File size: 10,318 Bytes
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from typing import Optional
# langchain imports
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema.runnable import RunnableMap
from langchain.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.schema.runnable import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain.schema.output_parser import StrOutputParser
from operator import itemgetter
from langchain.schema.messages import HumanMessage, SystemMessage, AIMessage
from langchain.callbacks.streamlit.streamlit_callback_handler import StreamlitCallbackHandler
def format_docs(docs):
res = ""
# res = str(docs)
for doc in docs:
escaped_page_content = doc.page_content.replace("\n", "\\n")
res += "<doc>\n"
res += f" <content>{escaped_page_content}</content>\n"
for m in doc.metadata:
res += f" <{m}>{doc.metadata[m]}</{m}>\n"
res += "</doc>\n"
return res
def get_search_index(file_name="Mahmoudi_Nima_202202_PhD.pdf", index_folder="index"):
# load embeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
search_index = FAISS.load_local(
index_name=file_name + ".index",
return search_index
def convert_message(m):
if m["role"] == "user":
return HumanMessage(content=m["content"])
elif m["role"] == "assistant":
return AIMessage(content=m["content"])
elif m["role"] == "system":
return SystemMessage(content=m["content"])
raise ValueError(f"Unknown role {m['role']}")
_condense_template = """Given the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question, in its original language.
Chat History:
Follow Up Input: {input}
Standalone question:"""
CONDENSE_QUESTION_PROMPT = PromptTemplate.from_template(_condense_template)
_rag_template = """Answer the question based only on the following context, citing the page number(s) of the document(s) you used to answer the question:
Question: {question}
ANSWER_PROMPT = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(_rag_template)
def _format_chat_history(chat_history):
def format_single_chat_message(m):
if type(m) is HumanMessage:
return "Human: " + m.content
elif type(m) is AIMessage:
return "Assistant: " + m.content
elif type(m) is SystemMessage:
return "System: " + m.content
raise ValueError(f"Unknown role {m['role']}")
return "\n".join([format_single_chat_message(m) for m in chat_history])
def get_standalone_question_from_chat_history_chain():
_inputs = RunnableMap(
chat_history=lambda x: _format_chat_history(x["chat_history"])
| ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
| StrOutputParser(),
return _inputs
def get_rag_chain(file_name, index_folder="index", retrieval_cb=None):
vectorstore = get_search_index(file_name, index_folder)
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever()
if retrieval_cb is None:
retrieval_cb = lambda x: x
def context_update_fn(q):
return q
_inputs = RunnableMap(
chat_history=lambda x: _format_chat_history(x["chat_history"])
| ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
| StrOutputParser(),
_context = {
"context": itemgetter("standalone_question") | RunnablePassthrough(context_update_fn) | retriever | format_docs,
"question": lambda x: x["standalone_question"],
conversational_qa_chain = _inputs | _context | ANSWER_PROMPT | ChatOpenAI()
return conversational_qa_chain
# RAG fusion chain
# source1:
# source2:
def reciprocal_rank_fusion(results: list[list], k=60):
from langchain.load import dumps, loads
fused_scores = {}
for docs in results:
# Assumes the docs are returned in sorted order of relevance
for rank, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_str = dumps(doc)
if doc_str not in fused_scores:
fused_scores[doc_str] = 0
fused_scores[doc_str] += 1 / (rank + k)
reranked_results = [
(loads(doc), score)
for doc, score in sorted(fused_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return reranked_results
def get_search_query_generation_chain():
from langchain.prompts import SystemMessagePromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(
template='You are a helpful assistant that generates multiple search queries based on a single input query.'
template='Generate multiple search queries related to: {original_query} \n OUTPUT (4 queries):'
generate_queries = (
prompt |
ChatOpenAI(temperature=0) |
StrOutputParser() |
(lambda x: x.split("\n"))
return generate_queries
def get_rag_fusion_chain(file_name, index_folder="index", retrieval_cb=None):
vectorstore = get_search_index(file_name, index_folder)
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever()
query_generation_chain = get_search_query_generation_chain()
_inputs = RunnableMap(
chat_history=lambda x: _format_chat_history(x["chat_history"])
| ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
| StrOutputParser(),
if retrieval_cb is None:
retrieval_cb = lambda x: x
_context = {
original_query=lambda x: x["standalone_question"]
| query_generation_chain
| retrieval_cb
| reciprocal_rank_fusion
| (lambda x: [item[0] for item in x])
| format_docs,
"question": lambda x: x["standalone_question"],
conversational_qa_chain = _inputs | _context | ANSWER_PROMPT | ChatOpenAI()
return conversational_qa_chain
# Adding agent chain with OpenAI function calling
def get_search_tool_from_index(search_index, st_cb: Optional[StreamlitCallbackHandler] = None, ):
from langchain.agents import tool
from agent_helper import retry_and_streamlit_callback
@retry_and_streamlit_callback(st_cb=st_cb, tool_name="Content Seach Tool")
def search(query: str) -> str:
"""Search the contents of the source document for the queries."""
docs = search_index.similarity_search(query, k=5)
return format_docs(docs)
return search
def get_lc_oai_tools(file_name:str = "Mahmoudi_Nima_202202_PhD.pdf", index_folder: str = "index", st_cb: Optional[StreamlitCallbackHandler] = None, ):
from import format_tool_to_openai_tool
search_index = get_search_index(file_name, index_folder)
lc_tools = [get_search_tool_from_index(search_index=search_index, st_cb=st_cb)]
oai_tools = [format_tool_to_openai_tool(t) for t in lc_tools]
return lc_tools, oai_tools
def get_agent_chain(file_name="Mahmoudi_Nima_202202_PhD.pdf", index_folder="index", callbacks=None, st_cb: Optional[StreamlitCallbackHandler] = None, ):
if callbacks is None:
callbacks = []
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent, AgentType
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder
from langchain.agents.format_scratchpad.openai_tools import (
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor
from langchain.agents.output_parsers.openai_tools import OpenAIToolsAgentOutputParser
lc_tools, oai_tools = get_lc_oai_tools(file_name, index_folder, st_cb)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant, use the search tool to answer the user's question and cite only the page number when you use information coming (like [p1]) from the source document.\nchat history: {chat_history}"),
("user", "{input}"),
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")
agent = (
"input": lambda x: x["input"],
"agent_scratchpad": lambda x: format_to_openai_tool_messages(
"chat_history": lambda x: _format_chat_history(x["chat_history"]),
| prompt
| llm.bind(tools=oai_tools)
| OpenAIToolsAgentOutputParser()
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=lc_tools, verbose=True, callbacks=callbacks)
return agent_executor
if __name__ == "__main__":
question_generation_chain = get_search_query_generation_chain()
print('RAG Chain')
chain = get_rag_chain()
print(chain.invoke({'input': 'serverless computing', 'chat_history': []}))
print('Question Generation Chain')
print(question_generation_chain.invoke({'original_query': 'serverless computing'}))
print('RAG Fusion Chain')
chain = get_rag_fusion_chain()
print(chain.invoke({'input': 'serverless computing', 'chat_history': []}))
agent_executor = get_agent_chain()
"input": "based on the source document, compare FaaS with BaaS??",
"chat_history": [],