied \ncompensation may not return at a later time requesting that the board reconsider once finances improve.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Rate of Compensation Compensation shall be calculated based on the unused portion of the retiring employees sick leave days multiplied by per day", "question_text": "7. Rate of Compensation: Compensation shall be calculated based on the unused portion of the retiring employee's sick \nleave days multiplied by $25.00 per day.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Maximum Compensation Tannehill School will offer compensation for no more than days of unused sick leave with the maximum amount paid to a retiring employee being If any days are used as service for Teachers Retirement they cannot be purchased by the school as they are used", "question_text": "8. Maximum Compensation: Tannehill School will offer compensation for no more than 120 days of unused sick leave \nwith the maximum amount paid to a retiring employee being $3,000.00. If any days are used as service for Teacher\u2019s \nRetirement they cannot be purchased by the school as they are \u201cused\u201d.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Sick Leave Deduction Tannehill School will not pay for leave that is being transferred to another place of employment The retiring employee understands and consents upon receiving compensation to the deduction from the employees sick leave bank that amount of days for which the employee receives compensation Tannehill School will not pay for sick leave if the employee does not consent to the deduction from the accumulated leave days on record this compensation is not a stipend benefit but rather a leave buyback Should the retiree return to work at Tannehill School or for any entity that recognizes Tannehill School leave the employee may not request that leave days be reinstated which have been bought back as part of this compensation agreement", "question_text": "9. Sick Leave Deduction: Tannehill School will not pay for leave that is being transferred to another place of \nemployment. The retiring employee understands and consents upon receiving compensation - to the deduction from \nthe employee's sick leave bank that amount of days for which the employee receives compensation. Tannehill School \nwill not pay for sick leave if the employee does not consent to the deduction from the accumulated leave days on \nrecord \u2014 this compensation is not a stipend benefit but rather a leave buy-back. Should the retiree return to work at \nTannehill School or for any entity that recognizes Tannehill School leave, the employee may not request that leave \ndays be reinstated which have been bought back as part of this compensation agreement.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Effect on other policies The rate of compensation and other factors outlined in this policy shall not be construed as a means to effect any other school policies such as rate I l woe of liability for employees who use more than their allotted leave amount", "question_text": "10. Effect on other policies: The rate of compensation and other factors outlined in this policy shall not be construed as a \nmeans to effect any other school policies - such as rate I l woe of liability for employees who use more than their \nallotted leave amount.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 30, "standardized_text": " Notification Requirement Retiring employees must provide days notice of intent to retire in order to be eligible for sick leave buyback LEAVE SHARING PLAN The Tannehill Board of Education has established a sick leave sharing plan for employee use of sick leave days donated from other employees of the district The plan will permit the use of donated sick leave by a district employee who is pregnant or recovering from childbirth or who is suffering from or who has a relative or household member who is suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness injury impairment or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or to terminate employment The superintendent is directed to establish procedures to implement and support this policy EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES The Tannehill Board of Education believes that good communication between district employees the administrative staff and the board is essential for the effective operation of the schools The superintendent is directed to prepare subject to board approval a grievance procedure for employees as the prescribed means of resolving issues that may arise with respect to terms and conditions of employment EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES PROCEDURE In accordance with the policy of the board of education this procedure sets forth the necessary steps to follow in registering and processing a grievance with the school district Definitions A grievance is a complaint by a district employee alleging a violation or misinterpretation of any district policy or regulation directly and specifically governing that employees terms and conditions of employment A grievant is any employee of this district filing a grievance The grievance officer is the superintendent or designee", "question_text": "11. Notification Requirement: Retiring employees must provide 90 days notice of intent to retire in order to be eligible \nfor sick leave buy-back. \n \n \nLEAVE SHARING PLAN \nThe Tannehill Board of Education has established a sick leave sharing plan for employee use of sick leave days donated from \nother employees of the district. The plan will permit the use of donated sick leave by a district employee who is pregnant or \nrecovering from childbirth or who is suffering from or who has a relative or household member who is suffering from an \nextraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the \nemployee to take leave without pay or to terminate employment. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to establish procedures to implement and support this policy. \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that good communication between district employees, the administrative staff, and \nthe board is essential for the effective operation of the schools. The superintendent is directed to prepare, subject to board \napproval, a grievance procedure for employees as the prescribed means of resolving issues that may arise with respect to terms \nand conditions of employment. \n \nEMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES \n(PROCEDURE) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, this procedure sets forth the necessary steps to follow in registering \nand processing a grievance with the school district. \n \nDefinitions: \n \nA grievance is a complaint by a district employee alleging a violation or misinterpretation of any district policy or regulation \ndirectly and specifically governing that employee's terms and conditions of employment. \n \nA grievant is any employee of this district filing a grievance. \n \nThe grievance officer is the superintendent or designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": "Terms and conditions of employment means the hours of employment the compensation including fringe benefits and the districts personnel policies which affect the employee A day means any day in which the schools are in operation Immediate supervisor is the lowestlevel administrator having supervisory authority over the grievant The following steps will be used in presenting a grievance Step The grievant must present the grievance in writing within fifteen days of the alleged violation to the grievants immediate supervisor The supervisor will attempt to resolve any issue within his or her authority and area of responsibility Step If the grievance cannot be resolved at this level by the immediate supervisor the grievant must present in written form within ten days two working weeks the grievance to the grievance officer The superintendent may designate another administrator as the grievance officer Use Grievance Report Form A Step The grievance officer shall investigate and respond within five days one working week Use space provided on the Grievance Report Form A Step If the grievance is not resolved at this level the grievant may appeal within ten days two working weeks to the superintendent or hisher designated officer Use Appeal Form B Step The superintendent or hisher designated officer must respond to the appeal within five days one working week Use space provided on the appeal Form B Step If the grievant is not resolved at this level an appeal may be made within ten days two working weeks to the board of education which will review the grievance at the next regular meeting or within thirty calendar days Use Appeal Form C The review will be limited to the documentation provided to the board at the board meeting Documentation will not be distributed prior to the board meeting Each side will be given an opportunity limited to ten minutes to present their materials The board may ask questions at any time Step The local board of education will come to a decision before the meeting is adjourned Use space provided on Appeal Form C The board may go into executive session only if the grievance directly involves any one of the reasons provided in OS The decision of the board shall be final and nonappealable EMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS AND REFERENCE REQUESTS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with the school district The resignation must be written dated and signed It must specify the date upon which the resignation is to be effective The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail return receipt requested or personally delivered to the superintendents office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation Furthermore it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen days after the first Monday in June Any individual who is a school employee contractor or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school employee contractor or agent in obtaining a new job if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law This prohibition shall not apply if", "question_text": "Terms and conditions of employment means the hours of employment; the compensation, including fringe benefits; and the \ndistrict's personnel policies which affect the employee. \n \nA day means any day in which the schools are in operation. \n \nImmediate supervisor is the lowest-level administrator having supervisory authority over the grievant. \n \nThe following steps will be used in presenting a grievance: \n \n \nStep #1 The grievant must present the grievance in writing within fifteen (15) days of the alleged violation to the \ngrievant's immediate supervisor. The supervisor will attempt to resolve any issue within his or her authority and area of \nresponsibility. \n \n \nStep #2 If the grievance cannot be resolved at this level by the immediate supervisor, the grievant must present in written \nform within ten days (two working weeks) the grievance to the grievance officer. The superintendent may designate another \nadministrator as the grievance officer. (Use Grievance Report Form A.) \n \n \nStep #3 The grievance officer shall investigate and respond within five days (one working week). (Use space provided \non the Grievance Report Form A.) \n \n \nStep #4 If the grievance is not resolved at this level, the grievant may appeal within ten days (two working weeks) to the \nsuperintendent or his/her designated officer. (Use Appeal Form B.) \n \n \nStep #5 The superintendent, or his/her designated officer, must respond to the appeal within five days (one working \nweek). (Use space provided on the appeal Form B.) \n \n \nStep #6 If the grievant is not resolved at this level, an appeal may be made within ten days (two working weeks) to the \nboard of education which will review the grievance at the next regular meeting or within thirty calendar days. (Use Appeal \nForm C.) The review will be limited to the documentation provided to the board at the board meeting. Documentation will not \nbe distributed prior to the board meeting. Each side will be given an opportunity, limited to ten minutes, to present their \nmaterials. The board may ask questions at any time. \n \n \nStep #7 The local board of education will come to a decision before the meeting is adjourned. (Use space provided on \nAppeal Form C.) The board may go into executive session only if the grievance directly involves any one of the reasons \nprovided in 25 O.S. \u00a7307. The decision of the board shall be final and non-appealable. \n \nEMPLOYEE RESIGNATIONS \nAND REFERENCE REQUESTS \n \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any employee may submit a written resignation from employment with \nthe school district. The resignation must be written, dated, and signed. It must specify the date upon which the resignation is \nto be effective. The resignation must be mailed to the superintendent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personally \ndelivered to the superintendent\u2019s office and an acknowledgment of receipt inscribed on the face of the resignation. \nFurthermore, it is the policy of the board of education that teacher resignations must be tendered no later than fifteen (15) days \nafter the first Monday in June. \n \nAny individual who is a school employee, contractor, or agent of the school district is prohibited from assisting a school \nemployee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job, if the individual has probable cause to believe that such employee, \ncontractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law. This prohibition shall \nnot apply if:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the alleged misconduct and", "question_text": "1. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to a law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over \nthe alleged misconduct; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": " The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by Federal State or local law and", "question_text": "2. The information giving rise to probable cause has been properly reported to any other authorities as required by Federal, \nState, or local law; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 31, "standardized_text": " The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual misconduct has investigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to establish probable cause that the school employee contractor or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law and", "question_text": "3. The matter has been officially closed or the prosecutor or police with jurisdiction over the alleged sexual misconduct has \ninvestigated the allegations and notified school officials that there is insufficient information to establish probable cause that \nthe school employee, contractor, or agent engaged in sexual misconduct regarding a minor or student in violation of the law; \nand", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 32, "standardized_text": " The school employee contractor or agent has been charged with and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the alleged misconduct or", "question_text": "4. The school employee, contractor, or agent has been charged with, and acquitted or otherwise exonerated of the alleged \nmisconduct; or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 32, "standardized_text": " The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against or indictment of the school employee contractor or agent within four years of the date on which the information was reported to a law enforcement agency The routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new job and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above GRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES GRANT SUBMISSIONS A grant offer and acceptance constitutes a contractual agreement between the grantor funding source and the grantee teacher school department or district This agreement should not be entered into without appropriate approval Applicants must obtain approval from the Superintendent prior to submitting a grant proposal or application to any funding source To ensure that each proposal from the school district represents the highest quality possible the final draft of each grant application will be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee Proposals requiring approval or signature of the Board of Education must be submitted a minimum of days prior to a board meeting NOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION Upon receipt of a notice of grant award or rejection from the funding agency the applicant will send a copy to the Superintendent Applicants are also encouraged to send a thank you letter to the funding source even if funding is not awarded during this grant cycle If the grant is awarded the superintendent or designee will meet with the applicant to establish a grant budget Grant funds cannot be expended until a budget has been established Grant recipients will adhere to all fiscal and programmatic reporting requirements imposed by the funding source The superintendent will establish and maintain the official files for all grant awards Files must be kept for five years after the conclusion of the grant After the Board of Education accepts grant funding from governmental agencies private companies organizations and foundations for various educational programs or projects the funds will be budgeted for each program or project according to the amount and regulations of the grant awarded This district will have internal control systems to provide reasonable assurance that it is managing federal financial assistance programs in compliance with applicable laws and regulations as directed by the State Department of Education Methods and procedures will be in place to minimize the time elapsed between the transfer of funds from the State and the disbursement of these funds by the district Whenever possible the superintendent will provide a formal request for quotes or accept bids for goods or services that will be purchased with the grant funds Goods and services received in consideration for grant funds will be monitored and careful consideration will be provided as to the quality of the goods received andor the performance of services rendered prior to the district entering into future contracts for goods and services The district will maintain financial records of all expenditures made from the grant funds and such records will be available for inspection and will be deemed to be public records These records whenever practicable shall be collected transmitted and stored electronically EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for equipment or supplies used by the teacher", "question_text": "5. The case or investigation remains open and there have been no charges filed against, or indictment of, the school employee, \ncontractor, or agent within four (4) years of the date on which the information was reported to a law enforcement agency. \n \nThe routine transmission of administrative and personnel files is not considered assisting a school employee in obtaining a new \njob and will be exempt from the requirements of the procedure listed above. \n \n \n \nGRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES \n \n \nGRANT SUBMISSIONS \n \nA grant offer and acceptance constitutes a contractual agreement between the grantor (funding source) and the grantee \n(teacher, school, department, or district). This agreement should not be entered into without appropriate approval. \n \nApplicants must obtain approval from the Superintendent prior to submitting a grant proposal or application to any funding \nsource. To ensure that each proposal from the school district represents the highest quality possible, the final draft of each \ngrant application will be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee. Proposals requiring approval or signature of the Board \nof Education must be submitted a minimum of 10 days prior to a board meeting. \n \n \nNOTICE OF GRANT AWARD OR REJECTION \n \nUpon receipt of a notice of grant award or rejection from the funding agency, the applicant will send a copy to the \nSuperintendent. Applicants are also encouraged to send a thank you letter to the funding source even if funding is not awarded \nduring this grant cycle. \n \nIf the grant is awarded, the superintendent or designee will meet with the applicant to establish a grant budget. Grant funds \ncannot be expended until a budget has been established. Grant recipients will adhere to all fiscal and programmatic reporting \nrequirements imposed by the funding source. \n \nThe superintendent will establish and maintain the official files for all grant awards. Files must be kept for five years after the \nconclusion of the grant. \n \nAfter the Board of Education accepts grant funding from governmental agencies, private companies, organizations, and \nfoundations for various educational programs or projects, the funds will be budgeted for each program or project according to \nthe amount and regulations of the grant awarded. \n \nThis district will have internal control systems to provide reasonable assurance that it is managing federal financial assistance \nprograms in compliance with applicable laws and regulations as directed by the State Department of Education. Methods and \nprocedures will be in place to minimize the time elapsed between the transfer of funds from the State and the disbursement of \nthese funds by the district. \n \nWhenever possible the superintendent will provide a formal request for quotes or accept bids for goods or services that will be \npurchased with the grant funds. Goods and services received in consideration for grant funds will be monitored and careful \nconsideration will be provided as to the quality of the goods received and/or the performance of services rendered prior to the \ndistrict entering into future contracts for goods and services. \n \nThe district will maintain financial records of all expenditures made from the grant funds and such records will be available for \ninspection and will be deemed to be public records. These records, whenever practicable, shall be collected, transmitted and \nstored electronically. \n \nEQUIPMENT ACCOUNTABILITY \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that each teacher shall be charged with the responsibility of accounting for \nequipment or supplies used by the teacher.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 33, "standardized_text": "Inventories will be made of all equipment books furniture computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the school year The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent No school property or equipment may be removed from the school for nonschool use without the approval of the superintendent Any equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator The borrower shall assume the expense of the operator and the full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrowers possession Equipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed When no longer needed for the original program or project the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which are approved by the superintendent or designee Prior to any sale of property the board of education will need to vote to declare the property as surplus When acquiring replacement property the school district may utilize the equipment to be replaced as a tradein or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property Any property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory lists with a description of the property a serial number or other identification number the source of funding for the property the acquisition date and the cost of the property the location use and condition of the property any ultimate disposition information including the date of disposal and sale price of the property Any sale of property that was purchased with federal funding must ensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal property PLANNING PERIODS All instructors excluding vocational staff cooperating with the State Department of Career and Technology Education shall be provided planning time each week as required by the State Accreditation Standards within the student school day for preparation Elementary and middle school teachers with minutes will be provided minutes for planning each week Secondary teachers are to be provided minutes for planning each week The preparation period may be used for the fol lowing duties personal instructional preparation planning selecting and preparing materials for instruction conferring with parents staff and administrators keeping school records supervising aides if assigned grading student papers and recording student grades and study of current literature to keep abreast of developments within the subject matter taught by the teacher The preparation period shall be utilized within the building of major assignment and for the purposes indicated Teachers shall leave the school premises only to carry out functions relating to the above duties when written permission to do so has been obtained from the building principal PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that teachers and other employees shall continue their professional growth through seminar and workshop attendance and membership in professional organizations The board believes that it has a responsibility to provide opportunities for the continual growth of its professional staff Such opportunities may include within budgetary limitation special inservice training courses and workshops as recommended by a professional development committee andor the board Staff members are encouraged to seek additional and higher degrees to obtain further certification and to become more proficient not only in their subject area but also in their ability to handle discipline to motivate students and to cope with both personal and jobrelated stress A focused and individualized program of professional development shall be created for each teacher and administrator that is consistent with the qualitative component of the TLE Annual professional growth goals shall be developed for each certified employee in collaboration with the certified employees evaluator The goals shall be tailored to address a specific area or criteria identified through the qualitative component of the TLE The certified employee will actively engage with learning practices that are evidencebased researched practices that are correlated with increased student achievement and the professional development will be supported by resources that are easily available and supplied by the school district and the State Department of Education The superintendent or designee shall monitor compliance with each individualized program of professional development The professional development committee shall be composed of classroom teachers administrators school counselors or licensed mental health providers and parents guardians or custodians of children in the district A majority of the committee shall be composed of classroom teachers who will be selected by a designated administrator of the district from a list provided by the teachers in the school district The members selected shall be subject to the approval of a majority vote of the teachers in the district The administrators shall be selected by the board from a list provided by the superintendent Parents shall be selected by the board from a list provided by the administration and the professional development committee When classes are dismissed for that purpose teachers are expected to attend professional meetings or forfeit one days pay for each day of the meeting unattended unless an emergency exists", "question_text": "Inventories will be made of all equipment, books, furniture, computing devices and supplies at the beginning and close of the \nschool year. The inventory will be filed in the office of the superintendent. \n \nNo school property or equipment may be removed from the school for non-school use without the approval of the \nsuperintendent. Any equipment on loan must be operated by a school approved operator. The borrower shall assume the \nexpense of the operator and the full responsibility for the equipment while it is in the borrower's possession. \n \nEquipment purchased with federal funds shall be utilized in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed. \nWhen no longer needed for the original program or project, the equipment can be utilized in other programs or projects which \nare approved by the superintendent or designee. Prior to any sale of property, the board of education will need to vote to \ndeclare the property as surplus. When acquiring replacement property, the school district may utilize the equipment to be \nreplaced as a trade-in or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property. \n \nAny property that is purchased with federal funding is the property of the school district and should be identified on inventory \nlists with a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of funding for the property, \nthe acquisition date, and the cost of the property, the location, use and condition of the property, any ultimate disposition \ninformation including the date of disposal and sale price of the property. Any sale of property that was purchased with federal \nfunding must ensure the highest possible return for the school district and adhere to district policy regarding sale of personal \nproperty. \n \n \nPLANNING PERIODS \nAll instructors, excluding vocational staff cooperating with the State Department of Career and Technology Education, shall be \nprovided planning time each week as required by the State Accreditation Standards within the student school day for \npreparation. Elementary and middle school teachers with 200 minutes will be provided 200 minutes for planning each week. \nSecondary teachers are to be provided 225 minutes for planning each week. The preparation period may be used for the fol-\nlowing duties: personal instructional preparation; planning, selecting, and preparing materials for instruction; conferring with \nparents, staff, and administrators; keeping school records; supervising aides (if assigned); grading student papers and recording \nstudent grades; and study of current literature to keep abreast of developments within the subject matter taught by the teacher. \nThe preparation period shall be utilized within the building of major assignment and for the purposes indicated. Teachers shall \nleave the school premises only to carry out functions relating to the above duties when written permission to do so has been \nobtained from the building principal. \n \n \nPROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that teachers and other employees shall continue their professional growth \nthrough seminar and workshop attendance and membership in professional organizations. The board believes that it has a \nresponsibility to provide opportunities for the continual growth of its professional staff. Such opportunities may include, \nwithin budgetary limitation, special in-service training courses and workshops as recommended by a professional development \ncommittee and/or the board. Staff members are encouraged to seek additional and higher degrees, to obtain further \ncertification, and to become more proficient not only in their subject area, but also in their ability to handle discipline, to \nmotivate students, and to cope with both personal and job-related stress. \n \nA focused and individualized program of professional development shall be created for each teacher and administrator that is \nconsistent with the qualitative component of the TLE. Annual professional growth goals shall be developed for each certified \nemployee in collaboration with the certified employee\u2019s evaluator. The goals shall be tailored to address a specific area or \ncriteria identified through the qualitative component of the TLE. The certified employee will actively engage with learning \npractices that are evidence-based, researched practices that are correlated with increased student achievement, and the \nprofessional development will be supported by resources that are easily available and supplied by the school district and the \nState Department of Education. The superintendent or designee shall monitor compliance with each individualized program of \nprofessional development. \n \nThe professional development committee shall be composed of classroom teachers, administrators, school counselors or \nlicensed mental health providers, and parents, guardians, or custodians of children in the district. A majority of the committee \nshall be composed of classroom teachers who will be selected by a designated administrator of the district from a list provided \nby the teachers in the school district. The members selected shall be subject to the approval of a majority vote of the teachers \nin the district. The administrators shall be selected by the board from a list provided by the superintendent. Parents shall be \nselected by the board from a list provided by the administration and the professional development committee. \n \nWhen classes are dismissed for that purpose, teachers are expected to attend professional meetings or forfeit one day's pay for \neach day of the meeting unattended unless an emergency exists.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": "The board may authorize the attendance of teachers at educational conferences and may reimburse travel and lodging expenses Authorization to attend shall be obtained from the board prior to the activity date Written requests shall be submitted to the superintendent who will forward the request to the board In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation shall govern professional development Professional Development of Certified and Licensed Personnel", "question_text": "The board may authorize the attendance of teachers at educational conferences and may reimburse travel and lodging expenses. \nAuthorization to attend shall be obtained from the board prior to the activity date. Written requests shall be submitted to the \nsuperintendent who will forward the request to the board. \n \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern professional development. \n \nProfessional Development of Certified and Licensed Personnel", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Membership in Professional Organizations The board of education feels genuine professional growth can be obtained by membership in the various professional organizations but that membership should be on a voluntary basis and not compulsory", "question_text": "1. \nMembership in Professional Organizations \n \n \n \nThe board of education feels genuine professional growth can be obtained by membership in the various \nprofessional organizations, but that membership should be on a voluntary basis and not compulsory.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Attendance at Required Meetings all certified and licensed personnel Certified and licensed persons are expected to attend all curriculum meetings planned by the professional development committee", "question_text": "2. \nAttendance at Required Meetings (all certified and licensed personnel) \n \n \n \nCertified and licensed persons are expected to attend all curriculum meetings planned by the professional \ndevelopment committee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Inservice Training A A minimum of professional development points shall be earned within a fiveyear period by each certified and licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district One point shall be equivalent to one clock hour B A minimum of professional development points shall be earned annually by each certified and licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district C", "question_text": "3. \nIn-service Training \n \n \nA. \nA minimum of 75 professional development points shall be earned within a five-year period by \neach certified and licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district. One point shall be \nequivalent to one clock hour. \n \n \nB. \nA minimum of 25 professional development points shall be earned annually by each certified \nand licensed individual in order to maintain employment in this district. \n \n \nC.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " professional development points must be earned from the professional days in August Any exceptions must be submitted and approved by the professional development committee D At least once a year a program shall be offered on recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect which all teachers will be required to complete For those teachers who are unable to complete the program on the day offered other arrangements will be made", "question_text": "18 professional development points must be earned from the 3 professional days in August. \nAny exceptions must be submitted and approved by the professional development committee. \n \n \nD. \nAt least once a year a program shall be offered on recognition and reporting of child abuse and \nneglect which all teachers will be required to complete. For those teachers who are unable to complete the \nprogram on the day offered, other arrangements will be made.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " National Board Certification Teachers who have submitted an application for National Board Certification may utilize two of their five professional days for certification portfolio development Approved Professional Development Opportunities", "question_text": "4. \nNational Board Certification \n \n \nTeachers who have submitted an application for National Board Certification may utilize two (2) of their five (5) \nprofessional days for certification portfolio development. \n \nApproved Professional Development Opportunities", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Such workshops as shall be provided by the local professional development committee in response to analysis of needs assessments administered annually to all certified and licensed personnel", "question_text": "1. \nSuch workshops as shall be provided by the local professional development committee in response to analysis of \nneeds assessments administered annually to all certified and licensed personnel.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Credit may be earned through the following alternatives A Professional Meetings Sanctioned by State Department of Education or professional organizations where professional development points are awarded", "question_text": "2. \nCredit may be earned through the following alternatives: \n \n A. \nProfessional Meetings (Sanctioned by State Department of Education or professional organizations \nwhere professional development points are awarded.)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " State and Zone OEA Workshops and CCOSA Meetings", "question_text": "1. \nState and Zone O.E.A. Workshops and C.C.O.S.A. Meetings", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Summer and Saturday Workshops", "question_text": "2. \nSummer and Saturday Workshops", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Coaches Clinics for Summer Coaching Clinic in the absence of signed vouchers professional development points allowed with local voucher to be signed by superintendent", "question_text": "3. \nCoaches Clinics (for Summer Coaching Clinic in the absence of signed vouchers - 10 professional development \npoints allowed with local voucher to be signed by superintendent)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Vocational Workshops", "question_text": "4. \nVocational Workshops", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Teacher Visitation", "question_text": "5. \nTeacher Visitation", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Etc B Professional Committees", "question_text": "6. \nEtc. \n \n \nB. \nProfessional Committees", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Textbook Committee", "question_text": "1. \nTextbook Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Professional Development Committee", "question_text": "2. \nProfessional Development Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 34, "standardized_text": " Local certified personnel conducting workshops", "question_text": "3. \nLocal certified personnel conducting workshops", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Local Teacher Association President pointsyear", "question_text": "4. \nLocal Teacher Association President (5 points/year)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Curriculum Review Planning Committee", "question_text": "5. \nCurriculum Review Planning Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Curriculum Review Chairpersons pointyear C College Courses and Credits One semester hour of approved college credit shall equal professional development points D Additional kinds of experiences may be recommended as alternative activities to the professional development committee to be approved by the board of education E For each clock hour of participation in alternate activities one professional development point will be awarded Record Keeping", "question_text": "6. \nCurriculum Review Chairpersons (1 point/year) \n \n \nC. \nCollege Courses and Credits (One semester hour of approved college credit shall equal 15 professional \ndevelopment points.) \n \n \nD. \nAdditional kinds of experiences may be recommended as alternative activities to the professional development \ncommittee to be approved by the board of education. \n \n \nE. \nFor each clock hour of participation in alternate activities, one professional development point will be awarded. \n \nRecord Keeping", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Vouchers for workshops and individual records of professional development points will be kept by the Professional Development Representative in each building", "question_text": "1. \nVouchers for workshops and individual records of professional development points will be kept by the \nProfessional Development Representative in each building.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Turning in vouchers evaluations and signing the record of points is the responsibility of each individual", "question_text": "2. \nTurning in vouchers, evaluations, and signing the record of points is the responsibility of each individual.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Vouchers and evaluations must be turned in to the building representative no later than one week after a workshop These points will be lost if this is not done during this time period", "question_text": "3. \nVouchers and evaluations must be turned in to the building representative no later than one week after a \nworkshop. These points will be lost if this is not done during this time period.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " An evaluation is to be filled out for every local workshop and returned to the building representative", "question_text": "4. \nAn evaluation is to be filled out for every local workshop and returned to the building representative.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Lost vouchers result in points not being counted Replacement vouchers will not be available", "question_text": "5. \nLost vouchers result in points not being counted. Replacement vouchers will not be available.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " A comparison check of each certified and licensed persons points will be made once each semester by the building representative and the representative from the central office", "question_text": "6. \nA comparison check of each certified and licensed person's points will be made once each semester by the \nbuilding representative and the representative from the central office.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Any questions concerning professional development should be directed to the building representative", "question_text": "7. \nAny questions concerning professional development should be directed to the building representative.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " College credit earned during the summer must be turned in to the building representative no later than the end of the first full week beginning each school year A copy of the transcript or grades is needed to show the number of hours earned Evaluation", "question_text": "8. \nCollege credit earned during the summer must be turned in to the building representative no later than the end of \nthe first full week beginning each school year. (A copy of the transcript or grades is needed to show the number of hours \nearned.) \n \nEvaluation", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Individual records of professional development points will be maintained as required by state statutes", "question_text": "1. \nIndividual records of professional development points will be maintained as required by state statutes.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Cooperation of all certified and licensed personnel will be necessary to maintain an accurate professional development record for each person", "question_text": "2. \nCooperation of all certified and licensed personnel will be necessary to maintain an accurate professional \ndevelopment record for each person.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Failure to fulfill professional development training requirements result in action by the board of education according to state statutes Guidelines for Membership on Professional Development Committee", "question_text": "3. \nFailure to fulfill professional development training requirements result in action by the board of education \naccording to state statutes. \n \nGuidelines for Membership on Professional Development Committee", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " Classroom teacher and principal replacement members for the professional development committee will be elected for a twoyear term Terms for regular and alternate members will coincide", "question_text": "1. \nClassroom teacher and principal replacement members for the professional development committee will be \nelected for a two-year term. Terms for regular and alternate members will coincide.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 35, "standardized_text": " The chairperson and cochairperson will be chosen at the end of each school term to begin serving the following school year The chairperson should be a professional development member with one year of experience on the committee TEACHER EVALUATION The Tannehill Board of Education believes that personnel evaluation is a mutual endeavor among all staff members and the board to improve the quality of the overall educational program The improvement of the districts educational efforts must be a joint responsibility of the school district and the individual educator All certified staff members shall be evaluated using an evaluation system that has been approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Education The completed evaluation shall be retained in the personnel file of the person being evaluated The evaluation instrument is a confidential document and shall be protected accordingly Probationary teachers shall receive formative feedback from the evaluation process at least twice each year Formative feedback shall occur during the fall semester and at least once during the spring semester each year Career teachers shall be", "question_text": "2. \nThe chairperson and co-chairperson will be chosen at the end of each school term to begin serving the following \nschool year. The chairperson should be a professional development member with one year of experience on the committee. \n \n \nTEACHER EVALUATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that personnel evaluation is a mutual endeavor among all staff members and the \nboard to improve the quality of the overall educational program. The improvement of the district's educational efforts must be \na joint responsibility of the school district and the individual educator. \n \nAll certified staff members shall be evaluated using an evaluation system that has been approved by the Oklahoma State Board \nof Education. The completed evaluation shall be retained in the personnel file of the person being evaluated. The evaluation \ninstrument is a confidential document and shall be protected accordingly. \n \nProbationary teachers shall receive formative feedback from the evaluation process at least twice each year. Formative \nfeedback shall occur during the fall semester, and at least once during the spring semester, each year. Career teachers shall be", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 36, "standardized_text": "evaluated at least once each year except for career teachers receiving a district evaluation rating of superior or highly effective rating under the TLE who may be evaluated once every three years Evaluations of teachers shall be made by the appropriate certified principal or other designated certified and qualified administrative person The evaluation rating of teachers and administrators shall be based on the qualitative component of the TLE A school district with an average daily attendance of more than thirtyfive thousand may incorporate at its own expense prior to the", "question_text": "evaluated at least once each year except for career teachers receiving a district evaluation rating of \"superior\" or \"highly \neffective\" rating under the TLE, who may be evaluated once every three (3) years. Evaluations of teachers shall be made by \nthe appropriate certified principal, or other designated certified and qualified administrative person. \n \nThe evaluation rating of teachers and administrators shall be based on the qualitative component of the TLE. A school district \nwith an average daily attendance of more than thirty-five thousand (35,000) may incorporate at its own expense prior to the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 36, "standardized_text": " school year the quantitative components of the TLE into its evaluation system of teachers and administrators as defined by the school districts written policy The district may continue to use at its own expense quantitative measures of teachers and leaders as a part of the district evaluation rating Such measures shall include a minimum of one reliable researchedbased measure as approved by the State Board of Education For evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the school year and each school year thereafter school districts shall incorporate and put into operation the qualitative component of the TLE and shall provide all teachers and administrators with a district evaluation rating based upon the components of the TLE For the school year school districts shall incorporate the individualized programs of professional development set forth at OS B on a pilot program basis For evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the school year and each school year thereafter school districts shall fully incorporate and put into operation the individualized programs of professional development as set forth at OS B The evaluation shall be reviewed by the staff member and the evaluator Either or both may attach written and signed comments to the evaluation instrument within two weeks of the evaluation provided that no additional statements or comments shall be attached without the teachers knowledge The teachers signature on the evaluation instrument shall serve only to reflect the teachers acknowledgment that an evaluation was conducted A copy of the completed evaluation instrument will be provided to the teacher Except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction evaluation documents and the responses thereto shall be made available only to the evaluated person the board of education the administrative staff making the evaluation the board and administrative staff of any school to which the evaluated person applies for employment and such other persons given consent by the teacher in writing and shall be subject to disclosure at a hearing or trial de novo If the evaluation discloses any areas in which improvement can be reasonably expected and desired the principal shall discuss such areas with the teacher and offer suggestions and recommendations as to how improvement may be achieved Such recommendations shall be recorded on the evaluation instrument When the evaluating administrator identifies poor performance or conduct that the administrator believes may lead to a recommendation for the career teachers dismissal or nonreemployment the administrator will admonish the teacher in writing and make reasonable effort to assist the teacher in correcting the poor performance or conduct and establish a reasonable time for improvement not to exceed two months PERSONNEL FILES CERTIFIED STAFF A file of personnel records shall be maintained in the superintendents office for each certificated employee of the Tannehill Public Schools A file shall be kept for all resigned or retired employees including such essential information as shall seem appropriate to the administration as specified by state and federal laws Confidentiality Personnel information concerning district employees is generally confidential and may be reviewed only on a need to know basis under conditions which guarantee managements right of access to information necessary to make judgments and the protection of the employees of the district against unnecessary invasion of privacy Some personnel information is public record and must be released to any person upon request Files containing medical information regarding an employee will be kept separate from other personnel files Types of Information It shall be the responsibility of each certificated employee to see that there is filed with the district any record of prior teaching experience In addition if the teacher has rendered military service the proof of discharge from the service must be furnished", "question_text": "2015-2016 school year the quantitative components of the TLE into its evaluation system of teachers and administrators as \ndefined by the school district\u2019s written policy. The district may continue to use, at its own expense, quantitative measures of \nteachers and leaders as a part of the district evaluation rating. Such measures shall include a minimum of one reliable, \nresearched-based measure as approved by the State Board of Education. \n \nFor evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the 2017-2018 school year , and each school year thereafter, \nschool districts shall incorporate and put into operation the qualitative component of the TLE and shall provide all teachers and \nadministrators with a district evaluation rating based upon the components of the TLE. For the 2017-2018 school year school \ndistricts shall incorporate the individualized programs of professional development set forth at 70 O.S. \u00a7 6-101.10 (B) on a \npilot program basis. \n \nFor evaluations of teachers and administrators conducted during the 2018-2019 school year, and each school year thereafter, \nschool districts shall fully incorporate and put into operation the individualized programs of professional development as set \nforth at 70 O.S. \u00a7 6-101.10 (B). \n \nThe evaluation shall be reviewed by the staff member and the evaluator. Either or both may attach written and signed \ncomments to the evaluation instrument within two weeks of the evaluation, provided that no additional statements or comments \nshall be attached without the teacher's knowledge. The teacher's signature on the evaluation instrument shall serve only to \nreflect the teacher's acknowledgment that an evaluation was conducted. A copy of the completed evaluation instrument will be \nprovided to the teacher. \n \nExcept by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, evaluation documents and the responses thereto shall be made available \nonly to the evaluated person, the board of education, the administrative staff making the evaluation, the board and \nadministrative staff of any school to which the evaluated person applies for employment, and such other persons given consent \nby the teacher in writing, and shall be subject to disclosure at a hearing or trial de novo. \n \nIf the evaluation discloses any area(s) in which improvement can be reasonably expected and desired, the principal shall \ndiscuss such area(s) with the teacher and offer suggestions and recommendations as to how improvement may be achieved. \nSuch recommendations shall be recorded on the evaluation instrument. \n \nWhen the evaluating administrator identifies poor performance or conduct that the administrator believes may lead to a \nrecommendation for the career teacher's dismissal or nonreemployment, the administrator will admonish the teacher in \nwriting and make reasonable effort to assist the teacher in correcting the poor performance or conduct; and establish a \nreasonable time for improvement, not to exceed two months. \n \n \n \nPERSONNEL FILES \nCERTIFIED STAFF \nA file of personnel records shall be maintained in the superintendent's office for each certificated employee of the Tannehill \nPublic Schools. A file shall be kept for all resigned or retired employees, including such essential information as shall seem \nappropriate to the administration as specified by state and federal laws. \n \nConfidentiality \n \nPersonnel information concerning district employees is generally confidential and may be reviewed only on a \"need to know\" \nbasis under conditions which guarantee management's right of access to information necessary to make judgments and the \nprotection of the employees of the district against unnecessary invasion of privacy. Some personnel information is \"public \nrecord\" and must be released to any person upon request. \n \nFiles containing medical information regarding an employee will be kept separate from other personnel files. \n \nTypes of Information \n \nIt shall be the responsibility of each certificated employee to see that there is filed with the district any record of prior teaching \nexperience. In addition, if the teacher has rendered military service, the proof of discharge from the service must be furnished.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 37, "standardized_text": "It is the obligation of the certificated employee to see that information that will maintain the employees personnel file on a complete and uptodate basis is sent to the superintendents office The records shall contain the following information The correct name and the current address and telephone number of the employee An accurate record of the work experience of the employee Current data on education completed including the transcripts of all academic work Proof of requirements fulfilled in order to be eligible for salary Current data on credentials Any current data requested concerning the health of the employee or medical examinations that the employee may have undergone Records of assignment Evaluations of performance Letters of commendation reprimand or omission of duty Other materials mutually agreed upon between the principal and the teacher Use of Personnel Records All the contents of the personnel records file shall be available for inspection by the employee concerned The district reserves the right to have a member of the superintendents office staff present at the time the employee inspects his or her personnel file for the purpose of explaining and interpreting the information therein Similarly at the time the record is reviewed the employee shall have the right to have present a representative of his or her own choosing if desired The teacher shall have the right to respond to all materials contained in the personnel file and to any materials to be placed in the file in the future Responses shall become part of the file Parental Notice If the school district receives Title I funds the No Child Left Behind Act requires the district to provide parents with notice that they may request information about the professional qualifications of classroom teachers The notice to parents must include the following Whether the teacher has met state qualifications for the grade levels and subject areas taught Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status The baccalaureate degree of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher and the subject areas of the certification or degree Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and if so their qualifications If a parent requests the abovelisted information the district is required to provide the information in a timely manner If the district has hired a teacher who is not highly qualified and the teacher has taught a child for four or more weeks the district is required to provide the parents notice that their child has been taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified TOBACCO USE PROHIBITED The use of a tobacco product or vapor product shall be prohibited in or on an educational facility that offers an early childhood education program or in which children in grades kindergarten through twelve are educated The use of a tobacco product or vapor product shall also be prohibited in school vehicles and at any schoolsponsored or schoolsanctioned event or activity", "question_text": "It is the obligation of the certificated employee to see that information that will maintain the employee\u2019s personnel file on a \ncomplete and up-to-date basis is sent to the superintendent's office. The records shall contain the following information: \n \n 1. \nThe correct name and the current address and telephone number of the employee; \n \n 2. \nAn accurate record of the work experience of the employee; \n \n 3. \nCurrent data on education completed, including the transcripts of all academic work; \n \n 4. \nProof of requirements fulfilled in order to be eligible for salary; \n \n 5. \nCurrent data on credentials; \n \n 6. \nAny current data requested concerning the health of the employee, or medical examinations that the employee may \nhave undergone; \n \n 7. \nRecords of assignment; \n \n 8. \nEvaluations of performance; \n \n 9. \nLetters of commendation, reprimand, or omission of duty; \n \n 10. \nOther materials mutually agreed upon between the principal and the teacher. \n \nUse of Personnel Records \n \nAll the contents of the personnel records file shall be available for inspection by the employee concerned. The district reserves \nthe right to have a member of the superintendent's office staff present at the time the employee inspects his or her personnel file \nfor the purpose of explaining and interpreting the information therein. Similarly, at the time the record is reviewed, the \nemployee shall have the right to have present a representative of his or her own choosing, if desired. \n \nThe teacher shall have the right to respond to all materials contained in the personnel file and to any materials to be placed in \nthe file in the future. Responses shall become part of the file. \n \n \nParental Notice \n \nIf the school district receives Title I funds, the No Child Left Behind Act requires the district to provide parents with notice that \nthey may request information about the professional qualifications of classroom teachers. The notice to parents must include \nthe following: \n \n 1. \nWhether the teacher has met state qualifications for the grade levels and subject areas taught. \n \n 2. \nWhether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status. \n \n 3. \nThe baccalaureate degree of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the \nsubject area(s) of the certification or degree. \n \n 4. \nWhether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so, their qualifications. \n \nIf a parent requests the above-listed information, the district is required to provide the information in a timely manner. If the \ndistrict has hired a teacher who is not highly qualified and the teacher has taught a child for four or more weeks, the district is \nrequired to provide the parents notice that their child has been taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified. \n \n \nTOBACCO USE PROHIBITED \nThe use of a tobacco product or vapor product shall be prohibited 24/7 in or on an educational facility that offers an early \nchildhood education program or in which children in grades kindergarten through twelve are educated. The use of a tobacco \nproduct or vapor product shall also be prohibited 24/7 in school vehicles, and at any school-sponsored or school-sanctioned \nevent or activity.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Educational facility is defined as any property building permanent structure facility auditorium stadium arena or recreational facility owned leased or under the control of the school district School Vehicle is defined as any transportation equipment or auxiliary transportation equipment as defined in OS Chewing tobacco is defined as any Cavendish twist plug scrap and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for chewing Smoking tobacco is defined as any granulated plug cut crimp cut ready rubbed and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette Tobacco product is defined as any bidis cigars cheroots stogies smoking tobacco and chewing tobacco however prepared Tobacco products shall include any other articles or products made of tobacco or any substitute thereof Vapor product is defined as noncombustible products that may or may not contain nicotine that employ a mechanical heating element battery electronic circuit or other mechanism regardless of shape or size that can be used to produce a vapor in a solution or other form Vapor product shall also include any vapor cartridge or other container with or without nicotine or other form that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette electronic cigar electronic cigarillo electronic pipe or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of a solution that may or may not contain nicotine that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette electronic cigar electronic cigarillo or electronic device Vapor products do not include any products regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act Signs will be posted in prominent places on school property to notify the public that smoking or other use of tobacco products is prohibited Students are also prohibited from possessing tobacco on in or upon any school property If students are found to be carrying cigarettes or other tobacco products the tobacco product will be confiscated Employees are warned that violation of this policy may lead to dismissal action Patrons who violate this policy will be asked to leave the school premises Students violating this policy will be disciplined TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT TEACHERS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that professional employees who for any reason intend to resign or who intend to retire are encouraged to indicate their plans in writing to the board as early in the school year as plans may become firm and the decision to leave the district is made Resignations become effective at the end of the school year in which they are submitted Resignations to become effective earlier than at the end of the school year require a release by the board and must be considered on an individual basis Resignations for the subsequent school year likewise require a release by the board and will be considered on an individual basis Letters of resignation must be mailed to the board by registered or certified mail Career teachers will be subject to dismissal at any time or will not be eligible for reemployment for", "question_text": "1. \n\"Educational facility\u201d is defined as any property, building, permanent structure, facility, auditorium, stadium, arena or \nrecreational facility owned, leased, or under the control of the school district. \n \n \n 2. \n\u201cSchool Vehicle\u201d is defined as any transportation equipment or auxiliary transportation equipment as defined in 70 O.S. \n\u00a7 9-104. \n \n 3. \n\u201cChewing tobacco\u201d is defined as any Cavendish, twist, plug, scrap, and any other kinds and forms of tobacco suitable \nfor chewing. \n \n 4. \n\u201cSmoking tobacco\u201d is defined as any granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and any other kinds and forms of \ntobacco suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette. \n \n 5. \n\u201cTobacco product\u201d is defined as any bidis, cigars, cheroots, stogies, smoking tobacco and chewing tobacco, however \nprepared. Tobacco products shall include any other articles or products made of tobacco or any substitute thereof. \n \n 6. \n\u201cVapor product\u201d is defined as noncombustible products, that may or may not contain nicotine, that employ a \nmechanical heating element, battery, electronic circuit or other mechanism, regardless of shape or size, that can be used \nto produce a vapor in a solution or other form. Vapor product shall also include any vapor cartridge or other container \nwith or without nicotine or other form that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, \nelectronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of a solution, \nthat may or may not contain nicotine, that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, \nelectronic cigarillo or electronic device. Vapor products do not include any products regulated by the United States \nFood and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act. \n \nSigns will be posted in prominent places on school property to notify the public that smoking or other use of tobacco products \nis prohibited \n \nStudents are also prohibited from possessing tobacco on, in, or upon any school property. If students are found to be carrying \ncigarettes or other tobacco products, the tobacco product will be confiscated. \n \nEmployees are warned that violation of this policy may lead to dismissal action. Patrons who violate this policy will be asked \nto leave the school premises. Students violating this policy will be disciplined. \n \n \nTERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT \nTEACHERS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that professional employees, who for any reason intend to resign or who \nintend to retire, are encouraged to indicate their plans in writing to the board as early in the school year as plans may become \nfirm and the decision to leave the district is made. Resignations become effective at the end of the school year in which they \nare submitted. Resignations to become effective earlier than at the end of the school year require a release by the board and \nmust be considered on an individual basis. Resignations for the subsequent school year likewise require a release by the board \nand will be considered on an individual basis. Letters of resignation must be mailed to the board by registered or certified mail. \n \nCareer teachers will be subject to dismissal at any time - or will not be eligible for reemployment - for:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Willful neglect of duty", "question_text": "1. \nWillful neglect of duty,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Repeated negligence in the performance of duty", "question_text": "2. \nRepeated negligence in the performance of duty,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Mental or physical abuse to a child", "question_text": "3. \nMental or physical abuse to a child,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Incompetency", "question_text": "4. \nIncompetency,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Instructional ineffectiveness", "question_text": "5. \nInstructional ineffectiveness,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Unsatisfactory teaching performance", "question_text": "6. \nUnsatisfactory teaching performance,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Commission of an act of moral turpitude", "question_text": "7. \nCommission of an act of moral turpitude,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Abandonment of contract", "question_text": "8. \nAbandonment of contract,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 38, "standardized_text": " Conviction of a felony", "question_text": "9. \nConviction of a felony,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 39, "standardized_text": " After a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded the effectiveness of the individuals performance of school duties or", "question_text": "10. \nAfter a finding that such person has engaged in criminal sexual activity or sexual misconduct that has impeded \nthe effectiveness of the individual's performance of school duties, or", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 39, "standardized_text": " Failure to earn required staff development points Probationary teachers may be terminated for cause or nonrenewed by the board at its discretion subject to any statutory due process requirements in effect at the time such teacher is recommended for dismissal or nonrenewal Procedures for dismissal of certified employees are governed by state law and all actions of the school district and the board are clearly identified in the statutes However nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent layoffs due to lack of funds or work No action regarding dismissal or nonrenewal of an employee shall be taken until the employee has received due process see DOR The board of education may vote to offer employment or to not offer employment for the subsequent school year in advance of the statutory deadline Until a written contract is executed or until the statutory deadline passes the board may vote to not reemploy a certified employee SUPPORT PERSONNEL SUSPENSION DEMOTION NONRENEWAL OR TERMINATION The Tannehill Board of Education has adopted the following procedure for the suspension demotion or termination of support personnel in accordance with Title of Oklahoma Statutes Sections through For the purpose of this policy support employee means a fulltime employee as determined by the standard period of labor which is customarily understood to constitute fulltime employment for the type of services performed by the employee who is employed a minimum of one hundred seventytwo days and who provides those services which are not performed by certified teachers principals superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the efficient and satisfactory functioning of a school district Those support employees who work less than one hundred seventytwo days are not entitled to due process and shall be employed on an atwill basis No support employee who has been employed in the school district for more than one year may be suspended discharged or nonrenewed except within the provisions of this policy However this policy shall not be construed to prevent layoffs or reductionsinforce for lack of funds or work When the immediate suspension of a support employee is in the best interest of the school the superintendent may suspend the employee with or without pay without a hearing If an employee is suspended for a period exceeding days the superintendent shall initiate termination proceedings immediately upon the beginning of suspension However in a case involving a criminal charge the suspension may be delayed until the case is adjudicated at trial Nothing herein shall prevent proceeding against the employee for termination of employment during or after the suspension Prior to demotion termination or nonrenewal and after any suspension the support employee shall receive notice of his or her right to a board hearing if so requested Employees will be notified by certified mail of a superintendents recommendation to demote or terminate employment and the support employee must request a hearing by certified mail to the board clerk within", "question_text": "11. \nFailure to earn required staff development points. \n \nProbationary teachers may be terminated for cause or nonrenewed by the board at its discretion subject to any statutory due \nprocess requirements in effect at the time such teacher is recommended for dismissal or nonrenewal. \n \nProcedures for dismissal of certified employees are governed by state law and all actions of the school district and the board \nare clearly identified in the statutes. However, nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent layoffs due to lack of funds \nor work. No action regarding dismissal or nonrenewal of an employee shall be taken until the employee has received due \nprocess (see DO-R). \n \nThe board of education may vote to offer employment or to not offer employment for the subsequent school year in advance of \nthe statutory deadline. Until a written contract is executed or until the statutory deadline passes, the board may vote to not \nreemploy a certified employee. \n \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \nSUSPENSION, DEMOTION, NONRENEWAL, OR TERMINATION \nThe Tannehill Board of Education has adopted the following procedure for the suspension, demotion, or termination of support \npersonnel in accordance with Title 70 of Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 6-101.40 through 6-101.47. \n \nFor the purpose of this policy, \"support employee\" means a full-time employee as determined by the standard period of labor \nwhich is customarily understood to constitute full-time employment for the type of services performed by the employee who is \nemployed a minimum of one hundred seventy-two days (172) and who provides those services which are not performed by \ncertified teachers, principals, superintendents or administrators and which are necessary for the efficient and satisfactory \nfunctioning of a school district. Those support employees who work less than one hundred seventy-two days (172) are not \nentitled to due process and shall be employed on an at-will basis. \n \nNo support employee who has been employed in the school district for more than one year may be suspended, discharged, or \nnonrenewed except within the provisions of this policy. However, this policy shall not be construed to prevent layoffs or \nreductions-in-force for lack of funds or work. \n \nWhen the immediate suspension of a support employee is in the best interest of the school, the superintendent may suspend the \nemployee with or without pay without a hearing. If an employee is suspended for a period exceeding 10 days, the \nsuperintendent shall initiate termination proceedings immediately upon the beginning of suspension. However, in a case \ninvolving a criminal charge, the suspension may be delayed until the case is adjudicated at trial. Nothing herein shall prevent \nproceeding against the employee for termination of employment during or after the suspension. \n \nPrior to demotion, termination, or nonrenewal and after any suspension, the support employee shall receive notice of his or her \nright to a board hearing if so requested. Employees will be notified by certified mail of a superintendent\u2019s recommendation to \ndemote or terminate employment, and the support employee must request a hearing by certified mail to the board clerk within", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 39, "standardized_text": " working days of said notice or the employee shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to a hearing If a hearing is requested the hearing shall be conducted at the next succeeding regular meeting of the board if the request is received by the board clerk at least days prior to such meeting However a special meeting may be conducted if requested by the employee or at the discretion of the board of education Such special meeting shall be conducted no sooner than days nor later than days after receipt of the hearing request The decision of the board shall be final The procedures of this policy only protect employees who have been employed more than one year immediately preceding adverse employment action and are suspended or discharged during a contractual period of employment or are nonrenewed In accordance with Title of the Oklahoma Statutes Sections through the board hereby adopts the following causes for suspension demotion termination or nonrenewal of support personnel Leaving workstation without authorization prior to lunch periods or end of workday Excessive unexcused absenteeism Chronic absenteeism for any reason", "question_text": "10 working days of said notice, or the employee shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to a hearing. \n \nIf a hearing is requested, the hearing shall be conducted at the next succeeding regular meeting of the board if the request is \nreceived by the board clerk at least 10 days prior to such meeting. However, a special meeting may be conducted if requested \nby the employee or at the discretion of the board of education. Such special meeting shall be conducted no sooner than 10 \ndays, nor later than 30 days, after receipt of the hearing request. The decision of the board shall be final. \n \nThe procedures of this policy only protect employees who have been employed more than one year immediately preceding \nadverse employment action and are suspended or discharged during a contractual period of employment or are nonrenewed. \n \nIn accordance with Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 6-101.40 through 6-101.47, the board hereby adopts the \nfollowing causes for suspension, demotion, termination, or nonrenewal of support personnel: \n \n 1. \nLeaving workstation without authorization prior to lunch periods or end of workday. \n \n 2. \nExcessive unexcused absenteeism. \n \n 3. \nChronic absenteeism for any reason.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 40, "standardized_text": " Excessive tardiness Persistently wasting time or distracting others during working hours Leaving work area during working hours without proper notification and permission Falsification of personnel or other records personal or another employees records Possession of weapons on the premises at any time Removing district property records or confidential information from premises without proper authority Willful abuse misuse defacing or destruction of district property including tools equipment or other property of other employees Theft or misappropriation of property of employees students or of this district Sabotage Refusal to follow instructions of supervisor Refusal or failure to do work assignment Unauthorized operation of vehicles machines tools or equipment Threatening intimidating coercing abusing or interfering with employees supervisors or students at any time The making or publishing of false vicious or malicious statements concerning any employee supervisor students or the district Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions Practical jokes injurious to employees or district property Possession consumption or reporting to work under the influence of alcohol nonprescribed drugs or controlled substances Creating disturbances on the premises at any time Disregard of known safety rules or common safety practices Unsafe operation of motor driven vehicles Operating machines or equipment without safety devices provided Participating in or witnessing gambling lottery or any other game of chance on district property Unauthorized distribution of literature written or printed matter of any description on district property Posting or removing notices signs or writing in any form on bulletin boards of district property at any time without specific authority of the administration Poor workmanship Immoral conduct or indecency including abusive andor foul language Making or receiving personal telephone calls or texting posting to Facebook or use of other social media during working hours Walking off the job Continued poor or negative attitude while on the job including poor relationship with other staff or students", "question_text": "4. \nExcessive tardiness. \n \n 5. \nPersistently wasting time or distracting others during working hours. \n \n 6. \nLeaving work area during working hours without proper notification and permission. \n \n 7. \nFalsification of personnel or other records (personal or another employee's records). \n \n 8. \nPossession of weapons on the premises at any time. \n \n 9. \nRemoving district property, records, or confidential information from premises without proper authority. \n \n 10. \nWillful abuse, misuse, defacing, or destruction of district property, including tools, equipment, or other property of \nother employees. \n \n 11. \nTheft or misappropriation of property of employees, students, or of this district. \n \n 12. \nSabotage. \n \n 13. \nRefusal to follow instructions of supervisor. \n \n 14. \nRefusal or failure to do work assignment. \n \n 15. \nUnauthorized operation of vehicles, machines, tools, or equipment. \n \n 16. \nThreatening, intimidating, coercing, abusing or interfering with employees, supervisors, or students at any time. \n \n 17. \nThe making or publishing of false, vicious, or malicious statements concerning any employee, supervisor, students, or \nthe district. \n \n 18. \nCreating or contributing to unsanitary conditions. \n \n 19. \nPractical jokes injurious to employee's or district property. \n \n 20. \nPossession, consumption, or reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, nonprescribed drugs, or controlled \nsubstances. \n \n 21. \nCreating disturbances on the premises at any time. \n \n 22. \nDisregard of known safety rules or common safety practices. \n \n 23. \nUnsafe operation of motor driven vehicles. \n \n 24. \nOperating machines or equipment without safety devices provided. \n \n \n 25. \nParticipating in or witnessing gambling, lottery, or any other game of chance on district property. \n \n 26. \nUnauthorized distribution of literature, written, or printed matter of any description on district property. \n \n 27. \nPosting or removing notices, signs, or writing in any form on bulletin boards of district property at any time without \nspecific authority of the administration. \n \n 28. \nPoor workmanship. \n \n 29. \nImmoral conduct or indecency including abusive and/or foul language. \n \n 30. \nMaking or receiving personal telephone calls or texting, posting to Facebook, or use of other social media during \nworking hours. \n \n 31. \nWalking off the job. \n \n 32. \nContinued poor or negative attitude while on the job, including poor relationship with other staff or students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 41, "standardized_text": " Smoking in unauthorized area or at unauthorized time Failure to dress appropriately for work assignment Refusal of job transfer within the district when transfer does not result in demotion Abuse of rest periods or meal period policies Inappropriate andor unauthorized use of the school districts computer network or Internet connections Insubordination of any kind Racial discrimination including racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another persons race ancestry or country of origin and directed toward another employee a student or a visitor Violation of any district rule or policy Violation of any administrative rule or order If it is in the best interest of the school district any support person may be suspended demoted or terminated Violations of any of the above may lead to the suspension demotion or termination of the support employee REDUCTIONINFORCE CERTIFIED PERSONNEL It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that in the event it becomes necessary to reduce the professional staff of this school district reductioninforce at any level may be based on any of the following conditions Decrease in revenue Decrease in student enrollment Changes in educational programs or curriculum Cancellation of programs or Any other circumstances determined by the board Definitions Career teacher means a teacher who a is employed by a school district prior to the school year and has completed three or more consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract or b for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract during the school year and thereafter has completed three consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract and has achieved a district evaluation rating of superior as measured pursuant to the TLE as set forth in OS of this act for at least two of the three school years has completed four consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract has averaged a district evaluation rating of at least effective as measured pursuant to the TLE for the fouryear period and has received a rating of at least effective for the last two years of the fouryear period or has completed four or more consecutive complete school years in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract and has not met the requirements of subparagraph a or b of this paragraph only if the principal of the school at which the teacher is employed submits a petition to the superintendent of the school district requesting that the teacher be granted career status the superintendent agrees with the petition and the school district board of education approves the petition The principal shall specify in the petition the underlying facts supporting the granting of career status to the teacher Probationary teacher means a teacher who", "question_text": "33. \nSmoking in unauthorized area or at unauthorized time. \n \n 34. \nFailure to dress appropriately for work assignment. \n \n 35. \nRefusal of job transfer within the district when transfer does not result in demotion. \n \n 36. \nAbuse of rest periods or meal period policies. \n \n 37. \nInappropriate and/or unauthorized use of the school district\u2019s computer network or Internet connections. \n \n 38. \nInsubordination of any kind. \n \n 39. \nRacial discrimination, including racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another person's race, ancestry, or \ncountry of origin and directed toward another employee, a student or a visitor. \n \n 40. \nViolation of any district rule or policy. \n \n 41. \nViolation of any administrative rule or order. \n \n 42. \nIf it is in the best interest of the school district, any support person may be suspended, demoted, or terminated. \n \nViolations of any of the above may lead to the suspension, demotion, or termination of the support employee. \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nCERTIFIED PERSONNEL \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that, in the event it becomes necessary to reduce the professional staff of \nthis school district, reduction-in-force at any level may be based on any of the following conditions: \n \n \n \nDecrease in revenue, \n \n \nDecrease in student enrollment, \n \n \nChanges in educational programs or curriculum, \n \n \nCancellation of programs, or \n \n \nAny other circumstances determined by the board. \n \nDefinitions \n \nCareer teacher means a teacher who: \n \na. \nis employed by a school district prior to the 2017-2018 school year and has completed three (3) or more consecutive \ncomplete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract, or \n \nb. for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written continuing or temporary teaching contract \nduring the 2017-2018 school year and thereafter. \n \n(1) has completed three (3) consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written \ncontinuing or temporary teaching contract and has achieved a district evaluation rating of \"superior\" as measured \npursuant to the (TLE) as set forth in 70 O.S. \u00a7 6-101.16 of this act for at least two (2) of the three (3) school years, \n \n(2) has completed four (4) consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written \ncontinuing or temporary teaching contract, has averaged a district evaluation rating of at least \"effective\" as measured \npursuant to the TLE for the four-year period, and has received a rating of at least \"effective\" for the last two (2) years \nof the four-year period, or \n \n(3) has completed four (4) or more consecutive complete school years in one school district under a written continuing \nor temporary teaching contract and has not met the requirements of subparagraph \u201ca\u201d or \u201cb\u201d of this paragraph, only if \nthe principal of the school at which the teacher is employed submits a petition to the superintendent of the school \ndistrict requesting that the teacher be granted career status, the superintendent agrees with the petition, and the school \ndistrict board of education approves the petition. The principal shall specify in the petition the underlying facts \nsupporting the granting of career status to the teacher; \n \nProbationary teacher means a teacher who:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": "a for teachers employed by a school district prior to the school year and has completed fewer than three consecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written teaching contract or b for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written teaching contract during the school year and thereafter In the event any of the above conditions occur every effort will be made to accomplish the necessary reduction by attrition voluntary resignation or voluntary retirement Reductioninforce will be made according to the following procedures The position will be the determining factor in a reduction not the teacher occupying the position The order of termination will be as follows A A probationary teacher in an eliminated position will be terminated first B A career teacher in an eliminated position will be placed in a retained position in which the teacher is at the time of the presentation of the recommendation to reduce force certified by standard certification provided the position is occupied by a probationary teacher C If a career teacher is qualified for standard certification in a position held by a probationary or licensed teacher but does not have such a certificate then such career teacher must have evidence of eligibility for such certification on file in a personnel file in the office of the superintendent at the time of the presentation of the recommendation to reduce force D If there is more than one career teacher assigned to the position that is subject to being eliminated the following criteria in this order will be used to determine which of the career teachers will be retained", "question_text": "a. \nfor teachers employed by a school district prior to the 2017-2018 school year and has completed fewer than three (3) \nconsecutive complete school years as a teacher in one school district under a written teaching contract, or \n \nb. for teachers employed for the first time by a school district under a written teaching contract during the 2017-2018 \nschool year and thereafter. \n \nIn the event any of the above conditions occur, every effort will be made to accomplish the necessary reduction by \nattrition, voluntary resignation, or voluntary retirement. Reduction-in-force will be made according to the following \nprocedures: \n \n 1. \nThe position will be the determining factor in a reduction, not the teacher occupying the position. \n \n 2. \nThe order of termination will be as follows: \n \nA. A probationary teacher in an eliminated position will be terminated first \n \n \nB A career teacher in an eliminated position will be placed in a retained position in which the teacher is, at the time \nof the presentation of the recommendation to reduce force, certified by standard certification, provided the position \nis occupied by a probationary teacher. \n \n \nC. If a career teacher is qualified for standard certification in a position held by a probationary or licensed teacher but \ndoes not have such a certificate, then such career teacher must have evidence of eligibility for such certification on \nfile in a personnel file in the office of the superintendent at the time of the presentation of the recommendation to \nreduce force. \n \n \nD. If there is more than one career teacher assigned to the position that is subject to being eliminated, the following \ncriteria, in this order, will be used to determine which of the career teachers will be retained:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": " Certification in a retained teaching position that is open A career teacher with standard certification for the retained position will be retained over a probationary teacher", "question_text": "1. \nCertification in a retained teaching position that is open. A career teacher with standard certification for the \nretained position will be retained over a probationary teacher.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": " Seniority in continuous fulltime contracted certified employment in the district Approved medical leave shall not result in a break in service", "question_text": "2. \nSeniority in continuous, full-time, contracted, certified employment in the district. (Approved medical leave \nshall not result in a break in service.)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 42, "standardized_text": " If certification and seniority are the same according to the above criteria the determining factors in order of importance are a Years of teaching experience in the retained position in the local school district b Academic degree status A teacher with a doctors degree will be retained over a teacher with a masters or a bachelors degree a teacher with a masters will be retained over a teacher with a bachelors degree E If there is more than one probationary teacher in the position being reduced the criteria listed in E through will be used in determining which probationary teacher or licensed teacher will be retained Any person terminated under the provisions of this policy who wishes to be considered for future vacancies must make formal application for a teaching position and must notify the superintendent by certified mail restricted delivery within ten days following final board action on the termination of the teachers desire to remain an active applicant for a teaching position REDUCTIONINFORCE SUPPORT PERSONNEL The Tannehill Board of Education believes that every reasonable effort should be made to avoid a reduction in force at any level However if it should become necessary to reduce the number of fulltime support employees due to lack of funds or lack of work in a particular area the position or program will be the determining factor and not the individuals who occupy the position or serve the program", "question_text": "3. \n If certification and seniority are the same according to the above criteria, the determining factors in order of \nimportance are: \n \n \n \na. \nYears of teaching experience in the retained position in the local school district. \n \n \nb. \nAcademic degree status: \n \n \n \nA teacher with a doctor's degree will be retained over a teacher with a master's or a bachelor's degree; a \nteacher with a master's will be retained over a teacher with a bachelor's degree. \n \n \nE. If there is more than one probationary teacher in the position being reduced, the criteria listed in E, 1 through 3, \nwill be used in determining which probationary teacher or licensed teacher will be retained. \n \nAny person terminated under the provisions of this policy who wishes to be considered for future vacancies must make formal \napplication for a teaching position and must notify the superintendent by certified mail, restricted delivery, within ten (10) days \nfollowing final board action on the termination, of the teacher's desire to remain an active applicant for a teaching position. \n \n \n \n \nREDUCTION-IN-FORCE \nSUPPORT PERSONNEL \n \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that every reasonable effort should be made to avoid a reduction in force at any \nlevel. However, if it should become necessary to reduce the number of full-time support employees due to lack of funds or lack \nof work in a particular area, the position or program will be the determining factor and not the individuals who occupy the \nposition or serve the program.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": "An employee is considered to be a fulltime employee if the number of hours worked is the number of hours customarily worked in that position and if that position is designated as a fulltime position by the board A reduction in force may occur for lack of funds lack of work because of a decline in enrollment consolidation of programs or positions elimination of positions or other circumstances as determined by the board If termination of employment should become necessary notices of such terminations will be made as set forth in the policy governing suspension demotion or termination of support employees found elsewhere in the school policy manual Any necessary terminations shall begin by dismissing temporary seasonal or parttime employees within the job category affected These employees shall be terminated at the discretion of the board or the boards designee Job categories are listed alphabetically as follows a Assistants for handicapped students b Bus drivers c Classroom assistants d Food service e Maintenancecustodial f Medialibrary assistants g Office personnelassistants If normal attrition and the release of temporary and parttime employees do not sufficiently reduce the support staff the following items will be considered in the reduction process in the order listed", "question_text": "An employee is considered to be a full-time employee if the number of hours worked is the number of hours customarily \nworked in that position and if that position is designated as a full-time position by the board. \n \nA reduction in force may occur for lack of funds, lack of work because of a decline in enrollment, consolidation of programs or \npositions, elimination of positions, or other circumstances as determined by the board. \n \nIf termination of employment should become necessary, notices of such terminations will be made as set forth in the policy \ngoverning suspension, demotion, or termination of support employees found elsewhere in the school policy manual. \nAny necessary terminations shall begin by dismissing temporary, seasonal, or part-time employees within the job category \naffected. These employees shall be terminated at the discretion of the board or the board's designee. Job categories are listed \nalphabetically as follows: \n \na. Assistants for handicapped students \nb. Bus drivers \nc. Classroom assistants \nd. Food service \ne. Maintenance/custodial \nf. Media/library assistants \ng. Office personnel/assistants \n \nIf normal attrition and the release of temporary and part-time employees do not sufficiently reduce the support staff, the \nfollowing items will be considered in the reduction process in the order listed:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": " Job qualification by training and years of experience", "question_text": "1. Job qualification by training and years of experience", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": " In the event that two or more employees in the affected category are equal in the above factor termination shall be made on the basis of seniority within each general job category Supervisors and directors shall serve at the pleasure of the board and shall not be subject to the prescribed seniority order for reductions in force Personnel whose positions are eliminated in one category may be considered for a position in another category Seniority shall be defined as the total length of service as a support employee within this district Employees who are terminated and subsequently reinstated shall retain cumulative seniority for all periods worked except for the period of termination Demotions in position shall follow the same procedure as terminations An employee who takes a voluntary demotion or a voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of termination shall be returned to a higher position or a position with more hours as vacancies become available if the employee chooses to return TEACHER TERMINATION PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following procedures shall be followed in terminating the employment of career and probationary teachers Whenever the superintendent recommends to the board of education that a teacher employed within this school district be dismissed or not reemployed the superintendents written recommendation shall set forth the basis for the recommendation The recommendation shall include the specific statutory grounds on which a career teacher should be dismissed or not reemployed or the cause for which a probationary teacher should be dismissed or not reemployed and shall include the underlying facts supporting the recommendation Whenever the board of education receives a recommendation for the dismissal or nonreemployment of a teacher the board or individual designated by the board shall mail or cause to be mailed a copy of the recommendation to the teacher by personal delivery to the teacher with a signed acknowledgement of receipt or serve the recommendation and notice of hearing by process server If mailed such mailing will be by certified mail restricted delivery return receipt requested The notice must specify the statutory grounds for career teachers or the cause for probationary teachers upon which the recommendation is based and shall include the teachers right to a hearing before the board and the date time and place set by the board for hearing Such hearing shall be held within the school district no sooner than twenty days nor later than sixty days following the teachers receipt of notice The board delegates the superintendent as its agent to set a time date and place for the hearing after consultation with the board president Hearing procedures for teachers shall be as follows", "question_text": "2. In the event that two or more employees in the affected category are equal in the above factor, termination shall be made on \nthe basis of seniority within each general job category. \nSupervisors and directors shall serve at the pleasure of the board and shall not be subject to the prescribed seniority order for \nreductions in force. Personnel whose positions are eliminated in one category may be considered for a position in another \ncategory. \nSeniority shall be defined as the total length of service as a support employee within this district. \nEmployees who are terminated and subsequently reinstated shall retain cumulative seniority for all periods worked except for \nthe period of termination. \nDemotions in position shall follow the same procedure as terminations. \n \nAn employee who takes a voluntary demotion or a voluntary reduction in assigned time in lieu of termination shall be returned \nto a higher position or a position with more hours as vacancies become available, if the employee chooses to return. \n \nTEACHER TERMINATION \nPROCEDURES \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following procedures shall be followed in terminating the \nemployment of career and probationary teachers. \n \nWhenever the superintendent recommends to the board of education that a teacher employed within this school district be \ndismissed or not reemployed, the superintendent's written recommendation shall set forth the basis for the recommendation. \nThe recommendation shall include the specific statutory grounds on which a career teacher should be dismissed or not \nreemployed, or the cause for which a probationary teacher should be dismissed or not reemployed, and shall include the \nunderlying facts supporting the recommendation. \n \nWhenever the board of education receives a recommendation for the dismissal or nonreemployment of a teacher, the board or \nindividual designated by the board shall mail, or cause to be mailed, a copy of the recommendation to the teacher, by personal \ndelivery to the teacher with a signed acknowledgement of receipt, or serve the recommendation and notice of hearing by \nprocess server. If mailed, such mailing will be by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested. The notice must \nspecify the statutory grounds - for career teachers - or the cause - for probationary teachers - upon which the recommendation \nis based and shall include the teacher's right to a hearing before the board and the date, time, and place set by the board for \nhearing. Such hearing shall be held within the school district no sooner than twenty days nor later than sixty days following \nthe teacher's receipt of notice. The board delegates the superintendent, as its agent, to set a time, date, and place for the hearing \nafter consultation with the board president. \n \nHearing procedures for teachers shall be as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 43, "standardized_text": " The parties to the hearing are the teacher and the superintendent or designee and they shall be afforded the following rights at any hearing held pursuant to these regulations", "question_text": "1. \nThe parties to the hearing are the teacher and the superintendent or designee, and they shall be \n \nafforded the following rights at any hearing held pursuant to these regulations:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": "A The right to be represented B The right to present witnesses in person or to present their testimony by interrogatories affidavits or depositions if agreed to by the parties A list of all witnesses and exhibits shall be furnished to the other party at least five days before the hearing C The right to crossexamine witnesses D The right to testify in hisher own behalf and present evidence and argument on all issues involved E The right to have an orderly hearing F The right to have an impartial decision based upon the evidence presented", "question_text": "A. \nThe right to be represented. \n \nB. \nThe right to present witnesses in person or to present their testimony by interrogatories, \n \naffidavits, or depositions if agreed to by the parties. A list of all witnesses and exhibits shall be furnished to the other \nparty at least five (5) days before the hearing. \n \nC. \nThe right to cross-examine witnesses. \n \nD. \nThe right to testify in his/her own behalf and present evidence and argument on all issues \n \n \ninvolved. \n \nE. \nThe right to have an orderly hearing. \n \nF. \nThe right to have an impartial decision based upon the evidence presented.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The board president or in case of absence a designee shall be the presiding officer at the hearing", "question_text": "2. \nThe board president or, in case of absence, a designee, shall be the presiding officer at the \n \nhearing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The hearing shall be convened by the board president who shall state the purpose of the hearing introduce the parties and administer the oath to all persons who will testify", "question_text": "3. \nThe hearing shall be convened by the board president who shall state the purpose of the \n \nhearing, introduce the parties, and administer the oath to all persons who will testify.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " Upon the request of either party the presiding officer may exclude from the hearing room the witnesses not at the time under examination except that a party to the proceeding and hisher representative shall not be excluded", "question_text": "4. \nUpon the request of either party, the presiding officer may exclude from the hearing room the \n \nwitnesses not at the time under examination, except that a party to the proceeding and his/her representative shall not be \nexcluded.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " At the hearing the burden of proof shall be on the superintendent and the standard of proof shall be by a preponderance of the evidence", "question_text": "5. \nAt the hearing, the burden of proof shall be on the superintendent and the standard of proof shall be by a \npreponderance of the evidence.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The local board of education shall maintain such a record including a tape or other electronic or digital recording of the hearing and any documents or evidence presented to the board for two years from the date of the hearing", "question_text": "6. \nThe local board of education shall maintain such a record (including a tape or other electronic or digital \nrecording of the hearing and any documents or evidence presented to the board) for two (2) years from the date of the hearing.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " Informal disposition of any recommendation for dismissal or nonrenewal may be made by written stipulation agreed settlement consent order or default", "question_text": "7. \nInformal disposition of any recommendation for dismissal or nonrenewal may be made by \n \nwritten stipulation, agreed settlement, consent order, or default.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " The order of the procedures shall be A Opening statement by the superintendent B Opening statement by the teacher C Presentation of the superintendents evidence followed by crossexamination of witnesses by the teacher D Questions by the board members E Presentation of the teachers evidence followed by crossexamination of witnesses by the superintendent F Questions by the board members G Presentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal evidence as necessary H Closing argument by the superintendent I Closing argument by the teacher J Deliberation by the board members K Vote by the board to accept or reject the superintendents recommendation and recitation of findings of fact upon which the decision is based", "question_text": "8. \nThe order of the procedures shall be: \n \nA. \nOpening statement by the superintendent. \n \nB. \nOpening statement by the teacher. \n \nC. \nPresentation of the superintendent's evidence, followed by cross-examination of witnesses by the teacher. \n \nD. \nQuestions by the board members. \n \nE. \nPresentation of the teacher's evidence, followed by cross-examination of witnesses by the \n \nsuperintendent. \n \nF. \nQuestions by the board members. \n \nG. \nPresentation of rebuttal and surrebuttal evidence as necessary. \n \nH. \nClosing argument by the superintendent. \n \nI. \nClosing argument by the teacher. \n \nJ. \nDeliberation by the board members. \n \nK. \nVote by the board to accept or reject the superintendent's recommendation and recitation of \n \nfindings of fact upon which the decision is based.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 44, "standardized_text": " Presentation and consideration of evidence shall abide by the following A Only evidence that reasonably relates to the issues before the board as reflected in the notice to the teacher should be deemed relevant B Strict rules of evidence as required by a court of law shall not apply in these hearings C Rulings on admissibility of evidence will be made by the presiding officer D Documentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or excerpts E Documentary evidence presented to the board shall be marked with a distinguishing number or letter such as Teachers Exhibit or Superintendents Exhibit F While hearings are open to the public no questions or statements will be allowed by members of the public attending the hearing except through the parties or their council The board of education may convene into executive session to deliberate findings of fact After due consideration of the evidence and testimony presented at the hearing the board of education shall vote in open meeting whether or not to dismiss or nonreemploy the teacher The boards decision shall include a recitation of the basic or underlying facts relied upon by the board in reaching its decision The teacher shall be notified in writing of the boards decision by certified mail restricted delivery return receipt requested or substitute process as authorized by law within ten business days of the hearing The decision of the board regarding a teacher shall be final and nonappealable The board of education must forward hearing information concerning teachers to the State Board of Education on a prescribed form available from the administrative office QUALIFICATIONS TEACHERS", "question_text": "9. \nPresentation and consideration of evidence shall abide by the following: \n \nA. \nOnly evidence that reasonably relates to the issues before the board, as reflected in the notice to the teacher, \nshould be deemed relevant. \n \n \nB. \nStrict rules of evidence as required by a court of law shall not apply in these hearings. \n \nC. \nRulings on admissibility of evidence will be made by the presiding officer. \n \nD. \nDocumentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or excerpts. \n \nE. \nDocumentary evidence presented to the board shall be marked with a distinguishing number or letter such as \nTeacher's Exhibit #1 or Superintendent's Exhibit #1. \n \nF. \nWhile hearings are open to the public, no questions or statements will be allowed by members of the public \nattending the hearing except through the parties or their council. \n \nThe board of education may convene into executive session to deliberate findings of fact. After due consideration of the \nevidence and testimony presented at the hearing, the board of education shall vote in open meeting whether or not to dismiss or \nnonreemploy the teacher. The board's decision shall include a recitation of the basic or underlying facts relied upon by the \nboard in reaching its decision. The teacher shall be notified in writing of the board's decision by certified mail, restricted \ndelivery, return receipt requested, or substitute process as authorized by law within ten (10) business days of the hearing. The \ndecision of the board regarding a teacher shall be final and nonappealable. \n \nThe board of education must forward hearing information concerning teachers to the State Board of Education on a prescribed \nform available from the administrative office. \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nTEACHERS", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": "The Tannehill Board of Education shall employ teachers on a professional basis without regard to age race color sex or national origin Every teacher employed in this school system must possess a valid license or certificate and shall execute a written contract with the board of education Applications shall be considered by the principal and the superintendent Selected applicants shall be interviewed by the ad ministration and a recommendation shall be made to the board of education who shall make the final employment determination School districts receiving Title I funds must ensure that teachers hired in a program supported by such funds are highly qualified By the end of the school year all teachers within this school district are required to be highly qualified The No Child Left Behind Act defines highly qualified as an elementary or secondary school teacher who has obtained full state certification and has not had certification requirements waived on an emergency temporary or provisional basis Elementary teachers who are new to the profession must hold at least a bachelors degree and have demonstrated by passing a rigorous state test subject knowledge and teaching skills in reading writing mathematics and other areas of the basic elementary curriculum Middle and secondary school teachers new to the profession will be deemed to be highly qualified if the individual teacher holds at least a bachelors degree and has demonstrated a high level of competency in each of the academic subjects in which the individual teaches by passing a rigorous state academic subject test in each such academic subject or has successfully completed a grade degree with coursework that is equivalent to an undergraduate major or advanced certification or credentialing for each academic subject that the individual teaches Veteran regular teachers currently employed by the district will be identified as highly qualified if they", "question_text": "The Tannehill Board of Education shall employ teachers on a professional basis without regard to age, race, color, sex, or \nnational origin. \n \nEvery teacher employed in this school system must possess a valid license or certificate and shall execute a written contract \nwith the board of education. \n \nApplications shall be considered by the principal and the superintendent. Selected applicants shall be interviewed by the ad-\nministration and a recommendation shall be made to the board of education who shall make the final employment \ndetermination. \n \nSchool districts receiving Title I funds must ensure that teachers hired in a program supported by such funds are \u201chighly \nqualified.\u201d By the end of the 2005-2006 school year, all teachers within this school district are required to be \u201chighly \nqualified.\u201d The No Child Left Behind Act defines \u201chighly qualified\u201d as an elementary or secondary school teacher who has \nobtained full state certification and has not had certification requirements waived on an emergency, temporary, or provisional \nbasis. \n \nElementary teachers who are new to the profession must hold at least a bachelor\u2019s degree and have demonstrated, by passing a \nrigorous state test, subject knowledge and teaching skills in reading, writing, mathematics, and other areas of the basic \nelementary curriculum. Middle and secondary school teachers, new to the profession, will be deemed to be highly qualified if \nthe individual teacher holds at least a bachelor\u2019s degree and has demonstrated a high level of competency in each of the \nacademic subjects in which the individual teaches by passing a rigorous state academic subject test in each such academic \nsubject; or has successfully completed a grade degree with coursework that is equivalent to an undergraduate major, or \nadvanced certification or credentialing for each academic subject that the individual teaches. \n \nVeteran regular teachers currently employed by the district will be identified as highly qualified if they:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": " Hold at least a bachelors degree and", "question_text": "1. \nHold at least a bachelor\u2019s degree; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": " Have met the applicable standard for a teacher who is new to the profession which includes an option for a test or", "question_text": "2. \nHave met the applicable standard for a teacher who is new to the profession, which includes an option for a test; \nor", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 45, "standardized_text": " Demonstrate competence in all the academic subjects in which the teachers teach based upon a high objective uniform state standard of evaluation Special education teachers who are not teaching core academic classes are not required to meet the definition of a highly qualified teacher However special education teachers who are teaching core academic subjects exclusively to students who are being assessed against alternative achievement standards must meet the highlyqualified requirements for elementary school teachers and for instruction above the elementary level and have subjectmatter knowledge appropriate to the level of instruction being provided Additional qualifications and terms of employment for teachers may be found in the standard teacher contract Specific duties may be found in the teacher job description found elsewhere in this manual Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed as limiting or expanding the terms of the employment contract QUALIFICATIONS PRINCIPALS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that persons employed as principals in this school district shall have com pleted or be in pursuit of a Masters degree with emphasis on administration and that all such persons shall have not less than three years of teaching experience at the level to which they are assigned Principals within this public school system are employed to act as administrators in PK The reemployment of principals shall be based on an annual evaluation by the superintendent or designee and will be considered by the board members prior to the regular February board of education meeting each year The superintendent is directed to inform affected principals of any decisions made by the board Principals shall assume administrative responsibility and instructional leadership under the supervision of the superintendent for discipline and for the planning operation supervision and evaluation of the educational program of the schools to which", "question_text": "3. \nDemonstrate competence in all the academic subjects in which the teachers teach, based upon a high objective \nuniform state standard of evaluation. \n \nSpecial education teachers who are not teaching core academic classes are not required to meet the definition of a highly-\nqualified teacher. However, special education teachers who are teaching core academic subjects exclusively to students who \nare being assessed against alternative achievement standards, must meet the highly-qualified requirements for elementary \nschool teachers and for instruction above the elementary level and have subject-matter knowledge appropriate to the level of \ninstruction being provided. \n \nAdditional qualifications and terms of employment for teachers may be found in the standard teacher contract. Specific duties \nmay be found in the teacher job description found elsewhere in this manual. Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed \nas limiting or expanding the terms of the employment contract. \n \n \n \n \nQUALIFICATIONS \nPRINCIPALS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that persons employed as principals in this school district shall have com-\npleted, or be in pursuit of, a Master's degree with emphasis on administration, and that all such persons shall have not less than \nthree years of teaching experience at the level to which they are assigned. \n \nPrincipals within this public school system are employed to act as administrators in PK - 8. \n \nThe reemployment of principals shall be based on an annual evaluation by the superintendent or designee and will be \nconsidered by the board members prior to the regular February board of education meeting each year. The superintendent is \ndirected to inform affected principals of any decisions made by the board. \n \nPrincipals shall assume administrative responsibility and instructional leadership - under the supervision of the superintendent - \nfor discipline and for the planning, operation, supervision, and evaluation of the educational program of the schools to which", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 46, "standardized_text": "they are assigned Principals shall prepare and submit such reports as the superintendent may require for the purpose of reporting to the board the community and the State Department of Education A description of the duties and responsibilities of school principals may be found in the appropriate job description located elsewhere in this manual Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed as limiting or expanding the terms of the employment contract SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that all bus drivers and assistants successfully complete the state school bus drivers training school Bus drivers must continue the route assigned at the beginning of the school year but may request a route change during the summer months All bus drivers are expected to drive in such a manner as to provide safe and efficient transportation for the students of this district They shall obey all traffic laws maintain student discipline on the bus make routine checks on the bus before operating and perform other duties associated with the safe operation of school buses Bus drivers will make required reports concerning drivers who illegally pass their buses All bus drivers shall be under the supervisory authority of the transportation director The superintendent is directed to establish a regulation that shall govern school bus drivers SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS The Tannehill Board of Education realizes that teachers may occasionally be absent from the classroom and recognizes the need for qualified substitute teachers In recognizing that need the board has decided that noncertified substitute teachers or substitute teachers with a lapsed or expired teaching certificate shall be paid at the rate of per teaching day Certified substitute teachers shall be paid per day Substitute teachers are to be approved by the superintendent All substitutes will be employed by the school system and paid by the school system No noncertified nondegreed substitute teacher shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of days per school year and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than days during a school year No substitute teacher with a lapsed or expired certificate shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of days per school year and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than days during a school year Substitute teachers who do not hold a valid certificate and who are employed to teach special education for physically handicapped students or learning disabled students are not subject to these restrictions if no certified teachers are available to teach such students and the students would be denied instruction in special education if the substitute teacher were not employed The district will provide inservice training for a substitute teacher employed to teach special education for more than consecutive days or total days in the same assignment A certified substitute teacher may be employed on a monthly or annual basis in accordance with the terms of a written employment contract in the same manner and under the same conditions as regular teachers Such substitute teachers shall receive the same compensation as regular teachers at the same salary level and will be employed pursuant to a temporary employment contract STAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES The Superintendent and the School Principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members concerning the importance of maintaining proper decorum in the online digital world as well as in person Employees must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from or disrupt the educational process The orientation and reminders will give special emphasis to the following prohibited behaviors", "question_text": "they are assigned. Principals shall prepare and submit such reports as the superintendent may require for the purpose of \nreporting to the board, the community, and the State Department of Education. \n \nA description of the duties and responsibilities of school principals may be found in the appropriate job description located \nelsewhere in this manual. Nothing in this policy manual shall be construed as limiting or expanding the terms of the \nemployment contract. \n \n \nSCHOOL BUS DRIVERS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that all bus drivers and assistants successfully complete the state school bus \ndrivers training school. Bus drivers must continue the route assigned at the beginning of the school year, but may request a \nroute change during the summer months. All bus drivers are expected to drive in such a manner as to provide safe and efficient \ntransportation for the students of this district. They shall obey all traffic laws, maintain student discipline on the bus, make \nroutine checks on the bus before operating, and perform other duties associated with the safe operation of school buses. Bus \ndrivers will make required reports concerning drivers who illegally pass their buses. All bus drivers shall be under the \nsupervisory authority of the transportation director. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to establish a regulation that shall govern school bus drivers. \n \nSUBSTITUTE TEACHERS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education realizes that teachers may occasionally be absent from the classroom and recognizes the \nneed for qualified substitute teachers. In recognizing that need, the board has decided that noncertified substitute teachers or \nsubstitute teachers with a lapsed or expired teaching certificate shall be paid at the rate of $66.00 per teaching day. Certified \nsubstitute teachers shall be paid $75.00 per day. \n \nSubstitute teachers are to be approved by the superintendent. All substitutes will be employed by the school system and paid \nby the school system. \n \nNo noncertified, non-degreed substitute teacher shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of 90 days per school \nyear and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than 90 days during a school year. \n \nNo substitute teacher with a lapsed or expired certificate shall be employed for a total period of time in excess of 100 days per \nschool year and may not be employed for the same assignment for more than 100 days during a school year. \n \nSubstitute teachers who do not hold a valid certificate and who are employed to teach special education for physically \nhandicapped students or learning disabled students are not subject to these restrictions if no certified teachers are available to \nteach such students and the students would be denied instruction in special education if the substitute teacher were not \nemployed. The district will provide in-service training for a substitute teacher employed to teach special education for more \nthan 15 consecutive days or 30 total days in the same assignment. \n \nA certified substitute teacher may be employed on a monthly or annual basis in accordance with the terms of a written \nemployment contract in the same manner and under the same conditions as regular teachers. Such substitute teachers shall \nreceive the same compensation as regular teachers, at the same salary level, and will be employed pursuant to a temporary \nemployment contract. \n \n \n \n \nSTAFF MEMBERS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES \nThe Superintendent and the School Principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members \nconcerning the importance of maintaining proper decorum in the on-line, digital world as well as in person. \nEmployees must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from or disrupt the educational process. The \norientation and reminders will give special emphasis to the following prohibited behaviors:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 46, "standardized_text": " Improper fraternization with students using Facebook and similar internet sites or social networks or via cell phone texting or telephone a Teachers may not list current students as friends on networking sites b All econtacts with students should be through the districts computer and telephone system", "question_text": "1) Improper fraternization with students using Facebook and similar internet sites or social networks, or \nvia cell phone, texting or telephone. \na. Teachers may not list current students as \u201cfriends\u201d on networking sites. \nb. All e-contacts with students should be through the district\u2019s computer and telephone system.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": "c All contacts and messages by coaches with team members shall be sent to all team members except messages involving medical or academic privacy matters in which case the messages will be copied to the athletic director and the school principal d Teachers will not give out their private cell phone or home phone numbers to students without prior written approval of the district and the parent of the minor student e Improper private contact via email or phone is prohibited", "question_text": "c. All contacts and messages by coaches with team members shall be sent to all team members, \nexcept messages involving medical or academic privacy matters, in which case the messages \nwill be copied to the athletic director and the school principal. \nd. Teachers will not give out their private cell phone or home phone numbers to students without \nprior written approval of the district and the parent of the minor student. \ne. Improper private contact via e-mail or phone is prohibited.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Inappropriateness of posting items with sexual content", "question_text": "2) Inappropriateness of posting items with sexual content", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Inappropriateness of posting items exhibiting or advocating use of drugs and alcohol", "question_text": "3) Inappropriateness of posting items exhibiting or advocating use of drugs and alcohol", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Monitoring and penalties for improper use of district computers and technology As per state law employees are discouraged from sharing content or comments containing the following when directed at a citizen of the State of Oklahoma", "question_text": "4) Monitoring and penalties for improper use of district computers and technology \nAs per state law, employees are discouraged from sharing content or comments containing the following when \ndirected at a citizen of the State of Oklahoma:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Obscene sexual content or links to obscene sexual content", "question_text": "1. Obscene sexual content or links to obscene sexual content;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Abusive behavior and bullying language or tone", "question_text": "2. Abusive behavior and bullying language or tone;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity and", "question_text": "3. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Disclosure of any information required to be maintained as confidential by law regulation or internal policy", "question_text": "4. Disclosure of any information required to be maintained as confidential by law, regulation, or internal \npolicy.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 47, "standardized_text": " Social networking or social media means interaction with external websites or services based upon participant contributions to the content Types of social media include social and professional networks blogs micro blogs video or phone sharing and social bookmarking and Comment means a response to an article or social media content submitted by a commenter The Superintendent or designees will periodically conduct internet searches to see if teachers have posted inappropriate materials online When inappropriate use of computers and websites is discovered the School Principals and Superintendent will download the offensive material and promptly bring that misconduct to the attention of the school districts legal counsel for review Employees who engage in any of the abovereferenced prohibited behaviors are subject to the possibility of penalties including dismissal from employment for failure to exercise good judgment in online conduct Employees shall not use school technology resources to participate in buyand sell sites or gambling sites or sites of a similar nature Use of such sites and participation in these activities during contracted work hours may constitute a neglect of duty which would be addressed with appropriate disciplinary measures as described in other policies in this manual DRUGS ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES The Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and to maintain a reasonably safe school environment the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs alcohol or contraband on school property Such searches will be arranged by the superintendent at hisher discretion and will target only school property including lockers and vehicle parking areas Students staff members and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal searches and will be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school property The superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy", "question_text": "5. \n\u201cSocial networking or \u201csocial media\u201d means interaction with external websites or services based upon participant \ncontributions to the content. Types of social media include social and professional networks, blogs, micro blogs, \nvideo or phone sharing and social bookmarking; and \n\u201cComment\u201d means a response to an article or social media content submitted by a commenter. \nThe Superintendent or designees will periodically conduct internet searches to see if teachers have posted \ninappropriate materials on-line. When inappropriate use of computers and websites is discovered, the School \nPrincipals and Superintendent will download the offensive material and promptly bring that misconduct to the \nattention of the school district\u2019s legal counsel for review. \nEmployees who engage in any of the above-referenced prohibited behaviors are subject to the possibility of \npenalties, including dismissal from employment, for failure to exercise good judgment in on-line conduct. \nEmployees shall not use school technology resources to participate in \u201cbuy-and sell\u201d sites or gambling sites or sites \nof a similar nature. Use of such sites and participation in these activities during contracted work hours may \nconstitute a \u201cneglect of duty\u201d which would be addressed with appropriate disciplinary measures as described in \nother policies in this manual. \n \n \nDRUGS, ALCOHOL AND CONTRABAND SEARCHES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that in order to respond to the drug and alcohol abuse problems in our schools and \nto maintain a reasonably safe school environment, the district will occasionally use trained dogs to search for drugs, alcohol, or \ncontraband on school property. \n \nSuch searches will be arranged by the superintendent at his/her discretion and will target only school property including lockers \nand vehicle parking areas. Students, staff members, and other persons on school property will not be the subject of animal \nsearches and will be searched in accordance with school policy only if reasonable suspicion arises during a search of school \nproperty. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare a regulation implementing and supporting this policy.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": "SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that volunteers can make valuable contributions to students and the district edu cational program A volunteer program subject to appropriate rules safeguards and regulations is approved by the board The superintendent will establish rules and regulations that support this policy see student handbook PARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM REGULATIONS The board of education will institute and encourage a Parent Volunteer Program in the Tannehill school system The primary purpose of the school volunteer program shall be to free the teachers from tasks that could be accomplished by others in order for the teachers to spend more time teaching Examples of activities that can be performed by volunteers are", "question_text": "SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that volunteers can make valuable contributions to students and the district edu-\ncational program. A volunteer program subject to appropriate rules, safeguards, and regulations is approved by the board. \n \nThe superintendent will establish rules and regulations that support this policy. (see student handbook) \n \n \nPARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM \n(REGULATIONS) \nThe board of education will institute and encourage a Parent Volunteer Program in the Tannehill school system. \n \nThe primary purpose of the school volunteer program shall be to free the teachers from tasks that could be accomplished by \nothers in order for the teachers to spend more time teaching. Examples of activities that can be performed by volunteers are:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Making bulletin boards", "question_text": "1. \nMaking bulletin boards;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Clerical tasks such as filing typing etc", "question_text": "2. \nClerical tasks, such as filing, typing, etc.;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Telling stories to children", "question_text": "3. \nTelling stories to children;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Listening to children read", "question_text": "4. \nListening to children read;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Conducting flash card drills", "question_text": "5. \nConducting flash card drills;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Drilling spelling words", "question_text": "6. \nDrilling spelling words;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Assisting the school nurse with visual and hearing screening", "question_text": "7. \nAssisting the school nurse with visual and hearing screening;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Reinforcing math facts", "question_text": "8. \nReinforcing math facts;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Gathering resource material", "question_text": "9. \nGathering resource material;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Making props and sets for plays", "question_text": "10. \nMaking props and sets for plays;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Teaching a foreign language", "question_text": "11. \nTeaching a foreign language;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Tutoring", "question_text": "12. \nTutoring;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Anything else as deemed necessary by the cooperating teacher", "question_text": "13. \nAnything else as deemed necessary by the cooperating teacher;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 48, "standardized_text": " Other activities too numerous to mention Volunteers will not be allowed to volunteer in their childrens or grandchildrens rooms on a regular basis at the elementary level Volunteers will not be subjected to a dress code as such but will be expected to dress appropriately and be neat and clean in appearance No shorts except in physical education classes or shirts with inappropriate slogans will be permitted Volunteers will not be asked to assume playground or lunchroom duties nor will they be left alone with a classroom except in an emergency situation Volunteers are expected to be professional in their roles as volunteers and to be positive about their jobs and the school system A friendly courteous relationship is expected between teachers and volunteers Problems will be dealt with if and when they arise by the volunteer coordinator teacher and volunteer If the situation cannot be resolved at this level an administrator will be asked to evaluate the situation The program will be expanded as deemed necessary by the volunteer coordinator administration and teachers The volunteer coordinator is to be recommended by the administration and approved by the board of education", "question_text": "14. \nOther activities too numerous to mention. \n \nVolunteers will not be allowed to volunteer in their children's or grandchildren's rooms on a regular basis at the elementary \nlevel. \n \nVolunteers will not be subjected to a dress code, as such, but will be expected to dress appropriately and be neat and clean in \nappearance. No shorts (except in physical education classes) or shirts with inappropriate slogans will be permitted. \n \nVolunteers will not be asked to assume playground or lunchroom duties, nor will they be left alone with a classroom except in \nan emergency situation. \n \nVolunteers are expected to be professional in their roles as volunteers and to be positive about their jobs and the school system. \nA friendly, courteous relationship is expected between teachers and volunteers. \n \nProblems will be dealt with if and when they arise by the volunteer coordinator, teacher, and volunteer. If the situation cannot \nbe resolved at this level, an administrator will be asked to evaluate the situation. \n \nThe program will be expanded as deemed necessary by the volunteer coordinator, administration, and teachers. \n \nThe volunteer coordinator is to be recommended by the administration and approved by the board of education.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 49, "standardized_text": "INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS ACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY The Tannehill Public Schools district is pleased to make available to students and staff access to interconnected computer systems within the district and to the Internet the worldwide network that provides access to significant educational materials and opportunities In order for the school district to ensure the continued accessibility of its computer network and the Internet all students and staff must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access Students and staff must understand that one persons misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize the ability of all students and staff to enjoy such access While the schools teachers and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet access they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access Below is the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy policy of the school district and the Data Acquisition Site that provides Internet access to the school district Upon reviewing signing and returning this policy as directed each student and staff member agrees to follow the policy and will be given the opportunity to enjoy Internet access at school If a student is under years of age he or she must have his or her parent or guardian read and sign the policy The school district shall not provide access to any student who if or older fails to sign and submit the policy to the school as directed or if under does not return the policy as directed with the signatures of the student and hisher parent or guardian Listed below are the provisions of the agreement regarding computer network and Internet use The district has designated a staff member to whom users may direct questions If any user violates this policy the users access will be denied or withdrawn and the user may be subject to additional disciplinary action Personal Responsibility By signing this policy the user agrees not only to follow the rules in this policy but also to report any misuse of the network to the person designated by the school for such reporting Misuse means any violations of this policy or any other use that is not authorized under this policy and having the effect of harming another or his or her property Term of the Permitted Use A student or staff member who submits to the school as directed a properly signed policy and follows the policy to which she or he has agreed will have computer network and Internet access during the course of the school year only Students and staff will be asked to sign a new policy each year during which they are students or staff members in the school district before they are given an access account Acceptable Uses", "question_text": "INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORKS \nACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY \nThe Tannehill Public Schools district is pleased to make available to students and staff access to interconnected computer \nsystems within the district and to the Internet, the worldwide network that provides access to significant educational materials \nand opportunities. \n \nIn order for the school district to ensure the continued accessibility of its computer network and the Internet, all students and \nstaff must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access. Students and staff must understand that one \nperson\u2019s misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize the ability of all students and staff to enjoy such access. \nWhile the school\u2019s teachers and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet \naccess, they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access. \n \nBelow is the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy (\u201cpolicy\u201d) of the school district and the Data Acquisition Site that \nprovides Internet access to the school district. Upon reviewing, signing, and returning this policy as directed, each student and \nstaff member agrees to follow the policy and will be given the opportunity to enjoy Internet access at school. If a student is \nunder 18 years of age, he or she must have his or her parent or guardian read and sign the policy. The school district shall not \nprovide access to any student who, if 18 or older, fails to sign and submit the policy to the school as directed or, if under 18, \ndoes not return the policy as directed with the signatures of the student and his/her parent or guardian. \n \nListed below are the provisions of the agreement regarding computer network and Internet use. The district has designated a \nstaff member to whom users may direct questions. If any user violates this policy, the user\u2019s access will be denied or \nwithdrawn, and the user may be subject to additional disciplinary action. \n \nPersonal Responsibility \n \nBy signing this policy, the user agrees not only to follow the rules in this policy, but also to report any misuse of the network to \nthe person designated by the school for such reporting. Misuse means any violations of this policy or any other use that is not \nauthorized under this policy, and having the effect of harming another or his or her property. \n \nTerm of the Permitted Use \n \nA student or staff member who submits to the school, as directed, a properly signed policy and follows the policy to which she \nor he has agreed will have computer network and Internet access during the course of the school year only. Students and staff \nwill be asked to sign a new policy each year during which they are students or staff members in the school district before they \nare given an access account. \n \nAcceptable Uses", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 49, "standardized_text": " Educational Purposes Only The school district is providing access to its computer networks and the Internet for educational purposes only If the user has any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational the user may consult with the persons designated by the school to help decide if a use is appropriate", "question_text": "1. \nEducational Purposes Only. The school district is providing access to its computer networks and the Internet \nfor educational purposes only. If the user has any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational, the user may \nconsult with the person(s) designated by the school to help decide if a use is appropriate.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 49, "standardized_text": " Unacceptable Uses of Network Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following A Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law Do not transmit offensive or harassing messages offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school districts student discipline policy view transmit or download pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law intrude into the networks or computers of others and download or transmit confidential trade secret information or copyrighted materials Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol the user should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them B Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property For example do not engage in defamation harming anothers reputation by lies employ anothers password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into believing that someone other than the user is communicating or otherwise using hisher access to the network or the Internet upload a worm virus Trojan horse time bomb or other harmful form of programming or vandalism participate in hacking activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers networks or information systems C Uses that jeopardize the security of student and staff access and of the computer network or other networks on the Internet For example do not disclose or share your password with others do not impersonate another user", "question_text": "2. \nUnacceptable Uses of Network. Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a \nviolation of this policy are the following: \n \nA. \nUses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law. Do not transmit offensive or harassing \nmessages; offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school district\u2019s student \ndiscipline policy; view, transmit or download pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law; \nintrude into the networks or computers of others; and download or transmit confidential, trade secret information, or \ncopyrighted materials. Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, the user should assume \nthat all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them. \n \n \nB. \nUses that cause harm to others or damage to their property. For example, do not engage in defamation (harming \nanother's reputation by lies); employ another\u2019s password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into \nbelieving that someone other than the user is communicating or otherwise using his/her access to the network or the Internet; \nupload a worm, virus, \u201cTrojan horse,\u201d \u201ctime bomb,\u201d or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participate in \n\u201chacking\u201d activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems. \n \n \nC. \nUses that jeopardize the security of student and staff access and of the computer network or other networks on \nthe Internet. For example, do not disclose or share your password with others; do not impersonate another user.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": "D Uses that are commercial transactions Students staff and other users may not sell or buy anything over the Internet The user should not give others private information about the user or others including credit card numbers and social security numbers", "question_text": "D. \nUses that are commercial transactions. Students, staff, and other users may not sell or buy anything over the \nInternet. The user should not give others private information about the user or others, including credit card numbers and social \nsecurity numbers.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Netiquette All users must abide by rules of network etiquette which include the following A Be polite Use appropriate language No swearing vulgarities suggestive obscene belligerent or threatening language B Avoid language and uses that may be offensive to other users Do not use access to make distribute or redistribute jokes stories or other material that is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race gender ethnicity nationality religion or sexual orientation C Do not assume that a sender of email is giving his or her permission for the user to forward or redistribute the message to third parties or to give hisher email address to third parties This should be done only with permission or when the user knows that the individual would have no objection D Be considerate when sending attachments with email where this is permitted Be sure that the file is not too large to be accommodated by the recipients system and is in a format that the recipient can open", "question_text": "3. \nNetiquette. All users must abide by rules of network etiquette, which include the following: \n \n \nA. \nBe polite. Use appropriate language. No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or threatening \nlanguage. \n \n \nB. \nAvoid language and uses that may be offensive to other users. Do not use access to make, distribute, or \nredistribute jokes, stories, or other material that is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, \nreligion, or sexual orientation. \n \n \nC. \nDo not assume that a sender of e-mail is giving his or her permission for the user to forward or redistribute the \nmessage to third parties or to give his/her e-mail address to third parties. This should be done only with permission or when \nthe user knows that the individual would have no objection. \n \n \nD. \nBe considerate when sending attachments with e-mail (where this is permitted). Be sure that the file is not too \nlarge to be accommodated by the recipient\u2019s system and is in a format that the recipient can open.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is when one or more people intentionally harm harass intimidate or reject another person using technology This includes but is not limited to the following Sending mean or threatening messages via email IM instant messaging or text messages Spreading rumors about others through email IM or text messages Creating a Web site or MySpace or other socialnetworking account that targets another student or other persons Sharing fake or embarrassing photos or videos of someone with others via a cell phone or the Web Stealing another persons login and password to send mean or embarrassing messages from his or her account It shall be the policy of Tannehill Public Schools that cyber bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances A student caught violating this policy will lose computer privileges and these actions may result in further disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion from school of the students involved In addition violators and their parentsguardians may be subject to civil andor criminal penalties as specified by Oklahoma andor federal law Internet Safety", "question_text": "4. \nCyber Bullying - Cyber bullying is when one or more people intentionally harm, harass, intimidate, or reject another \nperson using technology. This includes but is not limited to the following: \n \n\u2022 \nSending mean or threatening messages via email, IM (instant messaging), or text messages. \n\u2022 \nSpreading rumors about others through email, IM, or text messages. \n\u2022 \nCreating a Web site or MySpace (or other social-networking) account that targets another student or other person(s). \n\u2022 \nSharing fake or embarrassing photos or videos of someone with others via a cell phone or the Web. \n\u2022 \nStealing another person\u2019s login and password to send mean or embarrassing messages from his or her account. \n \nIt shall be the policy of Tannehill Public Schools that cyber bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. A student \ncaught violating this policy will lose computer privileges and these actions may result in further disciplinary action including \nsuspension or expulsion from school of the student(s) involved. In addition, violators and their parents/guardians may be \nsubject to civil and/or criminal penalties as specified by Oklahoma and/or federal law. \n \nInternet Safety", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " General Warning Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users All student users and their parentsguardians are advised that access to the electronic network may include the potential for access to materials inappropriate for schoolaged students Every user must take responsibility for his or her use of the computer network and Internet and stay away from these sites Parents of minors are the best guides to materials to shun If a student or staff member finds that other users are visiting offensive or harmful sites he or she should report such use to the appropriate school designee", "question_text": "1. \nGeneral Warning; Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users. All student users and their \nparents/guardians are advised that access to the electronic network may include the potential for access to materials \ninappropriate for school-aged students. Every user must take responsibility for his or her use of the computer network and \nInternet and stay away from these sites. Parents of minors are the best guides to materials to shun. If a student or staff member \nfinds that other users are visiting offensive or harmful sites, he or she should report such use to the appropriate school designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Personal Safety Be safe In using the computer network and Internet the user should not reveal personal information such as the users home address or telephone number The user should not use hisher real last name or any other information which might allow a person to locate the user without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher Do not arrange a facetoface meeting with someone met on the computer network or Internet without a parents permission if the user is under Regardless of the users age the user should never agree to meet a person the user has only communicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or in a private setting", "question_text": "2. \nPersonal Safety. Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, the user should not reveal personal \ninformation such as the user\u2019s home address or telephone number. The user should not use his/her real last name or any other \ninformation which might allow a person to locate the user without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher. Do \nnot arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone \u201cmet\u201d on the computer network or Internet without a parent\u2019s permission (if \nthe user is under 18). Regardless of the user\u2019s age, the user should never agree to meet a person the user has only \ncommunicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or in a private setting.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Hacking and Other Illegal Activities It is a violation of this policy to use the schools computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access Any use which violates state or federal law relating to copyright trade secrets the distribution of obscene or pornographic materials or which violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance is strictly prohibited", "question_text": "3. \n\u201cHacking\u201d and Other Illegal Activities. It is a violation of this policy to use the school\u2019s computer network or \nthe Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized \naccess. Any use which violates state or federal law relating to copyright, trade secrets, the distribution of obscene or \npornographic materials, or which violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance, is strictly prohibited.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 50, "standardized_text": " Confidentiality of Student Information Personally identifiable information concerning students may not be disclosed or used in any way on the Internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or if the student is or over the permission of the student Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the Internet particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers A supervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information as defined by law for internal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities", "question_text": "4. \nConfidentiality of Student Information. Personally identifiable information concerning students may not be \ndisclosed or used in any way on the Internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or, if the student is 18 or over, the \npermission of the student. Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the \nInternet, particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. A \n \n \n \nsupervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information, as defined by law, for \ninternal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 51, "standardized_text": " Active Restriction Measures The school either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site pro viding Internet access will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent users from accessing visual depictions that are obscene pornographic or harmful to minors We are using for our technology protection measure internet filtering software to ensure that users are not accessing such depictions or any other material that is inappropriate for minors Internet filtering software or other technologybased protection systems may be disabled by a supervising teacher or school administrator as necessary for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted by students age and older The term harmful to minors is defined by the Communications Act of USC Section h as meaning any picture image graphic image file or other visual depiction that taken as a whole and with respect to minors appeals to a prurient interest in nudity sex or excretion depicts describes or represents in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts or a lewd exhibition of the genitals taken as a whole lacks serious literary artistic political or scientific value as to minors", "question_text": "5. \nActive Restriction Measures. The school, either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site pro-\nviding Internet access, will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent users from accessing visual depictions that \nare (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful to minors. We are using for our technology protection measure internet \nfiltering software to ensure that users are not accessing such depictions or any other material that is inappropriate for minors. \n \n \n \nInternet filtering software or other technology-based protection systems may be disabled by a supervising \nteacher or school administrator, as necessary, for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted \nby students age 17 and older. \n \n \n \n \nThe term \u201charmful to minors\u201d is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 [h] [7]), as \nmeaning any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that \n \n \n \n- taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; \n \n \n \n- depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an \nactual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the \ngenitals; \n \n \n \n- taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 51, "standardized_text": " All students will be educated about appropriate online behavior including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response Privacy Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for the users education The school district reserves the right to monitor inspect copy review and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage All such information files shall be and remain the property of the school district and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials Failure To Follow Policy The users use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege not a right A user who violates this policy shall at a minimum have his or her access to the computer network and Internet terminated which the school district may refuse to reinstate for the remainder of the students enrollment or the staff members employment in the school district A user violates this policy by his or her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user Further a user violates this policy if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer net work and Internet including any user whose access has been denied or terminated The school district may also take other disciplinary action in such circumstances WarrantiesIndemnification The school district makes no warranties of any kind either express or implied in connection with its provision of access to and use of its computer networks and the Internet provided under this policy It shall not be responsible for any claims losses damages or costs including attorneys fees of any kind suffered directly or indirectly by any user or his or her parents or guardian arising out of the users use of its computer networks or the Internet under this policy By signing this policy users are taking full responsibility for their own use and the user who is or older or the parents or guardians of a minor student are agreeing to indemnify and hold the school the school district the Data Acquisition Site that provides the computer and Internet access opportunity to the school district and all of their administrators teachers and staff harmless from any and all loss costs claims or damages resulting from the users access to its computer network and the Internet including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user The user or the parents or guardians of a minor student agree to cooperate with the school in the event of the schools initiating an investigation of a users use of his or her access to its computer network and the Internet whether that use is on a school computer or on another computer outside the school districts network Updates Users and if appropriate their parentsguardians may be asked from time to time to provide new or additional registration and account information or to sign a new policy reflecting developments in the law or technology or changes in district policy", "question_text": "6. \nAll students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on \nsocial networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. \n \nPrivacy \n \nNetwork and Internet access is provided as a tool for the user\u2019s education. The school district reserves the right to monitor, \ninspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet \naccess and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be \nand remain the property of the school district and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials. \n \nFailure To Follow Policy \n \nThe user\u2019s use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user who violates this policy, shall at a \nminimum, have his or her access to the computer network and Internet terminated, which the school district may refuse to \nreinstate for the remainder of the student\u2019s enrollment or the staff member\u2019s employment in the school district. A user violates \nthis policy by his or her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. \nFurther, a user violates this policy if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer net-\nwork and Internet, including any user whose access has been denied or terminated. The school district may also take other \ndisciplinary action in such circumstances. \n \nWarranties/Indemnification \n \nThe school district makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its provision of access to and \nuse of its computer networks and the Internet provided under this policy. It shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, \ndamages, or costs (including attorney's fees) of any kind suffered, directly or indirectly, by any \n \nuser (or his or her parents or guardian) arising out of the user\u2019s use of its computer networks or the Internet under this policy. \nBy signing this policy, users are taking full responsibility for their own use, and the user who is 18 or older or the parent(s) or \nguardian(s) of a minor student are agreeing to indemnify and hold the school, the school district, the Data Acquisition Site that \nprovides the computer and Internet access opportunity to the school district and all of their administrators, teachers, and staff \nharmless from any and all loss, costs, claims, or damages resulting from the user\u2019s access to its computer network and the \nInternet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user. The user \nor the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a minor student agree to cooperate with the school in the event of the school\u2019s initiating an \ninvestigation of a user\u2019s use of his or her access to its \ncomputer network and the Internet, whether that use is on a school computer or on another computer outside the school \ndistrict's network. \n \nUpdates \n \nUsers, and if appropriate, their parents/guardians, may be asked from time to time to provide new or additional registration and \naccount information or to sign a new policy reflecting developments in the law or technology or changes in district policy.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": "Such information must be provided by the user or hisher parents or guardian or such new policy must be signed if the user wishes to continue to receive service If after account information is provided some or all of the information changes the user must notify the person designated by the school to receive such information CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS The purpose of providing Internet and other computer network access in this district is to promote the exchange of information and ideas with the global community The following represents a guide to the acceptable use of the technology provided by this district All network use must be consistent with the policies and goals of this school district Inappropriate use of district technology will result in the loss of technology use disciplinary action andor referral to legal authorities The district may monitor use of district technology at any time All Internet and computer network users are hereby informed that there shall be no expectations of privacy in that school officials may monitor users at any time All Internet and other computer network users will be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette These include but are not limited to the following", "question_text": "Such information must be provided by the user (or his/her parents or guardian) or such new policy must be signed if the user \nwishes to continue to receive service. If after account information is provided, some or all of the information changes, the user \nmust notify the person designated by the school to receive such information. \n \nCODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET AND OTHER \nCOMPUTER NETWORK ACCESS \nThe purpose of providing Internet and other computer network access in this district is to promote the exchange of information \nand ideas with the global community. The following represents a guide to the acceptable use of the technology provided by \nthis district. All network use must be consistent with the policies and goals of this school district. Inappropriate use of district \ntechnology will result in the loss of technology use, disciplinary action, and/or referral to legal authorities. The district may \nmonitor use of district technology at any time. All Internet and computer network users are hereby informed that there shall be \nno expectations of privacy in that school officials may monitor users at any time. \n \nAll Internet and other computer network users will be expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. \nThese include, but are not limited to, the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Be polite Messages should not be abusive to others", "question_text": "1. \nBe polite. Messages should not be abusive to others.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Take pride in communications Check spelling and grammar", "question_text": "2. \nTake pride in communications. Check spelling and grammar.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Use appropriate language Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language symbols or pictures Bear in mind that the use of ALL CAPITAL letters is considered an indication of anger in email and internet communication and is not polite", "question_text": "3. \nUse appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate \n \n \nlanguage, symbols, or pictures. Bear in mind that the use of \u201cALL CAPITAL\u201d letters is considered an indication of \nanger in email and internet communication and is not polite.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Protect password confidentiality Passwords are not to be shared with others Using another users account or password or allowing such access by another may be permitted only with the approval of the supervising teacher or system administrator", "question_text": "4. \nProtect password confidentiality. Passwords are not to be shared with others. Using another \n \nuser\u2019s account or password or allowing such access by another may be permitted only with the approval of the \nsupervising teacher or system administrator.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not reveal your personal address or telephone number or those of other persons No student information protected by FERPA should be electronically transmitted or otherwise disseminated through the network", "question_text": "5. \nDo not reveal your personal address or telephone number or those of other persons. No student information protected \nby FERPA should be electronically transmitted or otherwise disseminated through the network.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not disguise the point of origin or transmission of electronic mail", "question_text": "6. \nDo not disguise the point of origin or transmission of electronic mail.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not send messages that contain false malicious or misleading information that may be injurious to a person or a persons property", "question_text": "7. \nDo not send messages that contain false, malicious, or misleading information that may be \n \ninjurious to a person or a person's property.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Illegal activities are strictly prohibited transferring offensive or harassing messages offering for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school districts staff and student policies viewing transmitting or downloading pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law intruding into the networks or computers of others and downloading or transmitting confidential trade secret information or copyrighted materials", "question_text": "8. \nIllegal activities are strictly prohibited: transferring offensive or harassing messages; offering for sale or use any \nsubstance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the school district\u2019s staff and student policies; viewing, transmitting, \nor downloading pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law; intruding into the networks or \ncomputers of others; and downloading or transmitting confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " The district technology is not to be used for playing multiuser or other network intensive games commercial ventures Internet relay chat lines or downloading excessively large files", "question_text": "9. \nThe district technology is not to be used for playing multi-user or other network intensive \n \ngames, commercial ventures, Internet relay chat lines, or downloading excessively large files.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " No charges for services products or information are to be incurred without appropriate permission", "question_text": "10. \nNo charges for services, products, or information are to be incurred without appropriate permission.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users", "question_text": "11. \nDo not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Users shall respect the privacy of others and not read the mail or files of others without their permission Copyright and licensing laws will not be intentionally violated", "question_text": "12. \nUsers shall respect the privacy of others and not read the mail or files of others without their \n \npermission. Copyright and licensing laws will not be intentionally violated.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware data of another user Internet or any other agencies or other networks that may be accessed This includes but is not limited to the uploading or creation of computer viruses", "question_text": "13. \nVandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious \n \nattempt to harm or destroy hardware, data of another user, Internet, or any other agencies or other networks that may be \naccessed. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Report security problems to the supervising teacher or system administrator", "question_text": "14. \nReport security problems to the supervising teacher or system administrator.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 52, "standardized_text": " Violators of this policy shall hold the district including its employees and agents harmless against any and all causes of action damages or other liability resulting from the willful or negligent violation of this policy SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS The policy of this school district forbids discrimination against or harassment of any student on the basis of sex The Tannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees or students This policy applies to all", "question_text": "15. \nViolators of this policy shall hold the district, including its employees and agents, harmless \n \nagainst any and all causes of action, damages, or other liability resulting from the willful or negligent violation of this \npolicy. \nSEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS \nThe policy of this school district forbids discrimination against, or harassment of any student on the basis of sex. The \nTannehill Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees or students. This policy applies to all", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": "students and employees including nonemployee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel Policy DA applies to sexual harassment of employees Sexual Harassment For the purpose of this policy sexual harassment includes A Verbal or physical sexual advances including subtle pressure for sexual activity touching pinching patting or brushing against comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature and sexually oriented kidding teasing double meanings and jokes B Demeaning comments about a girls ability to excel in a class historically considered a boys subject privately talking to a student about sexual matters hugging or touching a student inappropriately may constitute sexual harassment C Writing graffiti that names a student or otherwise identifies a student is potentially slanderous and constitutes sexual harassment Graffiti of any kind will not be tolerated on school property The superintendent is directed to cause any graffiti or unauthorized writings to be removed immediately D Any of the aforementioned conduct that effectively deprives a student of access to educational opportunities or benefits provided by the school Specific Prohibitions A Administrators and Supervisors", "question_text": "students and employees including non-employee volunteers whose work is subject to the control of school personnel. Policy \nDA applies to sexual harassment of employees. \n \n 1. \nSexual Harassment \n \n \n \nFor the purpose of this policy, sexual harassment includes: \n \n \nA. Verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle pressure for sexual activity; touching, pinching, patting, or \nbrushing against; comments regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature; and sexually-\noriented \"kidding\" \"teasing,\" double meanings, and jokes. \n \n \nB. Demeaning comments about a girl's ability to excel in a class historically considered a \"boy's\" subject, privately \ntalking to a student about sexual matters, hugging or touching a student inappropriately may constitute sexual \nharassment. \n \n \nC. Writing graffiti that names a student or otherwise identifies a student is potentially slanderous and constitutes \nsexual harassment. Graffiti of any kind will not be tolerated on school property. The superintendent is directed to \ncause any graffiti or unauthorized writings to be removed immediately. \n \n \nD. Any of the aforementioned conduct that effectively deprives a student of access to educational opportunities or \nbenefits provided by the school. \n \n 2. \nSpecific Prohibitions \n \n \nA. Administrators and Supervisors", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " It is sexual harassment for an administrator supervisor support employee or teacher to use his or her authority to solicit sexual favors or attention from students", "question_text": "1. \nIt is sexual harassment for an administrator, supervisor, support employee, or teacher to use his or her \nauthority to solicit sexual favors or attention from students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " Administrators supervisors support personnel or teachers who either engage in sexual harassment of students or tolerate such conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions as described below", "question_text": "2. \nAdministrators, supervisors, support personnel, or teachers who either engage in sexual harassment of students \nor tolerate such conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions, as described below.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " The school district is not concerned with the offduty conduct of school personnel unless the conduct has or will have a negative impact on the educational process of the school Any romantic or sexual affiliation between school personnel and students including students who have reached the age of majority during school hours will have a negative impact on the educational process and shall constitute a violation of school policy Such violations may result in suspension of the student and suspension or termination for the employee Any sexual affiliation between teachers and students under the age of may constitute a crime under state or federal law Report Investigation and Sanctions A It is the express policy of the board of education to encourage student victims of sexual harassment to come forward with such claims This may be done through the Sexual Discrimination Grievance policy The Office of Civil Rights relies on school administrators judgment and common sense in meeting the requirements of the federal law", "question_text": "3. \nThe school district is not concerned with the \"off-duty\" conduct of school personnel unless the conduct has or \nwill have a negative impact on the educational process of the school. Any romantic or sexual affiliation \nbetween school personnel and students, including students who have reached the age of majority (18), during \nschool hours will have a negative impact on the educational process and shall constitute a violation of school \npolicy. Such violations may result in suspension of the student and suspension or termination for the \nemployee. Any sexual affiliation between teachers and students under the age of 18 may constitute a crime \nunder state or federal law. \n \n \n 3. \nReport, Investigation, and Sanctions \n \n \nA. It is the express policy of the board of education to encourage student victims of sexual harassment to come \nforward with such claims. This may be done through the Sexual Discrimination Grievance policy. The Office of \nCivil Rights relies on school administrators\u2019 judgment and common sense in meeting the requirements of the \nfederal law.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " Students who feel that administrators supervisors support personnel teachers or other students are subjecting them to sexual harassment are encouraged to report these conditions or have their parents report these conditions to the appropriate administrator or teacher If the students immediate administrator or teacher is the alleged offending person the report will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision or to any responsible adult person", "question_text": "1. \nStudents who feel that administrators, supervisors, support personnel, teachers, or other students are subjecting \nthem to sexual harassment are encouraged to report these conditions, or have their parents report these \nconditions, to the appropriate administrator or teacher. If the student's immediate administrator or teacher is \nthe alleged offending person, the report will be made to the next higher level of administration or supervision \nor to any responsible adult person.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 53, "standardized_text": " Every attempt will be made to maintain confidentiality however absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because of due process concerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations No reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment B In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment the totality of the circumstances the nature of the conduct and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated The superintendent has the responsibility of investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment", "question_text": "2. \nEvery attempt will be made to maintain confidentiality; however, absolute confidentiality cannot be \nguaranteed because of due process concerns that arise in sexual harassment investigations. No reprisals or \nretaliation will be allowed to occur as a result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment. \n \n \nB. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the totality of the circumstances, the nature \nof the conduct, and the context in which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated. The superintendent has \nthe responsibility of investigating and resolving complaints of sexual harassment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 54, "standardized_text": "C Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment of students shall be subject to sanctions including but not limited to warning suspension or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements D Any student found to have engaged in sexual harassment of other students shall be subject to sanctions including but not limited to warning suspension or other appropriate punishment subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements E A copy of this Sexual Harassment policy will be provided to students and parents each year F Special effort will be made to apprise district administrators teachers and counselors of their obligation to receive student complaints of sexual harassment document such complaints and forward them to the grievance committee HEALTH STUDENTS The Tannehill Board of Education believes that the goals of educators should include training that helps our children to grow into productive and responsible adults While the general health and physical maintenance of a child is the responsibility of the parent the board believes that teachers and administrators should encourage students to become aware of the value of a healthy mind and body If a teacher or an administrator becomes aware of a health problem involving a student the parents or legal guardian of the student shall be notified and a conference with the parents be scheduled If efforts to resolve the problem through consultation with the parents are not successful the administrator shall consider referring the matter to the Department of Human Services Health education shall whenever possible be incorporated into the subject matter of all courses of instruction There shall also be established definite time allocations for the teaching of health education Any child who is determined to be afflicted with a contagious disease as currently defined by the Oklahoma Department of Health shall be prohibited from attending school until a health officer has determined that the child is free of the contagious disease or that the disease is no longer contagious The school district will prohibit a child with head lice from attending school until such time as the child no longer has been identified as having head lice CONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES The Tannehill Board of Education is concerned for the health and wellbeing of students and staff of the public schools While the general health and physical wellbeing of a student is the responsibility of the parent the board believes that teachers and administrators should promote and encourage the maintenance of a healthy body and mind Oklahoma law OS and OS prohibits any child afflicted with a contagious disease from attending a public private or parochial school until such time as the child is free from such contagious disease Oklahoma law OS also permits the exclusion of a child by reason of mental or physical disability as determined by the board of education upon a certificate of a dulylicensed and practicing physician The board of education recognizes the possibility of students and staff acquiring andor transmitting a contagious disease Children may be excluded from school when the board believes exclusion is necessary to promote the safety and wellbeing of students and staff The parents of students that are out of school with communicable diseases will be responsible for obtaining the required homework and overseeing that the homework is returned on the allotted time given by the students teacherteachers MEDICATION ADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that if a student is required to take medication during school hours and the parent or guardian cannot be at school to administer the medication or if circumstances exist that indicate it is in the best interest of the student that a nonprescribed medication be dispensed to that student the principal or the principals designee may administer the medication only as follows", "question_text": "C. Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment of students shall be subject to sanctions, including, but \nnot limited to warning, suspension, or termination subject to applicable procedural and due process requirements. \n \n \nD. Any student found to have engaged in sexual harassment of other students shall be subject to sanctions, including, \nbut not limited to warning, suspension or other appropriate punishment subject to applicable procedural and due \nprocess requirements. \n \n \nE. A copy of this Sexual Harassment policy will be provided to students and parents each year. \n \n \nF. Special effort will be made to apprise district administrators, teachers, and counselors of their obligation to receive \nstudent complaints of sexual harassment, document such complaints, and forward them to the grievance \ncommittee. \n \nHEALTH: \nSTUDENTS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that the goals of educators should include training that helps our children to grow \ninto productive and responsible adults. \n \nWhile the general health and physical maintenance of a child is the responsibility of the parent, the board believes that teachers \nand administrators should encourage students to become aware of the value of a healthy mind and body. \n \nIf a teacher or an administrator becomes aware of a health problem involving a student, the parents or legal guardian of the \nstudent shall be notified and a conference with the parents be scheduled. If efforts to resolve the problem through consultation \nwith the parents are not successful, the administrator shall consider referring the matter to the Department of Human Services. \n \nHealth education shall, whenever possible, be incorporated into the subject matter of all courses of instruction. There shall also \nbe established definite time allocations for the teaching of health education. \n \nAny child who is determined to be afflicted with a contagious disease, as currently defined by the Oklahoma Department of \nHealth shall be prohibited from attending school until a health officer has determined that the child is free of the contagious \ndisease or that the disease is no longer contagious. \n \nThe school district will prohibit a child with head lice from attending school until such time as the child no longer has been \nidentified as having head lice. \n \nCONTAGIOUS AND LIFE THREATENING DISEASES \nThe Tannehill Board of Education is concerned for the health and well-being of students and staff of the public schools. While \nthe general health and physical well-being of a student is the responsibility of the parent, the board believes that teachers and \nadministrators should promote and encourage the maintenance of a healthy body and mind. \n \nOklahoma law (70 O.S. \u00a71210.194 and 63 O.S. \u00a71-507) prohibits any child afflicted with a contagious disease from attending a \npublic, private, or parochial school until such time as the child is free from such contagious disease. \n \nOklahoma law (70 O.S. \u00a710-105 [1]) also permits the exclusion of a child by reason of mental or physical disability as \ndetermined by the board of education upon a certificate of a duly-licensed and practicing physician. \n \nThe board of education recognizes the possibility of students and staff acquiring and/or transmitting a contagious disease. \nChildren may be excluded from school when the board believes exclusion is necessary to promote the safety and well-being of \nstudents and staff. \n \nThe parents of students that are out of school with communicable diseases will be responsible for obtaining the required \nhomework and overseeing that the homework is returned on the allotted time given by the student\u2019s teacher/teachers. \n \nMEDICATION: \nADMINISTERING TO STUDENTS \n \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that if a student is required to take medication during school hours and the \nparent or guardian cannot be at school to administer the medication or if circumstances exist that indicate it is in the best \ninterest of the student that a nonprescribed medication be dispensed to that student, the principal, or the principal's designee, \nmay administer the medication only as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 55, "standardized_text": " Prescription medication must be in a container that indicates the following A students name B name and strength of medication C dosage and directions for administration D name of physician or dentist E date and name of pharmacy and F whether the child has asthma or other disability which may require immediate dispensation of medication The medication must be delivered to the principals office in person by the parent or guardian of the student unless the medication must be retained by the student for immediate selfadministration The medication will be accompanied by written authorization from the parent guardian or person having legal custody that indicates the following A purpose of the medication B time to be administered C whether the medication must be retained by student for selfadministration D termination date for administering the medication and E other appropriate information requested by the principal or the principals designee Selfadministration of inhaled asthma medication by a student for treatment of asthma or an anaphylaxis medication used to treat anaphylaxis and the selfadministration of replacement pancreatic enzymes by a student for treatment of cystic fibrosis is permitted with written parental authorization The parent or guardian of the student must also provide a written statement from the physician treating the student that the student has asthma or anaphylaxis and is capable of and has been instructed in the proper method of selfadministration of medication Additionally A The parent or guardian must provide the school with an emergency supply of the students medication to be administered as authorized by state law B The school district will inform the parent or guardian of the student in writing and the parent or guardian shall sign a statement acknowledging that the school district and its employees and agents shall incur no liability as a result of any injury arising from the selfadministration of medication by the student C Permission for the selfadministration of asthma or anaphylaxis medication or replacement cystic fibrosis enzymes is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year upon fulfillment of the above requirements D A student who is permitted to selfadminister asthma medication or anaphylaxis medication shall be permitted to possess and use a prescribed inhaler or anaphylaxis medication or replacement pancreatic enzyme medication at all times E Definitions", "question_text": "1. \nPrescription medication must be in a container that indicates the following: \n \n \nA. student's name, \n \nB. name and strength of medication, \n \nC. dosage and directions for administration, \n \nD. name of physician or dentist, \n \nE. date and name of pharmacy, and \n \nF. whether the child has asthma or other disability which may require immediate dispensation of medication. \n \n \n \n \n \nThe medication must be delivered to the principal's office in person by the parent or guardian of the student unless the \nmedication must be retained by the student for immediate self-administration. The medication will be accompanied by \nwritten authorization from the parent, guardian, or person having legal custody that indicates the following: \n \n \nA. purpose of the medication, \n \nB. time to be administered, \n \nC. whether the medication must be retained by student for self-administration, \n \nD. termination date for administering the medication, and \n \nE. other appropriate information requested by the principal or the principal's designee. \n \n 2. \nSelf-administration of inhaled asthma medication by a student for treatment of asthma, or an anaphylaxis medication \nused to treat anaphylaxis, and the self-administration of replacement pancreatic enzymes by a student for treatment of \ncystic fibrosis is permitted with written parental authorization. The parent or guardian of the student must also provide \na written statement from the physician treating the student that the student has asthma or anaphylaxis and is capable of, \nand has been instructed in the proper method of, self-administration of medication. Additionally: \n \n \nA. The parent or guardian must provide the school with an emergency supply of the student\u2019s medication to be \nadministered as authorized by state law. \n \n \nB. The school district will inform the parent or guardian of the student, in writing, and the parent or guardian shall \nsign a statement acknowledging, that the school district and its employees and agents shall incur no liability as a \nresult of any injury arising from the self-administration of medication by the student. \n \n \nC. Permission for the self-administration of asthma, or anaphylaxis medication, or replacement cystic fibrosis \nenzymes is effective for the school year for which it is granted and shall be renewed each subsequent school year \nupon fulfillment of the above requirements. \n \n \n \nD. A student who is permitted to self-administer asthma medication or anaphylaxis medication shall be permitted to \npossess and use a prescribed inhaler, or anaphylaxis medication, or replacement pancreatic enzyme medication at \nall times. \n \n \nE. Definitions:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 55, "standardized_text": " Medication means a metered dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms prescribed by a physician and having an individual label or an anaphylaxis medication used to treat anaphylaxis including but not limited to Epinephrine injectors prescribed by a physician and having an individual label or replacement pancreatic enzymes prescribed by a physician and having an individual label", "question_text": "1. \nMedication means a metered dose inhaler or a dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms, prescribed \nby a physician and having an individual label, or an anaphylaxis medication used to treat anaphylaxis, \nincluding but not limited to Epinephrine injectors, prescribed by a physician and having an individual label, or \nreplacement pancreatic enzymes prescribed by a physician and having an individual label.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 55, "standardized_text": " Selfadministration means a students use of medication pursuant to prescription or written direction from a physician Students shall be permitted to possess and selfapply sunscreen that is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration without the written authorization of a parent legal guardian or physician Students applying sunscreen are prohibited from applying sunscreen during instructional time Aerosol spray must be applied outside of school buildings and away from other students Students shall not be allowed to apply sunscreen to other students Students who do not conform to these rules will be disciplined by the administration in accordance with school discipline policies Nonprescription medication may be administered only with the written request and permission of a parent guardian or person having legal custody when other alternatives such as resting or changing activities are inappropriate or ineffec tive The medication will be administered in accordance with label directions or written instructions from the students physician", "question_text": "2. \nSelf-administration means a student\u2019s use of medication pursuant to prescription or written direction from a \nphysician. \n \n 3. \nStudents shall be permitted to possess and self-apply sunscreen that is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration \nwithout the written authorization of a parent, legal guardian, or physician. Students applying sunscreen are prohibited \nfrom applying sunscreen during instructional time. Aerosol spray must be applied outside of school buildings and away \nfrom other students. Students shall not be allowed to apply sunscreen to other students. Students who do not conform \nto these rules will be disciplined by the administration in accordance with school discipline policies. \n \n 4. \nNonprescription medication may be administered only with the written request and permission of a parent, guardian, or \nperson having legal custody when other alternatives, such as resting or changing activities, are inappropriate or ineffec-\ntive. The medication will be administered in accordance with label directions or written instructions from the student's \nphysician.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 56, "standardized_text": "District personnel may assist a student in applying sunscreen with the written permission of a parent guardian or person having legal custody School District Prescribed Epinephrine Injectors The school district will inform the parent or guardian of each student in writing that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional or trained in correlation with the State Department of Healths Diabetes Management Annual School Training Program may administer with parent or guardian permission but without a health care provider order an Epinephrine injection to a student whom the school nurse or trained school employee in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction Only those students who have a waiver of liability executed by a parent or guardian on file with the school district may be administered an Epinephrine injection A school employee will contact as soon as possible if it is believed that a student is having an anaphylactic reaction", "question_text": "District personnel may assist a student in applying sunscreen with the written permission of a parent, guardian, or \nperson having legal custody. \n \n 5.. School District Prescribed Epinephrine Injectors. The school district will inform the parent or guardian of each student, \nin writing, that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional or trained in correlation with the \nState Department of Health's Diabetes Management Annual School Training Program may administer, with parent or \nguardian permission but without a health care provider order, an Epinephrine injection to a student whom the school \nnurse or trained school employee in good faith believes is having an anaphylactic reaction. Only those students who \nhave a waiver of liability executed by a parent or guardian on file with the school district may be administered an \nEpinephrine injection. A school employee will contact 911 as soon as possible if it is believed that a student is having \nan anaphylactic reaction.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 56, "standardized_text": " School District Prescribed Inhalers The school district will informed the parent or guardian of each student in writing that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional may administer an inhaler to a student whom the school nurse or trained employee in good faith believes is having respiratory distress A school employee designed by the superintendent will notify the parent or guardian of a student after the administration of an inhaler The administrator or administrators designee will A Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication being administered B Keep an accurate record of the administration of the medication C Keep all medication in a locked cabinet except medication retained by a student per physicians order D Return unused prescription medication to the parent or guardian only The parent guardian or person having legal custody of the student is responsible for informing the designated official of any change in the students health or change in medication This policy statement will be provided to a parent or guardian upon receipt of a request for longterm administration of medication PROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF ALLEGED SEXTING Sexting Defined Sexting is sending receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages photographs or images primarily between mobile phones It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device Oklahoma Law No Oklahoma law currently exists that prohibits sexting however there are several laws involving the possession and distribution of child pornography soliciting minors via electronic media and distributing obscene materials to minors These are all sex crimes which may be related to sexting and are considered serious felonies Penalties upon conviction may include up to thirty years in state prison quarterly registration as a sex offender inclusion of the term sex offender on a drivers license and mandatory use of an ankle monitor Reduction of Penalties for Minors As the number of teens being prosecuted as sex offenders for consensual sexting increased in recent years Oklahoma has attempted to mitigate the penalties for teen sexting In Oklahoma enacted HB amending the state law to reduce penalties Under OS Oklahoma law lists potential penalties for consensual transmission of sexually explicit images by and between minors primarily to protect teens who receive unsolicited images and report them to school officials or law enforcement Although Oklahoma has enacted laws to reduce the penalties minors face for consensual teen sexting it is essential to remember that it is still a crime and if it is not consensual the crimes andor penalties may increase For example a teen aged who engages in legal consensual sex with a teen aged or will face a child pornography prosecution if he or she makes receives or possess sexually explicit images of the teen under Title IX and Sexting Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that can include sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature", "question_text": "6. \nSchool District Prescribed Inhalers. The school district will informed the parent or guardian of each student, in \n \nwriting, that a school nurse or school employee trained by a health care professional may administer an inhaler \n \nto a student whom the school nurse or trained employee in good faith believes is having respiratory distress. A \n \nschool employee designed by the superintendent will notify the parent or guardian of a student after the \n \nadministration of an inhaler. \n \nThe administrator, or administrator's designee, will: \n \n \nA. Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication being administered \n \nB. Keep an accurate record of the administration of the medication \n \nC. Keep all medication in a locked cabinet except medication retained by a student per physician's order \n \nD. Return unused prescription medication to the parent or guardian only \n \nThe parent, guardian, or person having legal custody of the student is responsible for informing the designated official of any \nchange in the student's health or change in medication. \n \nThis policy statement will be provided to a parent or guardian upon receipt of a request for long-term administration of \nmedication. \n \n \nPROTOCOLS FOR DEALING WITH INSTANCES OF ALLEGED SEXTING \n \nSexting Defined: \nSexting is sending, receiving or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs or images, primarily between mobile \nphones. It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device. \nOklahoma Law \n \nNo Oklahoma law currently exists that prohibits sexting; however, there are several laws involving the possession and \ndistribution of child pornography, soliciting minors via electronic media and distributing obscene materials to minors. These \nare all sex crimes which may be related to sexting and are considered serious felonies. \n \nPenalties upon conviction may include up to thirty years in state prison, quarterly registration as a sex offender, inclusion of the \nterm sex offender on a driver's license and mandatory use of an ankle monitor. \n \nReduction of Penalties for Minors \nAs the number of teens being prosecuted as sex offenders for consensual sexting increased in recent years, Oklahoma has \nattempted to mitigate the penalties for teen sexting. In 2014, Oklahoma enacted HB 2541 amending the state law to reduce \npenalties. Under 10A O.S. \u00a7 2-8-221, Oklahoma law lists potential penalties for consensual transmission of sexually explicit \nimages by and between minors, primarily to protect teens who receive unsolicited images and report them to school officials or \nlaw enforcement. \n \nAlthough Oklahoma has enacted laws to reduce the penalties minors face for consensual teen sexting, it is essential to \nremember that it is still a crime, and if it is not consensual, the crime(s) and/or penalties may increase. For example, a teen \naged 18 who engages in legal consensual sex with a teen aged 16 or 17 will face a child pornography prosecution if he or she \nmakes, receives or possess sexually explicit images of the teen under 18. \n \nTitle IX and Sexting \nSexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that can include sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and \nother verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": "Two Types of Sexual Harassment", "question_text": "Two Types of Sexual Harassment:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Quid Pro Quo sexual favors demanded in exchange for some benefit or service", "question_text": "1. \"Quid Pro Quo\" - sexual favors demanded in exchange for some benefit or service.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Hostile Environment unwelcome advances requests or physical conduct that interferes with an individuals performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive educational environment How to Handle Evidence", "question_text": "2. \"Hostile Environment\" - unwelcome advances, requests or physical conduct that interferes with an individual's performance \nor creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. \nHow to Handle Evidence", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Place the cell phone in a plastic bag and call the police", "question_text": "1. Place the cell phone in a plastic bag and call the police", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Do not inspect the contents of the phone to confirm the presence of child pornography", "question_text": "2. Do not inspect the contents of the phone to confirm the presence of child \n pornography", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Do not look at the images to determine which students may be involved", "question_text": "3. Do not look at the images to determine which students may be involved", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " Do not copy distribute or share the images with anyone including a parent other than law enforcement officials REPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE ANDOR NEGLECT In accordance with Oklahoma law any person is required to report suspected cases of physical abuse or neglect involving students to the statewide toll free hotline of the Department of Human Services The statewide DHS hotline number is ", "question_text": "4. Do not copy, distribute or share the images with anyone (including a parent) other \n than law enforcement officials \n \n \n \n \nREPORTING SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE \nAND/OR NEGLECT \nIn accordance with Oklahoma law, any person is required to report suspected cases of physical abuse or neglect involving \nstudents to the statewide toll free hotline of the Department of Human Services. The statewide DHS hotline number is 1-800-", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 57, "standardized_text": " The board of education fully supports that requirement and has established this policy to facilitate such reporting Every teacher support person or other employee of this school district shall report any suspected physical mental or sexual abuse or neglect of any school student to the Department of Human Services by telephone The employee shall also inform the building principal who will advise the superintendent that the report was made using Form FFGE The reporting obligations under this section are individual and no employer supervisor or administrator of a person required to provide information pursuant to this section shall discharge or in any manner discriminate or retaliate against any such person who in good faith provides such child abuse reports or information testifies or is about to testify in any proceeding involving child abuse or neglect provided that such person did not perpetrate or inflict such abuse or neglect Any such employer supervisor or administrator who discharges discriminates or retaliates against such person shall be liable for damages costs and attorney fees Any person who knowingly and willfully fails to promptly report any incident of child abuse may be reported to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and upon conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report or makes a report that the person knows lacks factual foundation may be reported by the Department of Human Services to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and upon conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Any person participating in good faith and exercising due care in the making of a report or any person who in good faith and exercising due care allows access to a child by persons authorized to investigate a report concerning the child shall have immunity from any liability civil or criminal that might otherwise be incurred or imposed Any such participant shall have the same immunity from any liability with respect to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report The school district shall post in a clearly visible location in a public area of the school that is readily accessible to all students a sign in English and Spanish that contains the tollfree number operated by the Department of Human Services", "question_text": "522-3511. The board of education fully supports that requirement and has established this policy to facilitate such reporting. \n \nEvery teacher, support person, or other employee of this school district shall report any suspected physical, mental, or sexual \nabuse or neglect of any school student to the Department of Human Services by telephone. The employee shall also inform the \nbuilding principal who will advise the superintendent that the report was made using Form FFG-E. \n \nThe reporting obligations under this section are individual, and no employer, supervisor or administrator of a person required to \nprovide information pursuant to this section shall discharge, or in any manner discriminate or retaliate against, any such person \nwho in good faith provides such child abuse reports or information, testifies, or is about to testify in any proceeding involving \nchild abuse or neglect; provided, that such person did not perpetrate or inflict such abuse or neglect. Any such employer, \nsupervisor, or administrator who discharges, discriminates, or retaliates against such person shall be liable for damages, costs, \nand attorney fees. Any person who knowingly and willfully fails to promptly report any incident of child abuse may be \nreported to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and, upon conviction thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. \nAny person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report, or makes a report that the person knows lacks factual \nfoundation may be reported by the Department of Human Services to local law enforcement for criminal investigation and, \nupon conviction thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. \n \nAny person participating in good faith and exercising due care in the making of a report or any person who, in good faith and \nexercising due care, allows access to a child by persons authorized to investigate a report concerning the child shall have \nimmunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed. Any such participant shall have \nthe same immunity from any liability with respect to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report. \n \nThe school district shall post, in a clearly visible location in a public area of the school that is readily accessible to all students, \na sign in English and Spanish that contains the toll-free number operated by the Department of Human Services.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 58, "standardized_text": "SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM CHILDS NAME DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS SCHOOL PARENTSLEGAL GUARDIAN ADDRESS I hereby acknowledge that I have a statutory duty to report any suspected abuse to DHS I further understand that merely filing this report does not absolve me of my statutory duty to report this directly to DHS A copy of this suspected child abuse or neglect report may be filed with the Department of Human Services the supervising administrator and the Superintendent of Schools The supervising administrator will also need to contact the DHS Describe the nature and extent of the suspected child abuse or neglect Describe any evidence of previous suspected child abuse or neglect Names of persons present during the interview with the child Name of investigating social worker with the Department of Human Services if known Signature of Person Filing Report Signature of Supervising Administrator ", "question_text": "SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE REPORT FORM \n \n \nCHILD'S NAME: \n DATE OF BIRTH: ______________________ \n \nADDRESS: \n SCHOOL: _____________________________ \n \nPARENT(S)/LEGAL GUARDIAN: _______________________________________________________________ \n \nADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nI hereby acknowledge that I have a statutory duty to report any suspected abuse to DHS. I further understand that merely filing \nthis report does not absolve me of my statutory duty to report this directly to DHS. \n \nA copy of this suspected child abuse or neglect report may be filed with the Department of Human Services, the supervising \nadministrator and the Superintendent of Schools. The supervising administrator will also need to contact the DHS. \n \nDescribe the nature and extent of the suspected child abuse or neglect: ____________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nDescribe any evidence of previous suspected child abuse or neglect: ______________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nNames of persons present during the interview with the child: ___________________________________________ \n \n_____________________________________________________________________________________________ \n \nName of investigating social worker with the Department of Human Services (if known): \n________________________ \n \n \n \n \nSignature of Person Filing Report: \n_________________________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n \nSignature of Supervising Administrator: ____________________________________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": "FUND RAISING BY INSCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that from time to time an organization or class within the school system has a need to raise funds to finance certain projects Any organization wishing to raise funds should adhere to the following procedure Submit an estimate for the cost of the project to the superintendent Submit a list of sources for the fund raising to the superintendent Obtain approval for the project from the board of education All funds that are raised should go into the activity fund except funds raised by a group or organization sanctioned by the board that should remain the property of that group or organization Only the superintendent or the superintendents designee can approve expenditures out of the activity fund Doortodoor solicitation will not be conducted during school hours All funds must be returned to the school sponsor and deposited in the appropriate activity account on a daily basis Raffles Student groups or organizations and parentteacher associations affiliated with this school district meeting the qualification requirements of state law are permitted to conduct raffles for the benefit of schoolrelated initiatives within this district subject to the approval process above Raffles permit such qualified organizations to raise funds by issuing numbered tickets in conjunction with voluntary contributions to the organization The board of education shall give approval of the items for raffle prior to approving a raffle as a fundraiser Nonschool Fundraisers Students staff and patrons are prohibited from conducting fundraisers for nonschool activities on school premises STUDENT RECORDS It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that the principal of each school will be the legal custodian of all student records for that school Students and parents will have access to their school records The school will notify parents and adult students annually of the following", "question_text": "FUND RAISING BY IN-SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that from time to time an organization or class within the school system has a \nneed to raise funds to finance certain projects. \n \nAny organization wishing to raise funds should adhere to the following procedure: \n \n 1. \nSubmit an estimate for the cost of the project to the superintendent. \n 2. \nSubmit a list of sources for the fund raising to the superintendent. \n 3. \nObtain approval for the project from the board of education. \n 4. \nAll funds that are raised should go into the activity fund, except funds raised by a group or organization sanctioned by \nthe board that should remain the property of that group or organization. Only the superintendent or the superintendent's \ndesignee can approve expenditures out of the activity fund. \n 5. \nDoor-to-door solicitation will not be conducted during school hours. \n 6. \nAll funds must be returned to the school sponsor and deposited in the appropriate activity account on a daily basis. \n \nRaffles \nStudent groups or organizations and parent-teacher associations affiliated with this school district meeting the qualification \nrequirements of state law are permitted to conduct raffles for the benefit of school-related initiatives within this district subject \nto the approval process, above. Raffles permit such qualified organizations to raise funds by issuing numbered tickets in \nconjunction with voluntary contributions to the organization. The board of education shall give approval of the items for raffle \nprior to approving a raffle as a fund-raiser. \n \nNonschool Fundraisers \nStudents, staff, and patrons are prohibited from conducting fundraisers for nonschool activities on school premises. \n \nSTUDENT RECORDS \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that the principal of each school will be the legal custodian of all student \nrecords for that school. \n \nStudents and parents will have access to their school records. The school will notify parents and adult students annually of the \nfollowing:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The type of records kept", "question_text": "1. \nThe type of records kept;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The procedure for inspecting and copying these records", "question_text": "2. \nThe procedure for inspecting and copying these records;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The right for interpretation", "question_text": "3. \nThe right for interpretation;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The right to challenge data thought to be erroneous the procedures for correcting or expunging erroneous data or inserting a rebuttal statement", "question_text": "4. \nThe right to challenge data thought to be erroneous, the procedures for correcting or expunging erroneous data or \ninserting a rebuttal statement;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 59, "standardized_text": " The right to lodge a complaint with the US Department of Education if mandates are not adequately implemented The educational records or school records include all materials directly related to a student that a school maintains Records and notes maintained by a teacher administrator school physician or school psychologist for his or her own use and which are not available to others are exempted from this definition The school will require a prior written consent before information other than directory information may be divulged to third parties An exception to this rule exists for school district employees who have legitimate interests in viewing the records as well as officials in other schools in which the student seeks to enroll A school district in which a student is enrolled or is in the process of enrolling in may request the students education records from any district in which the student was formerly enrolled to ascertain safety issues with incoming students and ensure full disclosure The records including the students disciplinary records will be forwarded to the requesting district within three business days Disciplinary records shall include but not be limited to all information that relates to a student assaulting carrying weapons possessing illegal drugs including alcohol and any incident that poses a potential dangerous threat to students or school personnel When schools transfer records to new educational institutions the schools must notify parents of the transfer and of their right to review and contest the material An exemption exists for material under court order Parents must be notified of such order prior to release", "question_text": "5. \nThe right to lodge a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if mandates are not adequately \nimplemented. \n \nThe educational records or school records include all materials directly related to a student that a school maintains. Records \nand notes maintained by a teacher, administrator, school physician, or school psychologist for his or her own use, and which \nare not available to others are exempted from this definition. \n \nThe school will require a prior written consent before information other than directory information may be divulged to third \nparties. An exception to this rule exists for school district employees who have legitimate interests in viewing the records, as \nwell as officials in other schools in which the student seeks to enroll. A school district in which a student is enrolled or is in \nthe process of enrolling in may request the student's education records from any district in which the student was formerly \nenrolled to ascertain safety issues with incoming students and ensure full disclosure. The records, including the student's \ndisciplinary records, will be forwarded to the requesting district within three (3) business days. Disciplinary records shall \ninclude but not be limited to all information that relates to a student assaulting, carrying weapons, possessing illegal drugs, \nincluding alcohol, and any incident that poses a potential dangerous threat to students or school personnel. \n \nWhen schools transfer records to new educational institutions, the schools must notify parents of the transfer, and of their right \nto review and contest the material. An exemption exists for material under court order. Parents must be notified of such order \nprior to release.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 60, "standardized_text": "The district will release individual student records from the current or previous school year to a school district where the student was previously enrolled if the release of such records is for the purposes of evaluating educational programs and school effectiveness The district may disclose personally identifiable information to third parties without prior written consent in order to conduct studies audits and evaluations of the educational programs of the school district In such case the district will take reasonable steps to ensure that all authorized representatives of the third party are FERPA compliant with the information provided for the purposes of the study audit or evaluation of the educational program The district may disclose without the consent or knowledge of the eligible student or parent personally identifiable information in the educational records of a student to the Attorney General of the United States or his or her designee in response to an ex parte order in connection with the investigation or prosecution of terrorism crimes The district is not required to record such disclosure of information and is protected from liability for disclosing such information in good faith The superintendent is directed to establish procedures to ensure compliance with the Family Educational and Privacy Act and other applicable acts and regulations TRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to adhere strictly to Oklahoma and Federal law concerning the transfer and release of confidential information including student records For the purposes of this policy confidential information means any information regarding a child receiving services supported in whole or in part by state or federal funds a family member of such child or other persons residing in the home of such child and which is required by state or federal law or regulation to be maintained in a confidential manner The school district will transfer and release confidential information in accordance with this policy to The Department of Human Services The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services The State Department of Health The State Department of Education The State Department of Career and Technology Education The Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth The JD McCarty Center for Handicapped Children The Department of Corrections Private agencies receiving public funds pursuant to a grant or contract with one of the agencies listed in through and providing institutional community residential or communitybased services as defined by Title Section", "question_text": "The district will release individual student records from the current or previous school year to a school district where the \nstudent was previously enrolled if the release of such records is for the purposes of evaluating educational programs and school \neffectiveness. \n \nThe district may disclose personally identifiable information to third parties, without prior written consent, in order to conduct \nstudies, audits, and evaluations of the educational programs of the school district. In such case, the district will take reasonable \nsteps to ensure that all authorized representatives of the third party are FERPA compliant with the information provided for the \npurposes of the study, audit, or evaluation of the educational program. \n \nThe district may disclose, without the consent or knowledge of the eligible student or parent, personally identifiable \ninformation in the educational records of a student to the Attorney General of the United States or his or her designee in \nresponse to an ex parte order in connection with the investigation or prosecution of terrorism crimes. The district is not \nrequired to record such disclosure of information and is protected from liability for disclosing such information in good faith. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to establish procedures to ensure compliance with the Family Educational and Privacy Act and \nother applicable acts and regulations. \n \nTRANSFER AND RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to adhere strictly to Oklahoma and Federal law concerning the transfer and \nrelease of confidential information including student records. \n \nFor the purposes of this policy, \"confidential information\" means any information regarding a child receiving services \nsupported in whole or in part by state or federal funds, a family member of such child, or other persons residing in the home of \nsuch child, and which is required by state or federal law or regulation to be maintained in a confidential manner. \n \nThe school district will transfer and release confidential information in accordance with this policy to: \n \n \n(1) \nThe Department of Human Services, \n \n \n(2) \nThe Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, \n \n \n(3) \nThe State Department of Health, \n \n \n(4) \nThe State Department of Education, \n \n \n(5) \nThe State Department of Career and Technology Education, \n \n \n(6) \nThe Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth, \n \n \n(7) \nThe J.D. McCarty Center for Handicapped Children, \n \n \n(8) \nThe Department of Corrections, \n \n \n(9) \nPrivate agencies receiving public funds pursuant to a grant or contract with one of the agencies listed in (1) \nthrough (8) and providing institutional, community residential or community-based services as defined by Title 10, Section", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 60, "standardized_text": " of the Oklahoma Statutes to children and family Persons and agencies subject to the rules promulgated by the agencies listed in through Statutorilyconstituted juvenile bureaus and Other school districts upon their request and in compliance with state law Unless otherwise permitted by state or federal law or regulation confidential information will only be released to the above described entities pursuant to a court order or an informed consent that has been executed by a the parent or guardian of the child or other person authorized by state or federal law to execute such consent if the subject of the confidential information is a child or b the individual who was the subject of the confidential information or other person authorized by law to execute such consent on his or her behalf if the subject of the confidential information is an adult A copy of the school districts informed consent form may be found at FLEE", "question_text": "7001-1.3 of the Oklahoma Statutes, to children and family, \n \n \n(10) \nPersons and agencies subject to the rules promulgated by the agencies listed in (1) through (8), \n \n \n(11) \nStatutorily-constituted juvenile bureaus, and \n \n(12) Other school districts upon their request and in compliance with state law. \n \nUnless otherwise permitted by state or federal law or regulation, confidential information will only be released to the above-\ndescribed entities pursuant to (1) a court order or (2) an informed consent that has been executed by (a) the parent or guardian \nof the child or other person authorized by state or federal law to execute such consent, if the subject of the confidential \ninformation is a child or (b) the individual who was the subject of the confidential information or other person authorized by \nlaw to execute such consent on his or her behalf, if the subject of the confidential information is an adult. A copy of the school \ndistrict's informed consent form may be found at FLE-E.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": "The school district will follow the rules promulgated by the State Department of Education for authorizing access to and the transfer or release of confidential information for the purpose of gathering statistical information or conducting studies or research otherwise authorized by law The school district shall charge per page for all copies made pursuant to this policy plus the actual cost of mailing the copies INFORMATION COORDINATOR The school district has designated a representative to coordinate requests for information from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations when the release of such information has been authorized by a parent legal guardian of the student or by court order Information regarding past and present students in the district may be released to law enforcement officers subject to court order or by parental consent Such information includes but is not limited to", "question_text": "The school district will follow the rules promulgated by the State Department of Education for authorizing access to and the \ntransfer or release of confidential information for the purpose of gathering statistical information or conducting studies or \nresearch otherwise authorized by law. \n \nThe school district shall charge $.50 per page for all copies made pursuant to this policy plus the actual cost of mailing the \ncopies. \n \nINFORMATION COORDINATOR \nThe school district has designated a representative to coordinate requests for information from the Oklahoma State Bureau of \nInvestigations when the release of such information has been authorized by a parent, legal guardian of the student, or by court \norder. Information regarding past and present students in the district may be released to law enforcement officers subject to \ncourt order or by parental consent. \n \nSuch information includes but is not limited to:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Students name address telephone listing and date and place of birth", "question_text": "1. \nStudent\u2019s name, address, telephone listing, and date and place of birth;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Parent or lawful custodians name address and telephone listing", "question_text": "2. \nParent or lawful custodian's name, address, and telephone listing;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Major field of study and grade level classification example elementary grade", "question_text": "3. \nMajor field of study and grade level classification (example: elementary, 7th grade)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Students participation in officially recognized activities and sports", "question_text": "4. \nStudent\u2019s participation in officially recognized activities and sports;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Weight and height of members of athletic teams", "question_text": "5. \nWeight and height of members of athletic teams;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Dates of attendance dates of enrollment withdrawal reentry", "question_text": "6. \nDates of attendance, dates of enrollment, withdrawal, re-entry;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Diplomas certificates awards and honors received", "question_text": "7. \nDiplomas, certificates, awards, and honors received;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 61, "standardized_text": " Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student BULLYING It is the policy of this school district that bullying of students by other students personnel or the public will not be tolerated Students are expected to be civil polite and fully engaged in the learning process Students who act inappropriately are not fully engaged in the learning process This policy is in effect while the students are on school grounds in school vehicles at designated bus stops at schoolsponsored activities or at schoolsanctioned events and while away from school grounds if the misconduct directly affects the good order efficient management and welfare of the school district Bullying of students by electronic communication is prohibited whether or not such communication originated at school or with school equipment if the communication is specifically directed at students or school personnel and concerns harassment intimidation or bullying at school The school district is not required to provide educational services in the regular school setting to any student who has been removed from a public school or private school in Oklahoma or another state by administrative or judicial process for an act of using electronic communication with the intent to terrify intimidate or harass or threaten to inflict injury or physical harm to faculty or students As used in the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act bullying means any pattern of harassment intimidation threatening behavior physical acts verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student Such behavior is specifically prohibited In administering discipline consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective discipline is administered in each case In all disciplinary action teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that they are dealing with individual personalities The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most effective disciplinary measure In considering alternatives of corrective actions the facultyadministration of the school district will consider those listed below However the school is not limited to these alternative methods nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events to follow in disciplinary actions The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to determine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance Conference with student Conference with parents", "question_text": "8. \nMost recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student \n \nBULLYING \nIt is the policy of this school district that bullying of students by other students, personnel, or the public will not be tolerated. \nStudents are expected to be civil, polite, and fully engaged in the learning process. Students who act inappropriately are not \nfully engaged in the learning process. This policy is in effect while the students are on school grounds, in school vehicles, at \ndesignated bus stops, at school-sponsored activities, or at school-sanctioned events, and while away from school grounds if the \nmisconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management, and welfare of the school district. Bullying of students by \nelectronic communication is prohibited whether or not such communication originated at school or with school equipment, if \nthe communication is specifically directed at students or school personnel and concerns harassment, intimidation, or bullying at \nschool. The school district is not required to provide educational services in the regular school setting to any student who has \nbeen removed from a public school or private school in Oklahoma or another state by administrative or judicial process for an \nact of using electronic communication with the intent to terrify, intimidate or harass, or threaten to inflict injury or physical \nharm to faculty or students. \n \nAs used in the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act, \"bullying\" means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, \nthreatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that \nresults in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the \ntargeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission \nor the education of any student. Such behavior is specifically prohibited. \n \nIn administering discipline, consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective \ndiscipline is administered in each case. In all disciplinary action, teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that \nthey are dealing with individual personalities. The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most \neffective disciplinary measure. \n \nIn considering alternatives of corrective actions, the faculty/administration of the school district will consider those listed \nbelow. However, the school is not limited to these alternative methods, nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events \nto follow in disciplinary actions. The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to \ndetermine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance. \n \n 1. \nConference with student \n 2. \nConference with parents", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 62, "standardized_text": " Inschool suspension Detention Referral to counselor Behavioral contract Changing students seat assignment or class assignment Requiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property Requiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the students behavior Restriction of privileges Involvement of local authorities Referring student to appropriate social agency or to a delinquency prevention and diversion program administrated by the office of Juvenile Affairs Suspension Performing Campussite services for the school district Other appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include but is not limited to removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the privilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony school dances prom prom activities andor class trips Harassment set forth above may include but is not limited to the following Verbal physical or written harassment or abuse Repeated remarks of a demeaning nature Implied or explicit threats concerning ones grades achievements etc Demeaning jokes stories or activities directed at the student Unwelcome physical contact The superintendent shall develop procedures providing for Prompt investigation of allegations of harassment The expeditious correction of the conditions causing such harassment Establishment of adequate measures to provide confidentiality in the complaint process Initiation of appropriate corrective actions Identification and enactment of methods to prevent reoccurrence of the harassment and A process where the provisions of this policy are disseminated in writing annually to all staff and students", "question_text": "3. \nIn-school suspension \n 4. \nDetention \n 5. \nReferral to counselor \n 6. \nBehavioral contract \n 7. \nChanging student's seat assignment or class assignment \n 8. \nRequiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property \n 9. \nRequiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the student's behavior \n 10. \nRestriction of privileges \n 11. \nInvolvement of local authorities \n 12. \nReferring student to appropriate social agency or to a delinquency prevention and diversion program administrated by \nthe office of Juvenile Affairs \n 13. \nSuspension \n 14. \nPerforming Campus-site services for the school district \n 15. \nOther appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include, but is not \nlimited to, removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the \nprivilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony, school dances, prom, prom activities, and/or class \ntrips. \nHarassment set forth above may include, but is not limited to, the following: \n 1. \nVerbal, physical, or written harassment or abuse; \n 2. \nRepeated remarks of a demeaning nature; \n 3. \nImplied or explicit threats concerning one\u2019s grades, achievements, etc.; \n 4. \nDemeaning jokes, stories, or activities directed at the student; \n 5. \nUnwelcome physical contact. \nThe superintendent shall develop procedures providing for: \n 1. \nPrompt investigation of allegations of harassment \n 2. \nThe expeditious correction of the conditions causing such harassment; \n 3. \nEstablishment of adequate measures to provide confidentiality in the complaint process; \n 4. \nInitiation of appropriate corrective actions; \n 5. \nIdentification and enactment of methods to prevent reoccurrence of the harassment; and \n 6. \nA process where the provisions of this policy are disseminated in writing annually to all staff and students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 63, "standardized_text": "HARASSMENTBULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM Date Time RoomLocation Students Initiating BullyingHarassment Grade Class Grade Class Students Affected Grade Class Grade Class Type of Harassment Alleged Racial Sexual Religious Other Check all spaces below that apply Adult stated or identified inappropriate behaviors as Name Calling Spitting Stalking Demeaning Comments Inappropriate Gesturing Stealing StaringLeering Damaging Property WritingGraffiti ShovingPushing Threatening HittingKicking TauntingRidiculing Flashing a Weapon Inappropriate Touching IntimidationExtortion Other Describe the incident Witnesses Present Physical evidence Graffiti Notes Email Web sites Videoaudio tape Other Staff signature Parents contacted Date Time Administrative response taken", "question_text": "HARASSMENT/BULLYING INCIDENT REPORT FORM \n \n \nDate: \n Time: \n Room/Location: \n \n \nStudent(s) Initiating Bullying/Harassment: \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \nStudent(s) Affected: \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \n \n Grade: \n Class: \n \n \nType of Harassment Alleged: \n \nRacial \n Sexual \n Religious \n Other \n \n \nCheck all spaces below that apply. Adult stated or identified inappropriate behaviors as: \n \n \n Name Calling \n \n Spitting \n \n Stalking \n \n Demeaning Comments \n \n Inappropriate Gesturing \n \n Stealing \n \n Staring/Leering \n \n Damaging Property \n \n Writing/Graffiti \n \n Shoving/Pushing \n \n Threatening \n \n Hitting/Kicking \n \n Taunting/Ridiculing \n \n Flashing a Weapon \n \n Inappropriate Touching \n \n Intimidation/Extortion \n \n Other \n \n \nDescribe the incident: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWitnesses Present: \n \n \nPhysical evidence: Graffiti _____ Notes _____ E-mail _____ Web sites _____ Video/audio tape _____ \n \nOther \n \n \nStaff signature \n \n \nParent(s) contacted: Date \n Time \n \n \nAdministrative response taken:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 64, "standardized_text": "PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES The following procedures will be used by any person for the filing processing and resolution of a reported incident of harassment intimidation bullying or threatening behavior The procedures are to be followed by the administration of the school district in an effort to determine the severity of the incident and the potential to result in future violence Definitions Bullying means any pattern of harassment intimidation threatening behavior physical acts verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student Electronic communication means the communication of any written verbal pictorial information or video content by means of an electronic device including but not limited to a telephone a mobile or cellular telephone or other wireless communication device or a computer Threatening behavior means any pattern of behavior or isolated action whether or not it is directed at another person that a reasonable person would believe indicates potential for future harm to students school personnel or school property Procedures The procedure for investigating reported incidents of harassment intimidation and bullying or threatening behavior is as follows The matter should immediately be reported to the building principal If the bullying involved an electronic communication a printed copy of the communication as well as any identifying information such as email address or web address shall be provided to the building principal As much detailed information as possible should be provided to the building principal in written form to allow for a thorough investigation of the matter Upon receipt of a written report the building principal shall contact the superintendent and begin an investigation to determine the severity of the incident and the potential for future violence If during the course of the investigation it appears that a crime may have been committed the building principal andor superintendent shall notify local law enforcement and request that the alleged victim also contact law enforcement to report the matter for potential criminal investigation If it is determined that the school districts discipline code has been violated the building principal shall follow district policies regarding the discipline of the student The building principal shall make a determination as to whether the conduct is actually occurring", "question_text": "PROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING \n(INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES) \nThe following procedures will be used by any person for the filing, processing, and resolution of a reported incident of \nharassment, intimidation, bullying, or threatening behavior. The procedures are to be followed by the administration of the \nschool district in an effort to determine the severity of the incident and the potential to result in future violence. \n \nDefinitions \n \n 1. \n\u201cBullying\u201d means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic \ncommunication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done \nwith the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is \ncommunicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission or the education of any \nstudent. \n \n \n \n\u201cElectronic communication\u201d means the communication of any written, verbal, pictorial information or video content by \nmeans of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, a mobile or cellular telephone or other wireless \ncommunication device, or a computer. \n \n \n \n\u201cThreatening behavior\u201d means any pattern of behavior or isolated action, whether or not it is directed at another person, \nthat a reasonable person would believe indicates potential for future harm to students, school personnel, or school \nproperty. \n \nProcedures \n \nThe procedure for investigating reported incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying or threatening behavior, is as \nfollows: \n \n 1. \nThe matter should immediately be reported to the building principal. If the bullying involved an electronic \ncommunication, a printed copy of the communication as well as any identifying information such as email address or \nweb address shall be provided to the building principal. As much detailed information as possible should be provided \nto the building principal in written form to allow for a thorough investigation of the matter. \n \n 2. \nUpon receipt of a written report, the building principal shall contact the superintendent and begin an investigation to \ndetermine the severity of the incident and the potential for future violence. \n \n 3. \nIf, during the course of the investigation, it appears that a crime may have been committed the building principal and/or \nsuperintendent shall notify local law enforcement and request that the alleged victim also contact law enforcement to \nreport the matter for potential criminal investigation. \n \n 4. \nIf it is determined that the school district\u2019s discipline code has been violated, the building principal shall follow district \npolicies regarding the discipline of the student. The building principal shall make a determination as to whether the \nconduct is actually occurring.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 64, "standardized_text": " Upon completion of the investigation the principal or superintendent may recommend that available community mental health care substance abuse or other counseling options be provided to the student if appropriate This may include information about the types of support services available to the student bully victim and any other students affected by the prohibited behavior If such a recommendation is made the administration shall request disclosure of any information that indicates an explicit threat to the safety of students or school personnel provided the disclosure of information does not violate the provisions or requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of Section of Title of the Oklahoma Statutes Section of Title of Oklahoma Statutes or any other state or federal laws relating to the disclosure of confidential information", "question_text": "5. \nUpon completion of the investigation, the principal or superintendent may recommend that available community mental \nhealth care substance abuse or other counseling options be provided to the student, if appropriate. This may include \ninformation about the types of support services available to the student bully, victim, and any other students affected by \nthe prohibited behavior. If such a recommendation is made, the administration shall request disclosure of any \ninformation that indicates an explicit threat to the safety of students or school personnel provided the disclosure of \ninformation does not violate the provisions or requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, \nthe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Section 2503 of Title 12 of the Oklahoma Statutes, \nSection 1376 of Title 59 of Oklahoma Statutes, or any other state or federal laws relating to the disclosure of \nconfidential information.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 64, "standardized_text": " Upon completion of an investigation timely notification shall be provided to the parents or guardians of a victim of documented and verified bullying This information should be provided within days of the conclusion of the investigation", "question_text": "6. \n \nUpon completion of an investigation, timely notification shall be provided to the parents or guardians of a victim of \ndocumented and verified bullying. This information should be provided within ___ days of the conclusion of the \ninvestigation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 65, "standardized_text": " Upon completion of an investigation timely notification shall be provided to the perpetrator of the documented and verified bullying This information should be provided within days of the conclusion of the investigation Reports may be made anonymously However no formal disciplinary action shall be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report Reports shall be made immediately to the building principal by any school employee that has reliable information that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that a person is a target of bullying The Superintendent shall be responsible for enforcing this policy The building principal should notify the superintendent within twentyfour hours of any report of bullying Upon completion of an investigation the building principal should notify the superintendent of the findings of the investigation Documentation should also be provided to the superintendent to establish that timely notification was provided to the parents of the victim and the parents of the perpetrator PROHIBITING HARASSMENT INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING REGULATION The Tannehill Public Schools student conduct code prohibits bullying This regulation further explains the negative effects of that behavior and seeks to promote strategies for prevention Statement of Board Purpose in Adopting Policy The board of education recognizes that bullying of students causes serious educational and personal problems both for the studentvictim and the initiator of the bullying The board observes that this conduct Has been shown by national and state studies to have a substantial adverse effect upon school district operations the safety of students and faculty and the educational system at large Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the districts mission to instruct students in an atmosphere free from fear is disruptive of school efforts to encourage students to remain in school until graduation and is just as disruptive of the districts efforts to prepare students for productive lives in the community as they become adults Substantially disrupts healthy student behavior and thereby academic achievement Research indicates that healthy student behavior results in increased student academic achievement Improvement in student behavior through the prevention or minimization of intimidation harassment and bullying towards studentvictims simultaneously supports the districts primary and substantial interest in operating schools that foster and promote academic achievement Substantially interferes with school compliance with federal law that seeks to maximize the mainstreaming of students with disabilities and hinders compliance with Individual Educational Programs containing objectives to increase the socialization of students with disabilities Targets of bullying are often students with known physical or mental disabilities who as a result are perceived by bullies as easy targets for bullying actions Substantially interferes with the districts mission to advance the social skills and social and emotional wellbeing of students Targets of intimidation harassment and bullying are often passivetarget students who already are lacking in social skills because they tend to be extremely sensitive shy display insecurity anxiety andor distress may have experienced a traumatic event may try to use gifts toys money or class assignments or performance bribes to protect themselves from intimidation harassment or bullying are often small for their age and feel vulnerable to bullying acts andor may resort to carrying weapons to school for selfprotection Passivetarget victims who have been harassed and demeaned by the behavior of bullies often respond by striving to obtain power over others by becoming bullies themselves and are specifically prone to develop into students who eventually inflict serious physical harm on other students or in an effort to gain power over their life or situation commit suicide Substantially disrupts school operations by increasing violent acts committed against fellow students Violence in this context is frequently accompanied by criminal acts Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the reasonable expectations of other students that they can feel secure at school and not be subjected to frightening acts or be the victim of mistreatment resulting from bullying behavior Bullying often involves expressive gestures speech physical acts that are sexually suggestive lewd vulgar profane or offensive to the education or social mission of this school district and at times involves the commission of criminal acts This behavior interferes with the curriculum by disrupting the presentation of instruction and also disrupts and interferes with the", "question_text": "7. \n \nUpon completion of an investigation, timely notification shall be provided to the perpetrator of the documented and \nverified bullying. This information should be provided within ___ days of the conclusion of the investigation. \n \nReports may be made anonymously. However, no formal disciplinary action shall be taken solely on the basis of an \nanonymous report. Reports shall be made immediately to the building principal by any school employee that has reliable \ninformation that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that a person is a target of bullying. \n \nThe Superintendent shall be responsible for enforcing this policy. The building principal should notify the superintendent \nwithin twenty-four (24) hours of any report of bullying. Upon completion of an investigation, the building principal should \nnotify the superintendent of the findings of the investigation. Documentation should also be provided to the superintendent to \nestablish that timely notification was provided to the parents of the victim and the parents of the perpetrator. \n \nPROHIBITING HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING \n(REGULATION) \n \n \nThe Tannehill Public Schools\u2019 student conduct code prohibits bullying. This regulation further explains the negative effects of \nthat behavior and seeks to promote strategies for prevention. \n \nStatement of Board Purpose in Adopting Policy \n \nThe board of education recognizes that bullying of students causes serious educational and personal problems, both for the \nstudent-victim and the initiator of the bullying. The board observes that this conduct: \n \n 1. \nHas been shown by national and state studies to have a substantial adverse effect upon school district operations, the \nsafety of students and faculty, and the educational system at large. \n \n 2. \nSubstantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the district\u2019s mission to instruct students in an atmosphere \nfree from fear, is disruptive of school efforts to encourage students to remain in school until graduation, and is just as \ndisruptive of the district\u2019s efforts to prepare students for productive lives in the community as they become adults. \n \n 3. \nSubstantially disrupts healthy student behavior and thereby academic achievement. Research indicates that healthy \nstudent behavior results in increased student academic achievement. Improvement in student behavior through the \nprevention or minimization of intimidation, harassment, and bullying towards student-victims simultaneously supports \nthe district\u2019s primary and substantial interest in operating schools that foster and promote academic achievement. \n \n 4. \nSubstantially interferes with school compliance with federal law that seeks to maximize the mainstreaming of students \nwith disabilities and hinders compliance with Individual Educational Programs containing objectives to increase the \nsocialization of students with disabilities. Targets of bullying are often students with known physical or mental \ndisabilities who, as a result, are perceived by bullies as easy targets for bullying actions. \n \n 5. \nSubstantially interferes with the district\u2019s mission to advance the social skills and social and emotional well-being of \nstudents. Targets of intimidation, harassment, and bullying are often \u201cpassive-target\u201d students who already are lacking \nin social skills because they tend to be extremely sensitive, shy, display insecurity, anxiety and/or distress; may have \nexperienced a traumatic event; may try to use gifts, toys, money, or class assignments or performance bribes to protect \nthemselves from intimidation, harassment, or bullying; are often small for their age and feel vulnerable to bullying acts; \nand/or may resort to carrying weapons to school for self-protection. Passive-target victims who have been harassed and \ndemeaned by the behavior of bullies often respond by striving to obtain power over others by becoming bullies \nthemselves, and are specifically prone to develop into students who eventually inflict serious physical harm on other \nstudents, or, in an effort to gain power over their life or situation, commit suicide. \n \n 6. \nSubstantially disrupts school operations by increasing violent acts committed against fellow students. Violence, in this \ncontext, is frequently accompanied by criminal acts. \n \n 7. \nSubstantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the reasonable expectations of other students that they can \nfeel secure at school and not be subjected to frightening acts or be the victim of mistreatment resulting from bullying \nbehavior. \n \nBullying often involves expressive gestures, speech, physical acts that are sexually suggestive, lewd, vulgar, profane, or \noffensive to the education or social mission of this school district, and at times involves the commission of criminal acts. This \nbehavior interferes with the curriculum by disrupting the presentation of instruction and also disrupts and interferes with the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 66, "standardized_text": "studentvictims or bystanders ability to concentrate retain instruction and study or to operate free from the effects of bullying This results in a reluctance or resistance to attend school Definition of Terms Statutory definition of harassment intimidation and bullying", "question_text": "student-victim\u2019s or bystander\u2019s ability to concentrate, retain instruction, and study or to operate free from the effects of \nbullying. This results in a reluctance or resistance to attend school. \n \nDefinition of Terms \n \n 1. \nStatutory definition of harassment, intimidation, and bullying:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 66, "standardized_text": " OS c of the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act defines the terms bullying as including but not limited to a pattern of harassment intimidation threatening behavior physical acts verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student that a reasonable person should recognize will A Harm another student B Damage another students property C Place another student in reasonable fear of harm to the students person or damage to the students property or D Insult or demean any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the schools educational mission or the education of any student The Reasonable Person Standard In determining what a reasonable person should recognize as an act placing a student in reasonable fear of harm staff will determine reasonableness not only from the point of view of a mature adult but also from the point of view of an immature child of the age of the intended victim along with but not limited to consideration of special emotional physical or mental needs of the particular child personality or physical characteristics or history that might cause the child to be particularly sensitive to efforts by a bully to humiliate embarrass or lower the self esteem of the victim and the discipline history personality of and physical characteristics of the individual alleged to have engaged in the prohibited behavior General Display of Bullying Acts Bullying for purposes of this section of the regulation includes harassment and intimidation and vice versa According to experts in the field bullying in general is the exploitation of a less powerful person by an individual taking unfair advantage of that person which is repeated over time and which inflicts a negative effect on the victim The seriousness of a bullying act depends on the harm inflicted upon the victim and the frequency of the offensive acts Power may be but is not limited to physical strength social skill verbal ability or other characteristics Bullying acts by students have been described in several different categories A Physical Bullying includes harm or threatened harm to anothers body or property including but not limited to what would reasonably be foreseen as a serious expression of intent to inflict physical harm or property damage through verbal or written speech or gestures directed at the studentvictim when considering the factual circumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended victim Common acts include tripping hitting pushing pinching pulling hair kicking biting starting fights daring others to fight stealing or destroying property extortion assaults with a weapon other violent acts and homicide B Emotional Bullying includes the intentional infliction of harm to anothers selfesteem including but not limited to insulting or profane remarks insulting or profane gestures or harassing and frightening statement when such events are considered in light of the surrounding facts the history of the students involved and age maturity and special characteristics of the students C Social Bullying includes harm to anothers group acceptance including but not limited to harm resulting from intentionally gossiping about another student or intentionally spreading negative rumors about another student that results in the victim being excluded from a school activity or student group the intentional planning andor implementation of acts or statements that inflict public humiliation upon a student the intentional undermining of current relationships of the victimstudent through the spreading of untrue gossip or rumors designed to humiliate or embarrass the student the use of gossip rumors or humiliating acts designed to deprive the student of awards recognition or involvement in school activities the false or malicious spreading of an untrue statement or statements about another student that exposes the victim to contempt or ridicule or deprives the victim of the", "question_text": "70 O.S. \u00a724-100.3(c) of the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act defines the terms \u201cbullying,\u201d as including, but \nnot limited to a pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic \ncommunication, directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done \nwith the intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is \ncommunicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school's educational mission or the education of any \nstudent that a reasonable person should recognize will: \n \n \nA. Harm another student; \n \n \nB. Damage another student\u2019s property; \n \n \nC. Place another student in reasonable fear of harm to the student\u2019s person or damage to the student\u2019s property; or \n \n \nD. Insult or demean any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school\u2019s \neducational mission or the education of any student. \n \n 2. \nThe \u201cReasonable Person\u201d Standard \n \n \n \nIn determining what a \u201creasonable person\u201d should recognize as an act placing a student in \u201creasonable\u201d fear of harm, \nstaff will determine \u201creasonableness\u201d not only from the point of view of a mature adult, but also from the point of view \nof an immature child of the age of the intended victim along with, but not limited to, consideration of special emotional, \nphysical, or mental needs of the particular child; personality or physical characteristics, or history that might cause the \nchild to be particularly sensitive to efforts by a bully to humiliate, embarrass, or lower the self esteem of the victim; and \nthe discipline history, personality of, and physical characteristics of the individual alleged to have engaged in the \nprohibited behavior. \n \n 3. \nGeneral Display of Bullying Acts \n \n \n \nBullying, for purposes of this section of the regulation, includes harassment and intimidation, and vice versa. \nAccording to experts in the field, bullying in general is the exploitation of a less powerful person by an individual \ntaking unfair advantage of that person, which is repeated over time, and which inflicts a negative effect on the victim. \nThe seriousness of a bullying act depends on the harm inflicted upon the victim and the frequency of the offensive acts. \nPower may be, but is not limited to, physical strength, social skill, verbal ability, or other characteristics. Bullying acts \nby students have been described in several different categories. \n \n \nA. Physical Bullying includes harm or threatened harm to another\u2019s body or property, including, but not limited to, \nwhat would reasonably be foreseen as a serious expression of intent to inflict physical harm or property damage \nthrough verbal or written speech or gestures directed at the student-victim, when considering the factual \ncircumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended victim. Common acts include \ntripping, hitting, pushing, pinching, pulling hair, kicking, biting, starting fights, daring others to fight, stealing or \ndestroying property, extortion, assaults with a weapon, other violent acts, and homicide. \n \n \nB. Emotional Bullying includes the intentional infliction of harm to another\u2019s self-esteem, including, but not limited \nto, insulting or profane remarks, insulting or profane gestures, or harassing and frightening statement, when such \nevents are considered in light of the surrounding facts, the history of the students involved, and age, maturity, and \nspecial characteristics of the students. \n \n \nC. Social Bullying includes harm to another\u2019s group acceptance, including, but not limited to, harm resulting from \nintentionally gossiping about another student or intentionally spreading negative rumors about another student that \nresults in the victim being excluded from a school activity or student group; the intentional planning and/or \nimplementation of acts or statements that inflict public humiliation upon a student; the intentional undermining of \ncurrent relationships of the victim-student through the spreading of untrue gossip or rumors designed to humiliate \nor embarrass the student; the use of gossip, rumors, or humiliating acts designed to deprive the student of awards, \nrecognition, or involvement in school activities; the false or malicious spreading of an untrue statement or \nstatements about another student that exposes the victim to contempt or ridicule or deprives the victim of the", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 67, "standardized_text": "confidence and respect of student peers or the making of false statements to others that the student has committed a crime or has an infectious contagious or loathsome disease or similar egregious representations D Sexual Bullying includes harm to another resulting from but not limited to making unwelcome sexual comments about the student making vulgar profane or lewd comments or drawings or graffiti about the victim directing vulgar profane or lewd gestures toward the victim committing physical acts of a sexual nature at school including the fondling or touching of private parts of the victims body participation in the gossiping or spreading of false rumors about the students sexual life written or verbal statements directed at the victim that would reasonably be interpreted as a serious threat to force the victim to commit sexual acts or to sexually assault the victim when considering the factual circumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended victim offcampus dating violence by a student that adversely affects the victims school performance or behavior attendance participation in school functions or extracurricular activities or makes the victim fearful at school of the assaulting bully or the commission of sexual assault rape or homicide Such conduct may also constitute sexual harassment also prohibited by Tannehill Public Schools Procedures Applicable to the Understanding of and Prevention of Bullying of Students Student and Staff Education and Training All staff will be provided with a copy of the districts policy on prevention of bullying of students All students will be provided a summary of the policy and notice that a copy of the entire policy is available on request Tannehill Public Schools is committed to providing appropriate and relevant training to staff regarding identification of behavior constituting bullying of students and the prevention and management of such conduct Students like staff members shall participate in an annual education program that sets out expectations for student behavior and emphasizes an understanding of bullying of students the districts prohibition of such conduct and the reasons why the conduct is destructive unacceptable and will lead to discipline Students shall also be informed of the consequences of bullying conduct toward their peers B Tannehill Public Schools Safe School Committee The safe school committee has the responsibility of studying and making recommendations regarding unsafe conditions strategies for students to avoid harm at school student victimization crime prevention school violence and other issues that interfere with an adversely affect the maintenance of safe schools With respect to student harassment intimidation and bullying the safe school committee shall consider and make recommendations regarding professional staff development needs of faculty and other staff related to methods to decrease student harassment intimidation and bullying and understanding and identifying bullying behaviors In addition the committee shall make recommendations regarding identification of methods to encourage the involvement of the community and students in addressing conduct involving bullying methods to enhance relationships between students and school staff in order to strengthen communication and fashioning of problemsolving teams that include counselors andor school psychologists In accomplishing its objectives the committee shall review traditional and accepted harassment intimidation and bullying prevention programs utilized by other states state agencies or school districts See also policy BDFC Student Reporting Students are encouraged to inform school personnel if they are the victim of or a witness to acts of harassment intimidation or bullying Staff Reporting An important duty of the staff is to report acts or behavior that the employee witnesses that appears to constitute harassing intimidating or bullying Employees whether certified or noncertified shall encourage students who tell them about acts that may constitute intimidation harassment or bullying to complete a report form For young students staff members given that information will need to provide direct assistance to the student Staff members who witness such events are to complete reports and to submit them to the employee designated by the superintendent to receive them Staff members who hear of incidents that may in the staff members judgment constitute harassment intimidation or bullying are to report all relevant information to the superintendent or hisher designee", "question_text": "confidence and respect of student peers; or the making of false statements to others that the student has committed \na crime, or has an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease, or similar egregious representations. \n \n \nD. Sexual Bullying includes harm to another resulting from, but not limited to, making unwelcome sexual comments \nabout the student; making vulgar, profane, or lewd comments or drawings or graffiti about the victim; directing \nvulgar, profane, or lewd gestures toward the victim; committing physical acts of a sexual nature at school, \nincluding the fondling or touching of private parts of the victim\u2019s body; participation in the gossiping or spreading \nof false rumors about the student\u2019s sexual life; written or verbal statements directed at the victim that would \nreasonably be interpreted as a serious threat to force the victim to commit sexual acts or to sexually assault the \nvictim when considering the factual circumstances in which the threat was made and the reaction of the intended \nvictim; off-campus dating violence by a student that \n \n adversely affects the victim\u2019s school performance or behavior, attendance, participation in school functions or \nextracurricular activities, or makes the victim fearful at school of the assaulting bully; or the commission of sexual \nassault, rape, or homicide. Such conduct may also constitute sexual harassment \u2013 also prohibited by Tannehill \nPublic Schools. \n \nProcedures Applicable to the Understanding of and Prevention of Bullying of Students \n \n 1. \nStudent and Staff Education and Training \n \n \nAll staff will be provided with a copy of the district\u2019s policy on prevention of bullying of students. All students will be \nprovided a summary of the policy and notice that a copy of the entire policy is available on request. Tannehill Public \nSchools is committed to providing appropriate and relevant training to staff regarding identification of behavior \nconstituting bullying of students and the prevention and management of such conduct. \n \n \n \nStudents, like staff members, shall participate in an annual education program that sets out expectations for student \nbehavior and emphasizes an understanding of bullying of students, the district\u2019s prohibition of such conduct, and the \nreasons why the conduct is destructive, unacceptable, and will lead to discipline. Students shall also be informed of the \nconsequences of bullying conduct toward their peers. \n \n B. \nTannehill Public Schools\u2019 Safe School Committee \n \n \n \nThe safe school committee has the responsibility of studying and making recommendations regarding unsafe \nconditions, strategies for students to avoid harm at school, student victimization, crime prevention, school violence, and \nother issues that interfere with an adversely affect the maintenance of safe schools. \n \n \n \nWith respect to student harassment, intimidation, and bullying, the safe school committee shall consider and make \nrecommendations regarding professional staff development needs of faculty and other staff related to methods to \ndecrease student harassment, intimidation, and bullying and understanding and identifying bullying behaviors. In \naddition, the committee shall make recommendations regarding: identification of methods to encourage the \ninvolvement of the community and students in addressing conduct involving bullying; methods to enhance relationships \nbetween students and school staff in order to strengthen communication; and fashioning of problem-solving teams that \ninclude counselors and/or school psychologists. \n \n \n \nIn accomplishing its objectives, the committee shall review traditional and accepted harassment, intimidation, and \nbullying prevention programs utilized by other states, state agencies, or school districts. (See also policy BDFC.) \n \nStudent Reporting \n \nStudents are encouraged to inform school personnel if they are the victim of or a witness to acts of harassment, intimidation, or \nbullying. \n \nStaff Reporting \n \nAn important duty of the staff is to report acts or behavior that the employee witnesses that appears to constitute harassing, \nintimidating, or bullying. Employees, whether certified or noncertified, shall encourage students who tell them about acts that \nmay constitute intimidation, harassment, or bullying to complete a report form. For young students, staff members given that \ninformation will need to provide direct assistance to the student. \n \nStaff members who witness such events are to complete reports and to submit them to the employee designated by the \nsuperintendent to receive them. Staff members who hear of incidents that may, in the staff member\u2019s judgment, constitute \nharassment, intimidation, or bullying, are to report all relevant information to the superintendent or his/her designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 68, "standardized_text": "Parental Responsibilities Parentsguardians will be informed in writing of the districts program to stop bullying An administrative response to bullying may involve certain actions to be taken by parents Parents will be informed of the program and the means for students to report bullying acts toward them or other students They will also be told that to help prevent bullying at school they should encourage their children to Report bullying when it occurs Take advantage of opportunities to talk to their children about bullying Inform the school immediately if they think their child is being bullied or is bullying other students Watch for symptoms that their child may be a victim of bullying and report those symptoms and Cooperate fully with school personnel in identifying and resolving incidents Discipline of Students In administering discipline consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective discipline is administered in each case In all disciplinary action teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that they are dealing with individual personalities The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most effective disciplinary measure In considering alternatives of corrective actions the facultyadministration of the school district will consider those listed below However the school is not limited to these alternative methods nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events to follow in disciplinary actions The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to determine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance Conference with student Conference with parents Inschool suspension Detention Referral to counselor Behavioral contract Changing students seat assignment or class assignment Requiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property Requiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the students behavior Restriction of privileges Involvement of local authorities Referring student to appropriate social agency Suspension Other appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include but is not limited to removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the privilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony school dances prom prom activities andor class trips The above consequences will be imposed for any person who commits an act of bullying as well as any person found to have falsely accused another as a means of retaliation reprisal or as a means of bullying Strategies will be created to provide counseling or referral to appropriate services including guidance academic intervention and other protection for students both targets and perpetrators and family members affected by bullying as necessary Publication of Policy Annual written notice of this policy will be provided to parents guardians staff volunteers and students with ageappropriate language for students Notice of the policy will be posted at various locations within each school site including but not limited to cafeterias school bulletin boards and administrative offices The policy will be posted on the school districts website at and at each school site that has an Internet website The policy will be included in all student and staff handbooks", "question_text": "Parental Responsibilities \n \nParents/guardians will be informed in writing of the district\u2019s program to stop bullying. An administrative response to bullying \nmay involve certain actions to be taken by parents. Parents will be informed of the program and the means for students to \nreport bullying acts toward them or other students. They will also be told that to help prevent bullying at school they should \nencourage their children to: \n \n 1. \nReport bullying when it occurs; \n \n 2. \nTake advantage of opportunities to talk to their children about bullying; \n \n 3. \nInform the school immediately if they think their child is being bullied or is bullying other students; \n \n 4. \nWatch for symptoms that their child may be a victim of bullying and report those symptoms; and \n \n 5. \nCooperate fully with school personnel in identifying and resolving incidents. \n \nDiscipline of Students \n \nIn administering discipline, consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective \ndiscipline is administered in each case. In all disciplinary action, teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that \nthey are dealing with individual personalities. The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most \neffective disciplinary measure. \n \nIn considering alternatives of corrective actions, the faculty/administration of the school district will consider those listed \nbelow. However, the school is not limited to these alternative methods, nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events \nto follow in disciplinary actions. The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to \ndetermine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance. \n \n 1. \nConference with student \n 2. \nConference with parents \n 3. \nIn-school suspension \n 4. \nDetention \n 5. \nReferral to counselor \n 6. \nBehavioral contract \n 7. \nChanging student's seat assignment or class assignment \n 8. \nRequiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property \n 9. \nRequiring a student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the student's behavior \n 10. \nRestriction of privileges \n 11. \nInvolvement of local authorities \n 12. \nReferring student to appropriate social agency \n 13. \nSuspension \n 14. \nOther appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances which may include, but is not \nlimited to, removal from eligibility to participate or attend extracurricular activities as well as removal from the \nprivilege of attending or participating in the graduation ceremony, school dances, prom, prom activities, and/or class \ntrips. \n \nThe above consequences will be imposed for any person who commits an act of bullying as well as any person found to have \nfalsely accused another as a means of retaliation, reprisal, or as a means of bullying. Strategies will be created to provide \ncounseling or referral to appropriate services, including guidance, academic intervention, and other protection for students, \nboth targets and perpetrators, and family members affected by bullying, as necessary. \n \nPublication of Policy \n \nAnnual written notice of this policy will be provided to parents, guardians, staff, volunteers, and students with age-appropriate \nlanguage for students. Notice of the policy will be posted at various locations within each school site, including but not limited \nto, cafeterias, school bulletin boards, and administrative offices. The policy will be posted on the school district's website at \nwww.tannehill.k12.ok.us and at each school site that has an Internet website. The policy will be included in all student and \nstaff handbooks.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 69, "standardized_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR POSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any administrator teacher or counselor who has reasonable suspicion that a student may be under the influence of or has in his or her possession alcoholic beverages including the legally nonintoxicating beverage commonly referred to as beer lowpoint beer or a controlled dangerous substance as defined by law shall immediately notify the principal of such suspicions The principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of schools and a parent or legal guardian of said students possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance or suspected abuse thereof Any search seizure or subsequent disciplinary action shall be subject to applicable school policies regulations state laws or student handbook rules Every administrator teacher or counselor employed by the board of education who has reason to believe that a student is under the influence of or has possession of alcoholic beverages including beer or a controlled dangerous substance and who reports such information to appropriate school officials shall not be subject to civil liability unless such referral was made in bad faith or with malicious purpose This policy shall be distributed to each classroom teacher Receipt shall be acknowledged in a form to be determined by the superintendent DRUGFREE SCHOOLs It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that in recognition of the clear danger resulting from illicit drug and alcohol abuse and in good faith effort to promote the health safety and well being of students employees and the community the board has implemented a developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention program for grades Kindergarten through twelve K Students are hereby notified that the use possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol is wrong and harmful There fore standards of conduct that are applicable to all schools in this district prohibit the unlawful possession use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on students who violate standards of conduct required by this policy Such sanctions will be consistent with local state and federal laws up to and including probation and suspension as well as referral for prosecution Completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program may also be recommended Information about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and reentry programs will be made available through the school office The standards of conduct and the disciplinary sanctions imposed by this policy will be part of the required notification to parents and students that will include the following The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments PL requires that State as well as local educational agencies must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and em ployees Federal Regulations can be examined through the school office ParentGuardian signature certifies receipt of a Student Handbook of Guidelines and Policies for Students and Parents that includes district policy relating to adoption and implementation of a drug prevention program for students WEAPONSFREE SCHOOLS It is the policy of this school district to comply fully with the GunFree Schools Act", "question_text": "REPORTING STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OR \nPOSSESSING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR CONTROLLED \nDANGEROUS SUBSTANCES \n \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that any administrator, teacher, or counselor who has reasonable suspicion \nthat a student may be under the influence of, or has in his or her possession, alcoholic beverages - including the legally \nnonintoxicating beverage commonly referred to as 3.2 beer (low-point beer) - or a controlled dangerous substance as defined \nby law shall immediately notify the principal of such suspicions. The principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of \nschools and a parent or legal guardian of said student\u2019s possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance or suspected abuse \nthereof. \n \nAny search, seizure, or subsequent disciplinary action shall be subject to applicable school policies, regulations, state laws, or \nstudent handbook rules. \n \nEvery administrator, teacher, or counselor employed by the board of education who has reason to believe that a student is under \nthe influence of, or has possession of, alcoholic beverages (including 3.2 beer) or a controlled dangerous substance and who \nreports such information to appropriate school officials shall not be subject to civil liability unless such referral was made in \nbad faith or with malicious purpose. \n \nThis policy shall be distributed to each classroom teacher. Receipt shall be acknowledged in a form to be determined by the \nsuperintendent. \n \nDRUG-FREE SCHOOLs \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that in recognition of the clear danger resulting from illicit drug and alcohol \nabuse and in good faith effort to promote the health, safety, and well being of students, employees, and the community, the \nboard has implemented a developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention program for grades Kindergarten \nthrough twelve (K-12). \n \nStudents are hereby notified that the use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol is wrong and harmful. There-\nfore, standards of conduct that are applicable to all schools in this district, prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution \nof illicit drugs and alcohol by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities. \n \nDisciplinary sanctions will be imposed on students who violate standards of conduct required by this policy. Such sanctions \nwill be consistent with local, state, and federal laws, up to and including probation and suspension, as well as referral for \nprosecution. Completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program may also be recommended. \n \nInformation about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and reentry programs will be made available through the \nschool office. \n \nThe standards of conduct and the disciplinary sanctions imposed by this policy will be part of the required notification to \nparents and students that will include the following: \n \n \n\"The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments, P.L. 101-226 requires that State, as \nwell as local educational agencies, must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to \nprevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and em-\nployees.\" (Federal Regulations can be examined through the school office.) \n \n \nParent/Guardian signature certifies receipt of a Student Handbook of Guidelines and Policies for \nStudents and Parents that includes district policy relating to adoption and implementation of a drug \nprevention program for students. \n \n \n \nWEAPONS-FREE SCHOOLS \nIt is the policy of this school district to comply fully with the Gun-Free Schools Act.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 69, "standardized_text": " Any student in this school district who uses or possesses a firearm at school at any schoolsponsored event or in or upon any school property including school transportation or schoolsponsored transportation may be removed from school for one full calendar year or longer", "question_text": "1. \nAny student in this school district who uses or possesses a firearm at school, at any school-sponsored event, or in \nor upon any school property including school transportation or school-sponsored transportation may be removed from school \nfor one full calendar year or longer.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 70, "standardized_text": "The superintendent or designee may modify the provisions of this policy on a casebycase basis However any substantial modification must be reported to the board of education at its next meeting Firearms are defined in Title of the United States Code Section as A any weapon including a starter gun which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive B the frame or receiver of any such weapon C any firearm muffler or firearm silencer or D any destructive device including any explosive incendiary or poison gas bomb grenade rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than onequarter ounce mine or any device similar to the above Such firearm or weapon will be confiscated and released only to a law enforcement authority", "question_text": "The superintendent or designee may modify the provisions of this policy on a case-by-case basis. However, any substantial \nmodification must be reported to the board of education at its next meeting. \n \n \n \nFirearms are defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 921, as (A) any weapon (including a starter \ngun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame \nor receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (D) any destructive device including any \nexplosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having \nan explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or any device similar to the above. \n \n \n \nSuch firearm or weapon will be confiscated and released only to a law enforcement authority.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 70, "standardized_text": "", "question_text": "2. \nOklahoma Statutes, Title 21, Section 1280.1 prohibits any person to have in such person's possession on any \npublic or private school property or while in any school bus or vehicle used by any school for transportation of students or \nteachers any firearm or weapon as defined in Title 21, Section 1272, below: \n \n\"...any pistol, revolver, shotgun or rifle whether loaded or unloaded, or any dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, \nsword cane, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device in the \nhandle of the knife, blackjack, loaded cane, billy, hand chain, metal knuckles, or any other offensive weapon, whether such \nweapon is concealed or unconcealed.\" \n \nStudents with disabilities are subject to this policy and will be disciplined in accordance with district policy and the Individuals \nwith Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. \n \nAn exception to this policy may be made for students participating in an authorized extracurricular activity or team involving \nthe use of firearms or archery equipment. In addition, exceptions will be made for a gun, knife, bayonet or other weapon in \nthe possession of a member of a veterans group, the national guard, active military, the Reserve Officers\u2019 Training Corp \n(ROTC) or Junior ROTC, in order to participate in a ceremony, assembly or educational program approved by the principal or \nchief administrator of a school district where the ceremony, assembly or educational program is being held; provided, however, \nthat the gun or other weapon that uses projectiles is not loaded and is inoperable at all times while on school property. \n \nA handgun may be carried in a motor vehicle pursuant to a valid handgun license authorized by the Oklahoma Self-Defense \nAct onto property set aside by a public or private elementary or secondary school for the use or parking of any vehicle; \nprovided, however, said handgun shall be stored and hidden from view in a locked motor vehicle when the motor vehicle is left \nunattended on school property \n \nAny student who violates this policy will be subject to discipline which may include suspension for the remainder of the \nsemester and the entire succeeding semester or up to one full calendar year or longer (for firearms) or for any term less than \none calendar year (for weapons other than firearms) as determined by the superintendent or the superintendent's designee. \nDisciplinary action will be determined on a case-by-case basis. \n \nStudents found to be in violation of this policy shall be referred to the appropriate criminal or juvenile justice system. Any \nfirearms found on the premises shall be reported to law enforcement and will immediately be turned over to local law \nenforcement as per state law requirements. \n \n \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education believes that all students should be free from unreasonable search and seizure by school \nofficials. However, it shall be the policy of the board that the superintendent, principal, teacher, and security personnel shall \nhave the authority to search a student and a student's property when there is reasonable suspicion for such searches. The \nsuperintendent is instructed to establish a regulation for board approval that supports this policy. \n \nSEARCH OF STUDENTS \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, searches of students shall be conducted under the following \ncircumstances: \n \nThe superintendent, principal, teacher, or security personnel of this school (authorized personnel) may detain and search any \nstudent or students on the premises of the public schools, or while attending, or while in transit to, any event or function \nsponsored or authorized by the school only under the following conditions:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " When any authorized person has reasonable suspicion that the student may have on the students person or property alcohol dangerous weapons unauthorized electronic paging devices controlled dangerous substances as defined by law stolen property if the property in question is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student a school employee or the school during school activities or any other items which have been or may reasonably be disruptive of school operations or in violation of student discipline rules", "question_text": "1. \nWhen any authorized person has reasonable suspicion that the student may have on the student's person or \nproperty alcohol, dangerous weapons, unauthorized electronic paging devices, controlled dangerous substances as defined by \nlaw, stolen property if the property in question is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, a school employee, \nor the school during school activities, or any other items which have been or may reasonably be disruptive of school operations \nor in violation of student discipline rules.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " School lockers and school desks are the property of the school not the student Students have no expectation of privacy concerning lockers desks or other school property The users of lockers desks and other storage areas or compartments have no reasonable expectation of privacy from school employees as to the contents of those areas Lockers desks and other storage areas or compartments may be subjected to searches at any time with or without reasonable suspicion Students are not to use any school area or property to contain any item that should not be at school Students shall not exchange lockers or desks or use any lockers or desks other than those assigned to them by the principal", "question_text": "2. \nSchool lockers and school desks are the property of the school, not the student. Students have no expectation of \nprivacy concerning lockers, desks, or other school property. The users of lockers, desks, and other storage areas or \ncompartments have no reasonable expectation of privacy from school employees as to the contents of those areas. Lockers, \ndesks, and other storage areas or compartments may be subjected to searches at any time with or without reasonable suspicion. \nStudents are not to use any school area or property to contain any item that should not be at school. Students shall not \nexchange lockers or desks or use any lockers or desks other than those assigned to them by the principal.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Authorized personnel may search a student within the limits of state and federal law or this policy whenever the student consents to such a search However consent obtained through threats or coercion is not considered to be freely and voluntarily given", "question_text": "3. \nAuthorized personnel may search a student, within the limits of state and federal law (or this policy), whenever \nthe student consents to such a search. However, consent obtained through threats or coercion is not considered to be freely and \nvoluntarily given.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Authorized personnel conducting a search shall have authority to detain the student or students and to preserve any contraband seized", "question_text": "4. \nAuthorized personnel conducting a search shall have authority to detain the student or students and to preserve \nany contraband seized.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Any searches of students as outlined herein will be conducted by an authorized person who is the same sex as the person being searched and shall be witnessed by at least one other authorized person who is of the same sex as the person being searched", "question_text": "5. \nAny searches of students as outlined herein will be conducted by an authorized person who is the same sex as the \nperson being searched and shall be witnessed by at least one other authorized person who is of the same sex as the person being \nsearched.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Strip searches are forbidden No clothing except cold weather outer garments will be removed before or during a search", "question_text": "6. \nStrip searches are forbidden. No clothing except cold weather outer garments will be removed before or during a \nsearch.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Items that may be seized during a lawful search in addition to those mentioned in paragraph above shall include but not be limited to any item object instrument or material commonly recognized as unlawful or prohibited For example prescription or nonprescription medicines switchblade knives brass knuckles billy clubs and pornographic literature are commonly recognizable as unlawful or prohibited items Such items or any other items which may pose a threat to a student the student body or other school personnel shall be seized identified as to ownership if possible and held for release to proper authority", "question_text": "7. \nItems that may be seized during a lawful search - in addition to those mentioned in paragraph 1 above - shall \ninclude, but not be limited to, any item, object, instrument, or material commonly recognized as unlawful or prohibited. For \nexample: prescription or nonprescription medicines, switchblade knives, brass knuckles, billy clubs, and pornographic \nliterature are commonly recognizable as unlawful or prohibited items. Such items, or any other items which may pose a threat \nto a student, the student body, or other school personnel, shall be seized, identified as to ownership if possible, and held for \nrelease to proper authority.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 71, "standardized_text": " Any student found to be in possession of dangerous weapons controlled dangerous substances or other unlawful or prohibited items may be suspended by the superintendent for a period not to exceed the current school semester and the succeeding semester Such suspension may be in addition to any civil or criminal liability PUBLIC COMPLAINTS The Tannehill Board of Education welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement from the patrons whom it serves Constructive criticism of the schools is welcome whenever it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational program or to allow the schools to do their tasks more effectively However the board has confidence in its professional staff and desires to support their actions in order that they are free from unnecessary spiteful or negative criticism and complaint Therefore whenever a complaint is made directly to the board as a whole or to a board member as an individual it will promptly be referred to the school administration for study and possible solution Since individual board members have no authority to resolve complaints other than by formal board action administrators are expected to follow up on all complaint referrals and to advise the board members of the nature of the complaint and the actions taken The board expects that the administration will develop a procedure for receiving complaints courteously and that it will take steps to make a proper reply to the complainant Followup shall be in the form of a written memorandum to the board members Anonymous complaints provide no avenue for response or redress of the complaint Therefore it will be the policy of the board that anonymous complaints shall not be pursued An unsigned complaint will not be read or acted upon at any meeting of the board and anonymous telephone complaints will not be brought to the board by any individual board member administrator or other district employee Further the administration will not act on any anonymous complaint Complaints for which specific resolution procedures are provided shall be directed through those channels This includes complaints about personnel complaints about instructional materials etc Complaints should be resolved at the lowest possible level of authority If the complaint cannot be resolved at the building level either party is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the superintendent of schools", "question_text": "8. \nAny student found to be in possession of dangerous weapons, controlled dangerous substances, or other unlawful \nor prohibited items may be suspended by the superintendent for a period not to exceed the current school semester and the \nsucceeding semester. Such suspension may be in addition to any civil or criminal liability. \n \nPUBLIC COMPLAINTS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement from the patrons whom it serves. \nConstructive criticism of the schools is welcome whenever it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the \neducational program or to allow the schools to do their tasks more effectively. However, the board has confidence in its \nprofessional staff and desires to support their actions in order that they are free from unnecessary, spiteful, or negative criticism \nand complaint. Therefore, whenever a complaint is made directly to the board as a whole or to a board member as an \nindividual, it will promptly be referred to the school administration for study and possible solution. \n \nSince individual board members have no authority to resolve complaints, other than by formal board action, administrators are \nexpected to follow up on all complaint referrals and to advise the board members of the nature of the complaint and the \naction(s) taken. The board expects that the administration will develop a procedure for receiving complaints courteously and \nthat it will take steps to make a proper reply to the complainant. Follow-up shall be in the form of a written memorandum to \nthe board members. \n \nAnonymous complaints provide no avenue for response or redress of the complaint. Therefore, it will be the policy of the \nboard that anonymous complaints shall not be pursued. An unsigned complaint will not be read or acted upon at any meeting \nof the board and anonymous telephone complaints will not be brought to the board by any individual board member, \nadministrator, or other district employee. Further, the administration will not act on any anonymous complaint. \n \nComplaints for which specific resolution procedures are provided shall be directed through those channels. This includes \ncomplaints about personnel, complaints about instructional materials, etc. \n \nComplaints should be resolved at the lowest possible level of authority. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the building \nlevel, either party is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the superintendent of schools.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": "If all other remedies have been exhausted and a complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved the complaint may be appealed to the board of education No appeal will be heard by the board and no charges or accusations against an employee will be investigated or acted upon unless the accusations are reduced to writing signed by the party making the complaint and presented to the board through the superintendent In addition to the above the board will request written reports be provided to the board prior to the meeting from the following", "question_text": "If all other remedies have been exhausted and a complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the complaint may be appealed to \nthe board of education. No appeal will be heard by the board and no charges or accusations against an employee will be \ninvestigated or acted upon unless the accusations are reduced to writing, signed by the party making the complaint, and \npresented to the board through the superintendent. \n \nIn addition to the above, the board will request written reports be provided to the board prior to the meeting from the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The person against whom the complaint is made", "question_text": "1. \nThe person against whom the complaint is made,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The principal of the school involved", "question_text": "2. \nThe principal of the school involved,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The superintendent and", "question_text": "3. \nThe superintendent, and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " The complainant Generally all parties involved will be asked to attend the board meeting for the purposes of presenting any additional facts making further explanations and clarifying the issues The board will not consider or act upon complaints that have not been explored at the appropriate administrative level or complaints for which specific resolution procedures have been established that do not include board review If the board decides to hear the complaint the board shall make a decision that shall be sent to all interested parties The boards decision is final GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE PARENTTEACHER The Tannehill Board of Education realizes that parents may have a grievance they wish to discuss with the district However it is also recognized that there must be an orderly procedure for hearing and resolving grievance issues If the grievance is directed toward a teacher the parent shall be requested to make an appointment to visit with the teacher in an effort to resolve the grievance If the grievance is not resolved following a parentteacher conference the parent will be requested to discuss the problem with the principal If the grievance is not resolved following the principalparent conference the parent shall be requested to schedule an appointment with the superintendent If the grievance remains unresolved following the above conferences the parent may appeal the grievance to the board of education Parental grievances shall not be heard in executive session The boards action shall be a final determination of the grievance SCHOOL VISITORS", "question_text": "4. \nThe complainant. \n \nGenerally, all parties involved will be asked to attend the board meeting for the purposes of presenting any additional facts, \nmaking further explanations, and clarifying the issues. \n \nThe board will not consider or act upon complaints that have not been explored at the appropriate administrative level or \ncomplaints for which specific resolution procedures have been established that do not include board review. If the board \ndecides to hear the complaint, the board shall make a decision that shall be sent to all interested parties. The board's decision is \nfinal. \n \nGRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: PARENT-TEACHER \nThe Tannehill Board of Education realizes that parents may have a grievance they wish to discuss with the district. However, \nit is also recognized that there must be an orderly procedure for hearing and resolving grievance issues. \n \nIf the grievance is directed toward a teacher, the parent shall be requested to make an appointment to visit with the teacher in \nan effort to resolve the grievance. \n \nIf the grievance is not resolved following a parent/teacher conference, the parent will be requested to discuss the problem with \nthe principal. \n \nIf the grievance is not resolved following the principal/parent conference, the parent shall be requested to schedule an \nappointment with the superintendent. \n \nIf the grievance remains unresolved following the above conferences, the parent may appeal the grievance to the board of \neducation. Parental grievances shall not be heard in executive session. The board's action shall be a final determination of the \ngrievance. \n \n \nSCHOOL VISITORS", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " All visitors must Check In through the office and obtain a visitors pass", "question_text": "1. All visitors must \u201cCheck In\u201d through the office and obtain a visitor\u2019s pass.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom", "question_text": "2. Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Agents or other persons shall not visit teachers during school hours for the purpose of selling books or other articles without written consent from the superintendent", "question_text": "3. Agents or other persons shall not visit teachers during school hours for the purpose of selling \nbooks or other articles without written consent from the superintendent.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Staff members are not normally expected to have visitors during the day Lengthy visits andor any extended classroom presence of staff members relatives friends or associates is not permitted", "question_text": "4. Staff members are not normally expected to have visitors during the day. Lengthy visits \nand/or any extended classroom presence of staff member\u2019s relatives, friends or associates is \nnot permitted.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Former studentsgraduates wishing to pay a visit to teachers should consider the need to limit distractions during the instructional day Visits of this type must be arranged through the office and preferably conducted during breaks such as lunch or recess", "question_text": "5. Former students/graduates wishing to pay a visit to teachers should consider the need to limit \ndistractions during the instructional day. Visits of this type must be arranged through the \noffice and preferably conducted during breaks such as lunch or recess.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 72, "standardized_text": " Unsponsored strangers on the school grounds or in the buildings will be asked to leaveIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that all visitors to any school facility obtain a visitors pass at the building principals office Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom The superintendent or principal of any school shall have the authority to order any out of the school building and off the school property when it appears that the presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful conduct of school business", "question_text": "6. Unsponsored strangers on the school grounds or in the buildings will be asked to leave.It is the policy of the Tannehill Board \nof Education that all visitors to any school facility obtain a visitor's pass at the building principal's office. Parents are requested \nnot to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom. \n \nThe superintendent or principal of any school shall have the authority to order any person1 out of the school building and off \nthe school property when it appears that the presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful conduct of school business,", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 73, "standardized_text": "school activities andor school classes This authority shall extend to the removal of any individual attending an official school activity or field trip where students are present including an activity or field trip not on school property when the superintendent or principal determines that a threat to the peaceful conduct of students exists Any person who refuses to leave the school building or grounds after being ordered to do so by the superintendent or principal shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than days or by both such fine and imprisonment Any person who is requested to leave the premises shall be unable to return to the premises without the written permission of the administration for a period of six months A grievance or an appeal may be filed by the individual as per district policy GJ P USE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY REGULATIONS Obtain from the district office the necessary application forms Application must be submitted at least one week in advance Return the forms to the district office School property shall not be available on occasions or during hours that have been scheduled in advance by the various school principals for school exercises or functions in connection with regular schoolwork Persons or organizations using school property that include a stage and stage equipment shall not be permitted to remove or displace furniture or apparatus Pianos shall not be moved on or off the stage except under the direction of the district personnel in charge Access to rooms or facilities including playing fields other than approved by application shall not be permitted No intoxicants or narcotics shall be used in or about school buildings premises and transportation equipment including playing fields nor shall profane language quarreling fighting or gambling be permitted Smoking in school buildings is prohibited Violations of this rule by any organization during occupancy shall be sufficient cause for denying further use of school premises to the organization The school districts policy regarding tobacco use will be provided which policy discloses the schools rules regarding tobacco products on school premises Juvenile organizations must have adequate adult sponsorship and supervision The person or group receiving the permit shall be responsible in case of loss or damage No preparation shall be used on the floors at any time by groups using a building for dancing A school employee must be on the school grounds at all times when facilities are being used by outside groups When custodians are normally not on duty any group using school facilities must reimburse the school for all employment costs incurred by the district for such employment of school personnel in addition to any rental fee as prescribed The custodian is paid at hisher time and onehalf rate All functions must close by midnight unless special arrangements have been made with the school principal Any person applying for the use of school property on behalf of any society group or organization shall be a member of such applicant group and must present written authorization from such applicant group to make such application It is the responsibility of the organization to provide proof of liability insurance before using any facility or transportation equipment A copy of the organizations liability insurance shall be maintained on file in the district administration office The school district reserves the right to reschedule any or all school property for another purpose or group should a priority need arise During School Hours School buildings property or equipment may be used only by student groups for student group meetings or activities that are related to the curriculum during normal school hours Such use shall be arranged according to the official school schedule The use of school buildings property or equipment by students during normal school hours shall be free of charge However consent of the superintendent must be obtained The building custodian and a member of the faculty must be present at the school", "question_text": "school activities, and/or school classes. This authority shall extend to the removal of any individual attending an official \nschool activity or field trip where students are present, including an activity or field trip not on school property, when the \nsuperintendent or principal determines that a threat to the peaceful conduct of students exists. Any person who refuses to leave \nthe school building or grounds after being ordered to do so by the superintendent or principal, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor \nand upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more \nthan 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. \n \nAny person who is requested to leave the premises shall be unable to return to the premises without the written permission of \nthe administration for a period of six months. A grievance or an appeal may be filed by the individual as per district policy GJ-\nP. \n \nUSE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY \n(REGULATIONS) \nObtain from the district office the necessary application forms. \n \nApplication must be submitted at least one week in advance. \n \nReturn the forms to the district office. \n \nSchool property shall not be available on occasions or during hours that have been scheduled in advance by the various school \nprincipals for school exercises or functions in connection with regular schoolwork. \n \nPersons or organizations using school property that include a stage and stage equipment shall not be permitted to remove or \ndisplace furniture or apparatus. Pianos shall not be moved on or off the stage, except under the direction of the district \npersonnel in charge. \n \nAccess to rooms or facilities, including playing fields, other than approved by application, shall not be permitted. \n \nNo intoxicants or narcotics shall be used in or about school buildings, premises, and transportation equipment, including \nplaying fields; nor shall profane language, quarreling, fighting, or gambling be permitted. \n \nSmoking in school buildings is prohibited. Violations of this rule by any organization during occupancy shall be sufficient \ncause for denying further use of school premises to the organization. The school district\u2019s policy regarding tobacco use will be \nprovided, which policy discloses the school\u2019s rules regarding tobacco products on school premises. \n \nJuvenile organizations must have adequate adult sponsorship and supervision. \n \nThe person or group receiving the permit shall be responsible in case of loss or damage. \n \nNo preparation shall be used on the floors at any time by groups using a building for dancing. \n \nA school employee must be on the school grounds at all times when facilities are being used by outside groups. When \ncustodians are normally not on duty, any group using school facilities must reimburse the school for all employment costs \nincurred by the district for such employment of school personnel, in addition to any rental fee as prescribed. The custodian is \npaid at his/her time and one-half rate. \nAll functions must close by midnight unless special arrangements have been made with the school principal. Any person \napplying for the use of school property on behalf of any society, group, or organization shall be a member of such applicant \ngroup and must present written authorization from such applicant group to make such application. \nIt is the responsibility of the organization to provide proof of liability insurance before using any facility or transportation \nequipment. A copy of the organization\u2019s liability insurance shall be maintained on file in the district administration office. \nThe school district reserves the right to reschedule any or all school property for another purpose or group should a priority \nneed arise. \n \nDuring School Hours \n \nSchool buildings, property, or equipment may be used only by student groups for student group meetings or activities that are \nrelated to the curriculum during normal school hours. Such use shall be arranged according to the official school schedule. \n \nThe use of school buildings, property, or equipment by students during normal school hours shall be free of charge. However, \nconsent of the superintendent must be obtained. The building custodian and a member of the faculty must be present at the \nschool.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": "During NonSchool Hours School buildings property or equipment may be made available to student or nonstudent groups for noncurriculum use of a general public interest during nonschool hours A schedule of fees rates and charges is outlined below These regulations shall be made available to applicants and the observance of these regulations is a condition of the use of the facilities Schedule of Fees Rates and Charges for NonStudentLed Groups Gyms for practice minimum rental of hours Custodial service will be made available at the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employees services Cafeterias per hour minimum rental of hours If the kitchen is used at least one cafeteria employee regularly assigned to that kitchen must be used for an additional rate of the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employees services Custodial service will be available the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employees services Classrooms per hour per room minimum rental of hours Other buildings property or equipment may be available for use as described above at the discretion of the board of education SAFETY PROGRAM It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to develop rules and procedures which will promote safety in the workplace and which will establish and maintain conditions of work that are reasonably safe and healthful for district employees Therefore the superintendent is directed to develop such rules and procedures in accordance with Oklahoma law and the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Labor The superintendent will designate himselfherself or other person as a district safety coordinator The rules and procedures developed by the superintendent and approved by this board shall be incorporated into this policy and become a part hereof The superintendent will establish procedures in an effort to offer reasonable protection for the safety of students employees visitors and others present on school property or at schoolsponsored events Written plans and procedures will be prepared for the protection of students faculty administrators and visitors from both natural and manmade disasters and emergencies A copy of the districts disasteremergency plan will be provided to appropriate local emergency management officials The practice of safety shall be taught in educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety driver education fire prevention emergency procedures disaster preparedness etc appropriately geared to students in different grade levels Areas of emphasis shall include but not be limited to inservice training accident record keeping plant inspection driver and vehicle safety programs fire prevention and emergency procedures in traffic safety problems relevant to students employees and the community Not later than October of each school year each school district site shall select a Safe School Committee composed of at least seven members The committee will include an equal number of teachers parents of the children affected and students The committee will study and make recommendations to the principal concerning", "question_text": "During Non-School Hours \n \nSchool buildings, property, or equipment may be made available to student or non-student groups for non-curriculum use of a \ngeneral public interest during non-school hours. A schedule of fees, rates, and charges is outlined below. \n \nThese regulations shall be made available to applicants and the observance of these regulations is a condition of the use of the \nfacilities. \n \nSchedule of Fees, Rates, and Charges for Non-Student-Led Groups \n \nGyms - $10.00 for practice (minimum rental of 3 hours). \n \nCustodial service will be made available at the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employee\u2019s services. \n \nCafeterias - $10.00 per hour (minimum rental of 3 hours). If the kitchen is used, at least one cafeteria employee regularly \nassigned to that kitchen must be used for an additional rate of the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employee\u2019s \nservices. Custodial service will be available the actual cost incurred by the school district for the employee\u2019s services. \n \nClassrooms - $10.00 per hour per room (minimum rental of 3 hours). \n \nOther buildings, property, or equipment may be available for use as described above at the discretion of the board of education. \n \nSAFETY PROGRAM \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education to develop rules and procedures which will promote safety in the workplace and \nwhich will establish and maintain conditions of work that are reasonably safe and healthful for district employees. Therefore, the \nsuperintendent is directed to develop such rules and procedures in accordance with Oklahoma law and the rules of the Oklahoma \nDepartment of Labor. The superintendent will designate himself/herself or other person as a district safety coordinator. The rules and \nprocedures developed by the superintendent and approved by this board shall be incorporated into this policy and become a part \nhereof. \n \nThe superintendent will establish procedures in an effort to offer reasonable protection for the safety of students, employees, visitors, \nand others present on school property or at school-sponsored events. Written plans and procedures will be prepared for the protection \nof students, faculty, administrators, and visitors from both natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. A copy of the district\u2019s \ndisaster/emergency plan will be provided to appropriate local emergency management officials. \n \nThe practice of safety shall be taught in educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety, driver education, fire prevention, \nemergency procedures, disaster preparedness, etc., appropriately geared to students in different grade levels. Areas of emphasis shall \ninclude, but not be limited to, in-service training, accident record keeping, plant inspection, driver and vehicle safety programs, fire \nprevention, and emergency procedures in traffic safety problems relevant to students, employees, and the community. \n \nNot later than October 1 of each school year, each school district site shall select a Safe School Committee composed of at least seven \nmembers. The committee will include an equal number of teachers, parents of the children affected, and students. The committee will \nstudy and make recommendations to the principal concerning:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Unsafe conditions possible strategies for students to avoid harm at school student victimization crime prevention school violence and other issues which prohibit the maintenance of a safe school", "question_text": "1. \nUnsafe conditions, possible strategies for students to avoid harm at school, student victimization, crime prevention, \nschool violence, and other issues which prohibit the maintenance of a safe school;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Student harassment intimidation and bullying at school", "question_text": "2. \nStudent harassment, intimidation, and bullying at school;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Professional development needs of faculty and staff to implement methods to decrease student harassment intimidation and bullying and", "question_text": "3. \nProfessional development needs of faculty and staff to implement methods to decrease student harassment, \nintimidation, and bullying; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Methods to encourage the involvement of the community and students the development of individual relationships between students and school staff and use of problemsolving teams that include counselors andor school psychologists", "question_text": "4. \nMethods to encourage the involvement of the community and students, the development of individual relationships \nbetween students and school staff, and use of problem-solving teams that include counselors and/or school psychologists.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 74, "standardized_text": " Policies and regulations to be revised in light of the Department of Homeland Securitys threat assessment guidelines The committee shall meet as needed The principal shall give consideration to recommendations of the committee", "question_text": "5. \nPolicies and regulations to be revised in light of the Department of Homeland Security\u2019s threat assessment \nguidelines. \n \nThe committee shall meet as needed. The principal shall give consideration to recommendations of the committee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": "The Board agrees to maintain health and safety conditions at each school site in compliance with applicable statutes andor regulations Teachers will not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions as determined by proper regulatory authority Teachers shall report concern of unhealthy or unsafe conditions to their principal SAFETY DRILLS The School District will conduct ten safety drills each school year The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that all ten drills have been appropriately conducted at each school site within the school district It shall be the duty of the site principal under the direction of the superintendent to conform to the written plans and procedures adopted by the school district All students and teachers shall participate in the safety drills The extent of student involvement in intruder drills shall be determined by the superintendent in consultation with the building principal The ten drills shall consist of the following", "question_text": "The Board agrees to maintain health and safety conditions at each school site in compliance with applicable statutes and/or \nregulations. Teachers will not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions as determined by proper regulatory authority. \nTeachers shall report concern of unhealthy or unsafe conditions to their principal. \n \nSAFETY DRILLS \nThe School District will conduct ten (10) safety drills each school year. The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that all \nten (10) drills have been appropriately conducted at each school site within the school district. It shall be the duty of the site principal, \nunder the direction of the superintendent, to conform to the written plans and procedures adopted by the school district. All students \nand teachers shall participate in the safety drills. The extent of student involvement in intruder drills shall be determined by the \nsuperintendent in consultation with the building principal. The ten (10) drills shall consist of the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Security drills A minimum of four security lockdown drills shall be conducted at each site within the school district each school year No security drill can be conducted at the same time of day as a previous security drill in the same school year and no more than two drills shall be conducted in the same semester One security drill shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester Security drills shall be conducted for the purpose of securing school buildings to prevent or mitigate injuries or deaths that may result from a threat around or in the school", "question_text": "1. Security drills. A minimum of four (4) security lockdown drills shall be conducted at each site within the school district \neach school year. No security drill can be conducted at the same time of day as a previous security drill in the same \nschool year, and no more than two drills shall be conducted in the same semester. One security drill shall be conducted \nwithin the first fifteen (15) days of each semester. Security drills shall be conducted for the purpose of securing school \nbuildings to prevent or mitigate injuries or deaths that may result from a threat around or in the school.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Fire drills Each site school shall conduct a minimum of two fire drills per school year Each fire drill shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester The fire drills shall include the sounding of a distinctive audible signal designated as the fire alarm signal", "question_text": "2. Fire drills. Each site school shall conduct a minimum of two (2) fire drills per school year. Each fire drill shall be \nconducted within the first fifteen (15) days of each semester. The fire drills shall include the sounding of a distinctive \naudible signal designated as the fire alarm signal.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Tornado drills Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two tornado drills per school year Tornado drills are required to be conducted in the months of September and March", "question_text": "3. Tornado drills. Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two (2) tornado drills per school year. Tornado drills are \nrequired to be conducted in the months of September and March.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Safety drills Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two safety drills per year that can consist of any of the aforementioned drills Documentation of completion of the drills shall be maintained Records for each fire drill shall be preserved in writing for at least three years and made available to the State Fire Marshal or the marshals agent upon request The school district shall document all other safety drills in writing and by school site with a copy of the report remaining at the school a copy filed with the district administrative office and a copy with the Oklahoma School Security Institute ROUTINE SAFETY Employees should be familiar with all equipment chemicals and operations under their control and should insist accepted standards of safety be maintained Absence of adequate safeguard and any condition or situation which may endanger life or property should be reported to your Supervisor immediately MSDS manuals are available in each school Precautions should be taken to provide for the safety of the students and staff at the schools while performing duties Most young people are curious Watch your tools ladders materials and vehicles If students are at an unsafe distance while performing the work assigned cease the work wait until it is safe to resume such work or ask assistance of the school personnel Program Safety Into Your Work Schedule", "question_text": "4. Safety drills. Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two (2) safety drills per year that can consist of any of the \naforementioned drills. \n \nDocumentation of completion of the drills shall be maintained. Records for each fire drill shall be preserved in writing for at least \nthree years and made available to the State Fire Marshal or the marshal's agent upon request. The school district shall document all \nother safety drills in writing and by school site with a copy of the report remaining at the school, a copy filed with the district \nadministrative office, and a copy with the Oklahoma School Security Institute. \n \nROUTINE SAFETY \nEmployees should be familiar with all equipment, chemicals and operations under their control and should insist accepted standards of \nsafety be maintained. Absence of adequate safeguard and any condition or situation which may endanger life or property should be \nreported to your Supervisor immediately. \nMSDS manuals are available in each school. Precautions should be taken to provide for the safety of the students and staff at the \nschools while performing duties. Most young people are curious. Watch your tools, ladders, materials and vehicles. If students are at \nan unsafe distance while performing the work assigned, cease the work, wait until it is safe to resume such work, or ask assistance of \nthe school personnel. \nProgram Safety Into Your Work Schedule", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " All spills should be mopped up immediately to prevent falls even if the spill is not in your area", "question_text": "1. All spills should be mopped up immediately to prevent falls, even if the spill is not in your area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Use Wet Floor signs in areas just mopped refinished or shampooed", "question_text": "2. Use \"Wet Floor\" signs in areas just mopped, refinished or shampooed.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never mix incompatible chemicals This could cause a harmful reaction Should chemicals cause any sort of rash or burn notify your supervisor", "question_text": "3. Never mix incompatible chemicals. This could cause a harmful reaction. Should chemicals cause any sort of rash or burn, notify \nyour supervisor.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never leave carts or housekeeping equipment by fire doors or other firefighting equipment", "question_text": "4. Never leave carts or housekeeping equipment by fire doors or other firefighting equipment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Learn to hold trash bags away from your body To remove lift by grasping the top of the bag Do not puncture the bags once they are tied", "question_text": "5. Learn to hold trash bags away from your body. To remove, lift by grasping the top of the bag. Do not puncture the bags once they \nare tied.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never put your hand in a trash container no matter how little trash is in it There could be glass in it that might cause injury", "question_text": "6. Never put your hand in a trash container no matter how little trash is in it. There could be glass in it that might cause injury.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " If you see an unsafe condition report it to your supervisor", "question_text": "7. If you see an unsafe condition, report it to your supervisor.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never lift heavy loads by yourself Either ask for help use equipment for that purpose or divide the load", "question_text": "8. Never lift heavy loads by yourself. Either: ask for help, use equipment for that purpose, or divide the load.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Never leave soap on shower floors it could cause a fall", "question_text": "9. Never leave soap on shower floors; it could cause a fall.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Chemical supply rooms must be kept neat and locked at all times", "question_text": "10. Chemical supply rooms must be kept neat and locked at all times.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Permanent use of extension cords should be discouraged", "question_text": "11. Permanent use of extension cords should be discouraged.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Work areas to be kept clean and neat at all times", "question_text": "12. Work areas to be kept clean and neat at all times.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-17", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Use ladders and step stools not chairs desks etc Do not stand on the top step of a ladder", "question_text": "13. Use ladders and step stools, not chairs, desks, etc.. Do not stand on the top step of a ladder.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-18", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Follow safety guidelines when mixing and using chemicals", "question_text": "14. Follow safety guidelines when mixing and using chemicals.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-19", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Wear personal protective equipment when required", "question_text": "15. Wear personal protective equipment when required.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-20", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Always turn off all power sources before working on any equipment", "question_text": "16. Always turn off all power sources before working on any equipment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-21", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Before using any type of equipment make sure it is in good operational condition and all safety guards are properly in place on the equipment", "question_text": "17. Before using any type of equipment make sure it is in good operational condition and all safety guards are properly in place on the \nequipment.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-22", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 75, "standardized_text": " Always ask your immediate supervisor if you have any questions before performing the task or operation", "question_text": "18. Always ask your immediate supervisor if you have any questions before performing the task or operation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " Make sure all safety equipment is in good condition before using", "question_text": "19. Make sure all safety equipment is in good condition before using.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " DO NOT PERFORM ANY ACT OR OPERATION THAT IS UNSAFE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The Tannehill Board of Education realizes that hazardous materials are used in the daytoday operation of the school facilities and in the support of education requirements The board also recognizes that with the use of hazardous materials responsibility must be taken to ensure personal safety and to protect the environment during the use storage and transportation of such materials Therefore this school district shall establish and maintain conditions of work which are reasonably safe and healthful for our employees The school districts safety standards and safeguards shall be those which are reasonably necessary for the protection of the life health and safety of our employees The term hazardous materials includes any substance or mixture of substances that pose a fire explosive reactive or health hazard such as bloodborne pathogens Examples are common household cleaning supplies spray oven cleaners cleaning solvents photo chemicals soldering flux some ceramic glazes oils gasoline and other fuels and all other materials for which a material safety data sheet MSDS has been prepared The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration maintains complete listings of hazardous substances and materials The superintendent will develop regulations andor procedures that govern the purchase storage handling transportation and disposal of hazardous materials for school facilities and operations Such regulations will establish an ongoing process by which each location in the district will have a program of identifying and managing hazardous material District personnel will be encouraged to substitute nonhazardous material for hazardous material to the extent possible and to minimize the quantities of hazardous substances used and stored on school property HAZARD COMMUNICATION It is the policy of the Tannehill Public Schools to provide training on an annual basis concerning hazard communications Right To Know Law and the Maintenance Operation of Plants MOPs Links to training may be accessed at ", "question_text": "20. DO NOT PERFORM ANY ACT OR OPERATION THAT IS UNSAFE. \n \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education realizes that hazardous materials are used in the day-to-day operation of the school facilities and in \nthe support of education requirements. The board also recognizes that with the use of hazardous materials, responsibility must be \ntaken to ensure personal safety and to protect the environment during the use, storage, and transportation of such materials. \n \nTherefore, this school district shall establish and maintain conditions of work which are reasonably safe and healthful for our \nemployees. The school district's safety standards and safeguards shall be those which are reasonably necessary for the protection of \nthe life, health and safety of our employees. \n \nThe term \"hazardous materials\" includes any substance or mixture of substances that pose a fire, explosive, reactive, or health hazard \n(such as bloodborne pathogens). Examples are common household cleaning supplies, spray oven cleaners, cleaning solvents, photo \nchemicals, soldering flux, some ceramic glazes, oils, gasoline and other fuels, and all other materials for which a \"material safety data \nsheet\" (MSDS) has been prepared. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration maintains complete listings of hazardous \nsubstances and materials. \n \nThe superintendent will develop regulations and/or procedures that govern the purchase, storage, handling, transportation, and \ndisposal of hazardous materials for school facilities and operations. \n \nSuch regulations will establish an ongoing process by which each location in the district will have a program of identifying and \nmanaging hazardous material. District personnel will be encouraged to substitute non-hazardous material for hazardous material to \nthe extent possible and to minimize the quantities of hazardous substances used and stored on school property. \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION \nIt is the policy of the Tannehill Public Schools to provide training on an annual basis concerning hazard communications (Right To \nKnow Law) and the Maintenance, Operation of Plants (MOPs). Links to training may be accessed at - \nhttps://www.tannehill.k12.ok.us/202492_2", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " MOP Workshop inservices will be mandatory for district employees custodial staff appropriate support personnel and student workers and any other employees who work during the summer", "question_text": "1. \nMOP Workshop in-services will be mandatory for district employees, custodial staff, appropriate \n \nsupport personnel, and student workers and any other employees who work during the summer.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 76, "standardized_text": " Hazard communications inservice will be conducted by district personnel or outside consultants or via district video resources and links to video tutorials Employees to attend are custodial staff appropriate support personnel lunchroom personnel and student workers Certificates of attendance or of video link studies will be maintained in the employees personnel file HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD REGULATIONS In order to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard the following written program has been established for Tannehill Public Schools All work units of the school district are included within this program The written program will be available in the Superintendents office for review by any interested employee As an employer the school district intends to provide and maintain conditions of work that are reasonably safe and healthful for all employees The CP School Hazard Communication Standard Program is to assure that each employee receives the information and training needed to work safely It is a tool for providing communication to personnel about hazards and how to deal with them The Superintendent will be the Hazard Communication Standard Program Manager and will be assisted by the maintenance director Container Labeling The maintenance director will verify that all containers received for use will be clearly labeled as to the contents the appropriate hazard warnings are noted and the name and address of the manufacturer are listed on each one The custodian in each section will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with either an extra copy of the original manu facturers label or with the generic labels that have a block for identity and blocks for the hazard warnings The Superintendent will review the school district labeling system every months and update as required", "question_text": "2. \nHazard communications in-service will be conducted by district personnel or outside consultants \n \nor via district video resources and links to video tutorials. Employees to attend are custodial staff, \n \n \nappropriate support personnel, lunchroom personnel, and student workers. \n \nCertificates of attendance or of video link studies will be maintained in the employee's personnel file . \n \nHAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD \n(REGULATIONS) \nIn order to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard, the following written program has been established for Tannehill \nPublic Schools: \n \nAll work units of the school district are included within this program. The written program will be available in the Superintendent\u2019s \noffice for review by any interested employee. As an employer, the school district intends to provide and maintain conditions of work \nthat are reasonably safe and healthful for all employees. The CP School Hazard Communication Standard Program is to assure that \neach employee receives the information and training needed to work safely. It is a tool for providing communication to personnel \nabout hazards and how to deal with them. \n \nThe Superintendent will be the Hazard Communication Standard Program Manager and will be assisted by the maintenance director. \n \nContainer Labeling \n \nThe maintenance director will verify that all containers received for use will be clearly labeled as to the contents, the appropriate \nhazard warnings are noted, and the name and address of the manufacturer are listed on each one. \n \nThe custodian in each section will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with either an extra copy of the original manu-\nfacturer's label or with the generic labels that have a block for identity and blocks for the hazard warnings. \n \nThe Superintendent will review the school district labeling system every 12 months and update as required.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": "Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS The maintenance director will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheet system for the school district and will review incoming data sheets for new and significant healthsafety information New information will be passed on to the affected employees Copies of MSDSs for all hazardous chemicals to which employees of the district may be exposed will be kept in the Superintendents office MSDSs will be available to all employees in their work areas for review during each work shift If MSDSs are not available or new chemicals in use do not have MSDSs the Superintendent should be contacted immediately Employee Training and Information The Superintendent is responsible for the employee training program and will ensure that all elements specified below are carried out Prior to starting work each new employee of the school district will attend a health and safety orientation and will receive information and training on the following", "question_text": "Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) \n \nThe maintenance director will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheet system for the school district and will \nreview incoming data sheets for new and significant health/safety information. New information will be passed on to the affected \nemployees. \n \nCopies of MSDS's for all hazardous chemicals to which employees of the district may be exposed will be kept in the Superintendent\u2019s \noffice. \n \nMSDS's will be available to all employees in their work areas for review during each work shift. If MSDS's are not available or new \nchemicals in use do not have MSDS's, the Superintendent should be contacted immediately. \n \nEmployee Training and Information \n \nThe Superintendent is responsible for the employee training program and will ensure that all elements specified below are carried out. \n \nPrior to starting work, each new employee of the school district will attend a health and safety orientation and will receive information \nand training on the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Standard", "question_text": "1. \nAn overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Standard;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Chemicals present in the workplace operations", "question_text": "2. \nChemicals present in the workplace operations;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Location and availability of the written Hazard Communication Standard Program", "question_text": "3. \nLocation and availability of the written Hazard Communication Standard Program;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Physical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals", "question_text": "4. \nPhysical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work area", "question_text": "5. \nMethods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work \narea;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of controlwork practices and personal protective equipment", "question_text": "6. \nHow to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of control/work practices and \npersonal protective equipment;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Emergency procedures to follow if exposed to these chemicals", "question_text": "7. \nEmergency procedures to follow if exposed to these chemicals;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " How to read labels and review MSDSs to obtain appropriate hazard information and", "question_text": "8. \nHow to read labels and review MSDS's to obtain appropriate hazard information; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Location of MSDS files and location of hazard chemical lists After attending the training class each employee will sign a form to verify that the training was attended written materials were received and the policies on hazard communication are understood Prior to a new chemical hazard being introduced into any section of the district each employee of that section will be given infor mation as outlined above The maintenance director is responsible for ensuring that MSDSs on the new chemicals are available List of Hazardous Chemicals The hazards associated with chemicals used by the school district will be identified from Material Safety Data Sheets obtained from the chemical supplier A Chemical Information List is available in the Superintendents office Further information on each noted chemical can be obtained by reviewing Material Safety Data Sheets Hazardous Nonroutine Tasks Periodically employees are required to perform hazardous nonroutine tasks Prior to starting work on such projects each affected employee will be given information by the maintenance director about hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed during such activity This information will include", "question_text": "9. \nLocation of MSDS files and location of hazard chemical lists. \nAfter attending the training class, each employee will sign a form to verify that the training was attended, written materials were \nreceived, and the policies on hazard communication are understood. \n \nPrior to a new chemical hazard being introduced into any section of the district, each employee of that section will be given infor-\nmation as outlined above. The maintenance director is responsible for ensuring that MSDS's on the new chemical(s) are available. \n \nList of Hazardous Chemicals \n \nThe hazards associated with chemicals used by the school district will be identified from Material Safety Data Sheets obtained from \nthe chemical supplier. \n \nA Chemical Information List is available in the Superintendent\u2019s office. Further information on each noted chemical can be obtained \nby reviewing Material Safety Data Sheets. \n \nHazardous Non-routine Tasks \n \nPeriodically, employees are required to perform hazardous nonroutine tasks. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected \nemployee will be given information by the maintenance director about hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed during \nsuch activity. \n \nThis information will include:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 77, "standardized_text": " Specific chemical hazards", "question_text": "1. \nSpecific chemical hazards;", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Protectivesafety measures the employee can take and", "question_text": "2. \nProtective/safety measures the employee can take; and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Measures the district has taken to lessen the hazards including ventilation respirators presence of another employee and emergency procedures Informing Contractors It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide contractors with their employees the following information", "question_text": "3. \nMeasures the district has taken to lessen the hazards, including ventilation, respirators, presence of \n \nanother employee, and emergency procedures. \n \nInforming Contractors \n \nIt is the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide contractors (with their employees) the following information:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site and", "question_text": "1. \nHazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site, and", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 78, "standardized_text": " Precautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of protective measures The Superintendent will be responsible for contacting each contractor before work is started in the school district to gather and disseminate any information concerning chemical hazards that the contractor is bringing to the school workplace It is the responsibility of the contractor to train his employees Fire Safety The fire safety regulations call for keeping the local Fire Department informed of hazards A system for placards to mark areas for the fire department will be set up with the local fire chief Monitoring and Evaluation The superintendent will review the Hazard Communications Programs at least annually and update and make changes as necessary Other Areas of Responsibility Each principal the vocational agricultural instructor the bus mechanic science instructors and coach will be familiar with the Hazard Communication Standard and with these regulations and will see that they are carried out in their respective work areas and areas of responsibility HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation establishes procedures for the use storage and transportation of hazardous materials in this school district Hazardous materials are defined to be those items listed in Oklahoma and federal law and regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous materials Examples include but are not limited to the following Nonbuilding related asbestos materials Lead and lead compounds included in school supplies eg art supplies ceramic glazes etc Compressed gases natural gas and explosive hydrogen poisonous chlorine or toxic gases including exhaust gases such as carbon monoxide Solvents gasoline turpentine mineral spirits alcohol carbon tetrachloride Liquids compounds solids or other hazardous chemicals that might be toxic poisonous or cause serious bodily injury Materials required to be labeled by the Department of Agriculture or the EPA pesticides algaecide rodenicide bactericides Regulated underground storage tank hazardous materials including diesel fuel regular and unleaded gasoline oil both new and used and propylene glycol", "question_text": "2. \nPrecautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of protective \n \n \nmeasures. \n \nThe Superintendent will be responsible for contacting each contractor before work is started in the school district to gather and \ndisseminate any information concerning chemical hazards that the contractor is bringing to the school workplace. \n \nIt is the responsibility of the contractor to train his employees. \n \nFire Safety \n \nThe fire safety regulations call for keeping the local Fire Department informed of hazards. A system for placards to mark areas for the \nfire department will be set up with the local fire chief. \n \nMonitoring and Evaluation \n \nThe superintendent will review the Hazard Communications Programs at least annually and update and make changes as necessary. \n \n \nOther Areas of Responsibility \n \nEach principal, the vocational agricultural instructor, the bus mechanic, science instructors, and coach will be familiar with the Hazard \nCommunication Standard and with these regulations and will see that they are carried out in their respective work areas and areas of \nresponsibility. \n \nHAZARDOUS MATERIALS \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation establishes procedures for the use, storage, and \ntransportation of hazardous materials in this school district. \n \nHazardous materials are defined to be those items listed in Oklahoma and federal law and regulations regarding the transportation of \nhazardous materials. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: \n \n \nNon-building related asbestos materials; \n \n \nLead and lead compounds (included in school supplies, e.g., art supplies, ceramic glazes, etc.); \n \n \nCompressed gases (natural gas), and explosive (hydrogen), poisonous (chlorine), or toxic gases (including exhaust gases \nsuch as carbon monoxide); \n \n \nSolvents (gasoline, turpentine, mineral spirits, alcohol, carbon tetrachloride); \n \n \nLiquids, compounds, solids or other hazardous chemicals that might be toxic, poisonous, or cause serious bodily injury; \n \n \nMaterials required to be labeled by the Department of Agriculture or the EPA (pesticides, algaecide, rodenicide, \nbactericides); \n \n \nRegulated underground storage tank hazardous materials (including diesel fuel, regular and unleaded gasoline, oil (both new \nand used), and propylene glycol).", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": "Each building principal or project manager is responsible for ensuring receipt proper labeling and storage of hazardous materials received at their location Copies of the current inventory will be provided to the superintendent no later than May of each year Inventory lists will be maintained and may be made available to appropriate police fire and emergency service districts as appropriate The superintendent or superintendents designee will maintain a set of material safety data sheets MSDS for the district Purchase orders for hazardous materials will include a requirement that the shipment of any such materials include MSDS with any order or portion of order Purchase orders also will note that failure to provide MSDS with the shipment may result in either the Districts refusing to accept the shipment or conditionally accepting the shipment and refusing to pay for the material until the MSDS are provided These procedures will apply to all hazardous materials regardless of the method of acquisition Storage of hazardous materials will be in compliance with any local ordinances and state and federal law and regulations Hazardous materials will be separated and labeled according to hazardous characteristics and stored safely in storage areas appropriate to the risk posed by the materials Where appropriate storage cabinets may be locked and access to students or nonauthorized staff limited Containers will be labeled to show the date of receipt by the district shelf life and expiration date Materials should be stored so that the oldest materials are used first The superintendent or designee will maintain a master Chemical Information List CIL that shall contain the common and trade names of all hazardous substances used or stored within the district Any new substances introduced into the district will be added to the master CIL within days The superintendent or designee will maintain a CIL on each employee who works with or who has had chemical exposure at a workplace within the district Such CILs shall be presented to any employee upon request and to all appropriate employees at least once annually The master and individual CILs will be made available for inspection within hours of an employees request Each building principal will maintain a Chemical Information List CIL of hazardous materials used or stored in their respective building Such CILs will be available for inspection by any employee working in the building or who is known to have had exposure to any chemical or other hazardous substance stored within the building BLOODBOURNE PATHOGEN The purpose of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is to reduce occupational exposure to Hepatitis B Virus HBV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV and other blood borne pathogens that employees may encounter in the workplace Each building site has a copy of the bloodborne pathogen program for MPS All procedures in the plan must be followed at all times There are a number of good general principles that should be followed when working with bloodborne Pathogens that include", "question_text": "Each building principal or project manager is responsible for ensuring receipt, proper labeling and storage of hazardous materials \nreceived at their location. Copies of the current inventory will be provided to the superintendent no later than May 1 of each year. \nInventory lists will be maintained and may be made available to appropriate police, fire, and emergency service districts as \nappropriate. \n \nThe superintendent or superintendent's designee will maintain a set of material safety data sheets (MSDS) for the district. \n \nPurchase orders for hazardous materials will include a requirement that the shipment of any such materials include MSDS with any \norder or portion of order. Purchase orders also will note that failure to provide MSDS with the shipment may result in either the \nDistrict's refusing to accept the shipment or conditionally accepting the shipment and refusing to pay for the material until the MSDS \nare provided. These procedures will apply to all hazardous materials regardless of the method of acquisition. \n \nStorage of hazardous materials will be in compliance with any local ordinances and state and federal law and regulations. Hazardous \nmaterials will be separated and labeled according to hazardous characteristics and stored safely in storage areas appropriate to the risk \nposed by the materials. Where appropriate, storage cabinets may be locked and access to students or non-authorized staff limited. \nContainers will be labeled to show the date of receipt by the district, shelf life, and expiration date. Materials should be stored so that \nthe oldest materials are used first. \n \nThe superintendent or designee will maintain a master Chemical Information List (CIL) that shall contain the common and trade \nnames of all hazardous substances used or stored within the district. Any new substances introduced into the district will be added to \nthe master CIL within 30 days. \nThe superintendent or designee will maintain a CIL on each employee who works with or who has had chemical exposure at a \nworkplace within the district. Such CILs shall be presented to any employee upon request and to all appropriate employees at least \nonce annually. The master and individual CILs will be made available for inspection within 24 hours of an employee's request. \n \nEach building principal will maintain a Chemical Information List (CIL) of hazardous materials used or stored in their respective \nbuilding. Such CILs will be available for inspection by any employee working in the building or who is known to have had exposure \nto any chemical or other hazardous substance stored within the building. \n \n \n \nBLOODBOURNE PATHOGEN \nThe purpose of the Blood-borne Pathogens Standard is to \"reduce occupational exposure to Hepatitis \"B\" Virus (HBV), Human \nImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other blood borne pathogens\" that employees may encounter in the workplace. \nEach building site has a copy of the blood-borne pathogen program for MPS. All procedures in the plan must be followed at all times. \nThere are a number of \"good\" general principles that should be followed when working with blood-borne \nPathogens that include:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " It is prudent to minimize all exposure to bloodborne pathogens", "question_text": "1. It is prudent to minimize all exposure to blood-borne pathogens.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens should never be underestimated", "question_text": "2. Risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens should never be underestimated.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Our school should institute work practice controls to eliminate or minimize employees exposure to bloodborne pathogens", "question_text": "3. Our school should institute work practice controls to eliminate or minimize employees exposure to blood-borne pathogens.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Employees should always make sure that there are barriers between them and any bloodborne pathogen", "question_text": "4. Employees should always make sure that there are barriers between them and any blood-borne pathogen.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Protect yourself first treat victim second", "question_text": "5. Protect yourself first, treat victim second.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 79, "standardized_text": " Wash your hands regularly The Districts Exposure Control Plan is available to our employees at any time Employees are advised of this availability during their educationtraining sessions Copies of the Exposure Control Plans are available from the school nurse", "question_text": "6. Wash your hands regularly. \nThe District's Exposure Control Plan is available to our employees at any time. \nEmployees are advised of this availability during their education/training sessions. Copies of the Exposure Control Plans are available \nfrom the school nurse.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": "EMERGENCY PLANS The Tannehill Board of Education has appointed a committee composed of the superintendent each building principal the director of maintenance and other designated personnel for the purpose of developing and maintaining the district emergency plans A Crisis Plan will be developed by local officials and the Safe School Committee that will ensure an established set of directives to guide the actions of those involved and responsible for the safety of students and property Special drill activities related to fire safety and other emergencies will be planned and implemented by each principal in association with the superintendent director of maintenance the fire marshal or other civil authorities to ensure orderly movement and placement of students to the safest available spaces should an emergency occur including but not limited to the following", "question_text": "EMERGENCY PLANS \nThe Tannehill Board of Education has appointed a committee composed of the superintendent, each building principal, the director of \nmaintenance, and other designated personnel for the purpose of developing and maintaining the district emergency plans. A Crisis \nPlan will be developed by local officials and the Safe School Committee that will ensure an established set of directives to guide the \nactions of those involved and responsible for the safety of students and property. Special drill activities related to fire safety and other \nemergencies will be planned and implemented by each principal, in association with the superintendent, director of maintenance, the \nfire marshal, or other civil authorities, to ensure orderly movement and placement of students to the safest available space(s) should an \nemergency occur, including, but not limited to, the following:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Severe weather", "question_text": "1. \nSevere weather", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Fire", "question_text": "2. \nFire", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Flood", "question_text": "3. \nFlood", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Terrorism", "question_text": "4. \nTerrorism", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Missing students", "question_text": "5. \nMissing student(s)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Suicide", "question_text": "6. \nSuicide", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Threatening persons", "question_text": "7. \nThreatening persons", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Weaponsexplosives found on school site", "question_text": "8. \nWeapons/explosives found on school site", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Any other situation the Safe Schools Committee deems appropriate The crisisemergency plan will be kept on file at each school site and a copy will be provided to local emergency management officials Additionally the superintendent will maintain communication with other community agencies in order to share information on preparedness and planned procedures It shall also be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that the schools work in cooperation with these other agencies during such emergencies Emergency preparedness should be discussed with teachers and students at least once per semester or as deemed necessary by the building administration Each classroom shall have posted a copy of rules evacuation signals evacuation routes and procedures to be followed for fire and tornado emergencies terrorist attacks and emergency evacuations All teachers and staff members shall make themselves familiar with these procedures The board of education shall receive yearly reports from the superintendent as to the status of all emergency plans which reports shall identify any safety needs for the school district RULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION The best form of protection against fire is prevention", "question_text": "9. \nAny other situation the Safe Schools Committee deems appropriate \n \nThe crisis/emergency plan will be kept on file at each school site and a copy will be provided to local emergency management \nofficials. Additionally, the superintendent will maintain communication with other community agencies in order to share information \non preparedness and planned procedures. It shall also be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that the schools work in \ncooperation with these other agencies during such emergencies. \n \nEmergency preparedness should be discussed with teachers and students at least once per semester or as deemed necessary by the \nbuilding administration. Each classroom shall have posted a copy of rules, evacuation signals, evacuation routes, and procedures to be \nfollowed for fire and tornado emergencies, terrorist attacks, and emergency evacuations. All teachers and staff members shall make \nthemselves familiar with these procedures. \n \nThe board of education shall receive yearly reports from the superintendent as to the status of all emergency plans, which reports shall \nidentify any safety needs for the school district. \n \nRULES FOR FIRE EVACUATION \nThe best form of protection against fire is prevention.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " In the event of fire the students safety is of primary importance", "question_text": "1. In the event of fire, the students' safety is of primary importance.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " In the event of fire students teachers and staff will need to be evacuated This evacuation should be carried out quickly and cautiously The move should be made with the utmost expediency affording all precautions and safety for the students", "question_text": "2. In the event of fire, students, teachers and staff will need to be evacuated. This evacuation should be carried out quickly and \ncautiously. The move should be made with the utmost expediency affording all precautions and safety for the students.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " In case you discover a fire proceed to the nearest pull station and pull alarm", "question_text": "3. In case you discover a fire, proceed to the nearest \"pull station\" and pull alarm.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-13", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Contact the building principal or hisher designee immediately letting them know of the situation", "question_text": "4. Contact the building principal or his/her designee immediately letting them know of the situation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-14", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Call and notify them of the location and description of the fire", "question_text": "5. Call 911 and notify them of the location and description of the fire.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-15", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Close all doors to contain and isolate the fire", "question_text": "6. Close all doors to contain and isolate the fire.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-16", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Know where fire extinguishers are located so that you can easily find one Operate it according to the instructions on the fire extinguisher Continue to fight the blaze only if the fire is small until it is extinguished or you are relieved by other personnel FIRE DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education and Oklahoma law fire drills will be scheduled by the principal at least twice each school year The fire drills shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester The purpose of a fire drill is to train students under staff direction to move safely quickly and quietly from any location within the building to an assigned evacuation area outside The following rules and procedures will be complied with in all schools", "question_text": "7. Know where fire extinguishers are located so that you can easily find one. Operate it according to the instructions on the fire \nextinguisher. Continue to fight the blaze, only if the fire is small, until it is extinguished or you are relieved by other personnel. \n \nFIRE DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education and Oklahoma law, fire drills will be scheduled by the principal at least twice \neach school year. The fire drills shall be conducted within the first fifteen days of each semester. The purpose of a fire drill is to train \nstudents, under staff direction, to move safely, quickly, and quietly from any location within the building to an assigned evacuation \narea outside. \n \nThe following rules and procedures will be complied with in all schools:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-17", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " Rules for fire evacuation will be posted in each room These rules will indicate the primary and alternate exits and the evacuation area to which the student should proceed upon leaving the building The posted rules will be discussed with each class using the room during the first days of the school year", "question_text": "1. \nRules for fire evacuation will be posted in each room. These rules will indicate the primary and alternate exits and \nthe evacuation area to which the student should proceed upon leaving the building. The posted rules will be discussed with each class \nusing the room during the first day(s) of the school year.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-18", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 80, "standardized_text": " A district fire alarm signal will be used for fire drills only another signal will be established by the principal for return to class", "question_text": "2. \nA district fire alarm signal will be used for fire drills only; another signal will be established by the principal for \nreturn to class.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " No person is to remain in the building during fire drills", "question_text": "3. \nNo person is to remain in the building during fire drills.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Evacuation areas will be at least feet feet if possible away from buildings and driveways at the north and south ends of the school", "question_text": "4. \nEvacuation areas will be at least 50 feet (100 feet if possible) away from buildings and driveways at the north and \nsouth ends of the school.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " It is each students responsibility to move quickly quietly and in an orderly manner through the assigned exit to the assigned evacuation area", "question_text": "5. \nIt is each student's responsibility to move quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner through the assigned exit to the \nassigned evacuation area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Provided safety considerations allow the teacher or other fire evacuation leader will be responsible for a Seeing that windows are closed b Assuring that electrical circuits and gas jets are turned off c Maintaining order during the evacuation d Assigning students to hold doors open if their group is the first to evacuate from such doors and instructing students holding doors to rejoin the class after the last person has passed through the doors e Taking the roll book and checking roll when the class is in the assigned evacuation area The name of any student not accounted for will be reported immediately to the principal or the principals designee", "question_text": "6. \nProvided safety considerations allow, the teacher or other fire evacuation leader will be responsible for: \na. \nSeeing that windows are closed. \nb. Assuring that electrical circuits and gas jets are turned off. \nc. \nMaintaining order during the evacuation. \nd. Assigning students to hold doors open, if their group is the first to evacuate from such doors, and instructing \nstudents holding doors to rejoin the class after the last person has passed through the doors. \ne. \nTaking the roll book and checking roll when the class is in the assigned evacuation area. The name of any student \nnot accounted for will be reported immediately to the principal or the principal's designee.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " The exercise will be observed by the viceprincipals and a report made to the principal as to the time required to complete the evacuation", "question_text": "7. \nThe exercise will be observed by the vice-principals and a report made to the principal as to the time required to \ncomplete the evacuation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " The principal will provide the superintendent or the superintendents designee with a report on all fire drills including the time required for evacuation The superintendent shall preserve such reports for at least three years and make them available to the State Fire Marshal or his agent upon request BOMB THREATS In the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment the following procedures are recommended", "question_text": "8. \nThe principal will provide the superintendent, or the superintendent's designee, with a report on all fire drills, \nincluding the time required for evacuation. The superintendent shall preserve such reports for at least three years and make them \navailable to the State Fire Marshal, or his agent, upon request \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nBOMB THREATS \nIn the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment, the \nfollowing procedures are recommended:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Immediate evacuation of the school or buildings", "question_text": "1. \nImmediate evacuation of the school or buildings.*", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " If the call was not received originally by the fire and police departments immediate notification is required", "question_text": "2. \nIf the call was not received originally by the fire and police departments, immediate notification is \n \n \nrequired.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " A search of the building or premises should be conducted by the police andor fire department", "question_text": "3. \nA search of the building or premises should be conducted by the police and/or fire department.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " If a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found the principal of the building should be notified by the police andor fire department that reentry will be permitted", "question_text": "4. \nIf a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found, the principal of the building should be \n \nnotified by the police and/or fire department that reentry will be permitted.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " A request for investigation of the incident should be made to the local police department Any decision concerning the dismissal of school students and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the prerogative of the superintendent BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education these procedures shall be followed in the event of a bomb threat communicated to any employee or student of the public schools In the event that you receive a telephoned bomb threat try to remain calm do not manifest fear If not placed in immediate danger attempt to safely follow the following procedure The attached form see CKCBE should be located near each telephone and be accessible to each user Have the form before you as you talk Try to keep the caller as occupied as possible Keep the caller talking as long as you can In addition to the information on the form ask for the callers name where the caller is calling from why the caller wants to blow up the building where the bomb is located how and when the bomb is set to explode When the caller hangs up notify immediately the following persons Do not discuss the call with anyone else", "question_text": "5. \nA request for investigation of the incident should be made to the local police department. \n \nAny decision concerning the dismissal of school students and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the \nprerogative of the superintendent. \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, these procedures shall be followed in the event of a bomb threat \ncommunicated to any employee or student of the public schools. \n \nIn the event that you receive a telephoned bomb threat, try to remain calm - do not manifest fear. If not placed in immediate danger, \nattempt to safely follow the following procedure. The attached form (see CKCB-E) should be located near each telephone and be \naccessible to each user. Have the form before you as you talk. Try to keep the caller as occupied as possible. Keep the caller talking \nas long as you can. In addition to the information on the form, ask for the caller's name; where the caller is calling from; why the \ncaller wants to blow up the building; where the bomb is located; how and when the bomb is set to explode. \n \nWhen the caller hangs up, notify immediately the following persons. Do not discuss the call with anyone else.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Fire department and police department", "question_text": "1. \nFire department and police department.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-12", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 81, "standardized_text": " Principal", "question_text": "2. \nPrincipal.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " Superintendent Assistant Superintendent or designee BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES Person receiving call EXHIBIT Stay calm Keep the caller talking for as long as possible Ask the caller to speak louder slower etc Ask caller to repeat CHARACTERISTICS NOTED Please complete as much of the following as possible", "question_text": "3. \nSuperintendent, Assistant Superintendent, or designee. \n \n \nBOMB THREAT PROCEDURES Person receiving call ___________________ \n(EXHIBIT) \n\u2022 \nStay calm. \n\u2022 \nKeep the caller talking for as long as possible \n\u2022 \nAsk the caller to speak louder, slower, etc. \n\u2022 \nAsk caller to repeat \n \nCHARACTERISTICS NOTED (Please complete as much of the following as possible)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " Callers exact words Use reverse of this paper if necessary", "question_text": "1. \nCaller's exact words \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n(Use reverse of this paper if necessary)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " WHAT BUILDING IS THE BOMB IN EXACT LOCATION ", "question_text": "2. \nWHAT BUILDING IS THE BOMB IN ______________________________________________ \n \n \n \nEXACT LOCATION _____________________________________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " WHAT TIME IS THE BOMB SET TO EXPLODE ", "question_text": "3. \nWHAT TIME IS THE BOMB SET TO EXPLODE ____________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " Background sounds Callers description o age o sex o race o accent o speech impediments o attitude o when bomb is to explode Time and date", "question_text": "4. \nBackground sounds ______________________________________________________________ \n \n \n \n \n \n \nCaller's description______________________________________________________________________________ \n \no \nage \n \no \nsex \n \n \no \nrace \n \no \naccent \no \nspeech impediments \n \no \nattitude \no \nwhen bomb is to explode \n \nTime and date___________________________________________________________________", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 82, "standardized_text": " PLEASE CIRCLE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TONE SPEECH LANGUAGE ACCENT MANNER Loud Fast Excellent Local Calm Soft Slow Good Not local Angry High Pitch Distinct Fair Foreign Coherent Low Pitch Distorted Poor Caucasian Incoherent Raspy Stutter Cursing Black Righteous Pleasant Nasal Latin American Emotional Rational Irrational Deliberate Laughing ADDITIONAL COMMENTS", "question_text": "6. \nPLEASE CIRCLE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE: \n \n \n \nTONE \nSPEECH \nLANGUAGE \nACCENT \nMANNER \n \n \nLoud \n \nFast \n \nExcellent \nLocal \n \nCalm \n \n \nSoft \n \nSlow \n \nGood \n \nNot local \nAngry \n \n \nHigh Pitch \nDistinct \nFair \n \nForeign \nCoherent \n \n \nLow Pitch \nDistorted \nPoor \n \nCaucasian \nIncoherent \n \n \nRaspy \n \nStutter \nCursing \nBlack \n \nRighteous \n \n \nPleasant \nNasal \n \n \n \nLatin American Emotional \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nRational \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIrrational \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDeliberate \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nLaughing \n \nADDITIONAL COMMENTS:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": "TORNADO DRILLS RULES AND PROCEDURES In accordance with the policy of the board of education tornado drills will be scheduled by the principal at least two times per school year in order to ensure the best possible plan has been established and to ensure all students and personnel know what they are to do when a signal for a tornado drill is given Tornado drills must be conducted in September and March of each school year The principal or designated staff member shall submit a copy of the drill plan for the building to the superintendents office during the first month of school Tornado drills are to be held on different days of the week at different hours of the day Definition of Terms A tornado watch indicates that within a period of several hours a tornado may strike in a designated area A tornado warning indicates a tornado has been spotted or indicated on radar and that the tornado is likely to strike in a designated area immediately or within the next hour Procedures When a tornado warning has been received the superintendent or designated administrator shall notify all schools in the area Upon being notified of a tornado warning the principal or designated staff member must check weather conditions in the area to determine if it is necessary for students to be moved into the refuge areas A designated staff member will monitor commercial radio or TV for tornado warnings even if the school has a NOAA weather radio tonealert system It is not necessary for schools to wait for the weather alert before moving students into the refuge areas If the principal or designated staff member deems it advisable to move students into the refuge areas this should be done immediately Designated staff members will be assigned to bring in children from playgrounds or other outdoor areas during a tornado warning Each principal or staff representative will need to use individual best judgment as to when students should leave the refuge areas and return to the classrooms Refuge Area Students should be moved into the interior corridor of the main building In situations where some of the students are housed in annexes adjacent to the main building students should be moved from the annex into the main building when space is available Avoid the use of large enclosed areas such as auditoriums gymnasiums cafeterias or other rooms with wide freespan roofs as places of refuge If a school bus is caught in the open when a tornado is approaching the children will be escorted to a nearby ditch or ravine and made to lie face down hands over their heads They should be far enough away from the bus so that the bus cannot topple onto them Planning Security Drills When developing a tornado security drill selecting refuge areas to be used should be the first consideration After refuge areas are determined the following should be accomplished", "question_text": "TORNADO DRILLS \nRULES AND PROCEDURES \n \n \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, tornado drills will be scheduled by the principal at least two times per school \nyear in order to ensure the best possible plan has been established and to ensure all students and personnel know what they are to do \nwhen a signal for a tornado drill is given. Tornado drills must be conducted in September and March of each school year. The \nprincipal or designated staff member shall submit a copy of the drill plan for the building to the superintendent's office during the first \nmonth of school. Tornado drills are to be held on different days of the week at different hours of the day. \n \nDefinition of Terms \n \nA tornado watch indicates that, within a period of several hours, a tornado may strike in a designated area. \n \nA tornado warning indicates a tornado has been spotted or indicated on radar and that the tornado is likely to strike in a designated \narea immediately or within the next hour. \n \nProcedures \n \nWhen a tornado warning has been received, the superintendent or designated administrator shall notify all schools in the area. Upon \nbeing notified of a tornado warning, the principal or designated staff member must check weather conditions in the area to determine \nif it is necessary for students to be moved into the refuge areas. A designated staff member will monitor commercial radio or TV for \ntornado warnings, even if the school has a NOAA weather radio tone-alert system. \n \nIt is not necessary for schools to wait for the \"weather alert\" before moving students into the refuge areas. If the principal or \ndesignated staff member deems it advisable to move students into the refuge areas, this should be done immediately. Designated staff \nmembers will be assigned to bring in children from playgrounds or other outdoor areas during a tornado warning. \n \nEach principal or staff representative will need to use individual best judgment as to when students should leave the refuge areas and \nreturn to the classrooms. \n \nRefuge Area \n \nStudents should be moved into the interior corridor of the main building. \n \nIn situations where some of the students are housed in annexes adjacent to the main building, students should be moved from the \nannex into the main building when space is available. \n \nAvoid the use of large enclosed areas, such as auditoriums, gymnasiums, cafeterias, or other rooms with wide, free-span roofs as \nplaces of refuge. \n \nIf a school bus is caught in the open when a tornado is approaching, the children will be escorted to a nearby ditch or ravine and made \nto lie face down, hands over their heads. They should be far enough away from the bus so that the bus cannot topple onto them. \n \nPlanning Security Drills \n \nWhen developing a tornado security drill, selecting refuge areas to be used should be the first consideration. After refuge areas are \ndetermined, the following should be accomplished:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": " Assign and fit the students into the refuge areas Adjustment may be necessary", "question_text": "1. \nAssign and fit the students into the refuge areas. Adjustment may be necessary.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": " Conduct drills with one or two rooms at a time", "question_text": "2. \nConduct drills with one or two rooms at a time.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 83, "standardized_text": " Determine the positions to be taken in the refuge areas and explain them to the students The following positions are recommended A Down on knees lean forward cover as much of exposed body as possible by crossing arms and burying the face in the arms B Cross legs sit on the floor and cover face with folded arms Students should turn their backs to natural light", "question_text": "3. Determine the position(s) to be taken in the refuge areas and explain them to the students. The following \n \npositions are recommended: \n \n \nA. Down on knees, lean forward, cover as much of exposed body as possible by crossing arms and \n \nburying the face in the arms. \n \n \nB. Cross legs, sit on the floor, and cover face with folded arms. (Students should turn their backs \n \nto natural light.)", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 84, "standardized_text": " Determine the signal to be used for the security drill and ensure all school personnel and students know how to distinguish it from other signals Establish a backup alarm to be used in the event of a power failure eg a batteryoperated bullhorn handcranked siren or hand bell", "question_text": "4. Determine the signal to be used for the security drill and ensure all school personnel and students know how to \ndistinguish it from other signals. Establish a backup alarm to be used in the event of a power \nfailure, e.g. a battery-operated \nbullhorn, hand-cranked siren, or hand bell.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 84, "standardized_text": " Conduct a building drill and make any changes necessary to improve the plan Teacher Responsibility The classroom teacher has the responsibility of preparing the students for the drills as well as the real emergency Information given by the teacher will do much to protect the emotional health of the child Statements by uninformed or poorly informed individuals can cause students to become emotionally upset It would seem psychologically sound to teach all students the usable facts that can be understood at their intelligence level There cannot be a quick course of instruction once a tornado has struck Preparation of the Building Once students have relocated to the interior hallway of the main building close the outside doors Close fire doors at west end of hallway Insure that students are not sitting in the swing path of classroom doors and make sure classroom doors are closed The custodian or alternate MUST turn off the gas on the outside of the building when a tornado warning has been received Variety It is recommended that tornado drills be held under all kinds of conditions and circumstances and from all parts of the building in order to prepare students for any emergency that would make it necessary for them to be moved into the refuge areas Among these would be the following situations From regular classrooms From regular classrooms with a blocked exit From assemblies When some of the students are in the classrooms and others are on the school grounds or in the cafeteria When students are in the process of changing classes Any other situation in which students might be found From the cafeteria From a bus Dismissal from School School will not be dismissed because of a tornado warning See also policy CKBB Children will not be permitted to leave school during a tornado warning alert in the immediate area However parents may go to the school and get their children Parents should contact the principals office and let a member of the school staff get the student from the classroom When parents go to the classroom it excites the other students and disrupts teaching If at dismissal time a storm is approaching and it is believed the children will not have time to reach home before it strikes children should be kept in the building until it is deemed safe to dismiss them School buses will not be used during tornado warnings HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS The Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that body fluids of any person may contain infectious or contagious bacteria or viruses and that such bacteria or viruses may be spread from one person to another by accidental or careless handling of body fluids during sanitation or custodial work or the administration of emergency first aid The superintendent is directed to prepare regulations establishing proper procedures for handling body fluids during normal housekeeping Such procedures shall include methods for the handling and disposal of body fluids in school buildings and on school equipment and material The district will make personal protective equipment available to employees for use in handling and disposing of body fluids The superintendent will also direct the identification of employees who could be reasonably anticipated as the result of their job duties to face contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials Any employees so identified will be offered Hepatitis B vaccinations at district cost Such vaccinations will be provided at a reasonable time and place under the supervision of a licensed physician or health care professional and according to the latest recommendations of the US Public Health Service", "question_text": "5. Conduct a building drill and make any changes necessary to improve the plan. \n \nTeacher Responsibility \n \nThe classroom teacher has the responsibility of preparing the students for the drills as well as the real emergency. Information given \nby the teacher will do much to protect the emotional health of the child. Statements by uninformed or poorly informed individuals can \ncause students to become emotionally upset. It would seem psychologically sound to teach all students the usable facts that can be \nunderstood at their intelligence level. There cannot be a quick course of instruction once a tornado has struck. \n \nPreparation of the Building \n \nOnce students have relocated to the interior hallway of the main building, close the outside doors. Close fire doors at west end of \nhallway. Insure that students are not sitting in the swing path of classroom doors and make sure classroom doors are closed. \nThe custodian or alternate MUST turn off the gas on the outside of the building when a tornado warning has been received. \n \nVariety \n \nIt is recommended that tornado drills be held under all kinds of conditions and circumstances and from all parts of the building in \norder to prepare students for any emergency that would make it necessary for them to be moved into the refuge areas. Among these \nwould be the following situations: \n \n--From regular classrooms \n--From regular classrooms with a blocked exit \n--From assemblies \n--When some of the students are in the classrooms and others are on the school grounds or in the cafeteria \n--When students are in the process of changing classes \n--Any other situation in which students might be found \n--From the cafeteria \n--From a bus \n \nDismissal from School \n \nSchool will not be dismissed because of a tornado warning. (See also policy CKBB.) \n \nChildren will not be permitted to leave school during a tornado warning alert in the immediate area. However, parents may go to the \nschool and get their children. Parents should contact the principal's office and let a member of the school staff get the student from the \nclassroom. When parents go to the classroom, it excites the other students and disrupts teaching. \n \nIf, at dismissal time, a storm is approaching and it is believed the children will not have time to reach home before it strikes, children \nshould be kept in the building until it is deemed safe to dismiss them. School buses will not be used during tornado warnings. \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \nThe Tannehill Board of Education recognizes that body fluids of any person may contain infectious or contagious bacteria or \nviruses, and that such bacteria or viruses may be spread from one person to another by accidental or careless handling of body \nfluids during sanitation or custodial work or the administration of emergency first aid. \n \nThe superintendent is directed to prepare regulations establishing proper procedures for handling body fluids during normal \nhousekeeping. Such procedures shall include methods for the handling and disposal of body fluids in school buildings and on \nschool equipment and material. The district will make personal protective equipment available to employees for use in \nhandling and disposing of body fluids. \n \nThe superintendent will also direct the identification of employees who could be reasonably anticipated as the result of their \njob duties to face contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Any employees so identified will be offered \nHepatitis B vaccinations at district cost. Such vaccinations will be provided at a reasonable time and place, under the \nsupervision of a licensed physician or health care professional and according to the latest recommendations of the U.S. Public \nHealth Service.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": "School district employees who have had an exposure incident to body fluids will participate in a followup confidential medical evaluation documenting the circumstances of exposure identifying and testing the source individual if feasible testing the exposed employees blood if the employee consents postexposure prophylaxis counseling and evaluation of reported illnesses Health care professionals must be provided specified information to facilitate the evaluation and their written opinion on the need for Hepatitis B vaccination following exposure Information such as the employees ability to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine must be supplied to the employer All diagnoses must remain confidential HYGIENE AND SANITATION BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS REGULATION In accordance with the policy of the board of education the following regulation and attached procedures contains guidelines for cleaning and disposal of body fluids For the purpose of this regulation the term body fluids shall include reference to blood semen feces urine vomit drainage from scrapes and cuts and respiratory secretions", "question_text": "School district employees who have had an exposure incident to body fluids will participate in a follow-up confidential medical \nevaluation documenting the circumstances of exposure, identifying and testing the source individual if feasible, testing the \nexposed employee's blood if the employee consents, post-exposure prophylaxis, counseling and evaluation of reported \nillnesses. Health care professionals must be provided specified information to facilitate the evaluation and their written opinion \non the need for Hepatitis B vaccination following exposure. Information such as the employee's ability to receive the Hepatitis \nB vaccine must be supplied to the employer. All diagnoses must remain confidential. \n \nHYGIENE AND SANITATION \n(BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS) \n(REGULATION) \nIn accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation and attached procedures contains guidelines \nfor cleaning and disposal of body fluids. For the purpose of this regulation, the term \"body fluids\" shall include reference to \nblood, semen, feces, urine, vomit, drainage from scrapes and cuts, and respiratory secretions.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Wear gloves All personnel will wear disposable gloves during the cleanup and disposal of any of the body fluids listed above When in doubt about material assume it to be a body fluid After each use gloves should be destroyed or disposed of Under no circumstances should gloves be recycled or used for more than one incident", "question_text": "1. \nWear gloves. All personnel will wear disposable gloves during the cleanup and disposal of any of the body \nfluids listed above. When in doubt about material, assume it to be a body fluid. After each use, gloves should be destroyed or \ndisposed of. Under no circumstances should gloves be recycled or used for more than one incident.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " If gloves are not available and contact with body fluids or open wounds is necessary hands should be carefully washed as follows A Use liquid soap and water with vigorous washing under running water for at least seconds B Dry hands thoroughly with a paper towel Use the paper towel to turn off the facet and discard the towel in a proper container C Use hand lotion if desired CAUTION Dry cracked hands provide openings in the skin for bacteria to enter", "question_text": "2. \nIf gloves are not available and contact with body fluids or open wounds is necessary, hands should be carefully \nwashed as follows: \n \n \nA. \nUse liquid soap and water with vigorous washing under running water for at least 10 seconds; \n \n \nB. \nDry hands thoroughly with a paper towel. Use the paper towel to turn off the facet and discard the towel in a \nproper container. \n \n \nC. \nUse hand lotion if desired. CAUTION: Dry, cracked hands provide openings in the skin for bacteria to enter.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " A to solution of household bleach and water may be stored in proper containers in areas where soap and water are not readily available Such containers should be clearly marked as to the contents The solution may be used in cleaning body fluid spillage and hands if soap and water are not available following cleanup", "question_text": "3. \nA 1 to 10 solution of household bleach and water may be stored in proper containers in areas where soap and \nwater are not readily available. Such containers should be clearly marked as to the contents. The solution may be used in \ncleaning body fluid spillage and hands (if soap and water are not available) following cleanup.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Materials used in the cleanup of body fluids or suspected body fluids will be sealed in a plastic bag and dis carded in appropriate trash containers Soiled clothing articles including sanitary napkins will be sealed in plastic bags and discarded Other nondisposable cleaning items such as mops towels buckets and other items will be thoroughly rinsed in the bleach and water solution and carefully washed in hot soapy water", "question_text": "4. \nMaterials used in the cleanup of body fluids or suspected body fluids will be sealed in a plastic bag and dis-\ncarded in appropriate trash containers. Soiled clothing articles, including sanitary napkins will be sealed in plastic bags and \ndiscarded. Other non-disposable cleaning items such as mops, towels, buckets, and other items will be thoroughly rinsed in the \nbleach and water solution and carefully washed in hot, soapy water.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Personnel will use the same procedures for washing nondisposable cleaning equipment as for handling body fluids and soiled clothing or other personal apparel", "question_text": "5. \nPersonnel will use the same procedures for washing non-disposable cleaning equipment as for handling body \nfluids and soiled clothing or other personal apparel.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Sanitary absorbents may be used to clean spilled body fluids The absorbent should be swept up or vacuumed Carpets should also be shampooed with a germicidal rug shampoo Sweepings or used vacuumed bags should be sealed in a plastic bag for disposal Brooms dustpans and vacuum brushes should be washed in a solution of part bleach to parts water", "question_text": "6. \nSanitary absorbents may be used to clean spilled body fluids. The absorbent should be swept up or vacuumed. \nCarpets should also be shampooed with a germicidal rug shampoo. Sweepings or used vacuumed bags should be sealed in a \nplastic bag for disposal. Brooms, dustpans, and vacuum brushes should be washed in a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts \nwater.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Any liquid disinfectant used in cleaning floors equipment or materials should be discarded in a suitable and appropriate sewage drain", "question_text": "7. \nAny liquid disinfectant used in cleaning floors, equipment, or materials should be discarded in a suitable and \nappropriate sewage drain.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Clothing towels and similar cleaning equipment should be washed in hot soapy water with onehalf to one cup of bleach added to the wash water", "question_text": "8. \nClothing, towels, and similar cleaning equipment should be washed in hot soapy water with one-half to one cup \nof bleach added to the wash water.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Custodians and sanitation personnel should wear latex disposable gloves during any cleaning operation where the possibility of encountering body fluid exists whether or not the fluid is touched", "question_text": "9. \nCustodians and sanitation personnel should wear latex disposable gloves during any cleaning operation where \nthe possibility of encountering body fluid exists whether or not the fluid is touched.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-10", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " Careful handwashing is the single most effective method of preventing the spread of contagious diseases Hands should be washed in hot soapy water before and after any cleanup operation", "question_text": "10. \nCareful handwashing is the single most effective method of preventing the spread of contagious diseases. Hands \nshould be washed in hot soapy water before and after any cleanup operation.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-11", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 85, "standardized_text": " A copy of the Routine Procedures for Sanitation and Hygiene When Handling Body Fluids will be provided to each employee and must be followed when appropriate and necessary", "question_text": "11. \nA copy of the Routine Procedures for Sanitation and Hygiene When Handling Body Fluids will be provided to \neach employee and must be followed when appropriate and necessary.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 86, "standardized_text": "ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND HYGIENE WHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS Definitions Bloodborne Pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans These pathogens include but are not limited to Hepatitis B virus HBV and human immunodeficiency virus HIV Contaminated means the presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item or surface Contaminated Laundry means laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials or may contain sharps Exposure Incident means a specific eye mouth other mucous membrane nonintact skin or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employees duties Methods of Compliance GeneralUniversal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials Under circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or impossible all body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials Occupational Exposure means reasonably anticipated skin eye mucous membrane or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employees duties Equipment Needed Water Disposal Bags Baggies Hand Soap Dust PansBrushBroom Paper Towels Towelettes Disposable Gloves Utility Gloves Trash Cans Plastic Liners Mops Buckets Sanitary Napkin Container Disinfectant Should use one or more of these A Sodium hypochlorite solution household bleach One part bleach to ten parts water Ex cups bleach to gallon of water Needs to be prepared each time used on inanimate objects B ViroGuardQ Distributed by Health Services One oz of ViroGuardQ to oz of water ViroGuardQ is a germicidal product that is to be used on inanimate objects ViroGuardQ has bactericidal efficacy and fungicidal efficacy mildew stat efficacy virucidal efficacy and sanitizing efficacy C Hydrogen Peroxide to be used on skin surfaces D Isopropyl Alcohol to be used on some skin surfaces and for rinsing the hands E Sanitary absorbing agent eg chlorasorb Procedure General A Wear disposable gloves before making contact with body fluids during care treatment and all cleaning procedures B Discard gloves after each use C Wash hands with germicidal soap after handling fluids and contaminated articles whether or not gloves are worn D Discard disposable items including tampons used bandages and dressings in plastic lined trash containers close bags and discard daily E Do not reuse plastic trash bags F Use disposable items to handle body fluids whenever possible G Use paper towels to pick up and discard any solid waste materials such as vomitus or feces H Use generalpurpose utility gloves eg rubber household gloves for housekeeping chores involving potential blood contacts and for general cleaning Utility gloves can be cleaned and reused but should be discarded if they are peeling cracked or discolored or if they have punctures tears or other evidence of deterioration", "question_text": "ROUTINE PROCEDURES FOR SANITATION AND HYGIENE \nWHEN HANDLING BODY FLUIDS \nDefinitions \n \n 1. \nBloodborne Pathogens means pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in \nhumans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus \n(HIV). \n 2. \nContaminated means the presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious \nmaterials on an item or surface. \n 3. \nContaminated Laundry means laundry that has been soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials or may \ncontain sharps. \n 4. \nExposure Incident means a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with \nblood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee's duties. \n 5. \nMethods of Compliance - General-Universal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other \npotentially infectious materials. Under circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or \nimpossible, all body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials. \n 6. \nOccupational Exposure means reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or \nother potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's duties. \n \nEquipment Needed \n \n \nWater \n \n \nDisposal Bags \n \n \nBaggies \n \nHand Soap \n \nDust Pans/Brush/Broom \nPaper Towels \n \nTowelettes \n \nDisposable Gloves \n \nUtility Gloves \n \nTrash Cans & Plastic Liners \n \n \n \nMops & Buckets \n \nSanitary Napkin Container \n \n \nDisinfectant - Should use one or more of these: \n \n \nA. Sodium hypochlorite solution (household bleach) \n \n One (1) part bleach to ten (10) parts water \n \n Ex: 1\u00bd cups bleach to 1 gallon of water \n \n Needs to be prepared each time used on inanimate objects. \n \nB. ViroGuard-Q - Distributed by Health Services \n \n One (1) oz. of ViroGuard-Q to 128 oz. of water. \n \n ViroGuard-Q is a germicidal product that is to be used on inanimate objects. ViroGuard-Q has bactericidal \nefficacy and fungicidal efficacy, mildew stat efficacy, virucidal efficacy, and sanitizing efficacy. \n \nC. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - to be used on skin surfaces. \n \nD. Isopropyl Alcohol - to be used on some skin surfaces and for rinsing the hands. \n \nE. Sanitary absorbing agent (e.g., chlora-sorb). \n \nProcedure \n \n 1. \nGeneral \n \n \nA. Wear disposable gloves before making contact with body fluids during care, treatment, and all cleaning \nprocedures. \n \nB. Discard gloves after each use. \n \nC. Wash hands with germicidal soap after handling fluids and contaminated articles, whether or not gloves are worn. \n \nD. Discard disposable items including tampons, used bandages, and dressings in plastic lined trash containers; close \nbags and discard daily. \n \nE. Do not reuse plastic trash bags. \n \nF. Use disposable items to handle body fluids whenever possible. \n \nG. Use paper towels to pick up and discard any solid waste materials such as vomitus or feces. \n \nH. Use general-purpose utility gloves (e.g., rubber household gloves) for housekeeping chores involving potential \nblood contacts and for general cleaning. Utility gloves can be cleaned and reused but should be discarded if they \nare peeling, cracked or discolored, or if they have punctures, tears or other evidence of deterioration.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Handwashing A Use germicidal soap and running water Soap suspends easily removable soil and microorganisms allowing them to be washed and rinsed away B Rub hands together for approximately ten seconds to work up a lather C Scrub between fingers knuckles back of the hands and nails Nails should be short and trimmed Jewelry should not be worn D Rinse hands under running water Running water is necessary to carry away debris and dirt E Use paper towels to thoroughly dry hands F Use paper towel to turn water off discard paper towel Washable Surfaces bottles dishes toys tables desks etc A Use ViroGuardQ solution or use household bleach solution mixed fresh Scrub as needed B Rinse with water C Allow to air dry D When bleach solution is used handle carefully", "question_text": "2. \nHandwashing \n \n \nA. Use germicidal soap and running water. Soap suspends easily removable soil and microorganisms, allowing them \nto be washed and rinsed away. \n \nB. Rub hands together for approximately ten (10) seconds to work up a lather. \n \nC. Scrub between fingers, knuckles, back of the hands and nails. Nails should be short and trimmed. Jewelry should \nnot be worn. \n \nD. Rinse hands under running water. Running water is necessary to carry away debris and dirt. \n \nE. Use paper towels to thoroughly dry hands. \n \nF. Use paper towel to turn water off, discard paper towel. \n \n 3. \nWashable Surfaces (bottles, dishes, toys, tables, desks, etc.) \n \n \nA. Use ViroGuard-Q solution or use household bleach solution, mixed fresh. Scrub as needed. \n \nB. Rinse with water. \n \nC. Allow to air dry. \n \nD. When bleach solution is used, handle carefully.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Gloves should be worn since the solution is irritating to the skin", "question_text": "1. \nGloves should be worn since the solution is irritating to the skin.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Avoid applying to metal since it will corrode most metals E Toys that are placed in childrens mouths should be cleaned with water and detergent disinfected and rinsed before handling by another child F All frequently touched toys should be cleaned and disinfected daily G The use of soft nonwashable toys in classrooms should be discouraged Floors A Use household bleach solution mixed fresh or multipurpose disinfectant B Use the two bucket system One bucket to wash the soiled surface and one bucket to rinse as follows", "question_text": "2. \nAvoid applying to metal, since it will corrode most metals. \n \n \nE. Toys that are placed in children\u2019s mouths should be cleaned with water and detergent, disinfected, and rinsed \nbefore handling by another child. \n \nF. All frequently touched toys should be cleaned and disinfected daily. \n \nG. The use of soft, non-washable toys in classrooms should be discouraged. \n \n 4. \nFloors \n \n \nA. Use household bleach solution, mixed fresh, or multi-purpose disinfectant. \n \nB. Use the two (2) bucket system: One bucket to wash the soiled surface and one bucket to rinse, as follows:", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " In bucket dip wring mop up vomitus blood etc", "question_text": "1. \nIn bucket #1, dip, wring, mop up vomitus, blood, etc.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Dip wring and mop once more", "question_text": "2. \nDip, wring, and mop once more.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-5", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Dip and wring out mop in bucket ", "question_text": "3. \nDip and wring out mop in bucket #1.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-6", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Put mop into bucket rinse bucket that has clean bleach solution", "question_text": "4. \nPut mop into bucket #2 (rinse bucket) that has clean bleach solution.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-7", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Mop or rinse area", "question_text": "5. \nMop or rinse area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-8", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " Return mop to bucket to wring out This keeps the rinse bucket clean for second spill in the area", "question_text": "6. \nReturn mop to bucket #2 to wring out. This keeps the rinse bucket clean for second spill in the area.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-9", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 87, "standardized_text": " After spills are cleaned proceed with C Soak mop in the bleach solution after use D After cleanup is completed discard contents of bucket Bucket is now bucket mix fresh bleach solution for bucket E Water and disposable cleaning equipment should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag as indicated F Rinse nondisposable cleaning equipment dustpan buckets in disinfectant G Dispose of disinfectant solution down the drainpipe H Remove gloves if worn and discard in the appropriate receptacle I Wash hands as described above NonWashable Surfaces rugs and upholstery etc A Apply sanitary absorbing agent let dry vacuum B If necessary use broom and dustpan to remove soiled materials C Apply rug or upholstery shampoo as directed Revacuum according to directions on shampoo D Spray soiled area with ViroGuardQ solution air dry E Clean dustpan and broom if used Rinse in ViroGuardQ solution or household bleach solution F Wash hands as described above Soiled Washable Materials clothing towels uniforms etc A Rinse items under running water using gloved hands if appropriate B Place items in plastic bag and seal until items are washed Plastic bags containing soiled washable material must be clearly identified C Wash hands as described above", "question_text": "7. \nAfter spills are cleaned, proceed with #3. \n \n \nC. Soak mop in the bleach solution after use. \n \n \nD. After cleanup is completed, discard contents of bucket #1. Bucket #2 is now bucket #1; mix fresh bleach solution \nfor bucket #2. \n \nE. Water and disposable cleaning equipment should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag, as indicated. \n \nF. Rinse nondisposable cleaning equipment (dustpan, buckets) in disinfectant. \n \nG. Dispose of disinfectant solution down the drainpipe. \n \nH. Remove gloves, if worn, and discard in the appropriate receptacle. \n \nI. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 5. \nNon-Washable Surfaces (rugs and upholstery, etc.) \n \n \nA. Apply sanitary absorbing agent, let dry, vacuum. \n \nB. If necessary, use broom and dustpan to remove soiled materials. \n \nC. Apply rug or upholstery shampoo as directed. Re-vacuum according to directions on shampoo. \n \nD. Spray soiled area with ViroGuard-Q solution, air dry. \n \nE. Clean dustpan and broom, if used. Rinse in ViroGuard-Q solution or household bleach solution. \n \nF. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 6. \nSoiled Washable Materials (clothing, towels, uniforms, etc.) \n \n \nA. Rinse items under running water, using gloved hands, if appropriate. \n \nB. Place items in plastic bag and seal until items are washed. Plastic bags containing soiled, washable material must \nbe clearly identified. \n \nC. Wash hands as described above.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": "D Wipe sink with paper towels discard towels E Machine wash soiled items separately", "question_text": "D. Wipe sink with paper towels, discard towels. \n \nE. Machine wash soiled items separately.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-1", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " If material is bleachable add cup bleach to the wash cycle If it is not bleachable add cup nonchlorine bleach Clorox IIBorateem to the wash cycle", "question_text": "1. \nIf material is bleachable, add \u00bd cup bleach to the wash cycle. If it is not bleachable, add \u00bd cup nonchlorine \nbleach (Clorox II/Borateem) to the wash cycle.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-2", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " Wash in hot water F for minutes using detergent with disinfecting agent", "question_text": "2. \nWash in hot water: 160\u00b0 F for 25 minutes, using detergent with disinfecting agent.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-3", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " Discard plastic bag", "question_text": "3. \nDiscard plastic bag.", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-4", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 88, "standardized_text": " After handling soiled items wash hands as described above To Clean Blood or Body Fluid Spills blood from nose mouth and skin lesions A Put on gloves B Use disposable wipes cotton balls or gauze pads which have been immersed in peroxide C Proceed to clean blood spills with the solution soaked materials D Place soiled materials in a plastic bag for disposal E Remove gloves include with soiled materials and discard F Wash hands as described above Toileting and Diapering A Toileting and toilet training equipment should be maintained in a sanitary condition B Diaper changing surfaces should be nonporous and sanitized between uses for different children C Soiled disposable diapers or soiled disposable wiping cloths should be disposed of in a secure plastic lined container D Diapers should be able to contain urine and stool and minimize fecal contamination of the children providers and environmental surfaces and objects E Diapers should have an absorbent inner lining attached to an outer covering made of waterproof material that pre vents escape of feces and urine Outer and inner lining must be changed as a unit and not reused F Fecal contents may be placed in toilet but diapers must not be rinsed Preferably dispose of diaper and contents as a total unit G Diaper changing areas should never be located in food preparation areas and should never be used for temporary placement of foods Potty Chairs A Potty chairs must be emptied into a toilet after each use cleaned in a utility sink and disinfected after each use B Gloves should be used if wiping a child Leave gloves on until cleaning procedure is finished C Staff should sanitize potty chairs flush toilets and diaper changing areas with the household bleach solution or ViroGuardQ solution D Wash hands as described above Sleeping Equipment A Each item should be used by only one child B The sleeping equipment should be cleaned and sanitized prior to assignment to another child C Crib mattresses should be cleaned and sanitized when soiled or wet D Sleeping mats should be stored so that contact with the surface of another mat does not occur E Bedding should be assigned to each child and cleaned when soiled or wet General Information A CPR Use disposable mouth piece andor face shield will be kept in the clinic B ViroGuardQ will be requested from the school and kept in the clinic in a spray bottle ready for use C Prepare a cleanup baggie by placing in a baggie a towelette moistened with hydrogen peroxide Keep cleanup baggie and gloves in your desk or pocket Use for recess or duty if not used pass it to the next person on the duty schedule D PE teachers coaches and trainers need cleanup baggies ready for use in classes at athletic events and during team practice sessions E Take cleanup baggies and gloves on field trips F All cleaning supplies must be labeled regardless of container Personal Hygiene Measures", "question_text": "4. \nAfter handling soiled items, wash hands as described above. \n \n 7. \nTo Clean Blood or Body Fluid Spills (blood from nose, mouth, and skin lesions) \n \n \nA. Put on gloves. \n \nB. Use disposable wipes, cotton balls, or gauze pads which have been immersed in 3% peroxide. \n \nC. Proceed to clean blood spills with the solution soaked materials. \n \nD. Place soiled materials in a plastic bag for disposal. \n \nE. Remove gloves, include with soiled materials and discard. \n \nF. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 8. \nToileting and Diapering \n \n \nA. Toileting and toilet training equipment should be maintained in a sanitary condition. \n \nB. Diaper changing surfaces should be nonporous and sanitized between uses for different children. \n \nC. Soiled disposable diapers or soiled disposable wiping cloths should be disposed of in a secure plastic lined \ncontainer. \n \nD. Diapers should be able to contain urine and stool and minimize fecal contamination of the children, providers, and \nenvironmental surfaces and objects. \n \nE. Diapers should have an absorbent inner lining attached to an outer covering made of waterproof material that pre-\nvents escape of feces and urine. Outer and inner lining must be changed as a unit and not reused. \n \nF. Fecal contents may be placed in toilet, but diapers must not be rinsed. Preferably, dispose of diaper and contents \nas a total unit. \n \nG. Diaper changing areas should never be located in food preparation areas and should never be used for temporary \nplacement of foods. \n \n 9. \nPotty Chairs \n \n \nA. Potty chairs must be emptied into a toilet after each use, cleaned in a utility sink, and disinfected after each use. \n \nB. Gloves should be used if wiping a child. Leave gloves on until cleaning procedure is finished. \n \nC. Staff should sanitize potty chairs, flush toilets, and diaper changing areas with the household bleach solution or \nViroGuard-Q solution. \n \nD. Wash hands as described above. \n \n 10. \nSleeping Equipment \n \n \nA. Each item should be used by only one child. \n \nB. The sleeping equipment should be cleaned and sanitized prior to assignment to another child. \n \nC. Crib mattresses should be cleaned and sanitized when soiled or wet. \n \nD. Sleeping mats should be stored so that contact with the surface of another mat does not occur. \n \nE. Bedding should be assigned to each child and cleaned when soiled or wet. \n \n 11. \nGeneral Information \n \n \nA. CPR - Use disposable mouth piece and/or face shield (will be kept in the clinic). \n \nB. ViroGuard-Q will be requested from the school and kept in the clinic in a spray bottle, ready for use. \n \nC. Prepare a \"cleanup baggie\" by placing in a baggie a towelette moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Keep cleanup \nbaggie and gloves in your desk or pocket. Use for recess or duty, if not used pass it to the next person on the duty \nschedule. \n \nD. P.E. teachers, coaches, and trainers need cleanup baggies ready for use in classes, at athletic events, and during \nteam practice sessions. \n \nE. Take cleanup baggies and gloves on field trips. \n \nF. All cleaning supplies must be labeled regardless of container. \n \n 12. \nPersonal Hygiene Measures", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 89, "standardized_text": "A Wash hands in soap and water immediately after evacuating bowels or bladder and always before handling food or eating B Keep hands and unclean articles or utensils that have been used for bodily purposes by others away from the mouth eyes nose ears and wounds C Avoid using common or unclean eating utensils drinking cups towels combs handkerchiefs or disposable tissues D Avoid exposure to other persons spray from the nose or mouth as in coughing sneezing laughing or talking E Wash hands thoroughly after handling another persons belongings MEDICAL MARIJUANA INTRODUCTION Regardless of a student employee parent or any individuals status as a medical marijuana licenses holder marijuana is not allowed on the premises of the district or in any school vehicle or any vehicle transporting a student under any circumstances While the use of medical marijuana in conjunction with the possession of a medical marijuana license is legal in the State of Oklahoma marijuana is a prohibited controlled substance under federal law regardless of the use being for medical purposes Accordingly possession of marijuana by a student employee parent or any individual notwithstanding the possession of a medical marijuana license is strictly prohibited while on the premises of the district and in school vehicles going to and from sponsored functions events and athletic activities which occur in a location other than the premises of the district utilizing district equipment or transportation and in any other instance in connection with the district where the district reasonably deems the possession of marijuana to be illegal In the event that a student employee parent or any individual is found to possess or to have possessed marijuana in any of the instances stated above the district will proceed with all actions and consequences that are afforded under any state or federal law employment contract district policy student handbook provision or any other authority applicable to or adopted by the district Definitions The terms marijuana and possession of marijuana will be interpreted by the district in accordance with state and federal law The term marijuana includes but is not limited to any form of marijuana all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L whether growing or not marijuana seeds marijuana oil extract resin or residue cannabidiol in any form and marijuana edibles Any conflict between state and federal law as to the definition of marijuana or possession of marijuana will be interpreted in favor of federal law Nondiscrimination There will be no discrimination in the district because of an individuals status as medical marijuana license holder Overlap With Other District Policies The district recognizes that the legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana are new and possibly subject to change These legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana effect many areas of the districts current policies regarding employees students parents and individuals on district premises or attending district events The district will continue to enforce its current adopted policies As the need arises with changes in state andor federal law the district will consider andor examine district policies in order to assess whether revisions if any may be needed to a district policy in order to comply with state and federal law Employees", "question_text": "A. Wash hands in soap and water immediately after evacuating bowels or bladder and always before handling food or \neating. \n \nB. Keep hands and unclean articles or utensils that have been used for bodily purposes by others away from the \nmouth, eyes, nose, ears, and wounds. \n \nC. Avoid using common or unclean eating utensils, drinking cups, towels, combs, handkerchiefs or disposable tissues. \n \nD. Avoid exposure to other persons' spray from the nose or mouth as in coughing, sneezing, laughing, or talking. \n \nE. Wash hands thoroughly after handling another person's belongings. \n \n \nMEDICAL MARIJUANA \nINTRODUCTION \nRegardless of a student, employee, parent or any individual\u2019s status as a medical marijuana licenses holder, \nmarijuana is not allowed on the premises of the district or in any school vehicle or any vehicle transporting a \nstudent under any circumstances. While the use of medical marijuana in conjunction with the possession of a \nmedical marijuana license is legal in the State of Oklahoma, marijuana is a prohibited controlled substance \nunder federal law regardless of the use being for medical purposes. Accordingly, possession of marijuana by a \nstudent, employee, parent or any individual, notwithstanding the possession of a medical marijuana license, is \nstrictly prohibited while on the premises of the district and in school vehicles; going to and from sponsored \nfunctions, events, and athletic activities which occur in a location other than the premises of the district; \nutilizing district equipment or transportation; and in any other instance in connection with the district where the \ndistrict reasonably deems the possession of marijuana to be illegal. \n \nIn the event that a student, employee, parent or any individual is found to possess or to have possessed \nmarijuana in any of the instances stated above, the district will proceed with all actions and consequences that \nare afforded under any state or federal law, employment contract, district policy, student handbook provision, or \nany other authority applicable to or adopted by the district. \n \nDefinitions \n \nThe terms \u201cmarijuana\u201d and \u201cpossession of marijuana\u201d will be interpreted by the district in accordance with state \nand federal law. The term \u201cmarijuana\u201d includes, but is not limited to, any form of marijuana; all parts of the \nplant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not; marijuana seeds; marijuana oil, extract, resin, or residue; \ncannabidiol in any form; and marijuana edibles. Any conflict between state and federal law as to the definition \nof \u201cmarijuana\u201d or \u201cpossession of marijuana\u201d will be interpreted in favor of federal law. \n \nNondiscrimination \n \nThere will be no discrimination in the district because of an individual\u2019s status as medical marijuana license \nholder. \n \nOverlap With Other District Policies \n \nThe district recognizes that the legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana are new and possibly \nsubject to change. These legal aspects and consequences of medical marijuana effect many areas of the district\u2019s \ncurrent policies regarding employees, students, parents and individuals on district premises or attending district \nevents. The district will continue to enforce its current adopted policies. As the need arises with changes in state \nand/or federal law, the district will consider and/or examine district policies in order to assess whether revisions, \nif any, may be needed to a district policy in order to comply with state and federal law. \n \n \nEmployees", "answerable_text": ""}, {"index": "paragraph-0", "filename": "employee_handbook_print_1.pdf", "page_num": 90, "standardized_text": "Employees of the district are expected to comply with state and federal law at all times as a term of their continued employment with the district In that regard employees are hereby notified that any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana regardless of whether his or her state has passed legislation authorizing marijuana use for medicinal or recreational purposes is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance and is prohibited by federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition See Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosive ATF open letter to all federal firearms licensees download Employees are expected to adhere to any and all open letters formal opinions directives or any other instruction provided by federal or state agencies regarding state andor federal law DISCLAIMER The Tannehill Board of Education does not intend that the contents of this policy manual will in any way constitute an employment contract and is not to be construed as an extension of any employment contract All policies regulations procedures and exhibits contained herein are subject to change as the board of education deems necessary and appropriate Final interpretation and application of any statement herein is within the discretion of the board of education", "question_text": "Employees of the district are expected to comply with state and federal law at all times as a term of their \ncontinued employment with the district. In that regard, employees are hereby notified that any person who uses \nor is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her state has passed legislation authorizing marijuana \nuse for medicinal or recreational purposes, is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance and is \nprohibited by federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms \nand Explosive (ATF) open letter to all federal firearms licensees (https://www.atf.gov/file/6021 1/download). \nEmployees are expected to adhere to any and all open letters, formal opinions, directives, or any other \ninstruction provided by federal or state agencies regarding state and/or federal law. \n \nDISCLAIMER \nThe Tannehill Board of Education does not intend that the contents of this policy manual will in any way constitute an \nemployment contract and is not to be construed as an extension of any employment contract. All policies, regulations, \nprocedures, and exhibits contained herein are subject to change as the board of education deems necessary and appropriate. \nFinal interpretation and application of any statement herein is within the discretion of the board of education.", "answerable_text": ""}]