import requests import time import os import asyncio import httpx base_url = "" api_endpoint_submit = f"{base_url}/generate/" api_endpoint_concat = f"{base_url}/generate/concat" api_endpoint_info = f"{base_url}/feed/" api_key = "xZ1PhKexmwTR3dDskMvIGRlx137K40Il" headers = {"api-key": api_key} # tags = "lofi, chill, happy" # prompt = "I'm a fish swimming in the ocean\nI'm a bird flying in the sky\nI'm a flower blooming in the garden\nI'm a tree standing tall and high" def make_song(snippet_lyrics, inst_tags, continue_from_clip=None, continue_at=None): """ Generates a song based on provided lyrics and instrumental tags. Args: snippet_lyrics (str): The lyrics for the song snippet. inst_tags (str): The instrumental tags for the song. continue_from_clip (str, optional): The clip ID to continue from, if any. Defaults to None. continue_at (int, optional): The position to continue at in the clip. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The link to the generated song. """ os.makedirs("audio_clips", exist_ok=True) song_name = f"SG_{int(time.time())}" suno_song_path = f"./audio_clips/suno_{song_name}.wav" print("Passing to generate_song:", inst_tags, snippet_lyrics, suno_song_path) song_link = generate_song(inst_tags, snippet_lyrics, suno_song_path, continue_from_clip, continue_at) \ if continue_from_clip else generate_song(inst_tags, snippet_lyrics, suno_song_path) return song_link # Takes about 30 seconds def generate_song(tags, prompt, save_path, clip_id=None, continue_at=30): # print("Generating song with tags", tags, "and prompt", prompt) data = { "title": "Songchat " + str(int(time.time())), "tags": tags, "prompt": prompt, "mv": "chirp-v3-5" } if clip_id is not None: data["continue_clip_id"] = clip_id if continue_at is not None: data["continue_at"] = continue_at else: data["continue_at"] = 30 feed_url = api_endpoint_info + clip_id response = requests.get(feed_url, headers=headers) response_data = response.json() while True: if response.status_code != 200: print("No data in response, retrying", response_data) time.sleep(2) continue # Check if response_data is a list or a dictionary elif isinstance(response_data, list): if len(response_data) == 0 or "status" not in response_data[0]: print("Invalid response data, no clip with that ID found") return "no clip with that ID found to continue from" # time.sleep(2) # continue status = response_data[0]["status"] elif isinstance(response_data, dict): if "status" not in response_data: print("Invalid response data, no clip with that ID found") return "no clip with that ID found to continue from" time.sleep(2) continue status = response_data["status"] else: print("Unexpected response format, no clip with that ID found") return "no clip with that ID found to continue from" time.sleep(2) continue if status != 'complete': return "Snippet to extend is still streaming, please wait to request later." else: break response =, json=data) #,headers=headers) response_data = response.json() # print(response_data) if response.status_code != 200: print("Failure while submitting song req, retrying", response_data) time.sleep(5) song_link = generate_song(tags, prompt, save_path, clip_id) return song_link print(response_data) if "clips" in response_data: song_ids = [d["id"] for d in response_data["clips"]] else: print('something went wrong, retrying') time.sleep(5) song_link = generate_song(tags, prompt, save_path, clip_id) return song_link print("got song ids", song_ids) if song_ids == []: print("No song ids returned, retrying with shorter prompt") print("Response data was", response_data) time.sleep(5) # take off 30 words from the prompt new_prompt = " ".join(prompt.split(" ")[:-30]) generate_song(tags, new_prompt, save_path) return song_id = song_ids[0] # Generally two song ids are returned startTime = time.time() while True: response = requests.get(api_endpoint_info + song_id, headers=headers) response_data = response.json() status = "" if response.status_code != 200: print("No data in response, retrying", response_data) time.sleep(2) continue # print("Got response", response_data) # Check if response_data is a list or a dictionary if isinstance(response_data, list): if len(response_data) == 0 or "status" not in response_data[0]: print("Invalid response data, update later") time.sleep(2) continue status = response_data[0]["status"] audio_url = response_data[0].get("audio_url", "") elif isinstance(response_data, dict): if "status" not in response_data: print("Invalid response data, update later") time.sleep(2) continue status = response_data["status"] audio_url = response_data.get("audio_url", "") else: print("Unexpected response format, update later") time.sleep(2) continue if status == 'streaming': break else: time.sleep(2) continue # if time.time() - startTime > 300: # raise Exception("Timeout while waiting for song completion") print("Got song", audio_url) url = audio_url return url def concat_snippets(clip_id): concat_url = f"{api_endpoint_concat}?clip_id={clip_id}" feed_url = api_endpoint_info + clip_id while True: status = "" response = requests.get(feed_url, headers=headers) response_data = response.json() if response.status_code != 200: print("No data in response, retrying", response_data) time.sleep(2) continue if isinstance(response_data, list): if len(response_data) == 0 or "status" not in response_data[0]: print("Invalid list response data, update later") continue status = response_data[0]["status"] elif isinstance(response_data, dict): if "status" not in response_data: print("Invalid dictionary response data, update later") continue status = response_data["status"] else: print("Unexpected response format, update later") continue if status == 'streaming': return "Song is still streaming, please wait to request later.", None, None, [] if status == 'complete': break else: print("Streaming status couldn't be retrieved, response_data was ", response_data) time.sleep(8) continue response = response_data = response.json() print(response_data) if response.status_code != 200: print("Failure while submitting merge, retrying", response_data) time.sleep(5) url, lyrics, concatenated_clips = concat_snippets(clip_id) return url, lyrics, concatenated_clips lyrics = response_data["metadata"]["prompt"] tags = response_data["metadata"]["tags"] concatenated_clips = [x["id"] for x in response_data["metadata"]["concat_history"]] song_id = response_data["id"] startTime = time.time() while True: response = requests.get(api_endpoint_info + song_id, headers=headers) response_data = response.json() print("feed response for concatenated song", response_data) if response.status_code != 200: print("No data in response, retrying", response_data) time.sleep(2) continue print("Got concat snippet response", response_data) # Check if response_data is a list or a dictionary if isinstance(response_data, list): if len(response_data) == 0 or "status" not in response_data[0]: print("Invalid response data, update later") time.sleep(2) continue status = response_data[0]["status"] audio_url = response_data[0].get("audio_url", "") elif isinstance(response_data, dict): if "status" not in response_data: print("Invalid response data, update later") time.sleep(2) continue status = response_data["status"] audio_url = response_data.get("audio_url", "") else: print("Unexpected response format, update later") time.sleep(2) continue if status == 'streaming' or audio_url != "" or status == 'complete': break else: time.sleep(2) continue # if time.time() - startTime > 300: # raise Exception("Timeout while waiting for song completion") print("Got song", audio_url) url = audio_url return url, lyrics, tags, concatenated_clips def update_song_links(generated_audios): updated_generated_audios = generated_audios.copy() for i, song_info in enumerate(generated_audios): clip_path, lyrics, instrumental, title, status = song_info if "" in clip_path or status == "streaming": clip_id = clip_path.split("?item_id=")[-1] feed_url = api_endpoint_info + clip_id response = requests.get(feed_url, headers=headers) response_data = response.json() if response.status_code != 200: print("No data in response, retrying", response_data) continue # Check if response_data is a list or a dictionary status = "" audio_url = "" if isinstance(response_data, list): if len(response_data) == 0 or "status" not in response_data[0]: print("Invalid list response data, update later") continue status = response_data[0]["status"] audio_url = response_data[0].get("audio_url", "") elif isinstance(response_data, dict): if "status" not in response_data: print("Invalid dictionary response data, update later") continue status = response_data["status"] audio_url = response_data.get("audio_url", "") else: print("Unexpected response format, update later") continue if status == 'streaming': print("still streaming, update later") continue if status == 'complete' and audio_url != "": updated_clip_path = audio_url print(updated_clip_path) updated_generated_audios[i] = (updated_clip_path, lyrics, instrumental, title, "complete") return updated_generated_audios