import streamlit as st from resource import * from proper_main import * from resource import llm_chain import time def main(): st.title("Github Automated Repo Analysis") # User input user_url = st.text_input("Enter the Github URL") option ="What you want me to do",["Python Analysis","GPT Evaluation"]) # Generate response if st.button("Submit"): st.text("Please wait Automation is Processing") strttime=time.time() repos, status = web_scrape(user_url,st) #task_progress = st.progress(0) #task_progress.progress("Tools is taking action please wait") if status == 0: repo_path = data_cloning(repos,st) data_cleaning(repo_path,st) query,report_analysis = analyse(st) if len(query) == 0: st.write("The given User's URL doesnt Contain Python Repository") if option == "Python Analysis": repo_name,score=self_analysis(report_analysis) output="The Complex Repo is "+ str(repo_name)+" Because the Complexity Score is "+str(score) #st.write("The Complex Repo is",repo_name," Because the Complexity Score is",score) st.text_area("Bot Response:", value=output, height=100) time.sleep(15) elif option == "GPT Evaluation": response_gpt = llm_chain([str(query)]) # Display the response st.text_area("Bot Response:", value=response_gpt['text'], height=100) elapsed_time = time.time() - strttime st.text(f"Execution time: {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds") else: output = st.empty() output.error(f"Error occurred. Please contact the admin {repos}.") time.sleep(5) if __name__ == "__main__": main()