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import torch, time
import torch.nn.functional as functional
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from modules.inference.beam_search import BeamSearch
from import generate_language_token
import modules.constants as const
def generate_subsequent_mask(sz, device):
return torch.triu(
torch.ones(sz, sz,, device=device)
).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(0)
class BeamSearch2(BeamSearch):
Same with BeamSearch2 class.
Difference: remove the sentence which its beams terminated (reached <eos> token) from the time step loop.
Update to reuse functions already coded in normal BeamSearch. Note that replacing unknown words & n_best is not available.
def _convert_to_sent(self, sent_id, eos_token_id):
eos = torch.nonzero(sent_id == eos_token_id).view(-1)
t = eos[0] if len(eos) > 0 else len(sent_id)
return [self.TRG.vocab.itos[j] for j in sent_id[1 : t]]
def beam_search(self, src, src_lang=None, trg_lang=None, src_tokens=None, n_best=1, debug=False):
Beam search select k words with the highest conditional probability
to be the first word of the k candidate output sequences.
src: The batch of sentences, already in [batch_size, tokens] of int
src_tokens: src in str version, same size as above
n_best: number of usable values per beam loaded (Not implemented)
debug: if true, print some debug information during the search
An array of translated sentences, in list-of-tokens format. TODO convert [batch_size, n_best, tgt_len] instead of [batch_size, tgt_len]
# Create some local variable
src_field, trg_field = self.SRC, self.TRG
sos_token = generate_language_token(trg_lang) if trg_lang is not None else const.DEFAULT_SOS
init_token = trg_field.vocab.stoi[sos_token]
eos_token_id = trg_field.vocab.stoi[const.DEFAULT_EOS]
src =
batch_size = src.size(0)
model = self.model
k = self.beam_size
max_len = self.max_len
device = self.device
# Initialize target sequence (start with '<sos>' token) [batch_size x k x max_len]
trg = torch.zeros(batch_size, k, max_len, device=device).long()
trg[:, :, 0] = init_token
# Precalc output from model's encoder
single_src_mask = (src != src_field.vocab.stoi['<pad>']).unsqueeze(1).to(device)
e_out = model.encoder(src, single_src_mask) # [batch_size x S x d_model]
# Output model prob
trg_mask = generate_subsequent_mask(1, device=device)
# [batch_size x 1]
inp_decoder = trg[:, 0, 0].view(batch_size, 1)
# [batch_size x 1 x vocab_size]
prob = model.out(model.decoder(inp_decoder, e_out, single_src_mask, trg_mask))
prob = functional.softmax(prob, dim=-1)
# [batch_size x 1 x k]
k_prob, k_index = torch.topk(prob, k, dim=-1)
trg[:, :, 1] = k_index.view(batch_size, k)
# Init log scores from k beams [batch_size x k x 1]
log_scores = torch.log(k_prob.view(batch_size, k, 1))
# Repeat encoder's output k times for searching [(k * batch_size) x S x d_model]
e_outs = torch.repeat_interleave(e_out, k, dim=0)
src_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(single_src_mask, k, dim=0)
# Create mask for checking eos
sent_eos = torch.tensor([eos_token_id for _ in range(k)], device=device).view(1, k)
# The batch indexes
batch_index = torch.arange(batch_size)
finished_batches = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device).long()
# Iteratively searching
for i in range(2, max_len):
trg_mask = generate_subsequent_mask(i, device)
# Flatten trg tensor for feeding into model [(k * batch_size) x i]
inp_decoder = trg[batch_index, :, :i].view(k * len(batch_index), i)
# Output model prob [(k * batch_size) x i x vocab_size]
prob = model.out(model.decoder(inp_decoder, e_outs, src_mask, trg_mask))
prob = functional.softmax(prob, dim=-1)
# Only care the last prob i-th
# [(k * batch_size) x 1 x vocab_size]
prob = prob[:, i-1, :].view(k * len(batch_index), 1, -1)
# Truncate prob to top k [(k * batch_size) x 1 x k]
k_prob, k_index =, dim=-1)
# Deflatten k_prob & k_index
k_prob = k_prob.view(len(batch_index), k, 1, k)
k_index = k_index.view(len(batch_index), k, 1, k)
# Preserve eos beams
# [batch_size x k] -> view -> [batch_size x k x 1 x 1] (broadcastable)
eos_mask = (trg[batch_index, :, i-1] == eos_token_id).view(len(batch_index), k, 1, 1)
k_prob.masked_fill_(eos_mask, 1.0)
k_index.masked_fill_(eos_mask, eos_token_id)
# Find the best k cases
# Compute log score at i-th timestep
# [batch_size x k x 1 x 1] + [batch_size x k x 1 x k] = [batch_size x k x 1 x k]
combine_probs = log_scores[batch_index].unsqueeze(-1) + torch.log(k_prob)
# [batch_size x k x 1]
log_scores[batch_index], positions = torch.topk(combine_probs.view(len(batch_index), k * k, 1), k, dim=1)
# The rows selected from top k
rows = positions.view(len(batch_index), k) // k
# The indexes in vocab respected to these rows
cols = positions.view(len(batch_index), k) % k
batch_sim = torch.arange(len(batch_index)).view(-1, 1)
trg[batch_index, :, :] = trg[batch_index.view(-1, 1), rows, :]
trg[batch_index, :, i] = k_index[batch_sim, rows, :, cols].view(len(batch_index), k)
# Update which sentences finished all its beams
mask = (trg[:, :, i] == sent_eos).all(1).view(-1).to(device)
finished_batches.masked_fill_(mask, value=1)
cnt = torch.sum(finished_batches).item()
if cnt == batch_size:
# Continue with remaining batches (if any)
batch_index = torch.nonzero(finished_batches == 0).view(-1)
e_outs = torch.repeat_interleave(e_out[batch_index], k, dim=0)
src_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(single_src_mask[batch_index], k, dim=0)
# End loop
# Get the best beam
log_scores = log_scores.view(batch_size, k)
results = [self._convert_to_sent(trg[t, j.item(), :], eos_token_id) for t, j in enumerate(torch.argmax(log_scores, dim=-1))]
return results