import os import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import librosa import time import datetime def traverse_dir( root_dir, extension, amount=None, str_include=None, str_exclude=None, is_pure=False, is_sort=False, is_ext=True): file_list = [] cnt = 0 for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith(extension): # path mix_path = os.path.join(root, file) pure_path = mix_path[len(root_dir)+1:] if is_pure else mix_path # amount if (amount is not None) and (cnt == amount): if is_sort: file_list.sort() return file_list # check string if (str_include is not None) and (str_include not in pure_path): continue if (str_exclude is not None) and (str_exclude in pure_path): continue if not is_ext: ext = pure_path.split('.')[-1] pure_path = pure_path[:-(len(ext)+1)] file_list.append(pure_path) cnt += 1 if is_sort: file_list.sort() return file_list CROP_LEN_SEC = 30 BAR_FIRST = 8 if __name__ == '__main__': start_time_all = time.time() path_dset = '../audiocraft/dataset/example' path_inpdir = os.path.join(path_dset, 'full') path_outdir = os.path.join(path_dset, 'clip') st, ed = 0, None filelist = traverse_dir( path_inpdir, extension='wav', str_include='no_vocal', is_pure=True, is_sort=True) num_files = len(filelist) ed = num_files if ed is None else ed print(' > num files:', num_files) for fidx in range(num_files-1, -1, -1): start_time_iter = time.time() print(f'==={fidx}/{num_files}====={st}-{ed}============') fn = filelist[fidx] dn = os.path.dirname(fn) path_audio = os.path.join(path_inpdir, fn) path_beats = os.path.join(path_inpdir, dn, 'beats.npy') print(fn) if not os.path.exists(path_audio): raise FileNotFoundError(path_beats) path_out_sndir = os.path.join(path_outdir, dn) if os.path.exists(path_out_sndir): print('[o] existed') continue # ========== try: beats = np.load(path_beats) wav, sr =, always_2d=True) duration = len(wav) / sr print(' > wav:', wav.shape) print(' > sr: ', sr) print(' > ch: ', wav.shape[1]) print(' > duration:', len(wav) / sr) bar_idx = np.where(beats[:, 1] == 1)[0] num_bars = len(bar_idx) print(' > number of bars:', num_bars) BAR_HOP = int(30 / (duration / num_bars)) print(' > bar hop:', BAR_HOP) bar_starts = [bar_idx[i] for i in range(3, len(bar_idx), BAR_HOP)] clip_starts = [] for bs in bar_starts: item = ( beats[bs, 0], # seconds bs # index ) clip_starts.append(item) max_sample = wav.shape[0] - 10*sr CLIP_LEN_SAMPLE = CROP_LEN_SEC*sr # crop count_clips = 0 for uid, (clip_st_sec, bidx) in enumerate(clip_starts): # boundaries clip_ed_sec = clip_st_sec + CROP_LEN_SEC clip_st_sample = int(clip_st_sec*sr) clip_ed_sample = clip_st_sample + CLIP_LEN_SAMPLE if clip_ed_sample > max_sample: break # crop clip_wav = wav[clip_st_sample:clip_ed_sample] clip_beats = [] for bi in range(bidx, len(beats)): if beats[bi, 0] < clip_ed_sec: clip_beats.append( [beats[bi, 0]-clip_st_sec, beats[bi, 1]] ) # save path_out_audio_clip = os.path.join( path_out_sndir, str(bidx),'no_vocal.wav') if os.path.exists(path_out_audio_clip): print('[o] existed') continue path_out_beats_clip = os.path.join( path_out_sndir, str(bidx), 'beats.npy') os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(path_out_audio_clip), exist_ok=True) sf.write(path_out_audio_clip, clip_wav, sr), clip_beats) count_clips += 1 print(' > count:', count_clips) except: print('[x] aborted') continue # finish end_time_iter = time.time() runtime = end_time_iter - start_time_iter print(f'testing time:', str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=runtime))+'\n') # finish print('\n\n\n-------------------------------') print(' [o] Done') end_time_all = time.time() runtime = end_time_all - start_time_all print(f'Total time:', str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=runtime))+'\n')