import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objs as go import as pio def calculate_fat_free_mass(weight_kg, body_fat_percentage): """ Calculate fat-free mass in kilograms. :param weight_kg: Weight in kilograms [kg]. :param body_fat_percentage: Body fat percentage [%]. :return: Fat-free mass in kilograms [kg]. """ fat_free_mass = weight_kg * (1 - (body_fat_percentage / 100)) return fat_free_mass def calculate_ffmi(fat_free_mass_kg, height_m): """ Calculate FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index). :param fat_free_mass_kg: Fat-free mass in kilograms [kg]. :param height_m: Height in meters [m]. :return: FFMI in kg/m². """ ffmi = fat_free_mass_kg / (height_m ** 2) return ffmi def plot_ffmi_curves(height_m, gender): """ Generate a plot of FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) curves based on weight and body fat percentage for a specified gender. :param height_m: Height of the individual in meters [m]. :param gender: Gender of the individual ('Male' or 'Female'), which determines the FFMI ranges used for categorization. :return: A Plotly Figure object containing the scatter plot of FFMI curves. """ weight_kg_range = np.linspace(45, 160, 100, endpoint=True) body_fat_percentage_range = np.linspace(1, 50, 100, endpoint=True) if gender == "Male": ffmi_ranges = [ {"min": 0, "max": 18, "description": "Below average", "color": "blue"}, {"min": 18, "max": 20, "description": "Average", "color": "green"}, {"min": 20, "max": 22, "description": "Above average", "color": "yellow"}, {"min": 22, "max": 23, "description": "Excellent", "color": "orange"}, {"min": 23, "max": 26, "description": "Superior", "color": "red"}, {"min": 26, "max": 28, "description": "Suspicion of FAKEE", "color": "purple"}, {"min": 28, "max": float("inf"), "description": "FAKEE", "color": "black"} ] else: ffmi_ranges = [ {"min": 0, "max": 15, "description": "Below average", "color": "blue"}, {"min": 15, "max": 17, "description": "Average", "color": "green"}, {"min": 17, "max": 18, "description": "Above average", "color": "yellow"}, {"min": 18, "max": 19, "description": "Excellent", "color": "orange"}, {"min": 19, "max": 21.5, "description": "Superior", "color": "red"}, {"min": 21.5, "max": 25, "description": "Suspicion of FAKEE", "color": "purple"}, {"min": 25, "max": float("inf"), "description": "FAKEE", "color": "black"} ] fig = go.Figure() for ffmi_range in ffmi_ranges: weight_kg_values = [] body_fat_values = [] ffmi_values = [] for weight in weight_kg_range: for body_fat_percentage in body_fat_percentage_range: fat_free_mass = calculate_fat_free_mass(weight, body_fat_percentage) ffmi = calculate_ffmi(fat_free_mass, height_m) if ffmi_range["min"] <= ffmi < ffmi_range["max"]: weight_kg_values.append(weight) body_fat_values.append(body_fat_percentage) ffmi_values.append(ffmi) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=weight_kg_values, y=body_fat_values, mode='markers', name=ffmi_range["description"], marker=dict( color=ffmi_range.get("marker_color", ffmi_range["color"]), size=5, opacity=0.6, line=dict(color=ffmi_range.get("line_color", ffmi_range["color"])) ), hovertext=[ f'FFMI: {ffmi:.2f}
Weight: {weight_kg:.2f}
BodyFat: {body_fat:.2f}
{ffmi_range["description"]}' for ffmi,weight_kg, body_fat in zip(ffmi_values, weight_kg_values, body_fat_values)], hoverinfo='text' )) fig.update_layout( title='FFMI Curves for Different Body Fat Percentages and Weight', xaxis_title='Weight (kg)', yaxis_title='Body Fat Percentage (%)', legend_title='FFMI Range', hovermode='closest', template='plotly_dark' ) return fig