import streamlit as st import random from pipeline import Pipeline st.header("Automation of Question and Answer Generation") st.markdown( "I built this project based on this [paper](, " "where they created End-to-End generation of Multiple-Choice questions using Text-to-Text transfer Transformer models (T5).\n" "This research focuses on using Transformer-based language models to automate the generation of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), " "with the aim of assisting or assisting educators in the process of creating reading comprehension (RC) assessments. " "This is relevant and timely as teachers can invest less time doing routine work and share more time with their students, " "thus building an engaging experience for face-to-face classroom interaction. " "This study addresses the issue of creating multiple-choice questionnaires from 3 viewpoints: QG, QA, and distractor generation (DG). " "An end-to-end pipeline for generating multiple-choice questions is proposed, based on a pre-trained T5 language model." ) "Note: The number of questions generated depends on the length of the context. " "You may find that the number of QA pairs does not match the number you want." ) with st.sidebar: if "num_qa" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.num_qa = 5 def on_change(): st.session_state.num_qa = num_qa num_qa = st.slider("Select Number of QA questions", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=1, step=1, on_change=on_change) if 'context' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.context = "" st_text_area = st.text_area('Context to generate the QA', value=st.session_state.context, height=400) def generate_qa(): st.session_state.context = st_text_area mcq_generator = Pipeline() generator = mcq_generator.generate_mcqs(st_text_area, num_qa) st.session_state.generator = generator # generate qa button st_generate_button = st.button('Generate', on_click=generate_qa) # Display generated MCQs in Streamlit if hasattr(st.session_state, 'generator') and len(st.session_state.generator) > 0: st.subheader("Generated MCQs") for i, question in enumerate(st.session_state.generator, start=1): correct_answer = [question.answerText] distractors_subset = question.distractors[:3] # Assuming you want 3 distractors options = correct_answer + distractors_subset # Shuffle options random.shuffle(options) options_with_labels = [{'label': chr(ord('A') + j), 'text': option} for j, option in enumerate(options)] st.write(f'Number {i}: {question.questionText}') for option in options_with_labels: if option["text"] == correct_answer[0]: st.write(f'{option["label"]}. {option["text"]}', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.write(f'{option["label"]}. {option["text"]}') st.write('-------------------')