import os import uuid import librosa import soundfile as sf import numpy as np import time import datetime from tqdm import tqdm import multiprocessing from madmom.features.downbeats import DBNDownBeatTrackingProcessor from madmom.features.downbeats import RNNDownBeatProcessor def export_audio_with_click(proc_res, path_audio, path_output, sr=44100): # extract time times_beat = proc_res[np.where(proc_res[:, 1]!=1)][:, 0] times_downbeat = proc_res[np.where(proc_res[:, 1]==1)][:, 0] # load y, _ = librosa.core.load(path_audio, sr=sr) # click audio y_beat = librosa.clicks(times=times_beat, sr=sr, click_freq=1200, click_duration=0.5) * 0.6 y_downbeat = librosa.clicks(times=times_downbeat, sr=sr, click_freq=600, click_duration=0.5) # merge max_len = max(len(y), len(y_beat), len(y_downbeat)) y_integrate = np.zeros(max_len) y_integrate[:len(y_beat)] += y_beat y_integrate[:len(y_downbeat)] += y_downbeat y_integrate[:len(y)] += y # librosa.output.write_wav(path_output, y_integrate, sr) sf.write(path_output, y_integrate, sr) def estimate_beat(path_audio): # print('[*] estimating beats...') proc = DBNDownBeatTrackingProcessor(beats_per_bar=[3, 4], fps=100) act = RNNDownBeatProcessor()(path_audio) proc_res = proc(act) return proc_res def process(path_inpfile, path_outfile): pid = os.getpid() # start_time = time.time() # print(f'[PID: {pid}] > inp:', path_inpfile) # print(f'[PID: {pid}] > out:', path_outfile) if os.path.exists(path_outfile): print('[o] existed') return True # estimate beats beats = estimate_beat(path_inpfile) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path_outfile), exist_ok=True), beats) # export_audio_with_click(beats, path_inpfile, 'tmp.wav') # option # end # end_time = time.time() # runtime = end_time - start_time # print(f'[PID: {pid}] testing time:', str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=runtime))+'\n') return True def traverse_dir( root_dir, extension, amount=None, str_include=None, str_exclude=None, is_pure=False, is_sort=False, is_ext=True): file_list = [] cnt = 0 for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith(extension): # path mix_path = os.path.join(root, file) pure_path = mix_path[len(root_dir)+1:] if is_pure else mix_path # amount if (amount is not None) and (cnt == amount): if is_sort: file_list.sort() return file_list # check string if (str_include is not None) and (str_include not in pure_path): continue if (str_exclude is not None) and (str_exclude in pure_path): continue if not is_ext: ext = pure_path.split('.')[-1] pure_path = pure_path[:-(len(ext)+1)] file_list.append(pure_path) cnt += 1 if is_sort: file_list.sort() return file_list def gen_pairs(path_inpdir, audio_basename, ext): pairs = [] filelist = traverse_dir( path_inpdir, extension=ext, str_include=audio_basename, is_sort=True) num_files = len(filelist) print(' > num of files (total):', num_files) for fidx in range(num_files): # p0 path_inpfile = filelist[fidx] # path_outfile = os.path.join( # os.path.dirname(path_inpfile), 'beats.npy') path_outfile = path_inpfile.replace('.wav', '.npy') if os.path.exists(path_outfile): print('[o] existed') continue pairs.append((path_inpfile, path_outfile)) num_files = len(pairs) print(' > num of files (unprocessed):', num_files) return pairs, num_files if __name__ == '__main__': path_rootdir = '../audiocraft/dataset/example/full' audio_basename = 'no_vocals' ext = 'wav' # list files pairs, num_files = gen_pairs(path_rootdir, audio_basename, ext) # count cpu cpu_count = 4 print(' > cpu count:', cpu_count) start_time_all = time.time() with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cpu_count) as pool, tqdm(total=num_files) as progress_bar: results = [] for result in pool.starmap(process, pairs): results.append(result) progress_bar.update(1) # finish end_time_all = time.time() runtime = end_time_all - start_time_all print(f'testing time:', str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=runtime))+'\n')