import os, ast from glob import glob from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image def process_txtfile(filename): """ Read txt annotations files (designed for YOLO xywh format) Parameters: filename(str): path of the txt annotation file. Returns: segments: list of bboxes in format xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax (as image ratio) confs: list of confidences of the bboxes object detection """ segments = [] confs = [] with open(filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: # print(line) line = line.strip().split(' ') cls = int(line[0]) conf = line[5] x, y, w, h = map(float, line[1:5]) x_min = x - (w / 2) y_min = y - (h / 2) x_max = x + (w / 2) y_max = y + (h / 2) segment = [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] segments.append(segment) confs.append(conf) return segments, confs def process_jsonfile(filename): """ Read json annotations files (designed for mmdetect dict format) Parameters: filename(str): path of the json annotation file. Returns: segments: bboxes in format xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax (as px coordinates) confs: list of confidences of the bboxes object detection """ with open(filename, 'r') as file: line = file.readline().strip() dic = ast.literal_eval(line) segments = dic['bboxes'] confs = dic['scores'] # labels = dic['labels'] return segments, confs def lerp_color(color1, color2, t): """ Linearly interpolate between two RGB colors. Parameters: color1 (tuple): RGB tuple of the first color. color2 (tuple): RGB tuple of the second color. t (float): Interpolation factor between 0 and 1. Returns: tuple: Interpolated RGB color tuple. """ r = int(color1[0] + (color2[0] - color1[0]) * t) g = int(color1[1] + (color2[1] - color1[1]) * t) b = int(color1[2] + (color2[2] - color1[2]) * t) return r, g, b def generate_color_palette(start_color, end_color, steps): """ Generate an RGB color palette between two colors. Parameters: start_color (tuple): RGB tuple of the starting color. end_color (tuple): RGB tuple of the ending color. steps (int): Number of steps between the two colors. Returns: list: List of RGB tuples """ palette = [] for i in range(steps): t = i / (steps - 1) # interpolation factor color = lerp_color(start_color, end_color, t) palette.append(color) return palette def draw_bbox(model_name, results_folder="./inference/results/", image_path="inptest.jpg"): """ Draw bounding boxes from mmdetect or yolo formats """ # annotations style txt_color=(255, 255, 255) yellow=(255, 255, 128) black = (0, 0, 0) steps = 11 # Step : 5% # (255, 0, 0) # Red # (0, 0, 255) # Blue palette = generate_color_palette((255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), steps) lw = 9 font = ImageFont.truetype(font="Pillow/Tests/fonts/FreeMono.ttf", size=48) im = width, height = im.size imdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) exps = sorted(glob(f"inference/results/{model_name}_inference/*", recursive = True)) # print(exps) if model_name[:4] == "yolo": annot_file = glob(f"{exps[-1]}/labels/" + "*.txt")[0] segments, confs = process_txtfile(annot_file) else: annot_file = glob(f"{exps[1]}/{image_path[:-4]}.json")[0] segments, confs = process_jsonfile(annot_file) # print("Result bboxes : " + annot_file) for conf, box in zip(confs, segments): conf_r = round(float(conf), 3) # round conf if conf_r >= 0.5: # 0.5 threshold bbox_c = palette[1] # if conf_r <= 1.0: bbox_c = palette[-1] if conf_r < 0.95: bbox_c = palette[-2] if conf_r < 0.90: bbox_c = palette[-3] if conf_r < 0.85: bbox_c = palette[-4] if conf_r < 0.80: bbox_c = palette[-5] if conf_r < 0.75: bbox_c = palette[-6] if conf_r < 0.70: bbox_c = palette[-7] if conf_r < 0.65: bbox_c = palette[-8] if conf_r < 0.60: bbox_c = palette[-9] if conf_r < 0.55: bbox_c = palette[-10] if model_name[:4] == "yolo": box = [box[0]*width, box[1]*height, box[2]*width, box[3]*height] imdraw.rectangle(box, width=lw, outline=bbox_c) # box # label w, h = font.getbbox(str(conf_r))[2:4] # text w, h imdraw.rectangle([box[0], box[1]-h, box[0]+w+1, box[1]+1], width=3, fill = black) # box imdraw.text([box[0], box[1]-h], str(conf_r), fill=yellow, font=font)"{results_folder}{model_name}_inference/clean.jpg") # count count = len([i for i in confs if float(i) > 0.5]) return im, count