import os import requests from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain_community.llms import CTransformers from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStoreRetriever class LLMModel: base_model = "TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-GGUF" specific_model = "llama-2-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf" token_model = "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf" llm_config = {'context_length': 2048, 'max_new_tokens': 1024, 'temperature': 0.3, 'top_p': 1.0} question_answer_system_prompt = """You are a helpful question answer assistant. Given the following context and a question, provide a set of potential questions and answers. Keep answers brief and well-structured. Do not give one word answers.""" final_assistant_system_prompt = """You are a helpful assistant. Given the following list of relevant questions and answers, generate an answer based on this list only. Keep answers brief and well-structured. Do not give one word answers. If the answer is not found in the list, kindly state "I don't know.". Don't try to make up an answer.""" template = """[INST] <> You are a question answer assistant. Given the following context and a question, generate an answer based on this context only. Keep answers brief and well-structured. Do not give one word answers. If the answer is not found in the context, kindly state "I don't know.". Don't try to make up an answer. <> Context: {context} Question: Give me a step by step explanation of {question}[/INST] Answer:""" qa_chain_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template) retriever = None hf_token = os.getenv('HF_TOKEN') api_url = os.getenv('API_URL') headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_token}"} client = InferenceClient(api_url) # llm = CTransformers(model=base_model, model_file=specific_model, config=llm_config, hf=True) llm = None def __init__(self, retriever: VectorStoreRetriever): self.retriever = retriever def create_qa_chain(self): return RetrievalQA.from_chain_type( llm=self.llm, chain_type="stuff", retriever=self.retriever, return_source_documents=True, chain_type_kwargs={"prompt": self.qa_chain_prompt}, ) def format_retrieved_docs(self, docs): all_docs = [] for doc in docs: if "source" in doc.metadata: all_docs.append(f"""Document: {doc.metadata['source']}\nContent: {doc.page_content}\n\n""") return all_docs def format_query(self, question, context, system_prompt): prompt = f"""[INST] {system_prompt} Context: {context} Question: Give me a step by step explanation of {question}[/INST]""" return prompt def format_question(self, question): relevant_docs = self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(question) formatted_docs = self.format_retrieved_docs(relevant_docs) return self.format_query(question, formatted_docs, self.final_assistant_system_prompt) def get_potential_question_answer(self, document_chunk: str): prompt = self.format_query("potential questions and answers.", document_chunk, self.question_answer_system_prompt) return self.client.text_generation(prompt, max_new_tokens=512, temperature=0.4) def answer_question_inference_text_gen(self, question): prompt = self.format_question(question) return self.client.text_generation(prompt, max_new_tokens=512, temperature=0.4) def answer_question_inference(self, question): relevant_docs = self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(question) formatted_docs = "".join(self.format_retrieved_docs(relevant_docs)) if not formatted_docs: return "No uploaded documents. Please try upload a document on the left side." else: print(formatted_docs) return self.client.question_answering(question=question, context=formatted_docs) def answer_question_api(self, question): formatted_prompt = self.format_question(question) resp =, headers=self.headers, json={"inputs": formatted_prompt}, stream=True) for c in resp.iter_content(): yield c