import yaml, json import os, io def extension_check(pth): ext = os.path.splitext(pth)[-1] return any( ext == valid_ext for valid_ext in [".json", ".yaml", ".yml"]) def find_all_config(directory): return [os.path.join(directory, f) for f in os.listdir(directory) if extension_check(f)] class Config(dict): def __init__(self, path=None, **elements): """Initiate a config object, where specified elements override the default config loaded""" super(Config, self).__init__(self._try_load_path(path)) self.update(**elements) def _load_json(self, json_path): with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as jf: return json.load(jf) def _load_yaml(self, yaml_path): with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as yf: return yaml.safe_load( def _try_load_path(self, path): assert isinstance(path, str), "Basic Config class can only support a single file path (str), but instead is {}({})".format(path, type(path)) assert os.path.isfile(path), "Config file {:s} does not exist".format(path) extension = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] if(extension == ".json"): return self._load_json(path) elif(extension == ".yml" or extension == ".yaml"): return self._load_yaml(path) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized extension ({:s}) from file {:s}".format(extension, path)) @property def opt(self): """Backward compatibility to original. Remove once finished.""" return self class MultiplePathConfig(Config): def _try_load_path(self, paths): """Update to support multiple paths.""" if(isinstance(paths, list)): print("Loaded path is a list of locations. Load in the order received, overriding and merging as needed.") result = {} for pth in paths: self._recursive_update(result, super(MultiplePathConfig, self)._try_load_path(pth)) return result else: return super(MultiplePathConfig, self)._try_load_path(paths) def _recursive_update(self, orig, new): """Instead of overriding dicts, merge them recursively.""" # print(orig, new) for k, v in new.items(): if(k in orig and isinstance(orig[k], dict)): assert isinstance(v, dict), "Mismatching config with key {}: {} - {}".format(k, orig[k], v) orig[k] = self._recursive_update(orig[k], v) else: orig[k] = v; return orig