import logging import time import numpy as np import rembg import torch from PIL import Image from rotate import rotate import streamlit as st import sys import os from tsr.system import TSR from x3D_utils import remove_background, resize_foreground import logging import time import streamlit as st import torch from datetime import datetime # Hàm tùy chỉnh để hiển thị thông báo kèm thời gian tương tự logging def st_info_with_logging_format(message): current_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f')[:-3] # Định dạng thời gian giống logging formatted_message = f"{current_time} - INFO - {message}" def st_success_with_logging_format(message): current_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f')[:-3] # Định dạng thời gian giống logging formatted_message = f"{current_time} - INFO - {message}" st.success(formatted_message) # Thay thế các thông báo bằng hàm mới def convert_to_3d(image_path, output_filename='', isHuman=False, isCloth=False, cloth_cat=''): with st.expander("ImageTo3D Extract Infomation"): class Timer: def __init__(self): self.items = {} self.time_scale = 1000.0 # ms self.time_unit = "seconds" def start(self, name: str) -> None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() self.items[name] = time.time() st_info_with_logging_format(f"{name} ...") def end(self, name: str) -> float: if name not in self.items: return if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() start_time = self.items.pop(name) delta = time.time() - start_time t = delta * self.time_scale st_success_with_logging_format(f"{name} finished in {(t / 1000):.2f} {self.time_unit}.") timer = Timer() logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO ) if not torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cpu" else: device = "cuda:0" timer.start("Initializing model") model = TSR.from_pretrained( config_path=r"config.yaml", weight_path=r"model.ckpt" ) model.renderer.set_chunk_size(10_000) # 0 for no chunking; default is 8192 timer.end("Initializing model") timer.start("Removing background") if isHuman: rembg_session = rembg.new_session(model_name="u2net_human_seg") elif isCloth: rembg_session = rembg.new_session(model_name="u2net_cloth_seg") else: rembg_session = rembg.new_session() if isCloth and cloth_cat != '': image = remove_background(, rembg_session, cloth_category=cloth_cat) else: image = remove_background(, rembg_session) image = resize_foreground(image, 0.85) image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 image = image[:, :, :3] * image[:, :, 3:4] + (1 - image[:, :, 3:4]) * 0.5 image = Image.fromarray((image * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)) timer.end("Removing background") timer.start("Running model on image") with torch.no_grad(): scene_codes = model([image], device=device) timer.end("Running model on image") timer.start("Extracting mesh") mesh = model.extract_mesh(scene_codes, resolution=256)[0] timer.end("Extracting mesh") timer.start("Rotating object") mesh = rotate(mesh) timer.end("Rotating object") timer.start("Saving generated object") if output_filename == '': output_filename = f"{image_path.split('.')[-2]}_out" output_filepath = f"{output_filename}.glb" mesh.export(output_filepath) timer.end("Saving generated object") return output_filepath