import sys import subprocess from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union from functools import lru_cache from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum, auto import webbrowser import tempfile import os @dataclass(frozen=True) class WebApp: code: Code def run(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, suffix='.html') as f: f.write(self.code.content)'file://' + print(f"Opened WebApp in default browser. Temporary file: {}") @dataclass(frozen=True) class GradioApp: code: Code def run(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, suffix='.py') as f: f.write(self.code.content)[sys.executable,]) os.unlink( @dataclass(frozen=True) class StreamlitApp: code: Code def run(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, suffix='.py') as f: f.write(self.code.content)[sys.executable, "-m", "streamlit", "run",]) os.unlink( @dataclass(frozen=True) class ReactApp: code: Code def run(self): print("To run a React app, you need to set up a proper React environment.") print("Here's how you might typically run a React app:") print("1. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed") print("2. Create a new React app: npx create-react-app my-app") print("3. Replace the contents of src/App.js with the generated code") print("4. Run the app: npm start") print("\nHere's the code for your App.js:") print(self.code.content) class AppFactory: @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def create_prompt(app_type: AppType, app_info: AppInfo) -> Prompt: return Prompt( content=f""" Create a {} web application with the following details: Name: {} Description: {app_info.description} Features: {', '.join(app_info.features)} Dependencies: {', '.join(app_info.dependencies)} Space: { if else 'N/A'} Tutorial: {app_info.tutorial.content if app_info.tutorial else 'N/A'} Please generate the code for this application. """ ) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def create_space(app_info: AppInfo) -> Space: return Space( content=f""" {} {app_info.description} Features: {', '.join(app_info.features)} Dependencies: {', '.join(app_info.dependencies)} """ ) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def create_app_type_prompt(app_type: AppType, app_info: AppInfo) -> Prompt: return Prompt( content=f""" Is the following web application a {}? {} {app_info.description} Features: {', '.join(app_info.features)} Dependencies: {', '.join(app_info.dependencies)} Please answer with either "Yes" or "No". """ ) @staticmethod def get_app(app_type: AppType, app_info: AppInfo) -> App: app_creators = { AppType.WEB_APP: AppFactory._create_web_app, AppType.GRADIO_APP: AppFactory._create_gradio_app, AppType.STREAMLIT_APP: AppFactory._create_streamlit_app, AppType.REACT_APP: AppFactory._create_react_app, } return app_creators[app_type](app_info) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def _create_web_app(app_info: AppInfo) -> WebApp: code = Code( content=f""" {}



""", language="html" ) return WebApp(code=code) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def _create_gradio_app(app_info: AppInfo) -> GradioApp: code = Code( content=f""" import gradio as gr def greet(name): return f"Hello, {{name}}!" demo = gr.Interface(greet, "text", "text") if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch() """, language="python" ) return GradioApp(code=code) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def _create_streamlit_app(app_info: AppInfo) -> StreamlitApp: code = Code( content=f""" import streamlit as st st.title('{}') st.write('{app_info.description}') """, language="python" ) return StreamlitApp(code=code) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def _create_react_app(app_info: AppInfo) -> ReactApp: code = Code( content=f""" import React from 'react'; function App() {{ return (



); }} export default App; """, language="javascript" ) return ReactApp(code=code) @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def parse_tutorial(app_info: AppInfo) -> Tutorial: return Tutorial( content=f""" ## {} Tutorial **Introduction** {app_info.description} **Prerequisites** * Basic knowledge of web development * Familiarity with {', '.join(app_info.dependencies)} **Steps** {chr(10).join(f"{i+1}. {feature}" for i, feature in enumerate(app_info.features))} **Conclusion** Congratulations! You have successfully created a {} application. """ ) @staticmethod def generate_files(app_type: AppType, app_info: AppInfo) -> List[File]: app = AppFactory.get_app(app_type, app_info) file_name = { AppType.WEB_APP: "index.html", AppType.GRADIO_APP: "", AppType.STREAMLIT_APP: "", AppType.REACT_APP: "App.js", }[app_type] return [File(name=file_name, content=app.code.content, language=app.code.language)] @staticmethod def run_app(app: App): if __name__ == "__main__": app_info = AppInfo( name="My Cool App", description="A simple web application", features=["Feature 1", "Feature 2", "Feature 3"], dependencies=["Python", "JavaScript"], ) # Create and run a WebApp web_app = AppFactory.get_app(AppType.WEB_APP, app_info) AppFactory.run_app(web_app) # Create and run a GradioApp gradio_app = AppFactory.get_app(AppType.GRADIO_APP, app_info) AppFactory.run_app(gradio_app) # Create and run a StreamlitApp streamlit_app = AppFactory.get_app(AppType.STREAMLIT_APP, app_info) AppFactory.run_app(streamlit_app) # Create and display info for a ReactApp react_app = AppFactory.get_app(AppType.REACT_APP, app_info) AppFactory.run_app(react_app)