Voice-Clone / app.py
Yhhxhfh's picture
Update app.py
f3c059c verified
import csv
import datetime
import os
import re
import time
import uuid
from io import StringIO
import gradio as gr
import spaces
import torch
import torchaudio
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, hf_hub_download, snapshot_download
from TTS.tts.configs.xtts_config import XttsConfig
from TTS.tts.models.xtts import Xtts
from vinorm import TTSnorm
from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
app = FastAPI()
os.system("python -m unidic download")
HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN")
api = HfApi(token=HF_TOKEN)
print("Downloading if not downloaded viXTTS")
checkpoint_dir = "model/"
repo_id = "capleaf/viXTTS"
use_deepspeed = False
os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir, exist_ok=True)
required_files = ["model.pth", "config.json", "vocab.json", "speakers_xtts.pth"]
files_in_dir = os.listdir(checkpoint_dir)
if not all(file in files_in_dir for file in required_files):
xtts_config = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "config.json")
config = XttsConfig()
MODEL = Xtts.init_from_config(config)
config, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, use_deepspeed=use_deepspeed
if torch.cuda.is_available():
supported_languages = config.languages
if not "vi" in supported_languages:
def normalize_vietnamese_text(text):
text = (
TTSnorm(text, unknown=False, lower=False, rule=True)
.replace("..", ".")
.replace("!.", "!")
.replace("?.", "?")
.replace(" .", ".")
.replace(" ,", ",")
.replace('"', "")
.replace("'", "")
.replace("AI", "Ây Ai")
.replace("A.I", "Ây Ai")
return text
def calculate_keep_len(text, lang):
if lang in ["ja", "zh-cn"]:
return -1
word_count = len(text.split())
num_punct = text.count(".") + text.count("!") + text.count("?") + text.count(",")
if word_count < 5:
return 15000 * word_count + 2000 * num_punct
elif word_count < 10:
return 13000 * word_count + 2000 * num_punct
return -1
def predict(prompt, language, audio_file_pth, normalize_text=True):
if language not in supported_languages:
metrics_text = gr.Warning(f"Language you put {language} in is not in is not in our Supported Languages, please choose from dropdown")
return (None, metrics_text)
speaker_wav = audio_file_pth
if len(prompt) < 2:
metrics_text = gr.Warning("Please give a longer prompt text")
return (None, metrics_text)
if len(prompt) > 250:
metrics_text = gr.Warning(str(len(prompt)) + " characters.\n" + "Your prompt is too long, please keep it under 250 characters\n" + "Văn bản quá dài, vui lòng giữ dưới 250 ký tự.")
return (None, metrics_text)
metrics_text = ""
t_latent = time.time()
(gpt_cond_latent, speaker_embedding) = MODEL.get_conditioning_latents(audio_path=speaker_wav, gpt_cond_len=30, gpt_cond_chunk_len=4, max_ref_length=60)
except Exception as e:
print("Speaker encoding error", str(e))
metrics_text = gr.Warning("It appears something wrong with reference, did you unmute your microphone?")
return (None, metrics_text)
prompt = re.sub("([^\x00-\x7F]|\w)(\.|\。|\?)", r"\1 \2\2", prompt)
if normalize_text and language == "vi":
prompt = normalize_vietnamese_text(prompt)
print("I: Generating new audio...")
t0 = time.time()
out = MODEL.inference(prompt, language, gpt_cond_latent, speaker_embedding, repetition_penalty=5.0, temperature=0.75, enable_text_splitting=True)
inference_time = time.time() - t0
print(f"I: Time to generate audio: {round(inference_time*1000)} milliseconds")
metrics_text += f"Time to generate audio: {round(inference_time*1000)} milliseconds\n"
real_time_factor = (time.time() - t0) / out["wav"].shape[-1] * 24000
print(f"Real-time factor (RTF): {real_time_factor}")
metrics_text += f"Real-time factor (RTF): {real_time_factor:.2f}\n"
keep_len = calculate_keep_len(prompt, language)
out["wav"] = out["wav"][:keep_len]
torchaudio.save("output.wav", torch.tensor(out["wav"]).unsqueeze(0), 24000)
except RuntimeError as e:
if "device-side assert" in str(e):
print(f"Exit due to: Unrecoverable exception caused by language:{language} prompt:{prompt}", flush=True)
gr.Warning("Unhandled Exception encounter, please retry in a minute")
print("Cuda device-assert Runtime encountered need restart")
error_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S")
error_data = [error_time, prompt, language, audio_file_pth]
error_data = [str(e) if type(e) != str else e for e in error_data]
write_io = StringIO()
csv_upload = write_io.getvalue().encode()
filename = error_time + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".csv"
print("Writing error csv")
error_api = HfApi()
error_api.upload_file(path_or_fileobj=csv_upload, path_in_repo=filename, repo_id="coqui/xtts-flagged-dataset", repo_type="dataset")
print("Writing error reference audio")
speaker_filename = error_time + "_reference_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".wav"
error_api = HfApi()
error_api.upload_file(path_or_fileobj=speaker_wav, path_in_repo=speaker_filename, repo_id="coqui/xtts-flagged-dataset", repo_type="dataset")
space = api.get_space_runtime(repo_id=repo_id)
if space.stage != "BUILDING":
print("TRIED TO RESTART but space is building")
if "Failed to decode" in str(e):
print("Speaker encoding error", str(e))
metrics_text = gr.Warning(metrics_text="It appears something wrong with reference, did you unmute your microphone?")
print("RuntimeError: non device-side assert error:", str(e))
metrics_text = gr.Warning("Something unexpected happened please retry again.")
return (None, metrics_text)
return ("output.wav", metrics_text)
async def api_synthesize(prompt: str, language: str = "vi", audio_file: UploadFile = File(...)):
audio_file_path = f"temp_{uuid.uuid4()}.wav"
with open(audio_file_path, "wb") as f:
f.write(await audio_file.read())
audio_output_path, metrics_text = predict(prompt, language, audio_file_path)
return FileResponse(audio_output_path, media_type="audio/wav")
with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
# viXTTS Demo ✨
- Github: https://github.com/thinhlpg/vixtts-demo/
- viVoice: https://github.com/thinhlpg/viVoice
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_text_gr = gr.Textbox(label="Text Prompt (Văn bản cần đọc)", info="Mỗi câu nên từ 10 từ trở lên. Tối đa 250 ký tự (khoảng 2 - 3 câu).", value="Xin chào, tôi là một mô hình chuyển đổi văn bản thành giọng nói tiếng Việt.")
language_gr = gr.Dropdown(label="Language (Ngôn ngữ)", choices=["vi", "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt", "pl", "tr", "ru", "nl", "cs", "ar", "zh-cn", "ja", "ko", "hu", "hi"], max_choices=1, value="vi")
normalize_text = gr.Checkbox(label="Chuẩn hóa văn bản tiếng Việt", info="Normalize Vietnamese text", value=True)
ref_gr = gr.Audio(label="Reference Audio (Giọng mẫu)", type="filepath", value="model/samples/nu-luu-loat.wav")
tts_button = gr.Button("Đọc 🗣️🔥", elem_id="send-btn", visible=True, variant="primary")
with gr.Column():
audio_gr = gr.Audio(label="Synthesised Audio", autoplay=True)
out_text_gr = gr.Text(label="Metrics")
[input_text_gr, language_gr, ref_gr, normalize_text],
outputs=[audio_gr, out_text_gr],
demo.launch(debug=True, show_api=True, share=True, server_name="", server_port=7860)