importScripts(""); function sendPatch(patch, buffers, msg_id) { self.postMessage({ type: 'patch', patch: patch, buffers: buffers }) } async function startApplication() { console.log("Loading pyodide!"); self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: 'Loading pyodide'}) self.pyodide = await loadPyodide(); self.pyodide.globals.set("sendPatch", sendPatch); console.log("Loaded!"); await self.pyodide.loadPackage("micropip"); const env_spec = ['', '', 'pyodide-http==0.2.1', 'pandas'] for (const pkg of env_spec) { let pkg_name; if (pkg.endsWith('.whl')) { pkg_name = pkg.split('/').slice(-1)[0].split('-')[0] } else { pkg_name = pkg } self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: `Installing ${pkg_name}`}) try { await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` import micropip await micropip.install('${pkg}'); `); } catch(e) { console.log(e) self.postMessage({ type: 'status', msg: `Error while installing ${pkg_name}` }); } } console.log("Packages loaded!"); self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: 'Executing code'}) const code = ` import asyncio from import init_doc, write_doc init_doc() """ Source: """ import panel as pn from bokeh.sampledata.periodic_table import elements pn.extension("tabulator") @pn.cache def get_elements(): return elements[ ["atomic number", "name", "atomic mass", "metal", "year discovered"] ].set_index("atomic number") periodic_df = get_elements() @pn.cache # Caching is a hack to avoid flickering. It seems like row content is loaded twice otherwise def content_fn(row): return pn.pane.HTML( f'', sizing_mode="stretch_width" ) periodic_table = pn.widgets.Tabulator( periodic_df, layout="fit_columns", sizing_mode="stretch_both", row_content=content_fn, embed_content=True, ) pn.template.FastListTemplate( site="Awesome Panel", site_url="", title="Table of Elements with Wikipedia row content", main=[periodic_table], accent="#F08080", main_layout=None, main_max_width="1024px", ).servable() await write_doc() ` try { const [docs_json, render_items, root_ids] = await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(code) self.postMessage({ type: 'render', docs_json: docs_json, render_items: render_items, root_ids: root_ids }) } catch(e) { const traceback = `${e}` const tblines = traceback.split('\n') self.postMessage({ type: 'status', msg: tblines[tblines.length-2] }); throw e } } self.onmessage = async (event) => { const msg = if (msg.type === 'rendered') { self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` from import state from import _link_docs_worker _link_docs_worker(state.curdoc, sendPatch, setter='js') `) } else if (msg.type === 'patch') { self.pyodide.globals.set('patch', msg.patch) self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` state.curdoc.apply_json_patch(patch.to_py(), setter='js') `) self.postMessage({type: 'idle'}) } else if (msg.type === 'location') { self.pyodide.globals.set('location', msg.location) self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` import json from import state from panel.util import edit_readonly if state.location: loc_data = json.loads(location) with edit_readonly(state.location): state.location.param.update({ k: v for k, v in loc_data.items() if k in state.location.param }) `) } } startApplication()