# Freeze layers ## Freeze the weight of backbone In MMYOLO, we can freeze some `stages` of the backbone network by setting `frozen_stages` parameters, so that these `stage` parameters do not participate in model updating. It should be noted that `frozen_stages = i` means that all parameters from the initial `stage` to the `i`th `stage` will be frozen. The following is an example of `YOLOv5`. Other algorithms are the same logic. ```python _base_ = './yolov5_s-v61_syncbn_8xb16-300e_coco.py' model = dict( backbone=dict( frozen_stages=1 # Indicates that the parameters in the first stage and all stages before it are frozen )) ``` ## Freeze the weight of neck In addition, it's able to freeze the whole `neck` with the parameter `freeze_all` in MMYOLO. The following is an example of `YOLOv5`. Other algorithms are the same logic. ```python _base_ = './yolov5_s-v61_syncbn_8xb16-300e_coco.py' model = dict( neck=dict( freeze_all=True # If freeze_all=True, all parameters of the neck will be frozen )) ```