import os import subprocess from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient import gradio as gr import random import prompts import time from typing import List, Dict from gensim import corpora, models from gensim.summarization import summarize # Simulated agent and tool libraries AGENT_TYPES = [ "Task Executor", "Information Retriever", "Decision Maker", "Data Analyzer", ] TOOL_TYPES = [ "Web Scraper", "Database Connector", "API Caller", "File Handler", "Text Processor", ] # Initialize Hugging Face client client = InferenceClient("mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1") VERBOSE = False MAX_HISTORY = 100 MODEL = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1" # Import necessary prompts and functions from the existing code from prompts import ( ACTION_PROMPT, ADD_PROMPT, COMPRESS_HISTORY_PROMPT, LOG_PROMPT, LOG_RESPONSE, MODIFY_PROMPT, PREFIX, READ_PROMPT, TASK_PROMPT, UNDERSTAND_TEST_RESULTS_PROMPT, ) from .utils import parse_action, parse_file_content, read_python_module_structure from flask import Flask, request, jsonify class Agent: def __init__(self, name: str, agent_type: str, complexity: int): = name self.type = agent_type self.complexity = complexity = [] def add_tool(self, tool): def __str__(self): return f"{} ({self.type}) - Complexity: {self.complexity}" class Tool: def __init__(self, name: str, tool_type: str): = name self.type = tool_type def __str__(self): return f"{} ({self.type})" class Pypelyne: def __init__(self): self.agents: List[Agent] = [] List[Tool] = [] self.history = "" self.task = None self.purpose = None = None def add_agent(self, agent: Agent): self.agents.append(agent) def add_tool(self, tool: Tool): def generate_chat_app(self): time.sleep(2) # Simulate processing time return f"Chat app generated with {len(self.agents)} agents and {len(} tools." def run_gpt(self, prompt_template, stop_tokens, max_tokens, **prompt_kwargs): content = PREFIX.format( module_summary=read_python_module_structure([0], purpose=self.purpose, ) + prompt_template.format(**prompt_kwargs) if VERBOSE: print(LOG_PROMPT.format(content)) stream = client.text_generation( prompt=content, max_new_tokens=max_tokens, stop_sequences=stop_tokens if stop_tokens else None, do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, ) resp = "".join(token for token in stream) if VERBOSE: print(LOG_RESPONSE.format(resp)) return resp def compress_history(self): resp = self.run_gpt( COMPRESS_HISTORY_PROMPT, stop_tokens=["observation:", "task:", "action:", "thought:"], max_tokens=512, task=self.task, history=self.history, ) self.history = f"observation: {resp}\n" def run_action(self, action_name, action_input): if action_name == "COMPLETE": return "Task completed." if len(self.history.split("\n")) > MAX_HISTORY: if VERBOSE: print("COMPRESSING HISTORY") self.compress_history() action_funcs = { "MAIN": self.call_main, "UPDATE-TASK": self.call_set_task, "MODIFY-FILE": self.call_modify, "READ-FILE": self.call_read, "ADD-FILE": self.call_add, "TEST": self.call_test, } if action_name not in action_funcs: return f"Unknown action: {action_name}" print(f"RUN: {action_name} {action_input}") return action_funcs[action_name](action_input) def call_main(self, action_input): resp = self.run_gpt( ACTION_PROMPT, stop_tokens=["observation:", "task:"], max_tokens=256, task=self.task, history=self.history, ) lines = resp.strip().strip("\n").split("\n") for line in lines: if line == "": continue if line.startswith("thought: "): self.history += f"{line}\n" elif line.startswith("action: "): action_name, action_input = parse_action(line) self.history += f"{line}\n" return self.run_action(action_name, action_input) return "No valid action found." def call_set_task(self, action_input): self.task = self.run_gpt( TASK_PROMPT, stop_tokens=[], max_tokens=64, task=self.task, history=self.history, ).strip("\n") self.history += f"observation: task has been updated to: {self.task}\n" return f"Task updated: {self.task}" def call_modify(self, action_input): if not os.path.exists(action_input): self.history += "observation: file does not exist\n" return "File does not exist." content = read_python_module_structure([1] f_content = ( content[action_input] if content[action_input] else "< document is empty >" ) resp = self.run_gpt( MODIFY_PROMPT, stop_tokens=["action:", "thought:", "observation:"], max_tokens=2048, task=self.task, history=self.history, file_path=action_input, file_contents=f_content, ) new_contents, description = parse_file_content(resp) if new_contents is None: self.history += "observation: failed to modify file\n" return "Failed to modify file." with open(action_input, "w") as f: f.write(new_contents) self.history += f"observation: file successfully modified\n" self.history += f"observation: {description}\n" return f"File modified: {action_input}" def call_read(self, action_input): if not os.path.exists(action_input): self.history += "observation: file does not exist\n" return "File does not exist." content = read_python_module_structure([1] f_content = ( content[action_input] if content[action_input] else "< document is empty >" ) resp = self.run_gpt( READ_PROMPT, stop_tokens=[], max_tokens=256, task=self.task, history=self.history, file_path=action_input, file_contents=f_content, ).strip("\n") self.history += f"observation: {resp}\n" return f"File read: {action_input}" def call_add(self, action_input): d = os.path.dirname(action_input) if not d.startswith( self.history += ( f"observation: files must be under directory {}\n" ) return f"Invalid directory: {d}" elif not action_input.endswith(".py"): self.history += "observation: can only write .py files\n" return "Only .py files are allowed." else: if d and not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) if not os.path.exists(action_input): resp = self.run_gpt( ADD_PROMPT, stop_tokens=["action:", "thought:", "observation:"], max_tokens=2048, task=self.task, history=self.history, file_path=action_input, ) new_contents, description = parse_file_content(resp) if new_contents is None: self.history += "observation: failed to write file\n" return "Failed to write file." with open(action_input, "w") as f: f.write(new_contents) self.history += "observation: file successfully written\n" self.history += f"observation: {description}\n" return f"File added: {action_input}" else: self.history += "observation: file already exists\n" return "File already exists." def call_test(self, action_input): result = ["python", "-m", "pytest", "--collect-only",], capture_output=True, text=True, ) if result.returncode != 0: self.history += f"observation: there are no tests! Test should be written in a test folder under {}\n" return "No tests found." result = ["python", "-m", "pytest",], capture_output=True, text=True ) if result.returncode == 0: self.history += "observation: tests pass\n" return "All tests passed." resp = self.run_gpt( UNDERSTAND_TEST_RESULTS_PROMPT, stop_tokens=[], max_tokens=256, task=self.task, history=self.history, stdout=result.stdout[:5000], stderr=result.stderr[:5000], ) self.history += f"observation: tests failed: {resp}\n" return f"Tests failed: {resp}" pypelyne = Pypelyne() def create_agent(name: str, agent_type: str, complexity: int) -> str: agent = Agent(name, agent_type, complexity) pypelyne.add_agent(agent) return f"Agent created: {agent}" def create_tool(name: str, tool_type: str) -> str: tool = Tool(name, tool_type) pypelyne.add_tool(tool) return f"Tool created: {tool}" def assign_tool(agent_name: str, tool_name: str) -> str: agent = next((a for a in pypelyne.agents if == agent_name), None) tool = next((t for t in if == tool_name), None) if agent and tool: agent.add_tool(tool) return f"Tool '{}' assigned to agent '{}'" else: return "Agent or tool not found." def generate_chat_app() -> str: return pypelyne.generate_chat_app() def list_agents() -> str: return ( "\n".join(str(agent) for agent in pypelyne.agents) or "No agents created yet." ) def list_tools() -> str: return "\n".join(str(tool) for tool in or "No tools created yet." def chat_with_pypelyne(message: str) -> str: return pypelyne.run_action("MAIN", message) def set_purpose_and_directory(purpose: str, directory: str) -> str: pypelyne.purpose = purpose = directory return f"Purpose set to: {purpose}\nWorking directory set to: {directory}" with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown("# Welcome to Pypelyne") gr.Markdown("Create your custom pipeline with agents and tools, then chat with it!") with gr.Tab("Setup"): purpose_input = gr.Textbox(label="Set Purpose") directory_input = gr.Textbox(label="Set Working Directory") setup_btn = gr.Button("Set Purpose and Directory") setup_output = gr.Textbox(label="Setup Output") set_purpose_and_directory, inputs=[purpose_input, directory_input], outputs=setup_output, ) with gr.Tab("Create Agents"): agent_name = gr.Textbox(label="Agent Name") agent_type = gr.Dropdown(choices=AGENT_TYPES, label="Agent Type") agent_complexity = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, label="Agent Complexity" ) create_agent_btn = gr.Button("Create Agent") agent_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") create_agent, inputs=[agent_name, agent_type, agent_complexity], outputs=agent_output, ) with gr.Tab("Create Tools"): tool_name = gr.Textbox(label="Tool Name") tool_type = gr.Dropdown(choices=TOOL_TYPES, label="Tool Type") create_tool_btn = gr.Button("Create Tool") tool_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") create_tool, inputs=[tool_name, tool_type], outputs=tool_output ) with gr.Tab("Assign Tools"): agent_select = gr.Dropdown(choices=[], label="Select Agent") tool_select = gr.Dropdown(choices=[], label="Select Tool") assign_tool_btn = gr.Button("Assign Tool") assign_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") assign_tool, inputs=[agent_select, tool_select], outputs=assign_output ) with gr.Tab("Generate Chat App"): generate_btn = gr.Button("Generate Chat App") generate_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output"), outputs=generate_output) with gr.Tab("Chat with Pypelyne"): chat_input = gr.Textbox(label="Your Message") chat_output = gr.Textbox(label="Pypelyne's Response") chat_btn = gr.Button("Send"), inputs=chat_input, outputs=chat_output) with gr.Tab("View Pypelyne"): view_agents_btn = gr.Button("View Agents") view_tools_btn = gr.Button("View Tools") view_output = gr.Textbox(label="Pypelyne Components"), outputs=view_output), outputs=view_output) def update_dropdowns(): return gr.Dropdown.update( choices=[ for agent in pypelyne.agents] ), gr.Dropdown.update(choices=[ for tool in]), outputs=[agent_select, tool_select]), outputs=[agent_select, tool_select]) if __name__ == "__main__": app.launch() app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/chat", methods=["POST"]) def chat(): message = request.json["message"] response = chat_with_pypelyne(message) return jsonify({"response": response}) @app.route("/agents", methods=["GET"]) def get_agents(): agents = list_agents() return jsonify({"agents": agents}) @app.route("/tools", methods=["GET"]) def get_tools(): tools = list_tools() return jsonify({"tools": tools}) if __name__ == "__main__":