# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # pyre-unsafe import logging import numpy as np from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import cv2 import torch from densepose.structures import DensePoseDataRelative from ..structures import DensePoseChartResult from .base import Boxes, Image, MatrixVisualizer class DensePoseResultsVisualizer: def visualize( self, image_bgr: Image, results_and_boxes_xywh: Tuple[Optional[List[DensePoseChartResult]], Optional[Boxes]], ) -> Image: densepose_result, boxes_xywh = results_and_boxes_xywh if densepose_result is None or boxes_xywh is None: return image_bgr boxes_xywh = boxes_xywh.cpu().numpy() context = self.create_visualization_context(image_bgr) for i, result in enumerate(densepose_result): iuv_array = torch.cat( (result.labels[None].type(torch.float32), result.uv * 255.0) ).type(torch.uint8) self.visualize_iuv_arr(context, iuv_array.cpu().numpy(), boxes_xywh[i]) image_bgr = self.context_to_image_bgr(context) return image_bgr def create_visualization_context(self, image_bgr: Image): return image_bgr def visualize_iuv_arr(self, context, iuv_arr: np.ndarray, bbox_xywh) -> None: pass def context_to_image_bgr(self, context): return context def get_image_bgr_from_context(self, context): return context class DensePoseMaskedColormapResultsVisualizer(DensePoseResultsVisualizer): def __init__( self, data_extractor, segm_extractor, inplace=True, cmap=cv2.COLORMAP_PARULA, alpha=0.7, val_scale=1.0, **kwargs, ): self.mask_visualizer = MatrixVisualizer( inplace=inplace, cmap=cmap, val_scale=val_scale, alpha=alpha ) self.data_extractor = data_extractor self.segm_extractor = segm_extractor def context_to_image_bgr(self, context): return context def visualize_iuv_arr(self, context, iuv_arr: np.ndarray, bbox_xywh) -> None: image_bgr = self.get_image_bgr_from_context(context) matrix = self.data_extractor(iuv_arr) segm = self.segm_extractor(iuv_arr) mask = np.zeros(matrix.shape, dtype=np.uint8) mask[segm > 0] = 1 image_bgr = self.mask_visualizer.visualize(image_bgr, mask, matrix, bbox_xywh) def _extract_i_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr): return iuv_arr[0, :, :] def _extract_u_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr): return iuv_arr[1, :, :] def _extract_v_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr): return iuv_arr[2, :, :] class DensePoseResultsMplContourVisualizer(DensePoseResultsVisualizer): def __init__(self, levels=10, **kwargs): self.levels = levels self.plot_args = kwargs def create_visualization_context(self, image_bgr: Image): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas context = {} context["image_bgr"] = image_bgr dpi = 100 height_inches = float(image_bgr.shape[0]) / dpi width_inches = float(image_bgr.shape[1]) / dpi fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width_inches, height_inches), dpi=dpi) plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) plt.axis("off") context["fig"] = fig canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) context["canvas"] = canvas extent = (0, image_bgr.shape[1], image_bgr.shape[0], 0) plt.imshow(image_bgr[:, :, ::-1], extent=extent) return context def context_to_image_bgr(self, context): fig = context["fig"] w, h = map(int, fig.get_size_inches() * fig.get_dpi()) canvas = context["canvas"] canvas.draw() image_1d = np.fromstring(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype="uint8") image_rgb = image_1d.reshape(h, w, 3) image_bgr = image_rgb[:, :, ::-1].copy() return image_bgr def visualize_iuv_arr(self, context, iuv_arr: np.ndarray, bbox_xywh: Boxes) -> None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt u = _extract_u_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr).astype(float) / 255.0 v = _extract_v_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr).astype(float) / 255.0 extent = ( bbox_xywh[0], bbox_xywh[0] + bbox_xywh[2], bbox_xywh[1], bbox_xywh[1] + bbox_xywh[3], ) plt.contour(u, self.levels, extent=extent, **self.plot_args) plt.contour(v, self.levels, extent=extent, **self.plot_args) class DensePoseResultsCustomContourVisualizer(DensePoseResultsVisualizer): """ Contour visualization using marching squares """ def __init__(self, levels=10, **kwargs): # TODO: colormap is hardcoded cmap = cv2.COLORMAP_PARULA if isinstance(levels, int): self.levels = np.linspace(0, 1, levels) else: self.levels = levels if "linewidths" in kwargs: self.linewidths = kwargs["linewidths"] else: self.linewidths = [1] * len(self.levels) self.plot_args = kwargs img_colors_bgr = cv2.applyColorMap((self.levels * 255).astype(np.uint8), cmap) self.level_colors_bgr = [ [int(v) for v in img_color_bgr.ravel()] for img_color_bgr in img_colors_bgr ] def visualize_iuv_arr(self, context, iuv_arr: np.ndarray, bbox_xywh: Boxes) -> None: image_bgr = self.get_image_bgr_from_context(context) segm = _extract_i_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr) u = _extract_u_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr).astype(float) / 255.0 v = _extract_v_from_iuvarr(iuv_arr).astype(float) / 255.0 self._contours(image_bgr, u, segm, bbox_xywh) self._contours(image_bgr, v, segm, bbox_xywh) def _contours(self, image_bgr, arr, segm, bbox_xywh): for part_idx in range(1, DensePoseDataRelative.N_PART_LABELS + 1): mask = segm == part_idx if not np.any(mask): continue arr_min = np.amin(arr[mask]) arr_max = np.amax(arr[mask]) I, J = np.nonzero(mask) i0 = np.amin(I) i1 = np.amax(I) + 1 j0 = np.amin(J) j1 = np.amax(J) + 1 if (j1 == j0 + 1) or (i1 == i0 + 1): continue Nw = arr.shape[1] - 1 Nh = arr.shape[0] - 1 for level_idx, level in enumerate(self.levels): if (level < arr_min) or (level > arr_max): continue vp = arr[i0:i1, j0:j1] >= level bin_codes = vp[:-1, :-1] + vp[1:, :-1] * 2 + vp[1:, 1:] * 4 + vp[:-1, 1:] * 8 mp = mask[i0:i1, j0:j1] bin_mask_codes = mp[:-1, :-1] + mp[1:, :-1] * 2 + mp[1:, 1:] * 4 + mp[:-1, 1:] * 8 it = np.nditer(bin_codes, flags=["multi_index"]) color_bgr = self.level_colors_bgr[level_idx] linewidth = self.linewidths[level_idx] while not it.finished: if (it[0] != 0) and (it[0] != 15): i, j = it.multi_index if bin_mask_codes[i, j] != 0: self._draw_line( image_bgr, arr, mask, level, color_bgr, linewidth, it[0], it.multi_index, bbox_xywh, Nw, Nh, (i0, j0), ) it.iternext() def _draw_line( self, image_bgr, arr, mask, v, color_bgr, linewidth, bin_code, multi_idx, bbox_xywh, Nw, Nh, offset, ): lines = self._bin_code_2_lines(arr, v, bin_code, multi_idx, Nw, Nh, offset) x0, y0, w, h = bbox_xywh x1 = x0 + w y1 = y0 + h for line in lines: x0r, y0r = line[0] x1r, y1r = line[1] pt0 = (int(x0 + x0r * (x1 - x0)), int(y0 + y0r * (y1 - y0))) pt1 = (int(x0 + x1r * (x1 - x0)), int(y0 + y1r * (y1 - y0))) cv2.line(image_bgr, pt0, pt1, color_bgr, linewidth) def _bin_code_2_lines(self, arr, v, bin_code, multi_idx, Nw, Nh, offset): i0, j0 = offset i, j = multi_idx i += i0 j += j0 v0, v1, v2, v3 = arr[i, j], arr[i + 1, j], arr[i + 1, j + 1], arr[i, j + 1] x0i = float(j) / Nw y0j = float(i) / Nh He = 1.0 / Nh We = 1.0 / Nw if (bin_code == 1) or (bin_code == 14): a = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) b = (v - v0) / (v3 - v0) pt1 = (x0i, y0j + a * He) pt2 = (x0i + b * We, y0j) return [(pt1, pt2)] elif (bin_code == 2) or (bin_code == 13): a = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) b = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) pt1 = (x0i, y0j + a * He) pt2 = (x0i + b * We, y0j + He) return [(pt1, pt2)] elif (bin_code == 3) or (bin_code == 12): a = (v - v0) / (v3 - v0) b = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) pt1 = (x0i + a * We, y0j) pt2 = (x0i + b * We, y0j + He) return [(pt1, pt2)] elif (bin_code == 4) or (bin_code == 11): a = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) b = (v - v3) / (v2 - v3) pt1 = (x0i + a * We, y0j + He) pt2 = (x0i + We, y0j + b * He) return [(pt1, pt2)] elif (bin_code == 6) or (bin_code == 9): a = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) b = (v - v3) / (v2 - v3) pt1 = (x0i, y0j + a * He) pt2 = (x0i + We, y0j + b * He) return [(pt1, pt2)] elif (bin_code == 7) or (bin_code == 8): a = (v - v0) / (v3 - v0) b = (v - v3) / (v2 - v3) pt1 = (x0i + a * We, y0j) pt2 = (x0i + We, y0j + b * He) return [(pt1, pt2)] elif bin_code == 5: a1 = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) b1 = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) pt11 = (x0i, y0j + a1 * He) pt12 = (x0i + b1 * We, y0j + He) a2 = (v - v0) / (v3 - v0) b2 = (v - v3) / (v2 - v3) pt21 = (x0i + a2 * We, y0j) pt22 = (x0i + We, y0j + b2 * He) return [(pt11, pt12), (pt21, pt22)] elif bin_code == 10: a1 = (v - v0) / (v3 - v0) b1 = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0) pt11 = (x0i + a1 * We, y0j) pt12 = (x0i, y0j + b1 * He) a2 = (v - v1) / (v2 - v1) b2 = (v - v3) / (v2 - v3) pt21 = (x0i + a2 * We, y0j + He) pt22 = (x0i + We, y0j + b2 * He) return [(pt11, pt12), (pt21, pt22)] return [] try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") DensePoseResultsContourVisualizer = DensePoseResultsMplContourVisualizer except ModuleNotFoundError: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warning("Could not import matplotlib, using custom contour visualizer") DensePoseResultsContourVisualizer = DensePoseResultsCustomContourVisualizer class DensePoseResultsFineSegmentationVisualizer(DensePoseMaskedColormapResultsVisualizer): def __init__(self, inplace=True, cmap=cv2.COLORMAP_PARULA, alpha=0.7, **kwargs): super(DensePoseResultsFineSegmentationVisualizer, self).__init__( _extract_i_from_iuvarr, _extract_i_from_iuvarr, inplace, cmap, alpha, val_scale=255.0 / DensePoseDataRelative.N_PART_LABELS, **kwargs, ) class DensePoseResultsUVisualizer(DensePoseMaskedColormapResultsVisualizer): def __init__(self, inplace=True, cmap=cv2.COLORMAP_PARULA, alpha=0.7, **kwargs): super(DensePoseResultsUVisualizer, self).__init__( _extract_u_from_iuvarr, _extract_i_from_iuvarr, inplace, cmap, alpha, val_scale=1.0, **kwargs, ) class DensePoseResultsVVisualizer(DensePoseMaskedColormapResultsVisualizer): def __init__(self, inplace=True, cmap=cv2.COLORMAP_PARULA, alpha=0.7, **kwargs): super(DensePoseResultsVVisualizer, self).__init__( _extract_v_from_iuvarr, _extract_i_from_iuvarr, inplace, cmap, alpha, val_scale=1.0, **kwargs, )