const express = require('express'); const proxy = require('express-http-proxy'); const app = express(); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const targetUrl = ''; const openaiKey = process.env.OPENAI_KEY; const proxyKey = process.env.PROXY_KEY; // Your secret proxy key const port = 7860; const baseUrl = getExternalUrl(process.env.SPACE_ID); app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '50mb' })); // Middleware to log request details app.use((req, res, next) => { console.log(`Incoming Request - Method: ${req.method}, URL: ${req.url}`); console.log('Headers:', req.headers); console.log('Body:', req.body); next(); }); // Middleware to authenticate requests with the proxy key and check the model function authenticateProxyKeyAndModel(req, res, next) { const providedKey = req.headers['auro']; // Assuming the key is sent in the 'x-proxy-key' header const requestedModel = req.body.model; // List of allowed models const allowedModels = ['gryphe/mythomist-7b', 'gryphe/mythomax-l2-13b' ,'undi95/toppy-m-7b']; if (providedKey && providedKey === proxyKey && allowedModels.includes(requestedModel)) { // If the provided key matches the expected key and the requested model is allowed, allow the request to proceed next(); } else { // If the key is missing or incorrect, or the model is not allowed, reject the request with an error response res.status(401).json({ error: 'Unauthorized or invalid model' }); } } app.use('/api', authenticateProxyKeyAndModel, (req, res, next) => { if (req.body && req.body.messages) { req.body.messages = => { if (message.role !== 'system' && message.content) { // Remove newlines and extra spaces from the start and end of the content // for non-system messages only message.content = message.content.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, ''); } return message; }); // Log the processed messages to verify the changes console.log('Processed messages:', JSON.stringify(req.body.messages, null, 2)); } next(); }, proxy(targetUrl, { proxyReqPathResolver: (req) => '/api/v1/chat/completions', proxyReqOptDecorator: (proxyReqOpts, srcReq) => { proxyReqOpts.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + openaiKey; if (srcReq.body) { // Use the modified body const modifiedBody = JSON.stringify(srcReq.body); proxyReqOpts.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(modifiedBody); proxyReqOpts.body = modifiedBody; // Log the body being sent to the API console.log('Body being sent to API:', modifiedBody); } return proxyReqOpts; }, })); //app.use('/api', authenticateProxyKeyAndModel, proxy(targetUrl, { // proxyReqPathResolver: (req) => '/api/v1/chat/completions', // proxyReqOptDecorator: (proxyReqOpts, srcReq) => { // Modify the request headers if necessary // proxyReqOpts.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + openaiKey; // return proxyReqOpts; // }, //})); app.get("/", (req, res) => { // res.send(`This is your OpenAI Reverse Proxy URL: ${baseUrl}`); }); function getExternalUrl(spaceId) { try { const [username, spacename] = spaceId.split("/"); return `https://${username}-${spacename.replace(/_/g, "-")}`; } catch (e) { return ""; } } app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Reverse proxy server running on ${baseUrl}`); });