import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle import json import joblib from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def run(): # membagi layout menjadi 3 agar dapat diletakkan di tengah col_left, col_mid, col_right = st.columns([2, 2, 2]) # menambahkan gambar image ='image.webp') with col_mid : st.image(image) # membuat title st.title("ChurnSight") col_left, col_mid, col_right = st.columns([1.5, 3, 1.5]) with col_mid : st.write("#### Bank Customer Churn Prediction") tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Prediction Form","Bulk Prediction", "EDA"]) #tab1 form input prediction with tab1: # Create Form st.markdown('-----------------') st.write('Identity Information') surname = st.text_input('Name', value='', help='Customer Name') cust_id = st.number_input('Customer ID', min_value=0, max_value=10000) geography = st.selectbox('Country', ('France', 'Spain', 'Germany')) col_left, col_mid, col_right = st.columns([2, 2, 2]) gender = col_left.selectbox('gender', ('Male', 'Female'), index=0) with col_mid: age = st.number_input('Age', min_value=18, max_value=95) with col_right: tenure = st.number_input('Tenure (Year)', min_value=1, max_value=10, step=1) st.markdown('-----------------') st.write('Financial Information') col_left, col_mid, col_right = st.columns([2, 2, 2]) with col_left: creditscore = st.number_input('Credit Score', min_value=300 , max_value=900, help='How likely to pay a loan back on time, based on information from credit report') with col_mid: balance = st.number_input('Balance', min_value=0, max_value=350000, help='Amount of Balance') with col_right: estimated_salary = st.number_input('Estimated Salary', min_value=0, max_value=350000, help='Estimated customer salary') st.markdown('-----------------') st.write('Services and Membership') num_of_products = st.number_input('Num of Products', min_value=1 , max_value=4, help='Amount of product or services used (max=4)') col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) has_credit_card ='Has Credit Card?', options=['no', 'yes']) active_member ='Is Active Member?', options=['no', 'yes']) # submit button submitted = st.button('Predict') # load files # with open('model_rf.pkl', 'rb') as file_2: # model = pickle.load(file_2) with open('list_cat_cols.txt', 'rb') as file_3: cat_cols = json.load(file_3) with open('list_num_cols.txt', 'rb') as file_4: num_cols = json.load(file_4) model = joblib.load('model_rf.joblib') data_inf = { 'CustomerId' : cust_id, 'Surname' : surname, 'geography' : geography, 'age' : age, 'gender' : gender, 'tenure' : tenure, 'credit_score' : creditscore, 'balance' : balance, 'estimated_salary' : estimated_salary, 'num_of_products' : num_of_products, 'has_credit_card' : has_credit_card, 'active_member' : active_member } # memasukkan data inference ke dataframe data_inf = pd.DataFrame([data_inf]) st.dataframe(data_inf) # logic ketika predict button ditekan if submitted: data_inf_drop = data_inf.drop(['CustomerId', 'Surname'], axis=1) # predict y_pred_inf = model.predict(data_inf_drop) # conditional if if y_pred_inf == 0: st.write('### Prediction : Not Churn') else : st.write('### Prediction : Churn') with tab2: st.write('## Customer Data') uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a CSV file", type=["csv"]) #Condition upload data if uploaded_file is not None: df_uploaded = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) # Nama kolom dataset data_inf = { 'customer_id', 'Surname', 'geography', 'age', 'gender', 'tenure', 'credit_score', 'balance', 'estimated_salary', 'num_of_products', 'has_credit_card', 'active_member' } #Menjadikan dataframe st.dataframe(df_uploaded) df_uploaded_drop = df_uploaded.drop(['customer_id', 'Surname'], axis=1) # Predict menggunakan logistic regression model y_pred_inf = model.predict(df_uploaded_drop) #Menambahkan hasil predict ke dataframe df_uploaded['predicted_churn'] = np.where(y_pred_inf == 1, 'Churn', 'Not Churn') # # #Membuat bar plot # # menghitung total masing-masing uniq value pada kolom 'default_payment_next_month' default_counts = df_uploaded['predicted_churn'].value_counts() # judul grafik st.title('Distribution of Customer Churn Prediction') #Membuat grafik fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) colors = ['lightgreen', 'lightcoral'] ax.pie(default_counts, labels=default_counts.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, colors=colors) ax.axis('equal') # Menampilkan grafik st.pyplot(fig) #Membuat tab untuk menampilkan tabel sesuai hasil prediksi tab5, tab6 = st.tabs(["Customer Churn", "Customer Not Churn"]) #Membuat tab untuk menampilkan tabel dengan prediksi insomnia with tab5: #Header st.write('## **Prediction Results for Churn Customer**') #Menampilkan tabel dengan hasil prediksi insomnia st.dataframe(df_uploaded[(df_uploaded['predicted_churn'] == 'Churn')]) with tab6: #Header st.write('## **Prediction Results for Non Churn Customer**') #Menampilkan tabel dengan hasil prediksi Sleep Apnea st.dataframe(df_uploaded[(df_uploaded['predicted_churn'] == 'Not Churn')]) # tab 2 eda with tab3: iframe_html = """ """ st.markdown(iframe_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) # looker_dashboard_url = "" # st.markdown(f"[Go to Looker Dashboard]({looker_dashboard_url})") if __name__ == '__main__': run()