import sys thismodule = sys.modules[__name__] import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np torch.manual_seed(123) def get_autoencoder(config): ae_cls = getattr(thismodule, config.autoencoder.cls) return ae_cls(config.autoencoder) class ConvEncoder(nn.Module): @classmethod def build_from_config(cls, config): conv_pool = None if config.conv_pool is None else getattr(nn, config.conv_pool) encoder = cls(config.channels, config.padding, config.kernel_size, config.conv_stride, conv_pool) return encoder def __init__(self, channels, padding=3, kernel_size=8, conv_stride=2, conv_pool=None): super(ConvEncoder, self).__init__() self.in_channels = channels[0] model = [] acti = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) nr_layer = len(channels) - 1 for i in range(nr_layer): if conv_pool is None: model.append(nn.ReflectionPad1d(padding)) model.append(nn.Conv1d(channels[i], channels[i+1], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=conv_stride)) model.append(acti) else: model.append(nn.ReflectionPad1d(padding)) model.append(nn.Conv1d(channels[i], channels[i+1], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=conv_stride)) model.append(acti) model.append(conv_pool(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) self.model = nn.Sequential(*model) def forward(self, x): x = x[:, :self.in_channels, :] x = self.model(x) return x class ConvDecoder(nn.Module): @classmethod def build_from_config(cls, config): decoder = cls(config.channels, config.kernel_size) return decoder def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size=7): super(ConvDecoder, self).__init__() model = [] pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 acti = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) for i in range(len(channels) - 1): model.append(nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')) model.append(nn.ReflectionPad1d(pad)) model.append(nn.Conv1d(channels[i], channels[i + 1], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1)) if i == 0 or i == 1: model.append(nn.Dropout(p=0.2)) if not i == len(channels) - 2: model.append(acti) # whether to add tanh a last? #model.append(nn.Dropout(p=0.2)) self.model = nn.Sequential(*model) def forward(self, x): return self.model(x) class Discriminator(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super(Discriminator, self).__init__() self.gan_type = config.gan_type encoder_cls = getattr(thismodule, config.encoder_cls) self.encoder = encoder_cls.build_from_config(config) self.linear = nn.Linear(config.channels[-1], 1) def forward(self, seqs): code_seq = self.encoder(seqs) logits = self.linear(code_seq.permute(0, 2, 1)) return logits def calc_dis_loss(self, x_gen, x_real): fake_logits = self.forward(x_gen) real_logits = self.forward(x_real) if self.gan_type == 'lsgan': loss = torch.mean((fake_logits - 0) ** 2) + torch.mean((real_logits - 1) ** 2) elif self.gan_type == 'nsgan': all0 = torch.zeros_like(fake_logits, requires_grad=False) all1 = torch.ones_like(real_logits, requires_grad=False) loss = torch.mean(F.binary_cross_entropy(F.sigmoid(fake_logits), all0) + F.binary_cross_entropy(F.sigmoid(real_logits), all1)) else: raise NotImplementedError return loss def calc_gen_loss(self, x_gen): logits = self.forward(x_gen) if self.gan_type == 'lsgan': loss = torch.mean((logits - 1) ** 2) elif self.gan_type == 'nsgan': all1 = torch.ones_like(logits, requires_grad=False) loss = torch.mean(F.binary_cross_entropy(F.sigmoid(logits), all1)) else: raise NotImplementedError return loss class Autoencoder3f(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super(Autoencoder3f, self).__init__() assert config.motion_encoder.channels[-1] + config.body_encoder.channels[-1] + \ config.view_encoder.channels[-1] == config.decoder.channels[0] self.n_joints = config.decoder.channels[-1] // 3 self.body_reference = config.body_reference motion_cls = getattr(thismodule, config.motion_encoder.cls) body_cls = getattr(thismodule, config.body_encoder.cls) view_cls = getattr(thismodule, config.view_encoder.cls) self.motion_encoder = motion_cls.build_from_config(config.motion_encoder) self.body_encoder = body_cls.build_from_config(config.body_encoder) self.view_encoder = view_cls.build_from_config(config.view_encoder) self.decoder = ConvDecoder.build_from_config(config.decoder) self.body_pool = getattr(F, config.body_encoder.global_pool) if config.body_encoder.global_pool is not None else None self.view_pool = getattr(F, config.view_encoder.global_pool) if config.view_encoder.global_pool is not None else None def forward(self, seqs): return self.reconstruct(seqs) def encode_motion(self, seqs): motion_code_seq = self.motion_encoder(seqs) return motion_code_seq def encode_body(self, seqs): body_code_seq = self.body_encoder(seqs) kernel_size = body_code_seq.size(-1) body_code = self.body_pool(body_code_seq, kernel_size) if self.body_pool is not None else body_code_seq return body_code, body_code_seq def encode_view(self, seqs): view_code_seq = self.view_encoder(seqs) kernel_size = view_code_seq.size(-1) view_code = self.view_pool(view_code_seq, kernel_size) if self.view_pool is not None else view_code_seq return view_code, view_code_seq def decode(self, motion_code, body_code, view_code): if body_code.size(-1) == 1: body_code = body_code.repeat(1, 1, motion_code.shape[-1]) if view_code.size(-1) == 1: view_code = view_code.repeat(1, 1, motion_code.shape[-1]) complete_code =[motion_code, body_code, view_code], dim=1) out = self.decoder(complete_code) return out def cross3d(self, x_a, x_b, x_c): motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) body_b, _ = self.encode_body(x_b) view_c, _ = self.encode_view(x_c) out = self.decode(motion_a, body_b, view_c) return out def cross2d(self, x_a, x_b, x_c): motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) body_b, _ = self.encode_body(x_b) view_c, _ = self.encode_view(x_c) out = self.decode(motion_a, body_b, view_c) batch_size, channels, seq_len = out.size() n_joints = channels // 3 out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints, 3, seq_len) out = out[:, :, [0, 2], :] out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints * 2, seq_len) return out def cross2d_adv(self, x_a, x_b, x_c): x_a.cpu() x_a_shape = x_a.shape print(x_a.shape) #motion_a_org = self.encode_motion(x_a) print(x_a) # The heatmap image is saved as 'tensor_heatmap.png' in the current directory # for i in range(0,119): # x_a[0][11][i]+=1 #x_a[0][7][60]+=0.01 #motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) # print(motion_a.shape) # print(motion_a[0][0]-motion_a_org[0][0]) # res = motion_a[0] - motion_a_org[0] # res = res.cpu().detach().numpy() # # Code for plotting the heatmap # plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) # plt.imshow(res, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest') # plt.colorbar() # plt.title('Heatmap of the Tensor') # # Save the heatmap to a local file # plt.savefig('/home/fazhong/studio/transmomo.pytorch/tensor_heatmap2.png') # plt.close() initial_motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) # 计算初始的motion_a # 定义一个函数来计算motion的变化量 def motion_change(motion_a, initial_motion_a): return (motion_a - initial_motion_a).norm() # 设置初始的最大变化量为0 max_change = 0 # 扰动次数,可以根据需要更改 num_perturbations = 10000 init_a = x_a.clone() for _ in range(num_perturbations): # 复制x_a以避免在原始数据上修改 x_a_perturbed = x_a.clone().cpu() # 选择要扰动的随机点 batch_idx, seq_idx, feature_idx = (torch.randint(0, x_a.size(0), (1,)), torch.randint(0, x_a.size(1), (1,)), torch.randint(0, x_a.size(2), (1,))) # 在选定点上加上扰动 x_a_perturbed[batch_idx, seq_idx, feature_idx] += 10 * torch.randn(1) # 计算扰动后的motion_a perturbed_motion_a = self.encode_motion('cuda:0')) # 计算变化量 change = motion_change(perturbed_motion_a, initial_motion_a) # 如果变化量大于之前保存的最大变化量,则更新x_a和最大变化量 if change > max_change: x_a = x_a_perturbed max_change = change # 最后,x_a将是导致最大motion_a变化的扰动版本 # max_change是这个变化量 # print(max_change) # print(max_change.shape) print(x_a_perturbed - init_a.cpu()) motion_a = self.encode_motion('cuda:0')) # motion_a = self.encode_motion('cuda:0')) body_b, _ = self.encode_body(x_b) view_c, _ = self.encode_view(x_c) out = self.decode(motion_a, body_b, view_c) batch_size, channels, seq_len = out.size() n_joints = channels // 3 out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints, 3, seq_len) out = out[:, :, [0, 2], :] out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints * 2, seq_len) return out def cross2d_one(self, x_a): motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) body_b, _ = self.encode_body(x_a) view_c, _ = self.encode_view(x_a) out = self.decode(motion_a, body_b, view_c) batch_size, channels, seq_len = out.size() n_joints = channels // 3 out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints, 3, seq_len) out = out[:, :, [0, 2], :] out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints * 2, seq_len) return out def adv_cross(self,x_a): motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) body_b, _ = self.encode_body(x_a) view_c, _ = self.encode_view(x_a) return motion_a def reconstruct3d(self, x): motion_code = self.encode_motion(x) body_code, _ = self.encode_body(x) view_code, _ = self.encode_view(x) out = self.decode(motion_code, body_code, view_code) return out def reconstruct2d(self, x): motion_code = self.encode_motion(x) body_code, _ = self.encode_body(x) view_code, _ = self.encode_view(x) out = self.decode(motion_code, body_code, view_code) batch_size, channels, seq_len = out.size() n_joints = channels // 3 out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints, 3, seq_len) out = out[:, :, [0, 2], :] out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints * 2, seq_len) return out def interpolate(self, x_a, x_b, N): step_size = 1. / (N-1) batch_size, _, seq_len = x_a.size() motion_a = self.encode_motion(x_a) body_a, body_a_seq = self.encode_body(x_a) view_a, view_a_seq = self.encode_view(x_a) motion_b = self.encode_motion(x_b) body_b, body_b_seq = self.encode_body(x_b) view_b, view_b_seq = self.encode_view(x_b) batch_out = torch.zeros([batch_size, N, N, 2 * self.n_joints, seq_len]) for i in range(N): motion_weight = i * step_size for j in range(N): body_weight = j * step_size motion = (1. - motion_weight) * motion_a + motion_weight * motion_b body = (1. - body_weight) * body_a + body_weight * body_b view = (1. - body_weight) * view_a + body_weight * view_b out = self.decode(motion, body, view) batch_size, channels, seq_len = out.size() n_joints = channels // 3 out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints, 3, seq_len) out = out[:, :, [0, 2], :] out = out.view(batch_size, n_joints * 2, seq_len) batch_out[:, i, j, :, :] = out return batch_out