/* soundcite - v0.5.1 - 2017-07-10 * Copyright (c) 2017 Tyler J. Fisher and Northwestern University Knight Lab */ (function(window, document, callback) { var loaded_p = true; var loaded_s = true; var insertionPoint = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0) || document.documentElement.childNodes[0]; function cmp_vers(v1, v2) { var a1 = v1.split("."); var a2 = v2.split("."); for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(a1.length, a2.length); i++) { var n1 = parseInt(a1[i]); var n2 = parseInt(a2[i]); var d = n1 - n2; if (d) { return d } } return a1.length - a2.length } function load_popcorn(version, cb) { var js = window.Popcorn, d, new_js; if (loaded_p) { cb(js) } else if (!js || cmp_vers(version, js.version) > 0 || cb(js)) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/soundcite/latest/vendor/popcorn.min.js"; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!loaded_p && (!(d = this.readyState) || d == "loaded" || d == "complete")) { new_js = window.Popcorn; 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for (var key in window.SOUNDCITE_CONFIG) { SOUNDCITE_CONFIG[key] = window.SOUNDCITE_CONFIG[key] } var rgb = normalize_background_color(SOUNDCITE_CONFIG.background_color); if (rgb) { SOUNDCITE_CONFIG.background_color = rgb.join(",") } else { SOUNDCITE_CONFIG.background_color = "0,0,0" } var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".soundcite-loaded { background-color: rgba(" + SOUNDCITE_CONFIG.background_color + ",.15) }"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); var bind = function(func, context) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var args = slice.call(arguments, 2); return function() { return func.apply(context, args.concat(slice.call(arguments))) } }; function removeClass(el, name) { var cn = el.className; for (var i = 0, arr = name.match(/\S+/g); i < arr.length; i++) { cn = cn.replace(new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + arr[i] + "(?!\\S)"), "") } el.className = cn } function addClass(el, name) { var cn = el.className; for (var i = 0, arr = name.match(/\S+/g); i < arr.length; i++) { if (!cn.match(new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + arr[i] + "(?!\\S)"))) { cn += " " + arr[i] } } el.className = cn } function normalize_background_color(str) { if (!str) return null; var rgb = []; var RGB_PATTERN = /^(?:rgb|rgba)?\(?(\d+),(\d+),(\d+).*\)?$/; var match_group = str.match(RGB_PATTERN); if (match_group) { var red = parseInt(match_group[1]); var green = parseInt(match_group[2]); var blue = parseInt(match_group[3]); rgb = [red, green, blue] } else { var HEX_PATTERN = /^#?([0-9A-F]{1,2})([0-9A-F]{1,2})([0-9A-F]{1,2})$/i; var match_group = str.match(HEX_PATTERN); if (match_group) { function hex_to_int(hex) { if (hex.length == 1) hex = hex + hex; return parseInt(hex, 16) } var red = hex_to_int(match_group[1]); var green = hex_to_int(match_group[2]); var blue = hex_to_int(match_group[3]); rgb = [red, green, blue] } } function valid_color(i) { return !isNaN(i) && i >= 0 && i <= 255 } if (rgb && valid_color(rgb[0]) && valid_color(rgb[1]) && valid_color(rgb[2])) { return rgb } return null } var update_playing_element = function(el, percentage) { var color = SOUNDCITE_CONFIG.background_color || "0,0,0"; el.style.cssText = "background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(" + color + ",.15)" + percentage + "%, rgba(" + color + ",.05)" + (percentage + 1) + "%);" + "background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(" + color + ",.15)" + percentage + "%, rgba(" + color + ",.05)" + (percentage + 1) + "%);" }; window.soundcite = {}; if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { soundcite.mobile = true } else { soundcite.mobile = false } var clips = []; var audio_container = document.createElement("div"); addClass(audio_container, "soundcite-audio"); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(audio_container); if ($SoundCloud) { $SoundCloud.initialize({ client_id: SOUNDCITE_CONFIG["soundcloud_client_id"] }) } function pause_all_clips(except_clip) { for (var i = 0; i < clips.length; i++) { if (clips[i].playing) { if (!except_clip || except_clip.el !== clips[i].el) { clips[i].pause() } } } } function Clip(el) { this.el = el; this.start = el.hasAttribute("data-start") ? el.getAttribute("data-start") : 0; this.end = el.hasAttribute("data-end") ? el.getAttribute("data-end") : null; this.plays = el.hasAttribute("data-plays") ? parseInt(el.getAttribute("data-plays")) : 1; this.plays_left = this.plays; this.playing = false; this.sound = null; clips.push(this) } Clip.prototype.sound_loaded = function() { this.el.addEventListener("click", bind(this.click_handler, this)); addClass(this.el, "soundcite-loaded soundcite-play") }; Clip.prototype.pause = function() { removeClass(this.el, "soundcite-pause"); addClass(this.el, "soundcite-play"); this.pause_sound(); this.playing = false }; Clip.prototype.stop = function() { removeClass(this.el, "soundcite-pause"); addClass(this.el, "soundcite-play"); this.stop_sound(); this.playing = false; this.plays_left = this.plays }; Clip.prototype.track_progress = function() { var totalTime = this.end - this.start; var position = this.sound_position(); var relative_position = position - this.start; var percentage = relative_position * 100 / totalTime; var update_function = SOUNDCITE_CONFIG.update_playing_element || update_playing_element; update_function(this.el, percentage) }; Clip.prototype.click_handler = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); pause_all_clips(this); if (this.playing) { this.pause() } else { this.play() } }; function SoundCloudClip(el) { Clip.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); this.id = el.getAttribute("data-id"); $SoundCloud.stream(this.id, bind(function(sound) { this.sound = sound; this.sound._player.on("positionChange", bind(function(pos) { this.track_progress(); if (pos >= this.end) { if (this.plays) { this.plays_left--; if (this.plays_left > 0) { this.play(); this.track_position() } else { this.stop() } } else { this.play(); this.track_position() } } }, this)); if (this.end === null) { this.end = this.sound.getDuration() } this.sound_loaded() }, this)) } SoundCloudClip.prototype = Object.create(Clip.prototype); SoundCloudClip.prototype.sound_position = function() { return this.sound.getCurrentPosition() }; SoundCloudClip.prototype.pause_sound = function() { this.sound.pause() }; SoundCloudClip.prototype.stop_sound = function() { this.sound.stop() }; SoundCloudClip.prototype.play = function() { var pos = this.sound_position(); if (pos < this.start || pos >= this.end) { this.sound.seek(this.start) } removeClass(this.el, "soundcite-play"); addClass(this.el, "soundcite-pause"); this.sound.play(); this.playing = true }; function PopcornClip(el) { Clip.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); this.id = "soundcite-audio-" + clips.length; this.url = el.getAttribute("data-url"); this.start = Math.floor(this.start / 1e3); if (this.end !== null) { this.end = Math.floor(this.end / 1e3) } var audio = document.createElement("audio"); audio.id = this.id; audio.setAttribute("src", this.url); audio.setAttribute("preload", "true"); audio_container.appendChild(audio); this.sound = $Popcorn("#" + this.id, { frameAnimation: true }); this.sound.on("loadeddata", bind(function() { if (this.end === null) { this.end = this.sound.duration() } this.sound.cue(this.end, bind(function() { if (this.plays) { this.plays_left--; if (this.plays_left > 0) { this.sound.currentTime(this.start); this.play() } else { this.stop(); this.sound.currentTime(this.start) } } else { this.sound.currentTime(this.start); this.play() } }, this)); if (!soundcite.mobile) { this.sound_loaded() } }, this)); if (soundcite.mobile) { this.sound_loaded() } else if (this.sound.readyState() > 1) { this.sound_loaded() } } PopcornClip.prototype = Object.create(Clip.prototype); PopcornClip.prototype.sound_position = function() { return this.sound.currentTime() }; PopcornClip.prototype.pause_sound = function() { this.sound.pause(); this.sound.off("timeupdate") }; PopcornClip.prototype.stop_sound = function() { this.sound.pause(); this.sound.off("timeupdate") }; PopcornClip.prototype._play_sound = function() { removeClass(this.el, "soundcite-loading soundcite-play"); addClass(this.el, "soundcite-pause"); this.sound.play(); this.playing = true; this.sound.on("timeupdate", bind(this.track_progress, this)) }; PopcornClip.prototype.play_sound = function() { var pos = this.sound.roundTime(); if (pos < this.start || pos >= this.end) { this.sound.on("seeked", bind(function() { this.sound.off("seeked"); this._play_sound() }, this)); this.sound.currentTime(this.start) } else { this._play_sound() } }; PopcornClip.prototype.play = function() { if (soundcite.mobile) { removeClass(this.el, "soundcite-play"); addClass(this.el, "soundcite-loading"); if (this.sound.readyState() > 1) { this.play_sound() } else { this.sound.on("canplaythrough", bind(function() { this.play_sound() }, this)); document.getElementById(this.id).load() } } else { this.play_sound() } }; for (var i = 0; i < soundcite_elements.length; i++) { var el = soundcite_elements[i]; if (el.getAttribute("data-url")) { new PopcornClip(el) } else if (el.getAttribute("data-id")) { new SoundCloudClip(el) } else { console.log('Unable to form Soundcite element because of missing attributes. The offending Soundcite was "' + el.textContent + '."'); console.log(el) } } soundcite.Clip = Clip; soundcite.SoundCloudClip = SoundCloudClip; soundcite.PopcornClip = PopcornClip; soundcite.clips = clips; soundcite.pause_all_clips = pause_all_clips; soundcite.normalize_background_color = normalize_background_color });