""" BigBIO Dataset Explorer Demo """ from collections import Counter from collections import defaultdict import string from datasets import load_dataset from loguru import logger import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px import spacy from spacy import displacy import streamlit as st from bigbio.dataloader import BigBioConfigHelpers from bigbio.hf_maps import BATCH_MAPPERS_TEXT_FROM_SCHEMA from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer st.set_page_config(layout="wide") IBM_COLORS = [ "#648fff", "#dc267f", "#ffb000", "#fe6100", "#785ef0", "#000000", "#ffffff", ] def get_html(html: str): """Convert HTML so it can be rendered.""" WRAPPER = """
""" # Newlines seem to mess with the rendering html = html.replace("\n", " ") return WRAPPER.format(html) @st.cache() def load_conhelps(): conhelps = BigBioConfigHelpers() logger.info(conhelps) conhelps = conhelps.filtered(lambda x: not x.is_large) conhelps = conhelps.filtered(lambda x: x.is_bigbio_schema) conhelps = conhelps.filtered(lambda x: not x.is_local) return conhelps def update_axis_font(fig): fig.update_layout( xaxis = dict(title_font = dict(size=20)), yaxis = dict(title_font = dict(size=20)), ) return fig def draw_histogram(hist_data, col_name, histnorm=None, nbins=25, xmax=None, loc=st): fig = px.histogram( hist_data, x=col_name, color="split", color_discrete_sequence=IBM_COLORS, marginal="box", # or violin, rug barmode="group", hover_data=hist_data.columns, histnorm=histnorm, nbins=nbins, range_x=(0, xmax) if xmax else None, ) fig = update_axis_font(fig) loc.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) def draw_bar(bar_data, x, y, loc=st): fig = px.bar( bar_data, x=x, y=y, color="split", color_discrete_sequence=IBM_COLORS, barmode="group", hover_data=bar_data.columns, ) fig = update_axis_font(fig) loc.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) def parse_metrics(metadata, loc): for split, meta in metadata.items(): for key, val in meta.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, int): loc.metric(label=f"{split}-{key}", value=val) def parse_counters(metadata): meta = metadata["train"] # using the training counter to fetch the names counters = [] for k, v in meta.__dict__.items(): if "counter" in k and len(v) > 0: counters.append(k) return counters # generate the df for histogram def parse_label_counter(metadata, counter_type): hist_data = [] for split, m in metadata.items(): metadata_counter = getattr(m, counter_type) for k, v in metadata_counter.items(): row = {} row["labels"] = k row[counter_type] = v row["split"] = split hist_data.append(row) return pd.DataFrame(hist_data) # load BigBioConfigHelpers #================================== logger.info("about to call load_conhelps") conhelps = load_conhelps() logger.info("exiting call load_conhelps") config_name_to_conhelp = {ch.config.name: ch for ch in conhelps} ds_display_names = sorted(list(set([ch.display_name for ch in conhelps]))) ds_display_name_to_config_names = defaultdict(list) for ch in conhelps: ds_display_name_to_config_names[ch.display_name].append(ch.config.name) # dataset selection #================================== st.sidebar.title("Dataset Selection") ds_display_name = st.sidebar.selectbox("dataset name", ds_display_names, index=0) config_names = ds_display_name_to_config_names[ds_display_name] config_name = st.sidebar.selectbox("config name", config_names) conhelp = config_name_to_conhelp[config_name] st.header(f"Dataset stats for {ds_display_name}") @st.cache() def load_data(conhelp): metadata = conhelp.get_metadata() dsd = conhelp.load_dataset() dsd = dsd.map( BATCH_MAPPERS_TEXT_FROM_SCHEMA[conhelp.bigbio_schema_caps.lower()], batched=True) return dsd, metadata @st.cache() def count_vectorize(dsd): cv = CountVectorizer() xcvs = {} dfs_tok_per_samp = [] for split, ds in dsd.items(): xcv = cv.fit_transform(ds['text']) token_counts = np.asarray(xcv.sum(axis=1)).flatten() df = pd.DataFrame(token_counts, columns=["tokens per sample"]) df["split"] = split dfs_tok_per_samp.append(df) xcvs[split] = xcv df_tok_per_samp = pd.concat(dfs_tok_per_samp) return xcvs, df_tok_per_samp dsd_load_state = st.info(f"Loading {ds_display_name} - {config_name} ...") dsd, metadata = load_data(conhelp) dsd_load_state.empty() cv_load_state = st.info(f"Count Vectorizing {ds_display_name} - {config_name} ...") xcvs, df_tok_per_samp = count_vectorize(dsd) cv_load_state.empty() st.sidebar.subheader(f"BigBIO Schema = {conhelp.bigbio_schema_caps}") st.sidebar.subheader("Tasks Supported by Dataset") tasks = conhelp.tasks tasks = [string.capwords(task.replace("_", " ")) for task in tasks] st.sidebar.markdown( """ {} """.format( "\n".join([ f"- {task}" for task in tasks ])) ) st.sidebar.subheader("Languages") langs = conhelp.languages st.sidebar.markdown( """ {} """.format("\n".join([f"- {lang}" for lang in langs])) ) st.sidebar.subheader("Home Page") st.sidebar.write(conhelp.homepage) st.sidebar.subheader("Description") st.sidebar.write(conhelp.description) st.sidebar.subheader("Citation") st.sidebar.markdown(f"""\ ``` {conhelp.citation} ```` """ ) st.sidebar.subheader("Counts") parse_metrics(metadata, st.sidebar) # dataframe display #if "train" in dsd.keys(): # st.subheader("Sample Preview") # df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dsd["train"]) # st.write(df.head(10)) # draw token distribution st.subheader("Sample Length Distribution") max_xmax = int(df_tok_per_samp["tokens per sample"].max()) xmax = st.slider("xmax", min_value=0, max_value=max_xmax, value=max_xmax) histnorms = ['percent', 'probability', 'density', 'probability density', None] histnorm = st.selectbox("histnorm", histnorms) draw_histogram(df_tok_per_samp, "tokens per sample", histnorm=histnorm, xmax=xmax, loc=st) st.subheader("Counter Distributions") counters = parse_counters(metadata) counter_type = st.selectbox("counter_type", counters) label_df = parse_label_counter(metadata, counter_type) label_max = int(label_df[counter_type].max() - 1) label_min = int(label_df[counter_type].min()) filter_value = st.slider("minimum cutoff", label_min, label_max) label_df = label_df[label_df[counter_type] >= filter_value] # draw bar chart for counter draw_bar(label_df, "labels", counter_type, st) st.subheader("Sample Explorer") split = st.selectbox("split", list(dsd.keys())) sample_index = st.number_input( "sample index", min_value=0, max_value=len(dsd[split])-1, value=0, ) sample = dsd[split][sample_index] if conhelp.bigbio_schema_caps == "KB": nlp = spacy.blank("en") text = sample["text"] doc = nlp(text) spans = [] for bb_ent in sample["entities"]: span = doc.char_span( bb_ent["offsets"][0][0], bb_ent["offsets"][0][1], label=bb_ent["type"], ) spans.append(span) doc.spans["sc"] = spans html = displacy.render( doc, style="span", options={ "colors": { et: clr for et,clr in zip( metadata[split].entities_type_counter.keys(), IBM_COLORS*10 ) } }, ) style = "" st.write(f"{style}{get_html(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(sample)