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<script src=""></script> <!-- 引入完整的jQuery版本 -->
function submit() {
var input = document.getElementById('input').value;
document.getElementById('input').value = '';
document.getElementById('intro-message').style.display = 'none';
var chat = document.getElementById('chat');
var userEntry = document.createElement('div');
userEntry.className = "chat-entry chat-entry-user animate-fade-up";;
var userImg = document.createElement('img');
userImg.src = "/static/icon/U.png";
var userInput = document.createElement('div');
userInput.textContent = input;
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight;
// 創建bot回應的元素並添加到chat
var botEntry = document.createElement('div');
botEntry.className = "chat-entry chat-entry-bot loading";
var botImg = document.createElement('img');
botImg.src = "/static/icon/N.png";
var botResponse = document.createElement('div');
botResponse.textContent = "學長姐們努力查資料中";
// 設定不同的訊息並每10秒輪換
var messages = ["學長姐們正在用力查資料,請稍等片刻", "別逼我們啊~~我們快好了~~~QQQQQ","先別說這個了,你聽過楊老師嗎","NBA不是美國的NBA唷~這是奈米生醫材料應用實驗室的英文縮寫唷!"];
var index = 0;
function updateMessage() {
botResponse.textContent = messages[index];
index = (index + 1) % messages.length; // 更新索引,如果超過陣列長度,就重置為0
// 每10秒更新一次訊息
var timer = setInterval(updateMessage, 10000);
url: '/get_response',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({
user_input: input,
should_translate: $('#translationCheck').prop('checked'),
target_lang: 'zh-tw'
success: function(response) {
clearTimeout(timer); // 收到回應後,取消定時器
botResponse.textContent = response.response;
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight;
// // 呼叫後端取得回應
// fetch('/get_response', {
// method: 'POST',
// headers: {
// 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// },
// body: JSON.stringify({ user_input: input }),
// })
// .then(response => response.json())
// .then(data => {
// clearTimeout(timer); // 收到回應後,取消定時器
// botResponse.textContent = data.response;
// botEntry.classList.remove('loading');
// chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight;
// });
<!-- <script>
function submit() {
var input = document.getElementById('input').value;
document.getElementById('input').value = '';
var chat = document.getElementById('chat');
var userEntry = document.createElement('div');
userEntry.className = "chat-entry chat-entry-user animate-fade-up";
var userImg = document.createElement('img');
userImg.src = "/static/icon/U.png";
var userInput = document.createElement('div');
userInput.textContent = input;
setTimeout(function() {
var botImg = document.createElement('img');
botImg.src = "/static/icon/N.png";
var botEntry = document.createElement('div');
botEntry.className = "chat-entry chat-entry-bot loading";
var botResponse = document.createElement('div');
botResponse.textContent = "學長姐們努力查資料中";
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight;
fetch('/get_response', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ user_input: input }),
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
botResponse.textContent = data.response;
chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight;
}, 500); // 延遲500毫秒後再顯示 loading
</script> -->
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<div class="container">
<div id="chat">
<div id="intro-message">Wellcome to the ChatNBA! <br> Please enter your question below.👇<br> Then chat with your seniors 👨‍🎓👩‍🎓(and their thesis📖)! <br> Have fun!🚀<br>English question only, hahahahha~🖖<br><br>
❔What you can ask:<br>
🧫cell culture<br>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="input" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Send a question." onkeydown="if(event.key==='Enter')submit()">
<!-- <label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox" id="translationCheck">
<span class="slider round"></span>
</label> Translate to Chinese, please~ -->
<h6><p>The ChatNBA model is still in training (like you) and may generate wrong response to your question. <br> ©Copyright 2023 Lab of Nano-Biomaterials Applications. All rights reserved. <br>ChatNBA(preview) ver. 0.0.1 <br> Designed by Hao-Han Pang, PhD</p></h6>