import PIL.Image |
import gradio as gr |
import base64 |
import time |
import os |
import google.generativeai as genai |
import requests |
import pathlib |
txt_model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') |
vis_model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision') |
txt_prompt_1 = """ |
请列出图片中的所有食物项目,每个项目应在 Markdown 格式的食物-营养成分表中占据一行,表格包括四列:序号、食物、注意营养成分和推荐摄入量。其中,“主要营养成分”指的是食物中的主要成分,而“推荐摄入量”则是该成分的建议每日或每周摄入量。 |
** 示例食物-营养成分表 |
| 序号 | 食物 | 主要营养成分 | 推荐摄入量 | |
|-----|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |
""" |
txt_display_1 = 'content of the letter: ' |
txt_prompt_selfie = """ |
以照片中的主体人物与背景做为对象,分别对人物与背景分别做出评语,对人物做出3个评语,对背景也做出3个评语。这些评语必须是轻松诙谐的用词与内容。 |
** 人物评语 |
| 序号 | 特征 | 评语 |
|-----|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
** 背景评语 |
| 序号 | 特征 | 评语 |
|-----|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
""" |
txt_display_selfie = '--- ' |
import os |
genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) |
SMS_URL =os.getenv('SMS_URL') |
SMS_TOK =os.getenv('SMS_TOK') |
sms_text ="..." |
def image_to_base64(image_path): |
with open(image_path, 'rb') as img: |
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(img.read()) |
return encoded_string.decode('utf-8') |
def selfie_response(img): |
if not img: |
response = txt_model.generate_content(txt_prompt_selfie) |
return response |
else: |
img = PIL.Image.open(img) |
response = vis_model.generate_content([txt_prompt_selfie,img]) |
return response.text |
def app1_response(img): |
if not img: |
response = txt_model.generate_content(txt_prompt_1) |
return response |
else: |
img = PIL.Image.open(img) |
response = vis_model.generate_content([txt_prompt_1,img]) |
return response.text |
def send_SMS(resp_text): |
url = SMS_URL |
headers = { |
"Authorization": SMS_TOK, |
"Content-Type": "application/json" |
} |
data = { |
"from": "12085686834", |
"to": ["18587331029"], |
"body": resp_text |
} |
response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers) |
return response.text |
return "....." |
with gr.Blocks() as app1: |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown("## 🥷 FoodCAM ##") |
gr.Markdown("```for xxxxxx ✉ and/or xxx ⌦, include photo here...```") |
image_box = gr.Image(label="✂ 拍照餐盘", type="filepath") |
btn1 = gr.Button("Generate Nutritioins Table ☑") |
out1 = gr.Textbox(label="here are the actionables...") |
btn2 = gr.Button("(disabled)发短信 ↗️") |
out2 = gr.Textbox(label="(disabled) no message been sent, this is just a mockup confirmation...") |
btn1.click(fn=app1_response, inputs=[image_box], outputs=out1) |
btn2.click(fn=send_SMS, inputs=out1, outputs=out2) |
gr.Markdown(""" |
# 🥷 Summerize eMail & Make a Plan # |
[demo video](https://youtu.be/lJ4jIAEVRNY) |
""") |
examples=[ |
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images/missionemail.png"), |
], |
with gr.Blocks() as app_selfie: |
with gr.Column(): |
gr.Markdown("## ↗️ 与乐意保合拍 ##") |
gr.Markdown("```xxxx ⌦, paste screenshot here...```") |
image_box = gr.Image(label="✂ 乐意保墙", type="filepath") |
btn_selfie1 = gr.Button("生成点评 ☑") |
out_selfife1 = gr.Textbox(label="here are the actionables...") |
btn_selfie2 = gr.Button("(disabled)发短信 ↗️") |
out_selfife2 = gr.Textbox(label="(disabled) no message been sent, this is just a mockup confirmation...") |
btn_selfie1.click(fn=selfie_response, inputs=[image_box], outputs=out_selfife1) |
btn_selfie2.click(fn=send_SMS, inputs=out_selfife1, outputs=out_selfife2) |
gr.Markdown(""" |
# ↗️ 与乐意保合拍 # |
- screen capture (Win + shift + S) |
- use MD editor below |
[markdown editor](https://stackedit.io/app#) |
""") |
examples=[ |
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images/missionemail.png"), |
], |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
gr.Markdown("## Logo Selfie w 乐意保 ↗️ + FoodCAM 🥷 ##") |
gr.TabbedInterface([app_selfie, app1], ["➀ 合拍乐意保", "➁ FoodCAM"]) |
demo.queue() |
demo.launch() |