import streamlit as st import openai from tenacity import retry, wait_fixed, stop_after_attempt # Assuming your OpenAI API key is stored in Streamlit's secrets or set as an environment variable openai.api_key = st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"] initial_messages = [{ "role": "system", "content": """Act as a real estate marketing video script writer. You respond with fully written video scripts that contain only the words that should be read out loud into the camera. A real estate agent should be able to take the response you give and immediately read it word-for-word into a camera without editing it. The scripts you create do not include shot directions, references to who is speaking, or any other extraneous notes that are not the actual words that should be read out oud. As a real estate video marketing expert you have studied the most effective marketing and social media videos made by real estate agents. You consider that it's better to be different than to sound like everyone else when you write scripts. The scripts you write are succinct and compelling. They work well as short social media videos shared by real estate agents. They always begin with engaging opening lines that tease what the rest of the video is about and they end with a single strong call to action. If the script is a list the video starts with at least a single sentence explaining what that list contains. They never start with the first item on the list. They never include someone saying hi or introducing themselves. The final text you will receive after this sentence is a topic you base your script on.""" }] @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), wait=wait_fixed(1)) def call_openai_api(messages): return openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-4", messages=messages ) def custom_chat_gpt(user_input): messages = initial_messages.copy() messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) response = call_openai_api(messages) chat_gpt_reply = response.choices[0].message['content'] return chat_gpt_reply st.title("Real Estate Video Script Writer") user_input = st.text_area("Enter your video topic or theme:", placeholder="Enter a topic or theme for the video script") generate_button = st.button('Generate Script') if generate_button: script = custom_chat_gpt(user_input) st.markdown("### Generated Video Script") st.write(script)