from pathlib import Path | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import plotly.colors as pcolors | |
import as px | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import streamlit as st | |
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit | |
from mlip_arena.models import REGISTRY | |
DATA_DIR = Path("mlip_arena/tasks/stability") | |
st.markdown(""" | |
# High Pressure Stability | |
Stable and accurate molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are important for understanding the properties of matters. | |
However, many MLIPs have unphysical potential energy surface (PES) at the short-range interatomic distances or | |
under many-body effect. These are often manifested as softened repulsion and hole in the PES and can lead to incorrect | |
and sampling of the phase space. | |
Here, we analyze the stability of the MD simulations under high pressure conditions by gradually increasing the pressure | |
from 0 to 1000 GPa at 300K until the system crashes or completes 100 ps trajectory. This benchmark also explores faster the far-from-equilibrium | |
dynamics of the system and the "durability" of the MLIPs under extreme conditions. | |
""") | |
st.markdown("### Methods") | |
container = st.container(border=True) | |
valid_models = [model for model, metadata in REGISTRY.items() if Path(__file__).stem in metadata.get("gpu-tasks", [])] | |
models = container.multiselect("MLIPs", valid_models, ["MACE-MP(M)", "CHGNet", "ORB", "SevenNet"]) | |
st.markdown("### Settings") | |
vis = st.container(border=True) | |
# Get all attributes from pcolors.qualitative | |
all_attributes = dir(pcolors.qualitative) | |
color_palettes = { | |
attr: getattr(pcolors.qualitative, attr) | |
for attr in all_attributes | |
if isinstance(getattr(pcolors.qualitative, attr), list) | |
} | |
color_palettes.pop("__all__", None) | |
palette_names = list(color_palettes.keys()) | |
palette_colors = list(color_palettes.values()) | |
palette_name = vis.selectbox("Color sequence", options=palette_names, index=22) | |
color_sequence = color_palettes[palette_name] | |
if not models: | |
st.stop() | |
def get_data(models): | |
families = [REGISTRY[str(model)]["family"] for model in models] | |
dfs = [ | |
pd.read_json(DATA_DIR / family.lower() / "chloride-salts.json") | |
for family in families | |
] | |
df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) | |
df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True, subset=["material_id", "formula", "method"]) | |
return df | |
df = get_data(models) | |
method_color_mapping = { | |
method: color_sequence[i % len(color_sequence)] | |
for i, method in enumerate(df["method"].unique()) | |
} | |
### | |
# Determine the bin edges for the entire dataset to keep them consistent across groups | |
# bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(df['total_steps'], bins=10) | |
max_steps = df["total_steps"].max() | |
max_target_steps = df["target_steps"].max() | |
bins = np.append(np.arange(0, max_steps + 1, max_steps // 10), max_target_steps) | |
bin_labels = [f"{bins[i]}-{bins[i+1]}" for i in range(len(bins)-1)] | |
num_bins = len(bin_labels) | |
colormap = px.colors.sequential.Darkmint_r | |
indices = np.linspace(0, len(colormap) - 1, num_bins, dtype=int) | |
bin_colors = [colormap[i] for i in indices] | |
# bin_colors[-1] = px.colors.sequential.Greens[-1] | |
# Initialize a dictionary to hold the counts for each method and bin range | |
# counts_per_method = {method: [0] * len(bin_labels) for method in df["method"].unique()} | |
counts_per_method = {method: [0] * len(bin_labels) for method in df["method"].unique()} | |
# Populate the dictionary with counts | |
for method, group in df.groupby("method"): | |
counts, _ = np.histogram(group["total_steps"], bins=bins) | |
counts_per_method[method] = counts | |
# Sort the dictionary by the percentage of the last bin | |
counts_per_method = {k: v for k, v in sorted(counts_per_method.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][-1]/sum(item[1]))} | |
count_or_percetange = st.toggle("show counts", False) | |
def plot_md_steps(counts_per_method, count_or_percetange): | |
# Create a figure | |
fig = go.Figure() | |
# Add a bar for each bin range across all methods | |
for i, bin_label in enumerate(bin_labels): | |
for method, counts in counts_per_method.items(): | |
fig.add_trace(go.Bar( | |
# name=method, # This will be the legend entry | |
x=[counts[i]/counts.sum()*100] if not count_or_percetange else [counts[i]], | |
y=[method], # Method as the y-axis category | |
# name=bin_label, | |
orientation="h", # Horizontal bars | |
marker=dict( | |
color=bin_colors[i], | |
line=dict(color="rgb(248, 248, 249)", width=1) | |
), | |
text=f"{bin_label}: {counts[i]/counts.sum()*100:.0f}%", | |
width=0.5 | |
)) | |
# Update the layout to stack the bars | |
fig.update_layout( | |
barmode="stack", # Stack the bars | |
title="Total MD steps (before crash or completion)", | |
xaxis_title="Percentage (%)" if not count_or_percetange else "Count", | |
yaxis_title="Method", | |
showlegend=False | |
) | |
# bins = np.linspace(0, 0.9, 10) | |
# for method, data in df.groupby("method"): | |
# # print(method, data) | |
# counts, bins = np.histogram(data['total_steps']) | |
# bin_labels = [f"{int(bins[i])}-{int(bins[i+1])}" for i in range(len(bins)-1)] | |
# # Create a horizontal bar chart | |
# fig = go.Figure(go.Bar( | |
# x=[counts[i]], # Count for this bin | |
# y=[method], # Method as the y-axis category | |
# # x=counts, # Bar lengths | |
# # y=bin_labels, # Bin labels as y-tick labels | |
# orientation='h' # Horizontal bars | |
# )) | |
# # Update layout for clarity | |
# fig.update_layout( | |
# title="Histogram of Total Steps", | |
# xaxis_title="Count", | |
# yaxis_title="Total Steps Range" | |
# ) | |
st.plotly_chart(fig) | |
plot_md_steps(counts_per_method, count_or_percetange) | |
### | |
# st.markdown(""" | |
# ## Runtime Analysis | |
# """) | |
def func(x, a, n): | |
return a * x ** (-n) | |
def plot_speed(df, method_color_mapping): | |
fig = px.scatter( | |
df, | |
x="natoms", | |
y="steps_per_second", | |
color="method", | |
size="total_steps", | |
hover_data=["material_id", "formula"], | |
color_discrete_map=method_color_mapping, | |
# trendline="ols", | |
# trendline_options=dict(log_x=True), | |
log_x=True, | |
# log_y=True, | |
# range_y=[1, 1e2], | |
range_x=[df["natoms"].min()*0.9, df["natoms"].max()*1.1], | |
# range_x=[1e3, 1e2], | |
title="Inference speed (on single A100 GPU)", | |
labels={"steps_per_second": "Steps per second", "natoms": "Number of atoms"}, | |
) | |
x = np.linspace(df["natoms"].min(), df["natoms"].max(), 100) | |
for method, data in df.groupby("method"): | |
data.dropna(subset=["steps_per_second"], inplace=True) | |
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, data["natoms"], data["steps_per_second"]) | |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( | |
x=x, | |
y=func(x, *popt), | |
mode="lines", | |
# name='Fit', | |
line=dict(color=method_color_mapping[method], width=3), | |
showlegend=False, | |
name=f"{popt[0]:.2f}N^{-popt[1]:.2f}", | |
hovertext=f"{popt[0]:.2f}N^{-popt[1]:.2f}", | |
)) | |
st.plotly_chart(fig) | |
plot_speed(df, method_color_mapping) | |