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import os
import pandas as pd
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
import tempfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from reportlab.lib import colors
from Damage_calculation import DamageCalculator
from reportlab.platypus import Table, TableStyle
class PDFReportGenerator:
def __init__(self, output_csv, output_folder, pdf_path):
self.output_csv = output_csv
self.damage_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, 'damage/labels')
self.parts_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, 'parts/labels')
self.pdf_path = pdf_path
self.calculator = DamageCalculator()
def create_pie_chart(self, part_class, damage_summary):
part_damage = damage_summary.get(part_class, {})
if not part_damage:
return None
damage_labels = list(part_damage['damage_types'].keys()) + ['Undamaged']
damage_values = list(part_damage['damage_types'].values()) + [part_damage['undamaged']]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) # Adjust the figure size to ensure the pie is circular
ax.pie(damage_values, labels=damage_labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, textprops={'fontsize': 14}) # Increase font size
img_temp_path = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".png")
plt.savefig(img_temp_path, bbox_inches='tight') # Ensure the pie chart is properly sized
return img_temp_path
def add_table_to_pdf(self, pdf, dataframe, x_position, y_position):
# Replace NaN values with '-'
dataframe = dataframe.fillna('-')
data = [dataframe.columns.to_list()] + dataframe.values.tolist()
table = Table(data)
# Define table style
style = TableStyle([
('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.grey),
('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.whitesmoke),
('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'),
('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Helvetica-Bold'),
('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 12),
('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 12),
('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (-1, -1), colors.beige),
('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black)
# Convert the table to a PDF flowable and draw it on the canvas
table.wrapOn(pdf, x_position, y_position)
table.drawOn(pdf, x_position, y_position)
def generate_report(self):
df = pd.read_csv(self.output_csv)
car_parts = df['Car Parts'].unique()
# Initialize damage summary dictionary
damage_summary = {}
# Populate damage and parts file paths
damage_files = sorted(os.listdir(self.damage_folder))
parts_files = sorted(os.listdir(self.parts_folder))
# Iterate over the damage and parts files
for damage_file, parts_file in zip(damage_files, parts_files):
damage_path = os.path.join(self.damage_folder, damage_file)
parts_path = os.path.join(self.parts_folder, parts_file)
damage_classes, damage_polygons = self.calculator.parse_coordinates(damage_path)
part_classes, part_polygons = self.calculator.parse_coordinates(parts_path)
damage_polygons = list(zip(damage_classes, damage_polygons))
part_polygons = list(zip(part_classes, part_polygons))
part_summary = self.calculator.summarize_damage_by_part(damage_polygons, part_polygons)
for part, summary in part_summary.items():
if part not in damage_summary:
damage_summary[part] = summary
for damage_type, percentage in summary['damage_types'].items():
if damage_type not in damage_summary[part]['damage_types']:
damage_summary[part]['damage_types'][damage_type] = 0
damage_summary[part]['damage_types'][damage_type] += percentage
damage_summary[part]['undamaged'] += summary['undamaged']
pdf = canvas.Canvas(self.pdf_path, pagesize=letter)
pdf.setTitle("Car Damage Estimation Report")
width, height = letter
y_position = height - 40
for part_class in car_parts:
if part_class == 'Total':
pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 12)
pdf.drawString(30, y_position, f'Damage Report for {part_class}')
y_position -= 20
pie_chart_path = self.create_pie_chart(part_class, damage_summary)
if pie_chart_path:
pdf.drawImage(pie_chart_path, 50, y_position - 300, width=275, height=275) # Adjust size to maintain aspect ratio
y_position -= 320
# Clean up the temporary file
if y_position < 100:
y_position = height - 40
# Add title above the table
y_position -= 40
pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 14)
pdf.drawString(50, y_position, "Cost Breakdown Table")
y_position -= 200
# Add table from CSV to the PDF
self.add_table_to_pdf(pdf, df, 30, y_position-100)