import streamlit as st import openai # Access the OpenAI API key openai.api_key = st.secrets["YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY"] st.title("Real Estate Video Background Image Generator") # User inputs for image generation image_theme = st.text_input("Image Theme", placeholder="Enter a theme for your image (e.g., cozy living room, modern office)") color_scheme = st.text_input("Color Scheme", placeholder="Preferred color scheme (e.g., warm, cool, monochromatic)") additional_elements = st.text_input("Additional Elements", placeholder="Any specific elements to include in the image?") if st.button('Generate Image'): # Construct the prompt prompt = f"Create an image with the theme: '{image_theme}', color scheme: '{color_scheme}', including elements: '{additional_elements}'." # Call the DALL-E API response = openai.Image.create( prompt=prompt, n=1, # Number of images to generate size="1024x1024" # Image dimensions ) # Display the image image_data =[0] # Assuming response contains image data st.image(image_data, caption='Generated Image')