Runtime error
Runtime error
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.
import os
import random
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
from .base_exp import BaseExp
__all__ = ["Exp", "check_exp_value"]
class Exp(BaseExp):
def __init__(self):
# ---------------- model config ---------------- #
# detect classes number of model
self.num_classes = 80
# factor of model depth
self.depth = 1.00
# factor of model width
self.width = 1.00
# activation name. For example, if using "relu", then "silu" will be replaced to "relu".
self.act = "silu"
# ---------------- dataloader config ---------------- #
# set worker to 4 for shorter dataloader init time
# If your training process cost many memory, reduce this value.
self.data_num_workers = 4
self.input_size = (640, 640) # (height, width)
# Actual multiscale ranges: [640 - 5 * 32, 640 + 5 * 32].
# To disable multiscale training, set the value to 0.
self.multiscale_range = 5
# You can uncomment this line to specify a multiscale range
# self.random_size = (14, 26)
# dir of dataset images, if data_dir is None, this project will use `datasets` dir
self.data_dir = None
# name of annotation file for training
self.train_ann = "instances_train2017.json"
# name of annotation file for evaluation
self.val_ann = "instances_val2017.json"
# name of annotation file for testing
self.test_ann = "instances_test2017.json"
# --------------- transform config ----------------- #
# prob of applying mosaic aug
self.mosaic_prob = 1.0
# prob of applying mixup aug
self.mixup_prob = 1.0
# prob of applying hsv aug
self.hsv_prob = 1.0
# prob of applying flip aug
self.flip_prob = 0.5
# rotation angle range, for example, if set to 2, the true range is (-2, 2)
self.degrees = 10.0
# translate range, for example, if set to 0.1, the true range is (-0.1, 0.1)
self.translate = 0.1
self.mosaic_scale = (0.1, 2)
# apply mixup aug or not
self.enable_mixup = True
self.mixup_scale = (0.5, 1.5)
# shear angle range, for example, if set to 2, the true range is (-2, 2)
self.shear = 2.0
# -------------- training config --------------------- #
# epoch number used for warmup
self.warmup_epochs = 5
# max training epoch
self.max_epoch = 300
# minimum learning rate during warmup
self.warmup_lr = 0
self.min_lr_ratio = 0.05
# learning rate for one image. During training, lr will multiply batchsize.
self.basic_lr_per_img = 0.01 / 64.0
# name of LRScheduler
self.scheduler = "yoloxwarmcos"
# last #epoch to close augmention like mosaic
self.no_aug_epochs = 15
# apply EMA during training
self.ema = True
# weight decay of optimizer
self.weight_decay = 5e-4
# momentum of optimizer
self.momentum = 0.9
# log period in iter, for example,
# if set to 1, user could see log every iteration.
self.print_interval = 10
# eval period in epoch, for example,
# if set to 1, model will be evaluate after every epoch.
self.eval_interval = 10
# save history checkpoint or not.
# If set to False, yolox will only save latest and best ckpt.
self.save_history_ckpt = True
# name of experiment
self.exp_name = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[1].split(".")[0]
# ----------------- testing config ------------------ #
# output image size during evaluation/test
self.test_size = (640, 640)
# confidence threshold during evaluation/test,
# boxes whose scores are less than test_conf will be filtered
self.test_conf = 0.01
# nms threshold
self.nmsthre = 0.65
def get_model(self):
from yolox.models import YOLOX, YOLOPAFPN, YOLOXHead
def init_yolo(M):
for m in M.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
m.eps = 1e-3
m.momentum = 0.03
if getattr(self, "model", None) is None:
in_channels = [256, 512, 1024]
backbone = YOLOPAFPN(self.depth, self.width, in_channels=in_channels, act=self.act)
head = YOLOXHead(self.num_classes, self.width, in_channels=in_channels, act=self.act)
self.model = YOLOX(backbone, head)
return self.model
def get_dataset(self, cache: bool = False, cache_type: str = "ram"):
Get dataset according to cache and cache_type parameters.
cache (bool): Whether to cache imgs to ram or disk.
cache_type (str, optional): Defaults to "ram".
"ram" : Caching imgs to ram for fast training.
"disk": Caching imgs to disk for fast training.
from import COCODataset, TrainTransform
return COCODataset(
def get_data_loader(self, batch_size, is_distributed, no_aug=False, cache_img: str = None):
Get dataloader according to cache_img parameter.
no_aug (bool, optional): Whether to turn off mosaic data enhancement. Defaults to False.
cache_img (str, optional): cache_img is equivalent to cache_type. Defaults to None.
"ram" : Caching imgs to ram for fast training.
"disk": Caching imgs to disk for fast training.
None: Do not use cache, in this case cache_data is also None.
from import (
from yolox.utils import wait_for_the_master
# if cache is True, we will create self.dataset before launch
# else we will create self.dataset after launch
if self.dataset is None:
with wait_for_the_master():
assert cache_img is None, \
"cache_img must be None if you didn't create self.dataset before launch"
self.dataset = self.get_dataset(cache=False, cache_type=cache_img)
self.dataset = MosaicDetection(
mosaic=not no_aug,
if is_distributed:
batch_size = batch_size // dist.get_world_size()
sampler = InfiniteSampler(len(self.dataset), seed=self.seed if self.seed else 0)
batch_sampler = YoloBatchSampler(
mosaic=not no_aug,
dataloader_kwargs = {"num_workers": self.data_num_workers, "pin_memory": True}
dataloader_kwargs["batch_sampler"] = batch_sampler
# Make sure each process has different random seed, especially for 'fork' method.
# Check for more details.
dataloader_kwargs["worker_init_fn"] = worker_init_reset_seed
train_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, **dataloader_kwargs)
return train_loader
def random_resize(self, data_loader, epoch, rank, is_distributed):
tensor = torch.LongTensor(2).cuda()
if rank == 0:
size_factor = self.input_size[1] * 1.0 / self.input_size[0]
if not hasattr(self, 'random_size'):
min_size = int(self.input_size[0] / 32) - self.multiscale_range
max_size = int(self.input_size[0] / 32) + self.multiscale_range
self.random_size = (min_size, max_size)
size = random.randint(*self.random_size)
size = (int(32 * size), 32 * int(size * size_factor))
tensor[0] = size[0]
tensor[1] = size[1]
if is_distributed:
dist.broadcast(tensor, 0)
input_size = (tensor[0].item(), tensor[1].item())
return input_size
def preprocess(self, inputs, targets, tsize):
scale_y = tsize[0] / self.input_size[0]
scale_x = tsize[1] / self.input_size[1]
if scale_x != 1 or scale_y != 1:
inputs = nn.functional.interpolate(
inputs, size=tsize, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False
targets[..., 1::2] = targets[..., 1::2] * scale_x
targets[..., 2::2] = targets[..., 2::2] * scale_y
return inputs, targets
def get_optimizer(self, batch_size):
if "optimizer" not in self.__dict__:
if self.warmup_epochs > 0:
lr = self.warmup_lr
lr = self.basic_lr_per_img * batch_size
pg0, pg1, pg2 = [], [], [] # optimizer parameter groups
for k, v in self.model.named_modules():
if hasattr(v, "bias") and isinstance(v.bias, nn.Parameter):
pg2.append(v.bias) # biases
if isinstance(v, nn.BatchNorm2d) or "bn" in k:
pg0.append(v.weight) # no decay
elif hasattr(v, "weight") and isinstance(v.weight, nn.Parameter):
pg1.append(v.weight) # apply decay
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
pg0, lr=lr, momentum=self.momentum, nesterov=True
{"params": pg1, "weight_decay": self.weight_decay}
) # add pg1 with weight_decay
optimizer.add_param_group({"params": pg2})
self.optimizer = optimizer
return self.optimizer
def get_lr_scheduler(self, lr, iters_per_epoch):
from yolox.utils import LRScheduler
scheduler = LRScheduler(
return scheduler
def get_eval_dataset(self, **kwargs):
from import COCODataset, ValTransform
testdev = kwargs.get("testdev", False)
legacy = kwargs.get("legacy", False)
return COCODataset(
json_file=self.val_ann if not testdev else self.test_ann,
name="val2017" if not testdev else "test2017",
def get_eval_loader(self, batch_size, is_distributed, **kwargs):
valdataset = self.get_eval_dataset(**kwargs)
if is_distributed:
batch_size = batch_size // dist.get_world_size()
sampler =
valdataset, shuffle=False
sampler =
dataloader_kwargs = {
"num_workers": self.data_num_workers,
"pin_memory": True,
"sampler": sampler,
dataloader_kwargs["batch_size"] = batch_size
val_loader =, **dataloader_kwargs)
return val_loader
def get_evaluator(self, batch_size, is_distributed, testdev=False, legacy=False):
from yolox.evaluators import COCOEvaluator
return COCOEvaluator(
dataloader=self.get_eval_loader(batch_size, is_distributed,
testdev=testdev, legacy=legacy),
def get_trainer(self, args):
from yolox.core import Trainer
trainer = Trainer(self, args)
# NOTE: trainer shouldn't be an attribute of exp object
return trainer
def eval(self, model, evaluator, is_distributed, half=False, return_outputs=False):
return evaluator.evaluate(model, is_distributed, half, return_outputs=return_outputs)
def check_exp_value(exp: Exp):
h, w = exp.input_size
assert h % 32 == 0 and w % 32 == 0, "input size must be multiples of 32"